PAGE FOUH TiTE tATTY MrTfv GROTTO MAKES . BRINGING UP FATHER By George McMan.i, HAVE A CIGAR-GY I DONY KNCM CLEAN SWEEP Tl ir VJAV- WHO DO CUT JODGC YOl TMlMK WILL QC 13LOT SJMOOLD -TUt ftESlDr:NTt rEATlKE OF LEAfllE BILLIARD CHOICE. rorj TrtACvEUKT) fw,7'"i TOl'RXAMENT IS VICTORY OF WArOM -OVEp (McILM()YLK i f . rmm A .fc ysm . 7 is -. The Orotto billiard tram hat not only made the first clean weep this season but Its capuin. Oeorge Waugh has the distinction of having inflicted a handy defeat on George Mcllmoyle, first player of the Moose team and vr.J.S.-.-? 'or I- ill.: ' 1 ' . , v II aSjB,.L.Xk. t. i M it I htm I iar I I esjljjlawi . I 'JV III 41 111. IBB JUJaVaVSI 1 . IiJjlmaT I city billiard atar. Waugh turned In a victory of 200 to HI oyer Mcllmoyle in the final game of the tournament -'mm last night, the aggregate score being I. . . wM.-. : 1000 to 824. ' The league standings to date follows allows: - V. J ;, ' dames Total Terminals 13 11850 Orotto 14 12,470 Gyros 13 11.563 St. Andrew's .. 13 11.539 Moose 13 11,476 are an Aver. S12 891 889 888 883 The averages for the players In the league to date are as follows: Oamea Ttl. Aver. II. Parr (Moose) 1 200 200 .Geo. Mcllmoyle (Moose) 6 1161 J. Hillman (Moose) 13 2512 F. Zleman (Terminals).. 12 Fred Pyle (8t. Andrew ) 11 O. Iiowe (Terminals) ... 7 W. E. Wllllscroft (St. A.) 8 D. Howe (Terminals)... 13 Frank Aldrldge (Oyro) W. J. Nelson (Oyro) . 2316 2099 1335 1517 2447 13 2434 12 2243 P. ODonnell (Terminals 10 1858 S. D. Macdonald (St. A.) 10 1851 J. Hamilton (Orotto) .. 14 2554 Ben Self (Oyro) 11 2005 Dr. West (Orotto .... 14 2540 O. Waugh (Grotto) .. 14 2514 C. Balagno (Terminals). 13 2343 J. Brown (Moose) 12 2150 W II. Long (Oyro) .... 13 2319 S. Darton (St. Andrew's) 2 356 J. Andrews (Grotto)... 14 2481 II. Corbett (Terminals). 12 2094 M. MacLachlan (St. A.)! 10 1751 J. May (Moose) 12 2080 , W. Stuart (Terminals) 1 173 Don Brown (Moose) 8 1378 Bert Morgan (St. A.)... 11 1854 A. Macdonald (Oyro) ... 12 1944 ,G. Krause (Gyros) 3 487 J. McLean (Terminals). 2 323 J. Judge (Moose) 13 2058 a. P. Tinker (St. A.) .. 11 1709 G. Anderson (Grotto) .. 7 1089 Bert Hosklns (Terminals) 2 306 A. Harvey (Gyros) 1 131 194 193 193 191 191 190 188 187 187 186 185 178 176 175 175 162 162 i.u ANNUAL MEETING YACHTING CLUB i. A. LINDSAY Is NEW PRl:sli)ENT-j NEW IIKtlKJl AltlKKS DISCI'S SED HIT XO ACTION Tlk'I'V for the year and chose J. A. Lindsay as president. Dr. H. L. Alexander as vice-president and Alex McRae as secretary-treasurer. The meeting discussed the question of permanent he&lquarters for the club but it was decided to take no action until It Is possible to secure a permanent alte. In appreciation of the faithful service of Chef Thompson, the caretaker, the cub passed; a resolution commending Mm for his faithful attention to the affairs of the club "during the past year, RUTH AND BOSS WAR OVER PAY NO CONTItlCT MADE YF.TJ tlft0.(Mio IS GOAL OF nlE NEW YORK, Feb. 17 The record taiary given Ty Cobb by the Philadelphia Athletics for 1927 and a cryptic announceemnt by Col. Jacob Ruppert, owner of the New York Yanks, have re awakened Interest In the contract which will -soon be offered . Babe Ruth. Ruppert had hit little say when he tcld sport writers that none of, his players would be permitted to report to the tralntng camp of the Yankees at St. Petersburg until he had signed a contract. While Herb Pennock, the slender pitcher, also, has been unable to agree upon his annual wage, the announce ment of the colonel was believed to be - aimed .directly at. Ruth,. now making movie on the Pacific coast. KWirr SCHEDl 1.1.' Ur.VEAI.ED, The ' Babel) hat about! three weeks to finish postm for., the jegmera andj get nit contract difficulties ironed rout. The last -detachment of Yanks wilt leave for St. Petersburg on March and the Babe's movie work will stop February 25. That means the Babe mutt hop to New York from the coat t, talk with Ruppert and prepare to leave for the south all within eight days Ruppert insisted he hst not conferred with hiV'Wr1 slugger sines the close of the 'season and hence Ruth cannot yetibe.classedjtsa holdout. Hit three yiar contract calling for $52,000 yearly has expired and indications were that the Bambino will not be backward In demanding a considerably larger figure. MAY ASK $IA,MN With Cobb drawing down between $60,000 and 175.000 from the Athletics, It Is conceivable Ruth will ask as high as 1 100.000 for one season's work, or 175,000 a year for three years. And the answer from Ruppert, who. like all owners of pennant winning ball clubs. Is harassed by requests for salary boosts may be, "Try and get It I" The sympathy of fapdom Is with the Babe. If Ty Cobb Is worth anywhere near 875.000 to the Philadelphia club, Ruth Is worth at least $100,000 to the 182 ! Yanks. 182 1 Sooner or later Colonel Jake and 181 ; Babe will reach an agreement, and 180 ' 1 those who remember Babe's training 180 difficulties In the past argue that the 179 'owner will be .thinking astutely If he 178 ,decldes it shall be sooner. MEN'S WHIST j73 St. Andrew Defeated St. (leorje'n (City) 173 1 I" 2 Postponed Came Lat 172, 189 Xleht ... I In a postponed game In in the the Mens Men's! Section of the Fraternal '(City) by a score of 7 to 2. The league standing to date 1 & follows: ' W" 153 Moose 8 l31 ,6t George's (Seal Cove) 7 I. O. O. F 5 Elks 5 Sons of Canada 5 Knights of Pythias .. 4 St. George's (City).... 4 St. Andrew's 4 L. 3 4 5 5 6 6 7 6 I j SPORT CHAT ine iniermeojaie oasseioau mm Kit thu tor Port for a Simpson 'f"10011 The Prince Rowing .nd Y.rht fah return am' wlth tne Port SlmPsoa held Its annual meeting In the city hall' t,m' "" Port ia last night and received reports for the P'" 'true Prtsmanllke manner, brought past year which showed that all bills v,.h k r..H . .w. i two launches to the city to transport Director., elected for the foim, the lotaljplayers .to Simpson. The-team, wU1 rtturn the cltytomorrow. year were J. A. Lindsay, C. A. Klrken- - r-ii rr r-. 1MLJL ii H.. , SO SHORT OF BREATH SHE COULD HARDLY DO HER HOUSEWORK heard ft It like a Wk to me. A friend of mine recommended As a protest against Mile. . , ,,. ,,' By their win over the Moose team, dents are awaiting with Interest the re AlPx ' MCJ?l$ : 11 Ulnnt inn 11a t , McDonald. W. II. Tobey was elected honorary president for the year. The directors selected the officers ';,( EI02J Ss a- important If you cannot nurse baby use Eagle Brand, .which has raised more healthy bottle-fed babies than all other forms of infant foods combined. It Is absolutely pure, uniform in quality and sticngth, easily digested and has been endorsed by doctors since 1857. Write for feeding; chart and Baby Welfare Book, containing Information every mother should have. Both are f ree. 'AddW Th Borden Co. Limited VANCOUVER EAGLE BRAND ( coNnENflrn Mine i partment at an early date. The Issue M over the wording of the publicly jxMted synopsis of the Oame Act. That does no mention moce. but honors caribou with notice of their Mrs. Nelson Moore, Milford, Out, Pro,tPcUon ia th' ""kenrle lctora! writes: "1 had heart and nerri dlstrlcL "But a moose U not rcartbou.- trouMe, and became to short of breaU Mr- Hobr 101(1 Dr Bayfield, maglntratt I could hardly do my housework, and " Bella Coola. "Moreover, cougar la was so nervous every little suuud I not In the posted list, yet the govern ment gives a bounty for Its hide." But the magistrate could not tee It Hobart's way and imposed the minimum I fine of $250 and costs of $21. or In default three months in Okalla prison. "I i refuse to pay. on principle. Ill go to Jail first. replied Mr. Hober. The court was wrong, he declared, and he was going to take It up with Victoria. 1 IIITTI.K Of LKTTKKH Being a family man, the authorities gave him a week to prepare for Okalla. so highly I got a box of. thm and! Menh,le tne D1,tle of eUer m- they did me so mueh good I got the .eed. and the fine, was reduced to w-cond box, and now I am feeling like 25 nd e1 oi ,J1- a different woman." ' Still Mr. Hober would not pay "on Heart and Nerve Tills art 5flc. a (principle" not even if it was reduced box at all druc:gitt or dealers, or to $1. He would terve the term, and mailed direct on lereipt of price br ttlll seek to have the conviction an- The T. Milborn Co., Limited, Toronto, nulled Fred Stork. ex-MP.. Insisted on paying the fine, leaving Mr. Hober free to con- am, Judglng from tne resulu of . tlnue his unusual method of appeal. He Whist League t .. of th, ..... m, then went to Victoria, then to Vancou- ilasr night, St. Andrew's beat St. George's : wjn out M u aQ totererttng serlet. ver and left Wednesday night for Bella Coola but never saw Okalla. Lenzlen's am seeking to have Mr. Stork re- decision to become a professional, Pld that Iln DT the authorttles." pts-j French women tennis players on the Ji"0 Mr. Hober. "and I eipect word ''Riviera have discarded the band thev xm from the Attorney General's de- 7 i wore about their hair, after the manner Prtment. The posted regulations should of the famous champion. Instead of be cler an4 definite and I shall con- the ribbon they now wear a dark bjue tend they are not ' beret. Some American women are rz zp: to the .tnJ vr PECULIAR CAUSE OF a .asixs sjb bu viit tjc mnA , which Helen Wills made famous. HUNTER FIGHTS GAME ACT FINE BOOK'S POPULARTY I't T.I.IC AriATED MAItCMIx o- I.KItNE HITH "LOIINA DOONE" WHICH (1)11.1) NOT UK !)l.ll at rinxr EDMONTOK. Feb. 17 How a book, otherwise destined for failure, became or.ll. AM1I.E TO qt'KSTION . NOW a success owing to confusion In the iiu ivii iTTfvrinv iTTfiii. ; public mind. U told of by Mrs. E. L. ; NEV liF.M ICAI. Hill, public librarian, who has an autographed letter of R. D. Blackmore, au- . .. . ,thor of Lorna Doone. Despairing of VICTORIA, Feb. 17. Northern .t real-' .... . . . ihln n 1 lY.m Ta tr mrt Af fh H I f inn the Orotto have Improved their per- suit of . controversy between. semilegal .nt.pode. In the hope that it iZ ? I L ?V , I "uZ fpiCment ,nd might find imarket there. Vhencam. billiard John Wesley Hober -.for a league. Anything might hap- twenty years coincidence. The Marquis pen in the remaining games of the pioneer In the Bella Coola Valley. John . ? . m ... th. league a. the Orotto ha, defeated the killed a moose within 200 yards of hi. nlmf, jeaaing lerminais ana later suuerca iruub uwi ib nurcaiwr, ruu iac vcr-defeat from the same team. The Moose bal battle over his right to do so has team also defeated the Terminals and ilnce clg-zagged between Bella Coola, now themselves have been defeated by Prince Rupert. Vancouver and Victoria. the Orotto. There are seven games still with the promise of a final ruling on to be played before the series Ij finish- the case by the Attorney Oeneral's de- confused In the public mind and the rumor went abroad that the Marquis of Lome was In some way connected with the book. Interest was awakened, and the demand for Lorna Doone became so great that the shipment bad to b brought back. HOSPITAL COMMITTEES FOR YEAR ARE NAMED I -- ; II. KiHl.rslrr. ('. II. EIMn and AM. I. Tinker are Mulrmen President X If. Thomnson' bf the IHITI.L . AltltlVALM. Prince Uiiert V anted For Salet For Rent f DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS. 2c per word in advance. No Advertisement taken for less than 50c WANTED LARGE ADVERTISED WHOLESALE Tailors have opened free Correspondence School of Salesmanship. Wonderful opportunity for ambitious diligent men of good character. Train for posit Ions paying upwards' of $7500 per week. Bute full details, age. education, esperience. references, iaat employers, present occupation. Addrena Manager. 400 Richmond Street, West. Toronto. GOOD WAOES OFFERED TO REU- able girl to care for two children and do a little housework. Must be fond of children. Apply B.C. Fur Qo. tf FOK SALE XR SALE. CHEAP. FULLY EQUIP ped host, in good condition: suitable i for halibut fishing: length 40 feet, beam 12 feet, draft 6 feet. IVi Inch fir planking: tullt 1919; equipped with 20 hp. Frisco Standard engine. Casts $1,000, balance $1,000 on easy terms. For particulars, apply Box 17. Port Esslngton. B.C. X)R SALE. OASOUNE LAUNCH "Leila." forty-two feet long and powered with thirty horsepower Eastern Standard engine in good running order. Terms cash. Apply to Dr. Large, Port Simpson. 50 HEAVEN AND HELL. SWEDENBORO'S great work on the life after death and a real world beyond. Orer 400 pages. Only 2W postpaid. H. V. Law. 4M Euclid Avenue, Toronto. OR SALE. TWENTY HORSEPOWEn ICermatb marine enftne in first class running order. Price reasonable. Terms cash. Apply to Dr. Large. Port Simpson. 60 OR SALE. THREE TUBE RADIO-SET complete with loud speaker, batteri and charger $75.00. Phone 123. FOR QUICK SAUL McCLART RANOE and parlor heater. Phone Red 409. HOARD BOARD. THE INLANDER, Second Atenue. Phone 1S7, OV TKAVin.l l ltt IIY AltltAMli:-MKNTM MAIIE 639 and Mrs. Bannertnan. at. Canadian Ranger; R. H. Ires. Ocean Fall. Ignall Ineton. Port Edward: M. Me Fadden and J. Smaby, city. t'entral John Moore, Terrace: Mr. and Mrs W F. Brlttln, Los Angeles. TOURISTS WILL VISIT GARDENS Prince Hunert Oeneral Hosoltal has t II ikm ill tt.llMlii: ll III; hTKIl lt named the following standing commit tees for the year: Executive: H. B. Rochester (chair man). Aid. W. J. Greer and Aid. W. M, Brown. House and grounds C. II. Elklns (Chairman). Mrs. II. F. Olaasey, Aid. W. M. Brown. Aid. W. J. Oreer and Dr. J. P. Cade. Finance committee Alderman O. P. Tinker (chairman), W. C. Orchard, L. W. Waugh. C 11. Elklns and Norman A. Watt. SALARY OF LADY SUPERINTENDENT IS GIVEN INCREASE LONDON. Feb. 17. With the Idea of making better known to American and Canadian visitors the beautiful pleasure gardens of the United Kingdom, a Hat of the choicest of such gardens ta being prepared by the Royal Horticultural Society (Vincent Square. S.W. 1) whlcn people will be free, by arrangement to visit. Next summer also, it it hoped that the public will visit in large numbers the Oardens of the Royal Horticultural Society at Wlaley. on which $50,000 a year are spent, and which, says Lord Lambourne, President of the Soeiety. everybody ought to see. "There is not an attraction In the Kfnsdom greater than tne pleasure garden." aald Lord Lambourne: "There is nothing like it The finance committee recommended In any other country I know, and I last night to the hospital board that.hve been In most." the salary of the lady superintendent! "Americans love flowers and are very be increased to $150 per month as much attached to gardens," said Mr. A from January. This was In keeping M. Samuel, M P., Minister of Overseas 1 . - . , 1 . . I a than a i -, W - . . . i . . u ' iiuudi iitreiing oi urc rbiwiiuuii nuu v uriutuui garuens It was passed unanimously. Ithan ours, and where can they see Miss Harrison was granted two months "tore beautllul nurseries for flowering leave of absence in addition to her plants and decorative trees than in thu regular month's holiday this year. The part of Burrey? extra two months will be without pay. In other parts of Englsnd we have His She plans to visit her father In the Majesty's gardens at Sandrlngham. which Old Country in the early summer. 'are open to the,publlc. and Lord Leices ter's at Holkham, Lady Baltersea's at Overstrand. Lord Ancoters at Drum- moivd castie, near Perth, Mr William's gardens in Cornwall, and so on all over C. A, Rollins A. J, D. Macdonald, the country. John W. Allen, W, A, Wallace, II. S.l i m-,. Wallace sndII. lixer, Vancouver; Capt.j Advertise In the Dall Newt FOK BENT FOR RENT - FOUR ROOMED FLAT. with bath room. Water and light paid. ; tT-noia Harbor view. Apply Seavlew Apart-) lor the ICaH .Articles Found, 4; MAIL SCHEDULE menu. 44' Mondays. vVednesdtn inn FOR RENT. THIRTY ROOM F.QUIP. ped hotel. Going concern. Writ Uok 342 Dully Newt Office tf FOR RENT. FURNISHED APART-mat: four rooms and bath: water paid. Phone S47. U FOR REiriV-STEAM HEATED APART-menu. Apply Smith At Mallett. Ltd, Telephone 174. FOR RENT. PIANOS. PHONOGRAPHS and 8lner Rewtng Msthlnet. Walker'i Music Stare. FORNISHKD APARTMENTS FOR RENT by day. week or month. Photm Red 807. tf FURNISHED SUITES FOR RENT. Apply Mmasllem Grocery. Phone It. FOR RENT MODERN HOUSE, FIVV rooms and bath. Munro Bros. i ROOMS TO RENT. PHONE 878. AUCTIONEER rriiooTiitiNo noon A. H.WCMIX Seal I'ote. Mined Wood nVorki per load $400. KindlUkg, per load 43 AO Purnac Wood, per toad $8 00 DeHtered. Salt Herring I'linne lllaek 111 KESTAIIKANTS flOOli LATH CtIK Mrs. Uner. Proprletrma Third Avenue. Nest a. W. V. A. (IimhI Home Cnokeil Mralv Pliotie Iilaek 700 TAXI tf NOTICE OF SALE -I WILL 8 ELL BY PuMle Auctwn on Thursday. Feb. 24 at 240 paa.. eontanu of Urge residence, tumlaed list will appear ls.rr O. F. Drtne. auetssfteer. FURNITURE REPAIRINO: UPHOU stefing of all kind. Obeaterfieldt rteovered and made to order. All work guaranteed. Phone Oreeri 603. O M. HUNT. I'hone f.7 Tnxl Call Gt'orxc Paul or Oust) Rlx and Srvon Paxscnirer StuJe jbAltera at your disposal any time. KOSS IUIOS. POOL ROOM .Mocker Illttck. (Across from Empress Hotel) PIMN'f'K IMIPEIrT TIMI.V5 4 , 44-.4. vi:iir..i)v. ri uiH Aitv i Hh 1:44 a m. 18.0 it. 13:28 pm. 204 " Low 7:40 ajn. 7.7 20:02 pm. 34 " Till llsllW, IIIIUI AIIV 17 High 2:14 am. 194 ft. 14:04 pjn. 20.3 " low 8:14 ajn. 7.1 . 20:33 pm. 3 0 " IIMIIAY. IIIIHIAIIV It High- 3:43 m. 19.7 ft. 14:30 p m. 20.1 " low 8:47 am. 8.7 " 21:03 p m. 3 0 HAH ItliW, ll llltl AltV HI High 3 11 am. 188 ft. 15:13 pm, 198 Low 019 ajn. fl.8 " 21 32 p m, 4.5 " sSK9aLillllllllllllllllllBtaVa closet To Vanmuter Tuesdays Friday Saturday . . CP.R. Feb. It and ii, CF.R Mtrrh II sod a Ta (aeen Cfcarbrttr Feb. 12 and M Frwn the fail iv.rnMiNo Orshsm Atlln Area. 1st Ave. At 8th St 6th Ave. it Fulton St 8.h Ave At Thorn px. 1 1th ft Sherbrooke Are, llth Ave. At Conrad St 6th Ave. it Hays Cert 0th St Hays Cove Circle tin Ave. 4t Cotton 8t 1th Ave. A McBrlde 8t Prov. Govt Bldg. Prov. Gov. Whtrf O.TJ. Wharf OTP Station 2nd Ave. A 2nd St 3rd Ave. it Fulton St 3rd Ave. At Sth St Sunday collection stm t dsys only, Tnuiv. camosun 48,: lilt It First class mall 1 tlsa drnt'u Vancouver on MoMsyi, whih Saturday by ON R. trtiu. Tn Anyat, Alke Arm, IrtvtwiK mier Bundays Wednesdays tap To It. Mmpatn4NtM knfa. Sundays To AUka mints Feb. 7 and 21 March 7. It and M s Tuesdays, Tburtdsy snd tusbatl t Front Vanrvw tee- Sundays . Wedneadtyt Frldtys CJJt.. Feb. 7 and CJ.R.. March 7 It en a El ul 113 i rrm Anyat, A lire Arm. Unfll Premier I Tuewiays J I Fridays .. Frvtit Ft. Imp-on an4 Nsxle.rss-I Tueadayt . . From Alatka rlnl Feb. It and 25 V Usreh 11 and 32 VI I rum qaeen lharMlle Feb. 10 and 34 It9 IB "I Vl 1 lt 11 ,'1 ttrt STEAMSHIP MOVM for Vnentter s Tuesday Camosuo Frldsy-as. Prince Ruprt Saturday at. . .. .. B.,--. win 'I Feb. 35- as. rrinrr I'rom Vanrouter ( Sundajr-aa. Csrdeba . -a tw Runrrl " weanesusy v ' ii maay as. vvi . feb. 7 s. Prince- MT , Feb. 21.. rrlnceM , lor Port Mini"-"'! if 8unday-s. from rrt linpwn i lor Klewart, Anyot and AIW J( Wednesday as. Prlnre Mewarl. Anyot an.. - t Tuesday-st. Camosun Frlday-as. Prince Rup1" For tjneen rharlH' k.1. Prince J9"9' rrv, Feb. 28 ss. Prince rinMI 11 II Mil Feb. 10-as. Prince Feb. 24-ss. Prince for Alaka Feb. 7 ts. Princess Feb. 21.-s. Princess iU.L . John. Mrf Mry. Feb. U-as. Prince "J M1 Feb, 24-ts. Prince" C.N.R. TRAINS For r...uondavs, " n'i Saturdays From East TuMdT" Sundays Advertise In ths tV