2 Prince Rupert Daily News Friday, Noyember 21, 1952 an independent dally newspaper devoted to the upbu and Northern and Central British Columbia Member of. Canadian Press Audit Bureau of Circulations Canadian Dally er Association Published by The Prince Rupert Daily News Limitea 3. P. MAGOR, President H. G. PERRY, Vice-President Subseription Rates P 5 rier r wees, 25¢; per month 81.00; per year, 610.00 wD srw i—Per month, Jée; per year, $8.00 ized as by the Post Office Department, Ottawa econd class mal Make Teaching Attractive Ae high school principal in Victoria, B. C. Gillie, has drawn attention to a serious sit- iation in this ‘province which is becoming more serious all the time. It is the growing shortage of cnool] teacners. By Mr. Gillie’s calculation, 1,000 young men and ol should be trained each year as teachers to keep pace with the province’s rapidly increasing atior Right now in B.C. less than 650 are raining for the profession. len years from now, Mr. Gillie predicts, there Wil. De 10,000 nore children of school age in the province than there are now. By that time, if the present rate of training continues, the provinee will be short at least 3,500 teachers. The figure prob- will be greater as a shortage exists already, vithout any immediate indication that it will be cor- rected The problem is of grave and intimate concern to every parent in B.C. Upon the personal attention that a teacher is able to give a pupil depends much of that child’s future development. As the number of ‘hildren in each class inereases, the individual at- tention becomes proportionately less, with the result that pupils are in danger of going ahead year after vear with only a partial understanding of what they are supposed to be doing, For the slow student it will become a hopeless proposition, and more and more will drop out of school as the shortage of teachers becomes worse. This. in turn, could lead to problems in juvenile de- linquency whieh would make those of today seem simple by comparison, The only remendy for the shortage is to ensure by one means or another, the profession of teaching is made as attractive gs it is valuable. The velfare of every child of school age depends on it, ich allows no room for short-sighted treatment. A Flaw in Policy )MEWHERE there is a very bad flaw in our S immigration policy as it affects Great Britain. In the past four years the number of Britons coming to this country has decreased from 38 per cent of the total immigrants to 16 per cent. If the trend ‘ontinues, it is estimated that by the end of the century less than one-third of the country’s popula- will be of British stock. While it will be admitted freely that an infusion f many races gives vigor and enterprise to a nation, 1s it has to the British people, it is disturbing that Canada is taking such little advantage of the British desire for settlement in this country. “Interest in the advisability of settling in some other eountry, particularly in Canada, is both wide- spread and sustained,” reports.the Montreal branch of the Royal Empire Society, ‘Everyone connected with the work of emigra- tion from Great Britain can confirm this, though one need look no further than the fact that some 350,000 haye gone to Australia since the war, many after finding their finances were insufficient to enable them to reach this country.” that tOnl THE ETTERBOX LOYALTY TO RUSSIA Editor I aiy Ne ws tim a crim when loyalty to WOrKINE Ciass dia become inference I take 1 of Nov lyy Ar is the Since 1917, I and millions of eonscious Wworsers oughout the world stood rmly behind Russia in the great experiment of developing ) n republic by Ww Ring ass, a cha ther Class reing Ciass my action to i mY iow re : quire iron u oth biood . fe: ut -y ‘ : Cn in no way do i regret being a - Canadian or that I reside U.N. ASSEMBLY OFFICERS—S Canada, but I am foreed to point now holdir its seventh sessioi own Can i ownea io not part she who owe no ai iance in any way to the crown Dut reap the profit SOUPeES ihe reigners of our re and jabor af our peopit A few years ago Lord Beaver- rigt Lester B Chairmat rt of Ca: he Politica] Com mittee; Jir| Nosek of Caechosk Chairman of the Social Comni Carlos P. Romulo of the Phil; Waithayakon of Thailand, Leg: Pearson brook said Russia belongs to the Russians. Por my part, J wish Canada belonged to the Cana dian GEORGE B. CASEY EXPLAINS SITUATION Editor The Daily News - ‘J Where did -you Aegam sthat Leonard Nix was lighting a coal Stove with the aid of napthe or ®asoline at the Yacht Club when he Was severely burned in a re- As I See It by, Elsen Philpott cent explosion there? He did no ueh thing Socreds Plead Free Bite 7 2 : TT a { the U.N. General Assembiy Top Munia of Brazil = 4 left Lo Hoe Com Committee ead rters in New York A ; Joao Carlas G e, ( man of the Ad mittee. Bottom row: Amjad All of Pakistan Arwer Trusteeship B etary Committes BUSINESS SPOTLIGHT vies Prinee Wan omic Aura The Canadian Bank of Commerce in its monthly months, but some regional weaknesses develope ‘hE aa pe thd ‘Yorn? Gi | y I J ¥ ‘ine tee aa man E frica, has many huge it¥pe was wae Pde ingy xtinet Vot@anoes.? hee $065. wuibed in Chi > ’ s the 13th ¢& ntury Tiny Bank Reports Regional Slump In Canadian Econ commercial letter says a measure of stability eon- tinued evident in the Canadian economy in recent d ul When he opened the door t : : enter the Galle of the om Pa ’ y ’ me . the same time. ? ‘ : ( ANAL k LA | », B.C = iid i . levejs see to have become explosion of coal gas that had : . eee ' ” P ve firmly established. ind concentrated thefein, due to After travelling from peared uneertain about fytuy eee = ‘Aatinih ™ - te fe: faulty setting of the dampener » thi noe eeoRomic activity. But current ©” ews ve oe . —' in - in the chimney of the egal heat- end to end of UMS VASt statistical indicator ontinue | MeMonary ” oe the economy er, roasted al] his exposed flesh Rocky Mountain riding, give the appearance of ae of - nigh level .' * and blew him back 10 feet into r sia eneral byoyancy prevailing “Wer Suying ane — “ rush. He pickeq| and talking with hundreds) proughout the economy scheint pe agp mm p, Stripped off his . Lt »} , ‘ . on ProGUcHOn ANG OF INVES oe pon aia B re ot peopie in speec a or ae yom ot waa shen, ao ment and industrial expansion led to Jimm 1, the Yacht | private conversation, | ea os a8. slats te te ee The iabor market improved Chub caretaker, to phene for the’ »: : : : : a ” sans during the last two menths fire engine and a doctor; then figure the biggest polit: vane oa = of hie oo sated with construction activity Wy ran and got a 25-lb. fire exting-| j¢al laugh of the century ain ta tndile aa 7 posing heavy demands on the r and played" it into the : . wwe re available labor supply.” Durning barge may be shaping up. - Wil industria ret except At the beginning of October This painful action by Leon- The temporary Social Cre Lhe automotis rages, registered tne number of persons seeking i e progress of | governme BA itera ve 4h Food oy employment stood at ; the blaze itly to save the | b to fine ae ‘ ve pong 1B out 8000 more than the pr barge (which carried cans of att nepu ME TE" views Ochover ‘ ai toe ; Be nainte : ‘ : corded a high I vity iitiqgemaiele ile and paints) foot ra abe Re ale been we cia with vals of constr uction away, until the fire department’ pusho ings | panded dem tf jurable £8 nes lg cregedion Ay. mem arrived are 1 ich dizzy confusion that | Malntaingd ja ) in ex however, has been only 3 Ww. C. LEWIS Mot a living sou) knows what } Value ¢ ‘ n August, | . ri of — dollar v ue of Editor's note: The Daily News likely to happen on election day. ef Fore A WA ven per; — : a oo ae did not say Mr. Nix lit the coal’ The people of this usdally for Pee A00VE ye , ee “ ~_ sa. i ab men tove with the aid of naptha or | gotten district are already chuck- PRICES DOW eee MUS FEMCental CON The ‘ral bank's letter low! ward arG wih lt troection Trv Daily News Want Ads gasoline, It reported that he WaS jing at the fact tl the Bocta carrying a can of gasoline at the | cre; p lave rushe f time, which information was ob in h whole ecabine tained from the best sources The voters are like the lor available. We are pleased to gig maid eritec carry this explanatory account foun of Mr. Nix’ quick-thinking ac i warn Lor ! ! 4 har cd she Dope Goes * ¢ ¢ ray eee TO UNDERSTAND the sudder Social Credit alarm you have to remember that last June, whe Reflects and Socreds GOn on the third eount tie Ya there were four parties in th 8 field» "The @onservatives were Reminisces counted out first. Their set choices were split between the Liberal and Socred. The CCF Nothing shows a woman’s age Man Was counted out next and as much as her efforts to hide it. CCF second choices elected th Social Credit MLA The stairway from Pirst Ave- Now the CCF leaders have ijmue across the yards to the! made strenuous effor to @du jstation has been traversed by | cate their followers to the dow: | thousands They could go freely.| Tight insanity of giving their | But now with loek and. key bot- second cholees to Social Credit That last remark contains the clue ta the whole |%™ and top, there's a change| whieh is far more reactionary story, and it should cover us with a national blush of shame. In spite of the far greater distance to Australia, it costs a young married couple with three small children only $100 to get there, com- pared to $650 for the trip to Canada. An assisted transportation policy in Australia, in which the United Kingdom cooperates, makes this possible. It is not Great Britain’s fault that we do not have a similar arrangement, It is ours. Aside from putting up advertising posters which make pleasant reading, but little else, Canada has done absolutely nothing to encourage British migration to Candada. If we carried our policy to its logical conclusion, we would have those posters returned. The backs would be good for naughts and crosses, particularly naughts, Scripture P. assa “Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world.”—1 Jehn 2:16. and it’s a wise one. The jess;'hen the Tory party. In-his, | footing there is across railway | Golden speech the national COF | tracks the better leader ended hy urging the |ALWOST EVIL people to “vote against Social | Prince Rupert has been hear- jing about Soviet Russia In- | hem to vate CCF as their firgt | \cidentally, the following Vienna | Choice | over . ae i ang AP despatch appeared in the at. | °Y®FY2¢y Bot the pon Thomas (Ont.) Times Journal + 2? |“Everybody seems to be afraid) qa MORE ominous sign for the jto laugh for fear someone will }report them to the police. It seems to me laughter is con- |Sidered almost a sin.” Everyone should be pleasant but a receptionist is fortunate. | She gets paid for it—Lethbridge Herald. |A NOD SHOULD DO Small bones in the soft hand of the Mayoress of Blackpool were recently broken, during handshaking. Ip future, there will be no more such saluations jin the Langaghire city. Instead, there will be given just a slight bow. This is an example that may be widely followed—if one can follow the comment read and heard. SPECIAL METAL Australian zireon, a light non- corrosive metal is used in man-| waters is often ca ufaeture of radio tubes, EAGER FISH lunging at an unbai hook. The Albacore tuna in Pacific t while The famous old Toronto Tele- gram has been sold for four mil- lion. A Sheet that can share in a financial feat lke that need | Credit.” He did not even urge | Social Credit candidate is that two prominent Conservatives June and the noted surgeon Dr Williams, have both signed the nomination papers of the COF candidate. (Correct-—I said CCP) ‘I think George Drew's earnest speeches, especially the one in ew Westminster solemnly warn- ing of what happened to France when. new parties like Social Credft were allowed to multiply, have also sobered the respon- sible old line Tories. I figure the best of them will vote Liberal, for once, *+_ + TO ME the biggest laugh of all | ie the sheer impudence of the | Social Credit, appeal to Liberals They say, in effect: “Let us take just this one bite out of you—and please don’t resist we may more easily eat you all up next year.” | so that never worry. Not even Little Red Riding- hood would fall for that, Ted Zinken, the eandidate of last | B.C Christianity is Personal" 3 Serviees—-3:00 p.m. Saturday, 7%) pm. Saturday time of fellowship 10:00 a.m. Sunday Young Peoples Conference Sat., Sun., Nov. 22-23, at Regular Baptist Church @ Special Speaker—Rev. Froese of Oliver @ Conference Theme followed by an informal 4NCIRNT LAND LY A Toe | ague -..spy Haig & Haig SCOTCH WHISKY OR ce ee te . This advertixement is not pubiished or a “played by the Control Heard er by the Government 7 of British Cola WANTED PART-TIME SECRETARY-MANAGER for the PRINCE RUPERT HOUSING AUTHORITY Salary $100 per month plus additional honorarium for first four months. betore Noon, Friday, November 28, Orme G. Stuart Box 369 Chairman, Prince Rupert Housing Author Apply in writing, Stating qualifcat 1952, PRE-CHRISTMAS SALE Shop for Christmas Gifts now at B.C. Cloth FOR BIG SAVINGS Gs MEN'S SPORT SHIRTS 4 variety to choose Ty 2 nylons and gabardine