page Foua 'lilt u-xll-t tit.3 BRINGING UP FATHER By George McManns Neglected i b,V COUt! THATb DON'T CAMQLE. ( TVER6.'t A CN j ( I'LL. f TMATS UAWD. DtHT-tf, 1'l.U WrtiLt OO'Rt, OVER THERE.'. DO Tj I iluATi 1 I BET IT RUSSIA P ) BTtERIM'. J -CC WHAT IT I THAT I J ' - 1. - 1 Eyes ' j j NEGLECT is doubtlcn the cause of most of the ilia that afflict humanity. This is so self evident that it eem hardly necessary to tell you. If your eyes are giving trouble, have them attended to and at once. OF ALL absurdities In the kingdom of foolishness, surely the loss of eyesight through neglect is the meat inexcusable. DO.VT lose health and efficiency through neglect Come and seel Fred Joudry Registered Optometrist and Optician Room 3 Smith Hlwk Phone 763 VOO SMMVO KttV TlM . OTM.R.KIND C -Oat 7 Trffif --4 We sell superior lumber that is the only kind of lumber to be found in our sheds and-yards. We have the most complete stock in Northern B.C., including fir and cedar timbers, dimension, shiplap, finishing, veneers, shingles, lath and mouldings, all reasonably and properly priced. Albert & HcOaffery Phones 11C and 117 VELVET Ice Cream THE VERY BEST! Take a brick home tonight! We cater for Parties, Picnics, Dances, etc. Prompt Delivery Velvet Ice Cream Co Corner Third Avenue and Second Street Phone 758 Prince Rupert BOAT HOUSE Phone 381 P.O. Box 1565 LAUNCHES, SCOWS. ROW-BOATS AND CANOES SAND AND G RAVEL Equipment for Divine and Salvage Work Agents for Easthope Engines and Stump Pullers NORWEGIAN HALIHUT GEAR IN STOCK Compass Adjusting LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone G3 Cartage, Warehousing, and Distributing. Team or Motor Service. Coal Sand and Gravel. We Specialize In Piano and Furoitunt Moving. WAS STRUCK BY A BASEBALL 11 Wakefield Received Hard Blow While Sitting Watching Game The Nstlve Sana von urn Elk JO to 7 In the Intermedials battel! Ifsgve fixture la a dlssnporntlng $fatr last evening The Elka were BOtMt to field their team and had to ptek, up players on the ground, to gel ejhouah to make a match. The Native sens were award-ad the fame and la the rearranged nature wen 10 to 7. The pune was featured by hitting aad two-baggers were caramon. Friz- cell wm knocked out of the box and' ill replaced toy Jack McNultr. In die last of the (surth B. Wakefield was sitting on the side when a hard batted ball struck him on the ' temple smashing his glasses sad string 'him a terrific blow The game was ' called off and he was taken to the ' doctor. ; Teams were Native Sons-J. Nelson, jc: Duncan p4 Weir lit: Jim MeNulty 2nd: E. Dingwall 3rd: L. Astoria sa.; j Wakefield rf.: Slocambe cf; MeDonalcfl If. ; Elks S. Ourvlch, c: Frlzzetl p. and !ss.: Jack McNulty. as. and p.: Doug. Stalker 1st: Tlte 2nd: E. Smith 3rd: W. Murray rf; P. Morrison cf; E. Clapp If. W. WUUscroft umpired balls and 'Strikes and Rudderham bases. SPORT CHAT The baseball In both senior and In termediate leagues this year has been very Interesting and of a class so good that many think a selected team from Prince Rupert could give a Vancouver team a very tight match. It Is all the more regrettable that last night's game should have been so unsatisfactory. It's a long walk up to the hill and spectators cannot be expected to make the Journey If they are not sure that there will be a game. The three main factors in the playing of games are the managers of the teams, the playera themselves and the weather. Trie weather Is not controllable, and It la all the greater pity when through selfishness and poor sportsmanship a good evening's weather should be lost. v Occasionally the management la st fault. They may not go to the trouble to warn players In time that there Is a match and that they have been chosen to play. It la up to the management to pick the best team they can and to warn the players of the time of the game. " The chief fault Ues with some of the players. At the start of the season they are anxious to sign on for a team often the one they think will have the best chance of winning the competl tlon. After the games are started the management finds it necessary in their attempt to get the best team to re present the organization and Incident' ally the players themselves, to make changes. Players are dropped, new men are tried. Some of the dropped men refuse to turn out when later' they are called on. It rarely happens that i winning team cannot get a full tarn out or players. This .ahows the poor spirit of these who wont turn' out to help a losing team. The players depend on the public and their money for the wherewithal to run a team. They owe It to the public and to the game to turn out and play their hardest whether they win or lose. The managers have a thankless Job. They get nothing out of the running of a team but criticism. They have to hunt up playera. stand all kinds of abfjsg WT?SnftrSyerM equipment i nrl , turpi I asjiwTin . )urV . f Tf m the attitude of some players It would seem that the management was getting a large salary for their work and worry. Unless the players turn out, In the right spirit, at the right time and back up their club and management, their team will drop out, the game will suf fer and the players WU1 be the chief victims. Play the game, on the field, off the field, with your management with the public, and sport will draw a big crowd, town. and will be an asset to the Motor -Boat Owners The majority of motor-boat owners follow the lead of famous boat racers by using Champions. The experience of these daring men is convincing proof that for utmost speed, power and, above all, dependability, use Champions. r'kptui brcatiMsill ibU-ttbbtd iiiliiu. mu curt it twpitct CanMrvctiea and iu cial mnalytit eUttr4t. CLamtfon X for Forth 8o Ckumpiow Carg txhrr than Yttrd 90f W fib Champion SparJPugs WINDSOR, ONT. A CANADIAN-MADE PRODUCT SEA CADETS HAVING WONDERFUL TIME IN CAMP AT SHAWATLANS I and are having their existence. Something pleased the one uik time of TOPLEY MINE ! CLOSED DOWN Standard Silver -Lead Company Drops Its Option on Property and Pulls Out CONFISCATION PLANS Frank Traylor Gone to Vancouver to Hake Revision of Interests in .Mines The Rlehfleld mine at Teptey has closed and the Standard Silver-Lead Oempanr tea arranged to store all then- machinery and equipment at Topley pending the taking up of same other property says the Interior News. The etostog came wto ahnost dramatic suddenness that leaves miners and the public generally In somewhat of a quandary as to the raasons. For six months the Stands Oawpsny has been carrying out developments. At different time reports of satisfactory conditions were given, out. the main dlOoulty consisting of machinery that was found to be Inadequate as soon as It was set In motion. This prevented them from getting to the depth Intended and also worked to make their operations expensive and comparatively slow. Last month Mr. North, who has been In charge of the work, left on the reported mission of inducing his super tors to sanction the Installation of heavier machinery. At the time of his departure ht announced the ore condi tions as "qute satisfactory.'' but upon bis return last Friday he ordered the mine dosed. NOT SAVINfl AXYTIIINO In very pleasing contrast to the actions of certain other companies under similar o-HKUtkD. the Standard people are nof knocking the property Reports from the Sea-cadets tell of or the country. They undoubted!) i stirring times. Chief Petty Officer made j have their own reasons and have been a hurried trip to town to replenish the 1 considerate enough to confine thelt larder. They had taken enough sup-1 actions to them, wbettier or not these piles for ordinary appetites but ap- conditions are entirely wrapped up lr parently the boys have developed ex- the ore showings on the property or traordinary appetites. i other factors. Routine calls for 6 am. reveUle and ; At the time of closing down the morning bathing parades. Breakfast men In the mine were working In ore Is at 7:30 and the forenoon is spent having a value as disclosed by the cam- In cleaning up camp and then in drill .pane's own assayer of 118.00 in gold and Instruction. The afternoon Is same-land 350 ounces In surer. times given over to hikes. ! Frank H. Taylor, who, with Wesley Chief Petty Officer Dawes has been Eanta. located the property and bonded learning something about the distance it to the company, received the an- sound travels and also bow long into nouncement with some surprise, yet the night boys can talk. His tent was with feeling of complete satisfaction pitched In the solitude fifty yards from with the decision. Mr. Taylor has been the boys and alas for his hopes of bead of the Topley Consolidated Com- quiet. pany. and plans sre at present under AU are getting browner and browner way for an amalgamation of Interests to be about "All the washing is done, ready for the linen closet. Clothes of spotless white thanks to Keckitt's Blue' Reckitt s Bag Blue In the handy bag with the Blue and White stripes 6 S DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS. .'.2c per word in advance. No Advertisement taken for less than 50c AGENTS WANTED FULL OR SPARE TIME AOBNTS PIN-est line of personal greeting card ever shown In Canada. Regal Art Co. Manufacturers, 110 Spadtna Avenue. Tbtooso, ROWBOATS 335. Punch. FOR SALE I WILL SELL AS A OOINO CONCERN my secondhand business, and rent or sell partly furnished four roomed flat with toilet and bath. Modern flat over store. A good proposition. Phone T74. a. F. Brine. FOR SALE. LAUNCH "NANCY." 38 foot. In first class co-sdltkm. East-hope engine: 18 h.p. 4 cylinders. O. Rorls. Phone S87 or Red S13. tf FOR SALE. LOTS S3 AND 23, BLOCK S. Section 3. On grade. Good view and close In. Apply P.O. Box 1550, Pity. ISSOO PER MONTH BUYS A SEVK roamed bouse on Orsham Avenue. Section Two. Walker's Music Store. FOR SALE. FIRST CLASS RE8TAU-rant. Do not lose your occasion I Apply PD. Box 725. tf FOR SALE. SIXTEEN FOOT PETER-boro' Canoe: excellent condition. Phone Oreen 128. 170 FOR SALE. ONE 1924 TUDOR FORD Sedan, repainted and good condition. Parker's Oarage. tf FOR SALE PHONE RED tf Spring Time is CELERY KING Time S CUD of thil fine ol A rcrrKU tnailc II U all cbe spring medidnc you need. It drive oat winter's noiioas. Immn th sppctii and makes yon feel better right away. CELERY KING Is good tar wmutM "f"'lf. A! OTUgglSCS. OC St HC in the main company which should be of decided benefit to the local share holders In the Topley Consolidated Company. htriltKI) DATA Mr. Taylor spent Monday and Tues day at the property and was given' pos session of all charts and maps, and with these and samples of recent ore he left for Vancouver today to make a revision of Interest ,with Topley Consolidated directors with the intention of carrying on work on the high grade ahowlnga pf the jnaja. property. ..Leaving kyyhe'stfrei'A active 'operations woum De .unoer way within, a month, arid should he be successful a new plant will be acquired for the property. Anticipating this success, he has taken over some of the supplies left by the Standard Company. Including powder, fuel and camp equip ment. BAPTIST BOY SCOUTS OFF TO PORT SIMPSON Left Yesterday Afternoon Aboard Wawan exa and WIN lie Away Two Weeks The 3rd Prince Rupert Troop Boy Scouts ( Baptist ) left yesterday afternoon on the tug "Wawanesa" for Port SUnp son where tbey will be In camp for two weeks under the charge of Scoutmaster P. C. Miller. For a long time the boys have been looking forward to this event with keen Interest and they were merry bunch that assembled on the wharf. The boys of this troop are all unl formed and many of them have earned different, badges some for woodcraft. first aid, swimming, music and man; Other test badges. The money to meet the expenses of the camp has all been earned by the boys themselves, though outside assistance will be required .to close the accounts on the right side of the balance sheet. Mr. Flewln has ren dered invaluable assistance to the troop in providing lree transportation for the equipment and boys. A young Chinese, knowing perfect English and typing,, seeks position Salary no objection." Chinese paper, This is one of the few statements recently emsnatlng from China in which we feel perfect confidence. FURNITURE FOR KENT FOR RENT. FURNISHED APART-sseat fcf the day. week Vr rnoath. Phoss Red Wl. Finder office. LOST tf FOR RENT FOUR ROOM FURNISHED suite: steam heated. A poly Battli Se Mallett. Ltd tf FOR RENT. PLASTERED HOUSE. SIX rooms and hath. Apply tit Kwurth Avenue East. FURNISHED SUITES FOR Apply Muasallem Orocery. RENT. Pboae 18. FURNISHED ROOMS TO LET. APPLY Hyde Transfer. Seeand Ar-Ntvs. 170 FOR RENT OR SALE. HOOBE AUIn Avenue. Phone Black 487. ON ROOMS FOR RENT. BOARD IF desired. Phone Black 130. LOST. GOLD WATCH AND CHAIN, please return to Dally New m LOST. NO. 2 FOLDING AUTOGRAPHIC camera. Finder please phone Red 1M. 172 AUCTIONEER YESI PAYING THE HIGHEST PRICE for furniture or anything of value, up to August 16. Phone 774. Q. F. Brine. UPHOLSTERING sterlng of REPAIRING; kinds Chesterfields recovered and made to order. All work guaranteed. Phone Oreen 003. O. M. HUNT. FURNITURE NEW SHIPMENT AND NEW PATTERNS of fifty linoleum rugs and 800 squsre ysrds of linoleum. The demand is guod and this lot ought to be cleared out this month. So come early. Furniture and ranges always In stock. A. MacKenzle. Furniture Phone 775. EXCHANGE NEW AND SECONDHAND FURNITURE bought, sold and exchanged. Papa-dopulos and Marrls, 8.19 Third Ave. Phone 848. if HF.NTAI RANT OOII EATS CAFE Mrs. Unger. Proprietress again personslly in charge. TWr?ljA?!u--N'jt q. w. v. a. Phond Black 700. KA1F.N (1AIIW1F. Agents for all OENF.IMI. MOTORS fKOIH'CTS Another carload of Chevrolet! Justin! Prices: Rosdster 8825.00 Rosdster Delivery $825.00 Touring $825.00 Coupe $985.00 Coach $MS.OO Bedim $1,075.00 Landau Sedan $1,120.00 Cabriolet $1,100.00 Commercial Chassis $G45.O0 Delivery Express Chassis .... $805.00 29 z 4.40 Balloon Tires standard equipment on all models except De. livery Express chassis. Call or phone for demonstration. KAIF.N GARAGE Third Avenue Plume S2 TAXI Phone 67 Txl . . (Call ; Georire. Ilaul or Gimtl KotASia .' . . 'J I I -At ROSS RROS. POOL ROOM Meeker Hlork. McroM from Rmnrsn Hotel) C.RRJRAINS . For the East Dally Except Sundays 11:30 a.m. From the Fust Dally excep: Tuesdays 880 yxa. Article, Lost stul Found, & N r.AmNH P M VrMFKT w -aw w I 4Uali41 J lor Yancouter Monday -aJ Prince Cr Tuesday as C'sUi., Thursday-as. Prince Saturday as Carde: i " ss. Princes- Er; " sa. Prince Rtrpr July aa. Princes? : " IS ss Princess i.' x " 10 Prtocras Alios " aOt ss. Priuceas f !' " 23 M. princess tx ; " 27 as. Princess A o " 39 ss. Prince i FrtMO Vswoinrr unday- ss Calais Mondayas. Prlm-e i Wedaesdsy s.Prui.v J.-Prtday as. Prince R : as. Cardeu BsttMMMyse. PttfC" C July 8 as. Print-emu '-t: : - II as Prince!. A :j " lt-Hts. Princess C " 18 -as Princess Lc " 29 aa. PrtnosM A 2ft as. Prtnresi 20 aa Princess t - I'nr Purl Mniixuin and N'ssi !! I I Friday as. Cardena r. rum Frt Plinpaun and tiw Sa turds yss. Cardena a lor Anyut, Hleaart. He Ehtndsy sa. Catala Massdsjfci, Prince C Frtdajfsa. Prince Rupr From Anjm, Mewart, He Tuesday ss. Catala ' Thursday, .as. PnnccfJ r la Saturday . Prince R:;?r I'nr VimIIi (iieen f'hsrlulle- Mondsy sa. Princes vr I mm North ((uern f'hsrMte- Tbursdayss. Prince C tf I Fr South (ueen ChsrMtf I July 18 ss. Prince Ji l. s I Irmn Sulh Queen Charlotte- I July Uas. prince Jo: ! " 27 -ss Prince Joi n ,: For AlsLs Wednesday ss. Prince Or I 1 July 8 sa. Princess Lc -H " 11 as. PrlnceM A:; " It ss. Princess Ci " 18. ss. Princess I " 22 ss. Princess Alioe " 25 as. Princess CU ' " 29 as. Princess Lc From Alska Monday s. Prlnre Oef ' 1 July 0 sa. Princess C'-u. " ' " 13 s. Princess Lc: ' " 18 as. Princess A;ipt 1 - 20-es, Princess Cin:'--"- 1 . -W np. (JU-TP Wl' - m 27 ss. Princess AJ..c ' "50 s. Princess Ciw. mailIchedule ror llie r.t ji'i.v mi Mondays. Wednendsys, Cs! Closet . , From the Mondsys, Wedpesdsys F due Tu Vancouver- Mondays Tuesdays Thursdaya Saturdays C PU. July 9, 13. 18. 2f !'rmn Vsnrouver Mondsys Ma: Wedneadsys WMut,. j-. tat ,(, ir:ii O.P.R. July 8, II. 15. 1. , To Anyov, Alice Arm, r"'1""' . .Ktewari Sundays mall 'a' J Fridays From Anyox. Allre Arm, m1"1 Stewart Saturdgya ma;: j Tuesdays To Nasi Klier Points Thursdsyt ms:l zW" From Nasi River Points Saturdays mail To AUkka Points-July 8. II, 15. 18. 22, 25 f From Alanka Points July 9, 13. 18, 20. 23, 27 30 To Queen Charlotte Island P"1"' Lower Islands. Monday J'I Front Queen Charlotte Island 1 Lower Islsnds. Wednesdays ' Advertise la Tbs Dally Niwi Advertu la Tt DsUy