,r Stpttmber 2, 1927 for long hot sticky' days ! cHRFnircn WHEAT Flavoiy shreds of whole wheat in cool appetizing1 form, iflllihe nourishmenT ioii neerfj W. G. BEACH Clears out the balance of Bent's High-grade Lady Wear for what it will fetch Don't pass this Store Saturday. Genuine Bargains EVERY DOLLAR WILL HUY TWO DOLLARS WORTH OF GOODS Dresses New Fall and Winter Coats Hats Silk Under Garments and Dozens of other lines at genuine Close-out Prices that is, what they will realize. The Bargain Buying Opportunity of a Decade Come to J. Bents For Perfect Ladies' Rcady-to-Wcar at Third Avenue Want a New Experience? A new thrill? Then try Purdy'a Famous Chocolate or (andies. Once you taste their home made food MM troubles take to the tall timbers the world aaiunei a rosier tint. Try I'urdy's and be happy. We are sole Prince Rupert Amenta for thia most famous of B.C.'s confections I'urdy's Famous Chocolates in the purple box. Mail orders specially packed, safe delivery' guaranteed. Ormes Lid. yfic Pioneer Druprists THIRD AVE. , SIXTH ST. -TELEPHONES 82, 200 BUY YOUR School : Su and pplies Text Books at Rose, Cowan & Latta Third Avenue and Third Street CASH WITH OKDEIt 61 LACQUER Kaien Hardware Co. Telephone 3 j Local and Personal i Arthurs 7m rnona S71 BO Undertakers Pnen 41. DMtttrt. Or. J. R. (to. Phone 6e. 0t Un Bt 4 hsMsl if ft Tail, phmt 4. Massta mt on CLc Card.ua novelty evanta Rupert at the Monday. WbtD tblBKlDt U o Acaajsalla HU1, Ymmoum uo holiday trip Mat. A. Aasarl. lag a holts la tht city on jmtara: The nnaat e. ChUdrea Mr and Mn 0ar AMMtt wtU Tarrao. wtunxd to aftamooa's train. pracnun of tloM ctor aavaaa In Fttnot Labor Day Sparta oa C. A. Pyne of Prince Gear was arrival m tat rtty on lact night's train. H will sail tonight on tea Prtnea Charlaa tor Stawart, Until rapalta at tbc ermnent wharf have CPU. awasnirs wlU No. s ma on o.tp. Provincial Qov pi tad at wharf. U Aid. and Mrs. P. II. Uaeef wlU tall night on tha Prince Oaorga for a holiday trip to Vancouver. Powail Rltar and other point in the south. I.Vmi tan Nannliiio-tVrlllntton Deep Jram Lump CikiI In our yard. .Ordrr )ur winter's supply now. .Albert M'aRry. Ltd. Phone ll and 117. U f. A. Almaa. who baa been on the sua of Ormee Limited drug a tor dur Ing the summer m on tha. will return to Vancouver on the Prince Oeorge to morrow night. Mies Barbaau announces her Pall 'millinery opening toaaarrow. Saturday. September 3. when the ladles of Prince Rupert aea Invited to Inspect the very latest in millinery. John Dybhavn aspects to leave on tbe Prince John tomorrow for Massett on a trip of Inspection to operations of the Massett Oanners Ltd. cannery of which he la one of tha owner. Wtnlrr Is coming. Prepare now by putting In tour winter' Murk of Nanltiio-Welllni.ton roal. IBMtt tons of the very het on hand. Albert A- Mr-Cattery. ltd. Phone lift and 111. tf Union steamer Cardena. Capt. A. Johnstone, arrived at 7 JO this morning from the south, sailing at 0 o'clock for Naas River points. Tbe veaael Is due back to sail on her return south at 9 o'clock tomorrow morning. Foster Wtllan, Vocal representative the Marshall-Wells hardware firm. Office Hours: a.m. to 6 p.m. Saturday: a.m. to 1 p.m. Any evening by appointment D&EE Ypw- DENTIST Exchange RInck. LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone 63 Cartage. Warehousing, and Distributinjr Team or Motor Service. Coal Sand and Gravel. We Specialize in Piano and Furniture Moving. of tomorrow morning on the Cardena for THE DAILY NEWS PAGE THREE !wssHSn Thu afternoon's trln du from tht Bast al SJO. W repotted to b on Umf. Tut St. Faith arrived in the harbor t II tht. manusf to take on fuel t the Imperial Oa Co.' dock. m the events. Un. to t pm. the bt tabor Day Auditorium on Monday Pander's orchestra. Paul FNBsoefg. fr driving a motor- which) wttbosrt alt tto necessary HfhU. IS IB aMf pallc court this Tam widish baraaU. tug;-of-r, id tlaM evastfs at Labne Day celefcra- tlon Woodsy. Boy' Band In at- Louts aPtmare and Miss Eleanor pat' . aon and daughter of L W. Pat' . will U atl the Cardena tomor awing far Vancouver. Tha P( Omce general delivery and rafUtraUon wlcketa wUI be open from B to 11 in. on September S. The public kf will be open from 8 am. salting tomorrow mornlnf on tfea Onadena for Vancouver will In dnde Mr. Mtd Mrs. A. M. Morlta. J. P. Dowel le. A. R. Orlffln. E. H. Bolderoon and L. Oreaae. Mrs. West, daughter of Dr. and John A. West sail by the Car-tomorrow morning for .Vancouver where ahe will resume her studies In private Indian Agent W. E. Oolllson has been IB Sralthera In eennection with the trial of Katwancoot Indian on charge: of obstructing Dominion government land surveyors. Mm. J. r. Close ami family of Anyoi who have been visiting in the city for the past week, will aaU tonight aboard the Prince Oharles on their return the smelter town. J. A. Swanson, formerly mine super' lntaodeat at Anyox, who has been visaing In this district for some time, will seal tomorrow morning on the Cardena for Vancouver. Mrs. H. F. Kergtn and daughter, Happy, who have been spending the past week In the city. wlU sail tonight aboard tbe Prince Charles on .their re turn to their home In Alice Arm. Week Bod Specials. Children's panty dresses, regular 11.23 for 40c. Also tablecloths, table centres and runners, regular IUS to 11.7 for 65c. Phone 77. Dry Goods and Novelty Shop. CJ4.R. steamer Prince John. Capt. E. Uebbe, Is due today from all Queen Speotal prate .a . aj for . charlotte Island potnia and wUI sail at we os ' TTa. n-'n o clock tomomra mint on the same Watkln a Baking Powder to be exhibit- rote as fsr south as Rose Harbor, re Phone your order for baking Black 734. powder to turning here next Wednesday. C. A. Booking, general mansger of the Oranby Co., arrived on the Cardena this morning enroute to Anyox. He will tie parked up' at Ithe mouth of the Naaa River by a company boat on which he will continue to the smelter town. Vancouver wner ne win n iuvru "Mciementa where she uiss Msrionc ounpson ui uui and Mra Mrs. Mlas S. Calderone. formerly of this city and now at Anyox, will arrive in the city at the end of the week from the smelter town enroute to Port I.uly tVho Is Leaving and Number of will visit with Mr. George Clccone, her brothrr- jney wiu re i urn w int cikj mwit wv ta-law and sister. ' end of the month and take up real- . dence In tbe Beaner Apartment. w 0 Fulton irt on this morning's train for Terrsce. Returning to the Mrs. A. Kllpatrtck arrived to the city clty at the first of the week, he will on yesterday afternoon's train from be accompanied by Mrs. Fulton and Brandon and la the guest for a week or family who have been spending the so of her son and daughter-in-law. Mr. pt ooUpie 0f months at their sum-and Mr. J. W. KUpa trick. 416 Green mr home on Lakelse Lake. 6tret Mrs. Kllpatrtck la a former, resident of Prince Rupert, her husband Repair work on the ateamer Prince having been superintendent of the, Rupert, contract for which waa award- CNR here some years ago. led to the Burrard dry dock of North Vancouver. Includes the replacing of '''''t: fifteen dates and fairing fairing of several ANNOUNCKM ENTS St. Andrew's Vaudeville show. 21. Society Concert and Wednesday, September Established 1923. others as well as extensive connection with the rudder stem of tbe vessel. work In and the PRESENTATION MADE AT SALVATION ARMY liven llamiuet I'rebents Miss Els'.e McOautt of the local Salvation Army who was farewelled for the Winnipeg training garrison, was given a surprise party In the young people's hall last night. Three large tables tastefully decorated were set for sixty people who sat down to a boun tt-ous supper arranged by the young people of the corps. In the course of the evening there ,was a presentation when th Sunbeams J gave the departing lady an Ivory read- Ing lamp and the garrison of the 'corps gave a black writing portfolio. !A number of Individual gifts followed , from members of the Sunbeams lh-Irhuding an Ivory clock from little Norma Shea. Phone 109 Speakers for the evening were Miss mmm Bessie Letts, Oeorge Almond, Mrs. Car- lyle and J. Stobart of Nanalmo. dames in the large hall followed. PASSENGERS LEAVING WRANGELL FOR SOUTH WRANOEIX. Alaska. Sept. 3. Passengers of the Princess Charlotte are on board the Prlnoess Alice today en route to Vancouver. The Charlotte'a outer skin la damaged on the bow to amidships. She will be convoyed to Prince Rupert fur repairs. aa Qjgp? oltnan's y Timely fyecipeg ROAST BEEF BROILED 6 slices rare roast be.f; I tablespoon sharp horseradish; 1 tablespoon Colman's Mustard; melted butter. Mix the condiments and rub thoroughly into the slices of beef. Brush with melted butter and broil only enough to heat them through. Serve with lettuce and tiny pickles. BAKED MEAT LOAF 1 cup chopped or minced meat-beef, ham or mutton 3 hard boiled eggs, (ciiop- ?ed); 5 soda crackers (chopped fine); pint milk; butter size of an egg; 1 teaspoon flour; 1 teaspoon Colman's Mutard; pepper to taste. Boil milk, thicken with flour, add butter ham, crackers, eggs, Colman's Mustard and pepper. Bake 1 hour. CHEESE PUDDING Batter a baking dish. Flare in it a layer of bread and butter cut in small squares, then a layer of grated cheese. Sprinkle with a very little Colman'a Mustard and paprika and salt. Repeat until the dish is full. Beat up two eggs, stir them into one and one-half cups of milk. Tour this over the bread and bake thirty-five or forty minutes in a moderate oven. Serve at once. If desired, strips of bacon may be laid on top when the pudding is half done. NO RIGHT TO TAX AN OUTSIDE FIRM WHEN DELIVERING IN CITY VANCOUVER. Sept 2. In a test case of interest to all municipalities in British Columbia. Mr. Justice Murphy upset the right of the city or North Vancouver to Impose a license fee on the owner or driver of a truck used In delivering merchandise from an outside municipality. Following the conviction of F. R. Stewart & Co. Ltd. of Vancouver for carrying on business In North Vancouver by delivering goods from a Vancouver warehouse without payment of a license in North Vancouver. The accused firm (appealed ,by way of a stated case to the Supreme Court. LOCAL HOTELS BEING HEAYILY BOOKED FOR EXHIBITION IN CITY Local hotels report usual heavy reservation bookings for Fair Week. Early next week people will begin to arrive from various points in the interior, along the coast and on the Islands. Most of the usual old-time patrons are coming while It Is slated that a good many new faces may be expected for the festivities. FISHING CLOSURE IN ALASKA IS EXTENDED SEATTLE. Sept. 2. The Alaska salmon fishing grounds closed to commercial operations were extended today to include a large section of the west coast of Prince William Sund in southwestern Alaska to permit red salmon to reach the spawning grounds in this section. charlotte'probably goes to victoria VICTORIA, Sept. a It Is stated here that the Princess Charlotte will come here for repairs Instead of Prince Rupert. NO WHEAT SIIII'PEII VANCOUVER. Sept. 3.- No trheat was shipped during the past week from the port of Vancouver. In 1740 on Lake Temlskamlng the first metalliferous mine in North America was discovered less than 10 miles from the Cobalt veins undis covered for another hundred and fifty fears. TOMATO SAVORY 6 larce tomatoes (peeled): onions; 3 cups bread crumbs; 1 For FREE Recipe Book, write: COLMAN-KEEN (Canada) Limited, Dept. 1000 Amherst Street, Montreal 82 2 large heaping eapu cho teaspoon Celmans Mustard; . cup chopped parsley; any left-over meat; pepper and salt as desired. Chop meat, parsley and onions or run through mincer; mix in bowl with crumbs, mustard, pepper and salt. Heap deep baking dish with alternate layer of crumb mixture and sliced tomatoes, having crumb layer at the top, dot with small pieces of butter and bake in moderate oven for 30 minutes. If tomatoes are not very ripe and juicy, pour in a little cold water at sides of dish before putting in oven. SALMON HASH Cut up in small square pieces Hi lb, fresh salmon and place in a saucepan with t cup of water, a little salt, white pepper, I clove, 1 blade of mace, 1 teaspoonful sugar, 1 shallot and 1 teaspoonful Colman's Mustard mixed with Vi cup vinegar. Let boil and add 6 skinned tomatoes cut in small pieces, a few branches of parsley and a wineglass of sherry. Let the whole simmer gently for Ji of an hour. Serve very hot, garnish with toasted bread cut' triangular. This dish is also very appetizing when served cold at dinner or (upper. for SEPTEMBER As the Fall approaches we begin to feel the need of more substantial dishes. . mr The following seasonable recipes will help you to serve meals that are appetising and satisfying. The finest flavours in the ingredients are subtly developed by Colman's Mustard. Try them. Clip them for future reference. ilman'sMiistard aids I X digestion. rh n ,H Canadian National Steamships Co. Limited Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD Operating (I.T.P. 20,000 Ton Floating Dry Dock Engineers, Machinists, Boilermakers. Hlacksmiths, Pattern makers. Founders, Woodworkers. Etc ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING. (CANADIAN, Aairinp; W nun iw j aii.Yj Our plant is equipped to handle all kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK. PHONES 43 and 385 r- P. an ad ian National cThc Largeft Kailioay Sylem in America SAILINGS FKOM PRINCE' KUPERT. I'nr VANforVER September 3rd. 5th. Kill, 11th. For ANYOX September 2nd. th, llth. for ST BUM It T September 2nd. 10th. Ith. for NOKTII and SOITII (H'KBN CIIAKLOTTE ISLANDS September Srd, Kith, and fortnightly thereafter. PAS8ENOKR TRAIN'S LK AVE FRINTR RUI'F.KT ll.tll.Y EXCEPT MINIM Y at 11-tO a.m. for PKI.M'K tlEOKOE, EDMONTON. tVINNII'ECi, all (mints Eastern Canada, t'nltrcl stairs. JASPER I'AKK LODGE OPEN MAY 21 TO SEPTEMBER SO. SEE CANADA IS CANADA'S Jt'ltlLEE YEAR 1861 -1947. AGENCY ALL OCEAN STEAMSHIP LINES. Use Canadian National Express for Money Orders, foreign Cheques, etc also for your neit shipment. CITY TICKET OfflCE. S28 TIIII1D AVE, PRINCE KLTEKT. Phone 26l Canadian Pacific Railway B. C. Coast Services Sailings from Prince Rupert Ti Ketchikan, tVrancrll, Juneau andSepteniber 3, 10, II, 21, 30. To Vanroutrr, Victoria and Seattle Skagwujr September 3, 10, 17, 2. PRINCESS BEATRICE. For flutrdale. East Bella Bella. Ocean rails, Namu. Alert Bay. Campbell River, and Vancouver every Saturday. II a.m. Afeney for all Steamship Lines. Full Information from W. C ORCHARD. General Arent. Corner of 4th Street and Srd Avenue, Prince Rupert, B.C