iCr 11. 1027 Sound Advaee! "YOU do not need to eat so much when BOVRIL is part of your diet because itifans been scientifically proved, that a little Bovril very greatly increases the nourishment got from other foods. The secret of the world-wide fame and value to you of Bovril is that it contains the concentrated energy and good ness of prime Beef. A daily cup of Bovril will increase your vitality and reserve energy. mm . n WML Puts BEEF Into You See the namt on the bottk and rtfme substitute. 80 When the Question Comes ne tleRr is lying Hi the doctor has cone. He idfifd medicine. Then you ask yourself where m. the nrrtcrlption. With many, however, the i i inaUitclNc. From long experience they :h:it Ortne'i will fill their doctor's prescription t, carefulness it deserve, with speed, with ac-- ami from the finest and purest of drugs. draduate PhnrmacUt always in charge at Urnm rare m ei frXA Pioneer Vruoisls MIDDAVE. t SIXTtl ST. TELEPHONES S? fc200 Oiesterfieid Suite- Si 75.00 i. i itvn-piece Suit' done in Tapestry and Mohair Barrie's Home Furnishings ox 0O8. BADMINTON Supplies This advertisement . is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or hy th. Go.. rnrai nt oi' British Columbia Local and Personal BO Dntfertekera PTaaer 41 Dentist Dt li om ot the bm 4 tatott if a Taxi. pmm 4 wvm uuttttn; tf Father Godfrey OIU.. arr.ved in ii.- city lror.. Terra on afternoon 'a train yesterday i.'uttai Slate coastguard cutter Dual- the past k at Premier Repairs to the Provincial Government W!ia.-f having now been oompteted. the CP.R. ateaaiera will make their land on Wednesday. October U. (tjsnorrowi from 3 to inspection of Tea will to iaNM. Byae Tranafer now afaata tor Al-Albwu aootka and Pambisa Kertean. Tbeac caak are under aar. dont buy ir.ienor on yeaterday ataraoon' traia1 with mining lnterosta at near Pacific. T. C. Wilding af the laeal VMS., at-flrea returned to the city Ob yoaterday aftercoan's train lrom Winnipeg whence at acoompanied Mm. Waning and child who are to make aa extended cojourn In angim Mra. D D. Rolaton. who la moving from Smithera to Vancouver, arrived in conductor of aleeptng can on the Canadian National Railway In which capacity be ran out of Prince Rupert dur ing the paat eeaaon. ANNOUNCrfAICNTS eOe'0re,,e-o,a Oyro Hoe-Down, October 14. Prtr.oe Rupert 1111 Team Dance. Phone 123 October 21. Rupert Bast Unit Church Baaaar. October 87. l! I T n-J Mt innlM.M MlfW Wl'in V. ........ I J Dance. Octooer 37. Hospital Auxiliary ilallowaen Ball. October St. I inn 60 HaUowotn Baaaar. October 38. II- Kataodar Xaberet ID VS. Hall. IH1- T 1 1 towe'en. K aien Hardware Lo. - Preebytarian Churcfa Baaaar. Woven- Telephone 3 ber s. I 'M , Bastiat Sal. Wovaanbur 5. fVKTKCLl 1 mn'u iv az-u-i- ft Presbyterian Church Choir Concert, TMT A Hr TO.SICHV November . 3" ik LT W" Anglican Daaaar. Tuesday, Nov. IB. iffifP' WJf fi- Vj Ja y Mooa Daaaar, Nov. 16 and 17. I m&r . Established -1923. r Best PfeciiraMe S (THE ORIOlNAL) Ml fina ' m-s 'C'1'6 Hours; . Jt. Pure SeoSci. WMsky A j : : 9 a'saturday:pm' jfi$?lQ&. aWTtwrwt n l IF 1 a.m: to 1 p.m. RICHEST IN FINEST Mi J fni nTj HIGHLAND MALT "7Hra7" Ceaat Sana Limned. GJilKUith ..J .nK!MArX4&w DlmM.Cimlixi Ouii?Unu. Dull- ffl M JL . CLl T iOJ 1 Any evening by appointment DENTIST Exchange Block. Phone 109liu, TOE DAILY NEWS PAGE THREE Cetebrato. your birthday! Kaleadar t IOJHB. Hall Hallowe'en. Father Lmf at Stewart arrtted m Merestno faefs the from city to, an Hm Cauda this t(Uraea Matt Vioaefc murned to the city ca be Oatala tale twrnoon following a MM trip w Mfta W. K Tobey. OK, superintendent, left this mornlnii lor week's trip crer the line aa far at rimer Park. Mr. and Ura. H 8 Parker returned to the city on thr Catala thla afternoon after heWtn made th round trip to Mawart. alter (pending day in port, aattad ' yesterday afternoon at liSAta tniin ! T J 8inll. aaspectcr of I turned to tk tty on Um oatela thai 4 AM. J Qreer muenaaVan the ntv i trsan a trip to Aoyox en of- SB the Catala Uxt.v i raief'liisi i . : tic Canadian leataai half yearly general meeting and attssrUoii of Offlom will be held in Club Bwusni, Wednesday. Oo tetter 13, at pjB. aw ing at that wharf now. mi C N.H. si i s mat Prince John. Cast. E. , iMabba. to reported due to arrive early Urocery Shower at th aUdtey Home tMaorrow morning from Vancouver Vta th Queen Ckaetotte Islands. chert Irefcla. accountant of the EHr-by Island marla nation, returned to the city on the Catala thla afternoon following a Brief visit to Stewart. water, jfeuy coal. CIS a teal eaa you I Tt" funeral of the late Mlaa Florence beat iff erlVanderllp. whoa dea:h occurred In th jPr.'nce Rupert O feral Hoapltal o Bat- RuaamU Smith, CJI.aV mfmm at frday. take goat thla afternoon at Smithen. am red in th M) from tnj - being, here on buataaa m eonnecUoal c- "rui. auperiateaaent or. th? B C SUvor mine at Stewart, la a! bualneae vMtor in the city, having arrived from the north on the Catala thla Charlie Paltrier, formerly lineman at the Prince Rupert cannery leavea thla afternoon on th Catala for Vancouver, later he expteta to make an extended vuit so Scotia Hd. Father Pettovaay. prleat of the Ria- j the city from Um intermr on water- alan Orthooox Church at Vancouver, la day's train and will vistt ban until paatnaar on the Catala thla afttr- Thuraday night when ah wUI iiirmeml aMm returning aouth after a vlait to south on the Prtnee reor. anyoa wnere n penormed eccieaiaaueai x-Oovernor D. W. Davie arrived in the city on yeaterday afternoon v train from Oadarval In the netghkorbood of which place be la peraonally aupaTvlclnj mining operationa of the O. W. Ltd. of which ha la the bead. There wa anotnor big crowd tn attendance for the roller abating at the Auditorium last night. Inoladed among thorn were a number of old tee akatem to whom the amoothnen of th floor came aa a plaaatng aurpria. Many ffoutataii waw alao on band. Roland Whtttall. th lad who died from anakwblt at Vernon, wa a achool mate of Terry Onne at Vernon laat year and thie aummor be apent the holi-daya at Qualicum Beach where the Oimes were alao holidaying Naturally the Orme felt the death of th keenly. Mr. and Mra. C. A. Roblnaon arrived ir the city yesterday afternoon from Edmonton to take over the management of the dining room of the Central Hotel. Mr. Roblnaon wai formerly a dutlea. It la uneVeratoad that Harry Saundera, late of taw Baatali River. wUI be brought before Judge Young on Thura-day for eiectton following hi committal tor trial on three charge of eaehlng worthtea ebeoa. Union area raw Catala. Oapt. A. E. Dlckaon. returned at 1:40 thla after noon from Anye. Allot Arm, Stewart and other northern porta of call and will aatl at 8 o'clock thla evening for Vancouver and waypotnts. After a brief honeymoon trip to otewart. Mr. and Mr. M. J. Oiugherty returned to the city on the Catala thla afternoon. Prior to her taarriate Sun- lay evening, Mra. Dougherty was formerly Mra. Margaret Grieve. Muaioal program. Including the humorous sketch "let on parte Franca Is" under the directorship of A. A. Oonnon, will be preeentad In the Anglican Cathedral Hall on Thursday. October IS, at 8.18 pjn. Admkalon 75c. The party of prominent Detroit fi nancier, who hare been paying a vlait to the mine at Khutze Inlet, down the c:at. in wheih they are Interested, will embark aboard th ateatner Oatala to night at that potn cn their return .wuth. F. R. RnUey of Los Angles and hla Mrs. W. H. Smith of Victoria. who have been in Prtace Rupert for the past week to attend the Stork-Curtln wetMing and vlait with friends, will all by the Oatala this afternoon on their return south.. Albert Parrow, steamboat Inspector. after ha vine nt the past several days in the city on official duUee. left on tola momittfw train for Francois Lake I where be will make an Inspection of the government ferry, proceeding from there to Vancouver rla Jasper Park. A. W. Bdge. who has been severely lit in the Prince Rupert General Hospital for th paat several weeks with jaundice and complications, sails this evening on the Oatala for Vancouver to undergo special treatment. Hla many friends wUI hope that hla recovery may be Immediate and complete. Mr. and Mr. Cooper H. Wrlncb. who have been spending a honeymoon visit in Prince Rupert for the past few days, returned on this morniogfe train to their home tn Haw I ten. Mrs. Wrinch's father, Buchanan Campbell, also re- ..,iu.?,, 10 the tn'rtr jthls morning ! ' ' ' 1 j Oeerge Hartlln. formerly accountant In the local branch of the Royal Bank tot Canada, who went south recentlv. ha severed his connection with the bank service and has gone to San Fran cisco -to Join an American financial ln-stltutlon. He is succeeded hertttby A. c. Brann who flat JoInecnMhe bank .In rnme npcijt It will be twelve yeara ago tomorrow morning (October 13, 1915) since Edith Cavell, a British nurse on duty at Brussels, waa executed by a Oerman firing squad In the courtyard of the military prison In that city by order ear Gfr.cr.'! Von Biasing. Oerman Oovernor-Oeneral. The act went down as one cf the atrocities of the Great War and in subsequent years the name Cavell become virtually beatified. A Natural Balm v. Artificial Salves. ancient times the Roman IN Gladutors bad a speedy and sure method of healing their wounds and sores. This was by the application of costly balms prepared, with consummate care, from valuable medicinal herbs. When the secret of these preparations perished with the fall of Rome, civilisation fell back upon substitute ointments concocted of lard or wool-fat and crude mineral compounds of lead, zinc, mercury, etc. A return to Nature's own way of healing has been made possible by the discovery of a powerful healing substance Zam-Duk which is in universal use to-day. The complete absence in Zam-Buk of solid particles of insoluble mineral drugs enables the tiny pores of the skin to absorb the fine soothing, antiseptic, and healing extracts without hindrance of any sort. Zam-Duk carries health and healing into inner tissues and uproots deep seated disease. Its Remarkable Purity Containing no animal fat to go rancid, Zam-Buk "keeps" indefinitely and its remedial virtues never change. The purity of Zam-liuk is proved by analysis which shows it to be 99.92 per cent, vegetable or organic matter (m aceontpanjing tabUJ. Scientific ingenuity has endowed Zam-Buk with a high therapeutic value in skin ailmentswhether used for a cut, wound or rash, a case of chapped hands or cold-sores, or for the graver cases like ulcers, eczema, ringworm, poisoned sores, piles. FREE TECT ' " M kiln t4 Mlil ta-eir te Itm-k Ca. Tareata, far aatral Free Saatle Sat, COMPARATIVE TABLE OF MITALUC SALTS IN VARIOUS OINTMENTS. ZtH-RUK i aa.trtKW Salve Sarla AalJ Otatntaat Biamatk . ir Maraarf M Iiaa lit t UN Z UM tin 1! M-U.M UM eer eeaL TkamhiaM la Ztm-Biik repnrai mineral tanantt naturalK pmrat in iba ve-uM t itttti nud m toi-Buk llm talt th luthttt dtt'f of Portly mHi M 30c Uu.tt -MM HIE RITISHCOLUMBIA The Mineral Province of Western Canada To the end of December, 1926. Has produced Minerals as follows: Placer Gold, $78,018,518; Lode Gold, $120,972,16: Silver, $80,787,003; Lead, $106,97C,442; Copper,. $209,9G7,0C8; Zinc, $60,512,5577; Coal and Coke, $2844(99,188; Structural Materials and Miscellaneous Minerals, $50,175,407; making its mineral production to the end of 192G show an AGGREGATE VALUE OF $9S8,10S,170. PRODUCTION FOR YEAR ENDING DECEMBER, 192C, $C7,1883I2 The Mining Laws of this Province arc more liberal and the fees lower than those of any other Province in the Dominion, or any colony in the British Empire. Mineral locations are granted to discoverers for nominal fees. Absolute Titles are obtained by developing such properties, the security of which is guaranteed by Crown grants. Full information, together with Mining Reports and Maps, may be obtained gratis by addressing THE HONORABLE THE MINISTER OF MINES. VICTORIA, BRITISH COLUMBIA. N.B. Practically all British Columbia Mineral Properties upon which development work has been done are described in some one of the Annual Reports of the Minister of Mines. Those considering mining investments should refer to such reports. They are available without charge on application to the Department of Mines, Victoria, B.C. Reports of the Geological Survey of Canada, Winch Building, Vancouver, are recommended as valuable sources of information. Reports covering of the Six Mineral Survey Districts are published separately, and are available on application. lhllTMraBSWHBa paw . wg.twr.Ti Mra. O. P. Hill of Hyder ia a passen ger on the Catala today bound for Seattle. Mlaa E. Stevens of the Port Simpson General Hospital nursing staff la a passenger for Vancouver on the Oatala which la in port thla afternoon. Repairs to the premises of tbeCN.R. uptown ticket office will be commenced tomorrow. While the work Is in pro- gress, the staff will move down to the j station office for a few days. Mr. and Mr. Oeorge Seuara are pas- i sengers on the Catala thla afternoon bound from Anyox to Vancouver. Shortly they wUI leave thla country for South Africa where Mr Cellars, a former resident of thla city, is to take a position. The civil action of John Harris vs. Alex Macdonald commenced In County Court before Judge Young thla morning and It still proceeding this afternoon. Plaintiff la claiming S345.32 and is represented by Milton Qonaalea aa coun-rel. L. W. Patmore ia appearing for the defendant. Demolition of what remained of old O.T.P. abed No. 2. which was destroyed by fire Friday night last, is now com plete. There are a number of dangerous holes through the wharf which will be fenced off until orders are re ceived to repair It. It is not expected that the building will be rc-erectcd. Advertise In The Daily News for f P.ANAD ian National Cfte Largeft Kailway Syftem in America STEAMSHIP AND TRAIN SERVICE 8A1LIM1S from PRINCE RUPERT for VANCOt'VEIt. VlrriHtlA. S BATTLE, and Intermediate points, each TIIL'RHOAY and Sl'MiAY 11.00 p.m. For ANYOX and KETCHIKAN Each HEDNESUAY. 4.00 p.m. lor STEWART Eath SATl'HDAY, 10.00 p.m. lor NORTH AND SOL'TII QL'EEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS, fortnightly. PASSENGER TRAINS LEAVE rillNCE KU'EltT DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY at tlJO a.m. for I-IUNI F, (IKOKdE. EK.MON-TON, WINNIPEG, all points Eas tern Canada. United Stales. AGENCY AU. OCEAN STEAMSHIP LINES. Use Canadian National Express for Money Orders. Turelgn Cheques, etc., aim for your next shipment, CITY TICKET OFFICE. SVI TIIIHD AVE, PRINCE RUI'EKT. Phone Z6U ASK ME ANOTHER? Here are the National Prizes: 1st prlae . . . . S10.0O0 4th prlise 1.250 8th prize 400 2nd priJae 5.000 5th prize 1,000 8th prise 250 3rd prize 2,000 6th prize 700 10th prize 100 7th prize 500 CANADIAN LAUNDRY PRIZES 1st Prize 12 months Soft Finish Laundry Service. Approximate value $75.00. 2nd Prize 12 months Thrift-T-Service. Approximate value $G0.00. 3rd Prize 12 months Wet Wash Service. $10.00. Approximate value For full details of above prizes, as well as 1,200 valuable awards, consult the booklet, "Ask Me Another About the Laundry," obtainable at the Canadian Laundry & Dry Cleaners I'bone 8 515 Gth Avenue W. UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT CENTRAL HOTEL The place called "Home" 120 Rooms, American and European Plan. Hot and Cold Water. Bus meets all trains and boats. Sample Room Phone 51. L. Martin, Manager.