PAGE SIX m mmm mm Tin advertisement is not pulilu-lieil or displayed oy the Liquor Control Hoard or by the (iuvcriunenl of lirilish Columbia. Jif Jif Specials Jif consists of Soap Flakes at 25c per package- With every package we will give one china fiand painted cup and saucer free. So why not take advantage and order a dozen packages? Classic Soap, 17 cakes for :.. $1.00 While Swan Soap, 20 cakes for $1.00 Mussallem Grocery Co. Ltd. 117-123 Fifth Avenue East Phones 18 and 81 Perfect Sight A matter of foresight. Many cases of eye trouble are averted by early application of proper lenses. Present neglect may mean future trouble. A. E. Ireland (iraduale Optometrist .ijy imru avenue. (Opposite G.W.V.A.) WOOD Dry Jack Pine, Cedar, IHrch and Spruce Per load '. . . $6.50 Per half load $3.50 Per sack 50c Firelighters, 48 for $1.00 delivered. HydeTransfer l.'5'J Second Avenue Phone 580 Night or Day WE HUV DOTTLES. MILK From Dulkley Valley 1KHSII MILK AND WHIPPING CItEAM Quality and Service Valentin Dairy Phone C57 PRODUCTIONOF ALASKA HEAVY YEAH IB20 SV.T liLCOIEIt tOll I'tU'E TIME IV Ol TOOINU COMMERCE VALlLO AT $KU,(mu,000 With" an aggregate value of 76.328,4l! shipments from Alaska" o the States during the first eleven months of 1825. increased over 1825 by tl9.264.382, according to .figures made public by col lector or customs J. c. McBrlde at Juneau, Alaska. Only twice In the history f the Territory has this figure been exceeded, 1917 and 1918, both wartime years, The volume of business last year probably exceeded both these years as prices of all commodities represented In the list were considerably in excess of those prevailing last year. A pronounced Increase in the value ot products of the fisheries Industries, mainly canned salmon, was the maul factor In the Increase for 1926. The' value of fisheries products shipped from) January to December 1, 1926, was (53,- I 765.854, or $18,574,000 more than In 1925. Canned salmon alone Jumped' from $28,501,516 to $48,024,051. an in crease of $19,522,535. The total value of all fisheries products came within about $2,000,000 of equaling all shipments ol Alaskan products for the first eleven months of 1923. f'.OLII -MAKES jl.M Gold and silver shipments for tha period January to November inclusive had- a declared value of $5,779,478 as compared to $4,681,231 for the same period In 1925. This, however, does not cover all of the gold shipped during that time. None of the by-mall ship ments are included as this class of exports are not reported until after the close of the year. Between $1,500,003 and $2,000,000 will be added to this commodity, it is expected, when final figures are made up by the Customs ssjBnpraHKny A DANDY ! JAPANESE CHINA CUP AND . SAUCER FKEE With One Package or "Jif" "$uds in a Jiffy" All for urn-Get a dozen or half a dozen while they are going. 40-50 Prunes, per lb 122c 25 lb. box for $2.05 CO-70 Prunes, per lb !. 10c 25 lb. box for $2.35 PUKE JAM SALE Nabob, Empress or Malkin's Best Strawberry Jam, 4 lb. tin ... 75c Black Currant Jam, 4 lb. tin 75c Loganberry Jam, 4 lb. tin ... 70c Red Plum Jam. ,4 lb. tin 50c These Jams are just in and all first-class stock, but we have too many and they have to go. B C. Butchers & Grocers Limited Phones 45 and 574. THE SALE OF ALL SALES Quality First, Price Last Men's Mackinaw Coats, best make, all wool $5.!M Men's Tweed Suits .... $9.'J5 Men's Tweed Overcoats $19.85 Men's Heavy Wool Work Shirts $1.-19 Men's Overalls $1.J5 Men's Wool Hose 20c MANY OTilEK BARGAINS. Come and ee. We set a hard pace for others to follow, Thor Johnson 720 Second Avenue Dr. Alexander Smith Iilock Phone 575 DENTIST George Rorie CHARTERED ACCOUNT. ANT AND AUDITOR Phone 387 243 Second Avenue West, Prince Rupert TIIE DAILY NEWS Friday, Jnnuar- j. m NOTE : sSE5$ m If you take YEAST sfn QwX M for Jur health. fejtyMft M use Royal Yeast 1 a XAvJvAysSL M Cakes. Write for m amTOfc.Cv W I'lrPP nnnKi.RT 1 " K OYA LYE AST 1 W1MlV$M roR BETTER Kssxerafll. service. fOITKIt AIMH'T NOIt.M.U. Shlpmenu of copper ore were vlrti ally normal for the period. The value of this commodity shipped for the first eleven months of the year was $10.-OT.0.005, as compared with $10,680,933, a loss of $350,828. Herring showed a' marked decline, due it is believed to late runs In western areas. The herring exports for the period covered were valued at $1,460,012. as against $3,194,407. showing a loss of plIed. Decembtr ,hpmtnU ,nould .dd $l.73U95. I almost $2,000,000 to the total given for Mlld-curcd salmon broke about even.itne Ilm elcven montht ln admlon a slight loss being recorded. The eleven i tnlI, on thlpmenta of fur ,nd months' shipmenu were valued at $1.- goi by mil, ,ul, are rccclre1 140.008 as compared to $1,293,568. jwhcn ; gnoul, w ,t ,eM anoUltr rrrsu saimon snipmenis oecaine s noticeable Item. Its value being $526 307. Halibut shipments showed the respective total ot $1,743,012, slightly ln excess of last yar's total. There was little change In the value "GOVERNMENT LIQUOR ACT." NOTICE Of APPLICATION lOlt IIKEK LICEM'K NOTICE IS HEREBY OIVEN that, on the 10th day of February next, the un dersigned intends to apply to the Liquor i Control Board for a licence ln respect ! of premises being part of the building ' Known as seal wove iiotei. situate at the City of Prince Rupert, ln the Province of British Columbia, upon the lands described as all that portion of Waterfront Block "I." Biy of Prince Rupert. City of Prince Rupert, Province of British Columbia. Map 023. Prince Rtipert Land Registration District, and being more particularly described as follows: ..A "Commencing at a point w!ch ties ln a straight line of bearing north 69 deg. 23' 8" east a distance of 767.23 feel frcm the centre of circle as shown on said Plan 823. Sectlcn' 7. thence south 6 deg. 35' 25" eavt'a distance of 60 feet to a point, thence Tiorth 83 deg. 24' 35" ! cast a distance of 100 feet to a point. thence north 8 deg. 35' 25" west a dls-. tance of 60 feet to a point, thence south '83 deg. 24' 35" west a distance of 100 ; feet to the point of commencement." . for the sale of beer b7 the glass or by the open bottle for consumption on the premises. ; DATED this 12th day of January. 1B27. 1 H. A. DODD, Applicant. i LAND ACT NOTICE OP INTENTION TO APPLY TO LEASE rOICESIIOUE In Graham Island. 3uecn Charlotte bland Land Recording District ot Prince Rupert, and situate at Ferguson Bay. Massett Inlet. Graham Island. TAKE NOTICE that Powell Jllver Company Limited of Vancouver, U.C occupation Manufacturers, Intend to apply for a lease of the following described lands: Commencing at a past planted at the northeast corner of D.U 1571; thence WMtMlv. fMIiurtntr ntrlhrn hntinrf.p nf I said Lot to the northwest corner of said Lot; thence westerly, northerly and Ferguson Bay to the extreme easterly point of Echinus Point; thence southeasterly to the point of commencement, and containing 150 acres, more or leu. POWELL RIVER COMPANY, LTD. Agent. J, Douglas Wilson. Dated 4th November. 1026 LAND ACT NOTICE OP INTENTION TO APPLY TO TO LEASE LA NO In Prince Rupertand -Recording 'District, and situate at Huston Inlet, Queen Charlotte Islands. TAKE NOTICE that Robert M. Currle. of Vancouver, B.C.. occupation fish packer, intends to apply for a lease of the lollowing described lands: . Commencing at a post planted at I northeast corner about 1 .000 feet westerly from miners' cabins at head of Huston Inlet: thence westerly 20 chains; thence southerly about 13 chains; thence easterly 20 chains: thence northerly about 12 chains, and containing 24 acres, more or leu. ROBERT M. CURRIE. Applicant. ANGER, the TAILOR ! 1 Suits made to order. In our 8hop $50 as low as 223 Sixth Street of fur shipmenu for the period. Thaler, bound from Pwl Altec for Bluhbw The aggregate value of all furs shipped , Day. 10 mile northwest of roullney was $94065 as compared to $95354.1 Point This doe not include either furs shipped by mall or the annual take of fur seat on the Pribllof Islands by the Department of Commerce. HILL ICKAdl $Xil,fMH.MH. ( Collector McBrlde is of the opinion that the vear'a outimlnz enmmm. from Alaslt, w, mcIl fttl0Ul qoq wh, , th. flyllr for 10M . noo.OOO to the total The balance of trade In favor of the, TtUvt?tl Creek-dear. oalm. temp Territory la expected to be the largest 2a on record. Official figures Issued by) NabHn-Temp. 4J below. the Department of Commerce for the, Whltebom-Cloudy. ealm. temp. 29 first nine months of 1926 showed lm- below. ports for that period were valued at Dawaon-CIoudy. calm. temp. 18 be-$27,700,000. approximately the same as low. were snippea to Alaska during the samel perioa in jwz. WILLIAM SIBBALD BURNED YESTERDAY j Prominent OIti Timer XiifTrreil Vntul Injurlr from lire YrtrnUy f William Slbbald, prominent old timer of the city, suffered rather badly from-burns to his hsnds while attempting to extinguish fire which bad become Ignited In his residence on Eighth Avenue yesterday afternoon. Mr. 81b-1 bald had Just returned frccn town and! was in the act of lighting a fire in the! heater when, by some means, papers' became Ignited and later the beddlnj, caught fire. In an effort to prevent! the fire from spreading, Mr. Slbbald seized the bedding and dragged It out of doors and. while doing so. had his hands badly burned. Dr. Cade was summoned and Pressed the burns and later took him to the hospital where It Is reported today that he is doing nicely although the burns prove rather painful. v BODY OF MAN LOST THREE YEARS AGO FOUND IN ALASKA KODIAK. Jan, 14, The mutilated body of a white man, found by Indians on the shore of Lake Kanatak. 100 miles west of here. Is believed to be that of Charles Nelson who rowed out from the fishing village three years ago and never returned, his overturned boat being found frozen In the ice. HOCKEY. Ottawa 3, Pittsburg 1. New York Americans 1. Canadlens 3. 8t. Patricks 1. New York Rangers 1. Boston 2, Detroit X SCHEDUlEFOR LADIES' WHIST JANUARY. 1027 18 Pythian Bisters v. Orange Ladles. Moose Ladles v. 6t. George's Ladles. FEBRUARY 1 Orange Ladles v. Bt. Oeorge's Ladles Pythian Bisters v. Moose Ladles. 15 Pythian Sisters v. Bt. Oeorge's Ladles, Moose Ladles v. Orange Ladles. MARCH 1 Orange Ladles r. Pythian Sisters. 8t. Oeorge's Ladles v. Moose Ladles. 15 St. Oeorge'a Ladles v. Orange Ladles Moose Ladles v, Pythian Sisters. AJ.titUit In th Daily Nm. DR.TOLMIEIS TO STAND OUT VICTOltlA. Jan. 14. Hon. Dr. 8. F jTolmle. chosen provincial Conservatlv.- leader at the Kamloops convention in November, will .not seek eeat In the legislature- until the next provincial election according to a Statement made In the house yesterday afternoon by Col. Fred Lister. Conservative member for Crcston, during the debate In reply 10 the speech from the throne. AFrER LONG SERVICE IN YUKON, MOUNTIE IS GOING TO OTTAWA Sergeant Major D. Lean of the H. C. M. P who has been stationed in the Yukon for the past eighteen years, arrived. In the city on the Princess Mary this morning and will leave on tomorrow's train for Ottawa where he will be stationed In the future. WIRELESS REPORT X a.m. DIODT ISLAND Cloudy, calm; barometer. 30.0 temperature. 37: sea smooth: 9.13 am., steamer Princess Mary out southbound: 0 a m. steamer Prince Rupert out southbound; 8 am spoke steamer Catals left Lowe Inlet northbound. BULL HARBOR Ittln. strong southeast wind: barometer, 23.78; temperature. 40: sea rough: 8 pjn. spoke tug Cape I Scott abeam Namu bourn for Ooesti Palls: 8 pm. spoke steamer E. D. Klnas- MiOV DIODY ISLAND' Cloudy. eaJra: Imto-meter. MO I; temjrrtuire. 3$: sea smooth. TIIE WEATHER Prince Rupert Cloud, calm, Uwn 37. Terr see Cloudy, calm. temp. 11. Rosftwswd Cloudy, calm. temp. 10. Alyanan Cloudy, ealm. temp. 6. Alice Arm Cludy, ealm. temp. 18. Hszeltftn Cloudy, calm. temp. aero. SmlUvsr CKjudjf. calm, temp wo Burn Lake Cloudy, calm, temp 3 ! abava. aig Salmon Temp 28 brtow. SIS OF LAND AMENDMENTS PRE-EMPTIONS, unreserved, survsed Crown IaihU may be ir-etnptl by Bntinh uI'Jm U over II years ot . ami by lin on declaring Intention to Uvum Urltish subjects, conditional uixm rHnc. occupation, Jid Improvident for agricultural urio Full Inforrntlton conctrutnt- rrw-a Hons regarding pre-emptions Is Klven In Bulletin No. 1, Land Hrls, "Mow to Pre-empt tand," copies of tihtch can be obtained free of charge ly addressing the Deportment ol Lands, Victoria. B.C.. or to any Government Assnt. u Records will be granted covering only land aultabU for aitrleulturaJ purpoe. and vrhlrh Is not timber-land. I.e.. carrying over MOO board feet !er acre west of the Coast Range and 5.000 feet per acre east of that Kun. Applications for pre-emptions are to be addressed to the Land Commissioner of th Land Recording Division. In which the land applle-l for Is situated, and are made en printed forms, copies ot which can be obtained from the Land Commissioner. Pre-emptions must be occupied for five years and Improvements ma4 to value of 110 tier acre. Including clearing and cultivating at least five acre, before a Crown Grant can be received. For more detailed Information set the Bulletin "How to Tre-empt Lan.l." u PURCHASE Applications are received for purchase ot vacant and unreserved Crown lands, not being tlmherlund. for agricultural purposes; minimum price for first-class (arable) land is It per acre, and econd-clas (Erasing) land (3.(0 per acre. Further Information regarding purchase or lease of Crown landfl Is given In Bulletin No. 10, Land Eerles. "Purchase and Lease ot Crown Iands." Mill, factory, or Industrial sites oo timber land, not exceeding 40 acres, may be purchased or lsnsed, the conditions Including payment ot stumpsgs. 'HOMESITE LEA8E8 Unsurveyed areas, not exceeding II acres, may be leased as homesltea, conditional' upon a dwelling being erected ln the first yssr, title being obtainable after residence and Improvement oondltlons are fulfllM and land has been surveyed, LEASES Tor grating and Industrial purposes areas not exosedlng (40 acres may be leased' by one perse or a compear. GRAZING 9 Undtr the Oraxlng Aot the Province Is dlvldsJ Into crazing distrlota and the range administered under a Qraslng Commissioner. Annual erasing permits ars Issued baaed en aumbsrs ranged, priority being given to established ownera. Btoelcownen may form asaKiatlona for range management. Free, or partly free, permits axe available for settler 3prs and trsveDsrs, te last Start Z Right Diamond SneeialUt a Milli ion I'athun ! ( tomedv ! !, . 1 1 , ! We., : h ' KKNXKTII IIAW.AN, IIKMtY UAHUOWK. V1I I IIUMI'IIHHYS, 1'UISCII.I.A IJONNKIt, MAItY I Win and brilliant all Ur cast. C'O.M HI) Y "PAY TUB CASIIIHIL" I'ATJIH ItHVIHW AtlmUhion 50c nml In PRE-IVENTORY JANUARY, SALE We can proralM? you Ijarjtaln galore. .Spare I limited. V can only mention a few Item'. We pay no expert to put on a r.nlc for us but wr she his re munerallon In greater value to our cuntnmer. Sale Starts - January 14 i and terminate January 22nd. DHHSSKS All new color. Values to J7JJ0. for MM' IJalance of Dream? in Flat Crcp,.SatinA. uU . Take th. r away at 14 prlre. COATS . Some wonderful new CoaU. value to fl'J.60. A. to le cleared at Vi off. Chlldren'K Coatn at game reductions. W off. SWKATHItS The very latest, including JacRer linen. Ladies'. Child-renV, Hoys or Girls'. Ho per cent off. UNDKKWKAK All linen to clear at very heavy reduttiona. Jacjrer, Turn bull'rt or WaUon'a. Silk V6ta from SSI. OU. WaUon'n make. Silk llloomcra froni SI. 00. WaUson's make. SILK HOSH .Monarch d'reen Stripe. Hejr. 91. lift, for Holeproof I'urc Silk IIom and other IIiioh. Valuea ! J 1.75 for All Wool CaMhmere Hose, various colon. lltKuiiir $1 I ' for jer jmlr 7,-,,. Chlltlren'M Cashmere Hone, any lte or color, 10c off ever pair. nathrolcH nt 2(1 per cent discount. CoretN of nil descriptions nt special prlcert DHHSS (JOODS Special TahleM :,0c yard, 75c yard. $1.25 yard FlanneletteH, Towels, IJetlsprcniK Curtnlns, Curtain (lood.s, IllankelH, Cretonnes, Sheets, nl reduced price.-. All lines not specified from 10 per cent to 20 pur ceiif Discount. No reserves. Phone 'J. Be-on Time! Our Clotks nrc all KuaranU-fd tnu'krcKTn. Vllt our Vly Itoom. See the beautiful (.HANDFATIIIMt CLOCKS CHIMBS clocks WAI.I, CLOCKS. Dozens of different dexiitns In Fancy .Mantel Clock.. Clocks front $l.!!. up Max Heilbroner 527 32U Third Attn WESTHOLME THEATRE FHIDAY AM) SATLKDAY. 7 and 0 p.m. Saturday Matinee ut 3 p.m. "Drusilla with CASH TALKS IN THIS S.ALH CUT THIS AD. OUT. The H. S. WALLACE Co., Ltd. 3rd Avenue and Fullon St.