CAGE SIX 31 n it Free Lesson; D in ennison Art Craft Free Lessons will be given i in Dennison Art Craft, com prising CRYSTALLINE LAMP SHADES SCISSOR PAINTING WAX WORK FLOWER MAKING CASKET WEAVING, etc Every Tuesday and Friday Afternoons from 2 to 5.30 p.m. Evening Classes every Wednesday from 7 to 10 Rose, Cowan & Latta, Limited Third Avenue (Opposite Third Street) Phone - - - 234 HERE IS JUST What You Are Looking For A big saving in Vegetable and Fruit Specials Terrace Potatoes, per sack $1.1)0 Terrace Carrots, 7 lbs. for 115 f Terrace Turnips, 7 lbs. for !M Onions, G lbs. for . . . . 25c for .' !Tt ( a uuiiJiuii, o jus. lur . . 'v Hubbard Squash, 3 lbs. for 2-t Celery, 2 bunches for . . U5 Preserving Pears, per box We have only a limited supply of the above so please get your orders in early to make sure you can get what you want. Mussallem Grocery COMPANY, LTD. 417-423 Fifth Ave. East Phone 18 and Phone 84 Prince Rupert, B.C. Thor Johnson for Mens' Clothing and " Furnishings The home of "SOCIETY REDUCTION i ;in Prices for two weeks only Come in and inspect our stock M T. LEE LADIES' & GENTLEMEN'S TAILOR Third Avenue P.O. Box 977 VANGUARD MINE IN LIMELIGHT Sensation Caused by Recommendation of Superintendent to Drop Property Something In tn nature oX a, ta-allon hu brn cmuwl in Alle Ana ; mining camp as a mult of announ ment mada by H. W. HeWrman itur. : would reccmineiul to the Spencer-Mi I Ra Interests of Vancouver, who hai had the property under option. ;;ta the ahowlnf-doea aot warrant their pu; chase of the Vanguard mln wh , b through reputedly Heh copper dUcjv erles. hu been much in the publi. ee of late. Word to thU effect waa or-ug. to the city thla afternoon by minx -men aboard the at earner Calala on vb. !i tease) Mr. Heildeman la alv a paascii-ger bound for Vancouver where he w.u report to his prlnclpaU. Ur. Heldema;. has been in charge of exploration wor' on the Vanguard for the Spencer-McRar Interests and it la reported that be has already caused work to be ahut down , on the property. Alice Arm people feel atrosgly that the ' Vanguard la a better mine than Mr Heideman ha apparently concluded it la. They are convinced that he must be mistaken In hla judgment and are confident that, if the present interests drop the property, others wUl te forthcoming immediately to take It over. CECIL ROSE HONORED BY FELLOW WORKERS U Ctrriplent of Itrautlful WnWIii; (il(t I'rom Man of C.X.K. Me lunlcal I)rKtrtment Hit fellow workers of the Canadian National Railways local mechanical department expressed their esteem end best wishes tor Cecil Rose, following the occasion of his recent marriage, by presenting him last evening in the stores building with a silver tea service, cut glass water set and alarm clock. The ; presentations were made by William Reid ' whose remarks were well chosen and appropriate. Mr Rose suitably replied. Cecil Rose practically aerved the whole of his apprenticeship m the local shops Halloween Time GROCERY SPECIALS Canned and Fresh Pumpkin, Pop-pint: Corn and Dig Eating Apples Galore, Cheap We are changing our Egg Special and will give you now a larger guaranteed Fresh Egg, 3 doz. for $1.45. Our Fresh Ground Coffee is in-: creasing in favor. Special, ai . . 1 1 r .-. id. ior .i.4 New Seedless Raisins just arrived, 3 lb. for i . . . 50c1 Ginger Cookies, going fast and! furious, per lb. l!5e P. & G. & Royal Crown Nantha Soap, 4 bars for H."e Stock up on Heinz Goods now, H will pay you. Heinz Catsup, per bottle :$)( Heinz Tomato Soup, 3 for . . :$5c Heinz Medium Spaghetti, Pork & Beans, and Tomato Soup, 5 tins for Everybody get this one-One Dollar size wood box Sodas along with one Heinz Catsup and one Medium Tomato Soup. All for $1.00 Special Brooms f5 Strawberry and Raspberry Jam, pure, 4's, each (He-King Oscar Sardines, 7 for $1.00 Brunswick Sardines, 7 for . . 50? Last week for Remo Spuds at $1.0."; Beekist Pure Honey, 5 lb. tin for 0.10 Fancy Mcintosh Apples from per box $i.i.-i to $'.75 We have some great bargains on Sweet or Sour Pickles to go along with your Halloween Banquets and don't forget the Spice in the Pumpkin Pie. We guarantee our goods or your money back. B.C. Butchers & Grocers Limited Phones 45 and ."74 LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone 63 Cartage, Warehousing, and Distributing. Team or Motor Service. Coal Sand and Gravel. We Specialize in Piano and Furniture Moving. !ng followed, tunesome music being ! supplied by an orchestra consisting of j Miss Irene Morrison, Bob Greenfield and Tony- Rorte. QUlls Royer waa master of ceremones and J. Morrison, chairman of the oom-mlttee in charge, presided at the door. Advertise in The DaUy Newa WATER NOTICE. DIVERSION AMI t'SE Cash and Carry Grocery Sixth Avenue and Fulton Street We sell for cash only. That's why we sell first quality groceries for lets. And at the same time save you from 10c to 25c on each dollars expended. Here's how Any brand Evaporated Milk, 3 tins for :trp Per case $5.50 Mcintosh Red Apples, wrapped, per box $'.1.00 Remo Potatoes,-per sack .. $1.00 Any brand of Flour, 49 lb. sack, $2.75 B.C. Sugar, 10 lbs. for 75 E.C.D. Butter, per lb 50f 2 lbsfpr 95c Old Dutch Cleanser Corn Flakes J&J. . . . .' . r-isisssssssssssssss'issssssssssssssi mm iHSSSal JBSktsSSSSSSSSSK m TV I RJSK2 1 NOTE: If you take YEAST for your HEALTH, use Royal Yeast Cakes. Write for free booklet, "ROYAL YEAST FOR BETTER HEALTH-. E. W. GILLETT CO. LTD. TORONTO. CAN. . 10? ...-tot gbreddedlWheat, Bran FJakeSj-jor. . . ;v23f -Pep, iTTorfC .$7? . .. Try our Fresh Ground Coffee at per lb 50? Bulk Tea, per lb 0? Everything in the store is plainly marked with price tags. Also everything guaranteed. $5.00 orders or over delivered free S. B. ADAMS, Manager Phone 304 and Is a valued member of the s;aff there. His ni .rrlage tc MUs Muriel Por-ty.he took plu.-e last Thursday evening. WHIST DIM AND" DANCE UNDER S.O.C. AUSPICES ENJOYABLE SCOTS DROP INTO THIRD PLACE IN BILLIARD LEAGUE Dropping one game by default, losing two by rather wide margins, and show In j up to advantage in the only remaining two. the Scots allowed the I Grand Terminals to take a clean sweep An enjoyable whist drive and dance from tbtm la ,ut nlght-. BWUrd iga was held last, to the evening Metropole ,tMun, tbt aggregate score being 1.000 Hall the Native Bona by of Canada. to m nlgn bmk o lbt eD. The event was fairly well attended mg was 33 which was turned In by W. iti Hwumi . lm ao . imuct first. Mrs. Adam Dunbar; ladles' second, Mrs. A. Skattebol; men's first, Harry Scott; men's second. H. A. Breen. Refreshments were served and danc-' Long. Individual scores were ai follows: Fred Pyle (Scots). 182; W. Long (Orand Terminals), 200. J. Hamilton, default: O. Wauga. 200. J. Andrews. 96; Don Brown. 200. M. Andrews. 128; , A Murray, 200. J. Brown. 171; J. Judge, 290. The league standings to date are as follows: Played. Point. Aver. Gyro Club h. 3 , 2814 948 Orand Terminals .... 3 2752 917 Scots ...A 4 3237 809 IMUMDt l. UILMAltll AVtllACl; Games. Total. Aver. C. Balagno (O.i . .u. 3 000 200 TAKE NOTICE that E. Rousseau, whose j w J- , J,ewon Ktaon' in address is 410 Seymour Street. Vancou- ver. B.C.. will apply for a licence to Col. S. P.MeMordlefO.) tare ana use i cuoic root or water out j. judge (O.T.) ....... of unnanmed stream which flows south- '., , , erly and drains Into Port Stephens Bay. M- M- McLacnlan (O.I about one mile east of Bluff Point. D. Brown (O.T.) The water will be diverted from the o. A. Woodland (Q.) stream at a point a xut 600 feet from , p Pv, . . the mouth and will ). uneil for rommr. i ,0-' clal purposes upon the land described J 3ot Brown (8.) 4 as Lot 2750. Range 4. Coast District. This a. Wsugh (O.T.) . ' 3 notice was posted on the ground onA Murr. ,ot i a T the 26th day of July, 1927. A copy of pA" MurrlJr this notice and an application pursuant J. HUlman (O.T.) 2 thereto and to the "Water Act" will beio. p. Tinker (O.) ' 3 filed in the office of the Water Re-w .,,-. , corder at Prince Rupert. B.C. Objec- W- "5ng "' tlons to the application may be tiled J- Beesley (8) 1 with the said Water Recorder or with the M. Andrews (S.) .t 4 Comptroller of Water Rights. Parliament . c . i a Buildings. Vletorta, B.C.. within thirty i J-Anarew ,EM days after the first appearance of this ! 3. Hamilton (S.) 4 notice in a local newspaper. The date rr West a 1 of the first publication of this notice 1 . ' August 20. 197 ECOENE ROUSSEAU. Applicant ceo 400 400 200 200 383 7S2 72S M2 549 376 532 507 1E8 655 585 520 127 200 200 200 200 200 193 iaa 167 183 183 183 177 169 168 164 146 130 127 NEW BADMINTON CLUB IS FORMED Annunciation Church Wit It Twenty Members ai a Martrr The opening too' place lavt night of the newly-formed Annunciation Church Badminton cjjub la the school hall with twenty members and a num ber of good games were played. Several of those who have been members of the Prince Rupert Badminton Club took part and are among the official of the organization. Light, refreshments were served. A preliminary meeting held last week elected officers which are: President Mrs. E. W. Martntette. Sec .-Tress. Miss Margaret Palmer. Executive Mrs. J. McNulty. M. P. McCaffery. and E. C. Gibbons. The court which has been marked out in the gymnasium 11 an excellent one aid to be one of the best In town. Members will play every evening and on the afternoons of Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. This Is the ninth club to be formed 14 lbrbox k, SK.45 In the rltv. the AthArk nnw funrf lnnlnj? CapitprCreamery Butter, per lb. j being the Prjnce'- Rupert Badminton 14 lb. box $0.10iRB"nt. United Church, Moose, Ru pert East oymnaslum, and Bootn Teachers. . . -star? rrrmiiA; "WB.VrilEll ItEPOKT, Prince Rupert. Part cloudy, calm; temperature, 34. Terrace. Cloudy, calm, temp. 38. Rosswood. Part cloudy, temp. 35. Alice Arm. Cloudy, calm, temp. 36, Anyox. Cloudy, calm, temp. 41. Stewarti Cloudy,' foggy, calm, temp, 40. - ' Hazelton Cloudy, calm, temp. 34. Burns Lake. Cloudy.' calm, temp. 25 A. J. Edlund arrived on the Catala this afternoon froaj.AJlcs Arm. RETURN HOME AFTER HUNTING FOR ELEVEN DAYS ON PORCHER ID. ' Pleoty of does but very few bucks the report of D. C UeRae. Ale. Ptn-i.le and Thomas Urileekin who returned iiome last night after their annual Minting trtp to Porther bland They were away eleven dsya and report hs-:ng scoured the country afoitnd Refuge Buy ond Welcome Harbor In search of fame ThfV experleated unfavorable aea hiT ii:idi!ions but. in spite of the ayv.-y of males, they bagged three deer ann g them. MATCHES AND GAS DO NOT MIX YERY WELL KETCHIKAN. Oct 35. Olaf Lund ays that matches and gasoline do not mix very well. He was doing some work on hU trolling boat the M-1540. at the city float, trying to fix something ibout the engine, and lighted match. 'vldently some gasoline was spilled on be floor for there was a puff and a Maw and then In about two Jumps he fir department waa on the scene and proceed to give first aid to the fire Meantime several boats near cast off and got out into the channel. WHEAT MOYED DOWN ONE POINT YESTERDAY VANCOUVER. Oct. 23. The steady downward movement of wheat ontlnued here yesterday, the price for No. 1 Northern closing at 1J6 1-8. E. J. Smith of the W. W. Nlckerson Co. returned to the etty on the Catala this afternoon from a business trip to Anyox and 8tewart. Market Prices Today's prices on the local marktt are as follows: L.IUU furt 25C Compound 20c B.C. fresh pullets 55c B.C. fresh, firsts 60c B.C. treih, extras 65c Local new lsld 70c B.O. Storage, first 50c HKII Halibut, lb 23: Salmon, red sprtng 35c Salmon, white sprtng, lb 15c Smoked kippers, lb 16c Kippered salmon, lb. 35c Smoked black cod. lb 30c Finnan baddies, lb. , 30c MEATS Fowl, No. 1 lb 85c and 40c Roasting chicken. Ib 45c Ham. sliced, first grsde 85c Ham. whole, first grade 42c Ham picnic, lb. 35c Cottage rolls, ib 30c Bacon, bark, sliced 50c Bacon, side 50e to 60c Pork, dry salt 35e Ayrshire bacon, lb 35c Veal, ahoulder 35c Veal, loin 40c Veal, leg 35e Pork, shoulder 28e Pork, loin 4uc Pork, leg 35c Beef, pot roast 13y,c to 18c J Beef, boiling ..' , ......10c to 15c Beef, steak , ,35c to 40c Beef .roast, prime rib1 30c Lamb, chops 60c Lamb, shoulder 35c Mutton, leg 40o lamb, leg 48c Mutton, chops 40c Mutton shoulder 30c IttJTTf.K Brookfleld. 8hamrock and Woodland. lb 60c E.C.D., lb 50c Capitol, 2nd grade, lb 47 Vic Fraser 'Valley, lb.1 50c New Zealand, In bulk 47c Prints ' 47V4c Rosedale Creamery . . 45oJ Alberta Creamery 4214 c No. 1 Dairy 37V4C CHEESE Camembert cheese, 8 oz. pkg 65a Kraft Llmberger, V4's 35c Ontario solids 35c Stilton, lb 40e Kraft 45c Norwegian Ooat , 65c Napoleon Llmberger 70c Roquefort 75c Swifts' Brookfleld, Ib 45c Oorgonzola, lb , 75c McLaren's Cream. Jars .... 45o and 85c Brookfleld Swiss cheese, , lb. pkg. 30c Brookfleld Canadian cheese, lb, pkg. '; :) t ....... 25c atuytre .11.. 45c LAND ACT. .NOTICE OF INTENTION' TO U'PIA TO LEASE LANU In Prince Rupert Land Recording Dis-trlct and situate on the southwest corner of an unnamed bay on the south bsnk of Port Chansl. Graham Island Queen Charlotte Islands, In the Province "ovtnce of British Columbia. TAKE NOTICE that Arthur Robertson, of Massett. B.C.. occupation a lumberman, intends to apply for a lease of the following described lands: Commencing at a post planted about one chain westerly from the mouth of an unnamed creek flowing into an un-nrol bay on the scuth hank of Port Chanal. Oraham Island. Queen CharlotS thence 4 chains southerly: thence 16 chains easterly; thence 4 chains nr therly to the shorellnerthencefoUowfn the shoreline to point of "tommence? ment. and containing 3 acreinoror (Signed) A. ROBERTSON, Dated October 6, 18i7. APPcant Keep hurried breakfasts healthful SHREDD Ready to serve easy to digest All the nutritious wholewheat All the bran you need WESTHOLME THEATRi TUESDAY ONLY, 7 and V p.m. t Constance Talmadge in "The Venus of Venice" ANTONIO MOUKNO, EDWARD MAItTINDEU MK V: VAVITCH, TOM IMCKBTTS. 1IEDDA HOPPnt and other. MERMAID COMEDY "NO CHEATING." "HODGE PODGE" "A CRISS-CROSS CRHM Admission ..... 35c and 10c GOSSARi X CORSETS No. 1030, 3 only, Ilrodie Models Fer'larKe flgurei fily. llujn'!! - for SO..V1 No. 783, 12 only, for Medium I igurr Piifk Rroeb. Ilexular $lo.:,o t "... Gossard Combination. in rink lirocne. special . . A EXPERT CORSETIERE IN H. S. WALLACE CO., LTD. A Good Home and a Good Investment A well built house with beautiful sea and mountan all modern conveniences including furnace, dining ami ! -rooms with fireplace, four bedrooms, etc. on Seal Cove 1 conveniently situated for the various industries at Sim ' Four minutes from McLean's Shipyard, and five minut' 1 " Cold Storage. A SPLENDID INVESTMENT The Daily News of October 19 says editorially. th,t Us two mills, box factory. McLean's Shipyard, and l 11 Storage, Seal Cove is the most productive part of the C ity n an earning point of view and that there should be a K "' building in this district next summer. But why build when you can buy this beautiful, m i : well-appointed house for $2,700.00 on terms? H. G. Helgerson, Ltd. Sixth Street Phone 96 Afternoon Teas and Card Parties are easily arranged when you have Folding Tables Our Christmas shipment is hereyour choice f i strongest table made (by actual test will carry 1.0 with natural grained oak top or washable sanlta, .55.50 and $0.50 Barrie's Home Furnishings Ilox 803 Phone 123