PGE TVQ Be to Value 'LAST IS HEARD SALAM" TEA Tsa Economy in its rich drawing freshnen. The Daily News PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue. H. F. PULLEN - - - Managing Editor. Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations, DAILY EDITION You can't always Ml a great man by the way.he tips the darky porter ,i . - . Some Prince Rupert people ask about as many fool questions as a tourist, ' ' .1 Wednesday, July C, 1927 f , . NEED OP MAIL SERVICE Every day thre are more evidences of the need of a better mail 'gerrfce. Mail comes here from the Easton Fridays and not another letter can get through until the following Monday afternoon. Trains come every duy during that time. They carry express but the postrrfaster-general does not allow letters to be carried on the train except through the post office department. He will not allow the expreA companies to carry letters and he will not carry them himself. He is the dog in the manger. Of course the postmaster-general knows nothing about this. It la purely a departmental matter and has not been brought to his attention. Hon. P. J. Venlot would not allow such a condition to occur down in New Brunswick, we may be sure, but this is away out West and the people here stand for anything. As we were saying, Mr. Veniot does not know about this per- Bunawy. nai we neeu 10 ao is 10 mane mm Know about it and im press It so hard that we shall get the needed reform. During the months when there is a dally train service, sacks of mail could be given in charge of the baggage car at Edmonton .containing all let tera from that city and eastward. Then other sacks could be thrown on at principal points and on the return, sacks could be put off at the same points. That would not be an ideal service but it would be much better than we are getting today. It Would be the beginning , of. a better state of things and would for the present satisfy the peopie oere.,,. .. -..'' . ' : : All we need now is lots of business and we shall be the most important city in northwestern British Colum- ' bia. S, i -The only thing the. matter with religion is that so many-people don't practicei it, - ....' CONSUL WAKEFIELD (JOLN'G Consul Wakefield has been here so long that he Is now looked upon as a Prince Rupert institution. He has always been greatly in demand at public gatherings and has given of his time and talents ungrudgingly to all and sundry. There is scarcely an organization, religious, fraternal or of any other kind that has not benefitted from the consul's presence. Socially, Mrs. Wakefield has taken;her part in the life of the city and has added to the prestige of her country. Now Mr. and Mrs. Wakefield are going to serve their country in Mexico and are giving place to others. Many will regret their departure but will realize that the career of a consul depends upon change and it is to be hoped that the change in this case will be for the better. LOYALTY TO ONE'S TOWN An interesting case of loyalty to the town in which one lives is shown in a story told of one of the residents of Terrace He was met when on his way east a few days ago when he got off the train to stretch his legs at Prince George. The sun was shining there and everything looked green and fresh and beautiful. A fellow passenger remarked: "This is beautiful sunshine!" The answer came back quickly: "Yes, but it's nothing like as good as the Terrace sunshine." Now that the celebration is over and we are getting back to normal," it might be a good thing to saw wood ' " once more. - Now that the colored gentleman from Egypt has been properly entertained by Royalty in England, it is possible the, Egyptians may once more turn to the good old-fashioned practice of growing corn and stowing it in barns. Some people who pride themselves on being candid might well be kicked for their ill manners. Make this Test To Find out if you need Dr. Chase's Nerve Food. A study of these symptoms will enable you to decide. 'This blood and m-rve restorative v" wm devised for use in two frost dassea of diseases, on of which usually develops from the other Anaemia or bloodWsnem, and Nervous Exhaustion. J? the blood is thin and watery, as is indicated by pallor of the lips, eyelids and rums, or if yon arc afflicted by some form of nervous trouble, you will find in Da. Chase's Nerve Food the most certain means of relief and restoration. Some of the symp- s torn and ailments which come under this beading are: Thin blood, sallow complexion, pstllor of eyelids,' lips and gums, tired feelings, loss of energy and ambition, tendency to fear and anxiety, loss of breath and easily fatigued, weak heart action, loss of ith and weight, neurasthenia, nervous prostration, nervous head-"" ache, indieextioa, sWplewneas Irritability,' nervousness;" Switching ul nerves and muscles, sensitiveness to' sound and light, gloomy forebodings, Iohs of memory, inability to concentrate the mind. Dr. Chase's, Nbbvk Food is easily the greatest of restoratives. By forming new red corpuscka in the blood this food treatment noarisbes the starved and depleted nerves back to health and vigor. Try it when you are ran down and out of sorts. It will restore vigor and energy and make you feel that fife is worth living. Dr. Chase's Nerve Food -0 et. per box. all dealers, or The Dr. A. W. Chase Medieme Co., Limited, Toronto, Canada. OF GAUTHIER Vancouver Pjpr .Dilate on Flnd-1) inch in Report uf Com misslnner NONE ARE RI.AMELESS redit Jiven Attorney General .Manson l or Acting Promptly in Matter (Vsucoorrr Star) It require a careful pernsal to grp. to' the esteni dineteetf, the penetration (UsetDM-d in Uvt mart at. the tUu. Mr. Justice Morrison on the Osuthler ease. the sanity of his xposlttOD of the state of affairs that made posalMe tta at tacks brought la the House, and the tiartty of the language In which he analyses the evidence and draws his coniuioas. Obviously, it required some courage to writ a document that leave few concerned in the matt investigated quite unscathed, but. In view of the high Judicial position oc- cupled for nvanj years by th commit- atoacr. the public has taken It for granted flora the first that, no- matter to what conehisiont he found himself oUla.rd to come, he would not heattate to state them fully and evplfclUy. The report U the last of a series. In brief. It hari been repeatedly charted In the House last session, both as a a-eneral allegation and as bsvuia Occurred In particular Instances, that there were Improper relations between the Ooverntner: Liquor Department snd person concerned In raising campaign funds for the Llbeal party. So long as nothing specific was alleged. the government exhibited some reluc tance to order an investigation, a course that, while It appeared to give point to the accusations, has been shown to hare been unnecessarily flefena're. In the sequel, commission sfter commis sion sat. and in every case the verdict was a complete acquittal of the min isters of the crown usually followed by hasty asseverations on the part of those who had taken on themselves the role of the prosecution that they had never intended to disparage In any way the members of the government. KOOT or MATTER Mr. Justice Morrison's findings In Hie dauthler case wlU appeal to the common sense of the great mass of unprejudiced people. His criticism of those who . have .associated with undesirable c ha raters goes to the root of the matter ,aiid will make many pause ind think who have been Inclined to view wim levity party associations of a dubious character. That several men prominent in public life have believed that they could touch pitch without I'eing defiled is now evident. Mr. Justice Morrison does not hold them guilty of corrupt motives, but he does believe, and says, that, considering the poaltlous of public trust they hold, they have been Indiscreet. He finds. and in the lace of the evidence there was not the slightest ground for any j'ther finding, that what they have dene has not caused any loss to the public treasury. They have, however, done what. In view of Its far-reaching results, may be worse. They have ennbled unscrupul ous men to shake public confidence In governmental Institutions. It is not in their power to make full amends for this. For many a long day, thanks to them, the leer snd sneer will be evoked in certain quarters when reference Is made to the probity of ministers and officials... But they may make their offense less by facing the Issue frankly in their future relations with the public. danoer or i.Kit ok No one can be said to comb out of the business absolutely blameless. The members of the government emerge with the best record, but even of them It must be said that they paid too little attention to what was going on, and, conscious of their own rectitude, bid" hot sufficiently trouble themselves to find out what certain people were Attempting. When an administration takes over the responsibility of a liquor department It needs to combine the cunning of the serpent with the Innocence of the dove. Enough has been said of the position In which those on the Liberal side who associated .with dauthler and Carlow find themselves. No less uncomfortable Is that of those members of the Conservative party who gave credence to the allegations of men now utterly discredited. It Is proper to say here that several of the opposition refused to take any part In bringing against honorable mjn charges' ib gross and' with so doubtful a foundation. Credit should be given to the attorney-general and the purchasing agent for acting promptly once they were aware of the nefarious enterprise of Oauthler. and for uniformly resisting pressure when suggestions were made that commissions might be diverted to party funds "without hurting anybody." And most of all, much credit te given to the learned Judge who has said Officially .what many people were thinking' privately. ! MAKE DEER TAME ON OUTSKIRTS OF CITY RECENT SUGGESTION A citizen who does not wish to sign his name to a letter yet who is partic ularly interested in the preservation of the wild animals of this part of the country, suggests that in. aplte of j admonitions to the contrary shooting Is 'going on In and around the city and rVedMMav THE DAILY NEWS "Hallelujah" v "Sometimes I'm Happy" r.i TraU vltk Vacs! Chants sad PUm bwls, pU Okwaa aa4 VtrU AraVa Its. rrT tfc.4 Orckntrs. J J- Russian Lullaby" "Paradise Isle" WalUaa with Varal Chat. Cral CuU'm or on aa4 Hk K.Ul McAlst urcknUs. that deer we being killed contrary to law on Kalen Island. He says that some of time ttlleit hunters are known and being watehed and that prpsecu- lions are meiy to result unisaaj uie i practice is stopped. Pctlce' court prosecutions are always I :baozious and the citizen thinks it ' would be better to have the practice cease voluntarily ao he appeals to this paper for the necessary publicity. It Is further pointed out that iame deer on the outskirts of the elty would J a great attraction but with the large number of dos now running unrestrained, this seems almost an FEARS UNITED STATES CONTROi Archdeacon Scott Says Canada Trying to Foster National Unity and Independence QUEBEC. July 6. (Canadian Press). Claiming -that construction of the St Lawrence Waterway, aa at present projected, would endanger Canadian nationalism, the Rev. Archdeacon P. O Scott of Quebec has written a letter to the Quebec Division of the Navy league of Canada pointing out his fears in that connection. The Navy League has distributed 'his letter throughout the varl-cut branches la the Dominion. Interviewed with regard to his letter. Archdeacon Scott said that he was pleased at the opportunity to reiterate his "warning t- the grave danger to Canadian national aspirations by the internationalization of the St. Lawrence." "When this question is boiled down to Its crlglnal significance," aald Rev. Archdeacon Scott, "it means that the United States Is going to buy the St. Lawrence and use it In the Interest of Chicago by making a waterway to the sea and also In the Interest of the New England states which would get their supply of electric povier from the damming of the rapids on the course." 90 PER (EXT IN CANADA Ninety per cent of the St. Lawrence lies In Canada, ht said, and the cost of the scheme would be between four snd five hundred millions. Canada was Invited to go Into the project on equal terms with the United States, but she had no money to put into such, a huge undertaking. She could only do so by borrowing from the United States. Ultimately, he said, the money would all come from the United States and the whole course of the St. Lawrence would be under American control. "If today we have to sit quietly by and protest agalntt the action of Chicago in diverting the water of our great river and find that all our efforts are in vain, h,ow powerless would we be if a. huge Investment in money by the United States gave her the right to act even more independently of oUf wishes?" NATIONAL I.II E KM) VN(il ltKI) "The internationalization of our great waterway." he said, "would cut through the aspirations for national unity and independence which we are striving to foster at the present time. The provinces of the west, being removed from the position of Quebec, do not realize that the whole destiny of Canada and her national life are endangered by the canal scheme. They think that Quebec Is opposing it in a selfish manner In the Interests of the river ports of Quebec and Montreal, but the people of this province realize that the Interlocking of Canada's supreme Interests with those of the United Sta'fes is of significance to the whole country and would cut at the root of the true spirit of national independence that we are trying to conserve." Archdeacon Scott during the war was Director of Chaplain Services In the 1st Canadian Division and was affectionately known among the troops as "The Padre PAIN in BLADDER Promptly Eassd by SANTAL IY1IDY B sure to gat the Otnuln Look for Ms word "MIDV" told by sU druicisti ELECTRICAL LIGHT RAY of the OW Bed Patch' known aln as a poe it- "Lucky Lindy" The Lost Trench Fliers" Tr with Vbllsw Cslur, TraBt 4 Tr.uB. VtrMt lialkark He la well Ten Years Ago in Prince Kupert Jt l.V . 1917 I There are some people here who would have a bigger dry dock bulH at rvir.oe Rupert even though the pre-.ent one is not yet In operation. Private Alec Gray returned from the front this morning snd entrained for Smlthem where his parents, Mr. smI Mrs. J. S. Gray, are now residing. John Paul, well known flahermhn, nd Ms son, William, were drowned recently when the boat in which they vera riding capsized LAND ACT. NOTK'i: OF INTENTION TO APPLY TO LEAKE lOKESIIOItE. In Prince Rupert Land Recording District of Prince Rupert, and altuate at Sewell Inlet. Moresby Island, Queen Charlotte Islands. TAKE NOTICE that Kelley Logging Company Limited, of Vancouver, B.C.. 'ccupatlon Timber Merchants, Intends to apply for a lease of the following described foreshore: Commencing at a post planted approximately 8 chains south, 20 degrees east rom the northeast comer of Lot 472. Sewell Inlet, Moresby Island: thence foi-1 wing the high water mark in an eait-Tly, southerly and southwesterly dlrec-.lon to Its intersection with the easterly boundary of Lot 472; then southerly nd easterly to tb. northwest corner o' ;.TX. 6215 P.; thence In a northwesterly direction to the point of commencement, nnd containing 45 acres, more or less. JOSEPH DOUQLAS WILSON, Agent for Kelley Logging Co. Ltd. Dated 29th April. 1627. LAND ACT. NOTICE OF INTENTION TO APPLY TO LEASE LA.Nl FOK INDL'STKIAL PURPOSES In Prince Rupert Land Recording District of Prince Rupert, and situate at Sewell Inlet, Moresby Island, Queen Charlotte Island,!. TAKE NOTICE that Kelley Logging Company Limited, of Vancouver, B.C.. : ccupatlon Timber Merchants, intends apply for a lease of the following ' described lands: i Commencing at a post planted approximately 8 chains south 20 degrees east of the northeast corner of Lot 472. Sewell ' t'llat. Mnrpihv TstAnrf thn fnllnof. lng the shore line In an easterly, southerly and southwesterly direction to Its Intersection with the eastern boundary of Lot 472; thence north 10 chains, more or less, to the point of commencement, and containing 20 acres, more or JOSEPH DOUGLAS WILSON, Agent for Kelley Loggln3 Co. Ltd. Dated 2Bth April. 1927. LAND ACT NOTICE OF INTENTION TO APPLY TO LEASE LANI In Range 4, Land Recording District of Prince Rupert, and situate at Barnard Cove, Princess Royal Island. TAKE NOTICE that the Mlllerd Packing Company Limited of Vancouver, B.C.. occupation Salmon Canners, Intends to apply for a lease of the following described lands: Commencing at a pott planted alongside post marked N.W. L2573; thence southerly along high water mark 20 chains, more or less, to a post marked 8.W. L2573; thence west to low water mark; thence northerly along low water mark 20 chains, more or less, to a point vest of the point of commencement; thence east SO links, more or less, to point of commencement, and containing cne-quarter acre, more or less. MILLERD PACKINO COMPANY LIMITED, . Applicant. Dated June 18, 1827. LAND ACT. NOTICE OF INTENTION TO APPLY TO LEASE FOREMIIOIIE. In Prince Rupert Land Recording District of Prince Rupert, and situate at Moresby Island, Queen Charlotte Islands. TAKE NOTICE that Kelley Logging Company Limited, of Vancouver. B.C., occupation Timber Merchants, Intends to apply for a lease of the following described foreshore: Commencing at a post planted approx-1 imately one-half mile south 30dex. east oi me mourn oi me isssoo River, Moresby Island, Queen Charlotte Islands: thence following the high water mark In a northwesterly, westerly and southwesterly direction for a distance of one and one-half miles; thence In an easterly I direction to the point of commencement, ! and containing 180 acres, more or less. JOSEPH DOUOLAS WILSON, ! Acting as Agent for Kelley Logging Co. Ltd. 1 Dated 80th April, 1927, 3572 "Strum My Blues Away" "My Idea of Heaven" ri TrU whfc Vsral CWnu. Frsak nron Black u4 Ilk nrrktatrs. J-J RECORD "Yesterday" "Down Kentucky Way" IImM Kim ktekar.- "Doll Dance" "Delirium" Fas Trala k Csrl FaaUs's OrckaUs. J. LOKNE MACI.AKEN LTD, Third Ave Corner Fifth Street. Prince Kupert. II.C Ask to Hear the New Hrunswlck "Songs from Dixie" Series 3507 331$ BARGAINS BARGAINS nt the' of THOR JOHNSON'S large stock of GENTLEMEN'S CLOTHING AND I'tJHNISIIlVLS fiET YOUK SHAKE 'OP THE BARGAINS BARGAINS Our Sale Continues UNTIL SATURDAY, JULY 9. SPECIALS FOIt THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY Ladies' Art Silk Vests, regular $1.45. Sale- price .$1.00 Ladies' Art Silk HlunrperK, regular $1.75. .Sale jrire Ladies' Art Silk Hosiery, rular 75c. Sale price, 1 pairs l or .SI, (0 Latlies' Jenny Lind Hose. Sale price 7.V Children's Fleet Foot Slippers, white Jind brown, size to 10 for 7."( Sizes to 2 for ,. 20 per cent discount on all Men's and Indies' Running Shoe 15 per cent discount on all Children's Running Shoes Jabour Bros., Ltd. l'hone CIS. Corner Third nnd 7lh. Canadian National Q7ie Largeft Railway SyHcm in America STEAMSHIP AND TRAIN SERVICE SAII.INOS from PUINTi: Itl'PMtT for VANCOI VKK, VICTORIA, SEATTLE rurlt MONDAY and Till ItSllAY, 4.00 p.m.. SATI'IIIIAV, RIM) p.m. For AXVOX and HTKWAKT MOMMY. UtllHY. 1.00 p.m. tor ALASKA UKO.NCsliAY, 4.(1(1 for MASSKTT I.VI.KT MONDAY, 4.(10 p.m. lor SKIDLOATK 1XI.KT and SOCTH jl KKN CHAKLOTTti IM ANIIS, fort nightly. , PASSKNOEIt TRAINS LP.AVrl PRINCK RUPERT DAILY EXCEPT SI.'MMY at 11.30 a.m. for PRINCE (lEOROR. EDMONTON, tVINXII'EO, nil point Eastern Canada, t'nlteil sialea, JASPER PARK LODOE OPEN MAY 21 TO SEI'TEMltcit 30. SEE CANADA IN CANADA'S JI'IIII.EK YEAR I8(J7 - 1927. AOENCY ALL OCEAN STEAMSHIP LINES. Use Canadian National Express for Money Orders, foreign Chrqars, etc., also for your next shipment. CITY TICKET OFFICE. 528 TIIIIID AVE.. PRINCE RUPERT. Phone W Thompson Hardware Co., Ltd. 255 Third Avenue Prince Rupert Adjustable Window Screens "soc to $1.25 Assorted Screen Doors $3.75 to $5.00 Puritan Two-Burner Oil Sto-es $27.50 Bread Boxes and Pantry CaUinets $2.00 to $5.00