AGE six THE DAILY NEWS jRose, Igttufcd PRINTING Stationery Office Supplies School Supplies Kodaks Films Phonographs Records Novelties Dennison Goods Birthday and Every Day Cards Third Avenue (Opposite Third Street) l'honc 231 JUST ARRIVED A shipment of Or. HDLETON'S oofl Products Whole Wheat Flour, 10's, special 70c Whole Wheut Flour, 24'e, Htecial $1.G5 Whole Wheat Flour. 4D,s. stiecial $3.00 COOKIES Suirar Cookies, each .... 20c or 3 for 50c Oatmeal Cookies, each . . 20c or 3 for 50c Ginger Snaps, each .... 20c or 3 for 50c Macaroons, "2 pkgs. for 45c Why stand over a hot fire baking cakes when these cookies can be purchased at these low prices. Mussallem Grocery COMPANY LTD. 417-423 Fifth Ave. East Phone 18 and Phone 84 Prince Rupert, B.C. Thor Johnson lor ens Clothing and Furnishings IF The home of "SOCIETY Ml AND" CLOTHES OU SICK ailing, unable to get a hold on health, write or call at an Iona-Otone Health Clinic as thousands of others have done. TAKE THE FREE TREATMENTS There is no obligation. Sufferers of many years are finding health and contentment in Iona-Otone, the Magnetic Healer. THE IONA-OTONE HEALTH CO. . 10-11 Smith Mock, Prince Rupert - B.C WELL KNOWN COUPLE WED Miss L'dwina Hilchey Ikromcs Uride of "Happy- Ritchlo aaWUi tt much -local latere took r1' V'TnT.Ut evcatBf id tfee CaUw-rf Chapel at 8 o'clock when Kr rhtr Pi j. M coram. CMX. united la marrtaje lima Edwins. Victoria Ue-trod Hlkhej. daughter of John Hlkiiejr. aud Xtot late XI r Ultcrier of Oeorgeon. Prince Edward bland, and Jaweph rvcortck c'Hppy"l Bitch, m of Ur. and Mrs. J Fred Kttchie of this city. Tfee rcmnonjr took pte In the pmraci of a small greaip of retail and friends. The bride, who waa charming to a go u. of powder blue georgette with white hat. wai attended by her alater. Mrs. C. H. Tupper. The groom waa upported by his father. After the ceremony, there waa a recep- LAND ACT NOTICE OF 1NTKNTION TO AH1.Y TO LEASE LAM In Range S. Coast Land District. Land Recording District of Prince Rupert, and altuate on Lot 103 Humpback Bay, Por-cher laland. B.C. TAKE NOTICE that P. It. Cuuntagham. Board of Trade Butldtng. of Vaneourer, BC . occupation Salmon Broker. Intend to apply for a lease of the following described landi:-- Cnmmenclng at a post planted 1M yards south -southeast of northeast corner pent of Lot 102. Ranee 5: thnce due south 6 chains, thenoe south-aouthesst IS -halna. thence due north S chains; theue-west-northwest along shore to poln' of commencement and containing II aere. mores or less FRANCIS HENRY CUNNINOHAM. Ar.pllcan' Dated I5th June. 1027. ONE FREE! With one THREE DAYS ONLY Wooden boxes of Sodas, fresh and crisp, 5 lb. size. Regular $1.00. Special '2 boxes for $1.00 Malta Milk Biscuit, 25c size, spe cial, 2 pkgs. for "."r Cheese Snacks, 25c size, special, 2 pkgs. for 2.V Carnation Milk, Saturday only, per tin 10 G only to one order and for cash The rest of this week we will sell PULLET EGGS Special, 4 doz. for !),"( We guarantee these fresh. We can fill your order for fresh local Raspberries. Lowest price In town. B.C. Butchers & Grocers limited Phone 45 and 574 WESTINGHQUSE Electric Ranges . 'SiS&FI Iilllll'IMlii. Easier! Safer! More convenient to operate and gives better results! Get a Westinghouse Electric Range. Cheaper in the long run. Prince Rupert Supply Co. 214 Fourth Street J. A. Hinton - Manager. ANGER, the TAILOR We carry a fine stock of imported Woollens. Union label on every garment. We employ only Union labor. Every suit guaranteed perfect. I. ANGER, Cutter and Designer 223 Sixth Street Only Fresh Tea Good s AUDA" been In northern mining camps. LAND ACT. NOTICE OP INTPNTIOV TO API LtiASi; LA Ml. Cash and HK3 MLMlfilflH tm Sealed air-tigHt. FresK and delicious at the home of the bride ' cistcr. A reave and Thmipaon Street Invited guests enjoyed an evening of dancing followed by the serving of refreshments at the midnight hour. Doth bride and groom are well known and popular in I Tin re Rupert Mas Ritchie baa resided here for some sit yeara and. la her profession as a sten ographer, was formerly Identified wlO the any HaU staff and the proYincUl Rovcrnmoait. More recently she ha been stenogranoar and bookkeeper at P. Burns' abattoir. The groom has Maided bere since early boyhood and for niaay yoara has Congratulations and best wishes will be teeter any extended to tbe hasp LAND ACT. NOTICE OK INTENTION TO APPLY TO IK ASK M.N 1 1. In Oosst Ranee 4. Land Recording Dis trict of Prince Rupert, and altuate at Captain's Cove. Pitt Islsnd. B.C. take notice that ooese Packing Company Limited, of Vancouver. B.C. occupation Packers,, Intends to apply tor lease 01 uie lollowing oescritea lands: C .mmenrme at a poe' planted at the tiorthwes: rorner of It 12M. Range 4: thence suth 5 chains: thence 5 chains: thence north to high water mark: 'hence easterly alone high water mark 5 chain, more or lesa. to point of commence ment, and containing 8 acres. more or leis. OOBfiE PACKINO COMPANY LIMITED, t Applicant. Dated June 13. 1D3T LY TO In Prince Rupert Land Recording Dlatrlet of Coaat District. Ranee 4. and sit uate on and being all of Bonllla Island except that portion occupied by Indian itenerve numoer in. TAKE NOTICE that I. Ole C. Austsrl. 'ii Prince Rupert, B.C.. occupation rancher, Intends to apply for a le&re of tne louowing acscriDca isnas: OommenctnK at a post planted at the southeasterly point of Bonllla Island: thence northerly, westerly, southerly and easterly, following the sinuosities of the shore line, to point of commencement, excepting therefrom that portion of the Island occupied by Indian Reserve No. 18. and contalDlng one thousand acres, more or less. OLE C AUSTAD, Applicant Dated July 15. 1927 Carry Grocery Sixth Ave. and Fulton Street The Store of Hijth Quality at Low Prices 1)0 YOU KNOW We are the only Cash Grocery in Prince Rupert You save from 5 to 40c on every dollar. Can you use your money to any better advantage? ASK ANY OF OUK MANY CUSTOMERS Then give us a trial and be convinced Freh Fruit and Vegetables on hand all the time. 'Our Fall School Supplies have arrived. Scribblers (38 pages, not 32), G for U3e MILK, JAM, FLOUR, SUGAR Get our prices first and save money $5.00 Orders delivered free Phone 304 S. B. ADAMS, Manager "BUILD B.C." The Institutes' Help Hi far JvAPOdATEB, The Women's Institutes are taking an interest in the Vancouver 'J2xhiBUionBrtrshJCol-; umbia benefits byilhese instil tutes and B.C. products decidedly feel their help. Pacific Milk appreciates sincerely the good these patriotic women do. PACIFIC MILK Head Office. Vancouver factories at I-adner and Alihotsford. "BUILD B.C." ruuple wti.i will rema n here oatU Seas, v tuber wrien it u their Inl ft to prurecd to Vancouver to tab up south. STEWART B. W. W. MOwgU, MJL has re- J. Oampbatl baa purchased two Swamp Pate IkWMta from the Clranby Co. and baa tsraught them to Stewart. They win be flatted on'lo Fourth St on Ue Septtmber high tides and used as rraidanrra. After looUtsg over the Sliver Crest. P. E. Patemon. aUBerlntrudrnt for the ompany. left far Hastuii Arm. where i he will supervise development work on ' the Saddle property. He left a small crew working on the Sliver Croat under the direction of J. V. Clegg. AMERICAN REALTORS WILL VISIT RUPERT Larje Oroups of lrtrctr Irom Seattle Contention Hill lie Brought Here by C.P.K. Boats In the course of a cruave to Alaska following the annual convention in Seattle, aome 350 members of the National Real Estate Board of the United Btatei will visit Prince Rupert aboard CPJl. steamers nect week. Making a special trip with some 309 of the realtors on board, the ateamar Princess Alice will sail from Vancouver on August 13 and will make calls at Ketchikan, Juneau, Skagway. and other Alaskan points before arriving here ou the morning of August 20 at 7 o'clock and sailing south at 11 o'clock that morning. An overflow of some 140 delegates will arrive here on the Prlnoesa Charlotte on the morning of August IS and will be back again on the Saturday tallowing, southbound. Accompanying the party will be Ward Cox. chairman of the transportation committee of the San Franclsoo Real Estate Board; R. Malr of the same committee, and Mr. Harris, representative of the Southern Pacific RaUway. FEVERISH ACTIVITY DEVELOPING TURKEY CONSTANTINOPLE. Aug. 10 Turkey Is making great efforts to modernize Anya heatiiir KiroKT rruaoe Rupert -Ctoodf . calm, temp Haselton Ottor. cakn. temp. M Telegraph On.. Cloudy, calm. . Smitbeea. OWar. teanp. 14. Burns Ls-ka - Oatar. oahn. temp. CO. Iskoot and Nataliu reputt lain. Ten ace - Clear. Cairn, tetnp. M. Ibaaowoud Clear, cataa. tenp. e. Aiytinah Pact cloudy, oalna. temp. S. Alice Arsa fw cl -PaM of Title to the abive lsnd tema). 08. . Wwlimaam. T.T. Otoudj. south wind, leant in twe a. Adveetlae la The Dltf News NOTlCPh IN THE MATTER of an iBftioallnsi for the tsatkf of a Provlsionii Oeetlfieate i Title tor Lot one ill of Lot threa hull drad a-d ality fgdOI. Range rive 6. Coart IHatrtot. Map W Satlafaeton rroo' of the Iras of tbe Oer'l t"-ite of Title covetinf tha a ho e land nalng be n prod -ed o ana, it I i my Intention to txaut. aPer the einlra- tan-ned to Stewart after a business trip 1 tWn nf one month frrm the first pub i iicaii'-n nereor. a rnv.aionai amif'ca tw in the nat'te of A? -ICE CLAPP The rigtaal Ortt' cute of Title Is dated 'he Mh November 1913 aid h numbered I Land Registry Office. Prince Rupert. B ' Julr IV 1B37 it r MvLEon R.-,'i'r..r Trie V eek-end Specials Lean Itreakfast Itacon Briskets Average weijfht. 2 lbs. each, per lb Uf COMBINATION SPECIAL 1 for .51.00 1 bottle Cbow Pickle 1 bottle Tomato CaUup 1 bottle Worcester Sauce 1 jar Orange Marmalade 1 jar Qaen Olivet 1 bottle Beefsteak Sauce. Reg. $1.G0 value for $ 1.00 Jell-Jell, the new Jelly Powder. Introductory special, I pkgg. for 10c CANADA DRY C1NGER ALE Has wonderful medicinal value. Buy it in dozen lots. Reg. $2.75 doz. Special, this week only, doz !." COMBINATION SPECIAL 3 bars Wool (Bath Soap), reg. 25c 8 tine Classic Cleanser, reg. 25c. 2 pkgs. Quick Naptha Soap Chips, reg. 35c. 4 bars White Laundry Soap, reg. 2oc 1 large pkg. Pride Washing Powder, reg. 85c Regular $1.45 value. This week only for $1.00 alnwttt' CANNED MILK SPECIAL the nast thnw hu ahnwn feveruh activity in the development of, 'er t'n its railways, has just signed an agree-i St. Charles, Pacific or Carna- ment with a German firm for the con- tion. Limit 10 tins to each CU8- structkra of two new line.. One will be tomer. Tnig special is withdrawn 20 miles and the other 130 miles long. yriAaY nj,,ht fe double tracks, and work will commence, this month. A Swedish firm Is about to begin construction pf a railway In Anatolia and a Belgian firm has In hand the construction of two other lines In Asia Minor. Work on these two lines win last for six years and will result in doubling Turkeys railway mileage. i The Turkish government 1 negotiating with American and Dutch firms and with French capitalists for tbe construction of arirtltlnruil riUuiu otu ports, and also for the electrification of Cucumbers I0f and t'tf several cities. It is also lending effective financial support to large Turkish Industrial enterprises, and has Itself invested substantial sums In these concerns. Turkey s merchant marine Is also grew lug rapidly. TOUR PARTY FROM CHICAGO IS HERE Oroup of Effclitv-Thrre 1'erwtns Arrives on rrlme Rupert Enroiite to Hkagnay Elghty-Uiree persons from Chicago and vicinity, comprising the North-! western-Ala&ko Tour No. A2 of the: Chicago Northwestern Railway, arrived on , the Prince Rupert--this morning' from Vancouver and will make the! round tftp to Skagway, disembarking here next Monday to proceed East "by special train that day. The party Is accompanied ty l M. Branch of the tour department of the Chicago North-wstern-galway. RSfl-exeellenl trip1 isobar Is reported and- ,the members df'- ihe party are looking -forward with considerable enthusiasm to their trip to Skagway and toy rail north of there, TKH'MI'IIANT, KKAI.IST. -at.. The poet and ornithologist Differ In ways absurd. One writes- The bird Is on the wing." The other answers No such thing! The 'Wing Is on the bird." American Boy. 2 in 1 SHOE POLISH Special II for 'JLT( Colors Black, Tan, Brown, Oxblood or White Cake. Limit G tins to each customer. We do not supply stores from our specials. FRUITS AND VEGETABLES Corn on Cob, market price Hubbard Squash, lb 10f Pumpkin, lb 10f Yellow Wax Beans, lb 10r Green Beans, lb lOf Green Peas, 3 lbs 'Sif New Cabbage, lb ,- White Pickling Onions, 2 lbs. ti-'f Rhubarb, lb 5 New Carrots, lb f BASKETS MIXED FRUIT Special 7," Contains Pears, Peaches, Bananas, Plums, Apples and Oranges. Bartlett Pears, basket 75 Gravenstein Apples from California, 2 lbs ;irt. Local Raspberries in large fruij baskets, each $1.00 Watermelon, lb io Canteloupes, each oa Choice Plums, f. vnriofUa ... ' "'"i i"c basket 75 Peaches, per basket cot1 GOc Red Currants, 2 for ... Black Currants, 2 for . . . Rupert Table Supply Co Phones 210-211. Wednesday ls .11" '" 11 I wmwm,. JBHIERS3KK3BawBBKansHS52 WESTHOLME THEATRE WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY. 7 and 9 p.m. "Newark" A tale of HroadwM.v. Thr Bwery. Fifth Avrnu I . ' and trnwich Village KICAKDO CORTEZ, LOIS WII-SON, WILLIAM IUWHi NORMAN TREVOR, RICHARD "SKKLTS" (.All M t ESTELLi; TAYLOR, and other COMHDY-BII.LY DOOLHY in "IIAVB COlR(,t AKSOPS I lkM FABLES Admiwdon Over Ormea 35c and '!)c BETfER DENTISTRY Al wavs PLATES that elven )mu,h natural tippta: Hn -t and Ir net Ix-nu! lu tb rontuur nf the face. A ' VI. llirVUUllVL, R?c: Open Ran ad ian National Q7ie Largcfl 'Railway Sylcm in America STEAMSHIP AND TRAIN SERVICE KAII.IM.N Iroin MUM I; 1(1 - (T for VAM OI VI.K. VKKIItlt f-r-raih MIIMIW and Till KMhAV. 4.IMI p.m.. HATI ' :) for ANVOX and NTMYAItT MOMIW IHIUAV for Al. ASK Ml.llNKMlW fW MAHKKTT IMKT MIIMlAV fur SKIIiKOAli: IM.ET and (M)l'TII (IIAKI.OTIt: IM A Ir nlihtlj. rAHKKN'flCK TRAIN U.AIK nilSI'E HriT.IIT UA1I.V EXCKPT Kl'MiAV at II Jo a.m. fur fKIMX lilOKl.i: :HM TON. HIVMPLO, nil tmlnls llaalern ('SMada, I'nltrd Males. 4M KK I'AKK MllttlK OI'EN MAY II TU SIJTKMIII It '3 KIT. CANADA IN CANADA'S 41 Itll.M: VKAK IS67 VJ" AflKNCV AIJ. OCEAN PTKAMSIIIf LINE", Vr Canadian National Etprena for Mnnej Orders, KorrlD Cke'--jn etr.. aim for jour net shipment, CITV TICKET Ol tlCE, 8Z8 TIIIIIK At K.. rillNCE Kt'l'EHT Mm w Hotpoint Electric Ranges Kaien Hardware Co. Telephone 3 Ladies ! Ladies! Knitted Coats in silk and wool and all wool; various attractive shades; all sizes; special Acme Importers Third Avenue P.O. Box C67