RCAF Plans to Je eetcunenae RGR BRECKER EERE BHboUn ( ml es are coming along y We are adjusting h i and all- ( veal to use air-to-air when they are Mannin ft more [ init Ku rt an li Sof You Want GUARANTEED Nationally advertised Hosier y Wailace’s Dept. Store BERK CNERUCTRRERRRRARTE SERRE E/ec Arm With air and cund- SURE RRRe uo ROU ee eee Frigidaire Ranges are doing for electric cooking what Frigidaire Refrigerators have done for food-keeping! That seems like quite a claim... until you see the Frigidaire Electric Ranges for yourself! Visit Frigidair you perhaps is beauty to live with! Trade in that old range now! Pay as you use your new Frigidaire! SEE YOUR NEAREST FRIGIDAIRE DEALER NOW! SGm . Prince Rupert, B.C. GORDON & ANDERSON your Frigidaire Dealer and let him demonstrate. features mean convenience and coking ease hadn't dreamed of! And Frigidaire beauty Rocket Robots {verted to Cric rbout guided missiles other than that when they are in to state production with crews trained to use them, I hope that all Allied bombers will have been con- a form of V2 rocket pilotless missile.” i Air Marshal Curtis said he had seen photographs of guided mis- ile research in other countries and t sults Canada’s progress in the of fighter expansion was ceeding on schedule. Our air defence building up rapidly.” in 1953, squadrons hey showed devastating re- field pro- system is all-weather will start in Canada. Squadrons Canada’s long-range will occupy bases hither for the formation of Short-range Sabre’ squadrons Air Marshal Curtis added GOOD PICKER PENTICTON, B.C Ant Peterman of Oliver, B.A 2,104 r CAMPOBELLO ISLAND, NB ¢ ‘ wil a Conquering 600-pound'’! ial c and his f \ Pi ) with icknif S an pe Wa i i ach ) Bake for your biggest UN MDT MT of this “small-kitchen" model f ee MODEL RO-¥5 Thrifty-thirty). D ed for smali kitchens, but planned cook +t family meals' Cook-Master Oven Clock Control auto- matically operates the giant oven. Other features includ Cooking-Top Lam Appliat 8 > Full-width Uten Drawe lime Signa Lif o . Porcelain finish witt j-resisting Cook t Suggested Price: $299.7 Sizes and Prices for Every Home! A LM LLM at the same time in : ——/ Frigidaire’s “Wonder-Oven"! —— . JOHNSTONE &. MICHIEL MODEL RO-65% Here’s the famous Frigi- daire Electric Range with the “Wonder Oven”. This amazing oven may be used as one extra large oven, or as two smaller ones there are separate controls for each oven Completely automatic oven cooking with the Cook-Master Clock Control, De Luxe features (orough@ut. Suggested Price: $459.75 Terrace, B.C. Smithers, B.C. By tl time next year the re RCAF w have formed most of et ts fighter squadrons. The early warning defence (radar) will T +} ‘ . : ; UNION BATTLE-—Members of ¢ about the plant at Hamilton Cottons 100 pe cent operational ( ' iol fl ‘ Fol i k strik . . ‘“ pany rere ¥V ence liareé « ‘ aispute OHOW'NE a Six-week § c g units will be in ful : e : a sap ry and the total strength of ne 220 K i of the Textile Workers Union of the fe will be approaching A ica (‘C1O}, were escorted b i way through a picket Hine eet up by 90,000 200 supporters of the Uni Wor ke Un of America (AFL CP PHOTO . Huge Tuna Subdued With Oars, Knife EBY’S HARDWARE | nen, : theis ther, their dory the weir, When it Mallocks, lacking proper weapons, stunned it with » | oars Then One of the men | whipped out his small knife Jumped into the water and slashed the tuna’s throat. Al- though the mighty fish put up a terrific: batule the fisherme: jsiipped a rope through its gills and finally landed by ithvers aided Tussles with tuna are commagn amotg sardine weir (fishermen who often battle the fighting fish With harpoons rifles pears, scythes and even explo sives Luy-irons Passamaquoddy Bay tisher- men have become interested in a new Seandinavian method of stunning the horse mackeret with electric shots Swedes use three lines baited h mall mackere) When floats show that a fish has been hooked, current is turned on. the flah becomer unconscious and ft aboard for slaugh-:or electrical method 4avea man KE al is haured T he o d lime otherwise sp fighting the fish. It also re nits In it a iarge Aich, #@ after being he HE WAS READY PRINCEON, England ~The resident f this Devon Charlie Sunday die His una are lost ire town, 91 ar-old li on a relatives he would on thé following Wednesday lsh became and told reciction Was correct came close to NANCY OLBON JAMES ARNESS coms (Smet? Cet som ro, STARTING THURSDAY Evening Shows 7: - 9: p.m. TOTE Matinee Saturday 2 p.m. 4 ramovs PLAveRs rues Robert Admission Al CINEMA GUILD oF CANADA Per One complete show Wednesday at 8 Doors open 8:00 pm, Wenn, IM DASON, OF OE GIVENDER Wee ont” ia iil MOLLOWAY A * 008 Ly MARRISON GRE COE AAUWTON WA YE Mishel p TOTEM nt; \ Famous Players Theatre @ ON THE SAMI “E PROGR iastro Ne i AM WHS of Slovak ee TODAY at 7 Taylor ~ S10 Elizabeth Tayio in “IVANHOE” = (technicolor) TOMORROW THE NEW MARIO LANZA MUSICAL! PEER HERE HREM eRe Eee be, EP prreere te ttatene America's singing idol +» BS 8 Young slage slar ; sesscceeneses Grafted into the Army! | BECAUSE YOU'RE MINE i DORETTA MORROW - idwes wuirwore Plus Cartoon - News Shows 7 - 9:08 TTL ee a =a HEAT LAMPS Here's your safest, quickest source of gentle, penetrating warmth to help soothe muscular aches and pains, Your G-E Heat Lamp is easy to use, puts the heat right where you want it. Also handy for quick-drying hair and nail polish, paintand glue... for extra heat over baby's playpen, bed or bath or wherever you need it in the home. Both the G-E Standard Heat Lamp and the G-E Red Bow! Heat Lamp (with red filter and extra- hard glass) fit any standard lamp socket. Get your inexpensive G-E Heat Lamp today ... you'll welcome its dozen-and-one uses! #4 signed for speed to assure better Orone Lampe... Remove offensive odour and fresh. en air im kiteh- pictures day or ens, bathrooms hight, indoors washrooms and OF out, sickrooms, CANADIAN GENERAL E.AcTRIC CO RADIANT HEAT | with countless home uses... Head Office: Toronto—Sales Offices from Coast to Coos! Sa Mil sac en a OF EPI ig i ET OT G-t Sun Lame «e+ Pans like the sun! Have that “Summer-tan” look all year ‘round, 60 cycle only, Lumi-Sowt Lampe Dress-up’ old chiling fixtores . add the beauty of semi -indiroet lighting to your rooms. Lamp Divisio’ MPANY Limiver mmf