PAQE TWO m A recognized reward Our FcnUgent sre priteJ at,; to Jjoo of merit The Grucn Pentagon is chosen more often than any other watch to hmor achie?mcnt in hii'in , the'pto-rtisions, and school or college life. Coionel Lmdbergh, ViecPMudent Dawes and hundred of other famous men wear Grucn Pentagon. Come in and see this celebrated watch today. JOHN HULiJHR LTD. Jeweller Thts Store with the Clock. The Daily News PRINCE RUFEKT - DR1T18U COLUMBIA . Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue. H. F. PULLEN - - - Managing Editor. Member of Audit Hurcau of Circulations. DAILY EDITION 1 HACK LOCAL INDUSTRY Tuteday, Oct 11, 1927 Prince, Ruiert people should back the local industry and insist iiiai it uceussa are 10 De awiriDUien t me canneries, the Seal Cove cannery snail get us snare. True, it did not operate tor salmon last Year but neither riirl rnnninirh;ifn'.i Thiu iuHiiatrv iu lo nlv - " --r, ------ ! ,c wt i j of its kind in the city of Prince Rupert. Also if it is operated in the salmon canning K is likely to operate in canning clams and every ... , . !!! i... ll x unie iruuiiwt. e wain every inausiry w nave and .must as a city l. ...mi a i i.i, , . uk wining io usck mose operated nere. IMPORTANT CONVENTION The Conservative convention now in progress at Winnipeg is one oi ine most important gatherings ot public men that has ever been held in Canada. The rnnwrvaii VA ru4r i a nnw in n nits tit --- - j' j so uum i wjr'S91" tion and during auch a period is the time to formulate policies and uiawuas uituiia. ine opposuion nas not tne responsibility of a government. Its business is to oppose and criticise and to take a part in improving legislation which is being passed by the government 14- IaaIii. - 1.. 1 A. .1 f f . uvc-s. ii, luvnn mr HeHHiiesses msieau oi ior strong points, wow ana then, however, it has to foraaks that policy and let the coun try know that it still is a constructive force. Therein lies the value of a convention. There it select leaders, formulates policies and passes resolutions and the leaders from different sections meet each other and the rank and file meet the leaders. That mixing with fellow politicians is one of the important features of the gathering. They learn the necessity of mass action and get rid of rrovincialisms iuuuiiik uji itKi"ii int'ir leuows. ALL SHOULD REGISTER Those residents of the city who are not registered property-owners must register as householders if they wish to vote at the forthcoming election. The fact that they have paid their taxes does iiui, cnuue mem io ue on me list, mere is more to do than that. They must apiear before one of the city officials and make a declaration. It is a simple thing to do, but quite necessary. Possibly next January they may find they very much wish to vote but unless registered -thoy cannot do so. The time to register is now. Today or tomorrow is the time, before it is forgotten. GOOD SUPPORT vnt I.KAIiph Sir Robert Borden urged his fellow Conservatives to give good auyivn io uie icauer wnen ne is cnosen. That is what some of the Conservative of British Columbia seem not to have done. They urged pr. Simon Fraser Tolmie to take the position and then when he had commenced his work, there was a movement to unseat him and replace him with the former leader, W. J. Bowser. That smacks rather of the methods of the Mexicans. They are never Vatisfied and are always ready to change leadership. The only way to make a success of a party of any kind is to stick to a leader when he is chosen, unless he proves later that he has not the ability for the position. Dr. Tolmie has as yet had little chance to prove himself The weak spot in his leadership i.s that he is not in the Legislature and does not seem to be willing to risk his present position at Ottawa in order to assume his proper position in this province. SUPPORT RIDLEY HOME ?i?fJ is being a9ked from the People f I'rince Rupert for the Ridley 'Home. The place it. different from anything else. It is simply a home to which children may be sent by parents residing outside the city, too far from schools to be able to take advantage of them. It also takes care of children who have no homes. It is self-sustaining, so far as the genera! upkeep is concerned, but tho buildings are provided free of cost. Money is now being asked to provide new buildings in outer that the scope of the institution may be extended. The difficulty with the Ridley Home is that its work is carried on so quietly that many people hardly know that it exists and others do not understand what it h for. A visit to the cottages would be the best means of finding out about it. It is pretty sure that anyone who investigates will decide that this is something worthy of support. . ' A bachelor is bound to become self-centred because he has to sit at home and argue with himself. Guard the children's health Warmth for frosty mornings Protects against stormy weather Kind to little stomachs BUSINESS IN CANADA GOOD Rnval Bank Oulimistic Over Pre- I -sent Situation Throughout v.uuiiirj BETTER THAN STATES Employment in This Country Above Average and In ILS. it is Below The esseilent wheat crop in the went U the outstanding factor in the Cana dian agricultural situation. Alberta xpcu to harvest tM largest crop In tlie history ot the province, and the re- : poru from Manitoba. Saskatchewan and Ontario are sufficiently favorable o that there la llttfc question but that this rear's cru will be nert 100.000.- ' 000 bushel larger than that of 1928. la 11 wheat la now being planted and the farmers of Ontario apparently intend ta plough twice an large an acrsage as was ploMfbed hi the tall of 1936. Naturally, the prospect of goad busi ness In the farming districts la having satisfactory effect upon whotssale and retail tiasfc mm manufacturing. The situation la exsepUeosily satisfactory The aaaniitaetiiWg attuaUon si classi fied aa exeeueau because a burn )evl or activity prevails tn almost even manu factuting Isduetoy tn the Dominion. ,Wtofc?e the newsBrtni Indnstrf was work at hither eapaelty In 1026, than in 1BST. the eapaarty tit the lactUstrj baa beeet much mcreaed In BwpMt year: prottueteec la increasing in Oaaada. and drereasiBg at the United state. Elee tne energy generated has attained new hkah ItTala durbu ths mir but rmM .xpanMon in this Industry can no longer be Bsldefed aeepUenal in Canada. There jittght be some questtu aa to the elsssUtestlon ot the forest laduttrv but for the fact that the bad time tn the lumber Industry have already been dls- oauwed and that the actual volume of fettetaeaa tn 1937 Is well ahead f that reeorded In 1034. Tlx continued low level of the price ladez of lumber and inlraal producu is the only Important unfavorable element in the general price .tituaMon. The expansion in various tines of Canadian business which haa taken place tn the past few yean may be measured in a number oi ways; but to secure any vsry accurste pleure of the ner caolta .iroducUve capacity ot the country, It is neseaaary to have ataUstios showing the aggregate value of all the different products manufactured as well aa the varue cf field a ad mine and forest pro ducts. Statistics of this type are not Available until they re too old to be of much more than Uaterioal value. - KMI'LOVMKNT On August. 1M7. the Dominion Bu reau of StatisUea index number of employment for all Industries reached 100.2 now high level: the index of em ployment in manufacturing reached MS), the highest point since 1920. It 1 Inters ting to note that new high levels have also been attained recently in the employment indices for mining, transportation, construction, service and trade. On July 1, 1M7, the United 8tates Bureau of Labor statistics Index ,ii employment stood at 89.1. Before an attempt Is made to com pare conditions hr the United States and Canada, it is Important to learn th meaning of these index numbers. The Canadian Index number is a comparison of the volume of employment In the cur rent month under dlscivulon and that during January. 1920. The United States index number la a like compari son between the current month and the average volume of employment throughout 1923. In an effort to make a direct (Comparison between these two index numbers and to eliminate the seasonal ,'actor from both indices, Professor Gil bert 8. Jackson of the Economics Deuart- ment of Toronto University compiled tables showing the average Index number of employment by months in both .countries from 1921 to 1925 inclusive. HETrnU THAN V.HI According to these statistics. emDlov- ment in Canada In August, 1927. was 13.7 asove tne average of the Auiusts in 1921-1925. and employment tn the .United States was 2 below the average jor these years. Prom December, 1924, to the present time, there has been a steady and rapid rise in the level of employment in Canada, while from January. 1925, until July, 1937, the level of employment In the United States has not quite held Its own. It has been estimated that between J919 and 1925, the number of wage earners In the United States In manu facturing Industries declined e.7. while me quantity of manufactured products increased at least 23 In that period. On this basis' it Is estimated that output per -worker increased '31 during that period. It i; difficult, if not Impossible, to I secure similar estimates concerning yanaaian industrial production. Cana-jdlnn industrial efficiency in 1910 was I on a somewhat lower level-than that I which '"prevailed in 'the Unlied States. iSluce that time, bqweyejathere na8 been j a rapid increase? per aplta use at electric power In Canada, and this would itiggcflt that the Increase in per capita manufacturing production In the past few years has been as great In Canada as In the United States. When the Increased number of workers In Industry is also considered, one has a remarkable basis for estimating the present level of Canadian manufacturing production. Southbound from Alaska to Vancou- 'ver. C.P.R. steamer Princess Alice. Capt Thomas Cliff, is due in port tomorrow afternoon, Tuia . THE DAILY NEWS Man in the Moon ! LTIKO is a bad hi bit and truth till lug Is sometimes a vice when tUiasj it .njures your, netgatbor rr8, do ,wrler .ptosis do ssat bsile In evolHUoo in these days ot sewed. BABE Ruth wUl be ' chopping out pretty soon aad then I tssect to gat his place as the star knocker. NEVER mind, etolldrtn. Hallow E'en la coning pretty soon. 1 HERE'S a man down east who saya be uses balloon tires because they are acts on pedestrians NATURALLY the drv bones of th tariff will be rallied a little at the bi' Winnipeg ecmeutson this week Hou could a Tory party exist without a tariff? ONE way to keep cxk:es and dui: nuts safe from juvenile hands us : lock them In the pantry and hto th key under ths soap on the washstand A PAPER down In New York pub liahed this: "John H Dakln. from New York. Is now in town. Factory experience enablea him to do all kinds or repairing to both pianos aad players." PROPOSALS ARE DISCUSSED FOR PROVINCIAL AID IN SECURINC PROTECTION OF SALMON, U.C. (continued from page as) ara permitted at all. The Important point to be considered in this oonaectiati. however, is tht fact that the Japanese have placet. their case tn the ttaass of one of the leading lawyers is eastern Oaaada and this ease shortly Is to be plated befen the supreme Court of Canada for 1 decision. They are asking first for 1 declaration that the Dominion govern ment ha oo power to discriminate a between British sublects in the iaau- ansa of fishing licenses, or alternatively tnat the Dominion government has no right to require anybody, whether ha be naturaUeed or not, to take out t fishing liathse. In other words, that the right to Ash shall be ooen to any body aad everybody who cares to fish it tae Japanese should win tktb ease experts point out all that has beau done in the past to make the salmon fishing industry to be a white man's industry will be wiped out and tne Japanese within a, very short space of time would be in, possession of an the salmon fishing operations tn B.C. According the data gathered bv the Provincial Bureau of Information 08 will be understood that Japanese work men particularly In the fishing Indus try are content with standards of liv ing and rates of wages which under no consideration would be satisfactory to tne white man. This obviously makes it particularly difficult for the white man, the Canadian, to compete with the man from the Orient, and It also is well known that the Oriental is being brought and has been brouzht Into Canada on the assumption that he worss ior a very low rate of wage with the understanding that his labor la be ing paid for by the promise eventually 01 Canadian citizenship, quite an Important consideration. .MI CH AT STAKE Incidentally at the nresent time reg ulations are In force whereby Japanese iiamag operatives arc not permitted to work In pilchard reduction plants and next year If regulations at present in force remain operative, no Japanese will be permitted to dry salt herring and operate .salmon salting plants. If the Japanese are auecesefu! In their present campaign at Ottawa, however, it will be understood that these regulations wUl be disposed of completely. Canning Interests naturally are concerned about the outcome of these representations. They think and perhaps not without some reason, that there is a real danger of an Important Industry WW "? - ' I ' S , - r a wn 9. The large 25c. package contains two "Poker Hands" r vi ure iaiiHc no came to . Canada atay in B.C. when . they are present . In Ottawa next from w "x MUM 01 ln Munon lua' Apart these considerations it'""1 uig umusiry ana uie iisning inaustry generally as far as the industry as a whole Involves and concerns the white fishermen of this province. LAND ACT. NOTICE OI' INTENTION TO APPLY TO LEASE LAND In Atlln Land Recording District of the Casslar District, and situate at ths mouth of Wann River, about 500 feet easterly along the shore from the northwest corner of the Skylark Mineral Claim. TAKE NOTICE that I. Horace Mc-Naughton Fraser, of Atlln, occupation B.C. Land Surveyor, acting as agent for the Engineer aold Mines Ltd., Inc.. Intends to apply for a lease of the following described lands: Commencing at a post planted about 600 feet easterly along the shore from the northwest corner of the Skylark Mineral Claim; thence northerly 225 feet: thence easterly 100 feet: thence southerly 150 feet, more or less, to high water mark; thence westerly 100 feet, more or less, to point of commencement, and containing 0.3 acres, more or less. ENGINEER GOLD MINES LTD., INC., Applicant. II. McN. Fraser. Agent. Dated August 9. 1927. LAND ACT NOTICE OP INTENTION TO APPLY TO LEAKE LANIi In Prince Rupert Land Recording District of Prince Rupert, and situate on Prlncesn Royal Island at East Side Cove from Butedale Cannery. TAKE NOTICE that I, Jacob Koskl. of .-.v aewj vuv v Li ITT lUWIUg UCCCTltWa 811(14 . hand of the whit man into the hands Commencing at a post planted about of the Japanese. They look upon TaT ' " mum vi cuuaiaeraoie i tnence soutn a chains; thence west 8 capital Investment and a source of em- chains; thence north 2 chains to point ployment for the white man conee- S' Bcommin"D?n.t and containing one , . i acre, more or less. quently t they put much store upon the . JACOB KOSKI services which Premier Maclean and' - Applicant. Attorney General Manson may render Dated A" "7. to M'lSTLES AiffliJf mm i . NESTLES Naporatib Milk Made in Canada by the makttt of NtttU't Baby Food on porridge uexeais-miits Budding: YOUNG or OLD Youth and age have one thing at least in common nowadays. They both agree on the wonderful quality of Old Chum Tobacco. Fragrant mellow rich in flavour and aroma, Old Chum makes as big a hit with young fellows in their first pipe-smoking years as it does with the oldsters. And no wonder! Old Chum has stood the test of time. Save the valuable "Poker Hands' packed in every package and tin. Dr. Phone 525. IicanadianF Vacific DEMAND "Rupert Brand" TIIK DAINTIEST HKEAKTAST FOOD." Smoked Daily by Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., 1 I'rlnce Ruperl. B.C. MAGUIRE Dentist Over Orme's Drujj Store Office Hours 9 to 9 Lady Assistant Canadian Pacific Railway B. C. Coast Services Sailings from Prince Rupert To Ketchikan, lVrangell, Juneau and Skagwav Orlobrr 8 19 23 ' To Vunrpiiver. Victoria and Seattle is. v. Not ember . PRINCESS ItEATKICL For llutedale. East llelU Bella, Ocean Kails' Namu si..i .Campbell i Klter. and VanrouieV eer, Mali'd, " Agency for all Hte.m.h.p Lines. Kolllnmatlon from- . .. W- C. ORCIIt nil, fleneral Arrnt Corner of III, Sl.eet and 3rd Atenue, Prince Ilpert. KC. Pbonr II UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED tor VANCOUVER. VIcSKfl. .in'Tayl'TerV . Uay. etc. Tuesday, , "TKtVAUT. Male I.Und, Honda' H "m ' '' ' ToTlJiiets sold Si S bacgaie checked tluougli to desllnallon. a reUucnl rale an