.day July 14, 1927 UcANADIANjf Vacific "Lei the) Clark Kitchen htlp yoan boijs won't hurt the budget it you serve CLARK Pork: ai Beans tluiritlous Delicious 'S mmm.?zss 1 IW CLARK, Limited, Montreal, P,Q St. Reml, P.Q., Harrow, Ont. Very few could afford to do it Only a drug store with a very larjfe prescription business could' afford to maintain our staff of graduate pharmacists. Our prescription service is simply the result of public appreciation of our endeavor to give unusual attention to this work. Naturally, those who use this service remember us when making their purchases of perfumes and toilet acceaoriea. Ormes tM. Jfic Pioneer DruanZsls HIRD AVE. 0 SIXTH ST. - TELEPHONES 82 o 200 DEMAND "Rupert Brand" Kippe rs -THK DAINTIEST UKEAkTAST FOOD." Smoked Dally by Canadian pish & Cold Storage Co., LH I'rlnce Hupcrt, I1.C. Thompson Hardware Co., Ltd. 255 Third Avenue I'rincc Hupcrt Adjustable Window Screens 50c to 51.23 Assorted Screen Doors 53.75 to 53.00 Puritan Two-Burner Oil Stovos 527.50 Bread JJoxes and Pantry Cabinets 52.00 to 53.00 Canadian Pacifix Railway B. C. Coast Service Sailings from Prince Rupert To Ketchikan, Wrangell. Juneau, and Skajwaj July 4. S. 11. 15. 18, To Vain-Oliver. Victoria and .xeatllf Jul) S. . 9, IS. Hi. 2l. 13, 27, SO. rillNCESH IlKATKICE. lor Rutedale. East Bella liella. Ocean Fall. Naniii, Alert llay. Campbell Klver, and Vancouver every Saturday. 11 a.m. Agency for all Steamship Line.. Full Information from- r W, C. ORCIItKII. Oeneral Agent. Corner of 4th Street and 3rd Avenue. Prince Buert. n.u UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Railings from Prince Kuert. For VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, Hwanson Bay, Alert Ray, etc, T.... Tuesday, a For VANCOUVER. VICTORIA, llutedale. Alert Hay, etc, Saturrtay m-J"-For PORT SIMPSON, ALICE ARM. tNYOX, STEWART, Wales Island, Son-day, s p.m. For Naas River Points and Port Rlniion, Friday p.m. .... llP I tnd Avenue. R. M. SMITH. Areut. Prince Ro pert. RC. Through tickets sold to Victoria and Reallle at a reduced rate ana battste cheeked through to dottnatlon. THE DAILY NEWS PAGE THRE$ I a i Dry Birch tt Cedar Cameron Transfer. Local and Personal reported This afternoon od ttroe. train, du at 3.30 li dhe Beactn Shoes rrballt. Hat aew st Me-Arthur's urs Taxi. Phous 878. Shot Store. U BC Undertakers Phone 41. Dentist Dr. J. R Oessc. Phone 660. imuW-iumImII. "Hvftif't 6:11 H.O.C. ts. (ijriM. bl the Btg 4 habit! When thinking of a flail, pbee 4. tf Jack Bulrer returned from 8tewert on the Prince Charles this morning, W E. Dranef. manager of the a UmwIi caxujscy is on s bmlnsss (ftp to Uwu. Flonaid Wilson of Prtncc Rupert Is employed with the clataon tannery of the B.C. Packers. The Union steamship freighter Ardgavel is m part this morning from Vancouver for the north. Arthur Cade, son of Dr. and lira. J. P Cade of Prince Rupert. Is wiapaoyed for the summer at Butsdal cannery. Among the passengers on the Princess Umlae southbound yesterday were D and Mrs. Bengston and twin Jack Cobb, well known In Prince Hyde Transfer now agents for Lady araltb-WHUsgtea Coat. Phone MO. U SpiHer and Sergeant .Van Dyk NMmnt, Jor town on yesterday's O. (HUiek returned to town on the PrUkM Charles tht rooming from the A. J. Prudfcomme Is having a garage uUt cfspaslte the Savoy Hotel on Fraaer Street. 1 Whist Drive and Dance In Moose Hall on Friday, July 1. Card at 8.30 pat. prompt. George and Mrs. Woodland were returning passengers on the Prince Chart tola morning. A. Hlltsaan and Mri. HUlman and child came in on the Prince Charles from the north this morning. R. B. Soow accountant for Crawford and Moore. Buckley Bay. la .a through on the Prince Charles. In the looal police court this ' Earl Cartoon and Arthur Forsyth were fined, IS or thirty day each. Btipert and prominent In many snka R. H. Lelghton of the local Forestry minstrel show. Is pecking salmon out staff went east on the passenger this of Lowe Inlet. morning on departmental business. . i The Ardgavel, Captain J. D. MoPhee.l J. Merryfleld, formerly Provincial unloaded a sprinkler truck for use in eagaateer for the Conservative party, connection with the tarvla surfacing arrived on the Prince Charles from the for the city street. i north. I Mrs. H. 8. Perkins of the Prlne' Mrs. Ward. wife, of R. T. Ward tele Rupert Motet staff was a aouthtnund ! operator at Port Clements, was passenger on the Prlnosss Louise. Mr, a through passenger to Vancouver on Perkins Is on a vacation trip to Van- the Prince Charles. oouvcr and Victoria. For the work on the Wand highway Oapt. Oeorge Ash. who did trick the Vancouver Pile Driving and Con snooting at Prince Rupert Exhibition etructten unloaded a dump truck from two years ago Is making another tour the Union freighter Ardgavel. of the coast and will probably get as far north as Prince Ruptn. Among those completing the round 'trip and returning from Anyox and At the regular monthly meeting of Stewart this morning on the Prince the Canadian liegkra last night Harvey Charles were Mrs. and Miss Ruth nix Tnrupp. delegate to the provincial Rev. W. F. Barfoot and Rev. J. K. Ban. convention which met In Vancouver gave an account of the business of the Included In the list of passengers convention. on the Prince Rupert was a party of thlrty-ftve from Philadelphia who are Construction of the fish reduction making the trip to 8kagway and re unit In connection with the Canadian turn to Vancouver. Fishery Oo.'s cannery and Cold Storage plant at Butedale la proceeding It will Col. Wilson of the Montlzambert and probably be ready for operation by the f tola ton Timber - Ooinpany. accompanied etid of U season. i by T. McClelland nd W. Anstruther T4 ANNOUNCKMENTS CNR. Employes Picnic, July 17. Baptist Picnic to Dlgby. July 21. St. Andrew's Picnic, July 34. K.a Picnic. July tl. Canadian Legion Picnic August 21. IN PROBATE IX TIIK MTKEMi: roi KT OF HKITIsll ( Ol.t MIU In the Matter of the Admlnlstratlen Act; and In the Matter of the Estate of William J. Kyle. Deceased. Intestate. TAKE NOTICE that by order of. His Honor. F. McB. Young, the 24th ay of June. All.. 1927. I wss appointed Administrator of the estate of William J. Kyle, deceased, and all parties having claims against the said estate are hereby required to furnish same, properly verified, to me on or before the 25th day of July. A.D. 1OT7. and all partite Indebted to the estate are required to pay the amount of their Indebtedness to me forthwith. NORMAN A. WATT, Official Administrator, Prince Rupert. B.C. Dated the 18th day of June. A D. 1927 IX I'KOBATE IN TIIE STPKEMffrorilT OF IIKITIS1I COM MIUA In the Matter of the Administration Act; and In the Matter of the Estate of Torey Yoshloka. Deceased. Intestate. TAKE NOTICE that by order of His Honor, F. McB. Young, the 21st day of June. A D. 1927, I was appointed Administrator of the estate of Torey Yoshloka. deceased, and all parties having claims against the said estate are hereby re quired to furnish same, properly verified. to me on or Deiore tne 2ist day oi juiy. A.D. 1927, end all parties Indebted to the estate are required to pay the amount of their Indebtedness to me forthwith. NORMAN A. WATT, Official Administrator, Prince Rupert. B.C. n-..H ,, o,c ,p A n ,B27 1 MACH'NNI V ES I returned fronv.Queer Charlotte Island li. Fefguson accompanied oy Airs, on tne prince Charles today, guaon and son. who has been In the - employ of the Canadian National and J. Darcus and B. W. But ten who prior to that in the Grand Trunk Rail- have been collecting curios and apeel way for s period of S3 years, went men for eastern museum on the north on the Prince Rupert yesterday. Queen Charlotte blends and In the Mr. Ferguson was superintendent of north for the past three months ar track in the central division, and this rived on the Prince Charles this morn Is his first trip to Prince Rupert. ;lng. ARCHDEACON'S SON ON VISIT INDIAN VILLAGE M. CollLson Guest of Haida Chief After Many Years Absence From Islands SKIDEdATE, July 14. H. CollUon of Prince Rupert la taking over the management of the Imperial Oil Company's Station here. R. McCallum, who has been In charge, Is leaving, on account of Illness. Mr. CollUon was accompanied here by his brother. J. M. Colllson, this being the first trip of the Colllson brothers to the Islands In twenty years. While here, J. M. Colllson, who Is s son of the late Archdeacon Colllson, who was for some years a missionary on the Islands,' was asked to visit the Skldegate Mission which he did. He was the guest of Chief Ruu, who 47 years before paddled over to Metlakatla and asked the late Archdeacon to visit Skldegate and send a missionary there. Mr. Colllson was shown the remains of the huge cedar lodge where his father camped and where the first church service was held. Along with a correspondent of the Dally News Mr. Russ. entertained the visitor to dinner and interesting stories of the early day were told. j Chief Russ Is a brother-in-law of the late Chief Sega, mentioned In Arch- deacon CollUon's book, "The Wake of ' the War Canoe." I Chief and Mrs. Russ In bidding adieu to their visitor expressed the pleasure i It had given them to entertain the son uof the great chief, Archdeacon Colllson. ' The last time they had seen him he was a baby In his mother's arms. SURPLUS FROM LIGHT CITY 0FEDM0NT0N EDMONTON, July 14. Electric light services are still helping to sweU the 'civic exchequer, judging by the month ly report received by the commissioners. For the first six months of the year, this utility shows a net surplus of8J,-34S or 17,396 more than during the similar period of last year. Last month the surplus was S3.600.' an Increase of' 1338 over a ytar ago. 1 eagle mm "My baby was born prematurely, by the Ctrsarian operation. She lost steadily for five weeks, and was nothing but a little skeleton. She cried continually and would not sleep for more than half an hour at a time. I was unable to nurse her, and the food we gave her disagreed altogether with her. At last the doctor said we might try Eagle Brand and we made a very weak solution, feeding her each hour. Tills wn at four o'clock in the afternoon, and after the nine o'clock; feeding, she went to sleep and slept peacefully for nine hours. Since then, she has gained rapidly and is so happy and contented that everybody stops to notice her. People who saw her when she was five weeks old, think she's nothing short of a miracle, and Indeed we nil think so, for her life was just hanging by a thread, snd it seemed as if she could net live. She is one of the best testimonials you could possibly have, and after seeing her, any mctlier would try Eagle Brand. She is nine months old today, has seven teeth and is trying: to walk, and since five weeks, has had absolutely nothing but Eagle Brand and Orange Juice." (Name on request) (jmtefid IIOTIX AKKIV.W.S lllaking lHolherasCqpable as I'rlnce Rupert W. Bunting. Hyder: T. Dick, Vancouver: E. C. Perry. Edmonton; J. Honeyman. Vancouver, a. E. Hill, Anyox; W. E. Griffiths. Vancouver, Mrs. Clara Posh, U Angeles; F. Wlllan. O.l Allison, L. Paynton, M M. Bulman, J.; Clark, Vancouver; Mrs. Pitt Turner, j Skldegate;" Eugene O. Johnson. Mlnne- j epolls; Jas. Strang. J. W. West! Vic- torla; Thos. and Mrs. Bulman, Vernon; j J. T. Brooks. Terrace: Mr. and Mrs. D.I T. Kelg, Napa, California; Gerald Kent Neeland, HoUywood, Cal.; Mrs. Ouy C. Earl, Oakland, Calif.: Mrs. Ranson Fenshaw. Los Angeles: Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Ford. San Diego; Oeorge Klngstad, Port- Edwards; W. S. Harris, Hazelton, H. Bell-Irving, Vancouver. Savoy J. MacConachy. Anyox; J. McConnell, Van.: J. Richardson, Exstew S. Krlstlan-sen, Lowe Inlet. Central Phil Lefrancols, W. J. Redford; Oscar Thomas, Ketchikan; W. C. Parker. San Francisco. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY 4 PLEASURE BOAT IN GOOD CONDI-tlon for sale at one third of Its value. Phone Red 720. tf LAND ACT. NtJTICE OF INTENTION TO APPLY TO LEASE IOKKSIIORE. In Prince Rupert Land Recording District pf Prince Rupert, and situate at Sewell Inlet, Moresby Island, Quern Charlotte Islands. TAKE NOTICE that Kelley Logging Company Limited, of Vancouver, B.C.. occupation Timber Merchants, Intends to appiy tor a ,ease or. tne louowing described foreshore: Commencing at a post planted approx imately 8 chains south. 20 degrees east from the northeast corner of Lot 472. v. .-11 T1- r- V,.. T..1 . V, 1 i OCWCii AlilC.t ."H.LCUJ U1.1IU, VUUIO IVI lowing tne nign water mark in an east erly, southerly and southwesterly direc tion to its intersection wnn tne easterly boundary of Lot 472; then southerly and easterly to the northwest corner of 8.T.L. 6215 P.: thence In a northwesterly direction to the point of commencement, and containing 45 acres, more cr less. JOSEPH DOUOLAS WUSON, Agent for Kelley Logging Co. Ltd. Dated 2!)th Ar.rll. 1927. NOTICE. There will be offered for sale at Public Auction at the Provincial Government Court House. Prince Ropert, B.C.. on Thursday. August 11th. 1927, at 2 o'clock In the afternoon, the following lots: Lots 9 and 10, Block 1. Section 5. Lots 9 and 10. Block 23, Section 1. Lot 7. Block 3, Section 2. Lot 1, Block 8, Section 7. all In the City of Prince Rupert. B.C. Terms: Cash payment at time of sale, or one-quarter casn ana tne Daiance in three equal annual Instalments, with In- I terest on the deferred payments at the ; rate of 6 per annum, the Crown Grant fee to be 110.00 additional. I Plans showing the lots offered for sale mav be seen at the office of the Govern- I ment Agent. Prince Rupert. BC. ' NORMAN A. WATT. Oovernment Agent. Dated at Prince Rupert, B.C. , July 4th, 1327. I a Trained nurse in the leedinq ofBabv m MP 1 fgyy. --tuyjk rr n i n rree uauy dooks Inttinclivtly moat mothtrt know how to careor baby. But authoritative hint and accural chart are alvaya a treat htlp. We nave a et of especially prepared bo tele I m containing a vatt amount of netful information on the care and feeding of infante. They are free. Send for them, addreesing EAGLE BRAND CONDENSED MILK BARGAINS BARGAINS at the FORCED SALE of THOR JOHNSON'S large stock of GENTLEMEN'S CLOTHING AND FURNISHINGS GET YOUR SHARE OF THE BARGAINS BARGAINS DENTI Dr. J. R. Gosse ' Helgerson Block vtt X-RAY SERVICE Phone 686 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Evening Appointments