25 TAXI ndC Ambulance Sarvlc Anywhere at Anytime Stand; Exchange Huilding MATT VIDECK. I'rop. J XVII No. 1BC also robbed the neighbor of tne minister J. W Farlabeau, of several thousand dollars' worth of Jewellery. CHIEF FORESTER FOR PROVINCE DUE HERE I'. Z. (inerlilll Eipertrd lo Arrive In City troin Interior on Till Afternoon's Train p. Z Caverhlll, chief foreiter for the province of British Columbia, who Is making an orflclal tour of the Prince Oeorge and Prince Rupert forestry districts, is expected to arrive In the city on this afternoon' train to spend a day or so here With him will arrive R. E. Allen, district forester, and E. E. Gregg, assistant forester, who have been In the Burns Lake country on departmental duties. ATLANTIC CITY FIRE DESTROYS PROPERTY ATLANTIC CITY, July 6. Eight hos-telrles, mostly frame buildings, wer razed when nearly a block of the board walk was destroyed by fire here yesterday The loss la satlmated at 'V,.. thing In the way of road, bridge or trail Improvements is being planned with the tnoat of the work, of course where poulatkon or industry drmand The contrast tor the four miles of the Ka.en brand Highway Irom the enii the present work to Oalloway Rapids, as already announced, has bee-. to Uw Vaaoouvsr . ruedrlrlnz It ContrMttug Oo ""pSbMe works engineers re now engaged In .cross eecionlr.; and otherwise preparing for an Immediate sun of tkt wrk. It is expected that the contracting company will le on the ground within the week. When the city tanrla outfit has finished Its municipal work, it wiH be used for the tarring and macadamizing of the Cow Bay road whlelj to the property of the Provincial Government. The Rupert-Vancouver Stevedorm': UBLIC WORKS Oo. has work of reconstructing the gov-1 tmment wharf well under way and the department Is retniUdlng the footbrldue approach to that section of the water front. l l:KX f 'CIAIU.MTTK IM.Ml On the Queen Charlotte Islands, the 12-mtle road between Port Clements and Tlcll to being planked across the tnuskeg and It Is Intended to make it passsble for automobiles this fall. The lumber, all cedar. U being cut In the Robinson tt Simpson mill at Masnrtt and, on arrival at Port Clements, it will bt handled by special auto equipment. Including dollies, trailers' and trucks, all of which has been assembled at Parker's Oarage In Prince Rupert. Heavy rock construction work Is being carried out for a distance of two miles on the Queen Charlotte Clty- Bkldegate road with Charlie Ault as foreman. This Is new construction. The road between Skidegste and Tletl Is being gravelled and generally Improved and all the sand roads at Mas-rett are being planked and made suitable for any manner of traffic. On Pore her Island, l'i mile of plank trail, new work, haa been built at Oona River. At Jap Inlet mile of planked trail "nas been put In and at Lawson Harbor there Is to be half a mile of similar construction. ATI.1N DISTRICT In' the Atlin district, extensive river protection work Is being carried out at Alice Arm to save the roads and bridges there and the town Itself from the Inroads of the Katsault River. A trail to being built up the north east fork of the Kltr.mt River as well as several otlier trails to mining pro perties in the main Katsault Valley. In the Naas River region, tne usual maintenance work la being done. The widening of the Stewart-Hyder road Is being completed. This will make it an 18-foot thoroughfare which will probably be macadamized ana tar red on a central strip ten iect wure. Considerable Improvement work Is being done on the Salmon River road from the Alaska boundary to ure u.v. silver ororjertv. Gravelling of the road irom uw, wharf to the forks of the Marmot River Is belni completed and a bridge across Dl llo HAH II- IV A AM) WANE IN HI tMU.'.U J I llll l : Dlvinton "D" of tJM provlnelal pollca wtilcil oovera Uw vt DortaMrn dtrl,- of the ro-vtoc ir nearly two-thtrd u( the area of Br li4 Coiuroola spent a very rem aatjle holidiy season. Civertn:' the period of Uw Diamond JnHsre nf Ooii-fedemion only two crime reports hive beer, filed at police headtjtiMrtrni in Wm city. They mere both for dninkannew. Apparently It v-aa a safe and sane holiday in the northern frontier 4 : Hotels PRINCE RUPERT Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper rniNCE RUPERT. B.C, WEDNESDAY, JULY 6. 1927 GANLSUI LALL, otherwise known as Bir M' an. an Indian merchant prince, recently arrived in London from the United States with a marvellous collection of jewels worth more than $2,500,000, and a "'bodyguard of Indian servants, armed tq the teeth with native knives and dagger IN Boston Grill j Utge Upstair Dining Hall, with newly laid danclnu floor, for hire. NEW SODA FOUNTAIN. Tho latest and best for the least Phone 457. Pri e Five Cents NORTH GREEMENT HOPED FOR NA VAL DISARMAMENT PARLEY ummense Lot of Road Work is Being Done hy the Provincial Government in Huge District iroughout electoral ridings of Prince Rupert, Mackenzie, Skeena and Atlin improvements being made An unprecedented amount of work is to be carried out this reason by the provincial department of public works in Northern and Central British Columbia or in that part of the province which comes within the purview of the department's local headquarters namely the electoral ridings of I'rince Hupert, Mackenzie, Skeena, land Atlin. Departmental officials will be kept busy at capacity su- tpefvtMintr the work which is meaning the employment of a large (number of men. In every part of the vast area lying between the Ujueen Charlotte Islands on the west and Hubert station on the east, SPECIMENS FOR FIELD MUSEUM BEING SOUGHT ; - let Uhley Mine Joining Expedition to Secure Additions to Already Large Collection VANCOUVER. July . One of the leading ornithologists In the work). 5pe i&l work by the Field Museum at Chlcaco. leaves Vancouver tonksht tc Join the John Borden Field Miueum 'Alaska Arctic etpedltkm In northern waters. I In an Interview here Hlne aatd It 'was planned to work along the A!akan 'mid Siberian coast and return to Los Angeles late In the year. Northern jCanadtan specimens would be sought for the museum to complete what U already one of the finest collections In the world. The Importance of the work to British CoIumbla,lt wa pointed out. lay in the fart that In one day last year no fewer than 54,000 people I Field Museum. IRflRREn rlalted the OF MINISTER Hon. J. V. Cnrclin Victim of Thieves Who Carried off Every thing Moveable BOREL. Que.. July . The residence of Hon. J. P. Cardln. minister of marine and fisheries, was entered by thieves who took everything moveable. They -the Dell Ouola valley on the south and I the Yukon border on the north, aome- the north fork of that river is ouBj built. The Bear River road Is being generally Improved to make It aultsble for heavy traffic from the Dunwell mine. Work is also being done on this road north of the Dunwell to Ward's Pass and It Is being reconstructed across (continued on pae four) P- tr nil . m-np j p NEWSPAPERMAN AS MAJOR-GENERAL 8IR C BOAUCK-ER, new director of civil aviation in the British air ministry. He has 300 people working on a new alr-ahlp. 700 feet long, which will be the tsrgest In existence. RICH STRIKE REPORT ON DUNWELL PROPERTY VICTORIA. July 8.-Another rich strike has been made on the Dunwell Mine, not far from the Sunbeam showing made some time ago. The new discovery, according to the assays that have been made, show 1.52 to 1.78 ounces In gold per ton. The value are therefore something approaching from 30 to $35 a ton. C.N.R. HOTEL TO BE BUILT IN VANCOUVER SAYS MAYOR TAYLOR VANCOUVER. July 6 - Mayor Taylor announces the adoption of recommen dations arising out of a recent conference between the city and CJ.R. officials, which will mesn the start next year of a C N R hotel In Vancouver. TRAINS COLLIDED AND PASSENGERS KILLED IONE ISLAND, N.Y.. July 6 Pour passengers were killed and more than a score Injured yesterday when an express train crashed Into a freight train which was backing on to a siding near here. HOI I'ICKKItS NKKllKIt VANCOUVER, July 6. Some three thousand hop pickers for the Fraser Valley In addition to Indians are needed this season, It to' stated, commencing about August 15. WEATIIEK KF.POKT BALL LEAGUES: to city of Toronto i j TORONTO. July 8 Acting as an emto- ruishurK rails oimprove utary.xor utjvfjlrtfoijn rrail I -end in rsationai uvcr Chicago NEW YORK, July 6- -Pittsburg Pirates, leaders or the National League, continued heir winning streak yesterday by defeating St. Louis Cardinal! It-3 but hare not Improved their frail half-game margin for supremacy as the Chicago Cubs again defeated the Cincinnati Reds 8-5. Philadelphia Mat Be ten 5-4 In the only other game played In the league. New Tort Yankees continued their victorious stride in the American League by defeating Washington Senators again by 7-6. The cellar dwelling Bcetonlant spoiled Philadelphia's chances' for going into second place by beating them 8-5. The Yankees, with a lead of twelve and a half gamer are now off for their second western tour of conquest. Tony Laznerl won the game for the American League leaders yesterday with a home run with two out. Hoyt Is laid up with a lame arm and shoulder and Injured ankle and Koenlg Is still out but the Yanks are still winning games. Gehrig got a homer with the bases futl. Five homers, four doubles and two triplets featured the game. Every man In the St. Louts line-up got at least one hit agalmt Detroit. The day's scores were as follows: NATIONAL I KAtll K St. Louis 2, Pittsburg 14. Boston 4, Philadelphia 6. Cincinnati S, Chicago 8. A.MI Itlt'AS I.K.K11E Philadelphia 5, Boston 6. Washington 6, New York 7. St. Louts beat Detroit. LKAtil t; NTAMII.SOS National f W. Pittsburg 41 k Chicago 45 . St. Louis 39 New York 39 1 Brooklyn 35 Benton '. 28 " Philadelphia 28 Cincinnati 28 American New York M Wcshlngton 4Q v Chicago 42 5. Detroit 37 Philadelphia 39 Cleveland 34 St. Louis 30 Boston 17, U 25 27 31 35 38 38 42 48 21 33 35 33 36 40 41 54 VANCOUVER EXCHANGE B.C. Silver Cork Province Dunwell , Glacier Gladstone . . . . Bid. 1.70 Coast Copper 14.60 Prince Rupert -Clc;ir rain temp. W. Sunlock .06 H 1.40 .08 M Independence '..08J4 Indian L. It L Premier Porter Idaho Slrer Crest . OAK 2.10 .nv, .06 V4 Pct. .638 .625 .557 .527 .479 .424 .400 .351 .720 .648 .543 529 .530 .459 .422 .239 Asked 1.75 14.75 .07 H 1.42 .08 V, W, .07 .08 y 2.12 18 !4 .07 .70 couvcr. B. H--Stott. new editor of the Vancouver Pronnce. arrived this morn ing on the "Confederation" bearing a return greeting from Hit Worship of Vancouver to Mayor Thomas Foster. The letter readi In part p.s follows: "With the Inauguration of the Canadian National Railways new train 'Confederation' operating between our cities, I tske this opportunity or extending hearty greetings frcm myself, aldermen and cltlsena of Vancouver to yourself, aldermen and citlnens of Toronto. I am sure you will agree with me that during this. Canada's Diamond Jubilee year. It Is, perhaps, more fitting than ever before, that we should contribute our share to bind more closely together the confederation of the provinces created sixty years ago." OBJECTION IS TAKEN TO GOVERNMENT SCHEME FOR HOUSE OF LORDS i LONDON, July 6. Right Hnn. J. Ram- j say Macdonald. lender of the Labor party In the British House of Commonv.today made a scheduled censure motion against i they government scheme for the reform of the House of Lords. FIRE DESTROYED HERRING SALTERY AT DEPARTURE BAY NANAIMO, July 6. A fire on Protection Island at Departure Bay destroyed the herring sallery of the Pacific Coast Pish & Cold Storage Company, valued at 150.000. SON OF MARY ELLEN SMITH DIED TODAY VANCOUVER. July 6. Robert Smith, son of Mrs. Mary Ellen and the late Ralph Smith of thli city, died this knornlng from liver complications that affected the heart. He was born at Newcastle-ou-Tyne In 1886 and was lawyer. LARGE LOSS RESULT FLOODED HAY LANDS DIKD AT OTTAWA OTTAWA. July 6. Maxwell Graham, head of the wild life .division of the Crucial Stage in Conference at Geneva to Try to Reduce Naval Strength of Nations GENEVA, July 6. A crucial stage was reached at the tripartite naval conference, but whether events will push the pourparlors toward an actual rupture or an actual treaty undoubtedly depends chiefly on Great Britain. The United States, it is said, is actuated by u conciliatory desire to understand the British cruiter needs and to meet them as far as possible. Yesterday, in fact, the American representative really told the delegates that his country would go ,o the extreme limit of 400,000 ton3 which was 100.000 more than the maximum for cruisers contained in the original American proposal but strongly Indicated that his country 1 v.ould exert continued effort to put the limitation wtll under 400.000 tons. B j'.h the United States government re presentative and W. C. Bridgman. First Lord of the British Admiralty and offl- lal representative of Oreat Britain at the conference, last night vigorously denied that Britain was animated by aggressive designs In asking for a large number of small erotoers. LATFIt IK.PAT(II GENEVA, July 8. -The meetings 10-day of tiaval delegates failed to Improve the critical situation. The Anglo-American parley Is reported to have been a lively one. sale Disrupted" by or shortage 'rotsl'of I93.IMH) Pound of Halibut hold at I Ml exchange ThU Morning The shortage of refrigerator cara caused delay In the seulon of the Fish Exchange this m'ornlng. the buyers not rtsfSg untU 1 o'clock this afternoon. Six freezers are due to arrive cn this afternoon's train and there will be another half-dozen tomorrow. A total of 192.000 pounds tf halibut was sold at the Exchange not Including a catch of 28.000 pounds offered by the American . schooner Murla and was held over untU tomorrow. American vessels disposed of 104.500 pounds at bids ranging from 12.7c and 6c to 13.7c and 6c. while eight Cana dians sold 88.500 pounds at 11c and 6c to 12.7c and 6c. The day's sales were as follows: Amerk-an Neptune, 48,000 pounds, Atlin Fisheries, 13.4c and 6c. Cedrlc, 32.000 pounds. Canadian Fish tt Cold Storage Co.. 12.7c and 6c. B-jthen. 14.000 pounds; Fremont, 7,-500 pounds, and Eastern Point, 5,000 pounds. Booth Fisheries, 13.7c artcf 6c. Canadian Cape P'encer. 22,000 pounds, Atlin Fisheries. 11.5c and 6c. Livingstone. 2,000 pounds, and Mulr- neag. 4.000 pounds. Canadian risn k Cold Storage Co., 12.7c and 6c. W.T.. 9,000 pounds: Fanny F., 10.000 pounds; and Nautilus, 6.000 pounds, 11.6c and 6c, Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co. Joe Baker. 7,000 pounds. Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., 11.2c and 6c. Zeballoi, 11.000 pounds, Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., 11.1c and 6c. Impereuse. 7.500 pounds, Canadian Fish ti Cold Storage Co., 11c and 6c. MINISTER OF PUBLIC WORKS TO VISIT CITY Hon. Dr. W. II. Sutherland and Patrick I'lilllp. Ill Deputy, Due Here Nest Week Hon. Dr. W. H. Sutherland, provincial minister of public works, and Patrick Philip, deputy minister,'- will visit Prince Rupert next week. They are on a tour of inspection of interior road systems and are due to reach Smlthers on Baturday of this week. They will be met there by O, C. MacKay, local district engineer for the department, who will leave tomorrow, morning for the interior. rnunumK r.il fl T M Kirir. wnue nere, uw miuisicr ana i u- Put wlu look over tne location of the patrick, government engineer, who has t.,rrt fmm an lnsnection of the he ld highway and other flooded area of 9.000 acres of hay lands between here and Lac Ste. Anne, estimates the crop loss at (90,000. public works In the city. MUCH INJURY FROM STORM IN AUSTRIA FOUR KILLED AUTO ACCIDENT l'lane I'lunged Into Lake Washington With Fatal Results Yesterday SEATTLE. July 6. A seaplane plunged into Lake Washington here late yesterday and four men were killed. They were Olaf Johnson, the pilot; Roy Olln and Fred Stancllffe. Insurance agents; Jchn Bock, a Los Angeles hotel manage;. RUSSIANOT COMPETITOR SASKATOON, July 8. Russia wUlnot be a serious competitor with Canada on the world wheat market for five yean to come, says Dr. W. W. Swanson, professor of Economics at the Unlver-ttty of Saskatchewan, In a letter from Moscow. Dr. Swanson Is chairman of the Saskatchewan Overseas Livestock which i Marketing Commission which wrt Five! Canada In February to study produc- tton and marketing problems In Europe. MODERATOR GETS A GREAT WELCOME FROM HIS CONGREGATION VICTORIA. July 6. The congregation of- 8t. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, supplemented by representatives of other denominations In the city as well as a number of perssnal friends and those associated with the minister In other phases of his semt-publtc work, paid honor to Rev. W. Leslie Clay. DX.. at a public reception held at the church last evening to mark the occasion of his election, to the Moderatorship of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church In Canada. Announcement was also made of the gift to the church by an anonymous member of a set of sixteen tower chimes. CHANGE IS MADE HOTEL MANAGERS WINNIPEO. July 6. According to announcement made at Montreal yesterday by A. 8. McLean, general superintendent of the Canadian National Hotels, C. L. Weldon, heretofore assistant manager at Jasper Park Lodge, has been appointed acting manager of the Macdonald Hotel, Edmonton. A S. Detlor, the presenj manager. Is resigning from the service and will leave Edmonton on July 10. Mr. Weldon has had hotel experience and Is welt known In the west. RIVERS INLET WOMAN THOUGHT TO BE DROWNED VANCOUVER, July 6. Missing for more than a week, Mrs. John McFhall of Rivers Inlet to believed to have been drowned In the Oeykand River during a freshet. Her boat was found. bettertreatment for Ex-service men BUCHAREST. July 6. A storm did two ; OTTAWA, July 8. -Important changes North West Territory branch of the million dollars worth of damage In the j In the pensions regulations and other department of the Interior, died her ' Andreal region and a number of people treatment of s-servloe men will 6e aa- last- nigh followiup a stroke 1 there were in' :red. j uu-.iu.-'i -.'.. say.- .h nt'aea.