Colts 24, Stars 33. Orotto 21, Terminals 22. Adanacs 10, Maple Leafs 39. Terminals 30, Sons of Canada 29 mere was a fair crowd out las evening for the opening games of the second half of the basketball series. All matches were well contested and the brand of basketball seemed to show an Improvement over the first half of the league. A feature of the evening's games was the close scoring In three of the tour games. In each Instance the game being won by one point. The Individual rcoreing was as follows: Jl'MOIt LKAflt'E . Btars Kelsey 10, A. Cross 4, e. Smith 2, D. Morrison 6, W. Donald I W. Murray. Total 23. Colts H. McDonald 6, E. Ratchford 8, R. Stalker 8, R. Irvine, J. Scott 3, Total 34. INTERMEDIATE I.F..VOI E OROTTO D, Qurvlch 7, J. Sim 4, W. Wrathall 8, J. Fraser, D. Stalker, W Murray 2. Total 21. Terminals R. Smith 7, J. McNulty 8, C. Thompson 4, D. Frlzzell 3, S. Our- Vich, S. Joy. Total 32. LADIES' 1.EAC.1E Adanacs V. Smith 8, E. Dalby, A Mlnzgohr 2, M. Palmer, W. Dyer, C. Injlne. Total 10. Maple Leafs. M. Graham "6, M. Harvey 4, L. Lowe 12. M. Thompson, C. Harvey 15, H, Grant, II. Sim 2. Total 30. SENIOR LEAfilB Terminals S. Ourvlch 4, J. McNulty 13, C. Thompson 2. D. Frlzzell. R. Howard 11. Total 30. Native Sons of Canada. H. Menzles 5, V. Menzies, D. Ourvlch 8. O. Shenton 12, R. Skinner, J. Sim 4. Total 29. I.E.WJIE TAIII.ES The league standings to date are as follows Senior League W'. D. Elks 9 M Terminals 5 0 Native Sons . . 3 0 Intermediate league Orotto 9 0 Terminals .... 6 0 Bankers . 1 o LadleK League Maple Leafs ..11 1 Adanacs 1 r Junior League Colts 7 0 Stars 6 0 Tuxls Boys ... 1 0 1 e 9 2 ,5 9 I 11 Pts 13 10 4 18 13 2 23 2 ST. ANDREWS HAD NARROW MARGIN Won Milliard Tourney Lnkt Night Over Moose by 908 to 897 By the narrow margin of 908 to 897, St. Andrew's was successful in the billiard tournament over the Moose last night. Although the win did not affect the position of the teams standing in the league, It placed., the Scots a few points nearer the Moose and helped to make the race that much closer. The Individual scoring was as follows: O. Mcllmoyle (SC Andrews) 200; Don Brown, (Moose) 187. M. McLachlan, 178; J. Parr, 200. P. Tinker, 200; J. Judge, 110. B. Morgan, 182; J. Hlllman, 200. W. Wllllscroft. 148; J. May, 200. The league standing to . date Is aa follows: Games. Total. Average Gyros, ...... Orotto ....... Marine , St, Andrew's 9 8361 940 8 . 80C5 890 10 V 8802- '" 880 10 8741 874 10 8686 8C9 The averages for the placer In the league to date are a follows: ' ." v Games Ttl. Aver. F. Zletnan (Terminals). 9 1800 200 O. Howe (Orotto) 3 COO 200 Geo. Mcllmoyle (reserve) 3 COO 200 J. Parr (Moose) 1 200 200 J. Hlllman (Moose) .... 10 1917 192 C. Balagno (Terminals) 9 1712 190 Fred Pyle (St. Andrews) 8 1499 187 Ben Self (Oyro) 8 1499 187 Frank Aldrldge. (Gyro).. 9 1071 186 P. O'Donnell (Terminals) 0 1663 185 W. E. Wllllscroft (St. A.) S 924 185 Dr. West (Orotto) 10 1844 184 V.'. J, Nelson (Oyro) ... 8 1474 184 D. Howe (Terminal)... 9 1047 183 W. H. Long (Gyro).... 9 1612 179 S. D, Macdonald (St. A.) 7 1255 179 O. Krause (Gyro) .... 2 357 179 J. Andrews (Orotto) 10 1768 176 J. Hamilton (Orotto) .. 10 1754 175 O. Waugh (Grotto) .... 10 1751 175 M. MacUchlan (St. A.). 10 1751 . 175 J. May (Moose) 9 1661 173 J. Brown (Moose) . . 9 1651 172 H. Corbett (Terminals). 9 1549 172 Don Brown (Moose)..., 8 1378 172 Bert Morgan (St. A.).. 8 1349 168 A. Macdonald (Gyro).. 8 1321 165 J. 'Judge (Moose) ,'r ..10 1 597 ICO 8. Dartort (St. Andrews) 1 160 160 O. Anderson (Orotto) .. 7 1 089 153 Q. P. Tinker (St. A.).. 9 135C 161 A. Harvey (Oyro) t 131 131 V tt SPORT CHAT Under the name of T.;ers, Eskimos and Shleks the hockey talent of Smlthers has been divided Into three team captained respectively by E, Dwon, U. Cain and N. 11. Kllpatrlck, , ' i IT "il and a schedule of games has been drawn up for play extending Into March providing skating holds out. Three games are to be played weekly and the Inducement Is a cup donated br Or R. C. Bamford. In the opening game played last Sunday afternoon between the Tigers and Eskimos the latter cam; out victorious in a score of 3 to 0 For many it was the first attempt at skating this year, but while there was very pardonable shortage of wind, some really nice hockey was sprinkled around to lead to the expectation of some Interesting games during the win ter. On Tuesday the Shleks and Tigers hooked up In the second game. resulting in a win for the former by w J in i rauy in the final period. Basketball activities have been re sumed In Anyox In three league-Senior, containing teams from the Elks, Con centrator. High School and Mine; ladles. Mine and Freshies, and Intermediate, Mine, High School and Beach Athletic Club. The first games were played this week and indicated that there are to be some exceedingly Interesting engagements, before the sason lr. over. Beside the regular schedule this year, the smelter town fans are lock ing forward to home and home garnet Ith Prince Rupert and visits from one or more native teams. An Invitation has already been received and ac cepted from the KlncollV Indian teams. Senior and Intermediate, to play a series of games during February. The appointment of Mrs. Homer. Ceddes of Toronto aa one of the official referees of the Ladles' Ontario Basketball Association for games In the city gioup, marks another step forward In the sharing of activities by the women of what they considered a few years ago as being for men and men only. Women have taken to basketball, base ball, hockey, track and field athletics. soccer, speed boat racing, speed skating, swimming, golf, tennis and there have been several cases where women have ridden as Jockeys, and there have also been reports of women boxers, but the appointment of Mrs. Geddes Is the first case of a woman being appointed m official referee by - the governing body of a branch of sport, In Canada at least. MINI ATl'IlE It. WOK. The following scores were made at the shoot of the North B.C. Regiment Rifle Association on the Market Place miniature range last night: A. Wylle 05 W. Brass 92 R. Wilson 91 M. M. Lamb 89 H. B. Eastman 85 PAGE FOUIt 7r7? 7. All.: H ' - : BASKETBALL IS BRINGING UP FATHER IV"' By George McMamjs THE r-iAYOR 1 04 4- VlIM VH IN A i rwo C 'C 1 -V..v ) Hthll II TME INSPECTOR TELL A GENTLEMAN V I , STARTED AGAIN HIM I OP THS WATCR n CONFERENCE AN' FROM THfc HI Al.TH TMU NAHU OF DINTV I HOv. 1 $ I WANTS TO 5PEAK i n out1 VOHKS li MCRU WILL OislABUE i DtV'AKTMl.N'T ViOHl.r j TCLLHM MOORE TOSCU J Gt-"tl N1 . TOU , r ' i j TO 6EEVOU' -r-r-v err in tvt .'i LIKE TO HAVE A . ' I I'M OUT , oo-auO. J i I u rill I .) I I Y M TO DA-y' Chat vwi th vpo' t TOWN . r i ' i ii . ;mmi OF SECOND iiai.k last J M(!IIT RESlLTEll IX Ml.MK CLOSE C1AMKS .,wji!1i;i 4 lias tht Endorsement of "High Medical Authority matte by a reputable manufacturer has a definite food COCOA value. It ii nourishing and will eustain, for instance, a typhoid patient, for several weeks or indefinitely. A brand of cocoa that has been on the market for many years and lias been a favorite prescription of thousands of physicians is tliat of Walter Baker & Co., Limited, Dorchester, Mass., and Montreal, Que. It is absolutely pure and is put un under the nxwt sanitary conditions. The medical profes-sion of Canada may continue to prescribe it, knowing tliat any package bearing the name of Baker is "riglit." The Hospital Medical and Nursino World, Toronto. Walter Baker & Co., "Limited. Established 1780 DORCHESTER, MASS. CANADIAN MILLS AT MONTREAL ilookt of Choice Reripej tent free ; - a V 'ti-t..l.4.i...U..x--.ll-.4 O 1927..Y tV Fcatiwc Scavit. Inc. . I HAD RAn CDCTI I C (other ray will be employed and thre - will have to be further adaptation oX WITH HER HEART eure of X-ray pHou, Mrs. B. a. Hall, Bolton Centre, Que., 1 8rapn u ut ml- Tta writes: "Some time ago I had ld ' matograph only allows a 4th of a aw.- lell with my heart wliich I lielieve end exposure. By continual adaptation was caused bjr Lerriusn-ad. I tried ' of lens and screen the camera now bc- everything I could think of, but could Ing used auccewfully waa produced, fret no relief until vim of my friends - r,uaded , Eet a box of j CARD PARTY AND After I had tskm a few boxen I rot wouderfuJ relief. I now weigh one hundred and thirty-live pounds where, Uforo, I jiever went over ninety." Price 50c a boT at all drnspirta or dealers, or mailed direct on rtn-ipt of price by The T. Milbuni C'o Limited. Toronto, Out. SNAP FUNCTIONS OF HUMAN BODY MTII IS Till: OIUECTIVK OF TIIKKi: KMii.isii iMioKHir.trinc nch;x. TISTS LONDON, Jan. IS (By Canadian Press). Three British Hclentlst are hopeful of soon perfecting a discovery which wilt make possible the photographing of the function of the human organs. They believe they will be able to take 'pictures .of the digestive organ at work, and photograph other parta of the internal machinery of man. which proceedings while suggestive of a mor-a'.d Inclination will be extremely valuable to medical science. The three are Frederick Melville, radiologist at University College. London: Z W. Edwards, and E. Wamford. of British Instructional Films. The trio have already succeeded In photographing at the normal speed of the body, the movements of the limbs as seen by X-ray. This movlng-plcture X-ray places before medical men secrets of the human body never before tabulated. Hitherto, all X-ray photographs have been "still" pictures, and scientists all over Europe have been seeking far what the three Britishers have now found. The discovery Is classed by Edwards as a departure not only from cinematography but from X-ray science, "We have now arrived at a perfect system with regard to the photographing of the Dont let us have another war until : bonei.-' he aays, "but the ray which rt- e have thoroughly learned the lessonr veals the bones penetrates the tissues of the last one. and In order to Dhotoeraoh the heart an- Baker's Breakfast Cocoa I DANCE LAST NIGHT Event Held fnder AulpM-r of fatlmiir tV'oiitrii'K League Willi Mr. I'. . Iejirr at I In lew A auccewful card party and dance wm held last night In th pariah hall by the Catholic Women' Laague. Mrs. P. W. Leeper being haateaa for the occasion. Price winners at card were a follows Whist Mens first. J. II. Hlckey; ladle' first, Mrs. Oiler Beaner. Bridge Men's first. Lawrence Lawler: ladle' first, Mrs. H. F. Olawwy. After card, refrvahmeeu wm servrt nd dancing waa in full swing unlU 1 clock with It. Hearst acting a master i ceremonies and music by Mrs. R. P. Ponder orchestra. it. Market Prices ui:i Pure 28e .'ompound t 35c MiCH B.C. fresh, pullets YW. B.C. feh. first gfe- B.C. fresh., extra Local new laid B.C. storage, No. 2 5Cc nsii Halibut, lb. Salmon, cash, frown Smoked kippers. lb Kippered salmon. Ib smoked black cod. Ib Finnan haddles, lb Salt mackerel, lb Esstero salt herring, 2 for . Salt codfish fillets, lb. Boneless salt cod brick. Ib. .. as. . . 36- . . lfic .. 26v .. 24 .. a& .. 25r . . 30. .. 2!y M i:th Fowl. No. 1 lb 35c to 40 Roasting chicken, lb 46c to SOr Ilam. sliced., first grade uo- 11am. whole, first grade 50r Ham, picnic, lb 22 He Cottage rolls, ib 40r Bacon, back. illrd 60c Bacon, aide 46c to 8 it Pork, dry salt Jtc Ayrshire bucon, lb. 45c Voal. shoulder Me Veal, loin 40c Veal, leg 40c Pork, shoulder 30c Pork, loin 45c Pork, leg 4M I'tef, pot roast 2)c to 18e Beef. botlliifC 10 to 12 Cref , tak .' 26 to 40e Hijcf jrvuat. jtritni rib 30 limb. chp; . J; ...... J.. toe Iamb. h"oijlier,j,ri,j...j,.J.vlJ.. 3iO .-nuiwu, jry; uc Idmb, Ipk 4Ae Mutton, chop , 40o Mutton Ahotiider ' 30i miTiru Brookfleld. Shamrock and Woodland, 2 lb Sc a.CX.. 2. lbs as Capital, 2nd grade. 2 lbs 85c Fraser Valley. Ib 60c CIIKKSK Ontario solid tOc 'Btllton. Ib .-. 3V I Kraft 45c Norwegian Ooat Me Napoleon Llrnberger 70c ! Rofiiefort 7flo SwIfU" Buttercup. Ib 45c Oorgonrola, lb 75c McLaren' Cream, Jar .... 45c and 85c Oruyere 60o Oolden Loaf, Ib 45c NCOAIt White, per 100 $7.75 Yellow. pr 100 7J5 IMllIlt Flour. 49', No. 1 hard wheat S2.7S rutty flour, io' ... coi: I'aatry flour. 49's' 12.00 BceU, 0 lbs .'. 2Se luO lbs 2.78 U.O. Carrot, lb. 3 .00 lb $1M RutcbugM. 6 ,1b 35o 100 mi 275 Potatoes, 100 lb 2.50 Potatoes. 0 lbs. 25c Tomuttfe, hothouse 40r Oreen pepper, Jb. .... .. ... ; 55o Parsley, bunch .' So Mint, bunch ....).. 5c 14-eka, 2 hunelie 15c Cauliflower, n.C, head Hfir-40c V anted For Sl For Rwvl mnt; fur paid P:.; on rtKNT "Sill I, I- At 7lpp,i'-rr nu 4 DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS. t 2e'per word in ndvnnce. No Advertisement taken fo lets than 50c WANTED ttt. w am ant!.nd b. 4I ssvwrnl lota. obm rur:ier. liHrlior vtrw, airfi' ou mem or l;ic low snj m' Irom 10 00 mivDibly En.tulre T McClymotit u FOR SALE niRKK lUKMI NOOSE with llr.e hartmr virw. Built IMS I. 000.00 on tertnv Thii I a snap st the price. Theo Oollart. Ltd , TOB SAUE MA NO. PRACnCAlXY ! tw. Apply corner Fulton and 8i.h Avenua, over Surtrtse Onxwry. 13 moo a month atrrs a fin ButLO- i ln lot; Omham Arcnue. Walker 1 Music Store. tf ' ""OR 8AI.R FAHt OF Bt.UB FOXES Apply O H. Van. 8Ttow Apart-1 menu. FOR RENT u -OH KENT -THIRTY ROOM EQCIP- ped lK)t-l Onlr.K "0'i(rn. Wrtl Box 113 Iaily N - Om ?OR RKN7 - FtmsiSHKD AFART- rt:m as. ft bath: watsr I stlonor on Taird Avenu. Apply Dally News Ofllee. Oram onion, doam Terraoe rmbbaaT. lb California head leltnea Garlic, imported, per lb. ... B.C. Cooking onion, fl ib. i 25c . no 30c 40c 2& Oelcry. a bunch 3$c HUktbnrd .'iquaah. lb 7c Pumpkin. Ib 7e Sweet pr.utoOT. Ib I0c DritMK-l Hproul.s, 2 Ib 35c I'RI IT Orangf-s. Navels, rioxrn 9ftr Ut 00 Fl;rld lrn Fruit 15 IcmoiiK, Kujikiat, dor. 25c and 30 Callfunilu urajie fruit. 2 for 25e Bananas. 2 lb. Jr 35c v . V t4444 HUNCH IIUPKKT TIDES High NATinrtiiAV, jim: is 11:31 am. iM a.m. IR-24 p.m. fi mav, jAM'.mr in Hll 0:31 am. pm.' Low C !fl u rn. ' H:W pm. Movrhv. itvt'Xltv 17 Hljth 11 am. 1 ! n'oa pm.' l-ow 7'M n m. m 40 p.m. TI'KKIMV, 4AMl'.KY HlRh 2:02 am. 13:44 pm. Lw 7 47 a.m. an w p m LOST WANTED- BOY TO ATTEND FURNACE LOST. BLACK FUR LINED COAT. cud empty ! dally. Near Booth between Stith Street and Sixth Are. school. Apply Box 17 Dally New Mnrisr plue return to Dtly Nw Omc. J4 ofllc. WANTKD. TO HE.R FROM OWNCR LO0T. WATCH. BETWEEN SEAL COVE farm for sale. St.ite cah prk. I). 1 M SeiUi Avenue West on rulton. P. Bush. Mmnm).ll. Mlun i PbMe Dlstk S4S. neward. 16 FOR 8.U..B OR HAUL TO CIX3WB OUT AN kS- tvoon Seal f'oe. Mlxad Wood Dkxks per load 1400. Kindling, per load 14 M Fumaet Wood.' per load ISM Delivered, full Herring l-hune Mark ICI KKSTAUIIANTH noon r.iT r4ir Mr. Ungrr. Proprletm Third Avenue. Net O. W. V. A. SimmI Hume Cnnked M'aK Phone Black TOO ANOTHKIl Mfl RRDUCTION IN CIIBVKOI.KT CO.M.MKRCIAI. CAR PRICKS 1-1H Ton Utility Espres Obsmu i 13500 H Ton Uht Delijery Chals I eJOOO Touring and Itsaditer UiJDQ Sport Roadster I U0M Coach and Ceup 11020 00 iTT.AH HEATED APART-1' IllJSnO U Sa-.irJi at Mallet t, Ltd. jUndau IUUO0 rii:i etui ov immi on W:.M ff.X IK) J MED HOUSE ON ' I Fwd UcM Detlverr. ooen l arrt . te .rpt, jRfcruarv 1. Phon body I 7JO0 Kia .',:i jl rord Llrht Delivery, panel ! boay IIJ000 JliNiain-') APARTMENTS FOR RENT j , Ford Ught Delivery. .Urur t-v day. wtk r mouth Phon Red eaUinment iuooo 807. :QR RKVT MODERN HOUSE. F1VC roomi- and b4tti Monro Bros U AWTIONEKR I AM NOW LOCATED AT Ml THIRD Avenue, one blntk West of McBrids. phone 774. I am In a position to wr.T the public to tSHstr advantage. I repair lumltur of all description. I buy. sell or exchange Auctions arrant at h;jrt noUo. O. f. Brtn. BOARD HOARD. Tin INLANDER, Sedossg AtMM. rliftns an. JIIJglt.JMli'lWI-fe' "I11 FOUND. TOtJNO LAOT'S DANClNn I Ford TttdPf Sedan, atarter equipment M00 00 1 OldKmoblle S-nssvngtr Tour Wj. 1922 toOOM Term can b arranged on both new and used ear to suit the purchster. KAIKN f.ARACK "Dealer In .Mrljtntlilln. OikUnt. pnnll OIlnMlr aitd Thevrttlet Car, Thone St TAXI Phone C7 Taxi (Cnll Georire, Paul or Out) Six and Seven pAujriKr, Stinlo-Imktr.t at your illonal any time. ROSS JIRO. POOL ROOM Meeker Block. (Across from Empress Hotel) IN PRORATE. IX Till; MTKKMK C tlTlCT OF IlKITlHll (OI.I.MIIIA In the Matter of the AdmlnUtratlon Act; and In the Matter of the Estate of Andrew Aim, otherwise known ai Anders Aim. Deceased, Intestate. TAKE NOTICE that br order of 111 Honor. Judge Robertson, the 16th day of uecanrier. A.u. ivia, i waa appointed Administrator of the estate of Andrew Aim, otherwise known a And I Aim, deceased, and all parties having claim against the aald estate are herebr re- quired to furnish same, properly verified to me, on or oeiore me run day ol January, A.D. 1027. and alt nartles In debted to the estate are required to pay viir ummini vi inrir inarnieanes 10 me forthwith. NORMAN A. WATT Prince Rupert,' B.C. Official Administrator, Dte4 the 21st day of December, A.D. 1030. iV PRORATE iv tiik .si phkmk m ht or iiuitimi COI.I'MIIIA In the Matter of the Administration Act; and In the Matter of the Estate of Clark rj'IIS.""0."- Defeased. Inteslat. TAKE NOTICE that hv nr.i.r r iti. Honor, Judge Robertson, fh 15th day of December. AD. 1020. I w tppolnted Administrator of th estate of Clark Edward Bronson, deceased, and all pnrtlei having claim against th said estate are herrby required to furnish same, pro. perly verified to me on or before the Iflth , day of January, AD. 1027, and all panic Indebted to the estate are re-nviired to pay the amount of their In. dfbtrrtnewi to mi forthwith. NORM AN A. WATT; Official Administrator, . . Prlnra nupert, no, io?o rt'r f Dw'wn,,r' Article ound,At MAIL SCHEDULE orT-noiMi I the l'sl Mondays. Wed newt r cloves To Vanromrr Tumdsy Frldsys Saturday . . C.P R, Jan. 14. 24 First class nun m VihcwiTer on Monday. Saturday by can tram. To Anjo. Allre Arm, Mraart mlrr Sunday Wednesday . . . T Ft. MmpMHt and Ri Sunday To Alaaa Point Jan. 10. 34 Ta (uern Charlotte Jan. I. ... IS-t (ll(, I mm I he jii Tuetaya. Thurdr ' at from t inrwirf 8undy Wednesday .... FrMy C PJU. Jan. io. 34 11am An). Allre tin. M-Prrm Irr Tuesday Fridays Itm PI. flmp-wn sn4 j H Tuesday . Irom .Uk t'nlnlt Jan. 14. J I'rnia lrrn ITMllalle.- Jaa. 1. IT IIO iuj.rctiov- Orahsm Ai AUtn Ave. . 1st A. Aj th Bt. . Ctn A A) FulUm W Elll Ave. Ac Ttvampaon lltn A Stterbronsir Ar 111 Ave. Ac Conrad St Cth Ave. At Hay Cove tth A Hay Oo t.'irrie th A-t. A Cottoo St Sth Aft. McllfWe H) Prav Oovt tiMg Pro. Oov Wharf O.TJ. Wharf O.T4. Station 2nd Ave As 2nd At 3rd Ave c Pullon Ht . 3rd Av. At eth 81. . Sunday eollertinn amr ' day only Is, IH l i ! I 'I I in tl ti-- i ' I I STEAMSHIP MOYEMENi l or Vsnromer Tuesday- as. Garden Friday a. Prince Rupert .... Saturday a Cauu ....... Baturday -m. Princess Beatrice Jan. 14. as. PrinceM Mary . Jan. sas. Prtncss Mary . I'rnm ViirHer Sunday a. Cardena Wednesday a. Pr. Huimti i Friday a. Catala tisturday -as Prince Besti; Jan. 10- . Ptrncea Mary Jan. SI a. Princess Mary For Port hliniMtn ami Sa Kli Bunday- aa. Cardrna I rom li.rt slniAon and Ska II Tuesday- a Cardrna Tor fttraarl, Aii)o anil Allre Ai Sunday - a. Cardena .... Wednesday. Prince Hup"1 I'rom Mrnarl. Ati)n anil Allrf Tuesday a. Cardrna . . Friday a. Prince Rupert For (juren M irlolle Jan. 15 r Prince Chartr Jan. 20 Prince Charles limn IJtiren l'lirll leu-Jan. 13 -a. Prim Charlen Jan. 27-s Prince Charlri. for Alak Jan. IO a, PrinceM Msry Jan. 24 . Prlncras Mary from Alank Jn, 14 Princes Mary Jan, 28 a. Princess Mry C.N.R. TRAINS For East Monday, Wedii' Saturday From East Tuesdays, Thui Sundays PAIN M Bladder IrriW loon SANTAL MlO'l war of imlil Leek for tnswo" -.i vhm iy sii niii4 tf