IS. Th I January 15, 1927 rday. THE DAILY NEWS PAGE THREE TO HELP YOU W.YOUR INCOME TAX RETURN TO assist the income Uz payers of this community in preparing their returns for the year 1926, due on April 50th next, the Dink of Montreal , has issued a booklet on TUB CANADIAN INCOME TAX ACT This booklet, compiled from authoritative sources, containing not only the full text of the law but also clear interpretations and illustrative eianpk. may t obtained without chargg. on application to our nearest Branch. BANK OF MONTREAL Established l8l7 Total Assets .in excess cf i7so.000.o0o D. (.- PATKRSON. MnniR". Prince Kupert branch: THF. ATM FAS FIFTH ANNUAL Temptation r. ..-. ur utuiuiil it!K .-nnr. wej wfrt to rtrar . ri lnifi Ami lbvv p; .k will do it. Our Ti-mpta- j'i Kt'i have been furtl.t r rviiuved. Specials for'Friday and Saturday" WOUSKY UNDERWEAR FOR MEN Thrsf are pure wool garment. mauY In England. They are T nations only and rome In all aiit. Rejrular price was Temptation Sale Price. .S.J.- SOChS FOR MEN T -v are in Cashmere. Silk and Wool. Silk and others in hc k and in all mm. Regular price waa up to $1.26. 1 w.ii pav you to ilock up at thin price. Temptnllon Sale Price, Spain, for !I.OO Acme Importers Third Avenue Term -Strictly Cbj.Ii. No chaw accounts Mali Orders promptly rtltentJed to. O Store middle UKi-d and elderly proplr. children ami wtk men and women. ' VINOL Willi its Iron and rod liver icploiie. in a vvmiilorful nid in ven ditioni! of Kt'Herul vcakiie., nnaemia, lotm or appetite and physical exhaustion. Price, per bottle - Ormes Ltd. The Pioneer DuirkNIm Three retfistcrcd I'haimnci.sU 3rd Ave. and nth St. Phones 82 and 201) Subscription taKen for all mncaincs. You Are Invited to call and have 11 uYnioiii-t ration of our NEW "SAVAflE ALL-ELECTRIC IKONER" l'at does 100 per cent of your ironing without any adjustment. Cnsh Price $15)0.0(1 Also Easy Terms The Kaien Hardware Co. Telephone .1 Local and Personal Arthur's Tail. Phone 078. B.C. Undertakers. Phone 41. United Church Easter Bale, Tuesday, April 8. Buy Telkwa coal because I fa higher In B.T.U.'s nd I better furnace coal. pert next month LAND ACT tf J E. Morris or the firm of J. B. Morrto i: ton left on the Prince Rupert yesterday morning for a business trip to Vancouver and Victoria. C.P.R. steamer PiincMi ncatrlee Oapt. Anderson, arrived In port from we sou in at 10 o clock mis morning and sailed at nooii on her return ta Vancouver and wayports. The annual general meeting of the Northern British Columbia Agricultural and Industrial Association will be held In the Council Chamber. City Hall, on Monday, January 24 at 8 pjn. Matthew Utile. ME. of Victoria, manager of the Dun ell mine, arrived in the etty from the south on the Oats la last evening. He will proceed north to Stewart en the Gardens to morrow evening. Word received last night from Van couver where Dr. H. C. Wrinch. M.L-A for Skeena. la a patient In the Oeneral Hospital suffering with an Infected lejc was to the effect that the doctor was making satisfactory progress, toward recovery. E. M. Hants, chief engineer at the Canadian Fish it Ootd Storage plant baa been in the Prince nupert doners! Hospital suffering (rem an attack of influent. His friends will be glad to learn that he la making a aaUafactory recovery. Having discharged ship lining lumber at the ocean dock. C.O.M.M. freighter Canadian Ranger moved np to the dry dock early this afternoon and, alter discharging a eargo of eeal ttvere, will be taken en the pontoons for annual overhaul. MlflCE OI' INTENTION TO APPLY TO 1 kam: rmti.Mimir. Walter McIUye's Recital. Booth tkliool. Friday. January M. Vaudeville. Wrstholmc Theatre. Wrd-iiusday, January 10. eiulvailon Army ment. February 4. Mustt'Kl EulrrUtn- Et!ilililu-(t 11I2.1. s y 1 0 Office Houm:, to X p.m. Satunlaj': 11.111. to 1 p.m. Any uvurtinir by appointment DEP KPN? DENTIST EmIiuiiuv UIihL Phone lU'J TRENTON MAN IS VERY GRATEFUL SAYS THAT " FRUIT-A-T1VES " STOPPED NERVOUS HEADACHES MR. R. A. BOVAV. Mr. Roy A. Bovay of Trrnton, Ontario, thinks very highly of "fruit a-tives" for rrmoving the cause of nervous headaches. "I wish I could trfl' Miff err r in the world what 'FruR-a-tivcs' have done for me" be writes "For years I was mucn troubled by bad beadaehn, nervous dya-IM-fMia aaii river' IrowUrv Tlim I commenced taking Frntt-a-tivr'. Thanks to these wonderful tablets I ur. once more entirely wett." Are yuu, !v, aWctnl with n-nw Quite prouaMjr th y are tracnb'e to lazy bowels, stontsjrh, kiJ.Tc;.s or livrr. What you need b the gentle, natural be'.p of "Iruit-a-live' which i nude from IntesMUed fre4i fmit Juirc, bhOrd with teaics. ' Fnrit-a-tives" is nature's own ally in promot'us; keallli and tuppuam Eautt iu aid fr yourself, to-day. 25c and iOc, everywhere. Scandinavian datsee tonight, Hall. Good masse. Buy Rupert tuMuIaciured shingles; trwn Seal Cove Launber Co.. Ltd. ww i im iu A ucltod tu nd S2S yesterday the Empire Shipping Oo. this moriutw .tWrooon MagtearaU McClymont tor thai the Seine Maru. next grata ship f4iuj coming here, was now due about Jan- uary 23 with the British ships Inner- ton and King James expected about Pebruary I. A. C. Little of the city, who Is In hosptUl at ThieL New York, under the care of bu broths r. Dr. Little. Is steadily reetipeestlisg according to word that baa beea rteetveel at hi news stand St. Andrew's society Burns Banquet. January 25 In Boston Hall at 8 pan. Tickets 1140. H. Watson, who la charged with theft. was again remanded la the local police court this morning until Monday. Sutherland. I) i.5 I known local Charles and Will protMMy return to Prince Ru- canneryman. came In rram Vancouver, Stewart; i on the Prtnceea Beatrice this morning. Charm 111 Aasmsirfarmerir mt 4fols Ttw tint nuti. rf ih nt alt: ; torn ofnoe and two children returned from the south on the Calais last' . . . T" t , evening accompanied by Mrs, Feather- 1925 Island Land Recording District of Prluce 1 UMe- mother of -Mrs Pitch, who wtu Rupert, and situate at Ferguson Bay. ' remain In the city for some time. Massett Inlet. Oraham Island. i TAKE NOTICE that Powell River ...... nranninv I.lmltH u. nf I'.nmut.r M. I Morrison. - OUtnct - entmecr lor Church Notices IMTI Il cm ItCli I Morning service at 11 o'clock. Ser-, mon topic: "If It were not so, I would have told you so." Sunday school atl 230. Evening service at 130. Sermon topic: "Famous trystlng places." An: anthem will be rendered by the choir. Both services will be conducted by thai pastor. Rev. George O. ILtcker. These I urvice are bright and brief and. ocl will enjoy tbem. . . ' ,1 ST. AMIItEWS C'ATIIF.IIItth Cliurtli of England Rector. Archdeacon O. A. RU. 8unday aervlce at 11 a jo. and at 7 JO p.m. Sunday school at 2:30 pjn. Holy communion first Sunday of month at 11 ajn.; third Sunday of month at 8 axi. rilltlftTIAN hCIKNC'E SOCIETV Service every Sunday morning In the Hays' Block, 24S Second Avenue, Subject on Sunday: "Life." Testimony meeting on Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock. I'UKMIYTMtl.W ( III Ki ll Morning worship at 11 o'clock. Subject: "Three crosses." Sunday School at 12:15. Evening service at 7.30. Sub ject: "A scene In the Courts of Jus-L tice." Preacher, Rev. J. R. Prlzell, B.C. 1X3. IttlTlST llll'Ktll Morning worship at II o'clock. "Christian Optimism." Sunday I school at 230. Evening at 130. Evan-IgellaUc service. Quiet reverent wor-'ship. Hearty, popular singing with the i preaching of the old time Oospel that has saved and Uplifted men through atl the Christian centuries. All are cor dially invited. Preacher. Rev. w. P. Price. H. M. SALVATION AKMV Sunday morning at 11 am. Hollncsv tiuaday school at 20 Evening service Subject: "Old news, new news. and rood news." Toune Deode's meet- 400 ton. NMsatnaav'wetUiwtoa l0M1, Uig Monday night at 730. Public meet-o.i iiut .m.i AW, Ai urcai f Thursday at 130. Saturday at 8 UcL 12 I nunc takjuv. nwutiuij - tarnoon. All are welcome. HOTEL ARRIVALS Prince Kupert McLeod. N. A. Elliot, D. P. IFUhelC L, O. Lycett. J. Clarke. S. Mor- I risen. D. T. Lutes. A. H. Gibson, O. A. :Durte and J. H. Johnson, Vancouver. Mr. and Mrs. R. P. Young. Ketchikan: T. P. Thlbodeau. Idltarod: D. McLean, RC M P Dawson: W. Smith. Anyox: S. R. U. Adam MiTin: and E. P. Tolln, M. Uttle. Victoria, savoy Wahlstrom. C2tn. Sty and now resident at Stewart, ar- council will be held next Thursday. It; PJKOBATE rtved In the city yesterday and aailed la expected that the aldermen will, be N jm- m I'ltKMi: COl'RT or UUiriMI this morning 00 the Catala for Van- sworn m at the lirst of the week.1 I COI.I'.MIll A eouvrr on a combined business and , pleasure trip. He will be away about,' a couple of weeks. j Tr topers! Oall and show your run to the Old Reliable House. It will pay you as we can guarantee to give you higher prices than anyone else. We have big orders for all kind of fun. eopcelally mink. Wm. Ooldbloom. Second Avenue. Phone 322. tt In the Matter of the Administration Five men who arrived from the south Act: and 1 the Princoas Beatrice tht moraine la the Matter of the Estate of Alberta will sail on Tuesday on the Prince John for the Queen Charlotte) Islands. Uliurt. wrum. uimMw. TAKE NOTICE that br order of Hrt Honor. Judge Robertson, the 13th day of December. AJ). 1923. I mas appointed , . . ,,. Administrator of the estate of Alberta D. T. Lute... manager at the Watun deceased, and all parties River cannery, arrived Worn Vancouver having claims agilnst the said estate are last nJaht oi) the Catala ' mad will p pro- feereby reoulred to furnish same, pro-" , I perly verified to me on or before the cred this evening to the Islands on the'ljth day of January. AJ3. 1927, and all Prince Charles. parties Indebted to the estate are re- ulred to pay the amount of their In-ebtedneae 2' to me forthwith, mux: riven 01 tne Stan or tne eus-j NORMAN A. WATT. Official Administrator. Prince Rupert, B.C Dated the 16th day of December. AJ). WATER NOTICE IHVKitslON ANli 1E TAKE NOTICE that James Field, whose wuiui; .iwui-i, u.v. nr, .. I. 11. -jrirt Am Prlnp miner- ISTuS-? ndUn -a Vhffiar Vl& & ply lor a lease of the following de- ,, .. v.n.n.i.r ..,-) i "z. , .!ZJ , - f -.t.r scribed Isnds: uwHig'Hsaa n w wwwH . v a a v wa au gaj,U USXC a tUVIb SW frr- a wvwuwi w at . . ., .v. thu rit Mtwiiiv h nit in mmmni i wi of unnamed creek, which flows ViV r ",V;V?.V .V." " .:. . ' .. ' ' . :r' 6sterlv easterly and and drains drains Into Into Crest Crescent Inlet. ....""'."ri"" r.iTA.Tn. "Lriw 'V,;nrf..T Wlm nupennienaenv w. it. rooey. Kr. Moresby islajid. QC.I.. about one mile nnTiffifLkl Morrln went out again on thU morn- nonfthe head of the Inlet on 'the north Loll th.thwesTerlvW"Vo?tTeCrrivf d In.', train. I shot., The water wll be diverts from etcrly. following the' high tide mark of ' wliT Sed fori Vnd from the mouth mouth ana will be oe usea ior ... 1-yrciiMin nv to the citrame rasterlv I K.i5t of Echinus Point; thence aouth'- oeor8 MJterman. pioneer resident , ewiiestie ' "'"fJS! and eonuinin, 1M acn r lea. lromPthe e ott the Plnceaa Beatrice this morn-, ,5 aoujtwcstcr!, LTD ing. Mr. Eckennan, who, has accepted mouth of the stream. .Agent J..pouglaa Wilson,, position with a new buslneas con- 'VT iw.m wovemnffr. om eMrn th&t ta M te esubllahed On the copy or this notice and an application ., .. 4 waterfront, will be Joined later by pw t . "X ANNOUNCEMENTS Eekerman and family 1 water Recorder at Prince Rupert. B.C. Objections to too application may . . . . ! ri'ed with the aatd Water Recorder or The engagement is announced In v.(ln the comptroller of Water Rtsshts, Vancouver of Mias Muriel E. McAuley -filament BulldinRs, Victoria, B.C.. f pMn-fc rrinc RunMt Rupert ini and rharlM cnariw v E. Ether- Fther. within thirty days arter the first ap-or (hu vran of nollre , , lnca, new. melon of Alert Bav. The brkle-to-be is ..w. t, h.i. ..r rirt nnhiiratmn a graduate liurae of the Prince Rupert J t Dacembcr 20. 19S8. riELD Oeiural IlosplUl tralnlug school, hav-j Applicant ! She is the daughter oi J. w. McAuicyj DEPARTMENT OF LANDS of this city. The thaw, whloh started In yeaterday' Appllrallon fjraalnM-rniilla f..r the afternoon . after ten days of dear and Application fcr permits to grare live-frosty weather, brings to an end in stock on the Crown ranges within any jenjoyahla period of skating and fiurllnf JJJ",, rolMlt flied with the I A large crowd "which visited' the Salt District Forester at Fort Oer?e. Ham-tlv Lake tut last mailt night wu was Mi aoie? to to iiw use the tneior 1 loop. Nelaon. Prince Rupert. Vancouver. .Ujim, ult9 on or before Marcn blades although the ire 'was rapidly; 3 jt. 1037 softening up. To day It was reported Blank rorms upon wnicn to auomu to be dlentcgratlng. The engagement Is announced in Vancouver by Mr. and Mrs. a. S. Pvar-cev of their dauahttr. Miss Emmellns May, to Charles Oordon McLachlsu.' son of Mr. and Mrs. C McLnchlan of: North Vancouver. The marrifge will take place next month and the couple will take up residence in Mexico. Miss Pearcey waa a nurse on the staff of the Prince Rupert Oeneral Hospital for a short time some years ago.. Advtitlk lu tu. Saaiy Ns applications may be obtained from the District Foresters at the above named places, or from the Department of Lands at Victoria, B.C. O. R. NADEN, Deputy Minister of Lands. Department of Lands, Victoria. B.C January . 1021. 1 Victor Process Records Td Love to Call You My Sweetheart Fox Trot Jesse Crawford on the organ with Orchestra 20257 Vocal Johnny Marvin 23288 In a Little Spanish Town Waltz Paul Whiteman and His Orchestra Hello Bluebird Km Trot Art Landry -and Ilis Orciustra Vocal Miller and Farrell Because I Love You 202b . 20285 20291 Mary Lou Fox Trot Goodrich Silvertown Cord Orchestra 20204 Half A Moon From the; Muticul Succctt " llanvumwm Lane.") Fos Trot Nathaniel Shilkret and the Victor Orchestra. It Made You Happy (When You Made Me Cry) Fox Trot Varin's Pcnnsyhanians 202 j 1 20J15 Walti Nathaniel Shilkret and the Victor Orchestra 20272 Tenor Henry Burr At "His Master's Voice" Dealers Victor Tallinn Machine Co. DEMAND 2J25S of Canada, limited "Rupert Brand" - Kippers - "THE DAINTIEST UREA K FAST FOOD." Smoked Dally by Canadian Fish & CoW Storage Co., Lid. Prince Rupert, 1LC. Canadian National Qfcc Largefl "Railway SyJlem in America Steamship and Train Service a. PRIM E Ut ri:ltT Hill Irme I'ltlM'K lUTKKT fur VANCOtt EK. VIC- TOItfA, MJATTI.i:. and Intermediate miIiiIi earli IHII1AV at 9 a.m. '.. PltlMK Itl l'KRT fur STIAVAKT and ANYOX, H MINKSO.U", 10 p.m. .. PRIM E CHARLES for VANCOt WM via UtEIA' CHARLOTTE 1S- I.VMIS, fort 11 Ijhtly. PASSK.VtlCIt TRAINS I.CAlC PltlM'K III 'PERT Kuril MONDAY. HEONCSII.W anil S ATl UI'A V at ll-l a.m. fur PIIINL'K li:OROi:. EDMONTON, UTN.NII'M., all point ll-trril L'uuada. lulled MtuteH. AOENCY Al.1, OCEAN STEAMSHIP LINES. 1'sr Cunuillan National Erei fur Money Order, foreign Clirue, rtc alo fur )our next slilpmeiiS. CITY TICKET Ol lTCE. 528 .Tllllll AL. I'KINCK, 111' PERT. Phone W ICANADIANJ .SSIlHiTi Canadian Pacific Railway B. C. Coast Services Sailings from Prince Rupert To Krlr'hlk'an. Vrangrli. Juneau. 1mh t'J. Jan. 10, 31. To Vancouver, Victoria, Seattle January 2, II. tS. PKIM'KSS IlKATUK K. Pur lliiledale. Lat Delia Delia. Ocean tails N'aiuu, Alert lUy, Campbell River, and Vancouver every Saturday, II S-m. Agency for all Bteamshlp Llues. Full luforiiiatlou fruui W. & OUCIIAUD. fieueral Agent. Corner of 4th Street and 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupert, ll&