25, 1927 'he secret m b I 1 II 3.S0. DQll It .dr Munelubv oil and grease). d Av enue clever Cooks Is the wonderful flavour of the foods they prepare. Many thousands of the best cooks daily find that adding a little Bovril to any meat dish, does not merely colour it, but gives it that delicious flavour that "tickles the palate" and proves that VMM, A Puts BEEF in it Sw tlx name on tbt bottle and rtjust substitutes. p c I R r n P I K 78 C vancoowar. - yars. Mr. aad Mm. P. D. Rice tailed ! r thi, aaornlnf by UM Prmea Rupart for tr.?rr Vancwavat att a vsoatwra Thaw win nkrly reanaia far on a o( Um wtn- HOW FA ar will go in a Modern : Ford Service Station vei. c lean carbon, clean spark plugs, install new Mall cofmrmUtr case and bruh, clean faa line : bulb. $3.50. i Tarts extr). iront end. tijfht" Kteeriinf, line front wbmIb, i ns rods and sicerinK rod, oil and freate all around - diTs and cljust bands. (Parts extra). :c Muick change bands, replace emergency brake pawl, luke shoes, tcr'as' differential. $3.00. (Parts extra). j!1 quick change transmiMion bands, 13.90. (Parts tie tjuick chJitiKe bands, $2J&. (Parts included). T.i ?;e niiiior. ove rhaul iynition, repair lights, replace wir-'; i air horn, oil and clean generator commutator, advance ard if necessary, oil fan, $2.00. (Parts extra). Wa. h and polish car, tighten all around, oil and grease, Change oil and change grease in differential, $80. (IB- DON'T SPOIL YOUR CLOTHES AND TEMPER GETTING UNDER YOUR CAR, but i.cfp your FORD amongst friends; that's the FORD DEALER 5. E. Parker, Limited FORD SALES AND SERVICE, ird Avenue East - I'hone 83 BADMINTON Supplies Kaien Hardware Co. Telephone 3 WILL YOU be a Member? of our "HOME LOVERS CLUR" THIS CHRISTMAS Jo n now while our selection of House Furnishings is at &u be:s;. Barrie's Home Furnishings Phone 123 Local and Perianal I r. l HO UMtfU . Pbe&e 11. DwtM Dr J. R. Omm. Phons 668. (MKBi( babul When thinking a s ptiocr U I and help envelop CtnuB C. ' Its better coal, U W A. Tarhot. sasVstsnt district en-r.ueer lor to provincial depattneent of public works, reached the cut from Stewart on the Prince Ruper this s&oraiag. Oeorge A. Praeer, tkewart druggist, reached the cltjr an the Prlnoe Rupert uus aasrnlag (rcaa tfet north to mw Um Mae Rupert QMMral Hospital tor W. CamaMl. aaanaa-er ot ttw general store at Oeaan rails, who waa eel" to the city aa a Juror at the As slaea, returned to the paper town oi Um Prince Rupert this morning. T. a Ragao. Japs neat court interpr r of Vancouver, was ajaang those re turmtag south -on the Prince Rupert thai morning loUowtnc Um ordering of a e&aag of mi in- the Sankey mur Oar ease. Mrs. A. -ti-r r toother of Mrs O W 'Kerr, fsorctaa fftnet. returned to the I city oo yreatsda I afternoon's train al;n naving paa jaar asaa ittaa rial ting wltl daughters ta wtaaapag and Brandon Manitoba. I A. M. Johnson. KjC crown proaecu- tor lor Um Ban rev saurdsr case which has beaa wavsrsaa to UM Bew West- : minster aaataaa. sailed ay tbt Princi I Hurrt Uue amiilag on h return tn Iter in tbt south. Ivor migwrr saaitaa Agent avr Bella Cools, who has ataa hare la eonoecuon with the haartag of the Whitewash wout JhBf eaae at the Supreme Court Aaeles. will aail tomorrow morning by the Princess Beat; lot on his return to Bella Coola via Ocean Falls. C oast wise Steaaahlp At Barge Oo i steamer Anyox. Capt. Brewster, arrlred it) pan at , IS: IS poan rastarcUj froni Aapea and"Btwatt and. after loading S40.of tgMdtyh M tar barrels which trtn .he dgired t Mgrpole. ear Van eoutar. aallMv at avpss. tor' the south Tbe veaael bad a fori cargo fit ate war eeasaataBtaa ata ore for delivery to Taooma amalter. All being wltnissn tn the Srneet Love vs. Inurnattonsl Bectrlc Co daoaagc suit at tbe Supreme Court As ice now In session here, B. W. M. Batatoa. editor and broker; B. D. Boch-fort. broker; John sleuengbello. car penter; J. P. Bawklnaon. restaurant keeper: R. W. Kennedy, barrister, and Fred Risch. contractor, reached the dt front Stewart on the Prince KUBert tnie aoomlng X R. Workman, one of the principal of the defendant company, also arrived. ANNOUNCEMENTS First United Church Baaaar December 1 "Adam At Bra." Westbaiaat Theatre Oeoamber 6 and 7. Ma" Cares IOBI KovettS' DeeoaShsr Play by United Church " LadMa Deoember IS. Special Value f Xlatav SSy Sandwich Plate $6.50 This new article is good quality silver plate and the handle screws off so it can .1... I -.Ml ,ll I glass dish in the centre for olives or crackers and chef e. or a plain cake or sandwich plateu Send lor oar iww catalogue. V- ... I Y"s a TV r I'H - I . r-N Jewellers THE STORE WITH THI CLOCK THE DAILY NEWS FJLGE THREE DON'T leave it to a friend to remind yon ol that bad cold! Don't go about apresding Infection amort your buaiaeit friends and maybe In your own family circle. To banish colds and chill i in the direct and most ellec-tlve way, you must take PEPS. Aa they dissolve in the mouth Pepa rive off powerful beating and germi-cidal iumet. Tbeae you krtatkt into fnatant direct contact with tbe inner-moat recetiet of tbe chest and lungs. Pepa soothe, strengthen sod Invigorate tbe entire breathing system. They clear the throat and air-passagea ol mischievous germs, remove renett and inflammation, and end the danger to chest and lungs. Make r.omistske! You must have Pepa, the breatheable medicine in tablet form. JVmr ol.it'ki of mil drutt t" mi ' in Xs. tow. tMteiiiKU J nltr-iuctrf t UkUU. Km4 PUPS Itmptd mi rn UM. Por quick and aatlalactjry work bring Xmu hcmatitchlng to Dollar Store, tf Ool . W N'.ehoUa aallcd this mom- lag on the Prince Rupert for a trip to Victoria. Basketball tonight. Exblhition Build -games. lag at 7 15 Three Admisbion ic and 10c. Sec bow Adam and Eva run a chicken ranch at the Westholme Theatre December 6 and 7. Northbound from Vancouver to Skag way. CPJt. steamer Prlneaas Mary Is due In port about noon tomorrow. Bk's dance Saturday night In their new home la the HetgerMn Block. Admission Mc. Dandag from 9 to 12 3nappy music. Cspt. Cunal. ordtaaace Inspector for Military Dtotnet No. 11. returned on the Prince Rupert thi mwning after ah'tnspecdob visit trrf. Mrs. Joseph Prout and daughter. Mrs McMann. of Preaileir were passengers on the Prince Rupert this morning bound for Vancouver en a holiday trip. J. Bdward Bird, who acted as counsel In cis see at the session ol the Supreme Court Aaalaes here, sailed this morning on the Prince Rupert returning to Vancouver. Hyde Transfer now agents for Al- Alberta Bootless and Pembina Peerless Tbeae coals are under cover, don't buj water, buy coal. tl3 a ton can you beat Itf tl Dry Goods aad Novelty Shop Satur day Specials. Cretonne,! tn 15 different pattern, t yards for Mi Also stamped pillow slips rag. (1.79 lot tl.25 per pair. Phone 776. C. P. Davlea. chief esglneer of the steamer Prince Charlea. which la tied up in dry dock for tbe wtatee, sailed for Vancouver on the Prince Rupert this morning. Notice to all members of Canadian Merchants Service Ouild. Meeting Sat urday. November 29 at 730 at the office of B.C. Towage, and Llghterafe Oo. Im portant buatnesa. 277 Mra. Hal Peck returned to the city on the Prtnce Rupert this morning from Premier where she visited with her daughter. Mrs. Thomas Powers, former' ly Mtee Kleanor Peck Provincial Constable J. A. Williams asd other witnesses In the Whitewash attempted murder case, returned on the Prince Rupert this uiornfag to Bella Coola via Ocean Palls. A $& gold place will be giTen to some lucky at tender at tbe Loyal Orange Whist Drive aad Dance which will be held at the Metropole HaB, December 8. Cards start at 8.30 prompt. Tkkets 75c. Corp. Fred Markland of the provincial police returned on the Prince Rupert thi morning to Vancouver. He Is one of the witnesses In the Sankey murder case which has now been tra versed to New Westminster. Oe sure and bring your coupon to Rupert Pharmacy ,-a Saturday i afternoon and evening -whieti entitles bearer to genufee-ladestniet-"Attte fotarcain pen9 llrg.'sUse to9c. 'Vmaller e9c. all color's.'' Extraordinary value. The petition of Mrs. Marjorle Tupper for divoroe from Charlea H. Tupper. whom she marred at Terrace In 1921. v:is adjourned by Mr. Justice W. A. .M.i r(' nald in Supreme Court this muiuiog to December 22 In Vancouver 'i! order to give the respondent an opportunity to appeur falling which a :'(: will be c,r!i:eii t.. W. Patmore j ; . .a ucl;.u. - tht pt".i.juu: . PLATE WORK D Cut E At N T I S The office T R Y Dr raTsTTsT"s11HgwlJfgT"w?aMy,Ma33srfr'TWTra THESE ODDS AND : Abnormally Low But Remember SHOWER TEA IN AID BAZAAR IS HELD A shower tea In aid of the forthcoming bazaar was held yesterday afternoon In the church parlors by the Ladies Aid to First United Church. Many ladies' were In attendance and an abundance of donations was received. There was a brief program which Included vocal solos by Mrs. Forest, ac-oeerrpa riled by Mrs. A. Wilson, and eelee-Ubm by the Sunday School orchestra consisting of Misses Berntoe Rosa. Ruth: Wilkinson, Kathleen Bulger. Swaana Olafson, Connie Morgan and Victoria Krlkersky. Mrs. George WUklnson. assisted by Mrs. Walter Thompson, supervised the ervlnj of refreshments. I.M LItOAT C'RKW MAKE ASTORIA, Oregon. Nov. 25. The Wallapa lifeboat crew missing yesterday, is safe at Tokeland. Washington. Pilot Ernest Shepperd of the Union rtc-ejner Catala has returned to Vancouver after a brief visit at the Ilratyif tbe week to the wreck on Mist Island rar Port Simpson. for i . T'MMn m Rate Dentistry last Prince Rupert can have the same PRICES THAT PREVAIL IN SEATTLE Offices Investigate my Prices before is opcrt from D a.m. to 9 The Dentist Over Ormes' Drug Store PHONE 525 for appointment There are some lines just about will go on SATURDAY at th they are offered at to select your choicest Christmas Gifts. There is always one gift to which more thought and attention is given, always one person whom we particularly wish to delight and please. What is more delightful and pleasing then the fragrance of Flowers captured and blended .into the most enchanting odors by the skill and magic of the world's master parfumers? We have the following perfumes in Original Bottles and Containers of the most charming designs: By Houbigant: Premier Mai Mon Boudoir Quelques FJeurs By Morny: June Roses Essence Mysterieuse By Bourjois: Ashes of Roses . Mandarine By Coty: L'Origan Emeraude de Paris PAY WHAT I ASK AND BANK THE BALANCE Qrmes Ltd. Ditc Pioneer DrtiooCsls . THIRD AVE. V SIXTH ST. going South p.m. to serve you 1 sold out ENDS Prices : Cash Only 00 Early By Guerlain: Apres 1 Ondee Rue de la Paix Guerlinade By Piver: Fetiche , - Aiurea Safranor Pompeia Floramye JJy Langlois: 5? 4,T By Caron: Narcissus TELEPHONES 8?t200