Igttdfcd PRINTING Stationery Office Supplies School Supplies Kodaks Films Phonograpks Records Novelties Dennison Goods Birthday and Every Day Cards Third Avenue (Opposite Third Street) Phone 231 Look Here The Bain of our drygoods department will be over by July 28. Why not take a look around and see what we have left? You mij?ht find something you need at a bargain price. We are also selling out our crockery and hardware stock. This is the lime to save money. Take advantage early before it is all sold. Call Mussallem Grocery COMPANY LTD. 417-123 Fifth Ave. East. Phones 18 and 84 Prince Rupert, B.C. H. S. WALLACE CO. LTD. The Swimming Season is now at its best! An all Wool Bathing Suit will add to your enjoyment. They fit and look well. JANTZEN, UNIVERSAL & PENMAN'S HATHINO SUITS For Indies, Children and Youths H.S.WalTaceCo.Ltd. Phone 9 Third and Fulton Tor Ladysmith-Wellington COAL Phone 580 HydeTransfer And Coal Co. 139 Second Avenue ANGER, the TAILOR Wy carry a fine stock of imported Woollens. Union label on every garment. We employ only Union labor. Every suit guaranteed perfect. I. ANGER, Cutter and Designer 223 Sixth Street and Eyes NEW TORK'Jdly 23 Through highly arr Stm In place oIarTXnfolp',ClaT Cnapman. ot Redfleld, 8D.. made d?at and blind by spinal menlngitla 'right year ago, "heard" and replied to apeaker at th recent annual meeting of the Society of Progressive Oral Advocates. The youth demonstrated hla attain ment with Miss 8ophle Alcorn, hla .teacher at the atate achool tor the dear 'at Sioux Falls, SB. lie received the word by placing hla flugera against the aide of hla teacher's face, on her chin, on hrr neck, on the back of her neck or over the end of a amall megaphone. He also "heard" by merely placing hlT hand before the apeaker'a face. The boy haa a 2.000-word vocabulary. Although unable Vo hear hla own voice. heboth apoke and aang. He ta a mem-' ber ot hla achool dramatic association and la active In athletic. Market Prices Retail price on the local marker today are aa follow : UHU Pure 25c Compound 20c eoab B.C. fresh pullet 37VJO B.C. fresh, flrlta 42o B.C. fresh, extras 4ic Local new laid 50c IISII Halibut, lb 25c SAILINGS TO EOItOPE MAKE RESERVATIONS NOW FROM MONTREAL To Liverpool Aug. 5, Sept. 2 Mlnnedosa Aug. 12, Sept. 9 Montclare Aug. 19, 'Sept. 10 Montrose Aug. 28, Sept. 23 Montcalm This sailing calling at Glasgow. To London Sept. 10 Marloch To Itelfast-UlaKgow Aug. 1. Sept. 1 Metagama Aug. 16. Oct. 6 Mellta To .tntnerp Sept. 8 Mellta FROM (Jl'KIiEC To Cherbourg-Southampton-Antwerp Aug. 10. tSept. 9 Montnalrn Aug. 18. tSept. 9 Montroyal tTo Antwerp only. To Cherbourg-Southampton tAug. 3. Aug. 31 .Empress of Australia Aug 16, Sept. 7. .Empress of Scotland Aug. 24. ISept. 14. Empress of France IThLa sailing calling at Hamburg Apply to AgeMt everywhere or 1. J. 1-UKSIKK. S.S. Gantral Pan. Agent. C.P.R. Station, Vancouver: Telephone Seymour 2630 Cash and Carry Grocery Sixth Ave. and Fulton Streets i PAY CASH AND HE INDEPENDENT i Milk, per case $5.50 49 lb. Sack Flour Sa.75 14 lb. Box Capitol Butter . . S5.75 2 lb. Capitol Butter 85c? 14 lm. Box E.C.D. Butter . . JjiO.1.1 1 lb. E.C.D. Butter 15? Pure Lard in bulk, per lb. . . '2i)f Fresh Ground Coffee, per lb. 50? High Grade Bulk Tea, per lb. ildf Pure Cane Sugar, 10 lb 75f Oranges, 2 dozen :$5r Regular Dollar Sodas, only 70? Shredded Wheat, 2 for 25c1 Bran Flakes or Pep, 2 for . . 25? Cprn Flakes 10? China Rolled Oats 40? fresh Fruits and Vegetables on hand at ail times. You get the benefit of low prices in small quantities. Get my prices first. Phone :), $3.00 Orders Delivered Free S. B. ADAMS, Manager. Dr. Alexander Smith Block Phone 575 DENTIST First the Boy then the Man "VOUR boy can start life with a balance ia the Bank. Many a boy has $100 or more saved from his pocket money and is proud of his bank book. A thousand dollars saved at 18 may mean a college education or a good start in business. The Royal Bank Of Canada SS09 Prince Rupert Branch Salmon, red spring 35o Salmon, white spring, lb 16c Buioaed kippers, lb 16c Kippered salmon, lb 250 Smoked black cod, lb 20c Finnan heddlca. lb 20e Malt mackerel, lb 2&o Eastern salt herring, 3 for 25c Salt codtUh fillets, lb 25o Boneless salt cod bricks, lb. 2 Or 51 RATH Fowl. No. 1. lb 30c aud 35c Roasting chicken, lb 45c Ham. sllred. first grade 55c Ism. whole, first grade 42c Ham, picnic, lb 33fte Cottage rolls, lb 30c Bacon, back, sliced 60o Bacon, side 40c to 55c Pork, dry salt 36c Ayrshire bacon, lb 85c Veal, shoulder ,. 26o Veal, loin v 40c Veal, leg 40c Pork, shoulder 28c j Pork, loin 40c Pork, leg 40c j Beef, pot roast UW to So Beef, boiling 12c to 16c Beef, steak 30c to 46c Beef .roast, prime rib 30o Lamb, chops 60c Lamb, ahoulder 36c Mutton, leg 40c Iamb, leg 48o Mutton, chops 40c Mutton shoulder 80a Itl'TTEIl Brookfleld, Shamrock and Woodland, lb 47HC E.CD., lb 47 y2e Capital, 2nd grade, lb 42c Fraser Valley, lb 60c New Zealand, lb 60c CIIKKMK Camembert cheese, 8 oz. pkg 65c: Kraft Llmberger, 'a' 35c Ontario solids 35c Stilton, lb 403 Kraft 45c I Norwegian Ooat 65c Napoleon Llmberger 70c Roquefort 75 Swifts' Brookfleld, lb 45c Oorgonzola, lb 76c McLaren's Cream. Jars .... 45c and 86o Brookfleld Swiss cheese. lb. pkg. 30c Brookfleld Canadian cheese, lb. pkg. 25c IN PROBATE IN THE SlI'UKMi: COURT OF BRITISH COIX'MIIIA In the Matter of the Administration AciB And In the Matter of the Estate of William J. Kyle. Deceased, Intestate. TAKE NOTICE that by order of Hla Honor. F. McB. Young, the 24th day of June. A.O.. 1927. I was appointed Administrator of the estate ot William J. Kyle, deceased, and all parties having claims against the said estate are hereby required to furnish same, properly verified, to me on or before the 25th day of July, A.D. 1827. and all parties Indebted to the estate are required to pay the amount of their Indebtedness to me forthwith. NORMAN A. WATT, Official Administrator, Prince Rupert, B.C. Dated the 25th day of June. A.D. 1927 IN PROBATE. IX THE NITUKMK ('OMIT OF BRITISH (Ol.l.MltIA In the Matter of the "Administration Act" and In the Matter of the Estate of John Belffert Berndgen, Deceased. TAKE NOTICE that by order of His Honor Judge F. McB. Young, the 6th day of July. A.D. 1927. I waa appointed Administrator of the Estate of John Belf fert Berndgen, Deceased, and all parties having claims against the said Estate are hereby required to furnish same, properly veruiea, to me on or ber ore the 6th day of August, A.D. 1927, and all parties Indebted to the Estate are required to pay the amount of their andebtedness to me forthwith. NORMAN A. WATT, Official Administrator, Prince Rupert, B.C. NOTICE. IN THE MATTER of an application for the Issue of a Provisional Certificate of Title for Lot one (I) of Lot three nun- crea ana sixty (360), Range five (6), Coast District, Map 970. Satisfactory proof of the loss of the Certificate of Title covering the above land having been produced to me. It Is my intention to. Issue, after the expiration of one month from the first publication hereof, a Provisional Certificate of Title to the above land, in the name of ALICE CLAPP. The original Certificate of Title la dated the 29th November, 1912. and Is numbered 26051. Land Registry Office. Prince Rupert, B.C. July 18, 1827. H. P. MacLEOD. Registrar of Title. F. . Robertson, Manei Oruyere 45c Oolden Loaf, lb 45c Jack, lb 500 Sl'OAR White, per 100 17.75 Yellow, per 100 7.25 FLO UK Flour, 49 s, No. 1 hard wheat 12.85 Pastry flour, 10' &5c Pastry flour. 49's 13.00 VEOF.TAIILES Romano Sardo, lb 76c Oammelost, V lb 30c Beets, 3 bunches 25c Cucumbers, each 25c Carrots, new, 3 lbs 25c New B.C. bunch carrots, 3 bunches 25c New Potatoes, 6 lb 25c Sack 12.90 Potatoes, 100 lbs., old 12.25 Potatoes, 3 lbs., old , ' 25c Oreen peppers, lb 60c Parsley, bunch 10c Rhubarb, 8 lbs 25c Cauliflower. B.C. head.. 25c, 35c and 40c B.C. head lettuce, 3 for 25o Garlic, Imported, per lb 50c Bermuda onions, 2 lbs 35c Cooking onions, Japanese, 3 lbs 25c Oreen onions, dozen bunches .... 25c Radlihes, 3 bunches 10c Leeks, 2 bunches 25c Armstrong celery, head 25o Sweet potatoes, 2 its 25c Hothouse tomatoes, B.C., lb 30c 6 lb. basket $1.40 Spinach, local, 2 lb 25c New B.C. cabbage, 3 lbs 25c New parsnips, 3 bunches 25c FRUIT Oranges, Valencia, dozen ... 20c to 85c Lemons, Sunklst, doz 40c Imperial Valley grapefruit, 8 and 10c Bananas, 2 lb. 35c Extracted honey. Ib 25c and 35c Comb honey, section 30c Apple "C" grade Wlnesapa $4.50 Apples. Wlnesapa, lb 16c Australian, grapes, lb 40c Strawberries, basket 20c Cherries, lb 40c DHIKI) FRUITS Dates, bulk, 2 lb 26c Dates, Dromedary .' 25c Raisins, bulk lb 15 Raisins, package T 20c Cluster raisins, lb 25c Lemon and orange peel 30c Citron peel 60c Black cooking figs, 2 Ib 35c White figs, 2 lb 35c Table figs, lb 25c Currants 20c Prunes : 10c to 25c Apples 25c Peaches, peeled 30c Apricots, lb ; , 40c NUTS. Almonds, shelled Valencia 75c Brazils and filbert 25c Walnuts, broken shelled 60r Walnuts, shelled halves 65c Almonds 35r Peanuts 20c Manchurlan walnut 25c California walnuts 40c No. 1 mixed nuts 35c If; F.n 100 lbs. Wheat, No. 5 $3.25 Oat $2.85 Bran , $200 Shorts $2.10 Middlings , $2.50 Barley .' $2.75 Poultry mash , $3 JO Special eggmash $3.60 Oyster shell $3.20 Scratch food $350 Beef scrap -'; 5 00 Ground oil cake $4.25 Baby chick feed $4-25 Fine oat chops . . . $2.95 Crushed Oats t ! $2.96 Fine barley chop $250 Whole corn , $3-20 Cracked corn . $3 JO Fine corn meal $3 JO An Insurance company refused to pay an accident claim, of a young woman who said shmfellrwhen her heel fca'iight'ln the hem oTTier skirt. John 'Hunter, of the Kincardine Review Re porter, says it couldn't have happened. There was probably more danger of her getting choked to death by the hem of her skirt. Stratford Beacon- Herald. Appearing before Indian Agent W. E. Colllson on the charge of supplying .liquor to Indians at Casslar Cannery. I Johnny Wong, a Chlnamavn. was fined $200 or three months this morning. Scientists Say FRENCH LICK, Ind- July 23. X-TUys are opening the eye of the world to new fields of invention and fortune. Dr. George L. Clark, founder of the Massachusetts Institute ot Technology's Industrial X-ray research laboratory, declaring before the Ameri can Society for Testing Material eon-venUoo here recently. "Industry" newest tool, the x-ray. until recently only known in hospital and send em to laboratories, already te amaajnf It new employers.' said Dr. Clark. "Just recently x-ray showed that spiders and silkworm spin exactly the same kind of fibre ar.d unm ad lately set United State manufacturer to con-alder establishment of aptder farms. 'Prohibition agent In California are using x-ray to detect liquor In aua-peeted packai.es. The British army use the x-ray to examine wood In Its aeroplanes for cracks, worm hole and knot. Boston store have x-ray device showing customers how their foot fit Into show. And an Ohio dairy farm recently engaged to use x-ray te find alar aud location of hole In Swm ehceee. "One golf ball maker ha Increased sales 200 per cent by advertising the fact that x-ray prove the symmetry of hi golf ball centre." Dr. Otark said that steel rail -k- ge, long a mystery, seem close to solution through x-ray observation. II- lumlnum. new element recently dis covered at the University ot Illinois, was found because x-rays could reveal unknown aubstance. Dr. Clark reported. INI I.HNIK1TV COMI'I.KX NEW YORK. July 23. The Inferiority complex of some college student la being studied by the Rockefeller Foundation. Says It annual report: "A number of student, the pride of fond parents and the heree ot small towns, suffer acutely from a feeling of Inferi ority and failure In a large university letting." The Foundation considers It the task of the mental apeclallst to help such a student get adjusted to hi new lite. TAX FA ILK I) PEKINO. July 23. An attempt to rate $400,000 extra for the military fac tlona ot North China by taxing every telephone subscriber In Peking $30 extra for the use of the Instrument has come to naught as a result ot the storm of protests raised by Chinese merchants. SYNOPSIS OF LAND ACT AMENDMENTS PRE-tMPTION Vacant unreserved, surveyed Crown lands may ba pre-empted by tritlsli subjects over IS years of as;, and by aliens on declaring Intention to lecome British subject, conditional upon residence, occupation, .nd Improvement for agricultural purposes. Full Information concerning rr-.atlon regarding pre-emption 1 given In Bulletin No. 1. Land Serte. "(low to Pre-empt Land.' copies of which can be obtained free of charge ly addressing the Department of Lands, Victoria. B.C.. or to any Oov. ernment Agent Kecorda will be granted covering only land suitable for Agricultural purposes, and which 1 not timber-land, I.e.. carrying over $.000 board feet per acre west of the Coast Range and 5.000 feet per aor east ot that Range. Applications for pre-emptions are to be addressed to the Land Commissioner of the Land Recording Division, in which the land applied for Is situated, and are made on printed forma, copies of which can be obtained from the Land Commissioner. Pre-emptions must be occupied for five year and Improvements made to value of 110 per acre, Including clearing and cultivating at least five acres, before a Crown Orant can be received. For more detailed Information see the Bulletin "How to Pre-empt Land." a PURCHASE Applications are received for purchase of vacant and unreserved Crown lands, not being tlmberland. for agricultural purposes; minimum for flrst-clas (arable) land is Fries S per acre, and second-class (erasing) land 12.60 per acre. Further Information regarding purchase or lea of Crown land Is given In Bulletin No. 10, Land Series, "Purchase and Leaae ot Crown Land." Mill, factory or Industrial alts oaj timber land, not exceeding ,40 acre, may be purchased or leaaed, the condition Including payment o stumpaa;. HOMESITE LEASE8 Uneurveyed area, not exceeding 1$ acre, may be leased aa bomesltea, conditional upon a dwelling being ereoted In the first year, title btn obtainable after resldenoe and improvement condition are fnlflll4 and land haa been urvyed. LEASES for grazing and Industrial yw-poee area not exceeding 141 acre may be leased by en trtm or a company. QRAZINQ Under the Orastng Act the Prrr-Ince la divided Into araalng dlatrtoU and the rang art ministered aader a Orasing Commissioner, Annual grating permit ar laauee baaed eat number ranged, priority belag give t eetabllahed owner. Btock-ewser say form asaxnatlona for ra-ar maaacetnent rre. er partly tree MfnlU are a valla! tor settler eavwpera ana tnrveUes ta teat Saturday Jul' ? p AGE SIX THE DAILY NEWS i HEARS WITH SPIDER FARMS -srt HIS FINGERS LATESTTHING WESTHOLME Demonstration Riven of Attainments X-Hays Showing Way to Many of YouthWho Lost Ears Commercial Improvements THEATRE TONIGHT ONLY at 7 and 9 U FLESH DEVIL A romance of love and hope. DintiniruMhed all ...) JOHN (JII.IiKHT, CltKTA (iAHIK). 1.AILS HANSON, WILLIAM OHLAMOND. (JKOIMJK FAWTBTT. MAKCMAC DLMIMOTT, ItAKIIAKA HUNT, and many others. CO.MEDV "(iUICK SKKVICIT I'ATIIB ItKVIKW Violin Soli "Romance." Soloist, . Halagno. Admission COME NOW AND GET YOUR CHOICE while the choice is good ! Great B McARTHUR'S HER SAL of high grade Boots & Shoe McArthur's Shoes are Known for quality. Every pair in the store at Sale Prices. Specials for Friday and Saturday LADIES' SANDALS $1.95 For Friday and Saturday only, we are offering Ladle Sandals for $1.95. They come in Fawn, Tan and Patent Leather. ail! Jabour I'hone 015, 50c nnd 23c argams at for Bros., Ltd. Corner 3rd and 7tn Preserving Kettles In all sizes of Aluminum and Enamel. Trices from 50c to $LM Mail orders carefully filled EASY VACCUAI ELECTRIC WASHERS Thompson Hardware Co., Ltd. 255 Third Avenue. Prince Ilupert