5 TAXI and Ambulance , Service Anywhere at Anytime Stand: Exchange Building MATT VIE1ECK. l'rup. .1 N 240 OS O t 20 The i W K MluAsll. general Viiajac Mining Oorpor-DUtfkst, Nsyanta. u - -te department it BrltUfe subject. U ; under threat Dt aha "Wrthtn trve'thty iter in Mexiao City - non ta the lot Wen the matter. XHARDS ON ISLAND COAST J Season for Reduction Plants Mm Vancouver Mand This en lear O t iOtdtis opetsttots on the wast coast Hid are stUl busy, s .i hards having game In uvdru of operators and .Mm was late starting n of flan has been a .,' wuson as a whole has iixl. iANADIANlT FINED FRANCE fi'dy ilnH to Pav 2B.0fHl IVnncs I r Injuring Hoy When Driving Car !r OCiVE Trance, Oot. 30. The "Hin convicted Mm. An-" fUnn woman, of exceeding ?c ' m ' and neglecting the rule at- :u!u her car Injured ft boy " .red ciirelmsuess last April nc ii total of 311 ! ratios and i. Uic boy father 26,000 .ID ROY AGAIN CHAMP BOXER ii.cAi: Oft. 20. Im iKIdl 11 idt clutmplon of Canada, J !n title last night when he r-w i-den the decision after twelve : a: -...list Oeorge Chabot. IERRING FISHING VANCOUVER ISLAND NON-FOOD PURPOSES VANCOUVER. Oct 20.-Pederal orders F'a7 wn received to open the herring :d ti the fUhlnB for nnn.fnod B'ursasc unui t.h. .,,h iww - ' UJ bt- ullowed. MASSETT GETTING r 4 4 KETCHIKAN ASKING FOR SMELTER THERE IJuatlet Daily News and I rem Tlut Suitable lMiitlon In at Tlirlr fit) In eotUMcUoa with the proposal to erect a ameltar In their neKhbochaod. the K-etcnucan Chronicle strongly urges that It jc buUt there. It says: Iteosnt arrivals from Prince Rupert say there Is much talk, there for a uneltar to he located there for the treata&ent of ores from Portland Canal and AlaafcB. all of which remlnda mm-lot men that Ketchikan Is the mor. logical centre for treatment of Alaskan ores. In regard to the matter s resent j l-ue of the New at Pttoos Rupert says editorially: "Prtnee Rupert has often been men tioned at the beat possible sMe for a imelUr Leva ted here It would serve not only the Portland Oaoal dietrtetj ajstjaajrt Alaska fcuaAo wauld be aWe to handle more ceonoaueany than anyone ete the prcduct of the mines of H am! ton. Smltbers. Topley snd the Bablne counts Suoh so Institution would glee an Immediate Impetus to mining both In the Interior and at the coast and a big Industry would undoubtedly develop." The proponed treatment of ores In Ketchikan la not s new subject. Mining men hate dlaoumed the possibility for years. With the earning of the pulp snd paper industry. In which sulphides will figure tergal, and a renewal of water power sites. It Is believed that the need of s smelter located In Alaska la moat urgent. It Is claimed that ores Item every part of southeastern Alaska and even from tne wmtwaro. omr ore could be treated here. NEW FUEL STATION I nlnii oil i.iitrii (! Men Arrive In Put In I'lunt mi IJiiren Charlotte IkIuiiiI Construction Is being started at Mas- iiett of a new o41 station for the Union Oil Oo. aoeortHng to word brought from i lie Islands on the Prince Charles this morning. On thW trip of the vesael, J. E. Hurl and A. M. Welsh, consiruowoo men for the oompany. arrived from Seattle and have lost no time In getting the work started. Tanks will be erected on the beach and the oil delivered to boats through a pipe line to the wharf. OFFICIAL COUNT IN NELSON BY-ELECTION NELSON. Oct. 30. The official count In the Nelson election took place yesterday Btvlng McDonald 1078, Borden 1030. rejected ballots 24, spoiled McDoiwlds majority, 28. VANCOUVER EXCHANGE Wheat B.C. Sliver ... Big Missouri Coast Copper . Cork Province bunwell Oeo. Copper . .' Oladstone"' Independence Indian L. snd L Lcadshlth Lucky Jim Premier Porter Idaho Richmond Sllvercrest Silversmith Surf Inlet Sunlocli Tor!' V 10. Bid. As&ed 1.40 1.23 20k .304 j 15.00 15.50 .08 .09 .15 .18 Vi 25 3.60 .lVt 18 Vi .04 .00 H .07 .10i .11 .04 .00 .32 .33 2,37 2:.28 J23 21 .13 .04 .08 .16 .01 .01 .76 .80 3.00 4-50 SAILORS LAND MAL1TA ISLAND Native Offer Services Agninsl Tribe That Massacred White Recently SUVA. Oct 30 The British Adelaide anchored at Slnarago, Mailt bland In the Botanon group and land ed a party of sailors who will oosrate with local authorities to punish the perpetrators of the resent massacre In which several oflvoers including white persons were killed. It is reported that the murders wees committed by members of two bush tribes, two or three hundred natives taking part In the outrage. Kane the attack mete than eight hundred natives collected at Aukl and others are coming dally to offer their ervloea to the autlioruics In effecting :be arrest of the ot"laws. NEW TOPLEY MINING CONCERN IS FORMED liiiirMralln tit Tple)-ltlrliflefd Mtoj liiS (it. Ucl. Uitli (upllul .if Mil-Helm I AiinoiimrU VICTORIA. Oct. 30-Tbe Topley- HlohftrM Mining da. Btd.. a Hon-per sonal liability eoneens wtth oapttaUsa a e i,uwMKfti, puetv, (us oeen iMMBorated with os otOoes at flrrgWies . It w aji-iiwineert today. it si new ooeern organuxa of mas. II. Taylor, original (llacovi nr of the Rlchflefd mine, to take over the property following the dropping by the Standard Silver-Lead Oo. of Its bond on the mine. WORKING HOURS FOR WOMEN IS LIMITED Minimum Va;r Hoard Srts l'irt)-i:isht Hours lVr Wrrk an the .Maximum VICTORIA, Oot. 30. The Minimum Wage Board Issued s ruling today limiting the working hours of women In mercantile pursuits to forty-eight noun per week unless a special permit la given. WHARF AT CLEMENTS IS BEING REPAIRED Extensive repairs. Including replllng and redscklag. are to be undertaken by the federal department of public works to the wharf at Port Clements according to word brought to the city this morning on the steamer Prince Oharlei which vessel took H. Stewart and crew of men to Port Clemen is from Sandsplt hw thev had completed repairs to the wharf at that point. QUEEN CHARLOTTES Rev. and Mrs. J. Olllett returned yesterday on the Prtnee Charles to Mas- sett after a vlalt to Skldegate. Mr. Oll lett having been at tne latter point on business In bis capacity as Indian Agent for the Queen Charlotte Islands. Joseph Sigmund of Queen Charlotte City left yesterday aboard the Prince Charles for Masaett on a business trip. He expects to return to Queen Charlotte City on the Charles on Sunday. Rev. and Mrs. R. C. Scott and family returned to Queen Charlotte City on the Prince Chailes this week after a two months' absence on a vaoatlon trip to Toronto and other points In the East. They were accompanied back to Queen Charlotte by Mr. Bcott's brother. A. F. Scott, who Is engaged In the ( Insurance business. Mrs. Radke arrived at Buckley 'Bay' on tne irince cnaries yesterday irom Vancouver to Join Mr. Radke who has been appointed superintendent of the Maesett Timber Co.'s sawmill which Is bring reopened by the Los Angeles Lumber Products Co. Mrs. J. McLellan and child, after a holiday trip to Vancouver, returned on the Prince Charles this week to their home at Llna Island, near Queen Charlotte City. Kcnning of Sawmill by Lira AagclcH 1 umber Products Co. Matte II h- ol Industry There Buckley Bay tn Maaaett Inlet Is once iSfan a r'v: of aouvlty following the :loeodcrn for a year or more of the Mswati Timber Co. m'.H which is about to be re -e'.id. by tne Los Angeles Lumbar Products Co. Msy men are being employed and inggtlhg t now in prcgrsas cn tbt tawnatt wtth the u- of a skylin, tka lqap featag thrown in lha -watr sial, Ja- tranytthe,- mai. A dam Is feeing bunt and' awd progress to being mads on the reuovaUon of the mill which. It U expected. wUl start suttlng next week of lumber for construction purposss. January 1 Is the date scheduled for the resumption of cutting for the market. E. Heafthy of Seattle, genersl manager of the Los Angeles Lumber ProductaJ Co., arrived at Buckley Bay on the Prince Charles yesterday on a visit of Inspection. SCORE LEAP SAVE LIVES Firemen Unable to Approach Within Quarter Mile of Los Angeles Huilding LOS A;;LI:s. Oct !!. A wore of workmen h-ant-il to wifety from the ulmlows of the I I11UI1 Clirmlral 'oni)uiiy' plant when an etpliMlon lilriv uwuy nuifct of the roof mid Murtril a flrr whlrh lierame 11 11-miitnilhililr. .The flanirs hli.Mitlnj; one hundrril frrt Into the air threw out siii-h an InlriiKe limt (hut thr firemen were iinahle to lirlnt the luiHe line within quarter of a mile. The liiillilhij; wan ileKtriiird. the lo being rstlnutcil at $3IK,INI0. SUCCESSOR APPOINTED TO VISCOUNT CECIL IN BALDWIN GOVERNMENT LONDON. Oct 20. Nell. MJ.. financial - Ronald P. Mc- eecretary to he treasury, succeeds viscount Cecil a Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster in the Baldwin cabinet. PRINCE RUPERT Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper PRINCE RUPERT. B.C.. THURSDAY. OCTOBER 20. 1027 1-ltlCLS IllVt DOWN-OX STOCK LXCllAMSi: NEW YORK. OBtcber 20. Oradual sinking of many Issues on today's market turned Into a harp dive In the final hour, numerous Issues . dropping from three to six dollars per share or more under yesterday's close. ATTORSEY-GENER l IS GI,:EN CREDIT EXCELLENT WORK "VICTORIA. 'Oetr20 "We are exceed-' ingly Indebted to your Attorney-General, the Hsn. A. M. Hanson, for what he has daue for us In seeking to control the liquor trade and to obtain further control. I am convinced that he did all that could te done In a very diffi cult position." declared Rev. W. W. Peck, of Toronto, edueatlcnal secretary of the newly-fonned Dominion Scienti fic Temperance Committee, at a meet ing recently at the First Baptist Church under the auspices of the Vic toria Prohibition Assoclatlsn. reorganized a little earlier. Mr. Peck was one of two Toronto representatives of the Prohibition Federation of Canada to address the meeting, he and Dr. Dan McLachlan. a member of the Federation executive, giving the audience an outline of the revised methods of propaganda which are being adopted by the organization. Another spsaker was Rev. J. K. Mclntyre, of Vancouver, Brit ish Columbia provincial organizer, who.: presided at the meeting. WIRELESS REPORT 8 a.m. DIG BY ISLAND. Part cloudy, light west wind; barometer. 28.70; temper ature. 44; sea smooth. BULL HARBOR. Raining, calm: barometer. 29.68; temperature. 48; sea moderate; 8 pjn. spoke steamer Cana dian Coaster. Union Bay for Ocean Falls. 80 miles from Ocean Falls. xoox . DIGBY ISLAND. Cloudy, southeast wind; barometer. 39.72: temperature, 51: sea rough. BULL HARBOR. Part cloudy, south east wind; barometer. 29.74; temperature. 50: sea moderate. MIXING IXSTITI'TE VANCOUVER. Oct 20. The British Columbia division of the Canadian Institute of mining and metallurgy Is to meet In Vancouver, November 23, 24 and 25. BOXING BOXING EXHIBITION HALL TONIGHT-Thursday-TONIGHT ' Three Good Preliminaries 1 in..- Semi-Wind-up 1 JACIv HOLROYI) vs. HRONSON HUNT Main Event JENS BATTLING Eliasson Gurvich Winnipeg Prince Rupert Gallery. $1.00. Entire lower floor reserved, $1.50 Hoys' Band in attendance Boston Grill Large Upstair Dining Hall, with newly laid dancing floor, for hire. NEW SODA FOUNTAIN. The latest and beat for the least I'hone 457. Price Fiv fns WO ALASKAN LA UNCHES FROZEN IN WO FRENCH FLYERS ARRIVE BUENOS AIRES FROM PARIS ftNADIAN SUIT IS WITHDRAWN nrt:i of Liquor Runner to Ob- tiin Return of Hail is Given up . 'I3CO Oct 20. The Can-Shipping Compmiy wlth-tlay in which efforts retu.ir (ram the TJnlwd 1160400 Libert . : a bail lor the crew inner. Coal Harbor and i nd.s had been aetocd on ih nbouM cove In- n illegal liquor trans-.0 . mi.Kiliuated reporters of - ue the owners of the IDITS HOLD A BRITISHER nnnd u.000 Pesos as Hansom ur W E. Mitchell, Manager of Mining Corporation t'LYKIIH ARRIVE AT IIIIAOH AIRE IKOM PARIS AMI AIUICA 4. BUENOS AIRflB. Oet. 30 Dle-udonne Castes and Joseph Lebrtc arrived today eompleang sue tOousand mile Sight from Paris They new south Irom France to Senegal on the west coast of Africa and than crossed 4 the ccean direct to Braxll. Launches Frozen in Slough of GAYIGANS SEE A FIVE YEAR Tanana River, Alaska, Where j MANY THINGS CENSUS ASKED Engineer Will Remain All Winter s HOT SPRIlfos. Alaska, October 20. Meet Number of Former Prince Union of B.C Municipalities Con- RuDert 1'eoDle in State eludes Session to Meet Next as Trree men from the . Ur .d m j c naviaan retu-ned Year in Trail launch Danaoca. -which with the launch AgneB of the Northern to ihe city yesterday after a months nanaimo. Oct. 20 The Union of Commercial Commtl'V, is fast in the ice in the slough of Xanana jtrlp back east. Leaving here on Sap- B.C. Municipalities decided to ask the Rivr, mile biow here, reached Hot Springs last night. The trabsr 17- Mr snd Mrs. Oirigau ar- government to approach otuwa with men were vie fiMtil, Jw liorman, and J. C. Johnston, all of Iditarod. lr,T m siwwon 01 me prcposai in, a census oe xao They reported thQt (ilen Bay, owner of the launch, with two com punioiiK, will renmtii on the craft until ice conditions improve. Joe Kovserifttu'ich, engineer on the Agnes, arrived also, but returned wiih Aupirfies for the remaining men. The engineer with two children will remain on the launch until spring. BUCKLEY1 BAY VERY ACTIVE:? '.he Dempsey-Tunney fight. During the every five years. The reason given was last night of - their train Journey, at that In many municipalities the grants very stopping place sleeper alter were based on papulation and tn rapidly aieeper was attached to their train growing communities they were not re futed with fight fans all bound for celvlng their equitable share of the dU-Chicago and the next morning they trlbuttons. had tD walk through about ten more, No action wUl be taken this year to cars that weren't there tlie night be- interest the government In compulsory to get to the diner. As It was, health lmurance. their train was two hours late in ar- This was. the final session of the rivlug in Chicago owir.g to the engine union. It being deeded to meet next power being unable to keep up sshed- ytar at Trail. Reeve T. Reed of Surrey uie time with the very heavy wain. wal reflected presUfent. wnus in cnicago. nr. and Mrs. uavi- gan stayed wtth Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kenning, where Fred is doing well. His mother. Mrs. Hennlng. senior, under went a very serious operation in the Spring and Is now Very much better.-They also met Mrs. Joe Roerig, but Joe himself was out of town on business. I After taking in the fight and in- Door cldentally displaying enough Judgment, to win a few bets enough to meet ex- PROTECTION BEING ASKED Manufacturer Appeal to Tariff Commission for beusss Mr. and Mrs. Oavlgan motored - co Detroit whsre . they had a re-unton ; OTTAWA. Oct. 20. British Columbia with Mr. Gavtgan"s brother for the -and Eastern Canada- door manufac-flrst tune In sixteen years. Then they turers Joined forces before the tariff njsde .tbejr wa to ; Buffalo ' ' JMagara aqvlagrj'. ryd4sonnuUjghr,appl-Falls snd Toronto. j canon for -additional protection -sgaliist While In Toronto, they saw Sister, doors imported from the United States. Juliana, late Sister Superior of the j They stated they did not ask for a Convent here, at St. Michael's Hospital, . change in the tariff rate but some ac-also Sister Ludwlna,. the first Sister , tlon to place the customs assessment Superior here and Sister Brendon who on American doors baaed -on the pries ' left here this summer, owing to 111 at least not less than the actual aver-health but Is not back to normal yet. age cost of production of American doors . Business at all points visited by Mr. , plus a reasonable profit. Oavlgan seemed particularly good, thei building industry In Detroit being par-j ucuiany Drigm wiwi new omcc 1 scrapers snd theatre buUdlngs. Otherwise in Detroit itself there la a slight depression owing to the failure of the Ford Company to get Its new model on the market. According to reports there are already orders for 800.000 cars of this model on which cash deposits has been made. The severe tests to which this new model Is being put are finding out that certain parts are not standing up at the high speed and when these are rectified. Detroit will be humming again. Mr. and Mrs. Oavlgan also visited St. Paul, Grand Forks and Fargo on the way to Vancouver on their return trip. GREATER ASSISTANCE TO RURAL SCHOOLS IS ASKED BY TRUSTEES HARRISON HOT SPRINGS. Oct. 20. Endorsement was given by the B.C. School Trustees Association to a recommendation of the Vancouver School Board for the establishment of parental' schools where necessary. The delegates also went on record as suggesting that the department devise some method by which rural school districts greater financial assistance. CONTRACT IS LET FOR VANCOUVER ELEVATOR BYTHEWHMTPOOL CALGARY. Oct. 20 The contrast for the foundations to the Alberta Wheat Pool terminal elevator at Vancouver has been let to the Northern Construction Company and J. W. Stewart. WEATHER REPORT. Prince Rupert. Part cloudy. light west wind: temperature. 44. Terrace. Raining, calm, temp,.M4. , Rosswood. Rain. calm. temp. 40, Alyansh. Rain. calm. temp. 47. . Alice Arm. Ram. calm. temp. 47. Anyox Rain, calm, temp. 46. Stewart. Rain, calm, temp. 38. Hazclton. Rain, calm. temp. 34. 8mithers. Raining, calm. temp. 34. Burns Lake. Snowing, calm, temp, 34. Telegraph Creek. Cloudy, calm, temp. 25. Whltehorse. Clear, south wind, tem perature 24. D.'.w.ij::. --Cle.ir culm, temp SO SMALLPOX AT TORONTO Class Rooms Closed and Being Fumigated Following Out break OTTAWA, Oct. 20. Public health fores of the capital are fighting a smallpox outbreak In the public schools. The class rooms were closed several days ago when pupils were discovered with the disease. The opening of these room Is lndefinate. Thirty-five cases are under treatment Just now. COLLISION IN ST. LAWRENCE Canadian Runner Beached Following Impact With British Freighter MONTREAL, Oct. 20. During a dense fog tn the St. Lawrence River, the Can- receive . adlan Runner was In collision with the British freighter Newton Pine last night off Father Point. The Canadian ship was beached near Ramouskl and there was no loss of life. PARALYSIS SWEEPS THROUGH OREGON: IS NOW BEING FOUGHT PORTLAND. Oct 20. Infantile pa ralysis has swept Into practically every section of Oregon, said the state health officers. Complete Isolation of cases and rigid quarantine Is being enforced. The state reports a gain of 20 cases loathe week. At O rant's Pass six victims died of the disease. -. , . FINAL RULING ON NATURAL RESOURCES OTTAWA. Oct. 23. The government has decided to apply to tbePrlvy Council for leave to appeal an the question of Alberta's natural resources to get a final ruling. Advertise tn The Dally Hews