PAGE TWO The Daily News PKINCB RUPERT BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue. II. F. PULLKN - - Manarinr Editor. , . tJ t . Sl'USrKIITION RATES: City Deliveryby mail or i-ariitT. per raontn 75 13y mail to all parta of. the British Empire and the United State, in advaaf, per ymt . $5.00 To pll other couBtriex, in advance, per year $70 Transient Display Advertising, per Inch per insertion $1.40 Transient" Advc-rtiainp on Froat Iaiee. per inch ?2.80 Local Reader, pr Insertion per Hae .26 Classified Adfertitlng, per insertion per wwd Legal Notices, each intortion er ajjate line Contract Rates on Application Advertising and Circulation Telephone 98 Editor and Reporters Telephone 86 Member of Audit Rurenu of Circulations. DAILY EDITION The way of the transgressor Is hard, and everyone transgresses sometimes. Life may not amount to much but very few people really want to leave it. 15 Wednesday, Aug. 10, 1927 MAKINti TWO MARTYRS Undoubtedly the conditions are favorable for the making of two martyrs of the red leaders Saeco and Yantettt who are under sentence to be electrocuted tomorrow on conviction of murder committed seven years ajro. Various appeals and stays of proceedings have been obtained which have set the case forward year after year but now it seems as if there would be no further delay and the execution is set for tomorrow. Sacco and V'anzctti are avowed anarchists, , Their political beliefs have been featured both at the first trial and on able occasions since. They were convicted of murdering a shoe factory .paymaster and his guard at South Raintree, Mass., in the spring of 1920. The evidence on which they were convicted was circumstantial in character and it is claimed by their friends that they were convicted because they were Reds and for no other reason. It was vigorously, excitedly proclaimed by their friends thatv the evidence submitted against them by the district attorney was insufficient, absurd, and false; that the leading witnesses of the prosecution wow incompetent nnd worthless; that the trial judge was biassed against the prisoners, behaved Improperly at the trial, and misdirected the jury. And that he did so because Sacco and Vanzetti were "radicals" and had ben marked down for death by the authorities. REVIEW OF EVIDENCE GRANTED The accusation of the Red sympathizers falls into two parts. First, that the evidence against the prisoners was worthless; and second, that Judge Thayer was prejudiced against the prisoners, With the second charge only a very small section of the U.S. popula tion would have bothered, but the first charge was legally permis sible, and'the evidence on which Sacco and Vanzetti were convicted became the subject of intense scrutiny. bacco anu vanzetti were not cxecuteu. lhey were held year after year in jail, and the demand that thir case should be opened up and retried came prominently into notice at wide intervals, Finally about jik year ago, leave was given to Sacco's and Vanzetti's lawyers to '.convince the court that a new trial should be granted in order that fresh evidence might be offered for the defence, and after listening to long and determined arguments for the prisoners, the court refused to reopen the case. The judge who thus refused a new trial was the same judge Thayer who had found Sacco and Van zetti Kullty six years previously. DECISION WAS APPEALED Thayer's decision was appealed before the supreme court of Massachusetts, and was on technical grounds sustained. Sacco and Vanzetti were to die. The fact that the judge who originally tried them should be the judge who had power to prevent a new trial was deeply regretted by a large and influential section of United States public opinion. This, however, was how the law stood in Massachusetts, and nothing could be done about it. It was competent in such a situation td carry an appeal to the governor of the state, and this was immediately done. But by this time the two charges in the accusation against the original trial were fused together in the public mind. The assertion that Sacco and Vanzetti had been convicted bqause they were "reds" was seriously considered as a fact having a heavy bearing on the propriety of the proceedings at their trial. It' was positively asserted by certain legal writers of standing and .reputation that Judge Thayer had allowed his detestation of "radicalism" to determine hrsattJtude towards the two accused .men, And it was positively asserted also that he had ordered a "cdnvlctfoh from evidence which was little short of scandalous in its insufficiency of proof. In this atmosphere Governor Fuller began his review of the case; announcing as he began it that he had appointed a group of representative citizens to give him advice as he proceeded. The governor's proceedings were veiled in the deepest secrecy. And he emerges mrely to say that Judge Thayer was right and that Sacco and Vanzetti must fulfil their sentence. Usually when mosquitoes make life miserable, people crush the mosquitoes if they can get hold of them. Nurse Tells How To Relieve Eczema Lady had face disfigured with Eczema. Skin now clear. ; - Mr. Wm. Campbell,- a graduate nurse of Morden, Man., reports a very interesting experience, she had recently "with a distressing case of eczema. The patient was a lady who had suffered keenly both mentally and physically because of the way her face was disfigured and by the itching, burning sensations of the skin. She had become discouraged because doctors considered her case incurable. Mrs. Campbell had known of similar cases and by patient persUtent treatment was able to obtain complete relief and restore the natural beauty of the skin. Mrs. Garapbell writes: "A patient under my care was so severely afflicted with eczema on her face .that the doctors considered it incurable and could do nothing for it. I decided to try Dr. Chase's Ointment and never found anything like it for the first application stopped the itching. By continuing the use of the Ointment, the eczema was entirely removed and the complexion greatly improved. No one would ever know that my patient had previously been so disfigured by this annoying and torturing ailment." Dr. Chase's Ointment is the recognized standard treatment for eczema. It should never be confused with ordinary salves for it is a medicinal ointment of proven merit and effectiveness. 60 cents a box, all dealers, or The Dr. A. W. Chase Medicine Co.. Limited, Toronto. FLYING BOATS LONG CRUISE 25,000 MILES jr.v : Mart In October. Meadlne lor India Machines Carry Four in Crew and Have Hunks Singapore will be the next important port of call, and In view of the naval developments there the visit of this night will certainly be of considerable Importance. Probably the Australian flight will meet the home flight there, and both will then proceed to Darwin amd round the west and south coasts of Australia to Melbourne. The most difficult part of this last stage Is crossing the Oreat Australian Bight. But Wing Commander Cyoble once flew across the Bight in a Falrey float seaplane, no the six Southampton ought to be able to manage It. The whole cruise wtU cover some 25,- 000 miles, and In all probability Group Captain Gave Browne-Cave and his party will be away from home for the test part of a year. " x - - J Man in the Moon 1 1 ' ' n : THE difference between being married and single is that the single girl gets her candles in a decorated box whereas the married woman has to accept them in a paper bag. LOTS of people would' like to be Van-fl zctti SacchU.,.T3iey.. would; wllnng- ly die If they could attract that much attention. THE Chinese are beginning to carry their political quarrels into this country, but they will be settled rapidly here. JUST send us a sprinkle of rain Is the popular lilting refrain That the people all hum Tweed le dee, tweedle dum Yes, give us a sprinkle of rain. Ten Years Ago In Prince Rupert AUIIST 10, 1917. Capt. Percy Miller, a well known pioneer of Prince Rupert. l.ln hospital in Erfgland suffering .from, the effepta of poison ga as a result of war service. Three other brothers of his family have been killed op eervlce. Aid. George B. Casey, who made' a silver sulphide strike at Alice Arm,' Is camping on the Job. He has moved In some equipment with which to carry out development work. The Hazelton Agricultural & Industrial Association has decided that no j fair will be held this year, xiwing prin-; clpally to the doubtful amount of up- port that would be accorded It through 1 the great depletion in the population of ithe district. More than half the home of Canada re using electricity for lighting and domestic purposes. "lHE DAicY NEWS PROSPERITY MINE NEAR STEWART SAID TO BE VERY RICH Trite Hectares It urfjre hulfi. Iir Had Crr se I -f ' t&fSf rttnvtni ooatiau to cr la thaf re$er!ty. but when f bmd wtth the kitefcr. ability and etmmr- vatlun d A, B Trite says without, LONDON. Aug. 10 (By CwKtUrt Kaenrat!a "jf i the a teat abwl ftualAU sunwner precsntkons hat i I hawe me IB raf hra Ming forward for the great cruls k)f. 'the !" to be niMte hi oTOeee .ad men PrtJ do not rn tenl Ahr FVarro In four hut super J the Portland nMHtne Bqwtkamfnon flying beta AJ. . TH-.t. who u en of the atart wMl nmblv be mad In October. MU1 yndlci'e i! :our WBO Ofwnea tmkt Wat eventuarily M wWP wm Premier mm prm vm bout 3S.0O0 mile ; d!" on the Prosperity this wee in The machine, whose equipment li "-onrparty wixtt hts engineer. MJr A-bvlat coaapled. win eaoh carry crew tus &. hk: both are BtiuMatt of four, and the lint objective of the -er the new operatic. eicedJUos will be Singapore. Here The mala Prosper! twin ftwn which they will be met by Royal Australian '0 ore were mined and ahlpped ; Air Force bmm In two atanllar maetUnea. f tfee oxtctaal owaafs fast fall without and the six will continue to Auatralta dotof, any blMtlnc. haa been traced by and ftrotmd e Atrtraan ettJbeerd. Pn euU eiear aeroaa toe property. The enrtae is to teat the napabtllUee -rd In or-.e place to mare tftan eight of the metaa huUa of whh the maeh- teet In width of aoUd re whkfti aaaaya leea are conatrueted: to reconnolttr the more than 400 per ton In allwr. lead, eaatern route with a special eye to and BOW. A abort eroaseut tunnel la tlky site for eeaptaoe baa, and ww belni; driven to gain about 80 feet acnerally show the R-AJ soalgn right of desath on 4he vein and form a basis the world. for winter oprrsttens a atone nonw. r.lT. CAM: IIIJOU MM'.W K 'M x ID fret iniid dlmenataoa, haa The ooaktnander of the night will be built to lira the crew Oapttra Gave Bruwse-Cave. Dij O . U.F.C.. oae of Britain's moat UUn-gttisned aoea. Boadroa-lea4r O. E.i Ltvock will be second !a command. The flying boats to be uaed are' ett!ffed with two Napler-Llon 450, horsepower engines each. Their metal hulls. It Is believed, will gtve them longer Isfe In the water Uvau wooden hulls, and the hull are roomy enough to provide aunple space for a narigator rhart table and wlrelesa operator's sec tion, with directional wireless. FRIENDS ENTERTAINED AT HOME OF MR. AND MRS. WALLACE, CLAXTON lej(le Irani Mnf of Miena lllvrr Tan-lirrieK iiir( fur Mmlue One of the moat enjoyable parties of the aeMn took place recently whan Ounnery and control cockpits are, friends frosn the vaxioua canncrlea ori fMturca of the machines, which con-, the Bkeeaa gatherad at the beautiful tain eoUantsble bunks ra that the crew 1 home of Mr. and Mrs. Wallace. Claxton.! of tour men each can sleep aboard. Serviceability and not apeed Is the main idea In the flight. Two spare machines of the sune type will be first cent to Singapore as reserves for use If necessary. Two more boats of the same type. but wltfl weraden hulls, are being com Join the flight at Singapore. IOI.I.OW KOI'MI COAST The flight will coast all round India B.C. The charming hostess received ' her guesta In the soacloua living room' which was very artistically dsoonted with Ophelia and American beauty rows. The evening was apent In dancing and bridge. Late la the evening dellcloua refreshments ware enjoyed. J The gueeta lnchided Ir. and Mr. D. pleted here for the Australian govern-! MacPberaon, Mr. and Mrs. Fletcher.! ment. and these are the ones whloh;Mr. and Mrs. Bicknell. William Duncan and Ronald Wilson of Clatxon: Mr. and Mrs. Clark. E. Adams and B.I Smith of Oceanic: Mr. and Mrs. Jaa.! up to Calcutta, probably calling at Col- Lamb. Mr. and Mr. It. II. O'lrd. Miss ombo en route. A seaplane flight1 P. Lffmb and R MacMUlan of Caaalar; round the India coast has never yet been made, for the seaplanes of Colonel de Plrtedo and Sir Alan Cobham Crossed India bf means of the rivers. Mr. and Mra. Harris. Mr. and Mrs. Those makUig the trip were W. White, H. Saunders. Mr. and Mrs. P. De Jong, Mlas Jean Currle, Mr. and Mr. F. E. Bush and daughter. Miss WaUon, I , Mrs. R. A. McLeod. MUa Agnes Me-(NOTICE Kenzle, Miss ChrlR&le McKenzie, Mis NOTICE that Francis Henry Cunningham, whose address Is 805 Board of Trade Building. Vancouver. B.C.. will tyorjfcalthier 13A131ES. ... Consult your doctor regularly. Do not wait until baby is Ick before calling him. Many Mlntsset can be immediately checked or prevent ed entirely Uirough such caxe. rri i V itVvA v iVaK .Yl M R. v ' LVV 1 1 ft- ry in a vi CON DEM SEP MILH UacCtregor. Miss F MacOregor. M. Mac- .. Farlane. J. Bridge. Dr. MacRse of North jlnd aralnjl ,nt0 Humpback Bay. Porcher i-acuic tannery; Air jna Airs, loomp- uiana, aoout sou yarns souineast or son. Mr. and Mrs. Lew. Mr. and Mrs.' "emieaat corner post of Lot loa Marrow and MacMUlan of Dominion The water will be diverted from the stream i at a point about 300 vardi from tiie Cannery; Mr., and Mrs. Lord. Miss Betty I mouth of the river and will be used for : Lord. David Lord. Mr. Jenntng. Mll-1a- cJlaery ,ina ,?oni?tlc purposes j , . . upon the lands applied for, being por- Pierce, Mis SamUrs. Dr. O. Large andi;,$n of Lot 102. Binge S. Coast District. : Mr. Wilson of Port Essington; Mr Lute and R. Luras, of Lowe Inlet. MOONLIGHT CRUISE AROUND KAIEN ISO. ('apiKlty rnmil f llfty People Kn)jeU Tj-lp on "Nasi Itiirr" last Ktrulng A capacity crowd of over fifty people enjoyed a moonlight -cruise around Kalen Island last night on the B.C. Towage & Lighterage Co.'s speedboat "Naa River. Bucking the tide through Butze, Oalloway and Zanardl Rapids was most easily accomplished with the vessel's 200 hp. engine. After passinj Port Edward cannery, a call was made at Dlgby Island and a number stayed' This notice was posted on the around tn the 23th day of June. 1937. A copy i of thla notice and an application (pursuant thereto and to the "Water Act" will be filed In the office of the Water Recorder at Prince Rupert. B.C. Obiec-: tlons to the application may be filed ' with the said Water Recorder or with ' the Comptroller of Water Right. Parliament Buildings. Victoria, B.C., within thirty days after the flrtt appearance of this notice in a local newspaper. The late of the first publication of this lotlce la August 4. 1927. F. II. CUNNINGHAM. Applicant, j LAND ACT. SOTICK OF INTENTION TO APPLY TO LEAKE l.M In Queen Charlotte Island Land Re-ordlng District of Prince Rupert, and ltuate .on the west coast of Burnaby eland. TAKE NOTICE that Brtttoh Columbia tt .Vilnn DjjI1m a Vs-j. over until kuo P. The entire trip c3iver. B.. occupation Packer. Intends took about two hours. ,to apply for a lease of the following Included in the party were fifteen escribed lands: employee of the Rupert Table Supply LmSat of 'bu "i'C! M! who were the guets of the proprietor, thence east 3 chain; thence south 4S J. C. Oavigan. They got oft at Dlgby if halnf: "?e"ce we8t 3 chains, more or Island and enjoyed a picnic lunch UIong high water mark to point of com-after which dancing was engaged In- at jmencement, and containing 14 acre. BRITISH COLUMBIA FISHINO & PACKINO CO. LTD.. Applicant. Dated June 10, 1027. LAND ACT. OF INTENTION TO APPLY LEASE LA NO TO Wood. Billy Fldler, Rupert Whlffln, Mr. jn Queen Charlotte Island Land Re arid Mrs. O. Strand, Dido Stlnech, Mis 'cording District of Prince Rupert, and Chr,.e McLeod. MUs Owen,. Howard J?t gJZtF " Steen. R. Scherk. Sam Smith. II. A. TAKE NOTICE that British Columbia Guron. Mr. and Mrs. Owen and chll- "sntng at racking Co. Ltd.. of Van rfren , winning v. navi.. nH rhtlrt. l??u,rer B?" occupation .Packers, intend ' " to appiy ror a lease ol the following ren, Mr. and Mrs. Stan Smith, Mr. and described lands: Mrs. P. Browning, Mtos Irene Bourassa, ! Commencing at a post planted at the . of the south arm of De La Heche mi.. vir... nH D m, .nA .. imiei. Moresoy island: thence south Mrs. R. Wilson. MlM Dorothy ituan- cnams; inence east 20 eha'.ns; thence brook. Barney Eyolften. Mis Gladya n"n ,SlBi- mor .or, ' to hlh , . ., ater mark; thence west along high water Rmhbrook. Mrs. Stevenson. Mr. and mark to point of commencement and Mrs. t. it. aims, mie Betn Mutne, Mr. and Mrs. Mutrle, Mr. and Mrs. Merrltt, K. Steven. Rex Wagstatf, Hugh Ferguson, J. C. Garlgan and P. W. v. Advertise In The Dally News TAKE WATER NOTICE IMVEICMON AMP I'ME nsf 10 BRITISH COLUMBIA FISHING & PACKING CO. LTD., . . . Applicant. Dated June 10. 1927. LAND ACT. NOTICE OF INTENTION TO APPLY TO LEASE LANO Queen Charlotte Island Land District Land Recording District of Prince Rupert, and situate north of Lot 1858 and 1657. TAKE NOTICE that The Langara Fishing and Packing Co. Ltd. of Mattett, oc- apply for a licence to take and use t i cupatlon Canners. Intends to apply for a cubic foot per second of water out of j lease of the following described lands: unnamed stream which flows northeast Commencing at a post planted twenty PAIN in BLADDER Promptly Eaied by SANTA I. MIDY B sura to gtt Oit Otnuln Look for th word "SHOT" Sold by all drutfitia ,cnain noixn 01 lan Indian Reserve and orf ' Mcintyre Bay; thence north S chains to the low water mark' thence westerly following said low water 180 chains: thence southerly S chains-thence easterly 160 chain to the point of commencement, and containing eighty ' acre, more or lew. LnANGARA FISHING it PACKING CO. LTD, Applicant NMh' Agtnt Dated June 27. 1927.'1 P'ee, They treat of pre-nats preparation itf .. r.d h w f r:ttt mem, sleep, fn. , imwurig, i T.rurgi t ertiv. lluviiahi,'- wHalit mul f . ,: charts. Write Ilonien Cj. Liaittj, Vancouver Iiou) EagLe Brand Solves tk Problem If mothers of ailing or backward babies could but see the letters we receive from other mothers whose little ones were doing poorly but who ore now, thanks to Eagle Brand, sturdy, healthy, happy children I We have a message for such mothers. If their problem is simply one of proper feeding, made necessary by inability to nurse baby, Eagle Orand can solve it. Since 1857 Eagle Brand has been the leading infant food when Nature's supply has not been available. Its absolute purity nnd uni-formity, nnd the tose with which It can be digested make it the Salt food. It is endorsed by physicians and nurses, and if used us dlrtcd on feeding chart will build up any infant whose only ailment is improper food. EAGLE BRAND COME NOW AND GKT YOUR CHOICE while (he choice is good! Great B at arsains McARTHUR'S SUMMER SALE of hitfh Trade If jl 0 01 Duois a onoes McArlhur's Shoes are known for quality. Every pair in the store at Sale Prices. DEMAND "Rupert Brand" Kippers "THE DAINTIEST HHEAKEAST FOOD" Smoked Daily by Canadian Fish & Cold Storage 0- Prince Ituperl. H.C.