mhrr 14. 1927 he willow you a lift FwJl pay you to get ac-jamted with the Con-fc r'-a'i'jn Life Agent in y.j amity. Tie has information free-y a your disposal of a r an that will be a sure rim time f trouble, a re. benefit to you and j- r family. be assured of a Guar-ar.e-d Monthly Income f r 'he full term of life, ec red by very moderate fT-pr-i: in your produo a years, is surely gamete g much to be dired. acquainted with a ( ''.-deration Life Agent, a-1 find out all about this p.n. An int trotting pamphltt, "A Monthly Intern for Lift," holy tint upon reeuesf. nnrpnrarinr. Life ASSOCIATION HOWARD r.tRKANT D.'tnrt Manager. Reisers llullcllnr.. Vanremrr, ll.C. tiii:o COI.LAKT Lwa) ,ent rrlnre Kupert. Ilf. Neglected Eyes NEGLECT is doubtless the cause of most of the ills that afflict humanity. This is so self evident that it seems nirdly necessary to tell you. U your eyes are giving trouble, have them attended to tnd at once. OF ALL absurdities in the kingdom of foolishness, ore!j the loss of eyesight fhrAnol. - 1 . I. it. ' urgicci. is luc uiusi Inexcusable. DOST lose health and efficiency through neglect Come sod seel Fred Joudry Registered Optometrist and Optician Room 8 Smith Block Plione 7G3 INDIAN SUMMER YCIT IN YOUR") jWILL SOON BE n COAl FOR THE i i li f r u w ii r j The Fall months are fall-behind and you'll have Winter on before you know it Join the "don't worry" tub today and get your bin 'illed right away. Our slate-free coal will rive you a care-free Winter. NANA1MO - WELLINGTON COAL and ALIIEUTA SOOTLESS COAL Albert & McCaffery I'hones 116 and 117 MILlC PRICE Reduced to 12 pint for $1.00 7 quarts for $1.00 J2 pints for $1.00 Cash price tickets. McBrid Street store now closed Yalentin Dairy Office and Dairy - 11th St. - Telephone C57. EXCITEMENT AT CATALA WRECK Two Iti; WrlNl xf,ry ( ome to linef on Daneerou Shoal lift wren Iturnt Cliff id. and Itellettl I't. Rupert people who went out T by aafeoat as vlait ta mk of the steamer CMak do Burnt Cliff latod near PmX Mmpaon next plenty of thrills baaidta that of kootiag mot the Ma mM White ite att. Uon tor wmt ot tfctn km praa- Wy 10 sw mmtm l the itfMinc Hwaamts af. nmgfc cicttrmant for the large Mtortip maktatg Mm Ma. which wit suMatentty roue aa MM. fully worth wane Ttm mm MMMImi. which. haftjxiy turned out to hate ax wrMM ccnirrnirwaa. featured the He n WM Mtwt id H if when the forestry tma Lillian D . with R C Scott at the whl and a based a party constating of Dtatrtet rereater R E Alls and Un. AO MM feettly. A-elata Jreeter E E. Ores. w loapector iiri Mrs R H Leigh Km. Mr tad Un O A. McMillan. ft. Kan and others, a ah was about M leave the wrack for home, bumped at the hfcfh tsse on the perilous res acres the southerly aewth of Pearl Harbor hMuean Burst ORB lata had Betlettl Petal. A the vessel keeled aver am the port ride and started: to awing up and down in the eil that waa rallraj in from Chatham Sound, the near panic that occurred on board oouM eaaUjr be imagined The poaastjat Pull Moon, with Dr W T. Kargln. the ownar. in charae. and Oillli Frtaceil with the Laura P.. both of which were nearby, proceeded Mn-Mdhrtely to the reacue and took the riiaanaen sir the tranded reaaei. The roll Moon then put a line on board the Lillian D. hut eflorta to pull her o!T laUeti HtpamlT the BO. Towage A UtMarae Co m Nekint boat Sara Prtneara, Oapt. Paul Armour, wtth a hig crowd of eMursioniau. within barf an hour, hove In eight from Print r Rupert, and with the tide still making, releeeed the LUilaa D wtth one goad yank rgaa of renef Vt the aaleagc of te Ionian D ware aooa to be changed to further gaapa of eMttesMfit when. uat the first voMel waa pulled off. Prince Rupert Boat Houw powerboat "38." with t large group of escurcfonlate on WATER NOTICE. WVEKMON AMI 1E TAKE NOTICE that E Bouweau. wbOM addrea la 410 Seymour Street. Vancouver. B.C.. will apply for a licence to take and uae 1 cubic foot of water out of unnanmed atream which nawi aoutb-erly and drain Into Port Stephen Bay. about one mile east of Bluff Point. The water will be diverted from the ttream at a point axm COO feet from the mouth and win le used for commercial purpose upon the land described a Lot 2150. Bange 4. Coast District. This notice waa posted on the ground on tfc 38th da of July. 1M7. A copy of thl not its and an application pursuant tbaretc and to the "Water Act wUl hs filed in the office of the Water Recorder at Prince Rupert, B.C. Objections to the application may be filed with the said Water Racorder or wtth the Comptroller of Water Right. Parliament Building. V 1st or! a. B.C.. within thirty days klter th first appearance of this notice in a local newspaper. Tbe date of the tint publication of thl notice 1 August 20. 19T EUGENE ROUSSEAU, Applicant. LAND ACT. MITICi: tr INTENTION TO APPLY TO IXAfE LANII In Prince Rupert Land Recording DIs-rlct shd altutte on the southwest corner of an unnamed bay on the souhi bank of Tort Chanal, Oraham Island. Queen Charlotte Islands. In the Province of British Columbia TAKE NOTICE that Arthur Robertson, of Massett. B.O.. occupation a lumberman, intend to apply for a lease of the following described lands: Commencing at a pest planted about one chain westerly from the mouth of an unnamed creek flowing into an unnamed bay. on the south bank of Port Chanal. Graham Island, Queen Charlotte Island. Province f BrtfUsa Columbia; thence 4 'chains IffrdrherJy; thence 10 chains easterly: thence 4 chains northerly to the shoreline; thence following the shoreline to point of commencement, and containing 3 acres, more or leva. (Signed) A. ROBERTSON, Applicant. Dated October 8. 1827 LAND ACT MOTICR OF INTENTION TO APPLY TO LEASE LANII In Queen Charlotte Island) Land Recording District of Prince Rupert, and situate at Ferguson Bay. Oraham Island. 9C.1. . . .. TAKE NOTICE mat oomervuie tannery Company. Limited. Vancouver. B.C.. occupation Packert. Intends to apply for a lease of the following described lands: Commencing at a post planted at the northwest corner of Lot 1571. Q.CJ.: on hln- thence north 3 UilUM - " " " ' i chains, more or less, to low water mark, Ithenc west following low water mark. 30 chain; thence south 3 chains, more or ! less, to point of commencement, and containing six 161 acres, mora or less. SOMERVIUJt CANNERY COMPANT, LIMITED, Applicant Dated Ausrust 81. 1037 1937. IN PROBATE. IV THE StTKF.ME COl!KT OF BRITISH COLt MIIIA In the Matter ot the Administration Act; and . 'in the Matter of the Estate of Duncan Gilbert MCKay, ueceaseu. iuotjoio. TAKE NOTICE that by order of Hi Honor. F McB. Young, the 2Vb day ot Aueuit. A.a 1927. I wai appointed Administrator of the estate of Duncan Gilbert McKay, deceased, and aU parties having claim aeatrust the said estate are hereby required to furnish same, properly verified, to roe on or before the 1st day ot October. AD. 1927. and all parties Indebted to the estate are required to pay the amount of their indebtedness to me forthwith. NORMAN A. WATT. Official Administrator, r r . .. r v ed "he 1st day of September AU. Mr.. Wia Hral-jr. 5S4 Hill Wreet, IaiiIuii, Opt.. utf: "U (iaughler, ngi-d fuurtrt-ii. war rulijrrt tu bruachiti ff ainti i. "Hiu- i rougli uutil ake wai rare ' "im tlir f . 1 1 tun. IM miliar h fiw-ai a1n4 me to KH a buttlr tif (MI Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup ao I pet a small ittle to try and was fekgatod to and that before aba bad takea aajf of it her conga was rMu pU-trJy relbreL "1 eertaial fel juatiaed ia reeom-mradiag it to tbone aufferias; from i-uugas aad eolds." Priee ISr. a bottle, large family site aoc: pat V) only by The T. MUbum 0 I.toHal Tnsa4a. Oat md Oapt Hans charge, bumped onto the Beitiuiat aok ahoal a short distance farther out and aim stuck, swinging in abe roUara. Ap-panutly ihar waa even further eacrtc- i that ran el for eaaatant blasts v whistle waa anajndtil and the distress flag waa promptly run up. GasHc of the passengers bad been put to the Ufebaats of lha Salvage FMateat. bavtag loved the Lillian XX to tbe Salvage dredge, waa Just turning oat to go to the aid. when tb "M" floated bemeif otT the reef. While standing by the LUUan D.. the Pull liur. drtftad to the reef bar-tell but was In no trouble. The clump of rocks where the sodden ts occurred l a mean place, requiring fullest of Ipiowtodge of abe surratuutlnga to sucoasafully navlg4e. Ple boats made the trip out to the wreak during the day. Tbey were the Pun Moon. Laura P.. UlUan D.. Salvage Pitnojaa and "" All bad rough trip and many people were iaarr. a fresh northwest wind uuttlng up the watccs of Chatham Bouaa considerably These making tbe trip aboard tbe Lsurs P. were Oeorge Prlseell. Douglas PrmatU. Bob Prlamtl. Harry Ashotl, H. P. Pullen. Prod Smith. 8M Hunter and O. A. HuntW AU tbe eaeuratonlaU wore safely borne by S oUoek In tbe evening, a big fire, apparently In the bush west of Metlakatla providing tbe final subject ad the day for interest and speculation As far as oouM be made out. the ware must have been started frv nuntera or campers and bad spread up tbe hill side from tbe bore. From a distance tt looked (ike a fire in Metlakatla but. on onaaing cker up, It waa found teat tbat aa not the ease. IN PHOBATE IN THE MTHEME COt'RT OF ISKIT1MI ( OH MIIIA In the Matter of the Administration Act: and In the Matter of the Estate of Joe Elman (otherwise l Joe Herman. Deceased. Intestate TAKE NOTICE that by order of His Honor V. McB. Young, the 11th day of August. AD. 1M7. I was appointed Administrator of the estate of Joe Elman I otherwise l Joe Herman, deceased, and all parties having claims against the said estate are hereby required to fur-Aiah same, properly verified, to me on of before the 2!st day of September. AD. 1937. and aU parties Indebted to the estate are required to pay the amount of their indebtedness to me forthwith. NORMAN A. WATT. Official Administrator, Prime Rupert. B.C. Dated the 34th day of August, AX). I93T IN I'KOHATE, IN THE Kl THEME COURT OF BRITISH rOLl.MlUA IB the Matter of tbe Administration Act: and . . . In the Matter of the Estate of John Caddy. Deceued. Inteatate. TAKE NOTICE that by crder of Hta Honor P. McB. Young, the 20th day of July. A.D 1927. I was appointed Administrator of tbe estate of John Caddy, deceased, and all parties having claim against the ttld estate are hereby required to furnish same, properly verified, to me on or before the 30th day of August. A.D. 1937. and all partlet indebted to the estate, are required to pay the amount of thelrxlndebtedneas to ma forthwith. ...... NORMAN A. WATT, OlIlcuU Administrator. Prince Rupert. B.C; Dated the 3Sth day of J'llv. A.D liliT IN PROBATE IN THE SI TKF.ME C'OI'KT OF BRITISH (OI.IMItIA In the Matter of the Administration Act; and In the Matter of the Estate of Arthur C. Little. Deceased. Intestate.. Honor, r. McB. Young, the aoth day of September, AJ3 1927. I was appointed Administrator of the estate of Arthur C. Little, deceased, and all parties having Act : and In the Matter of the Estate of James Darius Wells, Debased. IntesUter-TAKE NOTICE that by order of Hi Honor, F. McB. Young, the Slit day of October. AX. 1927. I wai appointed Administratrix of the estate of James Darius Welts, deceased, and all parties TBE DAfLT J05WJ Tint, rrm Was Subject to BRITISH WOULD Every Winter NOT TOLERATE FASCIST MOVE iToromu Globe i Pasclam 14 now fit y-ur old. it waa at the eadtof Octo'ier. lttg. Uaat tbe King af lasly. feurin a reaolutloa. culled Mi nil ii I to Rome and made .m Prime Minister Since then be ha oeeat not only undisputed dictator. but tbe istal af a v-ry large bodg of the teHewHWU retry men. both at gtome jimI abroad Created far tbe purpoxe of ntsihrnifgag ; orsamitsnlara. Pgeatam baa set up a mf-i 'ani almaat i fanny aangarous. and ana i which weasM sever be tolerated by people who had been reared under British inatrtisMops. Musnolml a powerful State maeenne. I under wblob eeerytblng Is made eon-Iservieat to m wU. Capital and labor fare nnsjsalilitjr wbdar km command: atf neitbar tbe lasplnyer nor the worker ' Is a free aasat. Tbe inexorable decreea m of tne ojoasKY mui be utcyi-d. aosjni to aeraa af tb minutest details of home life, fdr een at the bapuam of Atatrea paiiaaj are forbidden to be stow aarnee ef which Fasolam aad Its leader triaapproee. Prttdem la dead la Italy, SAd ape dares to eaprres as Cftfaloa I' bb.l Is not In aoaord wttb Pascist prtsefplea. Par free yean tbe system baa met a sraiatdrrlWe degree of auocess, Cm W this baa hern almost entirely due t the paantaltlf of Mussolini bMsetf. Th imwiti m of his Oovernnaent have hern of little real aasiatance to him. and It at itawgUu; If be wouM wish that It ahouM l otherwise, for it Is laseotuU that neither his personal pop-ujertty nor Ma power should be shared by ethers, lie has. of course, a multla which ia devMed to him. and a serene prem. But there ae be nothing reeny umiiirant afaaat FurLun If II Dace tbould mse bis grip on tbe people, orl be removed from the scene, the whole fabric wbieta be has tet up wbuld prob- able topote over, and Italy utd be faxed wttb revolution. LONDON FASHIONS Tared l l"pular Tlil Yrar in WorltFa MrtrMill hut Mwt of 'ot Trimmed ttftii Fur LONDON. Nov. It Complete outfit are now Aaaagaed for every time of day . that no wrong choice of an acoee aory may spoil the whole. That passion for detail atarte wtth the osrrest building up of a tweed outfit wttb Its necessary jumper suit, ususlly a tweed sEirt and an angora jumper, nth perhaps a suitable eardlgan. Tweed k popular this yrat and a great many top ooata of brown- tweed, trimmed with fur. are made, tfaually a Jumper suit matsbea them In oolor. Sometimes tbe accessory suits artf fancy woollens or Jersey mixtures and many of the Jumper are striped or patterned In new wv. Ob others the patterns are of pleelngs of the material of the skirt If It Is not too heavy. AU kinds of Jumper tops seem permissible If made simply, and wool and metal woven materials are freely ued. The covering tweed coat la better designed than tweed coats were formerly, and there are homespuns where the patterns suggest seams and pockets, fine "nerrures" or pinched tucks. Tweed coats for travel ling are worn over tweed suits with leneyt or miigora Jumpers, the top coats being roomy wtth wide crossover fronts, few of them, however, are not trimmed wtth fur on the roll collars, cuffs, and even on fronts slid sides. Afternoon Wear Afternoon outfits take various forms. There are tailored suits wtth long ooata of velour or fancy woollen materials made with diagonal crbasovert. Th?y are usually trimmed with rtir.dyed fox, lynx, or ' some short; erled'-'Jrur; the sleeves widen towards the wrist or into big pointed cuff, and the skirt of the coat often flares and shows a fur plec lng running upwards from the hem In a point. The irocK tnat is worn witi. velour cloth coats may be simply tailored In satin beaute made with piecing in the reverse, or there may be a more complicated lame Jumper and skirt of velvet or satin, or a velvet, silk, or crepe afternoon frock. Many afternoon frocks have Jabot at tbe aide of the bodice and draperies at tbe aide 'of the skirt and they are almost all longer In the TAKE NOTICE that by order of His sklrt tha they have been. The uneven line Is seen on most of the formal afteauoon frocks but not tax tailored frocks, many of which have vert-! unobtrusive llngerte trimmings and are required to furnish same, properly (led. to me on or neiore tne n&i any oi accoraiea wun uucj duiuuis ana un- October. AD. 1027. and all partlet In debted to the estate are required to pay tbe amount of their indebtedness to me forthwith. NORMAN A. WATT. Official Administrator, Prince Rupert, B.C. Dated tbe 21st day of September. IN PROBATE 1 bed with a belt. All kinds of Incrustations are put ors tailored frocks, which are more complicated than they look at first. Tops and skirts are contrasted In some dresses; there are also separate """8 via mm (anni mmnM allied Wun lame. YCltefc, Of metal lace. are hereby to fumlsh same. . required- A whlt .,k. cluff0 hi.r .,v Jroclc ha K. . . crppe a long properly verified, to me on or before the 9th day of Deoember. AD. 1937. and shawl cape with a design of blaelc ring .an Parties indebted to tne estate are v.lwt st.lm!ter,; another, of pale gold Ireotured to pay tbe ami,. in: of their,. .... . . I tnohtertn.- ' .. . . ' 1m. Has a srrat square of the lame, KARAII JANE l.aCROIX - -jttef.'t-- Mrder as list ,19: Nuvcmber AD. ltnmmf 8otne are fltmhed w..h' Plain Mr Yotk makes a hole ia oiie ! ? Says Plain Mr. York; "To Occam- ' jP tliih this feat )K -s. '"a TW U find tuill be helpful if Plain . t lAJZA ) ! Yerkyou'll cat &?Z ' - 1 If it's not dotvn in ont (Pajifc ' " You'll at least hai the fun fflf Of envying Plain Yoryou wiU . I find it a treat." . mi Plain York adds to anyone's 7 rfSi ' enjoyment of life for il in the LmS. finest chocolate life has to offer. ffl IJV VrA A wonderful chocolate bar, not J my too bitter, not too sweet, the u- VEa33K i triumph of 200 years of fine- fCXjl chocolate making, Rowhtree's X gyijjfo' I Plain Voik chocolate Is always ph. ?r i better than par. Its velvety cSjvM af, smooth truly chocolate taste will fv-J2SSiv"" : prove a really delicious treat Jirk. 706 -" Also In larger wired Medici collar or Elizabethan ruffle. Picture frocks have picture wraps ts complete thera. Mjlen In hlioet The new autumn and winter shoe are in keeping with the fashions Many out-of-door shoes are dark brown to tone In with the bavanas and cocoa tones that are In favor, and there are the usual trimmed shoes. On Court shape are contrasting collar that give an elegant line. Toes ore shorter and heels are atraighter for indoors, and for out-of-door heels are fairly low. A new leather called "vld," which Is as soft as glove kid. Is popular tor out-of-door 4hoes, as It goes well with dark-colored stockings. A new walking shoe called the "monk'a shoe" is made with a long plain front, a short tongue, and a button fastening; tt la comfortable and Is made of cabregoya lizard, patent leather. and. brown sealskin. Embossed leather in autumn thades and light gold mark-legs is for afternoon shoes. For evening here is a return to multicolored brocades; they are now made In Court shapes, they look well, and tbey go wtth a number ot frocks. (ialters Doxcloth gaiter that came over tbe knees, stocklnettegalter;, apd ' Highland spattees are for chilly days. X new Wellington rubber boot sometimes with an astrakhan top is for wet days In the country. There are also new gota&hettes of proofed gabardine with turnover velveteen tops to protect evening shoes on damp nights, and Arelveteen proofed evening boot serve te same purpose. COMMUNITY LIFE IN D0UKH0B0R VILLAGES t' PrifeMr KegrH Certainty of Breakup of System WINNIPEG. Nov. 14. Prof. Blssons. of Victoria College, Toronto, write In the Free Press about tbe Diukhobors: What is to happen to the villages? Thus they named the grouped apartments consisting of two large square-built houses, and lower connecting house, surrounded by orchard and flow- Jumpers and skirt: afternoon materials erg tnd vegetable gardens. In each live vary and the materials decjde the cut 1 members of the lanrer family In the t. if"! "Vl B!"idr? JfiVTiiJ'hcfcnt clan fashion. When a young silks ttH-r-are tnUreTWAloWfllgbf min marries he brines hi wile to hie IN THE MTHEME COI'HT OF ItfCITISI ( ' weaves and patterns, mousseline. ( Ol.l.Mlu x Ide sole, and metal materials: m' In the Matter of the Administration fJP' tunlc 'ltB a velvet "rt - pressed in various way. For Evenings For the evening Indoor wraps make a complete ensemble wtth dinner and dance frocks. They fake many forms; ! the material of the dress is . usually father's homeland in primitive fashijn the great house gives shelter to blood relatives and such others as they may choose- to live with. And the women After selling two hundred million pounds oi "SALAD A" Tea In the thirty five years of Its existence, the Salada Tea Company has )ust established a new record by selling over two million pounds In the last seven weeks. sites "HOME BEAUTIFUL" "THE BUSINESS OF HOUSEKEEPING" Aside from the weight of tradition there is no fundamental argument for washing at home. From a social point of view, txtrq expense, and from, an individual standpoint, it Involves much waste of labor. From the larger economic point of view the commercial laundry will be supported by the progressive woman who wants to see home work brought to a higher level of harmony With our present industrial development. The Logical Conclusion SEND IT TO THE Canadian Laundry and Dry Cleaners 515 Sixth Avenue Yest aivide the w"J,eK"g'. vJ that for a week a woman will do housework, and for the next two or three week wlU work in tHe field, preferrtni usually the latter occupation to the former. Their houses, like their persons.' 'are scrupulously clean, with floors neatly painted and linen spotless. "TheEe heavens of rest, set In flowers, what wUl become of them? Should the community break up and most observers do not give it more than five yean to live the transition from community to Individual effort wilt mean the wrecking of much that ts now lovely to see. For If Canada has something to teach the Doukhobors. they have also something to teach Canada." ANOTHER NEW BOOK BY CANADIAN AUTHOR WiNMPEO. Nov. 14 Wnen Constance Travers Sweatman. of Uiia city, published "Old Folk. Young Folk" the New York Times counted It one of the four best novel of the year. Thl Autumn she has another book before " the public: "Half fries. " lsa Sweat-man la the wife of Travers Sweatman, a lawyer. ONE IlOKN F.VCKY SIIM'TE Millionaire (to some of his proteges): I owe all my success to only one thing. i Pluck, just pluck. j Bagactous Questioner: How do you i find the right people to pluck? Stevens Stone Mill' ! Flub-What caused that collision I Dub--Two motorist after th same pedestrian. Judge. Phone 8 Dr. Alexander Smith Block Phone S75 DENTIST LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone 63 Cartage, Warehousing, and Distributing. Team or Motor Service. Coal Sand and Gravel. We Specialize in Piano and Furrfitura Moving. ANGER, the TAILOR Fine Imported Serge and Scotch Tweed Suits made to order in our shop In Prince llupert as low Cff fiT Aft as I. ANGEIt, Cutter and Designer 2?3 Sixth Str?et.