jfAGE SIX 7 mm Free Lessons in Dennison Art Craft - Free Lessons will be given in Dennison Art Craft, comprising CRYSTALLINE LAMP SHADES SCISSOR PAINTING WAX WOItK FLOWER .MAKING BASKET WEAVING, etc. Every Tuesday and Friday Afternoons from 2 to 5.30 p.m. Evening Classes every Wednesday from 7 to 10 Rose, Cowan & Latta, Limited Third Avenue (Opposite Third Street) Phone - - - - 234 HERE IS JUST What You Are Looking For A big saving in Vegetable and Fruit Specials Terrace Potatoes, per. sack 1.1)0 Terrace Carrots, 7" lbs. for nr.? Terrace Turnips, 7 lbs. for 2" Onions, C lbs. for iiTi Vegetable Marrow, C lbs. for r,? Pumpkin, 3 lbs. for . . 12.1c Hubbard SqUash, 3 lbs. for J!." Celery, 2 bunches for . . 12."0 Preserving Pears, per box ijKl.. We have only a limited supply of the above so please get your orders in early to make sure you can get what you want. Mussallem Grocery COMPANY, LTD. 417-423 Fifth Ave. East Phone 18 anfl Phone 84 Prince Rupert, B.C. Thor Johnson IT for lens Clothing and Furnishings The home of "SOCIETY BRAND" CLOTHES REDUCTION in Prices , 15 per, cent , off . '; ' ) for two weeks 'only Come in and inspect our stock M T. LEE LADIES' & GENTLEMEN'S TAILOR Third Avenue P.O. Box 977 SUTTON STORY ' PICTURESQUE Superstition Prevented Him Try ing Out New Gun After Breaking Mirror Oeneral "Lucky" Sutton, former aide 'ft Chang Tso Un. northern CM&a Wa; Lord, and one of the most picturesque of the post-war crop f soldier- ot fortune, u superstitious, says W B. De Or res In the Edmonton Bulletin It cropped out on Sunday when tiiv Oeneral. who Is now in Edmonton, was recounting bow he happened to get in with the Chinese generaUt&almo. and fi nally to command k dhrUtoo in the Northern army. j LAND ACT. .NOTICE OF INTENTION TO APPLY TO LEASE LAND. In Prince Rupert Land Recording District of Coast District. Ranse 4. and situate on and being all of Bonllla Island except that portion occupied by Indian Reserve Number 18. TAKE NOTICE that I. Ole C. Austad. Hallowe'en Time GROCERY SPECIALS Canned and Fresh Pumpkin, Popping Corn and Big Eating Apples Galore, Cheap We are changing our Egg Special and will give you now a larger guaranteed Fresh Egg, 3 doz. for Sj?l.-15 Our Fresh Ground Coffee is increasing in favor. Special, 3 lb. for $1.45 New Seedless Raisins just arrived, 3 lb. for r0c Ginger Cookies, going fast and furious, per lb, U."0 P. & G. & Royal Crown Naptha Soap, 4 bars for Stock up on Heinz Goods now, it will pay you. Heinz Catsup, per bottle WW Heinz Tomato Soup, 3 for . . X$ Heinz Medium Spaghetti, Pork & Beans, and Tomato Soup, 5 tins for Everybody get this one One Dollar size wood box Sodas along with one Heinz Catsup and one Medium Tomato Soup. All for $1.00 Special Brooms .5b (Strawberry and Raspberry Jam, pure, 4 s, each 05e King Oscar Sardines, 7 for JjJl.OO Brunswick Sardines, 7 for . . o0 Last week for Remo Spuds at i jju.or. Beekist Pure Honey, 5 lb. tin for !).-. Fancy Mcintosh Apples from per box fjVS'r, to $2.75 We have some great bargains on Sweet or Sour Pickles to go along with your Halloween Banquets and don't forget the Spice in the Pumpkin Pie. We guarantee our goods or your money back. B.C. Butchers & Grocers Limited Phones -15 and 571 Waterfront Whiffs (continued from page five) sand ton shipment of scrap to Japan where there Is a ready market for tuc material. D. S. Cameron, fisheries overseer for the central division, arrived In port on Thursday afternoon from Swanson Bay aboard the big patrol boat Rlvldls which will now be tied up at Dlgby Island for th winter. Dave will remain of Prince Rvpert, B.C. occupation I here for a couple of week and will XolLVtW "It" P Voouver for a ho-Commencing at a post planted at tbr ' da?' Mr- Cameron and daughter, who southeasterly point of Bonllla IUnd j spent the summer at Swanson Bay, are lre,lT at Vancouver. easterly, following the sinuosities of the snore line, to point of commencement, 1 excepting therefrom that nortlon of the , One of last week.enit's most nurrr. ISSJf!' P that headed by or less. ' i B' stu wnose members took four OLE C. AUSTD geeee near PUlsbury Cove. Contrary to n.t.ri T,.i- Applicant, fahi,, the further removed fields do NOTICE LAND ACT. OF INTENTION TO TO LEASE LAND APPLY In Prince Rupert Land Recording and situate on the southwest of an unnamed bay on the south bank of Port Chanal. Oraham Island. Queen Charlotte Islands, in the Province ol British Columbia. TAKE NOTICE thst Arthur Robertson. of Massett, B.C.. occupation a lumberman. Intends to apply for a lease of the following described lands: Commencing at a pest planted about one chain westerly from the mouth of an unnamed creek flowing Into an unnamed bay on the south bank of Port -Chanal. Oraham Island. Queen Charlotte Islands, Province of British Columbia; thence 4 chain southerly: thence 10 chains easterly; thence 4 chains nor therly to the shoreline: thence following the shoreline to point of commence ment, and containing 3 acres, more or less. (Signed I A ROBERTSON. Applicant. Dated October 6. 1927 Cash and Carry Grocery Sixth Avenue and Fulton Street We sell for cash only. That's why we sell first quality grocer ies for less. And at the same time save you from 10c to 25c on each dollars expended. Here's how Any brand Evaporated Milk, 3 tins for :$50 Per case $5.50 Mcintosh Ked Apples, wrapped, pr box JfcMHI Remo Potatoes, per sack . . $1.00 Any brand of Flour, 49 lb. sack, .$2.75 B.C. Sugar, 10 lbs. for ..... 75p E.C.D. Butter, per lb 5()e 2 lbs. for 5r 14 lb. box $0.15 Capitol Creamery Butter, per lb. -15? 14 lb. box $0.10 Old Dutch Cleanser 10 Corn Flakes fikceaded.;. Wheat, wrrr ourresn ureui per lb BranjFJakeSf 'A'-M-'A0 or id&fee a( -500 Bulk Tea, per lb OOtf Everything in the store is plainly marked with 'price tags. Also everything guaranteed. f5.no orders or over delivered free S. B. ADAMS, Manager Phone 301 THE DAILY, NEWS "J "J hs demonstration wn set lor 10 ocloek.1 Rnuin beitur mm.i.ii t th an a munitions eapert. eflered to make lnd aooul 9.45 suttoo was shartnf. doek from damage sustained when the " BUUW and turning round suddenly, knocked hi soldiers how to handle them. Chan , nK, mlrrar. cracklag K ctin across iw un agrreo. ana piacea a amaii ar senal at the disposal of the Englishman, who. in course of time, finished a gun. They agreed to have a demonstration, one Sunday morning, and the Oblnse marshal lined the streets out to the testing ground with soldiers. Invited ail his staff to see the demonstration, and par- WATER NOTICE. DIVERSION AMI USE TARE NOTICE that E. Rousseau, whose address Is 410 Seymour Street, Vancou ver, u.u.. wui apply for a licence to tske and use 1 cubic foot of water out of unnanmed stream which flows southerly and drain Into Port Stephens Bar. about one mile east of Bluff Point. ame mm lies the centre. Thst settled It. The shoot was off. Vainly the chlef-of-staff threatened and cajoled. Sutton would not budge. Ha was told that Chang Tso Un would have him shot. Still he wouldn't leave the hotel, and the result was that the troop were dismissed, the six-mile route to the testing grounds left unguarded, and the mighty Chang Tso Un himself with all his glittering staff had to return home. Next morning Sutton put on th hoot. It proved . entirely satisfactory, and he disposed of the gun secrets to Chang Tso Lin for 25O.0O0 and at the tune agreed to make more of The water will be diverted from the i them and train the troops But '' 1 d h,T th the mouth on out orhlng and will t used for commer- clsl purposes upon the lands described mirror cracked I'd probably have as Lot 2750. Range 4, Coast District. This ' been Mown up or something. I Just notice was posted on the ground on ,. ;w . . . ... the 2th of 10 ,ult 1T fter resklnj day July. 1927 A copy of this notice and an aDDlleatlon cutsuint ; the mirror: It was too unluekr." he thereto and to the "Water Act will be i ,id. filed tn the office of the Water Re corder at Prince Rupert. B.C. Objey-' t tlons to the aDDlleatlon mav be filed ' w with the said Water Recorder or with the Comptroller of Water Rights, Parliament 1 Buildings. Victoria. B.C.. within thirty days after the first aooearance of this notice In a local newspaper. The date of the first publication of this notice Is August 20, 192 EUGENE ROUSSEAU. Applicant. not seem to be proving the greener this year. Borne good bag hire been I taken, as far as birds st least are oon cerned. close to home while some of the more ambitious parties. traTeUWf far abroad, have done little betHt than get akunked. ON WARM HAYS Boats going up on the Ward Ways recently for cleaning, painting and miner repairs' ' hare included the halt- .outers R.W. .WfT.'Cape Spear, Bingo, Ve--na and Otbsoa: packer Spindrift; orulsers ilyf&wy. Edsc and Lar' f, and trailers CHMe, Mary Q. and lee-land. Repair to Oeosge Frlueel's Lanra P. were made necctsafy aa a rtdt of damage sustained by the Teasel at her float on the waterfront In a recent aded about 40.000 men t be on the southwesterly wind. grounds to see the new weapon The i vessel wss bumped recently la the harbor by the American halibut schooner Akutan. Charlie Quirte workboat Ruby May is In commlsslyi again. ObariH footed his own repair bill. s-eton for recoverey of (63 or so being deemed inadvisable since there were probably faults on both sWe. Members of the local detachment of the Royal Canadian, Naval Volunteer Reserve who returned recently from courses of training at Esquimau and at see on vessel of His Ma)cty' Canadian Navy had many interesting tale to tell of their experience but. a usual, be who laugh last laugh best and possibly that Is why the best adventure of. all that of Oeorge Bell, rising young looal key tapper ha not been unfolded until this late date and now, of course, without the authoriza tion of the hero of Hits tale. TO make a long story short. It appears that Oeorge' must have been on kitchen police duty (ot course they wouldn't call It that in the navy though we landlubbers might better understand It In this term I when he wss detailed to dump the ashes out In the backyard. Now Oeorge Is an enthusiastic sailor- man and when he sets about to do things, he usually does them throughly. Nor did he fall on this occasion and. so energetically did he hurl that sack of ashes, that be Incidentally threw himself over as well. Of course, sailors are never supposed to get drowned even If they do happen to be tn the turbulent seas about the West Coast, so all Oeorge had to do was Just get back on board again. Its said that his return Journey safe on board again was carried out with the assistance of the .business- end of a pike pole land the hefty effort of his fellow tars. WATEK FRONT ; DF.COKATIONS In the matter of decorating the water' front landscape, the municipal public works department rrlay think It Is doing nobly but tastes differ aa to the effec tlveness of old tar barrels as an adorn ment on an otherwise virgin green landscape. As a matter of fact, we have not heard of any of the late fall tourists remsrk favorably of this decorative scheme below the tarvla plat form abeam the approach to the C. N R. wharves. Perhaps, of course that may not be the object of hurling the old kegs over the hillside anyway. It may Just be that a little winter relief for the unemployed may be designed In the picking them up. It Is to be hoped they wUl be picked up so they may not LAND ACT. NOTICE OF INTENTION TO APPLY TO LEASE LAND In Atlln Land Recording District of the Casstar District, and situate at the mouth of Wann River, about 500 feet easterly along the shore from the north west corner oi me Skylark Mineral Claim. TAKE NOTICE that I. Horace Mc- Naughton Fraser. of Atlln, occuDatlon B.C. Land Surveyor, acting as agent for me Engineer uoia Mines Ltd., inc., Intends to apply for a lease of the follow ing aescrmea isnas: Commencing at a post planted about 500 feet easterly along the shore from the northwest corner of the Skylark Mineral Claim: thence northerly 22S feet: thence easterly 100 feet: thence southerly 150 feet, more or less, to high water mark: thence westerly 100 feet, more or less, to point of commencement. and containing 0.5 acres, more or less. ENGINEER OOLD MINES LTD.. INC., Applicant. H. McN. Fraser. Agent. Dated August 9. 1927. to eokope I MAKE RESERVATIONS NOW Nov. Nov. Nov. FROM MONTREAL 11 Montrose, to Glasgow, Liverpool. 18 Montcalm, to Olasgow, Liverpool. 25 Mellta, to Belfast, Olasgow. Liverpool FROM l'KIIEC Nov. 16 Montnalrn, to Cherbourg, Southampton, Antwerp .fc ., FROM jj't. JOHN ... , . , Dec, Montclare, to Belfast, Olas-'' ' gow. Liverpool -' "i "i DecH SiMontrose. ' to Belfast, f .Olasgow. Liverpool Dec. 14 Montnalrn. to Cobh, Cherbourg, Southampton Dec. 15. Montcalm, to Belfast, Liverpool Dec. 22 Mellta. to Olasgow, Apply to Arcntt everywhere or J. J. FDKai K. S.S. General Pa. Aecnt, CP.R. Station, Vancouver. Telephone Seymour 2630 a reservoir T IKE the camel which "L' stores up large quantities of water when it can, because the opportunity-may not occur soon again, It is wise for mankind to store up some provision for .the future during productive earning years. The safest and easiest way to do this is to purchase a Confederation Life policy a Guaranteed Pension Bond, for instance. Then you have a reservoir that no future hazard of fortune can empty. An initr$ling pamphttt, "TAe Kty to appt'ness," will b sent upon reeuesf. Confederation Life ASSOCIATION HOU'AKI) r.lKKANT District Manager. Rogers Hulldlng, Vanrotitrr, ILC KENNETH H. MCIIEKK Local Agent Prince Rupert. B.C. M. K. HTEEYEH Oeneral Agent Prince Rupert, B.C. remain as a reminder ot some one' slotAlalnes. Harry Landry has been engaged this week in an audit of the books of the Prince Rupert Boat House. Except for a few fender piles along- aide the fish houses which will be put in after the commencement of the close reason, the Pacific Stevedoring Co. ha ww completed the contract of rebuild ing the government wharf and has removed Its paraphernalia from, the scene. Order ha come out of ehaos and the wharf looks better than It ever was before. Two nice halibut boat buUdlng Job have been awarded during the week to Japanese ysrds In Cow Bay. Anton lloen. this sesson a member cf the crew of the schooenr Cspe Beale. has given to V. Suetrlro the contract for the construction of a 43 foot vessel with a 30 ii.p. Frisco-Standard engine. To K. T. Summira, on the opposite side of the bay, has been given by Marellus Holkestsd. late of the Viking, the order for a 40 foot boat, of similar design to thst of Moen. with 25 hp. Bcllnder motor. The entire construction of both boats. except the engines, will be carried out locally. They are both scheduled for delivery by the end of January and will be decided acquisitions to the Prince Rupert fleet as well as tributes to the enterprtee of their owners. Word brought to port during the week indicate that most encouraging results have wlthjn the past few dsys been obtained In the dog fishing oper stlon being carried out under the aus pices of the Rupert Marine Products Co., Ltd. which Is using the fish for reduction purposes In Its Tuck Inlet plant. Prospecting operations carried on since the first of the month have resulted In the location of some favor able fields that are now being fished and, whereas reports last week were not very rosy, later developments have made prospects much brighter and It Is now confidently anticipated that the industry, during the coming winter, will afford profitable employment not only for trailers and the like but also for the smaller gurdy halibut vessels. Since a start was made, the Rupert Marine Products has .moved Its fish gathering scow no less than five times and It Is now located In a sheltered cove on the northeast corner of Dolphin Island at the head of Schooner Pas sage where, during the past few days, some very substantial catches have been landed. Productive grounds have been found In the vicinity of Kltkatla Islands and Beaver Passage and on Mon day of this week the five boats operat lng took 3.812 pounds, following up with 17,630 pounds on Tuesday. One boat took 4,515 pounds and others 3,-300, 4.800, 2.800 and 1.700 pounds or an average of some two .tons to the boat on the latter day. Arrangements have been also made for .the handling of varieties other thai dpgffl.whlcti.are taken in the, coursj of the operations. For such edible Tiq: as codbass. etc.. 214c Is being pa while V n"sts.fi jltfe and 5c ha been established for halibut. Free trans portatlon to port is given and the ice for packing down 1 also supplied. Oasollne Is being sold to the fishermen on the grounds at 23c per gallon and the company Is also providing bait in the form of frozen oolachan without cost In the meantime. The price being paid for the dogfish la 7.50 per ton. 8o far there are only two Japanese engaged in me dog fishing. The re tnituider are white. WESTHOLME THEATRE TONIGHT ONLY nt 7 and 9 MOORE in aughty eEjai Nice?? DONALD HEED. CLAUDE OII.I.INT.WATKIt, II V" CO0I.BY. HUHK MclXTOSH, KATIIKYN McGl'IK: EDYT1IE CHAPMAN. CLAltlSSA SKIAVYN Y and many others. MACK SENNETT COMEDY "HOHOKUN TO ()L'V WOOD." PATIIE HEV1EW Admission 50c and 25c aaaaHalBaWMBsaaaaaaaaasaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa See Our Windows! Month End Specials on Sale Till Monday H. S. WALLACE CO., LTD. Canadian National Steamships Co. L mited Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD Operating (J.T.l. 20,000 Ton Floalinj; Dry Docli Engineers, Machinists, Hollermakrrs, HlackamitliM, .I'allern makers. Founders, Woodworkers, Etc ELECTIUC AND ACETYLENE WELDING. Our plant is equipped to handle all kinds of MAMNE AND COMMERCIAL WOItK. PHONES 43 and 385 Canadian National Cflic Largeft Railway Syflem in America STEAMSHIP AND TRAIN. .SERVICE S.tll.lXOS from miXCE Itll'KIlT for V.tXCOLVF.It. VK'TOHIt SKATll and Intermediate points, each TIIIKSOAV ami suxiv' !!. Pm' for ANVOX and KETC'IIKAN Earh IVElKNESDty 4(H) 'pin for STEttr.UtT Each SATCIUIAY. 10.00 p.m. lor XOKTII AM) SOUTH QUEEN CIUKLOTTE ISLANDS, fortnightly PASSENGER TKAINS LU AYE IMtl.M'B (UIEltT TON, MNMM.O, all point Eautern Canada. United Stales. AGENCY AUi OCEAN STEAMMIUP LINES. Use Canadian National Express for Money 1 Order, "ror"' roretrn Cheqo" " etc, also for your next shipment. CITY TICKET OFFICE, 528 TUIHD AVE, PRINCE RUPEItT. Phone