hAGfi TWO i All High Grown "SAUDA" T70 Quality- depends on garden elevation. The Daily News TPJNCE RUPERT , BRITISH COLUMDIA. PubJSshed Every Afternoon, except Sunday, by Prince .Rupert Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue. . II. F. PULLEN - - Managing Editor. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: City Delivery, by mail or carrier, per month .s. $1.00 !y mail to all parts of the Briish Empire and the United States, in advance, per year $6.00 To all other countries, in advance, per year $7.50 Advertising and Circulation Telephone Editor and Reporters Telephone - - Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. DAILY EDITION. 98 86 Friday, Jan. 14, 1927 ANOTHER CIVIC ELECTION IS OVER. Another civic election is over and once again we extend our congratulations to the winners of the contest. Perhaps, however, it would be more fitting this time if they were extended to the losers. They are to be sincerely commended for having,risen out of the mire of general antipathy surrounding the affairs of the city at this time by offering themselves to serve a public that is more often inclined to be critical that grateful. It is to be hoped that next year there will be more men or women willing to come forward even if police question was big issue. It is evident that the police question entered more strongly into the contest than might have been generally anticipated. The pro vincial police not only was given a good majority in theplebisciteJ itlfbut folrr aldermen were elected' all W whom "areCTeastj .T1IIM1V 111 fflV'nr nf tha ivafom wht'U tVi 4urs i 1 I .w . , . v v. "nut wic iv?u uj.7it.m taiiuiudics whu jiau most, energetically opposed it came at the bottom of the poll. In view of the way things have gone, Mayor Newton, himself opposed to the provincial police, might have been beaten had he had an opposing candidate on the issue. The mayor can, undoubtedly, read "the handwriting on the wall." Comments on the result of the election would hardly be complete without congratulating Sergeant Hannah and his staff of officers on the city detachment of the provincial police. Their good record of the past seven months was appreciatively acknowledged by the electorate. They have had an expression of opinion and a mandate to carry on. Prince Rupert waived, the principle that might be involved in the matter and spoke in no "indecisive manner for a "clean" town. TIME TO MAKE , RESOLUTIONS. We are told that this is the appointed time for making good resolutions. And we suppose no one ever inflicted an injury upon himself or upon his neighbor by resolving to do something that might be beneficial to himself or to his neighbor; but, as a rule, we do not set much store by resolutions. We are not sure that passing resolutions whether by individuals or coUections of individuals, ever is productive pf 'a1 great deal of good. Still, if anybody feels like passing a mental resolution to begin the New Year by turning over a new leaf, let him pass his resolution and keep.the leaf turned down It s not yet too late to do that. -! MA li ttprviltup E CAN'T KICK. We always had a kind of a sneakinir Imnresalnn that the main object in life of the Tories, In latter days at least, was to criticize but it took our inprudent but energetic Victoria friend. Desnard ( Uesperate ) Twigg to come right out and complain because there was nothing for him to criticize. It wasn't a very bright Idea for him to say that but, perhaps, he spoke before he thought. Premier John must have also overlooked a bet for he dearly loves a fight and surely would not have intentionally let anything go by that would have started one. Undoubtedly, he will provide something for Des-pard and the rest of hi gang to kick about so that they may not again have to make a clean giveaway of their most cherished though perhaps unnecessary kicking propensities. Serve it Quick and Hot SHREDDED WHEAT eaten inthe mominggives you added snap and erxevgy for Winter days WASHINGTON, D.C.. Jn. 14. (Byt by Chairman Haugen of the committee . llghtful. The poet had the on agriculture. But It Is still a loacicf cf being being the the. terminus terminus of of distance from .enactment President Coolidge and Secretary Jar-dine continue their opposition and eastern members of Congress nd most of ; the members from Industrial centres are hostile to the legislation. It Is difficult to exaggerate the exasperation of many oT the agricultural members from the middle west over the j population which It was capable of sup-situation and not easy to overstate the porting. This port he referred to as the political dynamite Involved In It. j What Is making .the matter worse Is that while the administration and eastern members balk at farm relief action, the banking conditions In some parts of the middle west are getting worse. Little appears In print about them but the failure recently of one of the foremost banking Institutions of Des Moines, to nay nothing of numerous lesser banking failures In that part of the west, indicates that the agricultural regions sre hard hit. It Is not a question of the farmers needing more loans. The causes go deeper and are Involved In the fundamentals of the economic conditions under which agriculture Is laboring. mmiiek ok cuses Those students of the agricultural problem who are frank about the mat ter ascribe the farmer's difficulties to a number of causes Including tariff on manufacturers which the fanner buys high .freight rates, lack of Inland water transportation at low rates which will give him easy access to foreign markets. the failure to enforce the antl-trusf it be at risk of defeat. The defeated ones, after all, are perhaps the j ,JW and to prevent the growth of luckiest and thfv mav li rnntnlad wiVi tha i,nna.A,t.. u 41 combinations and monopolies whose with the winners, formed the small group that was interested in dliZTZxXZ wining to take its responsibility in connection with municipal affairs. . The winners are men of standing in their various walks of life in the city and each have the ability, to properly and sensibly conduct the affairs of the city. To start with, they have been given a. clear mandate on two of the most important matters that will require their attention. ' and resulting high taxes, high Interest rates and other causfct not far to seek. The truth of the matter Is that In the opinion of some of the ablest men In Congress agriculture In the United States Is going to continue on the down grade unless an administration and a Congress in trie near future effect a series of Big reforms which will redound to the benefit of the farmer. The pending farm relief bUl though It might help, would not reach to the root of the difficulties. It is a curious fact that one of the strong advocates of curtailment of Im migration has .been the agricultural In fluence in Congress. But there is not lacking evidence that this very curtailment has hit the farmers hard, it has, among other things, drained the farms of skilled agricultural labor, or tended In that direction. POLITICAL ITISISINO Signs are not wanting of a political uprising in the middle west which will take on proportions some of the eastern politicians do not dream of. This, how ever, will depend on leadership. If there were In the west a man with anything "like the capacity for leadership of a Roosevelt, there would be an upheaval In the 1028 campaign which would make the renomlnatlon of President Coolidge - Impossible, would put western Independents -In a position to hold the balance of power In House and senate and might even send a middle western man to the -White House. Former Oovernor Lowden of Illinois Is Just now the man to whom many of the yestern farmers are.turrl-Ing. But whether he will measure up to the demands remains to be ntn. It is -not inconrelvatle that In the end the farmers will turn to some new democratic Moses. It Is certain that party reiu never before rested so lightly on them as they do today. Ten .Years Ago in Prince Rupert 4AMAICV II, 1917. Mrs. Scammon, who has been vlsltlne In the city as the guest of her sister, Ed. C. Qllllnghsm, who Is now located at Anyoi, Is a visitor In the city. A party of small boys, who were skat ing on Morse creek yesterday, went through the ice near the edge. They had no dimculty In getting out although they found the water cold. The stesmer James Carruthrrs re turned to port yesterday with 12,000 pounds of fist fish after being out about a week. tng the local branch of the Pacific fisheries Ltd., left for Seattle today. His position here will be taken by Chas. Stsrr; who recently srrlved from the southfl London caterers 'made more than a million Christmas puddings this year, and shipped all over the world. fttday. Jauim Vrtii DATlA hhUH '!" COMPLICATIONS MESSAGE IS j FARM RELIEF OPTIMISTIC PKESIIIKNT rOOIJlXlK AMI SKOHKT' AUV JAIUIINK niNTlM i: OP- roiTio tillKAT TIIINOS IOK ritlNCK IUTKUT nntt.t.N iiv kkv. t- it. rurm.i. I t aiih;f.sh mioiti: KOTAKY CM II John; VShute, Canadian Press Ccrres. A great future should be In store for. porTdeM Complications continue In ft port and harbor such as Prince Ru-, the farm relief situation In vCoreren. ' txrt presents declared R. J. R- Frttell The fann relfe'rmessure desired by the I In addressing the Rotary Club yesterday , com belt has been Introduced In the , afternoon. The climate, he said. wsi Senate by Senator McNsry and. in a somewhat modified form. In the Haus very pleasing and the hospitality and thoughtfulness of the people was de- advantage the great Canadian National Railway which interlaced all pans t the Dominion from Atlantic to Pacific, covering a distance of over three thousand miles and tapping the mineral, and agricultural resources et the continent The speaker also referred to the pos sibilities ot the Peace River and the outlet for the production of western Canada into the Orient. There waa na reason he said, why. with such resources behind Prince "Rupert, snd one of the best harbor tn the world, it should not one day have a population of 500.-0CO people.. "A city is what IU people make it If Its citizens hare faith In their eltv and Its posslgtlltlea It should one day be In fact what it is now in vision," declared the speaker. Mr. Frteell dealt with the possibilities of Canada as a nation and interspersed his address with the recounting of a number of interesting Incidents In his liperlence. PATHETIC "OnLE"' OLD LADY CENTRE FIGURE IN FILM In the picture "OrusUIa With a Mil lien." c:m!ng to the Westholme Thea tre as the week-end feature. DrusUla Daane. long a pathetic little figure In he Cllftondale Home for Old Ladles. where the i the ouiy charily inmate, u .aade a slavey and perpetual door mat oy the hard-faced matron of the Institution. She never can go on the two -nnual picnics which art held, and hss er.ly hard work and mistreatment tot aer lot In life. Sally May is another "charity patient"; tut not at this horn. In the house of Hannah Paydon she slaves long and laM striving to please the grttn woman who leta her work out her "board and keep." and when Hannah goes away for week she Is delighted st the chance to be alone, to pick flowers and watch the birds and study nature. As ahe wanders down a country lane a rasdstee, driven t breakneck speed, rounds a turn, narrowly misses her and turns turtle pinning beneath it trie body of young Collin Arnold, who has just been dlstn- he lives with Sally May. working as an sutomoblle mechanic. She and her father hope to break Arnold's wilt, oust DrusUla and have Daphne marry Collin. When she discovers thst Collin Is already married she goes to Sally May and trades on her simple love for Col lin, telling '.he girl that she Is ruining Mrs. Msx Hellbronner, left for Seattle! ts of her and tliat he enly married her yesterday. Mrs. J. P. Cade and children left last evening on the steamer Princess Ma-qulnna for the south en route to Los Angeles. x Coughed So Hard Could Not Sleep Mrs. Daniel Dickey, Lyn, Ont., writes: "Last January I bail a very severe coM nnil i-oughpil so harl I eouhl not slci'p nihti.. I tricrl every tUlnjr, inducting iloctor's mi-'lieine, but uotlunu kv.- me relief until I tried Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup i .i i O. Roberts, who hss been mansg.1 wh.''ihi WM r,,,v"ICn'1,, 10 'y a ii-iiiiNir. mi 1 will never he without It In tlie again." Yon ilon't rupr-rimr-nt when you liny 'M)r. WimhI V n h it has turn a Uoum-ImlJ tenu ity for tin. j.H.t vrars, I'rieo a bottle) 1ni;- fsmil mllr t'ue. ; put up mil.v liy Tlie T Mill. sire iurn BRIGHTEN YOUR HOME IB Iverited by hU vealtbr father and isliH1, . ..in driving away In no pleasant mood. Sally May helps rescue. the boy. takes him home, puts him in her own bed and nurses him back to health in her week of grace before her stern mistress arrives. When that dour party returns ahe finds the two together and scolds the girl with burning criticism. Intimating that nobody would 'marry such a huzay and threatening to turn her out. Collins steps Into the breach and says be will be glad to marry her, and the two are thus united. Ellas Arnald. Collins wealthy father, dies without knowing the whereabout ot his son. snd leaves all bis money, a mirllon dollars, to Druslll. distant relative DrusUla is faselnsted and aghast t the magnificence which suddenly sur rounds her after her life In the Old i 1 A new. longer-wearing surface at substantially reduced. Prices j ConKoleum dealers throunhottt Canada. are now able to offer the well-known (3NG0LEUM S GOLD SHAL 4rt-Rugs at new low price levels. Persian, Chinese, Oriental and domestic patterns, rich in bright, cheerful colorings, are all substantially reduced to the low prices here shown. Ask your dealer to show you the complete aisort-ment of attractive pattern at tlicie low nrkc. 9x12 feet. Formerly $17.25 Now $15.50 9xlOH- " " 15.25 9x 9 " " 13.00 9x 7H " " 10.75 " 9x 6 " " 6.75 Other s!:ra art alto reJuced in price. Longer Wear Congolrum is now maJs wills an Improve J longer-yeKinsur(acr that still en.urs year of satisfactory vie jr. CoNGOLruM Canada Limmed MnsniMi out ot pity. Heartbroken. Sally final It leaves a note tor Collin and goes awar Oollln searches for her lont and hard. In the distent city where she hss gone. Sally May. sick snd 111. realize that she cannot support her young bsby. and she reads In a paper ,ol Drusllla's home for babies. She takes the child there and Is tearing It On the doorstep when an officer arrests herj abandoning the ehtld. The neighbors, t headed by Thorntonre demanding ac-' .ion to oust DrusUla from the Arnold I lace on the ground that she is lncom-1 tent and Is making the home a. public nuisance.' The little old lady isf dragged Into court, where she eiplalnaj 'hat the babies- are only' her guests, uid that she ha a right to help them. As the final cllmaa of his case against' DrusUla, Thornton- calls the "shameless" Sally May to the stand to testify as to ho fsther of her child, and Collin, who Ladles- Hdme, To the Consternation ol hll Kn rather 'tinwllllns all Hon t! Thornton. Arnold's- lawyet, and hiiiw..rf'..i mii'.hi.'i m.. w h i daughter Daphne, the little old lady opens her house to all the homeless babies, and soon has a dozen or more under her roof. Meanwhile Daphne, who has always wanted to marry Oollln while bt was the heir to , the Arnold! wealth discovers where the boy Is and seeks him out in the little town where i confronted by. Mi 6wn wife for whom he has searcried so long! Collin U only too happy! to allow DrusUla tq- continue her workjof Jove tn peace, and the young couple, are 'reunited. LAND ACT NOTIf-K OK INTKMTIO.V TO .UTI.V TO to rriinitsr: mni In Prince Itupert Land Recording Dis trict of Prince Rupert, and situate on the north shore oi the South Arm or Tmtoo Harbor. Moresby bland. Queen Charlotte Islands, Province of British Columbia. TAKE NOTICE that James Field, of Prince Rupert, DC. occupation Marine her husband's carr-r. that he la ashara- rH"V ' iJ l"'a2? UKI. J"?! i w pujviiBQ. uiv 4uiiuwiii ucmrnurq isnas: I north shore of South Arm of Tasoo Harbor. Moresby Island. Queen Charlotte Islands, In the Province of. British Columbia, about S chains from the end of the Oovernment trail; thence 10 chains northessterlys thencei 10 chains northwesterly; thence 10 chains southwesterly; thence 10 chains southeasterly, and containing twenty (20) teres, more or less. JAMES FIELD, Applicant. Dated November 29. 1926. j "fiOVKRNMKNT LIQUOR ACT' NOTICE Of APPLICATION IOII IIKKK I I.KTM'K NOTICE IS HEHEBV OIVEN that on I the 1st day of February next the under I signed Intends to apply to the Liquor Control Board for a licence lit respect to premises being part of the building corner of First and Seventh Streets, in the City of Prince Bupert, Province of British Columbia, upon the lands described as Lots Eleven (11) and Twelvs (12). Thirteen (13) and Fourteen (14), In Block Ten HO). Bectlon One (1), City of Prince Rupert, Province of mulsh Columbia, according to registered map or plan deposited In the Land Keg. Istry Office at th City of Prince Rupert aforesaid and numbered 923, for the sale of beer by the glass or by the open Dome i or consumption on me premise. DATED at Prince Rupert, BO, this 3rd day of January. 1937. COUA E. BLACK, Applicant, 1 3.60 11.75 9.75 7.75 AT LITTLE EXPENSE ?) 111 A lu h kterl ... VW.s Plt, rn H,. f! (lluCK f 'It Itual flrf Mil . GOLEUMXn i I V COLO I HAL 1 ( uilaMflMMUAavmii) j Do Not be Misled! IVh ti ill kmtif ge milne OtticoUum, Hiih lit IniprtHvJ longer -utatint turf ihk by tit Gold Svl atftird in the turjace oj eath Hut. Thli Gold AVal it your gttatanit t of taihfattlon, Tills coupon enlliles you foa SooUlet ho n all the attractive r4t(rmt n their fulUol. . f7 : - Congoleum Canada Limited. 1270 St. Patrick: Street. Montreal. Send me without cott or obliga i n a copy ot your Utctt pattern boc;k!f entitled "Brixbttn Your Home vih Ccncoleum Cold Seal Art-Rue.." Name Address. .. , .... City Prov THE ACME'S FIFTH ANNUAL Temptation SALE To mntui our annual Movk-taUnj.' en.lr, we want to rlear out broken lines. And the price will do it. Our Ti-mpt-' tlon Sale price have been UI further reduced. Specials for Friday and Saturday WOLSKY UNDKHWKAM 'OK MEN Then are pure wool ifurmenta. made lit Knirland. they are In combination only arid c,ome In-nil itize. Rcirular price wa Templallon Sale Price, SOCKS IOIt MKN Thec are in Canhmere, Silk and WVwl, Silk and other in fancy check and in all lzcn. IteKuInr price wan up to $1.25. It will pay you to stock up at thl price. Temptation Sale I'rice. 2pnJrn for JJI.OO Acme Importers Third Avenue Term; Strictly Cnh. No charRe nccounl .Mall Order promptly nltended to. Thompson Hardware Co., Ltd. 2.r Third Avenue. Prince Rupert, ILC. Hair Floor Itroum from S2.00 to .!;t.7r Welhled Floor I'olNhlnjr IJrushe $1.00 Chemically Treated Dry DusllnB Mops jjt.7.- Floor Wax, either liquid or nolld, from J10r up KASV VACUUM ELECTRIC WASHERS UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED fuming from prlnre ltNMrt. tor VAHrOL'VLK, VICTORIA. Huansen liay suit Alert luy, itcH Tuesilay, 3 l.w. l or V.N( OL'Vi;n, VICTOIll A, Alert Bay and Nntinson Hiy, tie Hatunlaj. 9 a.m. lor I'Ortr HIMI-SON, ANVOX, AI.ICK Alt.M, MT;WtltT and Nsus Hltrr rsnni'rles. Hilmlar. R n.m. IM ud .Xeiliie. It. M. MMITII, Ageiil. Prlno Hiliert. IU'.