n her 25, 1927 JHk V lLLsUli-iW.M I K.TIB I Mil K ?.5,l,t989,d(!: BAD M Supplies SBBBSBBnaasSBBSBlBBWBSBWBSSSI Kaien Hardware Co. Telephone 3 ne $e vitrei, sea clever Cks Is the wonderful flavour of the foods they prepare. Many thousands of the best cooks daily find that . adding a little Bovril to any meat dish, does not mrrrlv n 1 nit v if Vmf gives it that delicious flavour that "tickles the palate" and proves that Puts BEEF m it See the name on the bottle and refuse substitutes. NTON 78 Ilc ' aps you've considered it a matter of chance that inscription from Ormea sometimes comes in a t wn bottle, sometimes in a clear bottle sometimes blue bottle. It isn't chance there's a reason. ( 'a n lijrht rays affect certain drug making it ad-tic ti use colored UIXWf wLjh,. yreve!tlhe.. .. ) im entering- IT in never Just a bottle but al-v. -. the risht bottle at Ormes. ytc Pioneer Drttotytais iWUAVLcvblXTII bT. ItLtl'nUNtb cV.'2UU DEMAND "Rupert Brand" Kippers "THE DAINTIEST IJItlJAKI AST Fool).' Smoked Daily by Canadian $sh & Cold Storage C I'd. Prince Hupert. B.C. UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT CENTRAL HOTEL The place called "Home" 120 ttooms, American and European Plan. Hot and Cold Water, Bus meets all trains and boats. Sample Koom Ptlnnj, CI 1 Mnvltn Mqnurar Local and Personal ' i -t Arthur Tail Pboot tTt ts BC Undertaker Pboc 1 Dentist. Or. J R. (Iw PbuaeSM t "v BT 'taoiiri wntn minting W Tui. pboot ik A . -f, tf sirs a. rgt Mellmcyl srrlved in the city fn.i., Prtorr oeorge on yesterday afternoon train. R O. JchMlmi. manager ot Invirus cannery, arrived in to cltv from the Salens Klvtr an yesterday afternoon's train. Mooae Anoivsraary Dane on Thursday. October ST. Dancing Irons until I o clock. Cards and prtaat for whist players. m Under the auspssee sat the local Blks' Lodge, a dance wttl be hsid by the personnel of trie "Prince Charlsa" on November 4. )si . ' Dr. H. K. Tresasyne and Dr. J. A. West returned to the city on this afternoon train from a grouse hunting expedition to Queanel. Archie Sinclair of the local C.N.B. omccs returned Id the city on yesterday afternoon's train from Smlthers where he spent the past week visiting lth Hugh Dr. and Mrs. E. S. Talt, who moved ! outh a year or ao ago. have returned j to the city from Victoria. It la probable that Dr Talt aaay resume the practice of desnsrtry ban. j ' O Somerville. asctlon foreman at BuUley Canyon, and Mrs SomervUle and Mlas E. Wilson arrived in the city from the Interior on yeiterday afternoon t train for a few day' visit here. Chrta Elklns reported to the the vehicle. His physician reports that Joseph Cook, who was ahot through the right arm and shilrsnsn sa s hunting accident on Lakelae Lake on Sunday, la making aa saUstaotary progress aa can he expected in the Prince Rupert General Hospital. Mrs. L. Wsstgsrdc srrlved in the city from Perow on yesterday afternoon's train bringing her son who will under go troatokent In the Prince Rupert Oensrsl Hospital for leg trouble. Also 8ml then, having withdrawn from the field st Telkwa. Mr. Smith wlU now conduct the drug store at the latter point on bis own. iowe'en. ANNOUNCEMENTS 'ee e-e-Mve p it F: ' II 14 Office Hours: 9 a.m. to C p.m. Saturday: 0 a.m to 1 p.m. Any evening by appointment DrEP Kenny DENTIST - Rupert East United Church Basmsr October 37. Loyal Order of Danes, October 37. - Hospital Auxiliary October 28. Moose Anniversary Orange Lodge Concert October 37. snd Danes, Halloween tjH Hill 80 Hallo wren Dasasr. October 29 Kalcnder Ksbaret I.OD.E. HaU, 1U1- Knights of Pythias 'Vhkt Drive sad dance, October 31. Prssbytertsn Chireh Baaaar, Novem ber 3. Baptist Sale, November s. 1 Presbyter! n church Choir Concert November 9. Csnsdisn Legion Armistice Day Ban quet, November 11, In toe Boston Hall Pythian Sisters Sslc of Work Novem ber 14. Anglican Basaar, Tuesday, Nov. IS. ? - - Moose Bazaar. Nov. 16 and 17. Established 1923. Exchange lilock. Phone 109 THE DAILY NEWS AMENDMENT TO PARKING BYLAW J Experienced mothers tay Zatn-Buk It best for cbildren'i Injuries and skin troubles, because: It is herbal no poisonous mineral coloring. It is antiseptic prevents cuts and burnstaktng the wrong way. It is soothing ends pain quickly. It heals every time. Just a good for grownups. Sold at all stores and druggists. Erit rTi,vlT"sa LV rftfl rnrr J. A Mori: returned tu the city on the Caula this afternoon from a business trip to An vox and Stewart. H. A. Heywood. whs I Interested in Stewart mining. city catala thla police the disappearance shortly after; to Vancouver U o'clock last night of s light delivery I lasUcsl duts Is s passenger on the afternoon going through NewB ,ua returMd M tt)t cKy on theJ osr from In front of the Prince Rupert Bishop E. M. Dubob. OMl. returned Club. The police are lnvsstigstlnt but, I to the city on the Catala thla after-, up so tats tnta morning, had not found noon from a trip to Saewart on ecdes Angus McLsod. .wU spend the winter In town. accompanying the patient to town warU.. 'h JE7,,.5r eioney 7,...., ' remain here for a day or so.' Tommy Smith, who has been spend ng a couple of any in the city on business, returned on this morning's rain to Telkwa. Tal Tcmllnson. for- irerly of this city and now located at F. M. Crosby, who has been directing operation at the' Esperanza mine at Alice Arm. arrived in the city from the north on the Oatala thla afternoon. Hyde Transfer now agent for Al-Alberts Bootless sad Pembina Peerless. These coals are under cover, don't buy water, buy coal. 112 a ton can you best It? tf Mrs. B. B. Hart of Winnipeg, who is the guest st the Presbyterian Maru. Fourth Avenue East, of her sister, Mr. J. R. Piiacell. will leave next week for Vancouver. Miss Alloc Hogfcerg of Alice Arm Is a psasenger aboard the Catala thla afternoon going through to Vancouver en-route to Beaverdell. in the Kettle Valley country, where she will visit with her sister. In spite of the fact that there was s heavy hoar frost on the townslte this morning, the lowest temperature recorded during the night at the Dlgby Island meteorological station was 32. treesdng point. The CJJ.R. city ticket omce. which haa been doing business temporarily In tne station while Its premises on Third Avenue have been undergoing, extensive renovation and repair, expects to move back up town tomorrow. Union steamer Catala, Capt. A. E Dickson, returned to port at 1.30 this afternoon from Anyox, Stewart, the Nass River and other northern ports of can and win sail at 5 oelock this even ing lor Vancouver and wayports. Provincial Constable Devlin of l.'anai- mo la being transferred from the Van couver Island point to Port Nelson, the furthest north poet in the Peace River district, according to announcement made thla morning at divisional head quarters here. The C.N.R. car barge Ts o,T the dry dock where It has been undergoing Cleaning and painting. This craft Is id mostly now in carrying oil cars with the product of the Rupert Marine Co., Ltd. from Its Turks Inlet plant to the railway slip. Special Tuesday and Wednesday only. Alberta Creamery Burtef.Prlnts. tier lh 40c sfflfcfcht, ,ThMVIfic Is less than Shit of focii wholesalers and is made low enough to move our sur plus stock, as we hare 1000 lbs. weekly arriving which must be dlsopsed of. Remember that we are purchasing all our Creamery Butter on Vancouver market where competition exists. New Zraland competition Is forcing Alberta clt'Hli'm to sell for less at the coast while direct shipments from Alberta to Prince Rupert cost at least 3c a lb. higher than If shipped via Vancouver! to Pnmv Rupert Rupert Table Supply.) Amelioration of Present Measure to be Recommended to City Council by its Social Committee xnat the Parking Bylaw be ao ! iacnded aa to permit can to park at iiiy time on the northerly aides of all ven.Hs nod the ea.tfrl aide of all i ireet. provldlug thu parking llgata : i kept burning at all times cars may , oe parked on the atrttu at night" was he recommendation reached at a. meet ing Uet night of the apecal council committee defrfated to go into the matter ot parking. This recommendation will be presented to the etty council at It next meeting In the hope of removing mleunderatandlng and la-eonvertlewe caused by the preaeat exletlng bylaw which prohibits the parking of ears between the hours of 8 pm. and 6 Km. on streeta alzteen feet or leas In width. The committee, in addition to other minor smeadmeats. will recommend that aU the city's traffic bylaw, which have been enacted separately and at various timet, be coneoUdaUd Into one whole. Present at the meeting last night were Aid. Joseph Oreer, chairman. Aid. W. J. Oreer and Aid. W. 11. Drown, members of the committee; Fire Chief D. H MeDooaM. City Solicitor E. T. Jones. Inspector William SptUer. provincial police. and represents tit es ot j automobile interests. This afternoon 'a train, due from the Bart at 3:30. la reported to be on time. This train brings mall. W O. McMorrls. who Is Interested In mining at Alice Arm. la a passenger on the Oatala this afternoon irotag through to Vancouver. Mlsa Kuldab Oraham of the Daily uatsia ima aitemooa irom a DUMncs trip to Anycx. Alice Arm and Stewart. A. P. Smith of the KlUault River ' Mining snd Dotelotenent Co.. Ltd.. Alice I Arm. la s passenger on the Oatala this afternoon bound for Vancouver. Mr. Alice Ann 8mlth reportt a successful season's prospector srrlved la the city from the operations on the com pour's properttea mww, u WSM wis aieriKwn n i. It U hnn itn.!v mnltl W. A. Talbot, nishtant district engineer for the provincial government of public work, arrived In the city on the Catala this aft noon vfVorn Aayox. Ilarry Wong, etened with breaking and entering .the ssflf the Travellers' s5sJ and 'eaivfattogt therefrom. may soon be Interested. UIKlXKss IlKI'OKT. H a.m. DI3BY ISLAND. Part cloudy, calm: barometer, 3022; temperature, 31; es smoith. DEAD TREE POINT. Clear, calm; barometer. 30.0H; temperature, 23; sea smooth. BULL HARBOR. Cloudy, calm; baro meter. 30.03; temperature, 4s; light swell: 8 pm. spoke tug Cape Scott, st Bearer Cove, southbound: 8 pjn. spoke steamer Gray, Nanatmo for Naden Har bor, abeam Pine Island; 8 a in. spoke tug Pacific Monarch, In Mllbank Sound southbound. 00' DIGBY ISLAND. Misty,, calm; baro meter. 30.Z3: temperature, 37: sea smooth; 11.30 ain. spoke steamer Prince John In Hecate Straits, bound for Mllbank Sound, southbound. DEAD TREE POINT. Clear, calm; barometer, 30.on; temperature, 44; sea rmooth. BULL HARBOR. Part cloudy, calm; temperature, 48; barometer, 30.10; light swell. HOTix .i:i(iv.i.s. Satoy Alex Millar. J. NasUoff. D. Nlckerson H. B. James and A. Melver. city: W, Asplnall. Winnipeg; Fred Boggett, Dau phin; D. Morrison and W.'H. Thome, CJJ.R.: R. Swanwlck. Vancouver. Prince Rupert Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Sinclair and R. O. Johnston. Inverness; S. J. Parkin son and E. E. Hill, Vancouver: Dr. O. C. Paine, Telkwa; T. B. Campbell, Hazel ton. Central Mr. and Mrs. G. Somerville and Miss E. Wilson. Terrace: S. Robinson and O. C. Duncan. C.N.R.; Mrs. M. L. West garde and son. Perow; A. Olssen. city. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY 4 AGENTS WANTED TO TAKE ORDERS for the finest line of Personal Greeting Cards ever shown In Canada. Regal Art Co., 310 Spadlna Avenue, Toronto. LOST. SUM OP MONEY BY WORK-lng girl between Ambrose and the city. Finder please return to Family Shoe Store. Reward. v 2S1 FOUR ROOMED MODERN HOUSE FOR Rent with range. Phone Bed 623. IN PROBATE IX THE SlI'ltKMK COOtT OP I1KIT1SII COLUMBIA In the Matter of the Administration Act: and In the Matter of the Estate of Joe Elman (otherwise) Joe Herman, Deceased, Intestate. TAKE NOTICE that bv order of His Honor F. McB. Younir. the 11th dav of August. AJJ. 1B27, I was appointed Ad- inmisiraior oi tne estate oi joe Elman (otherwise) Joe Herman, deceased, and all partle having claims against the said estate are hereby required to furnish same, properly verified, to me on or before the 21st day of September. AD. 1927. and all parties Indebted to the estate are required to pay the amount of their Indebtedness to me forthwith. NORMAN A. WATT. Official Administrator. Prince Rupert, B.C Dated the 24th day of August AJJ. 250 1927, PAGE THREE Lifebuoy is superb as a toilet soap and it is an invisible shield against germs All day long your hands arc coming into contact with things that others have touched. Newspapers, doorknobs, telephones, office papers, street-car straps . . . everywhere lurks the elusive disease germ. Even in the friendly handclasp there is danger of picking up one of the 27 disease germs listed below. Let Lifebuoy Soap Protect You Lifebuoy is the favorite toilet soap of millions who use it for the bath, shampoo, for every day use .... for every toilet soap purpose. In addition to keeping the pores of the skin clean, open and breathing, the mild but efficient and antiseptic penetrating qualities of Lifebuoy's creamy lather offer you protection against these germs, which lurk in all manner of dust and grime. 27 LB7J CANADIAN, LDSPirinJ .ASlPL.iTi GERM DISEASES that hands may carry CtmpiUd by Lift Exttnu'en Institute. Colds Pink Eye Tonsillitis Otitis Mumps (Ear Infection) Ringworm Pharyngitis whooping Cough smallpox Erysipelas uipineria Scarlet Fever Chickenpox Septicemia Boils Measles Bronchitis Typhoid Dysentery Tuberculosis Pneumonia 'Influenza Carbuncles Laryngitis Impetigo (Skin Infection) Social Diseases Cerebro Spinal Meningitis The way Influenza tpreids Is unknown so take every precaution LIFE B Health Soap Purifies andProlects 1 Lever Brothers limited Toronto Extra Value No Extra Cost Lifebuoy Soap is not expensive .... costs no more than ordinary and far less- efficient Toilet Soap. Get Lifebuoy today. Identify it by the orange red package and the orange red cake, the colour of its pure palm-fruit oils. Dr. MAGUIRE Dentist Over Orme'a Drug Store Phone 525. Office Hours 9 to 9 Lady Assistant Canadian Pacific Railway B. C. Coast Services Sailings from Prince Ruper To Ketchikan, Wrangell, Juneau and Skagway October 8, 19, 29. To Vancouver, Victoria and Seattle October 1, 23; November 2. PRINCESS BEATRICE. For Outedale, Eat Bella Bella. Oeean Fall. Namu, Alert Kay. Campbell Ktver. and Vancouver every Haturd.iv. II a.m. Agency for all Steamship Lines. roll Information frnro W. C. ORCHARD. Oenrral Agent. , Corner of 4th Street and 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 31 Advertise in "The Daily News"