. ... PAUE TWO The Daily News PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue. H. P. PULLEN - - - Manaxlne Editor. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: City Delivery, by mail or carrier, per month 75 By mail -to all parts of the British Empire and the United Stages, in advance, per year f5.00 To all other countries, in. advance, per year $7.50 v Transient Display Advertising, per Inch per insertion ....... $1.40 Transient Advertising on Front Page, per inch $2.80 Local Readers, per insertion per line 25 Classified Advertising, per insertion Vr& word Legal Notice?, each insertion per agate line Contract Rates on Application , ."Advertising and Circulation Telephone - Edijor and Reporters Telephone Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. DAILY EDITION 98 86 15 Thursday, July 14, 1927' EVOLUTION OF RELIGION Despatches from England indicate that the Church of made some very interesting changes recently in its constitution Since the big gathering of churchmen it is not necessary for a mem ber of the church to believe that Eve was actually manufactured out of a rib taken from Adam's side. Most Anglicans have not believed it for mahy years but they hate to say so openly. At any rate, it did not seem to injure anybody, leaving it in as part of their doc trine. An Anglican always likes to hark back anyway. Another thing the church allows under its changed constitu tion is that the consecrated bread and wine ded in the sacrament may be kept. There is also nothing to prevent any member worship ping it if he feels that way inclined. - The change in .regard to the making of Eve was a concession to the evolutionists and the other was a concession to the High Church or Romanist section of the church. Other changes will, follow, possi bly, but they will follow only when members of that body actually demand it. The earthquake in" the Holy Land reminds us that something like a dozen languages are used there. In Prince Rupert there' seems to be only two used to any extent. They are English and profane. CHANGES CONTINUALLY TAKING PLACE , Changes are continually taking place, although possibly the slowest to move are the churches. Day by day we are increasing . our knowledge and as that increases we note the incongruity in what we once thought was truth. After all, truth is largely a point of view and the greatest men are those who are tolerant of all religions, all faiths, and even of superstitions. The world must change slowly and all we can do to hasten development will make very little difference while all we can do to stop development will be just as small. The year is divided into seasons. There is the basketball and badminton season, the boating season, the baseball and football season, and the strawberry season. Now we are just coming into the raspberry season. IMPORTS LARGE, EXPORTS LARGER The importation of farm products from foreign countries was for the year 1920 valued at over three million dollars. This was a large amount and it is often argued that this produce should be raised at home. It must be remembered, however, that during the same period the exports amounted to over eight million dollars so that agriculture in. " British Columbia may be said ' to be on a per-fectly'sound basis. .. It also must be remembered that a great deal of the import was for seasonable fruits and vegetables coming from the warmer climate to the south, partly for such commodities as strawberries which are consumed here in large quantities but also for fruits which cannot under any circumstances be grown in Canada, such as bananas. Doubtless there are yet improvements to be made and the imports of fruit and vegetables might be cut down very considerably if the market was better supplied at home, yet there will always be some foreign fruit purchased here and a great deal of B.C. fruit and Vegetables sold abroad, all depending on the condition of the market at the time. A lot of us spend nearly a third of our lives sleeping in bed and another third sleeping over our work. There does not seem to be safety in numbers as far as Atlantic flying is concerned. Lindy. went alone and, so far, his flight has been the most completely successful. I best J iy r Sold evetyvhen vr. OBtpoMa tmo a vast Wwtern wlkieroe.1. I Might 1 JTT""V again tempted fair now a gaXtn low might prosper on lta bounty. ' An important part In this great move-' HQW dlmcult w tllf, mm mrnt waa the pony eapreaa rider, daring i, A U(i, mwt ,, . local awej- ananargy. uoe u g- . ttor( ,M pwebaed a watea aJl Aa a haaa aai rar ttawl w.An 1Mb I ban the admiration of Oeat. Cuater. then about to lead bia troop, the tamou Beventh Cavalry. aalnat the allied In-dlana under Chief eitttng BUI. who were about to make their laat aaand afalnat the wbttea. Through Cuter InflueBet and the aid of Senator Stanwood young Langdeo rccetTca an aapolntment to Weat Point. Skit1f after hla arrival at the military academy tingaton meet the Senator, bla on. Lawrence. cUlatlug youth, la aleo going to the Potn yt la to be Langdon'a room-mate. Soon after meeting the Btanwooda, Langdon k lnatraunamal In aarltig Bettys life aod U incident pare the way. lor romance. In te peanume in W'ikhtrigton. pewerlul eijque of poll-ttei&t it busy acping IfciVf nd Ttatm Indiana tuugb, wife agent. pe Sam Belden. TIiC5Thre aeeklng to die- trace Cuiter and bring' pVeiaure to bear on President dram to recall nun. Senator. S&nwood la fighting Custer'a fight nd th clique wishes to humiliate him. with the aid of Lucretla Belden. a ramp, they set their trap. Young Stan-wood la inveigled to ber room at night. Langdou mixes his friend, finding htm in. Lucretla's room. Belden has just entered as part of the frame-up. There la a fight. St an wood returns to his quar ten and Langdon Is arrested. The lst ter. Innocent, keeps silent, shielding Lawrence, for his father and Later' sake. Because he refusea any explanation Langdon le eapelled from the Academy ' and return west. , Oencral Cutter and the Seventh Cavalry set out to attack the Indians fared on the Little Big Horn. Custer has been misinformed by one of Belden's henchmen as to the number of his Indian adversaries He divides 'his force with orders to Major Reno to await h( signal to rejoin him. Four ' hundred cavalrymen confront 10.000 Indians. Custer attacks and the massacre commences. Cutter orders Langdan to ride through the Indians with an order for Reno to come to the rescue. Langdon reaches Reno who refuses to sacrifice- his men. Custer and his command are slaughtered. GOLD FOUND CANAL BOTTOM Children Get Rich Harvest England When Money Found in CHESTER. England, June 14. Dis covery of 200 gold coins in the bed of a local canal has caused England's first native gold ruh. The prospectors did not stake their claims but rushed to the canal which had been emptied temporarily for repairs. The discovery was made by a boy, who, while prodding about in the mud bed of the canal, found several gold sovereigns. The boy Immediately took the gold home to his mother, who lives. In a street near the canal, and she 'announced the news to her neighbors who proceeded to the canal and carried out a search with knives, forks and other implements. Some of the searchers obtained"-as much as twenty pounds. The mystery of the gold Is believed to be explained by the death of a woman who lived near by. After her death an old mattress, which was partially burned, waa thrown Into the canal. Apparently the woman had hidden hoarded gold In the mattress, which rotted away by the action of the water, providing a golden harvest for her neighbors. FREE HAIR CUTS FOR ALL INDIGENT ATLANTA. Oa.. July 14. When the Associated Master Barbers of America Inaugurated "Look Well Weef-ln this city, the local chapter as a mark of co-operation called at the home for the friendless and trimmed every bead of hair In the place. 8lxty-flve children were shorn. The barber,! then called at the Georgia Children's Home, the Southern Chris tian Home, the Home for Incurables, snd the Hebrew Orphanage. FUR SKIRTS LATEST PARIS SUGGESTION PARIS. July 14. Fur skirts are to be au fait next winter, says Paul Polret The proponent of real "trousers" as a feminine mode, undeterred by his lack of success In that direction, brings forward skirts and Jackets of popular and expensive skins. Under the Jackets would be worn soft fabric blouses. net with Jewels sad aAintH platinum and the kick bream It dies DM keep time. A LITTLE wash vita water, A lit tie tm of paint. Make a Arty building Loot like what It alnt. THE peayle who bowl because tties are H Man are the aaokt daughter Betty. aod ah Who want bag approprtatkjos for tbair The latter, a weak, ArfintHet A PRUNE loses tta wrinkle when In hot water. Let1 tee what does that prove THE haMeat money I ever earned was when I took a done from my big stater and promised ber I'd stay quiet a whole hour. A SELF-SATISFIED person it usually aaatly satisfied. Jt'l.Y IJ, 1917. London attache grest importance to the election of Prof. De Vslera to the House of Commons. THE DAILY NEWS Kill INDIAN STORY Insejpt Pests Man in the Moon I 1 v WILL BE SEEN i ackward Season THE poilc havr KlUUWMlwd the iice station, r I hi. jrWture Tells Tale of Outer Ma.lwUj not yn, lbt their prt- KillsFlies-Mosaui; sacre. sacre, tjo tto'Iie' 'he; .Seen een Tomorrow Tomorrow .sonere oni aJtboi jrhp mw swap J aater mifhl br useful mi some ol . and Saturday j"1 Roaches -Bed Bugs -Fleas them. Erer since the mat wftWe man aet fea I1HE euostabte took nls whitewash on American soil his dieam of conquest truss hu urged blm toward the teniae tarn. Aotl daubed up the itatatm wall. In the early seventies the path biasee So that aae who shared tta saarsdneaa I tt eapandifg nation had pushed bar be to fU NOBODY would mind saying gram if be now and then had a meal. MOST of the fat men would Ilka to be thin but they bate to pay the price. WHEN a woman doea something to get a kirk she usually kicks herself afterwards. MANY a man who cant pay any of his debt can easily find the cash to purchase a diamond ring MAROOT Asqulth says that woman are like cats in that they are the onlt domestic animals It Is Impossible U tame. Ten Years Ago In Prince Rupert A private message received in town states that Conscription baa jinsasrl the Senate. Five Jots of Alaska herrtnc weraahls- ped through Prtrfce Rupert. The break In one of the water pipes across the Sbawattans passage will ,b overcome by securing a casting from Vancouver. 1 The Pacific Marine, published at Sun Francisco, contains a complete des cription of the dry dock and shipbuilding, plant. Sir Richard McBrlde In London. Is critically 111 The Pacific Great Eastern has de faulted on the fourth payment of Interest and the Provincial Government will have to put up the money. amounting to 423,000. . T- Mlss 'Alice Couture, teacher at Lucy Island and Leon Blaln of Anyox, were married at Lury Island. PRIMITIVE LIVES OF . RUSSIAN PEASANTS Have IllKapprarrd From Civilization Hut Art lillnitl In Woods BLAOOVESHENSK, Amur Provlnc'. Russia, July 14. s Mystery surrounding the fate of two settlements of Russian peasants, members of a religious sect, who are said to have fled from the horror of civil war In 8lberla during 1818-20 to the wild Klzano forests of North ern Amur, ha prompted the newspaper Amur Pravada to dispatch an expedition In search for them. They are said to have had no contact whatever with the outer world since 1919, living by fishing, hunting and otherwise leading a primitive life. Their existence was first . reported by native trappers several months ago who occasionally caught sight of long bearded, haggard figures, who disappeared In the bush the morjent they were observe-! . '-r;tr77-VTfT ' No More Rheumatism " s lh;t wktt 1 hti Mill. , JVuit-i-ii wtrkid lit s chum." S. Floyd. Naaalmo. B.C. "Fruit-a-tives" is such an effective remedy because it is composed of fresh fruit fuicrs, combined with tonics. In a natural way, it rids the system of poisons and purines the' blood, Try it 2Sc and 50c a box. Sale Price IIAIHiAINS AU. OiKK THE STORE. DO NOT WAIT UNTIL STOCK ARE TOO .MUCH IlKOKEN. COME NOW AND SAVE! ME.VS SHIRTS Hundred of jatterna to choose from, checks and trlies, plain and fancy, with collar attached or collar to match. Regular $3.50 value. CI QtZ Backward Season Sale Price .... VX.au HOYS1 COMBINATIONS St. Margaret's brand in wool mixture, short sleeves and knee length. Splendid underwear for this season. Ilaekward Season CI Sale Trice HHOADCI.OTH PYJAMAS Nicely finished with silk trimmings, In colors of mauve, blue, fawn and green stripes. Regular $r.S0 values, backward Seuson QO QC SWEATERS For men and women. In 100 per cent white pure wool. The famous Jumbo Knit kind that wears and wears and wears. The regular value is $7.50. Backward Season Cl IZ Sale Price NOTICE OF INTENTION' TO APPLY TO In Prince Rupert Land Recording District of Prince Rupert, and .situate at Moresby Island, Queen Charlotte Inlands. TAKE NOTICE that Kelley Logging Comoany Limited, of Vancouver, B.C., occupation Timber Merchants, Intends to apply for a lease of the following described loresnore: Commencing at a post planted approximately one-half mile south 30deg. east of the mouth of the Tassoo River, Mores by Island, uueen cnarlotta Islands: thence following the high water mark In a northwesterly, westerly and south westerly direction for a distance of one and one-half miles; thence in an easterly direction to the point of commencement, and containing 160 acres, more or less. JOSEPH DOUOLAS WILSON, Acting as Agent for Kelley Logging Co. Ltd. Dated 30th April. 1927. LAND ACT. NOTICE OF INTENTION TO APPLY TO LEASE LAND. In Coast Range 4, Land Recording Dls tiict of Prince Rupert, and situate at Captain's Cove, Pitt Island. B.C. TAKE NOTICE that Ooese Pseklng ComDanv Limited, of Vancouver. B.C.. occupation Packers., intends to apply for a ichh ui wjc iwuuwuig ircacriDeo. ianas. Commencing at a post planted at the northwest corner of Lot 1233, Range 4; thence south 5 chains; thence west j chslns; thence north to high wster mark; thence easterly along high water mark S chains, more or less, to point of com. jmence ment, and containing 3 acres. more or lsss. OOS6E PACKING COMPANY ! LIMITED, Applicant, Dated June 18, 19S7. MEWS (iAHARDINE COATS Made in EriKland In all Wool rr, . with silk lining, check backs. A , vli-fuWe all year round coat. (; , vulu 17.50. Q9Q Q? Haikward Season Sale IVice .'. MU.O0 THE FAMOUS Brock Hat For Men The best made in Canada the utmost In hats In the latent shapes and hhailcM. Regular $7.50. Hack ward Season Sale Price $4-45 MEN'S TENNIS SHOES With Crepe Rubber Soles and Heels. The real thing for sport and summer wear. Ames II olden make. Backward Seuson Sale Price CI QET per pair . V--'' HOYS SHIRTWAISTS Thete are mad1 finest English Itr ,( mid come jrr assorted : Regular $225 valu. Backward Season Sale Price . Sale Price S1.45 RATI II NO SITTS The famous Jant. n i ing Suit for men. Ti-the finent bathinjr made. In various in all sizes. Harkward Season CM fifl SHOES FOR MFA IS) pair only, Men's in this lot. High o . shoes and regular vuUi $7.60. Backward Season CO AC Sale Price MEN'S COTTON SOCKS In brown, black, putty gray and he .' . shades. At this price you can almost -laundry costs. Backward Season Sale Price Q'iP 5 pairs for " 0K FREE! FREE! FKKEl Alterations to Suits Free Boys Straw Radio ,Caps A Cap given Free with as uual. Free every Suit sold. NO CHARGES ALL CASH PRICES NO C.O.D. ORDERS s The Acme Importers Mall Orders filled at these Prices, charges prepaid. Third Avenue. i,o. Box 667 NEW YORK, July 14. The "Irish j Havy" has been sold for 1100. The submarine constructed by John P. Holland 40 years ago for Fenian supporters who l oped to use It against the British fleet, v.'as knocked down for that sum to a Junk man. LAND ACT. BETTER DENTISTRY PLATES that Klves you a natural appearance and lend beauty to the contour of the face. Afey Dr. MAGUIRE Over Ormcs 525 1 1. . ! .1 UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT CENTRAL HOTEL The place called "Home" 120 Rooms, American and 'European Plan. Hot and Cold Water. Bus meets all trains and boats. Sample Room Phone 51. , L. Martin, Manager.