dr August 10, 1927 Perspiration odor kept away easily when you use this purifying toilet soap offender doetn't notice It THE ha tvtryont the does. At time, everyone of ut mv be jitry without knowing it. Even when we think we eren't retpir-Ins, the pore constantly jive off cdor-cauilns moUtute. Don't rUk embarrassment u Ujtbuojt So rtfrtihint that million tithe with It every day. It purlfie pore gives freedom from per irHtition odor. Healthier comtAcxions Lifebuoy' mild, antUeptlc lather i ,iiuue m i mi ndi nn. keen complexion dear, month and glowing with health because It furjta the tklru Better itlll.it remove (emi from hands, aawell a dirt safeguard health against germ disease. You'll learn to like Lifebuoy' clean, hygienic scent so vholc some, so assuring of paur safety, yet so quickly vanishing. Lifebuoy give extra protection, vet cost no more than other soaps. ''Use It a week and you'll use it tot life." Get tome today Crown Colony Days Lever Orotbers Limited, Toronto njcouoy g HEALTH SOAP 'forfdcc-hdnds-bdth removes germs, too Away back in the Tate sixties thousands . of acres of British Columbia's timber were sold for one cent per acre, which looked like a fair price then. Today similar timber is worth from $150 to $200 per sere, so tremendously has timber appreciated in value within the scope of an average lifetime. What the young growth of today will be worth sixty years from now is beyond computation if it is protected from fire and allowed to reach maturity. The moral is obvious. PREVENT FOREST FIRES YOU CAN HELP lmiTISII COLUMBIA FOKEST SERVICE Conscienti ne A hip; Look at the word with an even bigger meaning. men we call successful likely they did their work a little better than they need to and passed by others who did just enough to "get by." Take the successful store, too in almost every case they arc, the stores where the service Is better than average where they go out of their way to please. In no business is conscientiousness more important than in a pharmacy such as: Ormes IM I&D AVE. , SIXTH STr TELEPHONES 82 6 200 -win j i tftivpnirJ ' Salllnvs from I'rlnce Itupert. r Vivfnr, ti...h a !.m. V'CTOKIA, Swans on Bay, Alert liar, etc, Tuesday. 5 " 2.I,HLK' VICTOKU. Ilutedale. Alert IUT. etc.. Ml Inland. LYCn. Sun- dav a l'MrON. ALICE ARM. iNYOX. 8TKWAKT. Hales Nub ui.. ... . 13 Jn.""" joints and Port Mmnxon, Friday P"'- . . z "enue. u smith rnt. rrmre r h:"?h "rtrt sold t Wrtnrta'Jnii Heauie at reduced Riiliert. H.C. rate ana THE DAILY NEWS PAGE THREE -W1!!-S?S!-Sa Local and Personal MOONLIGHT THE LABEL IS. RED AND WHITE EXCURSION Armur tsil phoc en BC Its Goodness NEVER OMerUkrra rtMC 41 Tj Dl.-;bv Thursday. Auguat II. 8peed-beat Naaa River" kim our float nctr OHIU. Dr. J ft Qm Ptsooaaaa Dominion Ftaherm Wbart at 7. 8 an SO- ri-tu. Laat boat kstea Day at It Varies 10. AudMorlM Bum WMntm.; An- mlr. ! . Spccl danct rauasc. list-doss lot. rtam. Camp Flrca. Ootnc atvd na-re iun. Adult Te. ChlsetrtB OH a jood law Btg 4 habltf When thltutin ( a Tail, pfeeet U Afternoon trip at 3 o'clock. Bring Hda 11 I ;ur unrbej. 50c ratum. ChUdren 26c. Transfer ji..w agrata lor I . nvlUi-WaUiafto: D. Towage it Lighterage Co. PtMne coaj ptoone Mo 6M. T1U) aftcriKiciii truii Irom ::. I at 1J. raporttd to t Va. Mr. at Ura. T. n. Uathen, -a? aftarnooa m the c. Msaa Dorothy OtUtU m aaiUof oa Uat QM-ia ) KM naMascmr and s Mil tMsltftt OB tte prli,,-,. tsMictor to Vkuieouvtr H. O. Tn. chatf stetifMar Vaailsiaa, a tor tr D a.d M.- T. have returned ;jih. i haaKky In Vancuuv. 1 J. Wilson. Yfcw-IM-llteiDal of Booth ONH. am laayaiilnd by Urs. WUv n alia Uua afUmoon on the nrtaae Ohartotta to aptncl a hoUdsy of too sr thra wki la Vancouver and Office Hours: 9 a.m. to C p.m. Saturday: a.m. to 1 p.m. Any evening by appointment DENTIST Kvrh.iniM lllork Phon. 10 vr Average figures full fig- Our department can fit you perfectly. H.S Wallace Co., Ltd. W3M m IMS I atataMftj 1 li; . ud'.' l ii.s. iue .-iirt pub li.-hed or displa cd by the Liiiuor Control Cird or by the Government of British Columbia soeoniniOUaOon taken up with' Mrs. Fred Itarsly and son will sail to-iNttrmtag Alaafta tounau. CPA. ottm- toorrow afternoon oa the Prince Char-or Ittooeas Obartotte. Oapt. C. C. aa for a holiday vlatt wttb ratauves in Mrrt. wtu arrrve at tJO thsa aftor- ajtattu. noon from Skagway. asullng at tMt lot Vaneouver and Victoria. I j. Marehall. inspector of weigh U for Oat Canadian National Railways with Prtoco Johcu Capt. X. haailniiartrra In WIdbId-i. waa an ar- Uatma. I due to srIn 1st port at II rival from Vaneouver on the Prince oclock tonight from Vaneouver via the tutaerX Uils morning, south end of the Quaon Chariots la- Homeward bound 'cruise in Alaskan waters, the povrar cruiser WUaonta. having on boara Dr. J. T Vittson and has Camay, laft at 10 j. g. Miller and E. H. Pollard, cus-o'clock this morning altar having spent toms trjsgwotara. whs) arrived at the a ooupte of days In this port. first of the week from the Yukon, will " tall on the Prtneaas Charlotte thla I Tenders for the niairoastMis at the afternoon on their return to Victoria . Eahlbttlon building. wUl ho received up ,to 4 pjn. Friday. August 12 Tenders Thomas Owen of Winnipeg baa ar- are invuen covering ail eonoeaaiona in rived tn the city and la a gueat at tone, m wall aa Individually. Far par- Naval Headquarters wlsere Mre, Owena. tlculara apply at the KxhlblUon oUtoe. who la a slater of OMef Petty Officer City Hall. ut Ooorge I. Dewea. Ie-he visiting for time. Tkev wtB eeaurn East in ; Mra. a. a. mnaon. wno nae oeen about two weeks time ; vlsMliig for the past month or 'more jwiw, ner motner at rrancois uw. re-' Ur. and Mra. J. L Christie and family turned to the city on thla afternoon s ,w on . niontti'. holiday trtp to Van- . train. Mra. connon waa accompanied oouver and Vletorta. During the ab on the trip by her daughter. Yvonne, moot of Mr. OhriaU. J. O. Williamson and Mlaa Lucille Brook-bank. .4 ANNOUNCEMENTS Canadian Legion Picnic August 21. Established 1923. III ,r a-a. I !, SATtflOTC CTU la acting a secretary of the school hoard. There will be a meeting of the board tomorrow evening. Aboard his powerboat Vera S. Fry. AM. M. M. Stephen . left the Prince Rupert Rowing & Yacht Club floats at S o'clock this morning for a three week' cruise to Juneau and Chlcagolt Island. Aboard the boat are also Vlnce Lade and Sydney Hunter. At 7:45 thlS morning the fire de-penmen had a call to the office of the Evening Empire where s parka from a chimney had ignited the roof. By the time the brigade arrived, however. M. T. Lee. a neighbor, had extinguished the blase with a garden hose. Damage was slight. C.JfJt. teenier Prince Rupert, Capt. D. Donald, arrived at 11 o'clock this morning from Vancouver, Powell River and Ocean Falls and will aail at 4 o'clock thla afternoon for Skagway and ether Alaskan ports . Of some 200 passer xers who arrived on tbe veaeel, about 25 disembarked here, the most of them proceeding east by train. AUTHOR OF GREEN GABLES PUBLISHING ANOTHER VOLUME CAVSJTDI8H. P.E t . Aug. 10. -L. M. as the author of "Anne of Green Gables" and "Emily" series, is to bring out the third book dealing with Emily's adventures this autumn. She has been spending a vacation In her own eld home by the sea. which she' visits annually for the many delights It affords. This year she la leaving It a little sooner age." MOT ON BEHALF OF CON DEMNED MUItDEKEItS DIS-1'EItSED IN CHICAGO; I'OS-SIHILITY FUKTHEIt Tlt-Bita. (continued from page one) be -omplrtrJ by July 10." It separate tnraaUfaUona proceeded a la:-ge number of wltneaaea betni railed before the Oorernor and the ad vlso.y committee. The Oovernor'a advisory eemmHtee Inn ted counsel for the government and the defense to call wtlnease who had nut testified during the trial. Thk action was con trued aa opesstng to the defense llnea of evMance that were barred under teehnlealttlea la die court procedure. . , III MU K hTHIKK On July 17 8aoeo and VanzetU befan a hunger strike. They refused food for a week. Then VanzetU partook of a single meal and thereafter rejoined Saoro in his refusal to aecept food, Dover ror Fuller visited the state on July 22 and interviewed Baeco. Vanzattl and Madttroa. VanzetU. the last of the three to be brought Into the warden's o31ce, talked with the Governor for an- hour. Aterward the Oorernor announced that he would make a second visit to the prison. The advisory committee completed Its hearing of witnesses on July 21. It heard arguments on July 23 by Attor- landa and will tail about half an hour iuxm BlTurdaan and Frank Norman nty ThomP,,n. Herbert O. Ehrmann. Uter for Vaacouvar dlreot. aeoe4ate defenae counsel, and Dudley P. nnea (M wUh ttl optton of I pltr!11"1. IUnt district attorney of Uilrt imnrtaMSment In the Norfolk county, and then reported that to tattoo from a tan. nmin. for druak. Both pieadad guilty. there would be no Intervention with the court sentence. HOTIX AltKIVALS Prime Kuert H. 8. Hose and A. T. Cross, Vancou ver; D. Watt, Butte; P. J. Juron. Al ask, Saskatchewan; C. Cane, Anyox: Oeorgc McAfee, Georgetown; A. M. Nel son. Ketchikan: J. Marshlll, Winnipeg r. ClauHon, city; J. P. Harrigan. Any ox; H. Johnson, Btewart; J. M. Wyckoa. Ketchikan; A. J. McDonald. Premier. LOST. A kindly looking old gentleman was stopped by a very little girl carrying a parcel. "Please, sir," she said politely. "Is thla the second turning to the left?" SCKAMItLEII Bataon I- understand some of your hens have stopped laying. Belfry Two of them have, anyway, "Whafa the causeK "A motor car." I'FtlNCE KUI'ERT TIDES HKIIXKMIAY.' Al'Hl'ST 10 High 12:06 am. 16.8 ft. 23:40 p.m. 19.8 " Low 5:45 BJn. 4.7 " 17:34 pjn. 9,0 M Till KMIAV. AKU ST 11 High 12:47 pjn. 17.8 ft. Low 6:28 ajn. 3.5 " 18:23 pjn. 8.1 " IN I'KOHATE. in tiii: srritKMi: rm kt of iikitisii COLl MIIIA In the Matter of the Administration Act; and In the Matter of the Estate of John Caddy. Deceased. Intestate. TAKE NOTICE that by order of His Honor F. McB. Young, the 20th day of July. A D. 1927. I was appointed Admin lstrator of the estate of John Caddy. deceased, and all parties having claims against the aald estate are nereDy re-nulred to furnish same, properly verified to me on or before the 20th day of August, A.D. 1927, and an parties indebted to the estate, are required to pay Montgomery, who is known so generally m.?unt or uielr maeoai18 to me NORMAN A. WATT. Official Administrator, Prince Rupert. B.C Dated the 25th day of July, A D. 1927. IN PROBATE IX THE SITKKMK roi'ltT OK IIKITISII COLUMIIIA than ahe expected to, for Premier Bald-j In ' th Administration win has eapreased a wish to meet "the i ,n thfiater of the Estate of William author or nooks wnicn naa given him so J. Kyle. Deceased, intestate. much pleasure." He wanted to . see TAKE NOTICE that by order of His . .kiw. ,h "onor. F. McB. Young, the 24th day of June. A.D.. 1927, I was appointed ! country) but according to hla published j Administrator of the estate of William itlnery thl will not e possible aa he U- Kvle- deceased, and all parties having claims against the said estate are hereby , . , ..... , I; to spend Just one day In Charlotte- required to furnish same, properly verl-' town. Mrs. Ewan Macctonald is the fled, to me on or before the 25th day I wile of the United Church minister at ' JulT: A.?- 1B.Jl and aU Pa?'.es ln" 1 IaKIaiI ta rha aitafi pa t-Ait 1 1 va4 v r tssca et Norval. Ont.; ao she will "go to Toronto tne mount of their Indebtedness to me and "shake hands" aa requested. Mean- tin. .k. ffc .amu'lnn I ur- btignt ngures ail a nee." which by her Is never -forgot." Una comtort and beauty in Gossard Combinations. A man ked a Pullman porter what hla tips averaged. The, coon replied that the average amount waa one dollar. He handed the porter a dollar. He caressed the silver coin affectionate-1 lr and. M; .'-. . J "Yaaeuh. bow. but you is the fust l pusaon what has come up to the aver forthwith. NORMAN A. WATT. Official Administrator, Prince Rupert, B O. Dated the 25th day of Jut e. A D. 1927 fc, CVAPORAIl k. m (SB "From Contented Cows' CARNATION Milk is not mp1 only the finest, most v tiujjiciciy useiui mm you can buy but its high oualitv is alwavs the same. You can depend on it dav after day, year after year. Always, every time, it adds the same wonderful flavor, smoothness, richness. whenever you use it. For Carnation quality and uniformity is protected right from the source to you. We maintain the Carnation Field Force whose sole job is to watch the production of the milk on the farm. The freshest, richest milk only is accepted at the condenseries whisked rapidly through cooling rooms, eva-. porators, iiomogemzers and into the tins, there to be hermetically sealed for delivery to you, fresh and pure as when it left the condensery. Order Carnation MQk from your grocer several tins or a case of 48 tint. Smd lor a frit copy of Utry BUkt't Cook Book. Aiirtst Carnation Milk Frodudi Co Limited, Aylmtr, Ont. It Saoks creamy It tattet creamy It It creamy Carnation Produced in Canada TWO SIZES TALL AND SMALL EASY Vacuum Electric Washer "The Easj" ran be In.-lantlj adjusted tii a large, medium, or miiuII uaxli. Made In two sizes. "The Easy" N guaranteed for one year front date of Kile against defects hi miilerlal and workmanship. Thompson Hardware Co., Ltd. UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT CENTRAL HOTEL The place called "Home" 120 Rooms, American and European Plan. Hot and Cold Water. Bus meets all trains and boats. Sample Koom Phone 51. I Martin, Manager. Prince Rupert Auto Company Agents for Hudson and Essex Super-Six Cars Second Avenue, opposite Prince PwUpert Hotel. Phones 75 and 275