25 TAXI Ambulance Seirvlc n Anywhere at Anytime Stand: Exchange Ilulldlnf MATT VIDKCK. Prop. ,1. XV II . No. 163. She CABINET CRISIS JAPANESE CHARGED WITH OBSTRUCTING Wabinet Will With Members Before Taking Final Action OLIVER MAKES NO STATEMENT AFTER MEETING OF CABINET TODAY HUT UNTIL AFTER VICTORIA, July M. Premier ppermen eagerly awaiting word of the outcome of the cabinet meet-linff, that he had no statement to make regarding his rumored forth- coming retirement or any other developments, at the conclusion of lajtwo-hour meeting of the provincial cabinet today, which adjourned tofrneet a full gathering of the Liberal members of the Legislature oniMonday morning. None of the ministers would adjourned, indicating it was for Mr. -lw had SERIOUS CASE ite INVESTIGATED son (oner Drought North by Con- Mable in Connection With Death at Nans Itiver on Constable Watklnaon re d i prince Rupert yesterday on; Prince Rupert bringing back a man ed Trimble who U charged with aup- piying liquor to Indiana and who It is UMterstjod will be held a Lao pending ln- ligation Into the death of an Indian onlthe Naaa River by drowning follow- big a drinking bout In which Trimble and tour natives are alleged to have participated. i . .Trimble waa picked up at Alert Bay byJWatklnaon, having gone there from athslNaaa It la understood be wai on IhlTjwijr to Rivera Inlet to engage In tithing. No tr.al haa yet taken place but It U fundfratood -he matter la still under inly sstlgation, HAPANESE MAY has BEGIN FIGHT will Attempt Likely to Iq Made to Upset Japanese I- inning a Regulations the VICTORIA, July 14. Fishing Interests Mid thousands of fishermen, are watch In tag the ault of British Columbia Japan see which la expected to start to secure p-al of the federal regulations reduc the ing their licenses, HARRY WILLS o KNOCKED OUT Falls Re fore Spanish Heavy- weight in Fourth Round at Rrooklyn BROOKLYN, July 14. Paulino Uz ciidun, Spanish heavyweight, knocked but Harry Wills In the fourth round of a scheduled fifteen round bout here last night FORKE CONFERS OVER LABORERS C. STOCKHOIM, July 14. Hon. Robert Forke Is here conferring with Bwedtoh Ipftlclals as to the best methods of Delecting agricultural workers for the western provinces, The Canadian railroads i also have special agents working L. the Scandinavian countries this (In summer. JAPANESE INVESTIGATE VICTORIA, July 14. A dozen Japan ese lumbermen arrived here today to investigate conditions In British Col-Ilimbla and northwestern United States. Ad- :r-.tse la The Dally News 11 .. . .rr . " I'.. .''-It Consult IS HOLDING HACK MONDAY Oliver sent word to the news- comment on the meeting when it Oliver to make any statement saw fit and intimating that no action been taken pending Monday meeting. It la generally expected that a defin atatetnent concerning the future plana of the Premier and the Govern ment will be forthcoming after Monday' caucus, at which Attorney Oeneral Man- la expected to be present. A.K HANKK.Y TRIAL III. IIKUl IN MM'TII INSlKAIi OF Ktrr.KT VANCOUVER, July 14. Applications to the supreme court to have the aeoond trial of Jocrph San key changed from Prince Rupert to Vancouver or New Westminster will be heard here on August 3. SELLING AGENCY IN ARGENTINE REPUBLIC FOR 3 WHEAT POOLS EDMONTON, July 14. -W. J. Jackson been appointed resident representative In the Argentine for the soiling agency of the three western Canadian wheat pools. He will leave for his new field of work early hi September and have his headquarters in Buenos Ayres. The appointment Is the outcome of aoouung trip that Mr. Jackman made to South America last year for purpose of Inquiring Into the general conditions of the wheat trade that country. It haa since been de elded by the wheat pools to be permanently represented there, and while office will be of 'a somewhat ex perimental character It Is Intended to give' it a thorough trial. In expectation the two countries coming Into fairly rlose relations as both producers and exporters of wheat. EVERYTHING LOVELY AT NAVAL MEETING SAYS FIRST LORD GENEVA. July 14. Right Hon; W. O. Brldgman, First Lord of the British Admiralty, speaking today at the plenary session of the Naval Conference declared nothing had occurred which would Imperil the good relations exist ing among the nations represented at the conference. Great, Britain, United States and Japan. VANCOUVER EXCHANGE Rid. Asked 1.71 1.80 14.25 14.75 08 a 1,38 , 1,40 .13H .is .07 H -08 .05 .06 K .oo H .10 .18 .19 3.13 2.13 .06 ,07 .01 H .70 B.C. Silver Cork Province Dunwcll Gladstone Independence . Indian and L. Lucky Jim .... Premier t- Silver Crest .. . . Surf Inlet Sunloch MKMIIKIt IHKS TORONTO. Jufy 14. Hon. Edmond Bristol, K.C., member for Easi wmire Toronto died today. Northern and PRINCE RUTH HITTING; GEHRIG MISSES Yankees Win Result of Activity of Old War Horse: Pirates Lose NEW YORK. July 14.--The Pirates dropped further back yesterday losing to Brooklyn while Cnlesajo divided a double bcadsr with Boston. The Cardinals want twelve Innings to win from Philadelphia and gain on the lewder. Detroit set Washington back twlos. Ruth's four hits were instrumental in securing for the Yankees a victory over Cleveland. Oehrig did not make a single hit during his Uiree trips to the piste. Boston has not won a game from the Browns this year. Soorrs yesterday were: AMf HICAN I riAIll K Washington 3-0. DetfBtt 7-13. New York S. Cleveland 3. Boston 3. 8t. louts 14. Philadelphia 7, Chicago S. NATIONAL I.Krllli; Chlrago 3-4, Boston 6-1. Cincinnati 11. New York 3. lut-tmrg 1, Brooklyn 2. St. Louis B. Philadelphia 7. WRECKAGE OF FRENCH AIRMEN'S PLANE IS FOUND NEWFOUNDLAND ST JOHN'S, NfW.. July 14 Wreckage, believed to be that Nungesser and Coll plane haa been found In the interior by two hunters. It is reported here today. BASEBALL LINEUP CHOSEN FOR MATCH The last game between Native Sons and Oyros wai generally agreed upon as bring the beet game In Prince Rupert this season. Bath teams have a full line-up tonight and the fans are anticipating another exhibition of good ball. The teams are as follows: Native Sons Balfour. Lobllck, V. Mens lee, Downle, Wendel, Farquhar, A. Mitchell, Sloan, Lamble. Oyros Mlnahan, Stork. Herrle. Mitchell, Oeo. Moran. Hartland. Skinner. BmsU, McEwan. Brennan. Present league standing: Won. Lost. Nrilve Sons 4 3 Oyros 3 4 YANDERBILT PARTY NOT VISIT ATLIN . . VANCOUVER. July 14 Henry Davis and bride who was formerly Grace Vanderbllt. before leaving here for Vic toria, announced that they had can celled their plans to spend a portion of their honeymoon in Atlln. FISH ARRIVALS Only two boats were In from the fishing grounds this morning. The American boat Commonwealth sold 25.000 pounds to the Booth Fisheries at 16.50c and Be. The only Canadian boat was the Swing with 5.000, sold to the Atlln Fisheries at 15.10c and 0.60c. WEATIIEll KKI'OltT. Terrace. Clear, calm, temp. 58. Ross wood Clear, calm. temp. 59. Alyansh. Clear, calm. temp. 82. Alice Arm. Clear, calm, temp. 61. Anyox. Clear, calm, temp. 60. Stewart. Part cloudy, calm, temp. 58. . Hazel,ton.-CIOftr, calm, temp. 70. Telegraph Creek. Clear, calm, temp 60. 8mlthcrs. Clear, calm, temp. 64. Burns Lake. Clear, tomp. 55. Whltehorse Clear, south wind. temp. 65. Dawson Clear and calm, temp. 65. It was a wordy fight and the little man with what looked like two. pounds of sausage under his arm gave his part' Ing shot. "The sooner. he said emphatically, "that I never see your face again the better it will be foraboth of us when twe meet." -Smith'.- Weekly (Sydney. PRINCE RUPERT Central British Columbia's Newspaper RUPERT. B.C. THURSDAY. JULY 14. 1927 IS SET FOR MONDA Y TEN MILLION BUSHELS GRAIN ARE EXPECTED Output of Peace River Country' Said to he very Promising So far EDMONTON. Alberts. July 14. Providing that etp conditions are tultabie from now an. the Peace Rivet eountry will prohaWy have 10.000.000 bushels of grain for shipment this .season, states w. B wood, prominent fsnrer In that district, who haj arrived In1 Edmonton n a business trip. He points out that this yield com up to what was suggested by Sir Henry Thcrnton as a condition of the build ing of a railway outlet to the coast. Acreage has been increased Mils year and with good ripening weather, the country will produce the blgKeat crop In Ms history, says Mr. Wood. There Is an adequate supply of moisture for the present, some districts reporting even too much rain, while everything points to a record y. SU If no Bituaks occur before the harvest. MEETINGiOF THE CABINET Premier Oliver Expected to .Make Announcement at Victoria Today VICTORIA, July II. All member of the protlnrldl cabinet Hllli (lie except Ion of Hon. A. M. Msn-Hon, attorney general, who Is still Inhlsoan iililiirin-,v In Onilnrra In Central Hrlllsh f'oliimhla, and j Is etlHited lo arrhe lirre Monday. Premier Ollvrr Is ejprrtrd to make a momentous announcement. HAMILTON, July II. While stating that he had rerrlted no offlrlnl word that Ills father Intended to resign. Dr. Kolx-rt cither, win nf Premier Olltrr, Intimated today Hint he expert ed to make an announcement. CONNAUGHT CUP GAMES AT EDMONTON JULY 23 EDMONTON, July 14 - Preparations sre being made here for the Counaught cup games between the Edmonton Legion and Nanaimo. B.C. champions, which will be staged at Renfrew Park Saturday and Monday, July 23 and 25. The winner of thla series will pro ceed to Winnipeg to play in the western finals, which sre billed for July 27 and 20. . WHOOPING COUCH Whooping Cough is a re- portable disease. Any person suffering from Whooping Cough must not go at large, under penalties as provided by City and Provin- cial Health Act. City Health Dept. 165 Narcotics to Value of $150,000 Seized and Four Men Arrested for Having SEATTLE, July 14. Seizure of narcotics valued at $150,000 and the arrest of four men charged with being in possession was announced here last night by Harry Williamson, federal narcotics chief of this district. Alex. Fogel, rooming house proprietor; James Sadler, diver; Harold Opsal, the latter's assistant, are held in connection with the seizure of 863 cans of opium found on Fogel's premises. Williamson said Quock Woo, San Francisco in connection with shipment of 200 tins from Seattle. I The trio who are held here, according ' u, officials, have confessed that the NO RUPTURE AT CONFERENCE Plenary Session EnJs With Retter Feeling Amang Delegates GENEVA. July 14. -The plenary session of the naval conference, catted for 'be express purpose of giving assurance that the negotiations were continuing lu tha laleadllest manner possible, ended tonight. As waa bopsd, there was no rupture. Negotiations will be eon-United, and it la !elt on a basis that will ultimately result in a successful end to lot conference. The speakers spoke unequivocally on the matter of the cruiser prLblecn. but each of the three powers stated their cases In a decidedly temrerate tone. On adjournment there was a decided feeling among the delegates that the conference would reach a bits Is of settlement aatls'actory to all. POISON BAIT FOR INSECTS SENT OUT TO FARM DISTRICTS VICTORIA. July 14. Tons of poison bait are being rushed to areas In British Columbia, where Insects threaten to do serious damage to crops. Orasa- h- pr.ers are appearing in one art in BRITISH PREMIER HAS BEEN INVITED TO VISIT EDMONTON EDMONTON. July 14. An Invitation to Premier Baldwin to visit Edmonton when he arrives in Alberta shortly on a trip that will Include a stay at the Prince of Wales' ranch at' High River. has -been extended to Mayor Bury. While It baa been announced that the dlstlpgulahed visiter will be unable to come to the northern part of the pro vince, hopes are being held as to the possibility of his plans being altered to this extent. The mayor has sent the invitation to the federal authorities at Ottawa so that it can be given to the British premier. LONDON TO LONDON FLIGHT ENDORSED VANCOUVER. July 14. The financial comirittce of the city council yesterday endorsed F. H. Turner as Vancouver's representative at the proposed London to London flight. MONOPLANE LEFT FOR HAWAII THIS MORNING OAKLAND, July 14. The monoplane "City of Oakland." with Pilot Ernest ; Smith and navigator Emery Bronte, took off for Hawaii on, a 2,400 mile flight at 10.39 this morning. STEWARD ON ALASKA BOAT DIES AT JUNEAU JUNEAU. July 14. Cliff Johnson, 38 years of age. steward on the steamer Dorothy Alexander, well known on Alaska routes, died suddenly at Skag way. Drug in Possession a Chinese, had been arrested at the same case after claiming a opium was taken by divers from the bottom it Puget Sound where it was ;.'tt ,ui'ci from '.raespacMc liner. CHINESE Japanese Obstructing Southern Chinese in Advance Northwards THAT IS CLAIM MADE I1Y NEWS AGENCY AND R0YCOTT OP JAPANESE MERCHANTS SAID TO HE SPREADING SHANGHAI, July 14. The Nanking moderate Nationalists, through their official news agency, charge that the Japanese are openly interfering with the advance of the southern forces in the nrnvinro nf Rlnnnttintr fuv siavv vf a uhhshh0i It is declared that the Japanese are occupying the entire railway zone from Tsingtao to Tsinanfu, maintaining garrisons at all stations and putting insurmountable obstacles in the path of the .Nanking lorces in seeKing to pruceeu nurmwuru. The Northerners, it is asserted, are constructing trenches in the Klaehow Bay area under the direct l supervision of the Japanese military who are furnishing them with plans. Tension due to Japanese activity la growing more acute and in the Yangste Valley the boycott of Japanese mer- rhants la spreading. TtlllltCt: OIKLS 4 HHINO HOME TROIT FROM KAl.t'M LAKK TERRACE. July 14. Each 'bringing a splendid string- of trout, four Terrace girls returned home Tuesday from an outing to Kalum Lake to which place they were accompanied by Mrs. Annie Ross. The girls who were proud of their catches and enthusiastic over trie beauties of the lake ware Velma Greig. Ruby Downing and Edna and Jean Dover. 4 -l' 4 STUDENTS TO ASSIST IN PRAIRIE HARVEST EDMONTON, July 14. According to Information recently received by the National Federation of Canadian University Students, which Is the official organization of Canada's 18.000 students, the English Student's 'Union hare arranged for several hundred of the'r members to work on Canadian farms In Ontario and Western Canada this harvest. Last year a somewhat similar scheme was attended with much success by the students of Wye Agricultttral College vftio came as far west as Saskatchewan. The party will leave England so as to arrive in Quebec about Juty 16, from whence they will proceed to the Agricultural college at Ouerph. Special arrangements have been made by the Ontario government to draft these students to selected farms, where they will have a first hand opportunity of studying In a practical way the agri cultural industry of that province. The party will move on to Winnipeg by rail about August 10, to be distributed from that point to various western farms. MIKKI.ESS KEl'OKT 8 a.m. DIOBV ISLAND Foggy, calm: barometer. 30.28; temperature, 54; sea calm. 8 pxn. Cape Scott abeam Tow HU1. BULL HARBOR Quite cloudy, atrong west wind; barometer 303)8; temperature, 55; moderate swell. 8 p.m. Curacoa from Seattle to Ketchikan. 338 miles from Ketchikan. 30 ajn. Princess Louise off Ivory Island, southbound. DEAD TREE POINT Clear, calm: barometer, 29.90: temperature, 60; sea smooth. Noon DIOBV ISLAND Quite cloudy, calm; barometer. 30.24; temqperature. 62; sea smooth. BULL HARBOR Overcast, light west wind; barometer. 30.10: temperature, 57; aea smooth. DEAD TREE POINT Clear, calm: barometer, 29.92; temperature. 71. DYING FROM HEAT IN EASTERN STATES NEW YORK. July 14 Heat is in- and twenty deaths are reported as a ' remit -;:!::a '.!w V-'"' M noun. Boston Grill Large Upstair Dining Hall, with newly laid dancing floor, fur hire. NKW SODA FOUNTAIN. The latest and best for the least Phone 457. F- ice Five Cents ACTION TAX COLLECTOR LEAVING CITY W. S. Fisher Held Second Sale of Lots in City for C. D. Rand W. S. Fisher, collector of taxea In this city, has been transferred to Victoria and twill be leaving here about August 1 to take over his new duties there. Mr. Fisher has been in the city fourteen years. He came to Prlnoe Rupert to hold the second auction sale in 1912 for C. D. Rand and this was very successful, the lots changing hands for a total or ll.200.O00. Mr. Fisher stayed with Rand for a time and later Joined the government service. Mrs. Fisher and Miss Fisher have been spending a good deal of time in the south of late and the change to Victoria will be welcomed as It gives opportunities not obtainable here. CONTRACTFOR PLAYGROUND LET Gyros at Business Meeting Make Plans and Hear Talk by Former Member The Oyros held their regular business meeting yesterday whtn the playground committee reported that the contract for grading the new playground at the corner of Summit Avenue had been let and work would start almost Immediately. The contract for the equipment had been given to the drydock. It Is hoped to have the ground ready for use by the end of the month though the drainage may cause a slight delay. It is planned to have a picnic shortly. There will also be a baseball game between the married and single members of the service club. A, talk by Sidney Bazett, formerly treasurer of the local club and now a member of the San Francisco- Oyros, was a feature of the meeting. CANADIAN WiNS BISLEY SHOOT Gets Prince of Wales Cup With Score of 99 out Of Possible Hundred BISLEY. July 14 Company Sergeant-Major W. A. Hawkins of Toronto .won the Tlnc of Wales Prize today In competition with hundreds of Empire marksmen. He made a score of D'out'of a possible hundred. doctorTaces murdercharge VANCOUVER. July 14. Dr. John Gladwin arrived here yesterday and was j death at the hospital of Kathleen Black .if--- .- i 01 -.;.:! Jperatita.