r V r 20, 1927 The Secret Strong D1GHT 1X This is strong well,; must Bovril and your your nourish power mm r and Virile 1 diet . . real strength-giving food. the secret. To keep you must keep to keep well you be well nourished. keeps you strong well by stimulating circulation and causing blood stream to you with the of Beef. BOVRIL CANDY FOR HALLOWE'EN Special N'eilson's Assorted Chocolates, regular (v to $1.26 lb. per lb 00f n nmy Toffee, per bag - ' ai amels, per lb (M? slab Toffee, each 'Mf :i'u: flavor ptr lb , !W? I Frul' randy, per lb 0f . per lb Hit All-Sorts, per lb ."Of JIhw.s. Toasted .r Plain, per lb ."Of Viaped Toffee, per lb i ..w s Children' Mixture, per box lir,t & ! Peanut Brittie. per box itOf ii Fancy lloxes. from 23 f up to $f.00 v, solo agents in Irw Ru?rt'for Pjrv & Shaw's and I'urd;. Choi-olates Orma EM. 77fic fiinno.cr Drttooisls mIRDAYE V SIXTH ST. Creates Energy See the name on the btttle and refuse substitutes. 79 8 TELEPHONES 8?&200 Pacific Railway Coast Services skaiway Oftuber 8. l'J. V. 'H - tnber 14. 23; November 2. Hay. Ornrrai Prlnee Htiert. .C. Phone 31 Free Laundry Service r advertisement quoting costs of doing laundry at home ;,"ht out many interesting comments. As the figures " t Wfi'e complied in the east, we wish to determine just ' compare with local costs. , A :ordingIy, we are offering to do, without charge, one v- v ash to each of the first fifty persons now doing their ashing at home, who will give us on a form provided, an - ..te estimate of the costs involved. F.ionc No. 8 and our representative will call for your ' die. Canadian Laundry and Dry Cleaners Canadian VtlMTIV Canadian B. C. Sailings from Prince Rupert T Krtihlkan. WrimrHI. J in. ran and Tu Vaiicouvrr. Victoria and Seattle for Hutrdale, Eat llrlla Bella. Owin flls Ntmti Alert tin I . rtl 1. 1. -I I ... ... . I . .. , , a w. . nifrr, ana vanrouwr erry -uiuiu.ii, sticy for all steamihlp Lines. Full Information trn.ii- ri.rt... ... C. OKCIItKK, 'rnrr of 4th street and 3rd Avenue. BAD M of Keeping NTON Supplies Kaien Hardware Co. Telephone 3 Church Notices HT. ANIHHiWS CITIIEItllAL (Church of IncUndi Hector. Archrtaaron O. A. Rix AasUtam. Rav o R Proctor. Morning service at 11 o'clock. Baaing service at 740. Bacrament ol Um Supper wUl s administered on '" auomy of the month at u th.rd Sunday of the month at ju. ouuaay acbool at UO. CIIHItTIA.N' MIEN ft MICIIJTV orrvict- every Sunday - Ttt la the HVi Block. 34S Second Avon it. Sub Ject ou Sunday- "BverlaaUna Punlah- aiei-.t." Testimony meeting on Wadnes- u) evening at a ocloak. hrht t'MTiLit rnVittii Rev A Wllaon. BA.. Pastor Uim Q Haddock. dcaeoMaa. rnmg worahlp at 11 o'cloek. Sua jeci. Tm Maaaaaa of u Ha at Jonah " BundM whnni ini; woranip at TJO song Barrlat. Oood congregatkMial alnglng. apaclal mualc munbera. olotat. atlaa Jaokaan. lann clay at 7J0. Toung People Society . . L 1 1 a - UtllMT CHI Htll Utnlatar. Rer. W. F. Price Morning worship at 11 o'cloek. Bar mon children 'a Addreu. Sunday at 2 30 KYenlng armor at 70. mon tup:c: ""Ood and the Orooeryman.' A dlKuealon of Harold Ball Wright's widely read book. Oraat problenia In Religion and Mattooal life. All an In vited. I'ltRHIVTMIIAN ClllltCII Minuter. Rev J. BJTiatU. BA.. IXJB Rrsldence. the Manat. Telephone W Morning worahlp at 11 o'cloek. But vc:: "After Death. What?" "Pouraoore Ytara " Sunday school at 12.18. Bran lng aervlce at 7 JO. Subject: "Unre quited Love. A Designing and Un scrupulous Woman Loves Labor Lost M TIIEflW ClllltCII Pastor Sather fra Norge taker aften Metro pole Hall, klokkan 740 All Skaiidlnavaee 1 Rupert foredraget. Bnneste, J. S. Ryan. J. O. Ryan. A. bMghtan and Reuben BUtott nave left tola wrek for Victoria to take courses of Royal Canadian Naral training, Leonard Bate arrived in the city from Ocean Palla on the Prlnee Rupert this morning. Me was formerly Identified with the local forestry J. W lioWUUams. who was with the C.P.R. Skagway boats during the sum mer. has aaroaned the post of wrrelesa opfrstoc on the Union staamer Gardens for the winter months. Sergeant J. P. M. Hannah, chief of the etty detachment of the provincial polio, returned to the etty on .the Prince Rupert this morning' from a trip to Vaneouvwr and Victoria. Julius Satnre of Stravangtr, Norway, who is bet under the auspices of the Norwegian Toung People's Federation of America, following a visit to Alaska, will be the apeaker tomorrow evening In Metropolitan Hall. He will speak In Norwegian. Acting aa chief engineer on the steamer Princes Alice this trip north Is Chief Engineer W. D. Anderson, regu larly of the Princess Patricia on the Vanoouver-Nanalmo run. lie is re llevlng Chief Engineer A. Alexander who is aanore on nouoays. Oecrge Dyer returned to the city on the Prince Rupert this morning from Eaqutmalf where be took a course of naval training, passing successfully as a first class stoker. If is a member of the local detachment of the Royal Canadian Naval Volunteer Reserve. Constable J. W (Mover, R.CJ.I.P.. White no rse, waa a passenger aboard the Prlnress Alice this morning returning north following a holiday visit to his former heme In Prince Edward Island as well as to various points In the United flutes and Eastern Canada. ANNOUNCEMENTS Hilt 60 Halloween ', October 30. Knights of Pythias Whist Drive and dance, October 31. I.O.DE. Kalends r Kaoaret, I.O.D.E. Hall, Hallowe'en. Presbyterian Church Daaaar. November 3. Baptist Sale. November 9. Presbyterian .Church Choir Concert, November 9. Catholic Church Bazaar, November 0 and 10. Canadian Legion Armistice Day Ban quet, November 11. In the Boston Htll. Pythian -Sisters Sale of Work Novem ; ber a. ' ; ' .''HI Anglican Baaaar, Tuesday. Nov. 13. Moow Darnir. Nov. 16 and 17. PAIN from Bladder Irritation Soon sated or SANTAL MIDY Bswars of Imitations Look for th word "MID f Sold h all 'IrnitifiJih Rsllsisd a THE DAILY NEWS PAGE THREE :it: Local and Personal 'Arthur a laii. Psoas 671 BO Undertakers. Phoo tl Dentist. Dr. J. R, Omss Phone SM Row? Uaea?tiede. Cathedral 1UU tonight at 7 pa. net the big' 4 habitt When thinking f a Taxi, phone '. ' tf aViandtnavtaai idinsjc tonight la the Matropoie Hall. sWock. This aftatMoest etaui. due feacn the Bast at tun. Is repotted to be on Ume. Murray niifBiB arrived la the city from Vancouver oa the Priaee Rupert thia Roderick UsRe returned te the city on the Pros Rupert this mernhag ullard Ai mlalilin nvretlsc at the Orand TtossuMd BBHard Hall oti Sh-day, October SO, at 8 pa. Living mam aute, pMoes ad bttixec for snlofc sals MM week. Photae 310 to Mrs. Topper far appointment. tf Have you Med the Skctrtc Baked Oraeapet? Thay r dauaioue toasted. Your grocer sells ftiem 7 lor lac In neat paehet. Mrs. UJe ,H. who has been on a hoUdajy vMtfta'Belguan, returned to the etty on Mas Prince Rupert this t Miss Myfaawy CaaapheU In fancy at Queen Mary Chapter Kalen ds Cabs ret In I.O-DX Hall on Hal-laween at 9 pm. Admleekm 50c. 2S6 Hyde Transfer now agents for Al-Alfeerta Sootksf and Pembina Peerless. These coals are under cover, don't buy water, buy coal. 112 a ton. can you beat it? tf Provincial Police Constable Robert Olheon of Port Sssbagton returned to the etty on the Prince Rupert this oaorniag from a brief trip south on eaeert ouiy. Oaten steamer Oardena. Capt. A. Johnstone, arrived at 10 o'cloek last night from the South and sailed at 1 9 this morning on her mum to Vancouver and wayports. Joseph Portelancs. a former resident sA this city, arrived from Vancouver on the Oardena last night He is to take i position with the Seal Cove Lumber Jo.'a sawmill) here. Francis MIMarm heed of the Sommer vllle Cannery Co., U a business visiter n the city. He and Mrs. Mlllerd ar rlvad on the Prince Rupert this mom ing from Vancouver. Mrs. O. B. Flewln. Miss P. Lamb. Miss A. Mackay and Dr. R. a. Large of Port 8Unpson are week-end visitors In the city. They arrived last night and are registered at the Prince Rupert Hotel Knights of Pythias Whist Drive and Dance In Boston Hall. Monday. October 31. Cards 8.30. Dancing at 11. Oood prints. Ponders Orchestra' Gentlemen 78c. ladles 60c. Refreshments. Every body welcome. Mr. and Mrs. Morris of Llveroool KngOand. reached the city on yesterday afternoon's train from the Old Country and are guests at the Central Hotel pr-or to proceeding to, Anyox where thay expect to locate. A. W. Edge returned to the cltv on the Prince Rupert this morning from Vancouver where he went for snecUl medical treatment. He will nrobablv re-enter the Prince Rupert General Hospital for he Is far from recovered aa yet. Mrs. R. Wilson and dauzhter-ln-law Mra. Lloyd Wilson of Hazelton. who have been on a holiday visit to thr state of Iowa, returned to the city on tae rrince Rupert -this mornlns. Mrs Wilson. Jr. will proceed to the Interior on Monday. A smoking concert will be hrM at th Armory on November 4 at 8.30 pjn. to wnicn all members of the First North British Columbia Regiment arc lnvlte-t as well as all ex-tnembcrs of the 102nc Battalion OE.F. Distribution of prlzef boxing, songs and refreshments. O. A. Young, formerly identified with the provincial department of public works in Atlln district with headquar tars at Anyox and now with the depart ment at Bella Ooola. reached the cltv mn the Cardena last night from the latter point and will be here for a few days on official business. Having made a trip to Calgary. Edmonton and other prairies points. Mr. vnd Mrs. George W. Morrow, former residents of Prince Rupert, arrived on tettiiiay -afternoon's train from the '"i'aHtHrV" be nfri Wrfr3riw ,;glff :Wft they will prcAxrVy t)ie teaamr - Prince 'Rupert ta 'Vancouver where they how make their home. C.P.R. steamer Princess .Beatrice, Capt. S. K. Oray. arrived In port at 12-30 midnight from the south and sailed at 11 o'clock this morning on her return to Vancouver and wayports. The vessel brought north a further shipment of herring bait for the Canadian Fish It CoM Storage Co. from Kllclonan cannery on the west coast of Vancouver Inland. ' The Bridge Enjoy the Winter in Pemnans FREE EXERCISE BOOK To help promote the good health of Canadians, Penmans have prepared an attractive book on home exercises which will be senti to you free on request. This book, illustrates 15 body-building exercises, with detailed explanations of each. Writeor it to-day. "EN and zero weather. Low temperatures only stimulate them in work and add zest to play. For Penmans 95 is a bulwark of protection. Feel the soft, downy fabric. Light of weight, yet with all the wear and comfort qualities of heavy underwear. And 95 washes so well. For men, women and children. In two-piece and union suits. Number 95 on the label is your assurance of finest quality. PENMANS LIMITED Paris - Ont. ffir Mr. and Mrs. J H. Cann reached the city on the Pruce Rupert this morning from Seattle and caught the Princess Alice aboard which they will proceed to Juneau where Mr. Cann ha business and mining Interests. Billy Thompson, ten-year old son of John Thompson. Cedarvale merchant, and Mrs. Thompson, returned to his Interior home yesterday from the East after having spent the past four years in England. He travelled home alone C.P.R. steamer Prlneeas Alice. Capt. Thomas Cliff, on her final trip north this year, arrived at 9 o'clock this morning from Vancouver and sailed at 10 for Skagway and other Alaskan ports The vessel is due back southbound next Wednesday afternoon. C.N.R. steamer Prince Rupert. Capt. D. Donald, arrived in port on time at 10:30 this morning from Vancouver, Powell River and Ocean Palls. The vessel will sail at 10 o'clock tonight for Stewart and, returning here tomorrow evening, will sail at 11 pjn. for the south. A. D. Hallett. formerly of Alice Arm ind for the past few years residing at Uassett, arrived In the city on yester- lay afternoon's train after having pent the summer on the prairies. While In Edmonton on his way west. Mr. Hallett was, held up and robbed of M00. He will proceed to Massett at e end of next week. LAND ACT OT1CE OF INTENTION TO APPLY TO LEASE LANU In Prince Rupert Land Recording Dis trict of Prince Runert. and situate on Princess Royal Island at East Side Cove trom Butedale Cannery. TAKE NOTICE that I. Jacob Kntkl ot Butedale. B.C.. occupation a fisherman. Intends to apply for a lease of the following described lands: Commencmz at a Dost nlsntrd about 500 yards northeast of Butedale Cannery Wharf: thence east s chains: hence south 3 chains: thence west 5 chains: thence north 2 chains to mint 3f commencement and containing one sere, more or less. JACOB KOSKI. Applicant. -!alV!a LVSvTftsB Belt VBttf or You DEMAND "Rupert "THE DAINTIEST Smoked Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., hi Prince Uupert. B.C. Afternoon Teas and Card Parties arc easily arranged when you have Folding Tables Our Christmas shipment is here your choice of the strongest table rtade (by actual test will carry 1,00Q lbs.) with natural grained oak top or washable sanitas, .v.."0 and 0.."0 i' Barrie's Home Furnishings Uox 80S UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Sallint from Prince Kum. tor VANCOUVER. VICTORIA. Swanson Hay. Alt-rt Bay. etc, Tuesday, 8 p.m. Tor VANCOI'VER. VlfTOim. Ilntmal tut. .. atri1v Sam For PORT SIMPSON, N..S KIVEIi POINTS. ALICE ARM,' ANYOX. STEWART. Wales Island. Sundn. 123 2nd Avenue. K M. SMITH. Atent. Through tleketn sold lo Victoria and eattle at ba;Eff checked tbrvjili to destination. EXERCISE NO. 11 The three-quarter bridge i a - res epinal eirrcise. Start the movement lying on the back and draw the feet HreStretlfi? Move ,tjre body forward 'and backward slowly, letting the neck do some of the supporting. women who wear this famous underwear never dread Brand" BREAKFAST FOOD." Daily by I'hone 123 S i.m. Prlnee Hubert. B.C reduced rate and I