pAOp FOUR FAREWELL TO s BRINGING UP FATHER By George McT ri tAivi win l mAcj THF ot t roR JOVT I SHOULD , THihj,. that's I YOU "WOMT BE ATCASeVti 11 ' ' T .MM' - WHAT'S THE OH-I'M KINDASORR-tI MOOMtY'S. . HAVE POOL CAMfjV'nil hv; COOUNg.Sfi REV. FRIZELL MATTER OwslTT? YOU COT THAT (TRUEJ CHOWDER HAPFLK OK PARTY AW Tb THOUGHT AM IT'LL I5fteK MOO Nj OAKS - DINT Y rex v, VOO LOOK 5AO'. TRAVELING Or ALL, HEART W tN V - , AMBAWADORJOB- A SHAME TJA' LEAD THIb DOM T SHOW OAJ H Ml VI "t THE GANG 10 CONNAJ WOnV OE HERETO oXuG KT Err W i.liS r- The following lines of farewell were THE CRAND MARCH AT IPs) JUnJC- AM NisHAI ; r -tV presented to Rev. J. It. Frirell, the THIMK OF THE WILL O'tWlEfU DO r new minister of the First Presbyterian Cooo TiMCb WITHOUT YOU. ; Church In Prince Rupert, at a luncheon rCOKNED rCOHNED BEEP BEEP AN AN I In the PlcadUly Cafe, Vancouver, In his Mfoo honor on the occasion of his departure, from the pulpit of the Vancouver Heights Presbyterian Church in that city to come north: ' The time hae come, most reverend sir, When you and me maun palrt. And so we meet aroun' this board To tell what's la oor'herL You're fcauh awa to Rupert's land Awa ower hill and sea 1 Awa frae frlen's that lo'e ye weel. And aye your frlen's will be. Of cborse youll galther lther frlen's Nae doot balth guld and true. But ah, you'll miss the weel lo'ed "cloth" O' Presbyterian blue.: The Malster's voice ye .maun obey For yc hae heard Ills ca' You're young and youthful, stralcht and strong, Sae ye maun haste awa. With courage brave pit oot your hand. Grip hard "your trusty plough. And let your furrows aye be straight. With hert and soul alow. Preach aye the guld auld fashioned word. In Presbyterian style. Steer clear o' misty, modern ways, For they will J 1st beguile. The auld, auld story's guld enough; Tell It with cheerful voice, Ilaud up the Cross to ane and a' That men's herts may rejoice. A bit o' Browning now and then. Or Shakespear's noble lyre. Will be like breezes In a calm, ' And help to fan the fire. But human wisdom canna reach The temple o' the soul; Mak' room for God, for only He Can mak the sinner whole. Well think o' ye when ye are gane And, at the throne o' grace Entreat the Falther o" us a' To turn to you His face. And If ye In your dally prayer Will wrap "us roun' aboot. Well a' be ane afore the . throne , As we gang in and oot. Sae fare ye weel oor trusty frlen' God's bless In' on ye 'fa' And tak this word b' guld advice Afore ye gang awa- Z Ne'er think o' takln' ony step Along the path o' llf,e Until Its sanctioned by your God, Your conscience, and your wife. DJL AUTOMOBILES SMASH ON THIRD AVENUE ('oiitlilrralile Damage When V.. Large and 4. Vilon Collided Saturday Night An Oldsmoblle sedan, drtren by Ernie Large, and a Ford sedan, driven by J. Wilson, collided on Third Avenue Saturday night In front of Barries furniture store, both can sustaining considerable damage. Large was pro ceeding east and Wilson coming west and, at the point where they met. there were cars parked on each side of the street. Wilson suffered minor Injuries from the collision, while Largs as unhurt, apart from a bad shaking up! Wrecking crews were, soon on hand and the cars taken to the garages. From casual observation It appeared that the larger car suffered the greater amount of damage, having the front end budly smashed up, Including both wheels, spring, fenders and radiator. The . Ford also suffered heavy damage to the front end although It did not seem to be as extensive as that suffered by the other vehicle. PRESENTATION AND FAREWELL FOR REY. AND MRS. FRIZELL Their Coinrrcalliui In Vunrniitrr (lave Tlirm an Kilt Initiator Srml-off an Tliey lfl Tor I'rliKT Ktipert On the eve of the departure from the southern city of Rev. and Mrs. J, R, Frtatell for Prince ,Rupcrt, their congre gatlon and friends in Vancouver met at the boat and presented them with a beautiful gold and silver flower basket and several other tokens of appreciation of their work and friendship. As the boat left the. pier, the voices of the crowd rang out In the old familiar song: "For They Are Jolly Good Fellows," OM,V AX ASKI'MPTION The Nechako Herald, published at Vanderhoof, has the following to say In explanation of a story it published re cently as to an early provincial elec tion: "Concerning the press dispatch of Saturday last, which we and other newspapers published, concerning an early provincial election. It appears evident that It was an assumption bacd upon two Important announcements made In the provincial legislature last week end by the ministers of Finance and Lands." 1 1 Shanghai Troops Guard Rich Prize from Southern Armies; Is Important Trade Centre SHANGHAI, March 7. Cantonese troops seeking to capture Shanghai menace a city built by British enterprise into one of the world's greatest trading centres. The city, rich headquarters of foreign interests in China, is well worth defence by the British regulars and troops of other nations now centred here, defenders who are concerned solely with the security of the city. Besides the threat of a Cantonese attack bringing the armies of the south into close contact, there is the menace of looting which might result if northern soldiers fled through the city after suffering a defeat at the bands of the Cantonese. narrow northern, broad western and Shanghai does nearly half the foreign fairly large southern llmlti of Shanghai trade of China, yields China nearly half Its customs revenue, and Is the chief c eat re from wbtoh the economic lnflu- that Is close to the Whampoo. turns ences which are shaping modern China radiate. It Is China's chief port, one of the eight largest ports In the world. On approaching Shanghai from the sea the traveller first observes a wide stretch cf yellow water and a green, flat coastline. Soon the water narrows and many Junks, (lumsy yet graceful, are to be seen. At Tungkow Creek the harbor f limits In the Whangpoo River are reached. To the right a huge Industrial area factory, engineering works, power stations, shipbuilding yards, timber yards, cold storage plants, water works, and crowded wharves, and to the left oil tanks, more wharves, docks, and every variety of shipping. IMCTI KEMJI E CITY On landing ,the traveller views a line of buildings which, collectively, form at once the meat imposing and the most European water front east of Suez. Lea ving the baggage examination shed he turns Into the Nanking road, an epitome of modern China and Its problems. Here side by side are East and West, old and new; traditions with centuries behind them. Immaturities grotesque. There Is an amazing variety of traffic, from the most ancient and creeklng of wheelbarrows to the most up-to-date of motorcars, while shops range from stuffy examples of domestic Industry to enor mous department stores brilliantly light ed at night by electric advertisements. Personally, the traveller finds himself passing an essentially Anglo-Saxon tabe-courae and recreation ground, and entering a super-suburbia, where there are big villas and Jolly gardens, riding roads, country and golf clubs. Beyond lies open country, flat as a pancake, and. at this time of year, very brown and bare. There are three sections of Shanghai. The largest ,1s the International Settle ment, fronting on the Whangroo River to the east. South of this, but back from the river, is the French Settlement, and east of the French Settlement, or between It and the Whangpo .ie Old Cliltitse'wy. Open nuntry txm ids the aiiaBSBaFaassssssssssssssssssB The Woosung-Shanghal-Hangchow rail' way line which above and Below Shan- out to the Northern Station to enclose Shanghai between It and the river. A loop of this railway turns backward between the southern part of the city and the river, reaching the Shanghai south station, and along its route and at Its Junction with the main line are arsenals. The Soochow and Slccawel Creeks run estward from the Whangpoo River, dividing the city Into three portions, the northern creek, or Soochow. cutting spreads out. mill upon mill, factory upon ; through the International Settlement. K)i:i:k;s rnrrLVTiox The boundary of the International Settlement encloses an area of 8 2-3 square miles. The French Settlement Is cf four square miles In extent. Both have overflowed their boundaries, prin cipally of coune to the west. A considerable number of foreigners live ouUlde tbem, and roads policed by the settle ment run out beyond Slccawel and Jets- Held. The total foreign and Chinese population of the International and French-Chinese district. Is 1,136,300. Including residents outside the Set tlement, the British population Is in thi telghborhood of 7.000. The personnel of the municipal administration la largely. If not mainly. British, and British trade and enterprise have been, and still are, the backbone of the place, which was tn origin about as unpromising a piece of land as Britons overseas have ever been given to develop. In tbt Set tlement today there are over 13.000 Jap-tnescabout 2.000 Americans, 300 French lore on 3.000 Russians, and some 8.200 subjects of other foreign nations, the Chinese totalling about 810.200 of whom the majority are natives of Klangsu and Cheklang provtnees. some 51,000 being Cantonese. All these, have, of course, 'contributed very largely to the welfare and prosperity of Shanghai, the. foundations of which, however, have been British administrative and commercial capacity. The preponderating foreign In terests in the Settlement are British, the amount of British capital Invested In U ad. buildings, plants, and manufac- i red ntojtks, murr :lpai debentures and mi: 'tgcre; on otjC Chinese property'y being no NOTE: If you take YEAST for your HtiALTH, use Koyal Yeast Cakes. Write for free booklet. "KOYAL YEAST FOR BETTER HEALTH". E. W. GILLETT CO. LTD. TORONTO. CAN. Flfl 2c 'I'M. n raw 5M i I t ssSasVr7n 1 1 0 f f4 XJI II' SSSBSSS. ... I I 1 I LS " SSBBI Her Little Boy Caught Cold -While Out Playing lira. F. Cade, Elm wood, XIiiu, writes; "Uj little bo.v caught eolU nails cut plavitg in the mow. lie eougtej iacesMUilTjr all that night and the arxt dar. and nothing- I gave him seemed to relieve hUu. when my hu-bead cam home he trvught a buttle of Dr. Wood's Norway Pino Syrup A party, Including F. H. Burden Harry Oravltt and T II. Nicholson, Is going north fiom here aa far as Takla Lake with alx dog teams for the purpose of obtaining water levels for the syndicate which propose the establish' ment of a pulp mill tn this dlstrM. Nine Inches of snow fell In this dis trict during the month of February. Raymond Hsslam has. returned from a rip to Vancouver. While there, be pur based a residence In West Vancouver, J. K. 8twm has returned to his fsrm In the Pralredate district after an. ab sence of three months during whleh lime, he visited on, the praliles and at the coast.. BURNSLAKE " Olaf Hultkrsnz South Bulkley mer Chant, was a visitor here last week. James Bland has been transferred beck to the Burns Lake railway section J. A. Morgsn, Palling rancher, died recently In the Prince Oeorge Hospital He Is succeeded by a widow. Interment look place here jesterdsy. Mr, and Mrs. S. C. Parkinson, who left here Just a year ago with a view to locating In the Chllltwack district, have returned to their farm at Francois Lake They found conditions In this district more favorable. II. C Fraser, Inspector of schools, was here last week from Prince Rupert In the course of his duties. ' Mrs. Blanch his been taken seriously 111 with hemorrhage of the lungs fol lowing art attack of , Jafltienra. 7TJ7 The success of Frank Dxkrlll of Telkwa In dairying was related at the end of the week by the Omlncca Herald In Its series of articles dealing with niccessful farmers In Central British CCumbla, Mrs. F. A. Ooddard has bren elected representative from New Hazclton the Women's Auxiliary to the Hazelton Hospital, succeeding Mrs.C. II. Bawle I wlio has resigned , at U-r several . years service. FOK SA1.K with him. After the second d y GRAKDVIEW HOTEL FOR BALE. buy was tUv relieved and after the third dbse h wtat to iVvp and slept the whole night through without any soughing. I ant never without it in the house, and whenever aur of the ehildrsa get the slightest cold it's the first thing I five them." Price lie a buttle, large sue 60. put bp enly by The T. Mil burn Oo- liiuiUd, Tareato, Out is than 63.250.000. Concession and Settlement have seper- ate Municipalities. The Treaty of Nan- Ung. 1842, gives Britishers the right to ve and trade at Shanghai. Into the area set aside for them, about 180 acres as It was then, other foreigners tre from the first admitted. Judicial poer over Chinese la vested tn a special jurt Just Inaugurated. In addlUon Chine ratepayers have Just berti given .presentation on the Settlement Ooun- 11. YANDERHOOF District -C of the Farmers' Institutes Of British Columbia, at 1U annual meet ng In Prince George last week, elected officers as follows; representative to ad Uory board. Or. R. C. Bamford, Smith- era; president, Jolfn Henderson; vice president, John II. McMillan; secretary- reaiurtr, Fred J. Shearer, executive -ommlttee, W. Blackburn, W. Kerr. WU lam Lockyer and Robert Rebl. The text convention will be held In Vander-' of. V antedd For Sale. For Rent DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED ALc "3T " i: i rM aj : 1 r ., FOUND fit vruiu iii ouToiucynu nuviciciH ihucii i or lesM Inn FOR SALE TWENTY HORSEPOWER Kermaih marine engine In first daas running order. Price reasonable. Terms cash. Apply to Dr. Large, Port Simpson. 60 RESTAURANT FIXTURES FOR SALE cheap. Must be sold this week. FX). 37. Make an offer I 67 FOUND. TAKE NOTICE THAT I. L. K. Dutton. Intend to hold one mare ajad colt strayed to the farm, tor feed cost. L. K. Dutton. Kltwanga. DC. LOST LOST AUTOMOBILE TIRE CHAIN HS- tween UeOrtde Street and Cold Storage. Finder please return to 07 Taxi. Reward. Mrs. Dert Heal has been 4niUd to the Emtthcrs' Hospital, htvtaf bean accompanied there last week kqr bar husband. Twin daughters have beet) bora to lir nd Mrs. John Love of Klsptos. SPORT CHAT Sporting events bitted for the 3 Last week completed the schedule or games tn the men's wbM tasfu and this week win finish the billiard league schedule with the Terminals having jood lead and only on mora series to play. are as follows: Monday Crlbbage: Odd Btaraaa rs. Sons of Canada: Moose v C M Mecbanlca: St. Andrewr vs. P. R. Hotel; C. N. Operatlnf v. Orange Lodge; Dry Dock vs. OanaaiaiH Legion: Knights of Columbus rs. Orotto. Tuesdsy Basketball: Junior League. Tuil vs. Stars; Exhibition gaate. Maple Leafs vs. Ootts; league. Orotto vs. Bankers; Senior league. Terminal vs. Elks. Billiards: Moose vs. Oyroa. Friday -Basketball: Junior league. Ooiu vs. Tux Is; Intermediate league. Elel t vator vs. Terminals; Ladlas league, - Adsnacs vs. Maple Iafs; SeaJar league. Elks v. Native Bona of Oaaada -Bhllsrds: at. Andrew vs. Grand Terminals. D?. Otto PelUer, German running star, tifijllsbfd ' wlot its dllroed as a new indoor world's record for ljOOO metre (.overlng the distance In 3 minutes 31 7-10 seconds and defeating SchJeniunn of Breaiau by eleven metres. The fourth game In the arotto-St. Andrew's billiard tournament was played on Saturday resulting in another vic tory for the Grotto. George Howe defeated S. D. Macdonald by 200 to 189 The Orotto have won the four games played ao far. The fifth Dr. Wet (Orotto) vs. W. E. WllltawoU (St. An drew's) Is yet to be played The total for the four games gives the Orotto FOR RENT, central. Avenue East. tX)H RENT and Siiifcr ' 1 OK KENT TOR KENT 8TKAM IIKATTO APART -menta. Api y Smith eV M Ulttt. Ltd Telephone 174 i rr!!.isHKT JJO HI) BOARD - THE ir.!N!Ra aaoond Avenua Ph.o in AlKTIONEEK house. Fourth I'lANCiS. PHi iNfXMUPIM -.K-l: -,; Ma.'! , Wlke" rURMSIlt n APAIi I FOR kUtIT by day. mrrt or in ii.ih l'li,a Red 07. U FTJRNISHKD BUTTKS rOfl Apply Muwi.l.m flrnry FOR RXMT MOltKRN HOMIW. f1V rooms aud ua.ii W .i.rn Ursa, tl ROOMb to rv.r.r NK 67. T u t6mct of BAi r. on march at a pm U:.. i't ) rf hMms, raattst oonun'io'.iy ..n. t ,2 inoaXMy These hou'cn err ("tinted M S4 Eighth Avr-ur w-t me farnlan-liHTS are cAUred m ,nit !oi ttp till March 3. F". i : ,,..! tn tnv lot. lUn.l.'M !!! .1 t . -n-n.'f r.U or pubtish-d "ii M.u ' ) ?.) i.. ', trill be pats)l4. O F R'iit Anrt.,..1,.T PKortf TM. DOI.I AIJ STOKE Vfr tsavr mmHtlimied the MTiMnritV Arh iitv vu till flwl MIIHIM (it i ft DoU.AR (r vale tn tit I h) IMXJ. ta's sTOKr. iiomimon n ttsniMi: k HAjf. iU Tliir.i Av hi-Waswi fslaHi i:i Fiini!'isf f all ni- btniKiit sold or Barli..tged. s iPHOijrrKKiM; FDTINITIHK ftrPAimNG: ITFROL-trli l all kinds Ch'sSarfWdl rwovered snd made to ortlnr. All work kii .ntatMHl. PtMtns) Uttm WS. tl. SI UHT tS WOOD A.' MltOS ; aeni rs. MtM W d mnek per load SCM 'uirtl'n.:. per i U so F.iniH.r Wood, per In-d UIM Set' J'"rlnt. rlwnr Itliirk INI it&sou;uANT.s jmh l:vr vmk Mrs tlniw. Pruprli-treiwi Thlr1 Avrtmi-. Ni-st (I, W. V. A. liWHl II.IIIIP ClMlkllt MfjlU. "hone" Wnrit Tio - TAXI I'hoBf 67 Tnxi v (Call (rorir. I'nul or (Tut) .Slit And Sfvrn Vartw niter Btuile- 800 to Oil lor the St. Aiidraw's Hi tawn.jiia, nt y,. .rr :1 any tlmo. ontTuiu u c uiuLiu as in ana iiwim uamaa It would place them In the lead over the Termlnala by a good margin. They tell us the average life of a planet like the earth Is one ifUsdrllllon (1.000 .000.000.000,000) years. And we wonder what Its bonded debt will be when the finish comes. ndi0esion rJawaj KOHS HKOS. I'OUI. KOO.M Mwhfrr Hlork. (Acrons from Kmpnn Hotel) PRINPR IHTIVli'PTinr tMtV. M.tltCII n Hl(h 3:18 , m. 3.l ft ia:a it hi. ai.a tm 0:33 u in. 19 ai:S p in. ' 2J9 " MO'vfiW. MA mil 7 Hlnli . 3JIB i n 31.8 ft. i 10 H i.i 1P.9 " i'--'W 10:08 V m. ,94 " 1 Tl KinV. MAlit II s H'Kh . ... 4:TOB,m, ' 21X) ft. n II pm. Iti " '" 1 1 oi n.m, 4.1 " ' 21 on p m. 6 5 " 1 m xinv. MUtnt n .'. !t ii in 10 0 ft. .'(! ;, ii V il " J"W . nil j, , ft 'J " MAIL I hi I i.r E. v ri. . lit lllll-Mt.l Frm.ivt . Ss('iriy CPU Plr-' -l.o i tn tn ... 'i . wlrr Suiuiurs Wed i d'. In Ft. Mmwmi .fit Suruiap in Alaha rs. r Marri- 7. r un H I. ir Mr-ft'. 13 l , . iV turn I he lit Ttiewlay. at rom, BHinde. Wedrstari Friday CI'K.. Mm lians Any. ' rretnirr Tue..'a( Fr a..y . Tue'iS)r lfa iat.a i Man I. 1 1 f rom Ijilern I Mai' Or .bun, ll Ar Clh A. " ati. Avf ii-n v urn ath eih At ' a'.h l Vh lnv Pin; r, OTP fi r r .nrt r ir-l A 3rd V 8u days pi trniV it A llirf ' 1 ! A f A ' 1 ' .niy STE4MSfiu 'if t it ,r." i Tlr I iv fun.. 8 ii .: W. IT-. I 8 M.uei M..'' ' 7 21 for l'"f Mi":' .''.mi : y " I nun Prt T' H" 'ia' " fnr Mraarl. Suiiia- V.' . l eads' I r.;tt Mewi" TiMlay ' Fri.iuy ' lor lren in 1,1 Mnrrh l ' ' Marrh 2'' fiom tjneen Mni'h 10 Mar'h 24 l r Als.l--. Marrh 7 Mairh 1H Man n :t from Alskn Mnrrh II Mrri ' ti. ti' 1 1. CNR- IS"! For K.i 't M 'i i iiiinrdsy.t . . From km Twr mii sy Ai'vertf'"' i" 1