C TAXI and H I Amomance Service Anywhere at Anytime land Exchange Itulldlnc MATT VIDKCK. Prop, WT TO ll.YUF.ST, October 26. Martial law has been declared . Rumania as the result of the discovery by the ; lct to bring about the return to the country of former vn nment declare that it ia master of the situation. ; lot was uiscovereo as me nation was celebrating tne lowing Trial and Conviction at Nelson Oct 36 -John mtola. a Florence Mine near Alns-revolver fatally wounded Uio Kolehmalnen. when niuither miner were aouming ,: ol a drunken altercation. di!!i:t found guilty of man-fa', the asslre court with a ndaumi for mercy. Mr. Justice : Soi: l(l suspended sentence for uuu lie Ih free. 'RAIRIE FIRE DESTRUCTIVE Ilinl of Antelope Relieved to Have it t 'i . j . il evn m ipea out reur incur cine Hat j mtdictne hat. bet. s. sixty- acres of grazing land, a nimbi- ol granaries and two farm Eln'jnmd : se v.vre destroyed by a prairie fire wept over Roland and Lomand i Ex.tenftlv riamnn waa done tO ' : - .'.mo Taln and a whole herd of p:: :ope ia believed to have been wiped CAP EXPLOSION I PROVES FATAL i Iinjurcd Man Given First Aid to Companion and Then Walks Four Miles for Aid CAVWARD, Oct. 25 A. Mackay was E R injured by an explosion of forty -i cabin at Adams River Mine. ii'Ktns. 73 vears of ace. thouch " lurco in the head and bodv. himself. ,c ld to the other man and t W..lkTl fn,ll Mllu fnm n n I ...... n. -ww ....... II . VJ1 IrQl.V.. Workman of Stewart Is a pas- o: uie Catala this afternoon V...;;:U'.'Sr. TOLMIE LIKELY TO BE A CANDIDATE IN SAANICH AT ELECTION VICTORIA. Oct. 26. It is generally understood here that Dr. S. F. Tolmle will be a candidate for Saanleh consti tuency at the general election against N. W. Whltlaker. the Liberal candidate who la already chosen. LAD WAS KILLED IN MOTOR ACCIDENT AT .14 225 14 .031. .06 31 .10 .28 Va .12 .05 .14 .70 3.24 Ashed .30 .10 2.65 .17 .03 00 V VICTORIA YESTERDAY ;t VICTORIA. Oct 28 -Frank Oodwln, 10 years of age. of Vancouver, was Instantly killed yesterday when his motor car waa In collision with another at the corner of Quadra and Yates Street. MOUNTAIN SHEEP STRATHCONA PARK VICTORIA, Oct. 25 Fifty mountain sheep will be brought to Vancouver Island by the Game Conservation Board tor Btrathrona Park . They will be vigorously protected against hunters until established. VOLCANIC IUSTI KI1ANCE HONOLULU, Oct. 25. There was heavy volcanic disturbances at Mount Kllauea yesterday. , VANCOUVER EXCHANGE I Bid. Big MlMtourl . . . v Coast Oopper , 1430 Cork Province Dunwell George Copper Oladstone Independence Indian L. and L Leadsmlth Lucky Jim Marmot Porter Idaho Richmond Bllvercreat Silversmith Sunloch Torlc 10V41 .05 .33 30 .14 .00 .17 .78 Sereeant Alex McNeill. provincial returned to the city on the n,h.i. tins afternoon from a VB.n.u - trip v.i Aj:.vo. oi: ofneul dutita. r. V. V COMPLIMENTARY DINNER Challenge to Democracy Must be; Met by Education, Says Cat- j gary Man I CALOART. Or.. So Hon 3 B Brn- j nett, receiuly elected leader of '.he Oocservatlve Party arrived heme lu t ! evening and waa given an enthunia-iUc welcome At the rampHmentary dinner given him by the citizens. Mr. Brnnett day of King Michael. It was discovered through a letter declared that ,n ,,t M Manilearn. under nmcrtnrv at finanr- in Ihp In the world u ubinet, who was arrested. . In tbe letter add to the ooo- BUILDING NEW SAWMILL IL'en Acquires old Royal lii: Mat hinery for Plant at t Double Near Terrace r of the old Uar'. .. lUuall ha beesa pur-' ...! wnose mill at Vaa-K-.t dawn duang the .id i now being unwed n obte. a htiort distance h we u will be lo ir mill Mr. Heeea It I point. The new alte i .'cut to considerable unrolled by Mr. Ha- j ix- much aupertor to ' V i expected to havo iteration this fall WOLA IS FREE MAN II on Suspended Sentence Fol tltion lisderi, Carol demand referendum to learn the people' wlU In regard to hi return m king. Premier Bntlano will Mk ell oopoat-tlon and fovernmrat part on Thura-07 to declare their attitude. i i; ! 4 MJl AKi: MTIINTIt PACII'IC CLOCK The earthquake, which wa Blee rem coast points, waa felt In the Interior ylrr- dej morning. TJm topaet waa ujtfrfmt to atop VWe cfeot in tbe CJNM. station t Pacific, sectly at IJO according to trainmen arriving yesterday yesterday afternoon. HALIBUT BIDS the place of democracy was not yet secure. 'Democracy, he said, had been chal lenged by hundreds of thousands of people In Eupope and Asia dur.ng past five years and this situation li-turn throws a challenge to the men and women of voting age In Canadi The ealy way wa to have an educated democracy. HI paaa waa for more ieadeaa. The- leader waa met at the train by Maydc Oaborur and representative cul-reaa i-f all shade of political opinion and the dln.ier vrae Anything but n political fathorlng. no distinction being made in that regard. UNION JACK IS S.A. FLAG Will be Flown on Ships and Official Places with Domestic Flag Auxiliary C U'KTOWX. .Oct. 2S. The flas Kintiiivrr.)' for the I'nloit of South Africa lia hren prarllrully settled lj (ominniile. the ir.uln details of Hhlili proiitle that the lUlim Jak be regariled Ihr olfkial flue to he flown on Mil;. doiks, rapHuN. Koverniiirnt liiilldiiico. und the ilnir-tt lc flag In to remain u at pir-cut with the I'nlon Jack k--tupylnj one tnenly-Betentli of the flaR. ttt4tttttvf tt VKKIKOIS KEf'OVKKV AT NEW VIMtK STOCK MARKET THIS MOItMNtl NEW YORK. Oct. 25. Vigorous recovery of the stock market today lifted pivotal ihare such aa United State Steel and general Motors from three to five point following tbe drop Just before closing yeaterday. 2 HIGHER STILL New Record for Year is Set With Paying of 21c and 7c for Two American Catches Today Halibut bids soared to even greater heights at this morning's fcesalon of the Fish Exchange when a new recbrd for the year wan aet through the paying of 21c and 7c for the catches of two American vessels. A total of' 99.800 pounds was sold of which 83.000 pound was from American vessels and 16.000 pounds from Canadian. Arrivals and sales were as follows: AMERICA Commonwealth. 18,000 pounds. Booth Fisheries, 19.0c and 7c. Bonanta.-. 21,000 pounds, Royal Fish Co.. 21c antlV ' Ivanhoe, 24,000 pounds, Canadian Fish & Oold Storage Co.. 20.0c and 7c. Brunvol, 20,000 pounds, Atlln Fish eries, 12c and 7c. CANADIAN R. W 2,000 pounds, Royal' Fish Co., 18.2c and 6c. Rose Spit, 3.000 pounds, Canadian Fish St Oold Storage Co., 18c and 6c E. Llpsett, 4300 pounds, Booth Fisheries. 18.6c and 6c. Pair of Jacks. 2,000 pounds, and brief I Kalen 5.000 pounds. Canadian Firfh & ' C'lld Stcra'je Cj.. 18.3c una 6t. PRINCE RUPERT. D.C., TUl'SDAY. OCTOBER 25. 1927 PRINCE RUPERT Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper "MYTHE PETROB' has a bit outgrown her lap-dog complex, but iURt-the same won first among the Borsois at tht Kennel Club show at the Crystal Palace. London, Jast week Fishery Problems Before the Supreme Court of Canada to Be Tried Next Month Affect B.C. OTTAWA, October 25. An order-in-council setting forth to the Supreme Court of Canada certain questions relative to the British Columbia Fisheries which will come before the court next month have been made public. These were largely the result of action taken by the Sommerville Cannery Co., operating at Prince Rupert and other places on the coast who were refused a license by the fisheries department for their floating cannery and who then went on fishing without one. They were sued by the department and the case dismissed as being without the jurisdiction of the federal gov- ment. There are three questions as Iol-K owe: First: In regard to section 7A and 18 of the Fisheries Aet, 1914. or either of them, rh what particular or partic ulars or to what extent are they ultra vires of the Parliament of Canada? Second: If said provisions be ultra vires, has the minister the authority to Issue a Hoe rue for operation of a float ing cannery as contra-dlstlngulshed from a stationary cannery on land, and 1! so, 1 he entitled to make the license subject to any restriction, particularly as to the plaoe of operation of any such cannery In B.C.? Third: Under the provision of special fishery regulations for the province of B.C. had (a) any, British subject resident In B.C. or (b) .any person so resident who 1 not a British subject, upon application and tender of prescribed fee the right to receive a li cense to fish or operate a salmon cannery In that province, or has the min ister discretionary authority to. grant or refuse any sucn license to anyone who is a British subject or not? The third question affects the right of the government to restrict the num ber of Oriental licenses, many of the applicants being British subjects and residents In the province. Advertise In Tbe Dally News BUREAU WINS COURT CASE Defendants Have Each to Pay $1,500 and Costs for Slandering Former Minister HC.MltOI.KT, Sak Oct. 25. Hon. Jacques lliirmu, former minister of customs, now a member of the senate, won thr hlander action acalntt Milton Campbell, M.I', for lYUy and William 1. Smith. hU Mipporter at the last election, when n Jury this mimilng returned a verdict giving Iturrtiii SlSlKt damage against each defendant, mho will also hear the costs of the action. TRUE BILL AGAINST WEST COAST INDIANS NANAIMO. Oct. 25. The Orand Jury yesterday brought In a true blU against three west coa3t Indians charged wtth murder of fisheries officer Edward Leach at Toflno. Vancouver and Prince Rupert t Will Expect More Wheat Pool Grain This Year Than Before VANCOUVER, October 25. Vancouver and Prince Rupert will expect much more of Alberta's wheat pool grain this season than ever before, according to H. W. Wood, president of the pool, who was here yesterday. "It is no good trying to deceive ourselves as to the quality of the grain this year," he said. "There is a large quantity of low grade grain due to the long wet spell. The gross return to the farmers will be satisfactory, however. Alberta will have a heavy 1 trop-" , . Boston Grffl 1 Irge Upstair Dining HalL with newly laid dancing floor, lor hire. NEW SODA FOUNTAIN. The latest and beat for th leant Phone 457. Prii'e Five Ontc 7SHMS QUESTIONS AFFECTING DISTRICT BEFORE COURT lot to Place Prince Carol on Throne Was discovered Roumania rtial Ijiw Declared and One of Leaden Arrested in Bucharest and Government Masters of Situation BIG WELCOME TO BENNETT New Leader (ireeted liy Representative Citizen of all Political Parties Sir Donald Mann Urges Stewart to Peace River Doubt's General Sutton's Ability to Raise Money for P.G.E. and i Says Shortest Route Always Rest VANCOUVER, October 25. Sir Donald Mann, in advocating a line of railway from Portland Canal into the Peace River from Stewart to the Dominion Government Railway block said this was noi only the shortest but the best route into the Peace country. Such a road would be what Is known as a ladder. Not only would it give a coastal outlet to the Peace but would be an immense help in opening up all northern British Columbia, i "The shortest route to the sea is always the best and the cost of building the line would not be proportionately greater than ..'u:iecting up with tne PxJE.. he sa:d In addition It would be a great Is 1 4.S. flicrter." I S.. Doiiaid eipre-ved doubt concern ' ;i.- Ot ...-ral Sutt u proposal to ralve i e45.ooo.000 to ex e ,d -he P.GJ1 traraJ i Quei. .el to the Pea;. "It la c.utte a b.i o: money and I lor one snauifl no. cure -.o Invest in sueu a venture." f OVEK 4IKI CAUS Of UIIAIX NOW ON WAV IIEKE The Alberts Wheat Pool elevator management mnaeunces today that 414 Datoas of gtila are) now on the wwy between ittSr&J rtrT Prtoce T(rpirrtlerSfor. The ttret wfll probably arrtve about Wedne- s)y night or Thursday morning. Latest report gave the distance of as. Flab Pool as BOO miles from Prince Rupert and the first vessel to load araln here thla season shruld arrive on Friday. MILL AT TORIC IS NOW CLOSED DOWN Manuring IJirector of IToperty. In City Today. Explains That Plant Was Iioslng Ore A. C. H. Gerhard, general manager of the Torlc mine at AUce Ann. who Is a pavtenger on the Catala thla afternoon bound for Vancouver, authorizes the announcement that the mill on the pr.v.erty ha3 teen closed down fcr the ; lor Mr. uernarat explains mat me plant was losing ore and time would I have to be taken In order to adjust It to perfect operation. The mill, during Its brief period of operation, was run ning on splendid ore. ALASKA STEAMSHIP COMPANY LOSES ON APPEAL OF NON-SUIT SAN FRANCISCO. Oct. 25 Judgment In favor of the Alaska Steamship Company aa defendants In a suit brought by the Copper River Packing Company of Nolale Juan. Alaska, was reversed by the United States Circuit Court of Appeal yeaterday. , The packing company had sued for $7,300 damages for alleged breach of contract. The suit was appealed when a motion for non-suit was granted In tbe Federal District Court at Seattle. MAN WHO KILLED FOREST RANGER IS DECLARED INSANE NELSON. Oct 25 William Morpeth, alleged slayer of Roderick Monro, forest ranger, near Golden, on August 27. U pronounced Insane by a jury today He will not stand strlal was the decision given after the testimony of alienists. 'JAPANESE ACQUITTED MANSLAUGHTER CHARGE NANAIMO, Oct 23 Todl Dol. a Japanese of Cumberland, charged with manslaughter in connection with the death Tf Esther Wriglr. m April last, who wts run down by hi.- :ar wac ar-quitted at .1- .-1 u: " ye.'uay. WHEAT POOL HEAD C01NG Henry Wise Wood Will Arrive Tomorrow for His First Visit to This Port Henry Wise Wood, president of the Canadian Co-operative Wheat Producers Ltd, (Wheat Pool) and recognized as one of the greatest organizers and big business men In the Dominion., will pay Prince Rupert his first ristt tomorrow 4. j In connection with the Inauguration of 4, i the seaaan's grain ahlpment through 4. the Wheit PTOlWIocatWevatBraHwai-!? arrive In the city on tbe steamer Prince Oeorge tomorrow miming tram the south and. it Is understood, will re turn to Vancouver on the same vessel Thursday night. 0 Mr. Wood has been Invited, through Col. J. W. .Nlcholls, vice-president of the Prince Rupert Board of Trade and president of the. Rotary Club, to tie the guest of honor and speaker at a Joint luncheon of the two bodies to be held on Thursday. 1 C. M HaU of Calgary, general man ager of the Alberta Wheat fooi. win also arrive with Mr. Wood. He Is Just recovering from a recent Illness. Another member of the party wUl be C. II. Clendennlng, general manager of the Empire Shipping Co. NEW BUILDING HANDSOME ONE Olier Resner's Structure on Third Avenue Will be Finest in City to Date Plans for the new three-starey building being built at the corner of Third Avenue and Third Street for Oiler Bes-ner reveal that the structure wUl be the most handsome business block In the city of Prince Rupert. Specifications not only call for spacious and well-appointed stores on the ground1 floor and offices above but also for an ambitiously ornamental outside appearance on both the Third. Street and Third Avenue frontages. The while structure will be of concrete and will be up-to-date in every respect. The excavations being completed, Robert Bryson. who has the contract for tbe building Itself, yesterday, started to put up the frame forms In anticipation of starting the pouring of concrete. ASKBOTOTO DECLARE SELF Would Have Him Set at Res. Reports of Disruption JnlCin-servative Party VICTORIA, Oct. 25i Thfconservat'' tlve Association -of Oak Bay last night passed a resolution urging upon W. J. Bowser to reiterate his valedictory address made at the Kamloop convention and thus put at rest reports that the Liberal party were Spreading that there was an attempt to disrupt the party as led by Tolmle. Ah Tol. Chinese, charged with having opium in his possession, has been fur vher remanded la city police court tin- :.l TUmvUay inornujg. .a 1 i i 1