iy, April 23, 1927 WATCH Graduation Gift Your boy or icirl will lonjf smembcr the jrraduatlon ear If gjven a good watch. Our watches are from thjr est factories In the world Ind are timed and tented be fore we let them go out. We guarantee our watche j give perfect satisfaction ind our prices are fair and pasonable. Serviceable 15 jewelled matches in gold filled cases nr.fto to $r.oo. (Jewellers Lime: store with the cua KfTTV ITP IE PIONEER UNDRY KIDS L-LAWOERtO CUJTHft . FULL OF CWEtR. REASON VOL) I I )ULD 6HDTMMrR.r KRI.Y laundered clothes heei't'ul clothes. Send your ig-rmert'i here and they jumic lim k you In sweet, hg nm! ion The prices liarge won't disturb your Ineer Laundry Rhone 118 llct humanity. This is so evident that it seem lly nei-essary to tell you. ycur eyes are giving ublc have them attended Hind at once. kALL absurdities In the rnom of foolishness, ply the loss of eyesight pugh neglect Is the most Reusable aT lose health hnd effi- ncv through neglect. Come I ec I Ted Joudry tislered Optometrist and , Optician m 1 Smith Rlock Phone 70.1 WARM DAYS COMING m Bit AND BVE-bUl ins.1 vuHi3urrs.il and IVe'il nl' like to wait for Ifwarm weather to heat our lie ' but when Spring lis the house there's only rthlng to give it wunntli is coal, fiat ou cannot have balmy nther by wishing for It, you can give your iiomo l)ii I my "feel" If you uso Id fuel, NAIMO . WELLINGTON I.E0I) RIVER ROOTLESS iert & McCaffery 'Phones 110 nnd Uf HHI glected Eyes ELECT is doubtless the pe af mcs of the Ills that Waterfront Whiffs Rough Weather on Halibut Ranks Han Been of Record Duration YexHeU Limp Into Port Roat Ruildinz Continue Very Active t laral schooner Cane Be&le. Cu.nl. . . chains east of northwest corner of Lot cs, Kange 3. Coast District. lAKk NOTICE thst Ooase Packing Company, Limited, of Vancouver, occupation fish Canners. Intends to apply tor rrmunlon to lease the following described lands: Commencing at a post planted 30) ehsms rsst ol nortnwest Lot ua. runge 3. Coast District: thence north A chains to Ijw water mark: thenre east 10 chains, thence south ft chains; thence west 10 chains, to point or commence meat, and containing S acres, more or lens OOS8K PACKINO COMPANY LIMITED. Applicant. Per If. Moorehoute. Dated and April. Wtl. "PROVINCIAL ELECTIONS ACT HUM I; III TEKT I ITCTOK l, llUIHUT mwmvii: tuiTORti. niHTitirr NOTICE la hereby given tlt I shall, on Monday, the Uth day of May. 127. t tbe hour of lo o'clock in tbe forenoon, at the Courthouse. Prince Rupert. i hold a sitting of tbe court ox iteviaion voters for the said Electoral Districts, and of bearing and determining any ind aU objection to the retention oi any name on the said Hits, or to the respiration as a voter of any applicant for registration; and for the other purpose set forth In the "Provincial Elections Act." Dated at Prince Rupert, BC. this Cfh day ' of AprU, r 1927. NORMAN A. WATT. 114 Registrar of Voters. NOTICE Under and by virtue of the provision of Section 28 of the "Mtnersl Act." notice U hereby given Messrs. Malcolm Smyth. Edmund Lamtls, Hsrold Hansen and Albert Moor, that there H owing th undermined for Assessment Work performed on the Cordllla Group of Mineral tiiuni, m wj uj. Rkeena Mmlnr Division, the sum of 1391.88. and that unless said persons pay si led. nimn rvnntt.t s ( The IACOB KOSKI. Truck Driver No matter how heavy the load or how hard the going I can count on my truck pulling through because I u dependable ChamplonJ They're the better park plug. fL.t.UM li K biter 7LuZtM siUhiur. lie -! ': analysis saccr4s. Joe f ufl' rkuaj" this tvriis 90 W ! CHAMPION SpaiiCPIugs WINDSOR, ONTARIO ACAHADIAN-MADB PRODUCT TKM DUET HSWI PARE FIVB that H U supposed to be. During the part week, a large shipment of line equipment arrived at the plant and. I while D'.fclor Finn, courteously (bowed (to WhUT nun around, tbe latter ln-j dividual had good deal of qualm 'that he might bust some of the delicate ctuff toy looking at it much leas more closely .examining t. Another shipment J due shortly and. oy tne time It Is assembled, It is said that tbe Rough weather continues on the halibut grounds until now ltt,ocal p,ant M wp7 eached a record length of time, almost the entire two month i""? .V1"""?" " tbW 1 has reac sjfnA 4VlA kaVl unn 4rAnA V n .-! n r Kaan - is -..ItU J I 1 The latest victim of the storms was- U on cofrt. V T ."" 7." V "Kw "aco" Two more Interesting exhibits have , . .ship v to boats 4 and men. The fact that halibut u landings at all ports rectntIy by the .tation. on the coast show a decided falling off as tomparwl with last year one. a rarr specimen of crab which has and also the disasters and accidents that have befel many of the not yet been scientifically identified, vessels may be attributed to the cause of weather. It has been an was presented br ludjau Agent w. e. unusually trying time for all but there should soon be an improve- ooliison.. The other, a large mussel. : ment and then a period of intensive iihliing may In; expected in tlifc ueMtlog some Vt incaes jn length, ! attempt to make up for the shortage. ' brought in by fn jjlivar from . Dundas Island. i I . , . . , ' .., " W,M J"1 ttl " readluess to blu-f juti arson's new ImtHnit buat . . " ' .7 ' 5nov aown w ,l cht Club limits 31lts1. which has Wu btillt at the ' mrT.'H ""V . Z , Z 'tn lht m undoubtedly creU vm ir, tocl. is now completed. Tbe vtsse! urSTh . calf C0"Un0t,0n- " " ' 1S trial "run. on Thur,.v 3f Wh. Hfirr thi IT W'Ur " ,n ,a th Capt. ua U scheduled to leave this week-end ward banU. a mountainous sea washed we, u .. . . ' over her and .mashed the pilot hotue tttk ,Mt p.b, pn,,,,.,, of tn, yiklng I.. Capt. on the surooara sne. tore raws ana,M u fnr 1 .chuif nMj won.t ,,, j,, alHO for natcn -j . be room for any one else to act when 'this week-end. The vesel has spml " ' 'she gets going again. the most of the week outfitting for ber wv.D. our ' , ! V maiden trip. tbe angrtness of U elemenU ouulde ,,, Pat.rfnll . while 1- austained consloerabU and. 'cnU to Klyer pon 81mphon; ne )x(lt ,1, belonging """'"' '". Port Esslngton and other polnU In U to Arthur Hill of KUksUa. U at the iiere were nov even nr-, mui jUus Mrj, a the on MtU&n ,or ovnau, I rlous results. The vessel Is now M board the urovliicUl nubile works dU-!and iu-w etirfiut tntsllstiuii Th vea-l the dock lor repairs. 'iriet tr..l I dry Miinr h i. iimnn nn ki.-mi .-. rhriMi m tt,. t.w. . . I work for Ue cbnilin; seaMtu. On Tliurs-llrt cannery for tlie ooutlnx canning I I 6k pper Cross racer KrsncU M. has . I LAM) ACT. mii in: or intkntiov to ami.v to i.i:vi; i-VMi. jlCliuulian KUiul fox farm with a c&r-u' Tlie Oilt freighter &Jvor. Cpt. Huh. is-due to Altrt & McCoOery this This WMk-eml kees the comnletkm I at the McLean ways of tbe two new I 45-foot selueboats for the CkMne Pack ing Co. The first, Florence II.. left Dl!k''u', wUn ,u" cirE of 0001 m TtsUrday for Sunnyslde cannery and In Prince Ituoert Und Recording tnct 01 rnnce Kupen. ana suusvs ju v,... swuu, - Iday. ft UP. power tug PJI.T, Captain j The departure of these boaU wUl llsrrls Kerr, broozht In a scow of lum-.ik-ar the wav for the lavlne of thel her from Georgetown on ' Wednesday. ! fceel at the 'first of tbe week of a jOn the outward trip, the PJt.T. hadUg 12 seine boat for tbe Langaral on board Mr. and Mrs. Oeorge McAfee, j packing Co. This vessel wUl be powered I who were returning from a trip to: with a 30 hp. Imperial gasoline engine. Vancouver. . TJe M.TJ. Capt. Harris Kerr, left onj The new halibut boat Helen IlJ Monday for Louis Locker's logging which was' built during the winter by camp at Lewis Island and towed S:tf. u. McLean, which has made two I bgom of logs to the Oeorgsbown mill. imps since the season opened, is about being due back in port frexn this trip , u leave lor the west coast of Van-1 at the week-end. corner Island where site wUl enter I upon five months' packing charter 1 The power tug P. II. Phlppen. which for of the fertlller planU. ThU has been bought toy the BushbjC in- M fm the yemel's time until October! terests from the Canadian Fish ic Col SUJ capt. Itovmuller is not certain I Btorage Co, U undergoing extensive ,Jjetner Cr not he will be returning overhaul and repairs. The work In- ilert dude the laying of a new forward j deck. . The keel was laid this week at thel niouMiir.ii. mi ii'Wat iSugs shipbuilding yard, .of a 60-toot seine boat for laverne&s, Cannery. The Tiie local fisheries experimental sU-' vessel, which Is to be completed by tlou is beginning to look something June 1. will have a 38 h.p. Union en like tbe fish oU dairy and genu factory glne. WATER NOTICE lilt MIMIiV AMI I'M: ukt iikr m hih:r Having lost 1U rudder while fishing TAKE NOTICE that Com Packing 'on the west coast of Vancouver Island Company. J' .J?,; the halibut boat Zetoalk. Capt. -Dusty tike and u'e 240.000 gallons of water . Miller. limped into port this week Mf out of unnamed stream which flows nor. jury gw. Heavy weather was en. countered and It was with some aim-Lot 10 chains east of northwest corner of 68. Range 3, Coast District. The' cult y that the boat was handled with f!r,r,m, ESS!! makeshift equipment. As soon a. and will be used for domestic and com- repairs have been effected, the Zebtllos merclal purposes upon the land descnDea . onct again set out for the grounds. as appiirauon iv ir vj TYiSm nntln a . a WMttjMl on the ffTOUnd on the 2nd day of April. 1927. A copy BoaU going on the Ward Ways dur-of thU notice and ail application pur-!m. the past week for hull repair and illTLe ni Tin th offke of the Water pslnUng have Included the Ingred II. inrw . ... .-. --" to Ul ,pPiica;ion may oe mea wnm id laucb AsseeAment. together with all osts w "1 IUoonl,r OT -ilh tlke coino- ,01 advertising, etc., to ' .U"!J,S,' I trollee of Water RlrhU. Parliament JP"11."- im L mirt t to' thi BuUllni. Victoria. aC.. within thirty capt. Jack Wells is preparing to leave L"l- PP'ie.V.n. "'ILSLW.1!' ."n'ldsys BO, alter the first appearance of thl, lhl. "t. .. Knox tor at Oold Commissioner. Prince Rupert. o have their respective iniereiis in m ereln mentioned Mining Oroup ot Mlnersl Claims vested In the under- i , . ivii ,iinr The riite of the first publication of this notice is lesst one halibut trip before conditions April 21. 1027. . I for trolling become more favorable QOSSE PACiaNOCOMPANV.j USU4 ta Applicant, i that work. bj u.V. Morenouie. Agent. NOTICE IN.TUE MATTEU or an application for'the Issue of a Provisional Certlltcate of Title lor Its twenty-one (21) and twenty-two 122). Block seventeen (17). Section one (li. City of Prince Rupert. Map 023. satlsfsetorv nroof of the Ions of the land hsvlne been orodursd to me. It Is my Intention to Ivaie, after the expiration of one month from the first publication hereof, a Provisions! Certificate of Title to the above land In the panic of Murland De Orasi Evans, the original Certificate of Title Is dated the mh October, 1814, and Is num bered 67301. ti o n..TrAn BUty ,or ; sevfuty iroljihgjto operating in Wark Chanfl Jl; Ilewla VBroww 4id oats . Are here the Clausen camps are now open, s Fishing is re ported to have never been slower there but ait early improvement Is expected to hearten the men who are located Certificate of Title covering tlie above . (jiere. Last wk, a coho was caught. It is not usual that Utey are taken m early. Halibut landings at this port since tlie present season opened total 4,027.- 250 pounds as compared with 0405,750 Land Reeistrv Office. Prince Rupert, nounds at a similar daW last year. Tlie UO.. Cth Aorlf. IB27. 'decrease is pniortlonat In both Amer-I ' Registrar of Titles. lean and Canadian landings, a total of ' , --.V, " " aa r..a aaa ...... a rsw Otaaamtt la litawt tsM NOTICE IN THE MATTER of sn application for (he Issue of a Provisional Certificate of Title for Block five (6). subdivision ol tbe South half iV,) of Lot three hundred and sevents-four 1374). Range five (SI, Coast District, Mp 1137. Satisfactory proof of tlie loss of the Certificate of Title covering the above land having been produced to me. It Is my Intention to 1-wue. after the expiration of one month from the first publication hereof, Provisional Certificate of Title to tlie above land In the name of Kidney Wlilmore. the original .Certificate of Title l dated 30th June. 1)5, and la numbered 7833 I, Land Registry Office, prince Rupert, B.C.. 6th April. 1627. II, P. slacLEOD. Registrar of Titles. WATBUNOTICE NOTICE 13 HEREBY GIVEN that His Honour the Lieutenant-aovernor of British Columbia, by and with the advice of Ills Executive Counell, has been pleased to order: " THAT tin reservation of the unrecord ed waters of Brown's River and Mf-Knight Creek, tributaries of Ecstall River, established pursuant to Order In Council Number 608 approved the 13th dav ot June, IB21, be cancelled, The cancellation of the said reservation will be effective on April I9tb, 1037, DATED this II til day Of Msrch. 1937 T D. PATTULIJO. Uiaiittr ot Lands. so far from UnlUd States bottoms while the Canadian total to date is 1.240.0&0 pounds. During the past week (Saturday to Friday Inclusive) a total of 800.200 pounds was landed 49700 noud, from American boats and 303.200 pounds from Canadian. These landing are higher than In the corresponding week last year. Throughout the week, prices were at a rather low level, The highest Amerl- Us tiMONDS SAWS BECAUSE guaranteed to cut 10 nwre timber In same Uiiie, wlUi lfs labor titan any other taw, SIMONDS CANSOa saw Qa, LTD. MONTMCAL yuwuuvia. sr. join, ' ' WjaaraaH Boats landing catches here during the week were as follows: American Rainier. 25,000 pounds: Sumner. 18.000; Defence. 9.000: Alkl. 8.0O0; Eastern Point, 3,000: J. P. Todd II.. 8.000: Jack 2.500: McKlnley. 33.000; Polaris. 23JD0O; Radio. 40.000; Atlantic. 40.000; Wilson. 18.000; Anna J- 14000; Reliance I. 8.500: Royal. 2.000; North. 34.000: 6entlnel. 17,000; President. 23,-000; Wabash. 2.500; Urania, 18,000: Lansing 14.000; Westerner 2500: Prosperity, 22.000; Slrlus. 1200: Yellowstone. 11.000; Vansee. 42.000; Mltkof. 40.000; Forward, 4.500. Canadian Taplow, 200; Johanna, 5.- 000: M. M. Christopher. 0.000; Aiken. 7.000; Agnes B., 3.000; Pair of Jacks. 8.SO0; Tramp, 6,000: Dundas, 4.000; Mayflower. 300; Caygeon, 3,000; Tor- eerg, 5.000: White Lily. 2500; Oslo. ,000: Atll, 8.000: W.T. 700; Unome. 4.000: E. Llpsett. 7,500: D.S.T. 4.000, Cape .Spencer. 7.500; Scrub. 00; H. and R 5.000; Laura B.. 100; Helen 7.000; .Ternen, 6.000: Prosperity A, 8.000: Sea Maid. 11.000: Kalen, 11.000: Yule. 3.000; Helen. 3.000: Msry Jane. 2.000: Birdie B.. 1.000: Beuvac. 8.000: Ingred It.. 8.000: Violet J.. 6.000; Mtn nle V. 4.000: Joe Baker. 2.500: Morris It., 12.000: Panny P.. 4,000: Marguerite. 7.000; Ze hollos. 600: Swing, 2.000; Y.U 1.400; Cape Bcsle, 18.000; Cape Swain 2.000; Spindrift. 3.500: Nautilus. 6.000; Qlbson. 7.000; Cape Spear. 2.000: Index It. 6,000; Impereuse, 9,500. IMM'NTV OX II IIC SKAI.S Word has lcen received at the local onice of the Dominion Fisheries that a tanall onnroDriatlon Of 0.000 has been made this year for the purpose of pro viding a bounty for tnc destruction of hair seals. For etch seal destroyed bounty will be given of 83.50. The none of the animal must be produced and sufficient of the akin of the head for purposes of identification. . These must be forwarded to the head office of the Inspector of fisheries at Vancouver and cheques will be mailed direct from that oltlce. There was general graUflcatlon along tlie waurfront at the ncwa received Utls week that the new Bradbury it Yelf halibut boat B. and Y., Capt. Al. Wale, was safe In northern waters. Considerable auilety had been felt not only by the owners of the vessel and relatives of .those on board, and fears that mluut have been entertained were happily set at rest In a telegram which accounted for tlie boat's movements since she left here toward the end of February and alao stated that all was welt with the oat and thone on board, Advtrtlis in th Dsllf, Nswi WA Hecla Agents for Prince Rupert Steens Limited can bid 182c and Vc -was obtained on Saturday by the Jack for 2.500 pounds while the low of the week was 122c and 7c which the Urania received for 18.000 pounds. The Canadian high was Mile and 7c. received on Saturday by the Alkrn for 7.000 and th? low. 12c and 7c paid on Tuesday to tbe Kaien and Birdie B. with catches or 11.000 and 1,900 pounds respectively. CLARES HECLA The Furnace that Saves OneTon in Seven The House on the hill Unmercifully exposed to the driving cold winds yet warm and cosy Inside, on a low fuel ex-lnse. Why? It has a HECLA Warm Air Furnace Nine times out of ten, excessive fuel cost can be traced to Inefficient furnaces that waste the heat. The glow in the firepot Is no indication of a good heating system! The fuel-saving features in an installed furnace are mostly hidden. In the HECLA they comprise: Patented Steel Ribbed Firepot. Guaranteed for twenty years. Will not crack or burn out, and saves 14 per cent of your coal bills. Patented Fused Joints- Proof against leakage of gas and dust into the registers. Return Flue Radiator, providing direct or indirect draft Turns every bit of heat lo gxd u.e. -and many other efficiency devices. K Cost Money NOT to Have a HECLA Send the Coupon below for illustrated literature. The SUCCESS Furnace is a slightly lower priced furnace, hut has several of the Helen features. CLARE RROS. WESTERN LIMITED: Winnipeg, Saskatoon, Calgary, Edmonton, Vancouver. Clare Rros. Western Ltd, Winnipeg. Please mail rne booklet about the famous Hecla Warm Air Furnace Name . . . . Address (P.R.) Canadian National Steamships Co. Limited Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD Operating G.T.P. 20,000 Ton Floating Dry Dock Engineers Machinists, RoHetroakers. Blacksmiths, Pattern makers. Founders, Woodworkers, Etc ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING. Our plant is equipped to handle all kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK. PHONES 43 and 285 (CANADIAN .asuvsvi Canadian Pacific Rail way B. C. Coast Services ' Sailings from Prince Rupert To Ketrhlkan. Wranxell. iuneau. Skasway trll . IR, Sfli May 9, 80. 30. To Vancouter. Victoria, heal tie April I, li. ; May 3. 13. 21, lor IWtedale. Eat Bella Bella, Ocean Falls. Naniu. Alert lujr. Campbell Klter. and Vancouter eiery Saturday, II a.m. Arency for all Steamship Une. Tull Informsllon rrn VY. C. OKriltltl). Ueneral A(enU Corner ol 4tb ptreet and 3rd Avenue. ITInee Ruert. R.C xwirrin? hnm ft m it a te it ui w ti n nfiinrWwIirtr frirfg feftir a Kwtsxwm READ THE LABEL EXAMINE THE GOVERNMENT STAMP ON ANY BOTTLE OF IT GIVES INrORMATJON or INTEREST TQ YOU WIS J Tliin a)yertismejil U not piihlislieti of displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the nvrnmnt of Urillsh Columlila.