' ! . ! 2 ' ar " . ",c ' n .: pi! ti- di flayed by the .,,ir..j iiuard or by : : .rr -f i t "I BritiMi I'lilurnbia HSS3 THE PIONEER LAUNDRY KIDS f VJ IAUNDER fl AH0iHlftrWAST4 TOO" B I so Triwrnev seem I Lb OUJTE FatSH AND NEW- a it and hia shirt : ri to thin laun- ,i n They will de-you our expert : i i t - manner of aer-! moderate rics. i: to do this. ioneer Laundry Phone 118 YOU ARE INVITED to ee Ladies' Coats Hats and Dresses at The Louvre 31 G Third Avenue Next Itoyal Bank w oo d DRY niRCII. CEDAR AND JACK PINE inple Load $.1.50 utile Load jpd.r.o L rre Sni-k 50( 0 BUNDLES DKV KINDLING, $1.00 Phone 580 HjdTransfer AND COAL CO. 139 Second Avenue English Made - lo - Measure Suits and Pure Wool Cloths Ily Mail. . AGENTS WANTED lo carry cloth patterns and take measures for English hlgh-grde Tailoring- House. Liberal coram Is- -m rush trade. Splendid open-" for t-rckceper, agent carrying ;ier i:-e ir mun with large clr-le ot rr. "id.-. Write, enclosing 0a.uk r 'fe- a:- to Dept C . Com-er m Acver uiuig Bervirie North Parade Mnnciw- w Er:';lnnd, THE DAILT NEW3 page nra NEW HAZELTON The greatest breakfast triumph During the pact ron. the provin- ! department at puMIr work ha raj .("Veiled tWTIllf.flT mile Of Mad 111 '.). district Nut a-lnr. o H i P' thick assistant district tlneer fori ' department, who w Id town lj.t I UAKER oats 32( k. announced, the main highwei, ut of Morlcetown wUl tw wldntNils mid ptIM through Must at the road work .1 far the I sniMin hat now been completed The Trail Ranger of New Church have elected e. meets mentor. Rev J. H Young: chief rasaatr. Billy Sargent: sub-chief. Arthur TTjiu. tally. John Wlllan; Dae he. John Bmttk. Operating mtnea la thl district ie present time takchMte the at H ter group at Grstanrale: Stiver Cup Sunrue and America Bar at Haaelton uuo the Dutble mine at Seal then The Oogetter. a recently organise) irirlt' society la New Haaelton. baa lttted officers aa followa: leader. Mas Blchardaoa: prteeldeot. Mlai T i l i Smith: vloe-prnlatBt. Mi Jane York: .cretary. Ml Ma Sehultalk Mrs Mjrroa and son returr.ad to Hum ion laat week after an absence 01 :o month on vacation. Much improved la health. Mr. F. A. ' xddard returned hoane laat weak af-r having apent the past three ihMm :n Vancouver and Stewart. I The Omtoeoa Herald urge the hold-!ing of aa early Meeting at New Haael- Mi Mr the purpose of discussing the mutter at the high level bride which baa beast riinilnd by engil The stofl at the Silver Cup mine ha been lnctisssd to a many men a the t inkhouee will accommodate and the erarUon of a new building ha been raouaeatoed. The tram ha started working aad ore 1 now coming down to The citiaen of New Hare 1 ton at the home of Mr. and Mr. Roy iOuMoae sToalni laat week and abowwr- g the arid with mlaoeUaceous glfta aad goad wmhts ia In the district are again bowtag activity aad mamy of them ear tektag oa mea. The prospects are bright for the coming aeaeon. Word has brec received that the 17-MUe bridge across tbe .Klaptoz River will be rebuilt this fall. The Copper river briefer, a part of the main highway at the Terrace end. will also be proceeded with this fall with a view to heeiag It ready for use aext spring. The ladie' Aid of New Hazeltoa. merttac hut 'tek at the home of Mrs. O. Johnaan. elected oOteer s follow: prtssdrnt. Mn. C.-H. Sle: vlee-preel- dent. Mrs S. H. Benkpiel: eereuuy treaeurer. Mr H. Thornton. Harold Wrlach w up from Oedar- vale last week for the wedding of hi brother. Cooper, to Ml Bock Campbell. After having apent arvoral week fa Hipeltan the Uiasee Scott Mt laat week eontlautng their wcrld tour. STEWART" Work on the Big Mtasourt road la belag mahed by the Consolidated Mining tt Smelting Co.. which is forming a xubeMlary company with a capitalisation of 600.000 aad to be known a the Buena V1U Miatag Oo, Ud.. to operate the psopertf. and more than 100 nvn are emnloved on the work. It I expected to have the Bine foot road completed In about three week time. Ore disooverlc t the Silverado mine continue to prove sensational, last week No. 3 vein opening up twelve feet of ere which appear to be of good mM1" Inc erade with a substantial hlgh-gede WATER NOTICE. DIVF.KKION AMI I'SE TAKE NOTICE that E. Rouiweau. whose addreiw u 410 Seymour Street. Vancouver, B.C.. will apply for licence to take and use 1 cubic foot of water out of unnanmed stream which flow eouth-.i,. .,.H Hraltu Into Port BteDhen Bay. i sbout one mile eat of Bluff Point. The water m 111 be diverted from the .stream at a point axut 000 feet from I the mouth and will lie used for commer-Iclal purpose upon the land described I m Lot 2750, Range 4, Coast District. Thl I notice wa posted on the ground on ! the 26th day of July. 1827 A copy of thl notice ana an appucaiwu J""---:" thereto and to the "Water Act will be liledtn the office of the Water Recorder at Prince Rupert. B.C. OWje-tlon. to the application may be filed with the ald Water Recorder or w th the Somptroller of Water RlhU, Parliament BuUdlnga. Victoria. B.C.. within thirty days after the first appcaranceof this The date nntioe in a local newspaper. Sf the ffrs? publication ofthU notice 1 August 20. l27aENE bousseao. Applicant. LAND ACT. NOTICE OF INTENTION TO AITLY TO LXiinu a- -' In Prince Rupert Land Recording DJ-frirt District, Ranre 4, and of Coast trlct oj iaim". - n.nuia Island uat. on ana m. ww. - except tnai P"r""" ' ' NOTICE that I, oie v. vu, taE .'?" ir! B.C.. occupation ?.nKhrnUnSdrto'.pp1yior7Vas.-of Jh? following described lands: tbrVrrXncln t a post pUn ed at the ..iTfhiasterly point oi uonuis 'thSnw northerly, westerly, .outheriy and '."'Jf- fniiowlik the sinuosities of the ine to point of commeitcement. ZZv f xherom that portion of toe r - Ktr inn in ltfwrvc w island occupy- "'rr-,(1 thousand acres, mon more Edim. n Auili ant Dated July 1. Oats Food that sustains you through to mid-day. Keeps you alert, energetic, healthy. You always enjoy the flavour. Wrapped, sealed, dustproof packages. Preparations are beutg to Mart at ouee. never seen the property. PRINCE GEORGE made Mr aad Mr Angus MeLsod left laat week for a trip to Vancouver. Mm. H D. Rochsort left laat week or a visit with bar aaataar m Vnn- F. J Croaatand. wel vtr mining engineer, feeaional bualnea. 1 hat a J. A. Hall of HytMr aad E. E. Han of Winnipeg have pnntatssd control of the old Bear Rrear Mining Co.. owning Bine claims asUjorntog eh Oeorg Copper in the Bear River valley, from W. R Tonkin. A sew company to be known a the Oold Qmsr Miae will be Incorporated with capita Hvaftaa of M.eoeoo. Stac. gatd aad allver are high a list per ton ha Mfi dwrtag the isason by Hash Hunter P. Buapelaa on the Uttle Wonder of eight elalma lying north of Batter Greek at aa rtrwtlaa of 1.100 feet. It i reported that the CbaaetMated Mmvag SaMjitmg Oo. hM aoquired neebiag aver forty clUma m the vmtalty of the Oearge Oopser Bg de- opavtau wUl. it 1 andetood. be uaderMkea by the eoataaay la that region aeat aartag. After epeading several week vwrtttsg here with hi eon. F. E. Oigot. E. F. Olgot left laat weak, returning to hia home la Boise, Idaho. W. T. BataboBer. Seattle hydro -elec tric engineer, baa completed aa eiam- rtsaa of Irydro-elactrtc power posal- btlltle at Meziadea take and the Naa River tor J. A. Hall and E. E. Hall. Dating the winter a 1&00 foot tunnel will be driven by the Premier OoM Mining Oo. on the Prosperity property. The Premier ha completed paymeat for fifty-two percent In the Prosperity and naa acquired a further S4 per cent. D. L. Pitt, manager of the Premier, deniee that the company ha any Immediate intention of putting In a tramline. The Portland Canal New Is hopeful ahoat the Dun well situation. It state that the situation haa been "greatly esacktrated y rrle of ground) rumors In many case false statement emanating often from people who have Oeneral F. A. Sutton, who propose to form a oomnany to build a line of railway into the Peace River dtotriei. addressed the Prince George Board of Trade at a luncheon laat Thursday evening In the Prince George Hotel Oeneral Sutton and party motored up from Vancouver. The city has allowed the local tele phone company an extension of time until Decerrber Ward c ultimatum that it must improve the -crvlee or ioee its charter. H. A. Oar-ney. local manager, will, la the msaa-time, take the matter up with the director wtta a view to (abmtttiag a definite proposition at the first meat-lag of the asuncll in Deeeeaber. of the fedttatcal Parmer's Institute of Dbv rrict C. Is aeaking to revive iateieat la the eatablatwnent of a cbeene factory in tola etty. The time, he mob. la rice for sueb project which would Bat re- Chart aettlemeir. tl 'an newa-, quire very large capital aad which paperman who la now mining an Keno ooald be aehlevad with the eo-oper Hill in the Mayo district, la her giving ; Don of kaoal bualnea men. thl camp the once-over. i City iwueipU during the first nine Some B.0O0 yard of rock to be used ntoaths of thas year have totalled IMS in river protectton work being under- 0473 aoeordsac to sntetnent Issued taken by the provincial department of by George E. Davla. city ooilectar. Ol public works waa loosened last week tala. MlQ.6e ha been derived through ia big blast at the sort quarry near the paymeat of taaea: t!7JlBJt a the Bear River bridge. itribwted by the electric light ser vice: I8SS8 by water rate; police court Oaea. IIM8.70. and trade llcBe, 44MM. Gbnrl A. MacXey of Victoria, repre seating Mm Selkirk Mlaiag Syndicate aoaaen that work wiu b carried out this wtator on the company's Fer Ma avoaa property oa the lagtaeka River A party of eight men 1 now on the way from the eaaot to be em ployed at th mine. A foar-haadred pound exhibit rbsaf grata, pat toes aad field Major (Inspecting the morale colored troops for their baptismal Quick, Sure Way At the first sign of a Cold, take Buckley's Mixture. It's a proven remedy that acts like a veritable flash in relieving a Cough, clearing and healing the inflamed membrane and in preventing Lagrippe, "Flu" or Pneumonia from developing.'' v For severe colds accompanied by ever, headache or neuralgia, take LAXPYRIN and Buckler's Hi, tut and quick relief wilt follow. W. K. BucfJey, Limited, 142 Mutual Street, Toronto 2 IT sssssssssE . . n f M6t-a <sV A Actt filer a flash - j mm V el g:own on farms in this district has bean aeat kf, K. a. Sutton, district agriculturalist, to the Toronto winter Pair. J. O. Wilson,, secretary of the Prince ecrae mara u itscc, nas recerrea letter from Hon. T. D. Pattullo. mln r-tsr of mads, eonfratutetmg thl dis trict oa the splendid showing it mad at the Prince Rupert Exhibition. The Cariboo Automobile Aoclator the expenditure of 11.000 In advcrtMag the advaatagea thl dla trtct from a tourist standpoint Fred Joudry of Prince Rupert har been paying professional visit to Prince Oeorge. CHscome, Sinclair Mill and Mc Vide. In the local Uttheraa Church on Yunday morning a memorial service was ld by Rev. A. W. TrinUeln for Freo "toutit. Bwtaa g-ukle. who lost hi life a Jasper Park recently. Q. C. Sinclair of the local employ meat bureau left last week for a blr tame hunt Into the Isle Pierre district D urine hi absence, the office Is in hergo of W. Howteon. The Prince Otorge Hospital enter talaawat committee has turned In UJeow.64. the total amount collected or the nurses' borne. I. B. Balrd has returned from an ex teaded bust dim nip to eastern Canada He waa accompanied by Mrs. Batrf who was rlalUng relative In New Tort nd vicinity. Rev. T. F. W. DePender. accompanied by hi wife, ha arrived here to sue eeed Rev. S. Polllnger a rector of St. Michael's Anglican. Church. til of of ftre Sam. what would you do If OS trde you were suddenly confronted with the enemy? Sam Sir! I sure would spread de the matter of the new;, -Forbes Magazine. myoiirwas ever j was BURJ LAKE Messrs. MeKleley and licNelll are building a fleet of boats for the purpose of handling the tourist business nc Ootsa Lake next year. A botthouse and floating reiitcsce has also been erected close to the Ootsa Lake landing and -wharf. The village commissioners are considering the placing of street lights In the business section. Mr. and Mrs. H. Wynne Heath of Vanderhoof were visitors in the Lakes District hut week. Dr. Agnew. dentist, spent a few days m the Lakes district last week. Scotty Thompson of the s, Lakerlew Hotel Is euleavorlnvJte oollfct enough money 'Ho makTjpf th?-30jfleflclt' on the recent school fair. - Mrs. V. (Schelderup ia a patient In the Burns Lake Hospital suffering from a fracture ef the left arm. John Barker Is sttrtrig a new black fox and mink farm near the Rtst farm on the north shore of Ootsa Lake. Mrs DuMaury of Decker Lake has been successful this year In raising cucumberv vegetable marrows, squash and gourds The Bums Lake Drug Stor bat mov "VWTiEN you sort out the soiled clothes from the hamper, try to decide which articles cost so little that you can afford to endanger them by washing them with anything but Lux. Shirts, pyjamas, house dresses, the children's clothes, sheets, linens, just think how quickly they total up to $100 or over. You know how Doc sairs your fine things. Hmv it guards yeur pretty silks and chiffons, your soft woollens keeps them always , looking like new Why not use it for the everyday things too? Because they've learned it is true economy, the thriftiest women are now plunging the regular family wash' ing, ever stitch of it, into bubbling, penetrating Lux suds each week. Lux saves many, many dollars by prolong' ing the usefulness of both simple and costly fabrics. In many homes Lux alone is used for the whole family wash, w.ek in and week out, at a real saving. You, too, will find that to use Lux for everything washable is cheaper in the end. Use nothing but LUX for washday. Sold only in the familiar LUX Hue fadagt. hum hdasr LEVER BROTHERS LIMITED TORONTO PLASTIC ELASTIGUM FOR LEAKY ROOFS AND CHIMNEY'S A tough elastic, adhesive roofing cement. Ready for use. 1 lb. can IOCS 5 lb. can 1.50 Thompson Hardware Co., Ltd. 255 Third Avenue. Prince Rupert 1 to its new location between P. Bru-aell's store and the post office. A. Slderls Is now occopylag the old drug itore building. District visitor In town during the past week have Included W. E. Funnel! and daughter. Tschenlkut Lake: Frank Keefe. Grassy Plains; Frank Oale. Na-dlna; T. W. Brewer. Bmlthers: R. W. MacLeod and O. O. Boyce. Prince George: O. H. Tycho. Smlthera; Fred Ockleshaw. Smlthera; Charles O. Wilton. Savory snd Martin Starrett On account of a nervous breakdown, Miss Hersey. who cam here a few week ago at the Tatalrose school, has been compelled to return to her home In the south. Electric lights have now been lntal- ld In th Burns Lak Hardware. , PrinceRupert Supply 214 Fourth Street Stocks kept of Belting, all sizes Electric Lamps Rabbit Metala Solder Rubber Hose Rubber Heels at wholesale prices Phone G8. P.O. Box 772