25 TAXI Boston Grill nd Ambulance Service Anywhere nt Anytime Stnnd: KxchnrtKe lluilding MATT VIDECK, Prop. C- .- VOL. XVII., No. 11. mete 1 QUEBEC SOUNDS NOTE OF WARNING MUNICIPAL ELECTION RESULTS IN COMPLETE TURNOVER Both Party Leaders of Eastern Province Speak of Conference Premier Taschereau and Conservative Leader Sauve insist that there be no infringe- ments on rights of individual ! provinces j QUKUKC. January 11. Premier Taschereau and Arthur Sauve, j l advr of the Conservatives in the legislature, both warned against i infringements upon the rights of Quebec in any changes of Canada's j ontitutional status which may have been made at the last Im-K-rial Conference in speeches made in the provincial houi-e during the debate on the address in reply to the speech from the throne. i In the course of his remarks, Premier Taschereau said: "I think j ha fidelity to our Uritish ties Is necessary for our national sur-: va We should jealously watch over Its preservation and we are , . . a not ready to leave It to a majority of GRAIN LOADINGS j FROM VANCOUVER ' MM: IMiUn. MOTI.V tIKIMI PAIU tt (;. took mime ?to.o lU-IIlL III' liltAIN lltOM MHTHEHN POUT w i.i:k in. Jasv 14 The following ."i grata tm durusg t&r e Transporter tar Avotunoulti. tut Liverpool. T36 U : itt tor Hamburg Hh option A - or Bremen. 1MJSI bvatoeU. . Maru. for Ohangbal. 334.53 frju for Yokohama. 3I4A1 K m Maru. for Sfcanfhal. 24.187 . .-.it A;-.. a Maru. tor Kobe. M J13 buaheU Y ..-., . Maru. for Shanghai. 100.000 ( .. .at tor Buenaventura. US87 : !: FAMOUS ACTOR IS BURNED TO DEATH AUNOI.II IAI.I,Y I.OT Ills 1.11 1: IN Mm; mIikii mw:pt new umik APARTMENT ESTEROAV NEW YORK. Jan. 14. Arnold Daly. 3 ft) actor and theatrical manager. burned to death yesterday In a tire h swept the building In which he . an apartment on the fourth floor. P. -fading up a stairway from the ground ' the flamea cut off his only avenue encape Piremen. dashing Into the idiot, made several daring rescues ' i' they seemed to be unaware of Daly j ing been In hvt apartment. THe actor t.rsi gained prominence by Introducing Bernard ShaWa plays In New York, making hU first appearance In 1802. MILLIONS FOR ROAD BUILDING UlTOIIIA TIMES SAYS IIOVEHNMKNT Nil. I, M'I'.Mi 9l.oun.lMio ON TWO-YEAII I'ltOllll AM VICTOlltA, Jan. 14. Tlie Victoria Timee says "It is expected here that the provincial government's annual road loan will total some 4. 000.000 which will be pent over a two year period In build tug roads all over the province. Money will be available through gasoline and fllntni. t . .. i .. . LAMiuvt Inun hut the public works department l opposed to borrowing all thU money Just now as ome of the money collected through motor licenses and gasoline tax must be Used as current revenue In road Improvement." j Advertise in the Dully News ' ... the whole of Canada to say. without l he : consent of our province, what It future i constitution hall be." He launMied that in coiutitutlon mutt not be j changed without the consent of the province of Quebec and of eata provuiM expressed be 1U legislature, j UH'.Xl CONCKKX III Y Firirir sti:wioiu(: PIMM IIY I" MAVtllfclt Announrement was received by the Dally News this moraine in a telegraphic statement from i M. P, McCaSery. who le at prent In Vancouver, to the effect that Albert A McCaffery nd J H. Pltlsbury. bad bought out the Pacific Stevedoring Oo of tbia port. Mr. Pltlsbury. who was for many yean manager of the local dry dock, more recently being In the C.N.R. engineering service at Victoria, will be manager of the local concern which will make a strong bid for all work In Its line that of-fera here, particularly In the matter of grain ship loading. WELLS GRAY WINS IN WESTMINSTER Itrlrulrd Ma)r Annanilale .v Marlt) of 1M In (Hie Election Yetrril NKW WESTMINSTER. Jan. 14-Ex-Mayor A. Wells Gray defeated Mayor T B. Annandale by a majority of 700 In the elvle election here yesterday There was a keen tight and the overwhelming majority of Mr. Oray was a surprise even to his supporter. WOMAN FALLS OUT OF THIRD STOREY WINDOW OF HOTEL VANCOUVER, Jan. 14. Mrs Myrtle Potts Is In critical condition with a h'rxkrn hack ss a result of a fall from a second storey window ot a local hotel early this morning According to he police, the woman and two male companions were drinking tn her room. ELABORATE DEFENCES BEING PREPARED BY FOREIGNERS, CHINA CANTON. Jsn. 14, BrltSih and for-elgn authorities are preparing elaborate defences for Shameen foreign settlement fearing a threatened attack from Na tlonallsU who are closing many unau-thoflaed unions and constituting arbit rary regxilationa for sirne sewenicut. England has put Its tax on betting Into effect, and now they are betting on the probable results of the tax. Oreater Berlin now has about 330 movie houses with, some' 140,000 seats. the record for Europe , . Northern and ' PRINCE 5 WINNIPEG THEATRE FIRE, THIS GRIT WON'T OUIT ; ri(i:.iin.T or nova kcotia I.L1ILATIW: MU M II, ICE-USES to COMPLY WITH. I'i:e.mii:k.h itmji i:st IIW.Il.W. Jsn. II. IToUlrnt Ismjh Mark f the IrglMallir rami-r 11. Liberal, ha written Premier Khmlr. It aiinnuiirrd )rlrrdjy, refnlns lo reOrii at Hie re-urt of llir latter who liai ignlflnl hl de-Ire to apMlnt a riiirnatUe tu the Mltlun. II UN tstnl In the Irllrr that "there l eonlilrrable doubt a lu I lie lefal power of IhN gotrrnntent In dlMnlu I lie prrM-nl IrKUUtlie rouiiHI. I ndcr the rlreiiintaiirr. 1 a ilo not think that It U In the public Interest to adopt jour ustrtlon and relgn mr offli-r." STAY or EXECUTION or pi 1 1 i.i p ooontviN' LOS ANGELES. Jan. 14. The Bute Supreme Court yesterday granted a stay, ot. the execution of Itev. PhUlp Ooodwtn, former resident ot Victoria, who was convicted pf the murder ot Joseph Patterson, a Los Angeles broker, and was sentenced to hang today A review of the case has been granted. MINDING HIS OWN BUSINESS NEW EAMNIl PUEMIEK SAYS I.M-PEIIIAI. I'KH.M K IH MATTEIC I'Olt I'AN'All ANII NOT IOU HIM TO TALK Allot T OTTAWA. Jsn. 14. Canada's contri bution to Imperial defence Is a ques tlon for Premier King to consider de flared Premier Coatrs ot New Zealand on his arrival here last night. It was a question, he said, upon which he did not wish to express an opinion. 11.C MAYOKS Among mayors elected In the province at yesterday's contests were the follow ing! NelsonMayor J, A. MacDonald. Rowland Aid. William Turner. OffintrpoV J Roberts PRINCE RUPERT Central British Columbia's Newspaper RUPERT. B.C FRIDAY. JANUARY 14, 1927 December 23, in .jvhich four firemen were kiUednd seyjy njuje L. Provincial Police Given Fine Endorsation by Civic Voters; Aid. W. J. Greer Headed Poll With a majority of 104 the approved of policing the city by being 5(h) in favor to 403 opposed. The total vote polled this year was in excess of that cast at the last civic election in 192C and, in , a larpe measure, this was due to the interest taken in fhe police ; situation, as there was no contest for the mayoralty. For the four positions on the city council there was a keen con-i test and for the honor of being the fourth alderman a recount was necessary which did not alter the first decision of giving the seat to P. H. Llnrey by one vote over Jame - Black. Alderman Oreer who. tor the first time, has hsd his name appear on the civic ballot paper, led the poll with total ot ill votes. Last year he was elected by acclamation to complete the unexpired term of Alderman McMordle who resigned to run tor the mayor's, chair. The aewer bylaw had a majority of 33 over the necessary three-fifths of the total vote which was required to carry, the vote being 437 In favor to 304 against. There was a total of 991 votes cast as compared with a total of 910 cast In the mayoralty contest a year ago. The votes received by the different lldermanlc candidates was as follows: Aid, W. J. (Irwt..., 311 Aid. W. M. Uruwn. 4 S3 (1. P. Tinker 4C? P. II. IJniry 1 4il Jas. Black . , 426 J. M. Morrison 394 Md. George Casey ..,,,....,.... 303 ,V. It. Montgomery v 300 3polled 35 POLICE PI.EI1IM ITE For Provincial Police . , 509 Against '. 405 Spoiled . 47 uvmiu m;u:k iiylaw For 427 Against 304 Spoiled 23 Necessary to carry 394 Majority 33 VANCOUVER H.'CHAN(ili . ,' Bid. Asked Wheat l.38 B.C. Telephone 310.00 314.00 B.C. Silver 1.53 1.63 Dun well . 1.41 1.43 Glacier .09 V, .10 Independence JD9, ,10 Indian 04 .03 Marmot 10 .14 Premier 1.93 1.95 Porter Idaho 14 .15; Silver Crest 051, .06 Vlrtorln .to electors of Prince Itupert yesterday the provincial police, the final vote VANDALISM IN JEWELRY STORE ItEM'LT ttr ISIIEAKINO WINOOW IN Vancoii:k shop was theft ox .new yeau's mokn1no VANCOUVER.' Jan. 14. Vandalism on New Year'a morning when the window of the James Jewelry stare on Hasting Street West wa broken led to the thef- of goods valued at S32J tccordlcg to a report Just made to the police by James Abrahamson, proprietor. THREE RAILWAYMEN , KILLED; NEW YORK Crimn Mirrl ll!rw off Uximiotlte and Ensliieer, llremaif and llrakenmn l.ie Their I.Ives ROME, New York. Jan. 14. Max Reldal. engineer; James,': Johnson, fire-mau. and P. W. Stelnbactt. brakcinan. ' were kilted yesterday when a crown ' 1 sheet blew off a freight train locomotive near here. ! FREDERICK BUSBY IS AGAIN MAYOR ! OF NANA1M0 CITY j , NANAIMO, Jan. 14 Ex-Mayor Fred-j crick Bushby was elected over Mayor Victor Harrison in the municipal election here yesterday with a majority ot j 93. Mr. Bushby holds the long record! tor service as mayor of this city. Last year, he was compelled to relinquish the post on account of Ill-health but this year, with renewed vigor and undiminished popularity, he cane back and captured the honors In a closely ntetftrl trnlgM battle. Circulation IS? Sale 534 ! View from Noire Dame Ave. RESPONSIBLE FOR DEATHS UPIiU.l.ll Jl I.J lll.tKtir. I'liO- i I PUIETOK ANI OlMtlALS Of MONTREAL TIIEATKE .MONTREAL, Jan. It. Aiueend Ijiwrriid, agrd 31, proprietor; .Mirhael .trie. 31. al-tant maiiaRrr. and Camll llarx). 30. head uhrr. In the Laurlrr Pa lure Theatre were found criminally responsible for the death of S rhildre; and for Hut offence all other mtmim wlio may die from any raue attributable to the panic by a evroner' Jury last nl;ht. A warrant wa lued aulhorlzln' the tolUe tu hold the three men as prisoner. UOYV IIANIl TO PLAY I'Olt SKATEKS AT SALT LKE OX sr.MI.W VM. Bandmaster Thomas Wilson has acceded to the request ot a number of skating enthusiasts to take the Boys' Band across the harbor on Sunday to play tor skating. Weather permitting, the band will start a program at the Salt Lake on that afternoon at 3:30. The Ice has been good at the Salt Lake all week and yesterday afternoon and last evening large crowds went across to enjoy a sport that Is rarely afforded the people of Prince Rupert RUSSIA GETTING READY TO FIGHT WAIt C It YE Its" AUK ACTIVE ANU .MANY MEN WAIT IX LINE TO SKIN ON FOK PKEII1CTEO WAIt PAKE MOSCOW Jan. 14. VoresheUoff successor of Trotsky aa head of the Red Army has Joined the chorus pf "war cryers" of Soviet Russia. He declared today that Russia must prepare tor a possible war as "the countries surrounding us. backed by England, are preparing lo attack us. We must mllltaxize the whole population, especially . the working classes, and must conduct an active newspaper campaign to prepare the people for the struggle." Long lines of men waited In the bitter ...i.i ..DM . vps'.tHv fo register. Large Upstair Dining Hall, with newly laid dancing floor, for hire NEW SODA FOUNTAIN. The latest and best for the least. l'hone 457. Price Five Onts protests made by ukranians YANt'OlVEIt MASS -MEETIM! lK JIANDs RELEASE OK POLITICAL PRISONERS IV POLANI CIIAIUiES ARE MADE VANCOUVER. Jan. 14. Demanding full amnesty for aU political ptiuoncri In Poland and the liberation of one man In a death cell at Tarnapol for being found In possession, of seditious literature, a Ckranlan mass meeting In this city endorsed petitions which hav .- .... m.u( to the tederal authorities a Ottawa, the United States consul at Montreal and the Polish authorities at Warsaw. Two hundred and seven Cxranlans affixed their names to copies of petitions which charged that the Polish government was persecuting Uiranlan workers and peasants and that in countless cases they were thrown iu jail and held there for months without trial. PRINCE GEORGE MAYORDEFEATED A. M. PATTERSON CAPTl'KES IX-I TEKIOIt MAYORALTY FROM I. l. TAV LOIt PKOPEftTY OWN ER tERE STJONO PRINCS GEO ROE. Jan. .1I.-C-FTM D. Taylor, mayor of this city during 1936, went down to defeat in the municipal election here yesterday, the mayor elect being A. M. Patterson who secured a handy majority of 59 In the contest. The successful aldermanic candidates were A. B. Moffatt. merchant: T. A. Orltnth. merchant: D. O. Prater, blacksmith: Edward Ople. car foreman, these four being re-elected, and two new men. Paul Wleland. merchant: and O. A. Kennedy, laborer. Defeated aldermanic candidates were W. H. Crocker. Nicholas MrdalJ. and C. C. Reld. In the contest tor three seats on the school board. J. O. Qulnn, printer, was re-ele:ted. and F. C. Saunders, clerk, and J. B. Lambert, wholesale merchant, were chosen new members. Two women. Mrs. Helen McLeod and Mrs. Agnes May Kcgers were defeated. The Prince George Property Owners' Association manifested Its strength by electing every one ot its endorsed candidates with the single exception ot C. C. Reld In the aldermanic contest. FIRST CURLING GAME IN YEARS Till) KINKS CONTESTED OX ICE SHEET ON C.N.K. ICEsEKVE Vr.sTEUOAY The first game cf curling .that has taken place tn Prince Rupert for several years was played yesterday on the pond below Second Avenue and resulted In a win tor Mr. R. L. Mcintosh's rink by a score ot 17 to 6 against the rink skipped by William Millar. The contesting rinks were as follows; P. M. Ray. N. A. Watt. W. S. rtsher. R L. Mcintosh (skip). T. McClymont. Fred Stork. O. C. Mc-Rae. W. Miller (skip). The Mcintosh rink won 10 out of 13 ends and Is now challenging all coincnt. THIRTY-SEVEN ARE KILLED WHEN GAS BLOWS UP ON BOAT TAMPICO. Jsn. 14. Thirty-seven Mexican longshoremen are believed to have been .Hilled la an explosion of gasoline aboard, the British steamer Essex Isles on Thursday. died AFreiTwrac IN NORffl VANCOUVER VANCOUVER, Jan. 14. Returning from voting at the North Vancouver election. Mrs. J. L. Oallagher, aged M. collapsed outside her home and died ahnr Inkivedlstely.