PACE TWO THE DAILY NEW3 A Good Appeiiw deervetfcxiatUibeit.anJ hereadsth oTColman't Mustard, freshly mixed, t.elp wonderfully. Doubly dtvrable - (or iti own flavour and for its happy facility tuiiy w or fcr.nging cringing cut n,i me mc true iruc savour savour 01 of foods. looaa. - (olMainfsMMsiard aids JL A digestion. The Daily PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA 0 Ml Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Daily News. Limited, Third Avenue. II. F. PULLEN - - - Managing Editor. SUBSCRIPTION KATES: City Delivery, by mail or carrier, per month .75 By mail to all parts at the British Empire and the United States, fn advance, per year $5.00 To all other countries, in advance, per year $7.50 I Transient Display Advertising,, per Inch per insertion . . Transient Advertising on Front Page, per inch Local Readers, ner Insertion nor line Classified Advertising, per insertion per word Ieiral Notices, each insertion rer a irate line Contract Rates on Application Advertising and Circulation Telephone Editor and Reporters Telephone - - Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. DAILY EDITION tr 98 86 $1.40 $2.80 .25 .16 Tuesday, Oct,. 25, 1927 BRINGING PRESSURE TO BEAR Vancouver people are evidently trying to bring pressure to bear on the Canadian Government with a view to securing a railway connecting that city with the Peace River country. Prince Rupert is seldom mentioned there and when it is mentioned it is in a most An-temptuous manner, indicating that people of that city do not consider this port a factor in the situation. F.,R. Glover, writing after a visit to the country in which he enthuses over its possibilities, says: "Sir Henry Thornton, head of the Canadian National Railways, visited the Feace country last year. He was much impressed wijh all he saw, but held out no hope of a direct line to Vancouver' "Apparently he had in mind Prince Rupert as the coast outlet, if such outlet were decided upon, as in that case the "Canadian National could be tapped at Prince George, and so on to Prince Rupert. This, however, only partially solves the Peace River transportation problem. On sound economic grounds the solution lies in direct railway connection with the Port of Vancouver, because the rail dis tance between Prince George and Vancouver is less than the rail distance between Fort George and Prince Rupert, and a saving of 500 miles in water carriage stands to the credit of Vancouver. "Apart from the grain movement for export, Vancouver can absorb and export everything the Peace country may produce, and in return supply that country with all its commercial needs. These are considerable today and will become enormous in 10 or 15 years, when, with a good system of railways, from half to three-quarters of a million people will be settled within its boundaries." CONSIDER PEACE RIVER Vancouver people are thinking of Vancouver all the time. They do hot consider the problem from the point of view of the district concerned, that is Peace River. It forgets that the port of Vancouver can serve Peace River just as well as Vancouver and that there is a splendid railway all the way once the line is built to connect with the main line of the Canadian National. The P.G.E. may be all right as a colonizing road but it cannot well become a main artery such as the line to this port, and the railway people know that. The natural route for the grain raised in the Peace River country is by way of Prince Rupert Shipping rates to all parts of, the world are the, same as from Vancouver and the route to this port Is far easier than the route to Vancouver ever will be. ROUTE FOR HIGHWAY Judging from the stories that keep coming through, there is not likely lo be found any route between here and Terrace that, will neries from v.nyiuij caloj,h me rner , route, inai .would serve tpe-can . Port Essinirton. the Ecstall:RiW. eniintw h, a tourist standpoint. Still " if th ere is anptTpr rnnfa u o want to know Jt. The following is from the Ominpra ITpmIiI. "The undiscovered valley that Victoria despatches made so much fuss about and which was to solve the problem of getting to Prince Rupert with an auto road, has been pretty well exploded. A survey party which went out to investigate penetrated about 15 miles into the valley from the Kalum Lake end and then met an old Indian setting out his traps. He told them the river or creek they were following ran on a few miles farther and headed into the mountains and glaciers. Ife had been there twenty years and had been to the head of the creek, but the could never find a pass to the river on the other side of the mountain. The party came back to town. The next step will probably be announced from Victoria in the future." 11 A recognized reward Our Pentagon ate priced at, $7 to J joo of merit The Gruen Pentagon is chosen more often than any other watch to honor achievement in business, the professions, and school or college life Colonel Lindbergh, Vice-President Dawes and' hundreds of other famous men wear Gruen Pentagons. Come in and sec this celebrated watch today. JOHN BULGER LTD. Jewellers The Store with the Clock. LATE ALDERMAN ;P00L BUSINESS INTERRED TODAY IS DISCUSSED Last Kites for I). W. Morrissey Considerable Increase in Member-Performed in Seattle Under ! fchip and HMter Returns Than ' Roman Catholic Auspices j ACTjs laW Though distsnce might bare thair atteadaiui at the obseaule there w many prrsont in Prim Ru- I8 erop ret today who would hsve mourneJ lu tribute to th memory of Dnlel W. Mor- laetlve figure la lu early affaire, whoee death occurred at Seattle laet mday. whW be waa bound home again, and a member of the staff of the San Francisco Examiner. Deceased la wrvlved by hie widow. who went south at the cod of the wee to attend the-funeral: hie daughter. Mrs. R. E. Moore of this city, and son, Olen Morrtsey of Seattle. SIR WILFRID LAURIER SUBJECT OF SPEAKER .Manner l) Jack llolratd at I'hltrd t'hilrth Voting rrnplr Meeting Well delivered and Interesting in na ture was a paper read at the meeting of the Young People's Boelety of the United Church latt night by Jack llol-royd on "Sir Wilfrid Uurler." It was the first of a series of "Canadian por-traits" which will be depicted bctare the Society during the earning winter t ' tt Man in the Moon ,A CJROUCH never seems to make the world turn any smoother on Its axis. UNIVERSITY coaches are paid higher salaries than professors of dead lang uages because it takes a live man to teach a live subject and live men are worth more than dead ones. QUANTITY production seems to have the effect of making them dearer and dearer. WHEN the car hits at puddle. Its the; pedestrian thstet: the .splash. ILLUSIONS' are' all right sometimes. What would some people -be f without them YES, they were Prince Rupert people. They named the kid Arthur after his uncle Bill. LOTS of people have "I" trouble but It Is not an oculist they need. i AT last the frost has come, Mr. Win ter, I'm pleased to meet you again. OLD winter peered in the window He several times knocked at the door But at last he lifted the latch and walked in. His appearance made me quite sore. Ten Years Ago tn Prince Rupert OCTOIIEil 25, 1917 Police Commissioner Thomas McCly- mont was Informed by Chief Vlckers at yesterday afternoon's meeting of the commission that (several liquor seizures bad been made in the city since pro hlbltlon went Into effect. The Union steamer Camosun sustained damage when a flood came down the Bella Coola valley carrying destruction of fcettlen' property in its path. Accompanied by the Archbishop of Vancouver, Bishop E. M. BUnoz, recently : consecrated in Vancouver, will arrive In i the city this week to take formal pen-1 session of his hew See. A public re-' ceptlon will be tendered him in the St Andrew's Hall. Advertise la The DaUy News !tN (MM lafeer than that made twjfVe m;ntha ago. Ai there; waa little eiijjBjeatlun at any iuc re- turu. the conMc:-holdeis wUl ee car, raspondtngly pleased by the announce-! ir.ei-t The total ft" No. l Northern, oa , the VaaeooMr baaK. la thrre cents less j wfaose runeiai took place thli moraine I thn tht " tB pr" X'- ; la the southern city with rltea at the a paymwuw having oeen smsuer. nonua Catholic Church of which tie-! But l surmising in the light of mar-nomlnaUon be waa a devoted .follower, j ket history that th difference la not The lata Mr. Morrissey wa 71 years i greater, of age and waa born in Prince IMward ! Prom the I) at that the central Island. ONnlng'aest as a ysung man. j agency pays, (he tame deduetlan are he lived fr a while In Sac FTanels:o aj we Aioena jn-oi Ml. after participating in the gold rua) to Yukon Territory in M. came to IHt are tw cenu for elevator reserve purport and one and a hall cents i Prince Rupert In 1907. He established for commercial reserve ana aaminis.ra-hinnelf in business here and. taking an I The itel price that Use farmer j active interest in civic affaire, was far receives, on the basis referred to. Is thus. some terms a member of the aldenuantc ! 1-V ! k board Some five or six years ago he we may lock for the usual controvert , moved ts San Franeleco and. during the I tetween the gram trade and the pool j moat of the subsequent time, he was j officials as to whether it paid the grower or not to market through the co-opera tive agency. A year ago the claims of the trade did mate wmt Impress ion thss waa Vtsgeir' because the final pay-dasnt was dayajwtntingly low. The revere being st the case, it wtu not be so easy to cause doubt among she stg-rtatorlea. ' y OARNfh (ii;oim According to the statement issued I from headquarter at Oslgary. there has been a oonaMerabie increase in membership and too sign -up of a substantial Interesting l-uper Itellmrd In (Im.rt majority of toe first series of contracts month. Qlrlng an outline of the career of the "white plumed" statesman, the voting speaker referrtl to the educational lnnuencea which had arisen dur ing the regime ef -Laurter, the breadth of his views, the secret of his appeal to all classes and his great public ser vice over a wide span of years. Following the reading of the paper.! a General discussion araa ennmxl In with many participating. Next Monday evening, the Society will bold a Hallowe'en social and plans for that affair were completed latt evening. An attractive program has been arranged and a large attendance Is anticipated. Last night's meeting, which was weU attended with W. Vandewater. the president. In the chair, was concluded with the playing of group games. for another period hat bam obtained. No figures are given but It is evident that, while loyalty of some to the enterprise may have been impairs!, it ha on the whole, gained ground. lljm Immense are the rvepoarittmie! that have devolved upon those charged wrth the weak of administration, it brought heme 'by the statement that tht prevent payment brings the total amount distributed In the three provinces, since the Alberts pool was establiihM in 1M3. to HH ,oeo.DOO. The undertaking having reached such proportions, Its success is cf vital importance not only to these directly conoeniect but to the general welfare of this part of the Dominion. BEAR PLAYED ROUGH GAME Hoys Had to Call Police to Take Charge of Brum After Attack VICTORIA. Oct. 24 Chief of Pollee Allan Rankin made an unusual capture at Brentwood whan In response to a call from Breijtwood College he drofe there and took into custody a black bear which had been attacking people. Chief of Police hankln captured the beer, loaded It on a truck and took It to the Wilkinson Itoad nfental home. Yesterday afternoon a etrcui man. whoie name is not known to police, was proceeding aboard the Brentwood ferry with a black bear tied to the car he was driving. While he was waiting for his return to go aboard the boat several students from Brentwood College offered him fifty cents for his bear. The circus man. with a sigh of relief, told the boys they could have the bear for nothing, and handed them the rope which was attached to the animal. Then the driver went aboard the terry and the boys went up the road towards their school, with the bear In tow. There- was merriment -among the students. afd a tlttfe 'crowd of them collected around what was tat be their hew mascot, laughing at His awkward. .shuffling gait and marvelling at his proportions. But he bear, while docile enough at first, resented the laughter: or perhaps he decided that the woods were inviting him, and that he did not want to be the mascot of schoolboys. In any event, he suddenly turned upon his new masters, bit one of them and scratched another. The boys stopped laughing and drew back in some alarm. BrUln was led, rather unwillingly, to a tree where he was tied. In The Letter Box CHAMPIONS O.STKMI Edltor Dally Newt. So Mr. Llpsett went to Belgium, and K all he got to tell his friends about Ostend Is how badly they treated him Trhm w MBio&d ,'.t the hotel. Ottend Is a world-famous ummer resort, the beach and pro r.enade are lovely, the raea-track ideal nd there are palatial hotels having ovcry comfort imaginable. In one Aord. it is a rendetvous resort for all hat U absolutely wealthy. If Mr. Up ett thought he could get everything he txst without parting with hit cash. .e was out of luck that's sill Anyway, I am sure Mr. Upsett could -ot resist tasting the good beer and wine over there, and finding It to his taste. I wonder. Just wonder you know, if that had pot something to do with htm not finding the hot-water tap. Proud to be a born-Belgian. Yours truly, MRS. J. W. KILPATRICK. Formerly of Ottend. (Mr. Upsett does hot use beer or wine. In addressing the Rotary Club he was giving incidents of his trip and one of these was the poor service at an Tstend hotel. Editor.) LAND ACT. NOTICK OF INTENTION TO ATTLY TO LEASE LAND. In Prince Rupert Land Recording District of Coast District, Rsnge 4. and on and being all ot Bonllla Island except tnat portion occupied by Indian Reserve Number 18. TAKE NOTICE that I. Ole C. Austad. of Prince Rupert, B.C. occupation rancher, intends to apply for a lease of the following described lands: 1 Commencing at a post planted at the southeasterly point of Bonllla 'Island; thence northerly, westerly, southerly and easterly, following the sinuosities of the shore line, to point of commencement, excepting therefrom that portion ot the Island occupied by Indian Reserve No. 18. una containing one tnouaana acres, more or less. OLE C. AUSTAD. Applicant Dated July 15. 1927. LAND ACT NOTICE OF INTENTION TO APPLY TO LEASE LAND In Prince Rupert Land Recording District of Prince Rupert, and situate on Princess Royal Island at East Bide Cove from Butedale Cannery. TAKE NOTICE that I, Jacob Koskl. of Butedale, B.C.. occupation a fisherman, intends to apply for a lease of the following described lands: Commencing at a post planted about 600 yards northeast of Butedale Can nery Wharf; thence east 5 chains; thence south 2 chains; thence west S chains; thence north 2 chains to point of commencement and containing one acre, more or less. JACOB KOSKI, Applicant. Dated Auiust 27. 1927 NOTICE IN THE MATTER of an application for the issue of a Provisional Certificate of Title for tho East halt of Lot 2027 Casslar District, said to contain 320 acre,!, more or less Satisfactory proof of the loss of the Certificate of Title covering the above land having been produced to me it la my Intention to Issue, after the ex plratlon of one month from the first publication hereof, a Provisional Certificate of Title to the above land, in the name bf MADELINE MINTON. The orl! inal Certificate of Title is dated the 30th September, 1913, and Is numbered 4470 I. Land Registry office, Prince Rupert, B.C. 17th October. 1927. H. F MacLEOD, Registrar of TUlca, 1 Tueau. will determine the kind of work . you do IMOST people do their Important work h t four moniiuK hours. Prepare yourself v.V, hreakfust that will "stnnil by" you. Quaker Onts sustains because it has lfir, pr r3 for bone antl muscle anil 03 eurboliydr 3 f r energy. Vitamines ami bulk to aid !- Mineral salts to tone the system. Eat hot, nppethting Quaker Oats wit!i r- every morning. You do Hot tire of it. ( : j always enjoy it. A careful selection of oats from the fitu t p- growing sections of Canncla and fifty y, milling exiwrienee makes certain the epi ill t flavour of Quaker Oats and Quick Quakrr Be sure the Quaker's figure is on the r !: of oats you buy. Packages wrapped, sr .:; dtut-proof. If you seek fjieody cMikirrs r t Quick Quaker the same superiority of , , y but cooks while codec boils. Get beautiful China Everjr Quick Quaker pwkngc marked "C1 contains a beautiful piece of white cjilna. tiro: in Mtie and gold. Pretty d'ulies you will he prcad to have on your table and show to friends. Quaker Oats you fifltCflfuayscnouTt Quick Quaker cooks in 2.' 2 to 5 minutes a nnnninn tun I inni I lrnnmnninp an i mi UUUUUIUII 1 1UIIU1IUI UlVtUllJUIIIUU VIVM U.IIW til rrMwaf UX(M Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD Operating (J.T.P. 20.000 Ton Floating Dry Dock Engineer Machinists, Boilermakers, Ithcknniitli I' ll" nakerm Founders, Woodworkers, Etc ELECTMC AND ACETYLENE WELDtM.. Our plant is equipped to handle all kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WOKK. PHONES 43 and 385 Thompson Hardware Co., Ltd. ELBOWS AND PIPES SHOVELS AND HODS STOVES AND RANGES TEES AND REDUCERS COLLARS AND DAMPERS DRUM OVENS AND HEATERS 233 Third Avenue Prince "rut a Mr yo?.vcwr" pP lest ProcuFi (THE ORICINAL) able Pure Scotch Whisky RICHEST IN FINEST HIGHLAND MALT Bottttct Uti rrat.4 by Williaa. a Son Limit! OnliddW titd BlmM-Clnli Dal Alt na, Ou. tem-Si'GU.eM.. Scodod, M This advertisement Is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia