PAGE FOUX Neglected Eyes NEGLECT is doeUlct the cause of most of the ilk IJtat afflict humanity. TMi Is m Be If evident that it aes hardly seceaaary to tell you. If year eye are giving trouble, bave Uwta attenaVd to and at osce, OF ALL abwreHtJa. ia ta kingdom of feishae, surely the losa of eyeaffrat through neglect la the mast Inexcusable, DO.VT lose health aad efficiency through segleet Come and aeel Fred Joudry Registered Optometrist anil Optician Room 3 Smith Klork Phone "63 f Vqvj Soo.o tmi) ; TvMMCr M MINO J THAT Vlt SLtA. I We sell superior lumber that ia the only kind of lumber Ut be found in our sheds and yards. We have the most complete stock fn Northern B.C., including fir and cedar Umbers, dimension, shiplap, finishing, veneers, shingles, lath and mouldings, all reasonably and properly priced. Albert & McCaffery Phones 11C and 117 VELVET Ice Cream THE VEItY KEST! Take a brick home tonight! We eater for Parties, Picnics, Dances, etc. Prompt Delivery Velvet Ice Cream, Co Corner Third Avenue and Second Street Phone 758 Prince Rupert BOAT HOUSE Phone 381 P.O. Box 1565 LAUNCHES. SCOWS, BOW-BOATS AND CANOES SAND AND G HAVEL Equipment for Diving and Salvage Work Agents for Easthope Engines and Stump Pullers NOHWEGIAN HAMHUT GEAR IN STOCK Compass Adjusting LINDSAY'S' Cartage and Storage Phone 63 Cartage, Warehousing, and Distributing. Team or Motor Service. Coal Sand and Gravel. We Specialize In Piano and Furnitun? Moving. BRINGING UP FATHER 21 MILE SWIM NEARTORONTO All Ills Aquatic Stare of World to be There for I'rize of $30,000 nnOHGE YOUNG ENTBKS P Many Countries to be Itepreent-ed Including Several Famous Women TOSOHTO. Aug Bf C-i.adlari I- -About 380 nlaiim uaoni thesa tbe twWk greatest, will t.omU . ae furiaasg at sum o'clock on th. 1 m nmlng of Wednesday. Augur t 31. to pv-tuje Into the waters of Ontario csasanetttlve tv.zi toe srTld baa ever known. About wMnHM. wtunr esnsdftsasat Mag perhaps :i;'nblt, lot from :he wa'.er sfter covering 31 sallea. t be crowned monarch of all. "sltli the colden bmlUo! $30,600 avidly In hat grasp, if the winner be a woman, of aMXOO. Tbe rantnlndcr or tbe total priae money oX WOjWO tat great aum which like a msgne has dun swimmers from the end of the earth wM be divided up between half a dozen men and Half a dozen women, pnmding that man; finish. m:((jE voixo tiickc In the fiaid of scintillating swimming stan one atricky figure will be magnetic a tbe muttltude. waiting tenet? for tbe starting gun. eagerly watches tfat straggling line of starters. It will be that of Oaorte Young, the native son winner of tbe 1 28 .000 Cstallne Channel . ;:m because he waa the only one to r;msh that gruaUmg test: on whose ccunt the present husje event baa been ktaged. Eight month wiu have elapsed atnee Gearge'a flnt great win: In that time he baa beoome a world figure In swimming; he baa travelled much and be ha learned much. An obvious question la "Ia Oeorge Young aa good aa when he won tbe Catallna Channel awlav can be beat the fierce opposition that faces him mw?" The answer remains to be proven, but It la a fact that Young ibouM be In perfect oondltion when be take hla place among tbe other aUrtera on August 31. Weeka ago he returned to Toronto and then, with Henry O'Bjrae bla trainer, and a few othera, went to Ptcton. further eaat along the abore of Lake Ontaxlo. and there be baa been training diligently. Tbe race, however, ia no "cinch" for the redoutahle Oeorge. Ernest Vlerk-ctter. of Berlin, Germany, is oanaKkTed probably Young's chief- opponent. Vlerk- I otter ia a veteran profewlonal wtlb. an Imposing record: he baa more experience I than Young and with Mm awfan- mlng ia an art. He carriea hla own chef a well aa trainer and manager: when he ewlma, it will be to the nutate of a respectable-alzed ercheitra. Vtakotter la the dominant figure in the "atable" of Armand yincent. Molt- treal. who haa entered blm in company with O urge Michel. Frenchman and channel vwimmer: Jane 8 ton. Belglan'a woman awlmmer; Qsner Perreault, French-Canadian long-diatance awlmmer of Montreal and Olav FaHtadt, who In hla native Norway ia a Wg awlmmer in more aenee of tbe iTQrd than one. Michel of course hoida tbe record for the Engltoh Channel. THE WOMEN And If It 1 at all possible for i woman champion to beat a male cham pkm In awunmlng. ft atnufe! be accom plished in the Lake Ontario marathon. When tbe start la made, probably only one great woman awlmmer will be mu ring Gertrude Ederle. Practically every other female who haa achieved prominence in long-distance JUICY FRUIT has the flavor of fresh, ripe fruit. It It bttttficlal too, cleansing mouth anj teeth. soothing the throat of a fluke. It resulted from a mtsun-drrstandlng between Bobby Woods and Sam Xrafclne. goal keeper and back respectively for tty Moose. Summary of tbe scoring waa aa fol- J. K. Mar- It requires no effort to stick to "Black &. White" because the exceptional high quality of this famous Old Scotch Whisky never varies. It stands on the solid basis of age and reputation and is the choice of those who know. DISTILLED. BOTTLED AND BLENDED IN SCOTLAND .Quality Tel! " lists Bucium a CaLt.Cut9e teneea BIACRWHITE SCOTCH This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia J. TEAMS FOR OLD TIMERS' SOCCER Final Arrangements Made Last Night for Unique Event to Take Place Friday Week At a meeting last night of the eoan- mlttee in charge of the event, consist ing of S. D. Maedonald. J. S. Irvtee and A. E. Sickens, pteyen and offlcUla were named and other details were arranged aa fnuowa for the Old Ttwieis' football game which wUl be played on August IB. Friday of next week, for the benefit of Aeropetts Hill grounds im provements: A" Team C. L. Youngntan. goal; H. F. Wearmouth and 8. Darton, fall backs; P. Cameron. Oeorge Kelsey (captain), and Hemmoods. half backs; AUan Davies. Fred Hardy. Dtek Lambe. Jack Campbell and Frank Davtee. forwards. B" Team 6. D. Maedonald. goal: W Barton and Hugh Hamilton, full backs: James Currie. Bill Murray (captain) and R. Arthur 8r half backs: W. E. Wlllls-crnft. George Abbott, Tommy Black. Oeorge Waugh and Jamea Dkck. forwards. Spares Malcolm Lamb. Jimmy Hun ter, Jimmy Mitchell and Jimmy Simpson. Trainer of "A" team A. Dickens Sr. Trainer of "B" team Jamea NeU , neieree u. o. "Kuaaeu. r . - v.r Linesmen a. Clapperton and Oeerge HH1 Br. A" team will wear Regiment colors and "B" team, Orand Terminal colors. SIR HENRY CHATS Head WITH MESSENGER C.N.R. TELEGRAPHS of Prrtem Takes Cornlzanrr of Work of a Vernon Ijd VANCOUVER. Aug 10. No little act which m gain friends or business for the company ia too small to pass un noticed by BH Henry Thornton, presl dent of th eOanadian National Rallwsyi whether tt be the act of a high execu tfve or of the humblest employee of the service. several weeka ago Sir Henry heard ol a messenger boy of the Cansdlsn National Telegraphs who y hi ready wit, turned an unfavorable situation to his advantage and earned business for the company. Yesterday at Blr Henrys request, the boy, Douglas White of Vernon. BC. was introduced to him For ten minutes the sixteen year old lad and the president ofthe comoanv chatted like father and son until 81r Henry bad to hurry away to keen id polntments' with several delegations of business men as Sir Henry left to go ps"u twugias on the shoulder and a.t-a . a iiu iiui was on the way up the laoaer. As for Douglas, his lace beamed with deUght and he went out to get more ousiness. Dido Ourvkh haa returned to the city from Smlthers where he went recently with the intention of Joining the staff of the Duthle mine. By George McManm WUk ,WE bOH HAD TO OOM-T UjL- jHIl FAM.U WAIT jiff TUC up. F?J . : , Sgtt . st l swimming will be competing. Clarabelle Barrett and Mrs. Bettle Moore Bchoemmel she of grease-suit fame, are New York'a entrants; Jane 8km. mentioned above; Mrs. Delia Sullivan Herbert of Holyoke. Mass.; Mrs. Dorothy Hep worth, registered from Montreal and Lee Fburrier of Long Beach, Cal.. are others in the galaxy of world stars that will compete. Incidentally, Mrs. Scbcemmel will wear a bathing suit this time, at least at the start. No awlmmer will be al lowed to atsrt sans suit; although he or ahe may have aa much grease aa their taste or experience dictate. The more experienced swimmers will use grease, for its aid in preventing "water-logging" and keeping the cold out. Probably also bathing aults will be discarded by quite a number when the race is really under way. Tm M a l&T Jt'f i I" isi If tea" ia , m i i SPORT CHAT Jhnmy McAleenan. pioneer basebal promoter of this city, who baa alst lone his share In putting the game on he map in Alice Aran and Stewart. Hiring a brief vttt to the city at the lrt of the week on hla return flora utendlng tne Hjoer-KetehHan gamea it Ketchikan, sought to make arrange-stente to have a Stewart team vlart rlnce Rupert bafore the present season s out. Fans would like to ate another nter -town series this year and no team would be atewart. Aa U that Acropolis Hill grounds will be ex- lust vely eaigaged in staanpade aoUvlUea luring Fair Week, some other time aould have to Msehall series i Day holiday week-end might furnish a I hla. stke other things, it Via be I that Mae coat u the great aUtaale in the wax It is aa csasOna that haa been oaiwaw nevetthateaa. kg places . rood atari sailer and leas aragreaalvw tun tnas prefoda I he Not only ould a tjoif o.urw be a saare tar the -w-resiioa erv Mitertaanaaent of local -:decu but It would be a great tour- asuuetaoB It w sowsthlng that .-rns earlT '.tenlaoa G1LHULY CUP SOCCER SERIES DRAW MADE Three -aUr Kseeer Teams wttl Enjaie I In CnmprtitlM far Ilnal rr- ware t The aaacutire of the Prince tlnpert Football Association, in usslan last night, aaasde the following draw tor the OiihutT Cup wiea. the last eompetl-Uon of the sraon: August IS. Grand Tcraunala vs. Moose. August 1 afooar va. Rsgtsneat. Oeptetnber 1 ilegunent vs. Orand rermlnals. The scries will be eonduaVd m a manner slmrt . r to the Dosalauon Day -up series. The ;wo leading teams as i result of :hr first three games will xwt in the : during Fair Week. scorTngbee infootball Grand Terminal lieat Moose by 6-1 in League Fixture Last NiRht In a game1 which was featured by good close play during its early stages but a general weakening up of- both deteuuts towards tbe close. Grand Ter-solaala last nsght defeated Moose 6-4 in tbe Senior FoottasJl League. Score at asfl ttonl was one all. tbe heavier be found for auoh aj tallying cosalng daring the second proposed. Tbe Labor I period when both goals were In turn niMable opportunity. 1 The tint counter by Dickens for the As far aa aportlBg activities are con cerned. Prince Bnpevt lacks many hlnga. one of the moat Important of which laektana la a goaf eounte. The Royal and Ancient gan baa been making great gains In popularity dar Terminals was aometfcing In the nature ing tbe past few yean and then are Mooae A. Hodgklnson. 1 few places even In British Onlumhta to-' ray, 2: Chenoskl, 1. day that do not nave (Mr links. In Grand Terminals. Dickens, 3; as UWT. W anted For Sale For Rent DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS. 2c per word in advance. No Advertisement taken for lest than 50c aoent .vrti. aXMNTS. EtTHBR &EX T WEEKLY easy selling Paton CVvsnirs Cleans everything Use magic Itsanovea road tar without Injury to saint. Sells on g sj i triMDn rie Wisigln P A. Ufehvre Co AJeaatMtrla. Oat. LOST SATUHDAT NI-OHT. Aveawte, aapotlte post todies' mink chaker. Hewaed. TM. ON 1: Oearat Howe. 1; Dado Our- rich. 1. Oua Krause waa referee with A Clap. pertan and W Otrsehsa acttng aa With the fmi game of ah, tries to be played Friday naght br-tk Moose and RsgUaent. the atand-bag of teams to date Is as fottowe: W L. D. Pta Orand TernUnato .5 I 2 11 fUghaent 1 2 3 Moose 3 4 t WANTED WANTED. - STWaKXHUFHaat. BOOK-keeper Olve exprr.ence when applfv lug Hepiles ootifldrntlal Box 41, Dally yew oaVv WAKTBD OlftL Km 1JOHT HOV8K- Work, must be enVlent PhosM blue 2M. IM WANTED. MaiO KM OSNBRAL hoi is (sort Phone Rd TM. I WAjmD QIBX FOR Phone Black FOIt S.Al.K ijoirr BxwBg-; atS. 1M tssvoo na Mowm aors a bcvbi Cmtloa Two. Waskat Misair Ssste. HOOSS for sale morns and hath 4N 11th Ave. or OR MffT-SIX Close lav Aaavy ReaJ 480. I FOR SALE. ONC 1M1 TDDOR Sedan, repainted aad sand Parker's Oarage. Artiri, Ixatiti Fc-juU, STEAMSHIP MflVFliRT Is Vaaeaaiee Monday- as p- ROWBOATS FOR SAIX-PHONK RED ,Mr Klsipwa sr j lie. gag. u many as. Car.;. - FOIt KBNT FORD. U POR RENT FOHNMHED APART- ment by the day. week or Month. Phone Red 097. If FOR RENT TWO MODERN IIOU6E8. One furnished Apply tl. fsjurth Ayrnue East. ' FURNISHED 3UITM FOR RENT. Apply MiHsallrm Ontrrj. Phone IS. FURNISHED HOOSE Phone Black 186 TAXI FOR RENT UIMIOIi5TEHlNC. FURNITURE REPAIRING; UP1IOL- sterlcg of all kinds Chesterfields recovered and made to order. All work guaranteed. Phone Orren 60S. Q. M. HUNT. EXCIIANRB NEW AND SECONDHAND FURNITURE bought, sold and exchanged. Paps dopulos and MarrU. 8M Third Ave. Phone frtfl. tf AUCTIONEER too much confidential and round table talk. Let us have every, thing on the square and above hoard. I buy and sell or exchange anything of value. Phone TM. O P. nrtne. Auctioneer and Secondhand .KKHORTM. iioTsrtitMi.s Miir.r. TrKKAT, 11.0. Now Open for VlaHoes. Piar - - - - - artita a a-.4 Apply Mrs. BoCr-" Manageress. K.tir.N (JUiuir: 39S Agents for all fiKMUU, MOTOKH IMIOIIITTH Another carload of Chevroleta Justlnl Trirfs: Roadster S825.00 Roadster Delivery S82500 Touring .- $82500 Coupe tSBSOO Ooseh 1965.00 Sedan S1.07S.00 Landau Sedsn S1.12000 Cabriolet $1,100.00 Commercial Chassis t45O0 Delivery Express Chassis $805 00 39 x 4.40 Balloon Tires standard equipment on all models except De livery Express chassis. Call or phone for demonstration. kaii:n nt'tAnr. Third Avenue Phone. 52 , $ 1'hone 67 Taxi (Call George, Paul or Gust) Six and Seven PasaenKer Stude-bakers at your dliposal any time KOSS imOS. POOL KOOM Meeker Block. 'Arms, from Empress Hotel) C.N.R. TRAINS For the Dally Except Sundays 11 30 am. From he East Dslly excep; Tuesdays 140 pa Tumi lea- s p stawsHf-a c -aa Pt as. Pr .. Aug 10 -PrUx-Aitg IS -PniK-rv-Au 30 - Pnurr , ' Aug M. Pnu. .-s Aue 31 -Pnu..- rrasa Vaoreaier Sunday -as Cmi Monday -as Pni. Wednevsay eapr Friday as Pr:: -j as. Card: l Saturday s P i Aug gK as Pr Aug. Ig s pi.. Aug. !.- Pnm. -Aug. M - as p Aug. .--as P- Saturday- as c, Inf An)v(. ftlrssrt, tt? Sunilsy as "aa Monday.. as Pr;.", 'e i r'rum Anfoi, Mrssrt. ri-Tueadayss ts o-a Thursday, as r J 1 1: 3 iL ; , I'roiu pert .lmpa trl t- Satnrdsf- as P o r lor Vortb (Joeea Chsr'.ie- I rnm North Oeeen rharW- rw Heath tjneen rhar:: Aug. ta as Priif! ; Aug. aaSS Pr::.. torn Hnolh (aeen ThsrWu Aug. !. ss. Pri. ? , v Aug. 24 as Pr:.'-e i- rr tu.ks Wettnetdsy as Pr Aug. 8. as. Pti:..-AUg. li as Pr:: Aug. 19 PrUKet,-Aug. 26. as Pni.-Aug. 39 aa. Pr.i.. From .tints Monday as. prlni a A Aug. I4V Princes Aug. 1$. Prince.-: Aug. 30. Princess A Aug. 31. Prlnrt"-Aug. 31. Pnni- U To .tnvni. Alice Arm, From Anyof, Alice arm. Wewsrt Saturdays .... Tuesdays To Naos filter Point .. Jhursdsys m' From Nsss IlKer Points f "Batordsys 2 Ok "? t : MAIL SCHEDULE tinrsT or the. lart Mondays. Wednesd-s. I'roni Ilie Mt Uondaya, Wednesda-' due Ta yanrouter Mondays Tuesdsys Thursdsys Saturdays C.H.R. Aug. S. 8. i- rriim Vancoover Mondays Wednesdsys Fridays C.P.U. AU' 1. S, r r HI1 i'' i .11 .1"! "I To Alaska Points Aug. 1. 8. 8, 15, 19. rrom Alsska Point" , Aug. S, 6, 10. 13. 20 J4' To ueen flisrlolte I'lsni ir lower Islands. Aujr Upper Islands. Mnr:! . lower Islands, Aug. J' I f 13. fTfSlW' Stewart , f Sundays ' ij ICS pis' Upper Islands. Tb-A To tjueen Charlotte ''" ,,fll i Lower Islsnds, Mondsy From Queen Chsrlotte H" f Lower Ulsnds. Wednesa'!'