- CLASSIFIED ADS ego OP pi yi, iy _ ef _ ct tla ® PHONE 748 FOR HELPFUL CLASSIFIED AD-TAKER DEADLINE FOR CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING 4:30 PM. DAY PREVIOUS Classified Rates | CARS FOR SALE Ulosure tine 4:30 p.m. day pre- FOR SALE—1949 42-ton Stude vious to publication | ) pick-up with covered Classified, 3 cents per word per box. Good conditien. Phone ss! ,3 ‘ j ane sane fusertion; minimum charge 50| Red 735 after 6 pm (277 cents FOR SALE—1943 Plymouth se- Birth Notices, 50 cents; Cards gan. Good running condition ef Thanks, Death Notices,} Ajso 2 pair of hickory skis } j Funeral Notices, Marriage and! complete with harness and Engagement Announsements,) pi les. One pair of ski boots £2.00 size 8. Leaving town. Apply os Mo tie 200m 19 or leave s ecial Display double price. Room oy yi 2 New Royal Hotel : NO HELP WANTED—MALE METER READER wanted im s’ Annu Ba Frid Nov Le lit medi Apply Northern B.C - Power! Ltd., Room 15, Bes- Sonja bazaar, November 21. Block (277) -onres P-TA card party, No FEMALE HELP WANTED 21 STENOGRAPHER bookkeepe! November 26 9 Da » (274) Sea Food Dinner United FOR SALE Church, Friday, Nov. 28 ‘ —————= FOR SALE—Collapsible play pen Presbyterian Bazaar, Novem- : oe play} in good condition. $7.50. Phone rer 27. Red 782. (274) Salvation A i L€3.' FOOTHILLS isootiess! coal Wednesday, Dec. 3 Phone 51. Philpott, Evitt & - . ‘ Co. Ltd (c) United Church W. A Fuil ‘ Bazaar, Dec. 4 FOR SALE Luxury bedroom ~ . ene it to private buyer. Not 10.D.E. Rummage Sale De but not a gift. Box cember 6 News 276) St. Peter’s Fali Bazaar, Ve-| POR SALE—Collection of class cember 11 ica recordings. All micr Lutheran Chorch Fi h vinner,’ ent condition. Phone 863 ) rt December 6 | fore noon or after 6 p.m 1:00 y 20 k BIRTH NOTICE FOR SALE—Large table model 3 ui Fined radio phonograph with auto- | 1!93--Rec Int Born November 20, to Mr. and = matie 3-speed record changer - oa Persona), Amjum Mrs. Jack Mussallem, a brother Almost new. Phone 863 before ,, 65 atia-pay Melodies for Camille Karen (it) noon or after 6 p.m (273) | 19-954 —=—- FOR SALE Gramophone in j2 BUSINESS | ERSONALS good condition. Phone race 1 (273) i VORTS Flactri forks Mo- 2 Ttors bought, seid rewound and POR BAL E — Westinghoust renaire itf) washer. Perfect runni orde! re ‘ roanrere . Like new. $90.00 cash. Green we rh FOR FULLER BRUSH service, 699 (278) | 4 ao yon > ek 960 2823p) - ‘ ee meee. _ FOR SALE—Gramophone, hand eo ere DIMITROV’S PHOTO STUDIO— wound. Phone Red 977 ee 415 5th East. Pict taken (273) T da / St k Chri i 3a Wed- — 7 das! da pe lip) FURNITURE FOR SALE—Ches- Oo S Oc S ae i terfield suite, dressers, heater,| (Courtesy & D. Johnstown Co. Ltd.) / MAGAZINES, novelties. Eddie’s; gj] burner range. Reasonable News Stand {¢)| Phone Green 400 (274) — a NEARLY everybody uses 99. (¢) POR SALE—Pram baby carriage VANCOUVER “— i 12 ti , (27 ) meries Standard 3 NATIONAL Machinery Co. Lim- 1613 Atlin Ave 274p ny Standard 06 ited, Distributors for: Mining,’ FOR SALE—All furnishings in-| G.+inoo Quartz op Sawmill. Logging and Con-. ¢juding rugs, drapes and cur-| 4... eM a tractors’ Equipment. Finquir-' tains from a completely furn- ong ers 0514 fes invited. Granville Island.| jched three-roam apartment Cronin Babine 10 Vancouver 1, B.C. (tf). in the Elizabeth building. All| Giant Mascot 45 CHRISTMAS de —— 4 articles less than 8 months old| ! ae Mines 08 Chrismas cards now on dis-| amd are like new. All furn-| Pioneer... 198 +} IETY oT > sl in one iot only mer border 5 st - vars — with immediate, Privateer 04'4 vie may possibly be| Sheep Creek 1.18 WHY not look toy de- rented also if desired. Phone Silbak Premier 32 par the Green 303 (273p) Vananda 02 selecticn is complete at the) ———________— -| Salmon Gold 03 VARIETY STORE. (274) FOR RENT Spud Valley 03% CHRISTMAS PORTRAITS, ap- FOR RENT—Four-room apart-| Silver Standard 1.29 pointments day evening ment, until Jan. 31, 1953. Par W stern Uranium 4.25 Chandlers Studio. Phone tially furnished. Phone Green| Oils— Green 389. (297) 511 (273) Anglo Canadian 6.40 es ese ; ; : : A P Con 33 HANDYMAN SERVICE. Phone| FOR RENT—Housekeeping room) Gajmont 1.35 : Blue 986 (2765p) partly furnished. 960 ist West Central Leduc 3.10 Electrolux (Can.) Ltd. Green 960; “PP*Y << ee “')' | Home Oil 12.00 Parts — Sale Service FOR RENT—Light housekeeping} Mercury 20 (c) room. 701 5th West (274) | ta 2.90 PLUMBING, automatic oil heat-~| POR RENT—Sleeping room for yas CAnnGen 16% ing, sheet wk. Phone! working couple or two men. TORONTO 543, 630 6tr cor | 686 6th East (275p)| Athona 14 (tf) ‘ ao ~ - FOR RENT—Sleeping room close oe peas 12h RECAP your worn tires with; in. Semi-private. entrance seattle Dusquesne 33 Goodyear Winter Tread—j| phone Red 879 ime) | = Devcours 101 ; hérn Tire.2g3 Rubber’ -Cay\—4—-—.--+ ppicoclin Buffalo Cariadian 16 of S'’sécond Ave, (e) FOR RENT-—~ Room and board Consol. Smelters 32°95 “ee ar ee eee | for: working .man.. 17)-3td! Conwest 4.30 Foot Speeialist ls Bast (274); Donalda 44 Pedicure - Manicure ROOM FOR RENT — 517 6th, Eldona . 35 reine pall sini | West (273p) East Sullivan 6.75 Corns, callouse ingrown toe- | Giant Yellowknife 9.80 nails, me fe. For appoint- |ROOM FOR RENT—722 Thomp-| God’s Lake 57 ments (also evenings) phone| son street (276) edront ‘ ise 249 or bine 102, Mes, Bi Hardrock 12 Rasmussen, 654 4th Ave. East.| SINGER SEWING CENTRE rent} Harricana 07 (280p) portable machines. Phone Heva 06 ; ¥ ie 864 (c) Duvex 42 10% discount on all purchases | | Joliet Quebec 30 over $1.00. 5-10 and Up Store.|;RENT a sander or have your Little Long Lac 62 (278) floors sanded and finished by I ae as S . experts. Phone 909. Greer & a 12 PERSONAL Bridden Ltd (283); Madsen Red Lake 1.61 - — McKenzie Red Lake 36 WILL CARE for children by day, WORK WANTED McLeod Cockshutt 2.46 week or month. Suite 2, Levin| — : Moneta 38 Apartments (275) | WILL care for 1 or 2 children in — “ . own home while mother works,; Negus 18 JOIN the Prince Rupert group! from 9 to 5 p.m. Phone Mrs. | Noranda 14.75 of Alcoholics Annonymous to-| Olson, c/o Red 790. (1t) Louvicourt 16%, day. Write P.O. Box 1511,} Pickle Crow 1.38 Prince Rupert. (274) | WANTED TO RENT | Petrol Oil & Gas 68 |WANTED TO RENT — Smali| Shertit Gordon £06 LOST - - Brown. leather wallet, groove long playing in excell- stateMa"e"e%e netstat ee eee ete" e Tee ee 1240 Kilocycles RADIO DIAL CFPR Subject to Change) Peet! FRIDAY P.M 10 lé-—-Resort Mexicano ):30-—Parade of 00-—-Weather R +—~-M usie £00 Sieh port titi off SATURDAY \aunct Chortster Midnight LOST AND FOUND , : a suite or housekeeping room by| young woman, employe d. | Quiet surroundings, furnished | or unfurnished. References if) keepsake of sentimental value. Finder keep money, return wallet to Box 549 Daily News. (273p) ACCOUNTANTS PURLIC ACUOUNTANT Ipenme Tax specialist. 8. G. Furk, Stone Batiding. Pes hws “orn BATTERY SEKVICE __ RUPERT Battery Shop, 234 East 3rd Aye. Phone Blue 126. Re- pairs, recharginz and rebuild- required. Box 553, Daily News. | A WANTED — Bed-sitting room'| with board in quiet congenial | surroundings by young woman! with steady employment. Box| 554 Daily News. WANTED TO BUY—A good tone | handwound gramophone or) ing. Work guaranted. (e) BOATS FOR SALE FOR SALE—Troller, 37 gramophone equipped to play| through battery radio. Box!) 552 Daily News. (it) | feet,|CASH for scrap brass, copper, | (2174p) |p Steep Rock Silver Miller Sweet Grass Oils 7.50 1.20 16 REAL ESTATE modern and plumbing. Terms. 3rd Ave. Phone 88, the bungalow with full cement basement. Unfinished Only $5,500. R. E. Mortimer 353 (274) ENDERS will be received by undersigned up until p.m., November 24, for the fol- lowing properties. Lots 7 and 8 Block 10, Section 1, City of) Prince Rupert and lots 11, 12,) 13 and 14, Block 10, Section 1,) City of Prince Rupert. j hand 5) Aged Woman Survives Heavy Ordeal HAMBURG, Ia. (AP)—A 60 year-old grandmother lay in ured and helpless for five day ind nights in the wreckage of a r concealed In a weeded gu! beside a busy highway. in hospital doctors deseribed conditions as “rémarkab!y in view of her experienc: a case for the medical book The woman, Mrs. Glen M Knight, suffered severe shock broken left hip, a broken left m and several fractured ri! Her only food had been a few pieces of fudge and her only a little rain water and »ottle of boric acid Her 120 hours of prayer a: pain ended Tuesday when highway grader operator spott: the wrecked auto from his hi ib and summoned help, Mrs, MeNight was driving from St. Joseph, Me., to Bron son, ta., last Thursday when she apparently lost centre! of her ear on a curve. The car plunged down a 40-feot em barkment and everturned against a culvert. Her injuries and a seat cushio wedged on top of her prevented Mrs. McNight from reaching th eht switch or horn to attract of the hundreds 00a irink attention passing FOUND Then ‘ motorists Tuesday Jack Krasc: happened to look back {: ym” and saw the a most hidden car When he reached it, Krasche! said. Mrs. MeKnight exclaimed Thank God! I am sure giad He sent someone to find me.” Kraschel said “she grabbed my some reast and held on t it tight and then asked me for water She told me she had ‘not suffered bit She is really ine woman CANADIAN PERSONALITY ‘Continued from page 3) niques te Arab problems; and finally, the fanaties whe want to get the British and Amer- icans out of the country al- together.” In outlining strategie areas of Middle East to the Rotary Ciub, Mrs. Higham expressed the opinion that the British had lost out in their Iranian oil negotiations due to poor public relations work, She laughingly claimed a right to pick out weak spots in British policy as she is a British citizen by marriage They should have stated their! case better and earlier aid. “Having pioneered oll de- velopment in Iran, the British have done more for that in- dustry and its workers in the whole Persian Gulf area than any other country. They have the best labor conditions there and great expense ensure that their employees have ample fresh water, food and good hous- ing. They also took special pains ito train Iranian workers. How- ever, they did nothing to em- phasize all this.” Observing that Russia pre- sents a constant threat along strategic trade routes of the Middle East, Mrs. Higham said that for the British and Americans it has necessitated a costly alliance with the Greeks and Turks, Much has been given already, and mere is being demanded. At the of the Women's Canadian Club meeting Mrs. F. the she at close E. Anfield, who was in the chair,) was congratulated by Mrs. Shel- ford Dalton on behalf of the club on being elected to the ex- ecutive of the National Associa- tion of Canadian Clubs. This is the first time that Prince Ru- pert has been so honored , Harry Black was chairman at | the Rotary luncsseon, where Mrs. Higham was introduced by A. | Bruce Brown ' t eonepiginanaven o | , seeneennnsnionnin ia - — — — ® (175p) | FOR SALE—New three-bedroom | as is including some material | | | t | 1 | f 4 Prince Rupert ~ Daily News Friday, Novernber 21, ife@ a s | CMLVERTON, England @ —a| NEW INDUSTRY Your Cards in Partner's Suit Govern Bid Shading | have said that normally you need an average a hand in high ecards to respond to your partner’s bid of one in a suit with a bid of two in a lower ranking suit, What about Mr. Champion’s response of two hearts fn today’s hand, then? He was a queen short of an average hand, He realized his slight defic- ency in high cards, He also real- ized, however, that his spade holding more than made up for the beence of a queen in his hand He could have bid four spades if course. There’s nothing wrong wi that call on the North hand. But it might do the part- nership out of a slam. If the two hands were a perfect fit, Miss Brash would not have to hold a huge hand to have a good play for six-odd Mr. Champion's bidding was right. If you want to ques- tion any of the bidding you) a t consider Miss Brash’s four spade call, her third bid on) _ a hand of absolutely minimum proportions. But be careful, be- cause she made four spades The holding of an average hand in high cards, .then, is only a general yardstick to an) opening one bit. Exceptions branch out on either side. And; the best way to remember these exceptions is this. The .stronger you are in partner's sult, the more you are justified in shad- ing the requirements When you are very short in partner's suit (holding a single- ton or void) it is wise to tighten up the requirements a little Mrs. Keen got the defense off! on the right track by opening) a trump, but even this good) opening couldn't beat the con-/ contract Miss Brash simply cross- ruffed diamonds and hearts. She lost three club tricks at the end but made a total of eight trump) tricks, the five in her own hand! and three diamond ruffs on the board. These, with the two red) aces were enough for the game SCOTCH ‘| WHISKY | Contents 26/2 ozs. | | DISTILLED, BLENDED AND BOTTLED IN SCOTLAND * hs Appermme Seotvts Whisks Vo the Late Roce Jobe Trew ar & BLACKWOOD on. By EASLEY BLACKWOOD *” / { Houth dealer Neither aide vulnerable North (Mr. ©fhempien) oH WO 7 HAO8TS D-4 CJ 84 West Vast (Mrs, Keen) (Mr. Abel) e565 42 s3 HH @ 4-4 H-40 64 DJ € 4 DK Q. 10945 cA 108 CR’ @ 6 7 seonet hy (Mixs Hrash) Sa @Qate H--2 DA 672 e C6 393 The bidding souLD West North Kast is Pass 24H Pans 28 Pasa '8 Pass 45 All Pass ARE YOU PREPARED FOR ANY KIND OF WINTER? Hove Your Furnace Overhauled NOW Phone Black 884 For Free Estimate Thom Sheet Metal LIMITED ol Dratibiere George VT Seme bad sr tseesetate new colliery was opened in this | ing mearly 2,000 workers. By 1954 output is expected to be more than 1,000,000 tons a year. ‘| Nottinghamshire district employ- | | GREER & BRIDDEN LTD. Biulders and Contractors New Construction, Repairs Foundations and Re-Roofing 215-Ist Ave, W. Phone 909 P.O, Box 721 S. at only $5.39 . This beds 5 de ee 8 shades ” COD pius = — ’ Will be imtnediatery rept not Saliafie Town TRY MPG Box vas D'Armes Montrea) a ? ESastiiess ér P ropessiong John FL. Huched CHIROPRACTO Hrs 10:30-12-49 Eves.: by appointme: 21 - 23 Besner § Phone Blue POR YOUR ROCK AND CONCRETE WORK EVERY JOB GUARANTEED We Pour Ceinent For Less Phone Biue 939 PRECISION SAW FILING All Typs Of Saws Sharpened 215 Ist Ave. W. Phone 04 aD Shipping and General Moving, Packing, Crating Cartage and Storage Complete, Reliable and Effi- cient, Service. Also agents for Canadian Liquid Air Co. Ltd, for Oxygen, Acetylene and all welding supplies, LINDSAY'S CARTAGE & STORAGE LIMITED Cor. 2nd and Park Avenues Est, 1910, Phones 60 and 68 FRED E. Dows OPTOMET Rist Room 10 Stone Bull Phone Blue 59 Open Friday Byeq H. G. HELGERG LIMITED REAL ESTATE & INS Phone 06, Evenings py LING THE TAj Tailoring - and Clothes Made-to- 220 Sixth st SCOTT McLAR CHARTERED ACCOU James Block 608—3r Prince Rupert, Phone M7 PO Luxury Steamer ! e _ PRINCE RUPERT SAILS FOR Vancouver and Intermediate Ports Each Thursday at 11:15 p.m, For KETCHIKAN WEDNESDAY MIDNIGHT Comfort and Service for Reservations — Write or Call i CITY OR DEPOT OFFICE PRINCE RUPERT, | BoC. iICANADIAN |i NATIONAL GEORGE DAWES AUCTIONEER Phone Black 846 and Red 127 | eH, be ets * = ’ This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board wr by the Government of British Columbia, Ci. Dishes Chop Suey - Chow Mein Open 6 p.m, ~ 3:30 a.m, e ; HOLLYWOOD CAFE For Outside Orders Phone 133 IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE serene sengeegerimcananiti naman For quick results try a Daily News Classified NO CT NEWS ADS ‘BLONDIE YOULL PAY fe ie * TOMGHT, SY FOR IT ty | —Now, Now, Mr. Dithers! see (fia eS eO RP aye SICAK AND WIS T Ch ALG PGA Auds Sa. OD AND ASP AGUS Alt? Gish SHET AND GHIORTCAKE AND A PARFAIT AND TWO a ee eN'T YOU ) J AFRAID YOU'LL hm EXPLODE’ 6 © FOR TAKE OUT ORDERS PHONE 200 | | BROADWAY CAFE —— | Third Avenue || For the MEAL that REFR DINING PLEASUI IN SPARKLING SURROUND! Commodore Th Pia * VANCOUVER via Wayport SUNDAY 88. Camosun 8 § FRIDAY 88 Chilcotin $4 ALICE ARM and § Friday, Camosun M ror NORTH Qu CHARLOTTE Is Nov. 19, Dee 3 a 88 Chilcotin, mi ror souTH Q CHARLOTTE Is! 88 Chilcotin Mid Nov, 26, Dec 10 ¢ FRANK J. S&I prince Rupert 4 get RES a CHIC ( GE SLee f atte CHOCOLATE BARS is | Crown Chrysler. For quick| batteries and radiators. Phone | R.W.LONG a { " ‘ Am sale $3700.00. Black 551. (277p)| 543. Call 630 6th Avenue West, | City Clerk. Plow 4 er ~~CARS FOR SALE — oe ‘ ol 4 - _—— icoliaiiisendanananmnsviiiiianiadiliaitenia: ae yt sais elieestnmnatalnd ec edtiews REAL ESTATE | FOR SALE--Large 4-room house, | ht FOR SALE—'S2 Mercury pick: | ee gale o. Wewin decomaind| iuuy glassed in pore. and) ae up. “oe mallee. Apply me aed ce AB ge ggrenmnsy full cement basement. Reason- | e oo emme | Bully furnished, slecteie stove.) TTO* terme. oon ee dint ote Madani ; FOR SALE—1050 Ford pick-up,| Full price $5,000. Terms. R. £.) edvertizement is not ished or ua? a low mileage. Good ahspe. Cel oe. 353 3rd Ave. Phone| FOR SALE—Furnished wartime | &e Lauer Control o by the Government i ‘ 240 Sth West. (275p) 88. (274) | four. Black 51. (2771p) | GRMAR Stent he |