. ... Y,.iirv IK. l02V fly aiiKum' 713 DAILY NET7S PAUB FIVE float were taking up good room that ml(ht hare been used by the more I WAlLKtKUPll WtilttS useful and certainly more ornamental flIIMII 1.1 - Y lliniA If you aro planning to pur- kiniiM, your purchase from m It 1 l . ll;., i n uiumuiiu, in juur ns- .nmi f nllllnif it... l.n.i ... i r:, i , a. inn ....... Our selection of diamond. are net in beautiful mounting of latent designs. I'er-fr i diamonds in n range at $2.'..on. $.".0.00. $12.1.00, and JOHN'gULGEI) n 1 1 11 Mil It UdltV Rcady-to-Wear irrl Ate. I'hnn. fi.'.l a.. luiNTxnc ail ice. l , FwCi. 'N6 THE FKOST I, OAi MOT STUFF r eav as v rrt r VfC- n. . ' K i roVer face t.ut j rom ur coal n r ss ' m change hi ex- i c cry time. ' u - oal t day and let us 1 1 j beat WintcrV hand. . . ..... . . 1MI11M . U I. I I I Vf"T( 1 V and Mcl.EOI) RIVER SOOT- LESS Ihpr, Hi MrfnfTprv i'honeH 110 nnd 117 'emers January learance SALE NOW ON '"'ne 27. I0. Hox 327. LINDSAY'S u iflvr 11111 .inn iiMr. -- - aw tu M w Phone 03 anage, warehousing, and Distributing. Team or Motor Servlco. Coal, Sniul and Gravel. e Specialize In Piano and I urnlture Moving. 5 Thursday morning's storm brings to mind the to isTttC STORC WITH THE CLOCK losine : Out SALE NOW IN ITU, SWIM. Mnny Hnrgaln in I 1 A I ."I DRESSES HATS J. BENT urgent necessity of protection for fishing boats new vessels arrive in port B. and Y, is acquisition hane a diamond for your-; , , " ; c'f or the enjraKement rinif,! 10 ear y mornnK " Thursday which caused damage to Ai nn authority of nrifclouH 1 two to nye jnousanu uoiinrs Drought forcibly to mind the necessity of. wjrne-ilmmecllate and efiectlve action Wirw taken toward actually providlngithe much promised and badly needed permanent floati and shelterTor the craft upon which Prince Ilupert is no dependent for its. prosperity. The need for such facilities cannot be over emphasized and the demand cannot be made too strong. The fact that the monetary loss involved in such occurrences as this would . hardly have to be doubled or trebled to bring the project to more or less damage when thf howMn jale came dwn from out the norm, me Ojw Bay float and dry dock be- avuOOO but investigation proved such WATER NOTICE a , WVUtMON ,M t'.'. TAKE NOTICE that Robert M Currle. whoso addrea la Hie Bth Ave. West. Vancouver. IS.C will apply for a licence to take and use fifty gallon per minute of water out of small creek, unnamed, which flows southerly and c'-alna Into Huston Inlet. OC. Island. about IjOOO feet westerly from miners' trying LAND ACT xiTirr or imiaiion to trn.v to 10 I.KA-l. UMl In Prtnes) Ittrsert Land nsrardlndr Dm- 1 triet of Prince Rupert, and situate on 1 the north shore of Crescent Inlet. 1 l!reby Island. Queen Charlotte Istend. I m the Provlnee U UrltUh Columbia, and t being about one and a half mile from 1 the head uf the Inlet. TAKE NOTICE that Jamt Field, of Prince Rupert DC. ooeupation alartne Broker. Intends :o apply for a lease of -.he following described lands: Commencing at a post planted on the north short of Crescent Inlet, about one and a halt milea from the head of the Inlet; thence northwesterly 30 chains: thence southwesterly 30 chains, thence : southeasterly 30 ehaUn: thence north-! easterly 30 chains, and containing forty 1 401 acres, more or le JAMES PI ELD, ! Applicant. Dated November 37. tM j LAND ACT. ivoTin: or istkvFiov to trn.Y to I In Oona River Land Recording Dutrlct nt Prince Itupert. BC and altuate on Ian Island In Oona Itlvrr approximately opposite Block One and Two of Lot 3109. 'a Coast District f mostly tide flat ' surrounding smsll Island I. 1 TAKE NOTICE that John Bergman, of Oona Hlvnr. BC occupation fisherman, intend to apply for a lease of the following- described lands: ' Commencing at a post planted 300 feet north of northwest corner post of txt 3199: thence 1.000 fret southeast: 1 hence 300 feet westerly; thence 1.000 feet northweat: thence 100 feet to post planted, and containing ten acre, more ""' JOHN BEROMAN. Applicant. Dated rvioher Vt Ht MINERAL ACT rritTii ir.tTK or impuovkments I MITK'i: i Juantta. Anyox. Oranby, Alamo. Rodeo, Pluto, Wann Fractional No. 3. and Monte Fractional Mineral Qalms. situate In the Atlln Mining Division of Caaslar Dla-irirt. Where located -On Wann River. 'Taku Arm of TseUh Lake. TSKr NOTICE inai I. . r,'J x: tlin.r-a rrrtlflcst NO. 89768. intend, alxty days from the date hereof. o apply to the Mining Rwd?' Certificate of Improvement for the pur-, po m of obtaining a Crown Orant of the ,bAnd 'further take notice that action, under section 89. must be commenced boXore the lu ot uch Certificate or Imorovement. Dsted thl lit day of January. AD. 1927 11. MeN. FRASER. Ant NAVIRAHI.E WATERS l'ROTEC TION ACT 11-S.O, mfpTEu us Edward Llpselt. Umlted, of the City of Vancouver, hereby give notice that ha hat under Section 7 of the said Act do-potrd with the MliUeter of Public Works at Ottawa and In the office of the Diatrlct IieRlstrar of the Land nt-try Dl'trlet of Prince Rupert, a description ot the alte and the plans of proposed to be built in the Hsrbor of Prince Rupert in front of Lot 3, Block 0 Section 1. Map B23. ... And Take Notice that after the expiration of one month from the date ot the first publication of thl notice. Edward Llpaett Limited will, undei Bee-tlou 7 of the said Act. apply . to the Minister of Public Works at hi office In the City of Ottawa for approval of the aald site and plan and for leave to construct the aald wharf. Dtetl at Vancouver thl Hth dy o December 1930. ' to be exaggerated. The Ion waa prob- materialleatlon .hould in Itaelf be auf.,bly ,nd not M hJ h fletent argument for tb proper author- . M ifm .llhoUn prMUcaUy evfry ltl take toward meet- to prompt atep m(orK, ,t lh, two pllct, w ,t ia " -P w"h '""Wilea.t acratched. Quick action In get-tjMpcrt. the Canadian Pacific coa.ra j tlng th, im ,w,y ffom th no,u moat important fishing community, has atMl lncti0ftd ln thf hlrbor or olner. long enough been neglected. It la the WM, rtelUred p,t1talt4 the damage porta moat crying need at thla time from inf much greater. Soon after and one toward the fulfilment of 2 otlottt the -mat" waa a acene of fckh too roueh time haa already been greM KtHy aa hundreds of engine. kSla. ; tre mrtrr4 mien Mlnv arhll th whit. VJtii ( capped and mounUlneoua Some twenty fUhtug boau auUlned n the nan. aeaa fairly At the dry dock particularly, there were some thrilling if not alarming i moments aa hosts nuhfil tavrthrr unit mg the most seriously affetted points. ratn U)e There were reports on Thursdsy that thrr or wllDM ,u oeetrueuon. leaped from craft to craft in the darkness attempting to ward on impact and otherwise preven I damage being done. It waa a fortunate , thing that there were no injuries of importance sustained or even loss of life. It was an experience that the most of the boys don't want to go through again and the Oood Lord only kuowa that they have their share of moment without having to cabin at bead of Huston Inle. The i nave such at this Imposed upon them. water will be diverted from the stream . . .,. ,, , Utt lhki ,lren tMe WM at a BMnt about 200 feet from shore'11 run' line. psMlDg thresjgh twenty-four acre i nlng against the direction of the .525 !f ''".i- ade thing, even more perllou. land described as aDDlled for n lease - "u w-nHi' at bead of Huston Inlet. Moresby Island This notice waa posted on the cround on the 8th day of December. Wtt. A copy of this notice and an appjtoalkm ursuant thereto and to the "water Act, f 14." will be filed is the office of the Water Recorder at Prince Rupert. ll.C. Objection to the application may be filed with the aaid Water Recorder or with the Oomptrcfter of Water Rlchta. Parliament Uuildlng. Victoria. BC within thirty day after the first appearance of thla notice in a local newspaper. The date of the first publication la December 30. IBM ROBERT XI. CURRIE. Applicant. Damage was done to hull, deck. rail and even caMna. Among the worst hit bos Is ere the trailer Annie: schooner Verna. Capt. Pete Thompson; and the American halibut schooner Valorous at the Oow Bay float and the W.T.. Capt. Charlie Edward: and the Reveille of the Bradbury & Yelf fleet at the dry dock. The Bradbury St Yelf had all It boats hit at the dry dock the Bethune. Tip Top an! even the new B. Ac Y. Other boat damaged included the following: Oow Bay Rose Spit, Bingo. Pair of klacka. Tramp. Dry Dock Margaret II., Lincoln. tsutcta. Oape Spencer. The American schooner Taboma last an snertor at the dry dock. Oomptatnt waa made the ced -xtereHcU" at that some it the Cow Bay LAND ACT NOTICE or IVTEXTIOX TO A PPL Y TO 10 rruciitsE LAM In PrUace Rupert Land Recording District of FTtece Rupert, and altuate on the north short of the South Arm of Taaoo Harbor. Msreaby Island. Queen Charlotte Island. Province of British Columbia. TAKE NOTICE that James Field, of Prince Rupert. B.C.. occupation Mtrtne Broker. Intends to apply tor permission to purchase the following described lands! 1 Commencing at a post planted on tn north shore of South Ann of Tasoo Har 1 bor, Moresby Island. Queen Chsrlotte islands, in tne rrovince or unuan iu umbla, about 6 chains from the end of the Government trail: thence 10 chains northeasterly: thence 10 chains northwesterly, thence 10 chain southwesterly: thence 10 chains southeasterly, and containing twenty 30 acre, more or lea. JAMES FIELD. Applicant. Dated November . 1938. . IN PRORATE. In the mtkeme roi KT or imiTiMi COI.f.MltlA In the Matter ot the Administration Act; and In the Matter of the Estate ot William T. Mltohell, Deceaoed. Intestate. TAKE NOTICE that by order of HI Honor. II. E. A. Robertson, the 18th dsy of December. AD. 1938, I waa appointed Administrator of the estate of. William T. Mitchell, deceased, and all parties having claim againat the said estate are hereby required to furnish aame., properly verified, to me on or before the 32nd day of January, A.D. 1 927, and all parties indebted to the estate are required to pay the amount ot their Indebtedness to me forthwith. NORMAN A. WATT, Official Admlnlatrator. Prince Rupert. BC. COMPANIES ACT TAKE NOTICE" that UPSETT CUN-NINOIIAM Si CO. LIMITED after the expiration of one month from the first publication ot this Notice Intend to apply to the Registrar of companies for the approval of the change of name to EDWARD LIPSETT (PRINCE RUPERT) LIMITED. DATED at Vancouver. B.C.. thla 10th day ot December, A.D. 1928. LADNER St CANTELON. Solicitor tor the Applicants. 1 SAWS BECAUSE guaranteed to cut 10 more timber lit eame time, with less labor than any other saw. SI MONO CANADA SAW CO, LTD. MONTIWAU VANCOUVER, ST. JOHN, MB, TORONTO P craft The Yacht Club tot oil pretty lucky due to the energetic watchfulnesa of Shef Thompson and the location which waa protected from thla particular blow by the Union oil wharf and handy rock. The yacht and pleaaure boataj uitalned no damage wnttever and there waa hardly a tine broken. The only thing lot there waa a night' sleep for Shef but he cheerfully aay he'a getting ued to such a tittle thing a that. Xi:V IMMT AllllMKS A new boat, which will Indeed b '. a' credit to the local fleet, la the halibut1 boat and packer B. St Y. built ln Vancouver for Bradbury Si Yelf. which; arrived from the aouth on Tuesday. The vessel la alxty-flve feet long with beam of 18 feet and la powered with a 80-00 Petter seml-delsel engine. 8h waa brough north In alxty hours' travel ling time by Don Yelf and Al Wol. the latter skipper of the Reveille. Don, who la one of the DtinclDala of Brsd- ' i bury St Yelf. will remain here In-1 definitely now. after having resided In! Vancouver for the pat couple of years. The new boat will first be engaged in halibut fitting and, when the salmon season opens, will be employed la seining. Another new boat due next week the halibut schooner Belsac built In Vancouver for John Orrlk. The vessel. of the lateat and most-up-torthe minute design, la ti feet long and S powered with a 40 hp. Frlsco-8tandaM engine. CapL Harry Ormiston. Second Offlccr Jack MacAulay and other officers of the lighthouse tender Newington. wlU arrive back this week-end, after boll daylng In the south, to Join the ves- eel which wui take up work agaia next meek after a two week' tie-up at Digby Island. With the recommisaion- ing of the Newington. the BLrnie. Capt. Joe Peterson, will be laid up for a fortnight. Bob Wiggins arrived ln town from Cedarvale this week and 1 the guest of Doc Clapperton at the government wharf. Friend will regret to learn that Mr. Clapperton ia again a patient In the hospital suffering from Jlmmle Farquhar 1 not looking forward with any great heart throb cl Joy to the moving at an early date of Edward Upsett Co, Ltd, bag and b;-gage. Into Ita new waterfront home. It wUl mean that Jlmmle. redoubtable accountant of that concern, will have to set the alarm clock five minutes earlier to aay nothing of creating an unseemly disturbance at the calm and! peaceful Inlander with a noisy and un willing rising. Jimmy will have to fl t bed earlier and not move so much mirnlture during the week. The Oalt Line freighter Salvor. Capt Rush, arrived at noon on Wednesday from the south and. after discharging; three hundred tons of Nanalmo coal for Albert & McCaffery. sailed jester- day on her return aouth. The Prtnc Charles called at the Albert & McCaf-( fery wharf yesterday to unload shingles. sTr.vr.noitiMi niwr.E An Interesting announcement was nude yesterday to the eSect that the recently organized Prince Rupert Stevedoring Co. la to tsxe over the local business of the Pacific Stevedoring Co. J. H. Pillsbury. former manager of the local dry dock, who ha been stationed in Victoria for the past year ln the C.N-R. service, will become manager ot the new concern ot which M. P. McCaffery la one of the principals. Such an efficient organization should be able to capture all the 'business going locally. The former American halibut schooner Lincoln, purjhised bf j'iJ,W. Moore-house 'alnd E, B. 61mpsoh after th4 wrecking of the vessel by a gasoline explosion in August. 1 being rebuilt above deck at the dry dock and will be ready for charter aa a fish packer by the time the 1927 season opens. There wa a steady flow of gasboat each night during the week end and on Thursday half-holiday to the Salt Lake where splendid skating waa The 60 foot halibut boat, Helen II.. being built at the McLean waya for Chris Hovmuller, was launched Just before noon this morning. This handsome new craft will now have finishing touches done above the hull and engine installation performed ln plenty ot time tor the opening of the 1937 halibut season. With this vessel out of the way, Mac will immediately lay the keel for the first ot three 45 foot seine boat packer for which he has contract from the Oosse Parking Co. Another extensive Job now under way at the McLean establishment Is the entire reconstruction of John Wick's halibut boat. Johanna, damaged durtn? the fall In an explosion at the government wharf. Capt. Wick still ha ln view the building ot a new and larger vessel than the Johanna during; the coming year. The majority of the Wise halibut fishermen are already working on gear and. otherwise starting on preparations for. tht 1937 season which open Just one month hence. Many of the boat will be ou the bank by the time ot the opening day. The Well-Managed MIiS ALMOVK nnCMASE Miss Mibcl Almon. niece of C. O. Rowe of tank fame, will soon be 3 fully accredited owner and (kipper. Her purhcase of a neat 33 foot V-bottom Hacker model raised deck cruiser from S. P. Jones of the Digby Island wireless station, by whom the vessel was built, was recorded during the week. One ot the classiest little yachts will be thl boat after some alterations are made to It by the new' owner. Ths boat which la now lying at the Cow, Bay floats, will be powered with a Ford 1 automobile engine which will give It' all the pep any lady should require. ' it waa towed over from Digby Island' on Wednesday, by the Myfanwy, haTln; been launched only on Monday. j Another vessel ot the same design., size and model la now being built at Digby Island by C. W. Melll&h, another one ot the "sparks" across the way. ' Portland (Oregon) fishing captain are lamenting over the bad guess they, made last June. Because thy thought! the mackerel run wa gbout over all that time they lost what might have' been a big share in the profit made byj thel.- Boston and Gloucester rival ini the biggest and longest mackerel season' In forty years. Last spring when the mackerel) started running ncrth and east a few) Portland seiners and glllnettera Joined: the main fleet out ot Boston. Gloucester and New York. As the fish worked' eastward, how ever, most of the Port-' land vessels figured that there wssnt' much more in It for them. So they came home and fitted out for the swordflshTng. I What happened after that has been' the main topic ot conversation In re-j rent months In evsey New England port. The mackerel Instead ot disappearing at the usual time, kept coming. Huge tares were brought into 'Boston (continued on pare tlx) Croup at Night CsatstiW4la U relnatti kr rtsi thrt ind chftt with Vlctt-UM tlbaSllmt thl tiutMll muallr vertt s stgM attwk. VapoRub I. Oj Amazingly Tralbful " Reproduction Making every record do its best. This new Brunswick quickly won the hearts of music lovers everywhere. The case, too, is beautiful beyond the usual. Come in a?d say I want to hear the new Home ; THE manager of a household is the purchas ing agent for a large proportion of the family needs. In order to do a good job she must know what, when and where to buy. She must study goods and the concerns which make goods and have them to sell. She must put her home on a business basis and run it on business principles in order to make the most of the family income. Information is the only basis for intelligent purchasing. And the right way to get the greatest amount of necessary information is to read the advertisements. Advertisements tell you what is new and good m merchandise. They reveal improvements and inventions to ma,e your home life easier, more comfortable and more convenient. They give you information about a thousand and one things that are usejul. Every manager of a household- every member of the household who shares 7ie responsibility for the family's welfare should make a habit oj reading the ads. Read the advertisements in order ' " to buy wisely SHONOGaAtHS AMD tiCOSDI V J. LORNE MacLAREN, Ltd. Third Avenue, Corner Fifth Street Canadian National Steamships Co. Limited fl Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD OperalinK G.T.P. 20,000 Ton Floating Dry Dock KiiRlncers," Machinists Boilermakers, lllncksmlths, Patlern-makers. Founders Woodworkers Etc. EI.KCTKIC AND ACETYLKNK WELDING; .t t. Our plant is euuipped to handle all kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK. PHONES 43 and 385