AGE SIX PRINTING Stationery Office Supplies School Supplies Kodaks Films Phonographs Records Novelties . Dennison Goods Birthday and Every Day Cards Third Avenue (Opposite Third Street) Phone 231 PICNIC SPECIALS Kraft Cheese, prepared for sandwiches, per bottle 23c Chopped Olives, per bottle 50c Cheddar Cheese, per tin 23c Heinz Pork and Beans, l's, 7 cans for , 93c Heinz Pork and Beans, 2's, 5 cans for . . . 93c Heinz Ketchup, 3 bottles for 93c FRUIT Cherries, Big Ben, per lb. 35c Cherries, Royal Anne, per lb. 25c riums, 6 lb. basket . . $1.00 Peaches, per dozen 40c & 45c Strawberries ready for canning. We suggest that you get your requirements early. They will not last much longer. Mussallem Grocery COMPANY LTD. 117.123 Fifth Ave. East. Phones 18 and 81 Prince Rupert, B.C. REDUCTION in Prices 15 per- cent off for two weeks only Come in and inspect our stock . T. LEE LADIES' & GENTLEMEN'S TAILOR Third Avenue P.O. Box 977 For COAL Phone 580 HydeTransfer And Coal Co. 139 Second Avenue ANGER, the TAILOR We carry a fine stock of Imported Scotch Tweeds, Fancy Worsteds and Serge. Every garment tried on before finishing. 223 Sixth Street AGRICULTURE SOUND BASIS Report of Minister of Agriculture Shows Increases In all but Vegetables EXPORT WAS LARGE Farm Products Sent Out of Province Valued at $S,10S,C38 in Year 1926 Very materially exceeding the figure Siren in preliminary estimates, the report of the statistician of the department of agriculture. C. H. Stewart, made public by Hon. E. D. Barrow, ahowa that the total agricultural production of the province for the year 1928 as valued at 171.362.209, an Increase of t8.208.69o over the year or 043 per cent. Quantity production, however, showed a much greater increase and In all lines Week-end Specials Pure Loganberry Jam, in 4 lb. pails. Special . lile" Tropical Brand Extract, 2 oz., all flavors, for McLaren's Mayonaise Dressing, G oz. jar. Special v . ID? Weston's Cream Sodas (new stock). Regular 50c tin. Special i)f Brown Sugar, 4 lbs. for ... . -"C Smith's Tomato Catsup, 12 oz. bottle. Special ID? Cowan's Instant Cocoa, Vfc lb. tin.' Special Campbell's Pork and Beans, medium size tins, 3 for :t-"f Malkin's Best Tomatoes, 2's, solid pack, 3 for iMf Del Monte Prunes, sizes 40-50, 4 lb. wood box. Special .... tlti? Singapore Sliced Pineapple, 2 lb. tins l."r COMBINATION SPECIAL Canned Fruits . . I for l).c Royal Anne Cherries, 2's Nabob Red Pitted Cherries, 2's Malkin's Sliced Peaches, l's Malkin's Bartlett Pears, 2's Malkin's Apricots, l's Nabob Blackberries, 2's Nabob Crabapples, 2''s King-Beach Red Plums, 2's Nabob Greengage Plums, 2's. Candied Cherries. Regular 75c lb. Extra special, per lb 10? Pacific Baby Milk, rf a tin We have 1,000 tins overstock to clear at this price. Limit, 20 tins to each PROVISIONS Eggs: Alberta Fresh Seconds, 3 dozen for $1.00 Capitol Creamery Butter, 3 lbs. for Jj51.25 Lard in bulk, 2 lbs. for :to? Ayrshire Roll Bacon, machine sliced, lb :15c1 Brookficld or Goldenloaf Cheese, 2V-i lb. cut 8r FRUITS AND VEGETABLES Sunkist Oranges, 15 for Hoc? California Grape Fruit, straight 10? Terrace Strawberries, basket HOe Npte Preserving berries will arrive in about ten days. Table Cherries, lb. 10? Book your order for Preserving Cherries now. Shipments will ar rive within the next two weeks. Orders placed ahead will receive best quality and lowest case price. PRESERVING APRICOTS ! Owing to the highly perishable nature of this fruit, we will not bring in any extra stock. We will fill all orders taken and will guar antee the quality. Table Peaches, basket $1.00 Baskets Mixed Fruit, good assort ment $1.00 Hothouse Tomatoes, lb JJO? 5 lb. basket $1.10 Large Cucumbers, each . Table Plums, 5 lb. basket Head Lettuce, 3 for Armstrong Celery, head , New Spuds, 6 lbs; Half sack $1 Sack New Carrots, 3 lbs. . . . 25? 2.T? 25? 50 New Beets, 3 lbs. JKc) New Cabbage, 3 lbs 12."? Cauliflower 25? & J5? MEAT DEPT. Fresh Killed Fowl from Telkwa, per lb :J0? Rupert Table Supply Co! Phones 210 and 211 marked advances are noticeable with the exception of vegetables. Ttetal Import it ajHeultural products during the J-vsr amounted to 121 .059381. an increase of ai.4M.a4J. or 1M per cent. Imports from other provtnrca In Canada are valued at 117,437350. art compared with 818.7W.f78 in 185. while Imports from foreign pitnta are valued at 13.632.011. an Increase of S803.171 over the prevtout year. As an offset to the increased value Of Importations, a satisfactory feature of agricultural production 1 the Urge In crease shown in the value of exports. It le estimated that the total -Value of export for the ar amounted to 88.408,-638. this being an Increase of 1.676.823. or 34.91 per cent. FKl'ITs Records show the fruit crop to be the largest on record Prevailing prices for al! fruit were Highlit less than the previous year. The tout production of all fruits amounted to 3U.HO.000 lbs., as compared with 138.082.000 lb. In 1825. representing an Increased yield of 77.493.000 loa.. or 6844 per cent. The total value of the (nut crop Is placed at I7.4SJ.520, hich la an increase of 12,171.626. The total apple crop was 173,414,000 lb., as compared with 133.878.000 lb.. In 1933. Other tree fruits showed an increase ( f 431 Al per cent in quantity produc tion. Tfce 1920 crop of such miscella neous fruits amounted to 3S.433.OO0 lb. against 4.876.000 lbs. in 193S. Small fruits produced amounted to 12.734.000 lbs, valued at 81.307.433, as compared with a production of 8.338,000 lbs., valued at 81,018.883, In 1933, Indl eating an Increase of 52.00 per cent In quantity and 38.19 per cent In value. The quantity of fruits exported greatly exceeded that of any previous year. vcuktaiiles The total vegetable crop amounted to 250.774 tons, or 377 tons leas than in 1935. The acreage of potatoes shows an Increase of 1906 acre, or 937 per cent LAND ACT. notice of l.itextion to apply to lease lam koh indl'stkial pi:kposes In Prince Rupert Land Recording District of Prince Rupert, and situate at Bewell Inlet, Moresby bland, Queen Charlotte Islands. i TAKE NOTICE that Kelley Logging Company Limited, of Vancouver. B.C., occupation Timber Merchants. Intend to apply for a lease of the following described lands: Commencing at a post planted at the southeast corner or Lot 471. Sewell Inlet, Moresby Island. Queen Charlotte Uland. north, 31.43 chains; thence east 51.17 chains; thence In a southwesterly direction, folowlng the shore line to the point of commencement, and containing 30 acre, more or less. JOSEPH DOUGLAS WILSON, Agent for Kelley Logging Co. Ltd Doted 3t)th April. IB27. LAND ACT. NOTICE OF INTENTION TO APPLY TO LEASE LAM). In Prince Rupert Land Recording Dis trict of Queen Charlotte Islands, and situate at Mamett Indian Village No. I. TAKE NOTICE that The Massett Can-ners. Ltd.. of Prince Rupert, B.C., occu pation uanners, intends to apply lor a lease of the following described lands: Commencing at this Dost Dlanted at the northwest corner of our site at Massett, DC; thence southerly 3 chains; thence easterly 3.35 chains, more or less; thence northerly 3 chains; thence westerly 3.25 chains, more or less, to point of commencement, and containing one acre, more or less. THE MASSETT CANNERS. LTD. Applicant Per r. Lorenzen. Agent. Tinted Anrll 20. 1927 IN PROBATE. IN THE HITKEME COI KT OP BRITISH COLl'.MIIIA In the Matter of the "Administration Act and In the Matter of the Estate of John Belffert Berndzen, Deceased. TAKE NOTICE that by order of His Honor Jude P. McB. Young, the 6th day or July, AX). 1927, I was appointed Ad mimsiraior oj tne estate or jonn beu- fert Bcrrdgen, Deceased, and all parties having claims against the said Estate are hereby required to furnish same, properly vermea. to me on or Deiore tne om aay of August, AX). 1937. and all parties Indebted to the Estate are required to pay the amount of their indebtedness to me forthwith. NORMAN A. WATT, Official Administrator, Prince Rupert. D.C. Cash and Carry Grocery Cth Ave. and Fulton Streets The store of high quality and low prices., You cannot do better no give us a trial. Orders of $5.00 delivered free. Terrace strawberries are now in. Before can ning get our prices. Gooseberries at lowest market. 25? 'Apricots in baskets 95c 75eij Plums in baskets 95c watermelon, not cut, per 10. . . oc Cantaloupe, 2 for 35c Ring Cherries, lb 40c New Potatoes, 6 lbs. for .... 25c $2.K5 um 1 otaioes, vs. ius. lor .... &-c o; sterling uaisup, t Domes ... ac jviaiKins uest straw berry jam, 4 lb. tin 75c Malkin's Best Plum Jam, 4 lb. tin 45c Fresh Fruits and Vegetables at prices you can afford. Phone 301 S. II. ADAMS, Manager NOTICE VHP N ft 99 t 'T-TT-C- inc. urtitii etttno '-STABLmirDjfj Hat advertisement u ncf rubfoheder disployed bu, Jhe Liquor Gnnl ml Board ot bu, the Government of BrihjhGcluJnba over the previous year. The yield, per acre, however, was 8.04 per cent leas, caused chiefly through drought during the summer. Market vecubies show an increase in production of 3J19 tons. Although the acreage planted to field tomatoes was considerably greater, than the previous year, due to early frosts In September the crop was aaater-, tally shortened. The crop amounted to I 17.437 tons, which was 4.394 tons less! than the 1933 tonnage. There was an Increase of 64 ton In! the quantity of greenhouse tomatoes produced, the 1928 crop amounting to 981 tons, valued at 1338.7M. A marked Increase occurred In the yield of outdoor cucumbers. The 1936 crop amounted to 1430 tons, valued at 174.773. as against a yield of 875 tons, valued at $40541 In 1935. CUI.UNS The total area sown to grain was 135,490 acres, an Increase ot 3,7?6 acres over the previous year. The production of all grains amounted to 8.018.413 bushels, valued at 4.45339. an Increase In quantity production of 381,003' bushels, or 7.75 per cent, and an increase In value of 1203,818, or ..76 per cent. The price ot wheat tell from 81.43 a bushel In 1935 to $136 a busbal In 1930: oats from 64 cents a bushel to 68 cents. Similar reductions are noted in the price ot all grains. FODDEIt The area planted to fodders was 1,015 acres less than the previous year. Fodder crops aggregating a total of MINERAL ACT (Form F) CEK1IFICATE OP IMPitOVE.MENTS NOTICE "WESTERN HOPE.7 TRIXIE." and "OLD KENTUCKY" Mineral Claims sit uate In the Skeena Mining Division of Prince Rupert District. wnere ixxuea un runner uiana. TAKE NOTICE that Lewis W. Patmore. Pree Miner's Certificate No. 89151 C. the duly authorized agent ot Frank Patterson, Free Miner's Certificate No. B9137 C, Intend, sixty days from the date hereof, to apply to the Mining Recorder for Certificates ot Improvements, for the purpose or oDtaining a crown urant or the above claims. And further take notice that action. under Section 85. must be commenced before the issuance of such Certificate of Improvements. luted wis em nay oi May, im. LEWIS W. PATMORE. LAND ACT NOTICE OP INTENTION TO APPLY TO LEAKE LAN II. In Range 3, Coast Land District, Lund Recording District of rrince Rupert, and situate on the south shore of Evans Arm. B.C. TAKE NOTICE that Ooase Packing Co. Ltd.. or 325 Howe B'B Vancouver, B.C.. occupation Flih Packers, Intends to apply tor a lease oi tne following described lands: Commencing at a post planted about 3 chains distant In an easterly direction from northeast corner Lot 740. Range 3: thence south 10 chains; thence west 15 chains: thence nortn to snore: thence easterly along shore to point of commencement, and containing 7 acres, more or les. OOSSE PACKINO CO. LTD., LAND ACT Applicant, Per Ch&s. I.. Roberts, Agent. Dated AprU 7. 1937. OF INTENTION TO APPLY TO LEASE LAND In Range 4, land Recording District of Prince Rupert, and situate at Barnard Cove, Princess Royal Island. take notice tnat tne Miuera rack ing Company Limited of Vancouver, B.C., occupation Salmon Canners, Intends to apply for a lease, of the following described lands: Commencing at a pot planted along side post marked N.W. L2573: thence southerly along high water mark 20 chains, more or less, to a post marked 8.W. L2573; thence west to low water mark: thence northerly along low water mark 20 cnains. more or less, 10 a point west a the point ot commencement: thence east 60 links, more or less, to point of commencement, and containing one-quarter acre, more or less. MILiLiCKL) fAUKinU lAJMrAW X LIMITED. Applicant. Dated June 16. 1927. LAND ACT. NOTICE OF INTENTION TO APPLY TO LEAKE POKE8IIOHE. In Prince Rupert-'. tnd Recording District of Prince Rupert, and situate at peweu miet. tioreaoy, wucra Charlotte Islands. , TAKE NOTICE that Kelley Logging Company Limited, of Vancouver, b.u occupation Timber Merchants, Intends to apply tor a lease 01 tne louowing described foreshore: Commencing at a nost Dlanted at the southeast corner of Lot 471 Sewell Inlet. Moresby Island. Queen Charlotte Islands; thence In a northeasterly direction, following the high water mark to the southeast corner of Lot 439: thence In a southwesterly direction to the point of commencement, and conta'nlng 140 acres, more or less. JOSEPH DOUGLAS YVTLSON, Agent tor Kelley -Logging Co. Ltd.i, Dated 29th April, X937. If 730.375 tons, valued at 10.437.4i9. were produced, as compared with 700,810 tons, valued at 111.819.133. in 1923. Clover and timothy averaged 3.00 tons to the acre, as against 1 .83 tons In 1935. Prices were exceedingly low: clover and timothy averaging 116.40 and alfalfa $17.50 as against $1890 and 119.83 In 1925. KA1HV PUOIUCTa The dairying Industry In British Columbia continues to make ateady pro gress, the production for 1926 exceeding that of any previous year. The value of all dairy products was 11,627,300. compared with a production of 10.639,350. in 1935, indicating an In creased value of $397,950. or 9.39 per cent. The quantity of creamery butter pro duced amounted to 3.849.276 lbs., which was 387.574 lbs., or 10.55 per cent above the 1925 figures. Dairy butter Increased 373.200 lbs., or 13.45 per cent during the year. Cheese produced amounted to 194,070 lbs., as against 434.257 lbs., manufactured in 1935. The quantity ot fresh milk consumed was 15.775.000 gallons, this being 1.665,- 000 gallons more than the previous year Evaporated - milk manufactured amounted ta 173,763 cases, which was 37343 cases less than In 1923. The Increase In the quantity of ice cream made during the year was quite pronounced. The 4 1926 ' production amounted to 542,507 gallons valued at 8825.124, as against 489.869 gallons, val ued at 741.412 produced In 1923. LIVE STOCK The value of all domestic anmlats Is placed at $20,752,433, representing an increased value of $2,498,204 over the year 1923. Horses Increased In number from Inl9 35 to 61.158 In 1926, the In crease for the year being 4,142. Dairy and beet cattle both showed an Increase In numbers, there now being In the province 338.244 cattle, an Increase of 40.298 during the year. Swine increased in number by 4.255 while sheep Increased in number to the extent of 43,606, there now being In the provinoe 103353, which Is an In crease of 65.23 per cent for the year. The numbers ot poultry Increased 15.15 per cent during the year. There are now in the provinoe 2,784361 do mestic 'fowls. Egg production for the year amounted to 9356375 dozen, this being an In crease of 1.512.506 dozen or 17.91 per cent. . The quantity of eggs exported during the year amounted to 1,153,630 down this being an increase of 392,149 dozen, or 62.95 per cent. MISl KI.I,.lM)l N Meats marketed during the year ag gregated 42,489,711 lb., valued at $2,410, 481, as compared with the 1925 produc tion of 34,117300 lb., valued at 1,781. 896. Prices' btt the- wholelranged'hfgner than during the previous year. The hop production amounted to 966, 438 lbs., valued at 8367346, as against 848311 lb., valued at 8323330 in 1923 A large Increase in the production of honey Is noted, 898357 lb. being pro duced at a value of 8197,616, an Increase In quantity of 40.72 per cent. Seeds grown show an Increase In value of 135.78 per cent, and wool produced amounted to 666,168 lbs. valued at 8124.657, as compared with 345.060 lbs., produced in 1925, valued at $93 Thurid WMM BIN 4 Family Shoe Store Ltd. TCH for our Advertis ement Tomorrow Family Shoe Store Ltd. Phone 357 Third Avenue WESTHOLME THEATRE TONIGHT ONLY, 7 and 9 p.m. "The Midniff lit Lovers" LEWIS STONE, ANNA Q. NII.SSON, JOHN KOCHE. CHESTEH CON KLIN, DALE FULLER and others. IS0I1IIY VEHNON COMEDY "DUMMY LOVE" PATIIE REVIEW Admission 35c and 10c Canadian National Steamships Co. Limited Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD Operating C.T.P. 20.000 Ton Floating Dry Dock Engineers, Machinists, Hoilermakers BlacknmlthK, Pattern makers. Founders, Woodworkers, Etc ELECTING AND ACETYLENE WELDING. Our plant is equipped to handle all kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK. PHONES 43 and 385 Canadian National CThc Largeft Railway Syftem in America STEAMSHIP AND TRAIN SERVICE B,M" rhOMirv'ind 'VW VKK V1CTOIUA. HKATTI.B f orVYliv ami lT? HTfclVAKT WtlTVlK THI-RsnAv' ' AY' M P'm.". Ht U)AV. ' P "' 1 u, ihkk MOMl V. HtlDAY, 1.00 .m rMT iNi.KT :; "RVfS For fiKII.KOATK INLET and SOUTH QI KKN CIMKLOTTE l?MNIIfc fort' nlflitlr. PARSENOKR TUAINS LEAVE PRINCE llllrntT DAILY EXCEPT SIMAY at 11.10 a.m. for IMll.NCE YiroiTliP " EDMONTON. WINNIPEG, all points Eastern Canada, llnliVd ate. JASI-EK PAKK LODOE OPEN MAY tl TO HEIEMIlfll 10 BEE CANADA IN CANADA'S JUIILEK YEAIt J- 1H7 . 1927' AOENCY ALL OCEAN STEAMSHIP LINES Use Canadian National Express for Money Orders. ' Forrlrn rorr,n rhme. ' cneqnes. etc.. also for jour next shipment. CITY TICKET OFFICE. 528 TIIIIID AVE, PniNCE FlUPEItT, Phone 160