J yoirr home morf itacd i I a problem ior you the interest and ipal payments on your gagp. how much more would it be to your wife .children if they had dv it? '.ra comparatively mod-- annual deposit, you :i secure a Confederate!! tile Endowment that v, ' automatically pay the mortnage on your h::m a few years hence, cr hat will immediately rr. ff the mortKajfe if 'cu should die before, eo haf vour family will own h h ime free of debt. Th plan is of interest to r"crv man because it is an ia al method of waving r.icnry for any purpose. An Miffing pamphUt, "So Matttr What llapptiu," will ht gladly n( upon rquf. Life ASSOCIATION HOW Altl FAKRANT . u. ! Hnitr, lr-nr- Ittiilillnr t'snmiiter It P kknnetii n. sciikrk I.OV:il Agent P Rupert. DC SI. K KTEKYKH ' -.'Ml Ayent . Ruiert. BC HE PIONEER AUNDRY KIDS 2tcL Vfc LAUNDER SHIRTS 1 AKO iHlRT WAI5T4 .TOO R SoTriMTHEYSEEM M aist and his shirt .. trip to thin laun-urn. They will de-to you our expert ;olit( manner of ser-ur moderate prices, you to do this. I w . ' n u - I 1 - i luaeer L.aunary l'hone 118 YOU ARE INVITED to see Ladies' Coats Hats and Dresses at The Louvre 316 Third Avenue Next Royal Bank Wood tnY IttRCH, CEDAR AND JACK PINE Single Load $.1.50 Double Load $0.50 Large Sack 50r? 0 BUNDLES DRY KINDLING, $1.00 Phone 580 HydeTransfer AND COAL CO. 139 Second Avenue FINE ADDRESS TO TEACHERS J C Brady, (live lmpw. stuns of IIihim f I'ommunat al Teaehern' Meeting. ' The regular SMctlng of the Princ-r.upsrt Teachere" Kweration took place Ijit evaalhg when J. IV Wilson pre- dew ovtr tarn - naanrt The chairman gave set ou!!lnr of the pioposed setivllMs of tht yw These papers est -TJtrwvd PMklwu m HMUtat." aa NdtM by H c Frswee. IMywtw of MMk. papers on utsrature. taw. uiUaxaetlc devices ir lower grades, saodern Unyuuct am' geography Mess K. P. presets delighted her lis teners with ml enjoyable Dlano nka In intreduelng Um speaker of the aveulssg J. C. Brady. HJ.. the chair-men. ndnu to Mr. Brady record s a teeefcer. aa a Mmbtr of the Pmth- Won sard aa a cttsaen of Prince Ru-pm. tn every phot of bis life he had bam Imbued with the highest ideal and hod Mt In no uncertain ounnn eserk on the many pupa who luut poaatd through hu aehoola. I r- Btniy'i addreu waa on "Pint I tapnaaloaa of the Houw of Common Hwm flad to h the opportunity i to onoe aMn meat with ao -many of hla former oo-worker and to welcome atw teacher to the city. Too often laaehira did not reallnr the imporunce of their ealHnc and It waa only ince tie had mat people In ao many ether walka of Iff that be fully appreciated ! too raajaed Ot people for the teaclierv I In opening hla talk Sir Brady men- taoated that a aaareh of record! hr I that be waa the flrat to atep stralKht out of the teaching profaaaion Into the rtoua. though many membei had been teacher at aome time of their live. The lmpreeekraa of the building at Ottawa were mating. Tbe nne pile arouMKl reaponatve feeling m the new meaebei and he felt that here wai a challenge to the beat that waa in him. dignity of thought and greatnea of teuon. ' TStie bronae tablet to Um memory of the flrat member who fell in the gnat war. the noble etatuary. the uwaaanae library with lla heritage of knowledge of oenturle all bad their part In making the new-oomer eel that he waa embarked In a noble, a terrible, a glorwua work, the govern-ment of an Immenee and young nation. The prevailing llnprnalon of the opening of Parliament waa the deeply LAND ACT. NOTICE or INTENTION TO .trPLV TO LE.tSi: I..INII tn Queen Charlotte Manda tand Recording DMtrtct of Prinoc Ilupcrt. Lntf sltuau at Jedway Harbor. Moresby If Uftd. Q.OJ. TAKE NOTICE that Mlllerd Packing Ooroptfiy. Limited, of Vancouver. B.C., occupation Packer. Intend to apply tor a lease of the following described lands: Commencing st a post planted at the northeast corner of Lot St. UC.I ; thence northwesterly and along high water msrk M srr 'froai thTNTeirnerUl 140: ! iPHMrl US - a . . i . s - . vMis.tti fit T.n i i rorner of Lot 1571. QCX; i ??Lt ihSnKtb north 2; thence eas o v . . .... , .1. 1 rt-,-. mnre more Of less. tO low WDK1 liiai , Cr.Sins. hnr. west following low wster mark. I ! tnence wcr: n v..in. mnra or SO '0.!h'MfnTCofUconmencen chains: tnence touvo--"---; and -- six " ' ! contalnltip r1-" t faOMBK 1 T'JTTKO. Appltcant Dated August 31, 1927. Bronchial Qplcfe V zl tt BtKkley Mixture is different from anything: ele you've ever taken for Couzhe, Colds or Broftcfaitia. It Instantly penctratea the bronchial patMgea, clean the congestion and relieves the distressing; cough like a veritable flash t In so doing it wards off serious developments "Flu", Pneumonia and chronic lung troubles. ; Adults and children find it us pleasant to take as it is positive to : relieve. The first dose proves its worthand there are 40 doses in a 75-cent bottle of "Buckley's". Druggists I everywhere sell it Ftr trvrre trtit ttcom-rwie4 I by )nr, ktUatht or nrutalfit, tok LAXrYMN and Buck-Itr's ! ilixturt and quick i rtiirf will lolUm. ! U.7SS32EESST Of MIXTURE Acts like a flash " a single sip proves it rellglou. and reverent .tmophst hi ow., fccllng.1 waa ao vividly por- t rayed thai his listener felt they were ipse is ton ot this most wouaerful pageant and could sense the weight and soul behind it all. no mere display of vulgar show but a syatbol at Justice, uprightness and spirit of the xiw. lie. f fe. mr . itat- .-.i. T. r.t .n-rh and the first session that 1 often reason- , .1. - viihi tw. sudlence. the frleudUneas and the I .1 ci linuaa. the nraas ! 0Un Its unlimited power, the Measatul soaafeor hi traaedT. i mil wes hraurlkt bafem Hit Uasanar. I A reference to Um correspondence , member receives had Its humorous and i ftoem diie. Mr. Brady In closing asked the teach-! m to take a araater artde In their aJMj um -tf (1 tnat y,e community resllaed tbetr Immense value and in- directly on the future of Canada. A very hearty vote of thanks waa TITE DATLT NTWS thence north 5fl 37' E 1-6 ehslns. more!fluence in the community ana on tne " ibtws was nsmn. i or less, to low water mark; tbenoe ,,.... t ,h Hiinii aannition snd ter snd craw succeeded ln maklns Sam- ! oolnt VXi07rZ'l& tW - post: thenee 22 ehslns, more or lees. to tne poult 01 conunencrmeut, nu nw-tslning 6 acrei. more or leas. MILLERD PACKINO COUPANT, LIMITED. Applicant. Dated September 7. J21. LAND ACT. kNOTirt: OF INTENTION TO APPLY TO ; In Atlln Lsnd Recording "DWtrtet ot th rauur rustrict. and situate st the : mouth of Wsnn River, about 600 feet 1 easterly along the shore from the north- f west corner 01 tne oKjisrx, C1TAKE NOTICE that I. Horace Mo! Naughton Frsser. ot Atlln. occupation B.C. Lsnd Surveyor, acting as seent for ; the Engineer oold Mines im.. inc., in-1 I tend to apply for a lease of the follow-! mg described lands: Commencing st a post planted about 1 5O0 feet easterly along the shore from 'the northwest corner ot the Skylark Mineral Claim: thenee -northerly tu I .theVI "So ."Zre toTh water mark! thence we.terlv 100 feet. more or less, to point of commencement, auu containing uj acres, nacre or teas. , ENGINEER GOLD MINES LTD.. INC., Applicant, ii. MeN. Fraser. Agent. Dated August 9. J 927. LAND ACT. NOTICE OF INTENTION TO .rri.Y TO LEASE LAMi nneen romrlAtbi Tftlftnrtjl T.ftnri ntstrict. I Land Recording District of Prince Ru-;in pert, snd situste north of Lots 1858 and i !657 In TAKE NOTICE thst The Lsntirs Fish-1 ing snd Packing Co. Ltd. of Msett, oc- cupatlon earners. Intends to spply for a leaw of the following .described lands: j Commencing st a post planted twentv chains north of Tan Indian Reserve and on the shore of Mclntyr Bay; thence north A chains to the low water mark: thencr westerly toltowlna ssld low water 100 ehslns; thence southerly 8 chains; thence easterly 60 chains to tne point of commencement, snd containing cignij wrej.. more or lew. ., LnANOARA FISHING & PACKINO CU. L.IU, Applicant. Fred Nash. Agent. Dated June 27. 1927. . LAND ACT NOTICE OF INTENTION TO APPLY TO LE.tE LANK in Queen Charlotte Islands Land Recording District of Prince Rupert, and situate at Ferguson Bay. Orahsm Island, qc.i ..,-. Ktrrrirv. that Somemlle Can-1 moved by Miss Mercer and seconded by compelled to bold on during the thlr-Mtos Mills. tecnth and fourteenth, after which the Refreshments were served by the gale abated, committee under Mrs. Walker. The Msddteton brought ln 34.000 pounds of halibut sad 1.000 pounds of Alt Smallea of the Swift -Canadian gray cod which was posted on the local Co. left on this morning's train for a ( w the interior. He ex- IN i'ROIlATE ix the st TKEMK t )l KT of liltlTlsn ni.i'..im. in the Mstter of'the Admlnlstrstion Act: snd in the Mstter of the Estate of Arthur ,,,. r C. : uiue, uraweo. hoti. .,.. TAKE NOTICE that by order of His By winning 14 to. IS over the Cana- Honor. K. Mca Young, the 30U1 day ol alan jjgga Whlle the New Emnress September. AD. 1937. I was appointee; nZ Administrator of the estate of Arthur C. uo,fl defeased !, bv by th. Um Canadian Little, deceased, and all parties having , National Mechanic by a aimllar score, claims sgainax tnej SSurz3 : oTbeftdaV of ' October. A D 1937. and all partle In- debted to tne estate are required to pay toe unwui w iu..w.. Tertnwitn. NORMAN A. WATT. Official Administrator, prince Rupert. B.C. Dated the 21st day ot September, A.D. 1927. IN PROBATE. IN THE 8t;i'lti:ME COURT OF HltlTISlI , I'OI.UMIIIA the Mstter of the Administration Actv,nd . the Matter of the Estate of Duncan , Ollbert McKay, Deceased, Intestate. TAKE notice that w order of ills Honor, F. McB. Young, the 27th day ef August, A. 1927, I was appointed Ad - i mlntotrator of the estate of Duncan au - bert McKay, deceased, and all parties t having claims against the Said estate are hereby required to furnish ssms. properly verified, to me on or before the 1st day of October. A D. 1927, snd sll parties In- aeoiea to tne estate are required to pay im irauui oi ineir inaeDHuneas to me -...,.-,.. Official Ad inistrstor. Prince Rupert. B.C. Dated the 1st day ot September. A.D. 1027. IN PROBATE. IN TIIF. SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH I'OLl'MIIIA In the Matter of the Administration Act; snd In the Matter of the Estate of John Caddy. Deceased, Intestate. TAKE NOTICE that bv order of His Honor F. MeB. Youne. the 20th dav of A . ....... . Mffftinjix rn n in rtviTs- rsa nrrt quired to fumlah same, properly verified. to me on or before the 20th day of . . ... .... . . n 1 noi j -...i., a..u .l inc. iu- i debted htH to in th the estate, in ... are required ,i to n n.. pay 1 the smiiunt of their lniirhterineu tn m -rr" - " " " forthwith. Of.: ial Adin"ii 1 r it or Prii: "o Ruper B.C. Dated the 23th day ot July, AX). 1927. n.rv comDany Limited. Vancouver. B.C., ' July, A.D 1927. I was sppolnted Admln-nreunatlon Packers, Intends to apply for i lstrator of the estate of John Caddy. rv..:i r fiinwine described lands: ! deceased, snd all parties having claims BACK FROM LONG VISIT . TO OLD COUNTRY AND TO WORK ONCE SI08E Mr, r. tt)lii I nn mi (VeidltM) lm. pratHt lit h(UM.l and Hiwtfaiwl Alter , wuistM jfafcto th Country" 34M. . t-".lnmft v.n local' Uruotf pSMgff rs:i.:r.ri :.jme hinday and la getting bar u, '.uomea wee, nxir. enUlwataat!r .rr net trip t,ut alao ptassM to be ck in Prince au-, pert. I Htla awat Vila Su-ph-n vbtttrd a wet m Mwar Tor both going mid' remlng. two ttttr. weeks in London, ecdte ttaw m MuMi :.d and on the wav oe tIMksajtng of a: Petsrboro and winntgwa amt than being met at M-, monton b9 kr dwRl."r Mrs. Jack kfc- j Aulay who aeSMatpat led her back tn Prinre Rupert. , Speaking of old country Mr Btepbena aald p .pie there to be making progrc in uplte of the burden they Had tn carry The roads were wwaderful and . :m people wm-ltd to be doing well much better than ::i forSMT tttya. At PeMitnHu ktrr Stephen vttlted with Mss tlllidt Esnoti. formerly a mc-mter of th tMllv New ta!I here. Shr i keeping hou tor her brother. llr? lltapliliai ssld he drove hundreds' of mlkk wtth her through Ontario. air.cn OtSMT ptSSTf' visiting NlagafW F,1, In PllerbOTO Ut. Stephen met Mrs. John Barnstty, Sr. whoe aon Prank is wth the Canadian Cc:itrai Electro Company. . Her sU months away has been a real holiday. Mrs. Staph rns said and now itit l getting bask to work once more. RODE OUT GALE WHEN OFF YAKUTAT THOUGH GLASS BADLY BROKEN "Oh. it's al in the dsy's work." So declared Captain O. M. laaacsan nf th K 1 1 hai tmr UiriHlitnn vhM ar- ln ah her ptlot house window am athsd after riding out tor two days off TaJmtat one of the worst southeast galas than1 en board ever e pertemoad, say MM Ketchikan Chronicle. It waa Um aaaae gale which swept the waterfront hare ar.d declared to be one af tac went seen in a good many 00 tb thlrUsnth the wutd began to Hlddletoi. took In her gear ' a- " " tncreaasd In violence Yakutat harbor WM ln amotbsr of fosm and could 001 PP'oaehsd. Mo baat could go mto tn trough at. the waves and live, 11 WM imiwiisii rar an aaeoor 13 noio. "" on ooara couo 00 was n kp use boat beawSd Into Um wavai "r1 11 " Ulant ccasaei smashed continually over the decks and the heavy wooden frame hoWiag the plate glass in the P1'"51 house were wasshed out, snd a thick plate glass porthole for sir ln the porar, repairs to keep the out of tne pilot nouse ana nora ana were board of the fish exchange. OPERATORS IN FIRST PLACE IN CRIBBAGE n lUallwajnirn Now Lraillng With Six Team In ferond Rank 'Canadian National Operators took Rupe" Oribbag. Ie leader- shin to themselves laat night, over aix teams ln second place All mutches were won by a single point except one. The evening's scores were as follows: ttnlghts of Columbus, 14. Bona of Canada 13. Canadian Legion 13. C.N. Operating 14. Orange Lodge 13. Prince Rupert Hotel 14. New Empress Hotel 13. C.N. Mechanics 14. Cold Storage 14. St. Andrews 13. Grotto 16. Moose. L. Pts. - "P" - 0 3 !"ew Empress Hotel.. 2 2 Oretto 3 2 wpert toUI momi. 3 a -C. N Meahanics 2 2 Knithte of Columbas 3 2 Cold Storage 2 3 Osnsdlan Lglon I 2 1 St. Andrews rtt S 1 Moose .41 2 ,1 Orange Lodge .....w0 3 0 Sons of Canada 0 3 0 SPORT CHAT K A basketball club has been form ex? st New Hazel ton and the young folks there hope to have equipment on hand and all things ready to start playim: tn a short ::nc. There Is said to be .. . :i . . - fT ' L. , Meurer- :U1 V1. Pnc0 PlV". iw v .i Mi,h uvii Rnv.m p-til Lfebre veteran trainer of the Monu-ial Amateur AthlctM- Ai".:chition. . . . "miH to.,h mrke Hi' 1 .v.:, i..: .uantuitd hanges its s twelve records witnout attention. Kuns itself for a effort on rllF.N you turn on w turntabw; start to anical "hand" takes I ram the group-o( twelve and place it on the turntable ; the tone-arm moves is to position; the sound-box is lowered and the music begins. At the end of the selectioa..the mechanical hand" icinuve the rerorrl from the turntable. Stirfea it gently into a Idt-iined oshcealed drawer, and "pick off" the next record from the magarfnT arm. These oprralioos are rrpesenT untU the lst rtiord is ulaycj, then the mechanism k!jp autonutkally. e Auto Victrola Victor Talking Machine Company of Canada, Limited, Montreal hockey, football, Btiowahoeing snd track and field sports. It Is probable that handball and basketball will be added to the exhiblT tton games lo be played st the Olym pic Games tn Amsterdam next year. HeconvmerHlatlons have been made and it Is anticipated they will be favorably considered. Katie Martin, ot Cmnbrook. popularly known aa the Slatervllle whippet, who competed in the Canadian Olympic at Toronto, 011 her return home to Cran-hrcok. was presented with a huge bouquet of flowers and escorted to awaiting auto which on a banner carried the Inscription, "Cranbrook is Proud of You." and a parade of the main street followed. YACHT RACE FROM SEATTLE TO JUNEAU IS LATEST PROPOSAL KETCHIKAN, Oct. 23. For the purpose ot- "promoting a capltal-to-oapital yacht race from Olympla. Washington, to Juneau, Alaska.'' la the object of I a committee consisting of M. S. Whit-: tier, eh airman; Dr. Simpson snd W. E Nowell. I This action recalls to mind that aum-I mer yachting ln Alaska Is becoming a popular sport among wealthy business men and millionaires. Almost every day during the summer months the past season a yacht or two rested In Ketchl-!SR harbor, and .each one of those (Baking the trip when Interviewed de-Mid they intended to return, and would advise their friends regarding the natural beauties for yachting ln Alaska. Several times the suggestion Bas been made in Ketchikan that a standing committee should be appointed here for receiving and entertaining yachtman, and making known to them., the attractions of Behni Canal and other place ln this vicinity for pleasure seeker & C.N.R. TICKET OFFICE CLOSED TEMPORARILY 1 Owing to repairs being made, tha Canadian National Ticket Office, Third Avenue, wUl be clewed for the next few I days. During that period, tickets may !toe secured and sll Information obtaln-ied at the Ticket Of rice tn the depot, i'hone 3t9. ti Advertise m Th Dally News own whole hour. No operating your part. Just the current, the So rmenttkent sn inttrument demands an exterior of exceptional beauty. Victor crafturen ' have designed a distinguished cabinet for the Automatic Orthophontc Vic-trola, in which every luxurious touch that ingenuity can devise has been incorporated. The price of the automatic Instrument is $775. Other models of the Orthophonic Vk-troU Instruments are obtainable at prices ranging from $130. down to SI IS. Obtainable on convenient terms from "His Master' Voice" Dealers. Demonstrations now going on. If your dealer hasn't otic he . will order it for you. revolve; a mech the Arst record onic tra'e Mark Rct'd matic PAGE FIVa Free Laundry Service Our advertisement quoting costs of doing laundry at home has brought out many interesting comments. As the figures quoted were compiled in the east, we wish to determine just how they compare vith local costs. , Accordingly, we are offering to do, without charge, one wet wash to each of the first fifty persons now doing their own washing at home, who will give us on a form provided, an accurate estimate of the costs involved. Phone No. 8 and our rerirjesentative will call for your bundle. ; Canadian and Dry Automatic $775 ecords listen. Made only by Victor Look (or the Trademark Laundry Cleaners Canadian National Cfce Largefl Railway Syfltm in America STEAMSHIP AND TRAIN SERVICE SAILINGS from PRINCE RUPERT for VANCOUVER, VICTORIA. SEATTLE. snd Intermediate point" ruth THURSDAY and SUNDAY, 11.00 .m. tor ANVO.K and KETCH KAN Each WEDNESDAY, 100 pjn. lor STEWART Each SATURDAY. 10.00 p.ni. lor NORTH AND SOUTH QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS, fortnightly. PASSENtlER TRAINS LEAVE PRINCE RUPERT DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY at ll.Sd a.m. for PRINCE flEOROE. EDMONTON, WINNIFEd, all points Eastern Canada, United, States. AGENCY ALL OCEAN STEAMSHIP LINES. ...,,,. ' Use Canadian National Express tnr Money Orders, Foreign Cheqiien, etc also for ysur next shipment, CITY TICKET OFFICE. 328 THIRD AVE- PRINCE RUPERT. Pboae Z8lt UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Sailing from Prinre Rupert tor VANCOUVER. VICTORIA. Swsaten Hay. Alert Bay, etc, Tueday, 3 p.m. For VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, Bated ale. Alert Uay. etc... Saturday 9 a.m. lor PORT SIMPSON, NAAS RIVER POINTS, ALICE ARM, AN VOX, STEWART. Wales Island, Sunday. 8 p.m. 123 end Avenue, It M. SMITH. Aeent. Prince Rdpert, ac. Through ticket sold lo Vlrtorla and Seattle at a rrdured rale and baggare checked through to deallnatlsn.