,v.-mtwr 2. 1H2V Brnm1ek Pint trope "GERONA" tlli.QQ ormMwkk Panatrope The Entire Mutical Scale ChaUen ges Comparison Everyone - - - without exception who has heard a BRUNSWICK PANATROPE played side by side with other makes of record-reproducing instruments - - -admits that its tone qualities are far superior, more life-like and that, beyond question - - the PANATROPE is the best home instrument - - - It challenges comparison. Models Priced from $115. at Your, Brunswick Dealer's The Brunswick-Balkc-Collender Company t4 Canada, Limited y TORONTO. MONTREAL, WINNIPEG, CALGARY, VANCOUVER THE MUSIC OF THE PANATROPE IS THE STANDARD WHICH IMITATING MANUFACTURERS ARE STRIVING TO ATTAIN. PANATROrES - ELECTRICAL RECORDS MacLAREN'S MUSIC HOUSE l'honc 7 EXCLUSIVE HIIUNSWICK DEALERS Easy Monthly Payments Third Avenue Try this Easier Cheaper Way of Doing Washing want to, and you will find that Check it any way you less. Laundry washed clothes are laundry washing costs leaner. If you won't bake your prubread. then why spend ' seventh of your lifetime in, the wet-of Jjome, washing? There 'Investigate. You will an easier, more economical way. 1 md the laundry does it best. Call us today. Canadian Laundry Phone 8 and Dry Cleaners Rox 392 Advertise in "The Daily News' M5LLA COO! INDIAN SEN-THNCIin TO 2 -MONTHS IN PrJNlTHNTlARY IIIOUTIMi CONSTAHLK WILLIAMS aid 4' Two Mail sties 1 - - - - vriamov wnson Mb - - tbe arvtx recently r did mi n out IB IN THE page tour i then MM lUMlf. Hi 0 chase the then ml (ar the Issue of a VrevlaUMial put I (I In wanted CK,wllVTKX An stteenpt a uien made by Mr. anoalss o in iisiasus Wtlue but wtlhout aatfeji Mori m it proved el-MBt Imsstaeibss to Utt the prlaonaT mund the questions. Hoir prisoner i lllt 1 that he end Moody had been tMjWur talking tor half an . all friends together, during swp- time. He lived at Use cannery In surname time having moved there In the sartng but left seaae of aim blm in the feoUM When lashed about the plum traaa from which he planned to "keep tbe bean," he amid at first there were aU but when oar-and admitted there waa but one la Mi tardea but tbe other were never: bone red yards away. He had not slept downstairs beeauw be preferred being upstairs and dencd Mr Oonsales' aug-aeatlan that there were no blank eU up- Latalat. He had never had any trouble with WlUlasns. In fac. WlUUuna had el-wiyi bran a 'friend of hla. Prisoner further denied being seen by ha V toady lying oa tbe growod wtth the rifle and having tbe shells takan from him. Asked what be meant -when be hai ejitd out In his own language that if those fellows thought ha was crazy be would show thorn, he as Id he d'd not Asked tal what be waa saying. TJe was and eactted and began to cry. it him was that he had taken a drink or two but that wss not common -.3 Indians only. On tbe night of August ( tbe only parson with whom he wa not in agreement was (bun Moody peter waa innocent of trouble and Matdy to have netted trouble. He re- LANI) ACT MITK'i: Of INTENTION TO .tl'I'IA TO la the Queen Charlotte Island. Qrs-jaan Islsnd Land lUootauag tMttrtct of Prinoe Rueert. and aituate on the west side ef nenMtil Harbor at the Head or Bennell Souavd, Queen Charlotte Islands, rfarbwi ofSttlah Oolumbia TAKE KOrnOB that Brttiafa Columbia rt alilng Jc Panpung Comaaay Limited of VancouVer. U fi, oaeupatlon salmon Can- ners, iBtenn to spwy saw a u the feUowtMg described lands Oonurtencuig at a post phuited on the east shore of a creek ceiled Twin River; thene 4 chain west; thence twenty-one eharns north; tbe nee 4 chain east: tbeare tollewtng contour of rhore line to place of oomsnenoenent, and eon- Inlng 8J4 aeres. more or we. B C-t KlWllNQ it PACKIKO CO. LTD. Appuosni. M M. English. Aient. Dated Oelototr . 1927. NOTICE MATTER of an application 1 Certificate ar Title for the last half of Lot 2037 Casslar District, said to contain 320 raa. mate or less Hatatfseterv rjroof ef the loss of the lu ptration of one month from tne tint publication nereoi. a rniTwwu.i 1 1 cat of Title to the above land, in the :iame of MADELINE MINTON. Tbe original Certificate of Title Is dated the JMfe EefVtetnber. 1912. a ad 1 numbered Land Registry Office, Prince Rupert, B C 17th October. 1927. H. V. MacLEOD. Realntrnr of Titles. The famous Robin flood Fioisr IS NOW 0IJTA1NAIILE IN PRINCE RUPERT at the following-Stores: Mussallem Grocery Rupert Table Supply R.C. Butchers & (irocers Munro Bros. Cash & Carry Grocery Sunrise Grocery S. M. Johnson M Alberta'Market Jfr E. Hannan W' 11. K. Yamanaka Wong Lee Co. Kwcng Run Chong Co. King Tal Co. Agent ior Prince Rupert and District PRINCE RUPERT FEED CO. Phone 58 INSIST on ROBIN HOOD FLOUR ANt) ROLLED OATS Till! DATLT NTrTS paoe nvn HER LITTLE GIRL CAUGHT COLD PLAYING IH THE SHOW Mr. A. Coailev. 2i Yal. St., Hali f, NJi, write: -"My little girl eajget terrible through gettiag wt wane ifu 1:1 tn- .now. Uvrrv 1 tkiac Witness m reply to further questions gi sr.,.av g t .iW the flashlight want 40 woat the police- pollee- 'I tkea went arted tbe aietk for Jut did uot Men to tang feed be auuld g, me abvM Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup rug star Bad w ef some ue. IU tol.l nVan.aS'' so I detWed to try it. "After the bottle wan nearly used I net teed that tin' o.uy.ii was gone, and by tse time to seinnl buttle was Used the eosd had geae. Now t will never be without it ia te house." Pries SOe. a UKtle, large family ue flOc; ptt BP oe'.y by The T. MUbwra Ok, Limited, TVrosto, 0t ported to thv parmn over the phone more than 'je knew. It was pasted around thai Peter was going to shoot tbe Indian oanatable ! 1 Tbe boy bad gene to his homo, cast taery to the rule of tbe iianntry and slept L'jere. Ilia aleep was disturbed after je had -keen in bed an hour ar two on acoaMBt of nothing but Idle nur.ors. TaV poilee were aUod to arm thMta and otnen In order to capture a asm who did not know what was wrong. It thought he bad a right 5 protect himself when people wore trespassing on his property without authority. If ins police had wsltea until morning the court would not have been kept two .day trying It was when ne wss so Williams was young and Inetperle al asettsd that U aould bit He had no cause for arresting this as tbe fUahnkeAt. wHnass .epUed that e ; without a warrant anted to scare the urn away. lilidt ta fllK.Jl'ltV In hla -iarrrr to the jury Mr. Bird spoke fleet of the prisoner saying that rwtsr WMtoMh had up to this tcae been tw) thing that was rsasonabJa. detent and bright. He bad . lived a Me. The only taint known Mr. Bird eutked1 the Jury to pt, the ra te lvs in tbe poettton of Whitewash. AU lone, be had seen four men craeptn? around. Wlltlnrni wss out to get hi-man but he tgttnd ho could not peaae able take bun. Prisoner at that tune was terrified and almost crying. There was nothing In the lsw that sanctioned that sort of thing If they had need de-oency and order , and gone In tbe day time there wouW hav. been no troufek-. It was for the Jury to decide If the boy had a right to shoot under the circum stances. He eavw- the gun and others wtth guns.- parading them. The gun should hate been left st home. The man was entitled, he claimed, to defend himself in his own csstie. The Indian fired at the flash and hit it and also tbe constable hand Then the notice scampered away and did net bother Peter any more, 'in ttw morning Peter ave hhnseif up. He submitted thai thr Indlan had only defended himself, a tt had a right to do. iOZ.tLF,S TO TIIK JUItV Mr. Ooaaales controverted the sug-gesUon that had been made to the effect that Moody waa an enemy of the ' prisoner. Moody bad declared he had taken a gun from the prisoner and three shells which he had thrown away. Why should Moody make up such a story? Moody told of again seeing prisoner with hla gun pointed. Would he make this up out of whole cloth? Constable Williams hau received in formation tbat the man was out with a rifle to shoot the Indian policeman. The minister had Informed him that the man was out to shoot. If the constable had been shot, what would have been result? The reasonable thing for frrS tiwuilsm to do was to stop the shoot- ia my intention to issue. Slier me es- ing. minimis uu uewn iuc mauo friend. Accuced would not come down stairs when asked t do so because he knew what bad bean said about blm was true. No guns were flatbed. After trying to Induce Peter to come down tne man had cried: "They may think I'm a fool but I'm net," and then (tied. It was only by good luck be bad not committed murder. In the morning Whitewash bad asked if be had killed William and bad then Suggested that if he hsd done S3 tie wouM abobt others and then himself. Mr. Oonasles said he was there not to try to secure a ooavlttten but to aid the court st arriving at a decision. He submitted that there was no justification tor the shooting. The Jury must use Its own common sense in tbe matter. 41 -nut: riiAitots In hla charge to tbe Jury the Jude said tbe criminal code provided It was an indictable offense to shoot at any person. The present ease bad been overloaded. A great many matters bad been brought in whlelfcere foreign to what the Jury was called upon to decide. In , ti is opinion there were two questions to be determined "Did tbe accused shoot st William and was he wounded there, by?" If they accepted tbe evidence of Williams there would be no difficulty in coming to a conclusion. They had a j right to take into account tbe surrounding facts. Tbe question then arose whether tbe .shooting. If it occurred, was with Intent ! Dread fa! Eczema The awful itch, the unceasing1, burning torment of this skin scourge, unbearable. To obtain relief you've probably tried everything under tbe sun ex cepi D. V Vr .-crlMi. :i. the pore-penetrating-, healing, antiseptic lotion for all skin diseases. Tbe moment you bathe sick skin with this power-ul ?our liquid, Itchlnc; and burning eae. Careful, persistent use of D. D. D. from then on conquers the disease. .Tour druggist, baa . D. D.. $1.00 a bottle. Try I. D. D. Soap, too. W i All I TTTIO' Ti'fi STOKE Oll.MES, LTD. i Every MEN'S UNDERWEAR Penman's "71". Shirts and Drawers, a popular garment at a popular price. Special, QCJp per garment WW ALL OUR MENS SUITS Must go regardless of cost. Smart styles in Serges, Worsteds and Tweed Mixture, well tailored on tbe newest lines. A suit for every man's taste and pocket. Special 12.95 T ime You OUR STORE Without Inspecting Our Values THROW AWAY YOUR OLD BLADES GILLETTE RAZOR BLADES Packets of 10 70c MEN'S LINEN FINISH HANDKERCHIEFS Going at 5c each TURKISH TOWELS Large size, heavy quality, colored gtripings. Regular 50c each. Now per pair 50c PILLOW SLIPS Good quality Cotton, large sizes. Regular 50c each. Now, per pair 50c Right at the time you need one comes this clearance of Men's Overcoats. Excellent qualities and newest styles. They will not last long, from 89.00 MEN'S HEAVY ALL WOOL MACKINAW COATS Neat colorings in plain and Norfolk styles. A guaranteed garment you cannot buy elsewhere at less than $11.50. Our price 87.95 Pass You Are Losing Money HEAD THIS ONE Men's Jumbo Sweater Coats, all pure wool, in the wanted shades and sizes. Value to $11.75. S3.95 S4.95 S7.95 Only a few blacks left. MEN'S POLICE IIRACES Good strong quality. Re. 76c ROW MEN'S FANCY URACES Bxcellwnt quality and colors. Reg. 76c U7V 'IQft now DRESS YOUR ROY UP AT OUR EXPENSE Roys' Suits Going at less than costit's our loss your gain. Sizes from 22 up. Prices from ' 84.50 ROYS' PYJAMAS Of fine quality heavy Flannelette, well made. Regular $2.00 suit, QQo now ROYS' RROADCLOT1I RLOUSES In good colors and well made. Reg. $1.50, QQn now f. ROYS' ENGLISH EROAD-CLOT1I SHIRTS Lovely quality, separate collars. Sizes 12 to 14..RM.-IM0. v a25 now ROYS' AND GIRLS' WOOL TOQUES In good colorings. To clear q at Whether you need a new Suit or not you cannot afford to miss this chance. ' MEN'S NAVY SERGE SUITS Guaranteed fast Indigo dye and of finest imported Serges, tailored by tho outstanding Style Clothing Houses in the Dominion. Single and double-breasted styles. From 824.50 Other lines in Navy Serges from $15.95. EVERYTHING MUST GO. HUNDREDS OF BARGAINS OFFERED EVERY DAY AT THIS CLEARANCE tijjjrrmaBsBwB MONTREAI to murder. Actions spoke louder than words. He quoted to show that intention was shown in the cormequeuces of a person's own act. Aiming tnd shooting s 1 jaded gun indicated that be Intended to shoot as be must know It meant death or bodily harm u the persons against whom the gun wai aimed. He suggested that If he shot at another In clear sight he intended to harm the man at whom he fired. Tbe attack was made on Williams and at times during tbe trial it bad been almost made to seem tbat Williams wa on trial, i enforcement of the law was a difficult task. He wa there alone and had been told there was urgent need. He got two men to accompany him and also under cover took along tbe Indian constable. It wa not important whether Williams was right or not. Tbe situation was whether be went to secure tbe arrest in a peaceable and quiet manner and whether the sMdbcwaa Justified In fir- - Shwny with the evl- Vldeitfflited out tbat there were four possible verdicts: 1, as charged: 2. unlawful wounding: 3. unlawfully j inflicting bodily harm; 4. bodily as- Asked ov m Uird to chanje the Jury to tbe eftert that the action of WU-llams was wholly unlamfu). tbe Judge said thst for tbe purposes of the trial be thought the arrest would have been illegil but they were not trying William- Trie jury rhn at 6.45 retired and an brut la c on ;iie i- tir: reasnerablirf n-!i ci : verts..- 'ii -'C nj awful undlng IMPORTERS GIG Third Avenue WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED a shipment of Evening Frocks in the newest styles, including the "Pompadour" and in the latest pastel shades, prices ranging from $18.75 to $45.00 You are cordially invited to come in and examine them for yourself. . JABOUR BROS., LTD. Phone 613. 3rd Ave. and 7th Street UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED KalllBis from ITInie Ituprrt. lor VANCOUYEIl. VICTORIA. H wan on Bay. Alert Bay, etc. Tuesdsy, a p.m. lor VANCOUVER. VICTORIA, Boledaie. Alert Itay. etc galnrrlav B a.m for PORT SIMPSON, NAAS RIVER POUTS, ALICE ARM, ANVOX, STEWART) Wales Island, Sunday. S ikbi. 123 2nd Avenue K M. SMITH. Arent. Prince Rupert. II.C. Through tickets sold la Victoria and Seattle at a reduced rate ami baggage checked tlirocrli to destination.