FAQS FOUH Neglected Eyes NEGLECT la doubtlm U cause of moat of the Ills that afflict humanity. Thla la so self evident that it seem hardly necessary to tell you. If yocr ayes are Riving trouble, have them attended to and at once. OF ALL absurdities in the kingdom of foolishness, surely the losa of eyesight through neglect is the moat inexcusable. DONT lose health and efficiency through neglect. Come and seel Fred Joudry Registered Optometrist and Optician Room 3 Smith Block Phone 763 INDIAN SUMMERVgET IN YOUPt ") Swill soon be n coai fob the ) The Fall months are falling behind and you'll have Winter on before you know it. Join the "don't worry" club today and get your bin filled right away. Our slate-free coal will give you a care-free Winter. NANAIMO - WELLINGTON COAL and ALIIE11TA BOOTLESS COAL Albert & McCaffery Phones 116 and 117 Prince Rupert as OAT HOUS Phone 381 P.O. Rox 1365 LAUNCHES. SCOWS, UOW HOATS AND CANOES SAND AND GRAVEL Equipment for Diving and Salvage Work Agents for Easthope Engines and Stump Pullers NORWEGIAN 1IALII1UT GEAR IN STOCK Compass Adjusting MILK -:- PPICE Reduced to 12 pints for $1,00 7 quarts for $1.00 12 pints for $1.00 Cash price tickets. McBride Street store now closed Valentin Dairy Office and Dairy - 11th St. Telephone 657. Dr. Alexander Smith Block Phone 675 DENT ANGER, the TAILOR Fine Imported Serge and Scotch Tweed Suits made to order in our shop in Prince Rupert as low QSC Aft V we vu I. ANGER, Cutter and Designer 22.1 Sixth Street BRINGING UP FATHER rjwi TROLLERSHOLD BIG MEETING Effort io Induce Iiuyer to Come Prom llutedale Fulls ho Fish Sold to Cold Storage SKtDSOATS, Oct. 34. The Queen Charlotte bland trailer held a mwl-: lng at Stevens Hotel. Bkldegatc. re-1 ceutlv to protest against the prtee being paid (or cohoes. It was stated at the meeting that the trailers had been promised by " B.C. Paokerv cannery at South Day that they would keep on packing cohoes tor which they were then paying 81 eents but the cannery shut down on abort net ice and left sixty boats without a buyer. The Oold Storage boat Chief Leglac came In and cut the price to SO cents (or bright (lab and IS cents lor red. Captain BUI Hansen, who represented the North bland trailers, moved that thy wire Butedale asking (or a packer to come. This was seconded by ' Cap lain Sorettsen. Word wa received from Butedale that they could not send packers so the offer of the Cold Storage boat was accepted. Among the Prince Rupert boats represented at the meeting were the Thelma, Minnie v.. Itayal, Bontto, Dundas. Seal. Roy w . Bayvtew and Ada The pplnlen was esprassed that the Urn had come when the fishermen must get together and work out some co-operative scheme (or marketing their fish. GEORGE L KEITH OF ' TERRACE ORGANIZING Society for Preservation of Canadian. J ForeMs 'Formed In Toronto by I1.C. Man TORONTO. Oct. 36 The Society (or the Preservation of Canadian Forests has just been formed with head office in Vancouver, B.C. and brioches In Toronto and Terrace. B.C. The object of the new organization It to deal with the basic cause of forest (ires, rather than with the effect, and to cooperate with other similar bodies In the Dominion. The new society, composed of patriotic and public-spirited citizens, alms to stimulate vigorous action on the part of the Federal and Provincial Governments In enforcing existing taws relating to the protection of Umber limits, particularly with respect to the removal of slash lg, which, becoming kindling, are retarded 84 the greatest contributing cause of fire hazards, and an Investigation of apparently preventable conflagrations of the past. It Is the intention of the new organization. In association , with other bodies of a like character, to enlighten the people of Canada on the primary cause of forest (ires and to further any educational work now being carried out In that direction. OMfSx E. KaJtn of Terrace. B.C., Is now fn the "Es"pTm)nerian izatkm. 8. W. McKeown of Toronto Is the acting local secretary. YANDERHOOF The Vandernoof Board of Trade la still urging upon the federal depart ment of public works the neoewlty of unprovements being undertaken Imme diately on the Tatchl River channel. A boys' stock judging team to go to next New Westminster Exhibition Is being organized frsm the Vandernoof dis trict by R. O. Button, district agricul turalist. Only boys under 18 years of age are eligible. The Olee Club la practising (or a con cert it will stage early in December in aid of the United Church. Armistice Day will be duly observed by the Vaaderhoof branch of the Canadian Legion. Mrs. James M. Johnston left or Wed nesday last for California where she will spend the printer mo&ths. ifr. and Mrs. James H. Qraham have arrived in town to spend the winter months aad have .rented the .Rawson cottage on Church Street. Mrs. C. P. Bloomfleld of Stuart Lake I i has returned from a trip to Prince George. Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Fraser have returned to tbelr heme at Fort St. James after spending the summer In Ontario. FLU CIT AWAV AUU RIGHT -fUU DIG A TUNNEL A4' AM' COME COME OUT OUT ABOUT ABOUT A A MILE MILE FROM MERC. m I '' Imported? NOt Jt'$ both older and better TEN YEARS OLD This advertisement Is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia Mr. Fraser has fevered his connection with the Hudson Bay Co. with which he has been Identified for twenty years. M. Valentin. Prince Rupert dairy man, was a visitor last week In Vanderhoof on business. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Maunders are now living in town, close to the Neehako creamery. Pat Calhoun Is making extensive Im provements to his building at the corner of Burrard Avenue and Stewart Street. Mrs. Cook and ehHdren arrived last week from Abbotsford sad are now settled In their new home In the Hammond Building. The village commissioners have de ckled to build a sidewalk along the east side of Church Street from Stew art to Columbia Street. A dance was held in tbe Lakwl District school house on Frldav hlzht- last. S32 being raised towardi'Uw Christmas Tree Fund. Miss Bessie. Lamb, , teacher, an nounces that the school. piano has now Tnft uaiui fib tie : Auxiliary to the Canadian Legion taat Friday night were Mrs. A. B. Laird. R H Moore. Mis Vina Olover and Oeo. Ozston. BURNS LAKE The Omlneea .District Liberal Assoeta-:un. meeting here recently, elected of-m as fellows: Honorary President, at Hon. W. L. Mackenzie King; Honorary Vice-President. lion. J. O. McLean: President, E. B. Smith (Vandernoof); First Vice-President. A. M. Ruddy (Burns Lake): Second Vie-President. W Bunting (Fort Praaer): Third Vkw Prssldcat. A. Mclnnis (North Bulktoy). A. Dixon, district engineer for the provincial department of public works, was an oJBctal visitor In Bums Lake last week. Miss Dorothy Brott of Danskln has accepted a position with Mrs. V. Scbel-derup In Burns Lake. Fred Stanyer has completed a well at the residence of R. Lowe and has procured a good supply of water. L. Oraham, representative of theVan- i couver Livestock Bsehange. purchased I two carloads of cattle In the Lakes district last week. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Frank Carroll of Decker Lake left last week for California, on a holiday trip. W. S. Bacon has arrived from Vancouver to take over the future management of the Taltaptn mine In the Bablne country. Mrs. P. Brunnell is making satisfactory progress In the Bums Lake Hospital following .a, recent Ulnees and Is expected to return heme shortly ' After spending the summer months in Prince Rupert. Nohr Hauer has returned to Burns Lake. Mrs. M. Wilson, who has been visit ing In Vancouver tor several months, is expected to return to her home bert bout November 1. C. H. Foote, J. Braltbwalte and Alt Langley have been doing assessment work on the Stella group of molyb- tnum claims at Endako. They were successful In striking two promising toads. District visitors In town during the past week have included Ed. Newman of Bald Hill And Mrs. F. Carroll and daughter. Pat. of Decker Lake. NEW HAZELTON ij&rffijfc$frM ,i. v ., Wmiim Mrnate of Lost Lake, north A number of Vanderhoof Masons attended a meeting and banquet In Prince George last Friday night. Among them were George Cameron, Harry Emslte. A. A. Hutchinson, II. II. Man-sell, R. a. Mathews, E. C. McOeaehy, J. P. Myers, R. J. Redmond, and E. B. Smith. The Hanson Lumber ii Timber Co. through the building of a long flume and a couple of dams, has Dut some jftxteen miles of , Shovel Creak in shape, for the floating down ot ties next spring. The ties will be delivered to the railway a couple of tauea east of Priestly. of Norway House, Manitoba, has gone to Klsplox to take over the work of a field matron. A party of provincial department of public works surveyors has been at work along the Bulkley River, Just east of the high level bridge, making road explorations. Prlres at a card party held In the Beginning this week, the Omlneea Board o( Trade Hill by the Women's Herald will oe printed on Wednesdays 1 llJ hestxes tVA?0ATI MIL! flavour to your breakfast cereal HeJ, in ChM II" ntm tab) Ti4 l I -m. m a w ! : r- I M loL V anted For Sale For Rent ' ' j Oreen M3. Ml FLAT AND ROOM TO HaNT Wallace Block. tf AUCTIONEER rO BE SOLD AS A OOINO CONCERN to the highest bidder by public auction, on November 17, stare with (our roomed suite on two year lease from April 1. 1937 to April 1, 1M9, rente) per month (or first year and OS per month second year, together with that well established business known as Brine's Auctioneering and Beeond-hand business, together with all stock, fixtures and effects. For fur ther information, see Brine. Auction eer. Phone 774. No reasonable offer refuted up to day of sale. HIDING BEHIND NO CLOAK NOR OR animation. I am buying, selling and exchanging up1 ; to- . Nov pvbei ,1? and, uiajLrc lunger, u. r i prme, Auewosj eer. Phone 774. Instead of Fridays as Jtas been bfce &stom for the pat Iwerrfjeaai; The trauVerTte1u -hrW isable. Samuel Klnley of Kltwanga is Icav- ag toward the end of this month (or vsncouves wnere ne win be identified with the staff of the Anglloan Thaolo gleal College. FaUier P. J. McGrath of Prince Ru pert will arrive in New Harclton shortly for his. annual hunt. He will seek bear or a deer this year Instead of rrouse. Mr. and Mn. Ed. Hyde entertained a number of friends at a delightful dancing party last Mossday evening. Buchanan Otmpbetl has been placed in full charge of totem pole preservation work In this district now. Salvaging of the poles, which went down the river when a Hanson boom at Cedarvale broke recently, was completed at the end of the week. Some if them got as (ar as salt water but the large majority of them have been, recovered. SKIDEGATE Capt. Jack McMillan and Capt. Bob Ritchie of Queen Charlotte City have gone to Port Clements to visit with friends. Capt. John Dover of South Bay was a visitor in town recently. R. Morrlron has gone to Lockeport to look over some mining property. p ? By George McMa Mot Suretesful fotlefe on the CentiHent Bxpert instructor in all branches of beauty culture, including water waving and permanent waving. Terms: Moler. 10 Hastings St. K. Vancouver. B.C. SCHOOLS AND. COLLEGES MEN AND WOMEN LEARN BARBERINe Bapert instructors In one of the best paying bualaemee. Barn wklh you learn and beoome Independent Call or write Motor Barber College . to Hastings St. E-. Vancouver. B.C. DANCING MIH MVK.tMVV CAJIPIIELI. Teacher of classical, opvratto attd wxvj dancing Children's clam or private tulUon. Phone Itlark A 1 3. EXRIIANflG NEW AND SECONDHAND FURNITURE bought, sold and eMhaagecj. State and restaurant futures in stack. Papadopulns and Maras. 8M Thrld Ave. Phone 644 tf PIANO TUMNO 111 " 1 I .NOW iintE. 1-OtIIS F. COLKH for many years with Betnsmead. London. Eng.. Martln-Orme, Ottawa nd Mason At Rlscb, Toronto. Rspalrs and adlusttnents of Player Pianos and Ormads a specialty. Phone II rd I at. rilDINRV SWEEP II. 4. 7.I1.MKEIIK flrnrral Handy Man Furnaces and Stoves Cleaned and Re. paired. Gaimme Swept. Oesnetery Plota Cared For. Pfeot1eyRed Hi. Prtiitp Rupert, no. KtlKN f 1AUAOK FURTHER Itrilt CTH)N , Clir.VltOI.ET PRICK8 Oommrclal Chassis. H-ton delivery S838.80 Touring iJt.6Q Roadster $311.64 Roadster Delivery 8 11,(10 oporx ito ad liter $880.00 Coach S949A0 Coupe 1904.00 Sdn U.OS3.O0 Cabriolet tl.oai.00 Landau Sedan tl.U9.00 Imperial Landau Sedan ....tl.168 00 Utility Express, 1 ,tr truck.. $792 60 Disc wheels t8.00 extra In all models. A complete line of 133 models on hand at present. Phone or call for demonstration and letrn about our easy payment plan Guaranteed Used Cars on Hand. Ford Coupe. 19J6. $100 cash, balance $28 per month. Ferd Sedan. 1920, $100 caih, balance' $25 per month. KAIRN f) .tit HIE, Have lt Dsalters In. all General Motor Producett Ooodyear and Firestone Tires. Wrecking Service Day and Night Phone r1 TAXI Phone 157 Tnul (Call (TeorKC Paul or Cms,) Six and Seven Passenger Studu-bakers at vour di?pos?I any time. H0SS HUOS. I'OOMtOOM Meeker Ill ir!.. (Across rom Empress Hotel) O 127 a Int i Fstrunt Somes. c .-JaM caWlttcA 9fitj iatfftfj4 DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS. Fg 2c per word in advance. No Advertiiement taken'for lets than 50c WANTED WANTED. MBN MECHANICALLY IN-c lined who weaild like to work at the world's greatest paying Industry Auto mechanics, garage work, electrical perta. wfcring. battery and vulcanising We guarantee to qualify you for Mg jMytng poslMotM. Only s short time - required. Write or call Hemphill's Atrss) resjtlii irUsl. hool. 10 Hastings St.. E Vancouver. B.C WANTED. QIRL FOR OfJNBRAI. housework. Apply Mis. W. H. Tabey. Phone No. MS. tf AGENTS WANTED MAO A DAT PAID MBN Oft WOilSN for distributing religious literature until Christmas, spare or full time. For particulars write Mr. Conrad, Snadlaa Building, Toronto US FOIt KENT OR RaW. FtmNuWW FLAT IN Clapp' Bssck from November 1 to February 1, Phone Red Ml. M0 FOB RENT. FOUR ROOMBO FUR- nlshed apartaes)t with bath and water paid. Phone 417. tf "OB RSNT.- FlaukM, phonographs and Singer sewing machine. Walker's Music Store TOR RENT. FURNI&HCD HEATED Room. Apply MS Borden Street. Ml HOUSE FOR RENT.--6 ROOMS AND BATH. Apply Munro Bros. tf ifOUSEB FOR RENT. ItOXK) UP. AP-ply 218, 4th Ave. E. tf FOR SALE KITCHEN RANOE. FHONB TWO FOU SALE HMTsTJkB Mm eM hrtckUssM and fireplace. Phone 41. OWUP; with OttSSN BHINOUal AM! BSST. MM a thousand. Seal Oeee Lusnher do. IsANI) FOR SAisR TIB OTP DKVKLOPMBMT CO., LTD will now consider applies Uoas for purchase of Its holdings In the Town-site of Prince Rupert and also adjoining acreage For particulars apply to (1. . TINKKIt CO.. I.TII. Agents MOLflH HHAUTY COLLEGE STEAMSHIP MOVEMM ior Vsnrouver Sunday as. Prlii.-.-; r y. Tuosday-as. Cataii Thursday as pru .- , -Saturday as Cardc, i - ss. Prill M3 IttT-Oct 33 s. Prn.i. Noa 2 . Prlii. i Vrem Vaneautrr Sunday -. Cat a, s Wesliiela!r--asJr: Saturtisv as d: Satstrday- ss. Priti E;--Baturda as Pr Oat. t ts. Prino. . ; : Oat. M st. Pru,,'r: ior Port Mlmpson snl Xasi Sunday ct.. I'ri l"ort xlmpoon a'nj K- Tuoadtyes cm. I'or Aniot Sunday at. Catahi 1 1 Wedmaaiy x Pi from Anjot Tueaewy at. Caia: Thursday es Prn. . -r IJ IW Nlrwsrl SussaVsy--s4. Catsla li Saturday ss Ptn... Ironi Men art Sunday es pimco r r-Tuesday es. Cst.ii lar tjueen Chariot lev Oct. S as. Pr.,.- 'x i Not. m-rf- Prtr.r.' ' from l)ueen tlurlotlr- Oct. 30. st. Prlnco Noe.- iiti Prince f : 'x. lor Alaska WedneMlay ss Frit CjsiI Oat. IS ts. Princes: I Oct. M es Triw ' Irani Alaska- Thursdays--as Pr::. 1 Oet. M M Pfincr". Nov. a ss. Prlncp'- MAILSCHEDULE lor the East Tuesdays Thursdays ORTOIIEIt, 13' Metxisys. Wednesdsys 8i' from the East Tp todays. Thursdnv .due i Vancouver Sunday Tuesdayt Thursdays Saturday OvPiR. Oct. 33. No I'rom Vanronvrr Sundays Wedaeedayi Saturdays Saturdays cr.Ii-Oet. 19 and -' To,.tnjov, and Alice Ami Suadara m: Wednesdays I'rom Anyot and Alice Arm- To Stewart ond Premier Sundays Saturdsys From Mrwart anil Premier' Sundays Tuesdays To Naas Hirer Points- Sundays From Naas Klver t" To Alaska Points Oct. 19 ar ' 39, Frm Alatkr Points Oot. 33. 7 ,w. 3. , To Queen Charlotte Island Pnin' woi,. M. nov. a. .j, Frnm fl r.l..l.ll. Ulalin ' I ...... imii.iii. - j;p OCt. 20. Nov. 3. .. A" C.N.R. TRAINS For the East-Dally Except Sunday From the En:-- Dally except Wednesdnv: PKINCE HUI'EHT TID 1 ' I AVEIINEHIIAY. OCTOUEB Hlih 1:47 a.ni 13:43 p. Low ' 7:41 a.m 20:13 p.m TIIURSIIAY. OCTOF.K High 2:21 a.W I 14:11 p.m I Low gal a.m 30:44 pin lit"