f AGE SIX THE DAILY NEWS iFree Lessons Dennison Art Craft Free Lessons will be given in Dennison Art Craft, comprising CRYSTALLINE LAMP SHADES SCISSOR PAINTING WAX WORK FLOWER 31 A KING BASKET WEAVING, elc Ever)' Tuesday ad Friday Afternoons from 2 to 5.30 p.m. Evening Clashes every Wednesday from 7 to 10 Rose, Cowan & Latta, Limited Third Avenue (Opposite Third Street) Phone 234 Ireakfast -pedals Purity Food, 5 lb. sacks :i.f B. & K. Oats, Fine, Standard and Course, 10 lbs... 7 ."if B. & K. Rolled Oats, 7 lb. sacks 55r Purity Oats, Chinaware, 2 pkges. for 85c" Corn Flakes, Quaker, per doz. pkgs $1.10 Corn Flakes, Sugar, per doz. pkgs S1-J5 Grapenuts, 3 pkgs. for 50? Puffed Wheat, 3 pkgs. for 50 Puffed Rice, 3 pkgs. for 55? Malkin's Best Marmalade, 1 lb. tin ." CMC Mussallem Grocery COMPANY, LTD. 417-423 Fifth Ave. East Phone 18 and Phone 84 Prince Rupert, B.C. II. S. WALLACE CO. LTD. renman FULL FASHIONED Silk 8 Hose All Silk to top, in the newest shades $2.50 per pair H.S.WaIlaceCo.Ltd. Phone 9 3rd & Fulton St. Large Front Room suitable for office. Apply Wallaces. REDUCTION ;Jn Prices ' ' f '15 per cent off for two weeks only Come in and inspect our stock M T. LEE LADIES' & GENTLEMEN'S TAILOR Third Avenue P.O. Box 977 FARMERS WANT CHEAPER RATE ON GRAIN FEED Interesting Figures Prepared hy Department of Agriculture at Victoria VICTORIA. !. 10. TW tumm of Us ptwriae mmt up c tally ums u-fsr ib ealrjtasj aad mImt mwiiwii in which lampertrd frd u tmij und. ha been asanas; sr lower fNtfhi raias on grain earning to B.C. tiwm lb prairsas for Pom tac me. The co epsranoo ot th otepartancat of arseults law baa ben aafcd aad ao tavaatasaUoo has ttotttd mom lotercatUsg facta. Oh Um laaaortauoo of scairta taala tut dooMcUe use hut jt, Um mnn hy British Coliuwsas arculturu Um aaaount payable on an axport kub m WMN Um new 4m i-val ILil V.iKV Under the Railway OonmlMlonl nr ruling, grain moras to this coast from FUR FARMING IS BIG InSSadr 1 1 moves on j VALUABLE INDUSTRY, ALASKA. Not. 10. "Blue fox tannine ' u past the experimental stage and Is now down to an exact science, mean In the survival of the fittest." said Frank ' Fnieacboff. one of the pioneer fox farmers, whose ranch la on Lung Island. ; rtar the mouth of Duncan Canal. j He I here accompanied by John , lUyhurn. a neighboring lax farmer, on! the power boat AUca. after halibut 1 bead. Despite failures." continued Mr. : NOTICE i DryCIeanin at Vancouver Prices -Most Modern I)rj cleaning l'lant in City Phone 118 Pioneer Laundry Ltd. Third Ave. and .McHride street the promo for osport at a raw or ,S335?J3 eowlag the if alstasw. hat Mt for um tn una province rote of forty-one and aoe-holf cents 1 Before the recent reriatoa the dome-, Uc rote was forty-! cents and the export rate twenty-one oenu. The flfure of SSSU00. reprasamtin? the total spread between the two rates on last year's rnutrssss, is so importation of ljeeOAOO weafbt of grain for domestic use. 'If domestic rate had approximated as-port rates Use consumers of grain horn would have .sated this amount. 1 , r? m It ia not what you earn that adds to your bank account, it's what you gave. In buying your groceries here you save from 10 per cent to 25 per cent. Milk, 3 for or per case !..." 0 19 lb. Sack of Flour $U.H) 10 lb. Sugar 75f? lb. UutUtr. E.C.D J).'c 14 lb. box Butter E.C, I).... 0.20 Capital Butter ,.i,. 3 lb 14 lb. box Capital $0.8." Remo Potatoes, per sack .. 1.00 China Rolled Oats, pkg JOt Shredded Wheat, Bran Flakes, or Pep, 2 for lilf? Corn Flakes loi Old Dutch Cleanser 10t Whllo Slesn rr T?ftvnl Hmtirn QAorJ HSrS...... IMfl Palmolive, Fels Naptha or Lux Soap, S for 'XiQ Coffee, fresh ground, per lb. ."0 High Grade Bulk Tea, per lb. 00t Bacon, Swift Premium or Shamrock in piece lots, per lb. JSt Sliced Tutf Phone 301 $3.00 orders delivered free saT -m Cordial m DISPOSAL of meat and diilktoyou Before going out in to the cold, or after coming in, steaming hot "OXO" makes such a warming, delicious drink. And it's ready in a minute so simple, so inexpensive, so invigorating I Quickly removes fatigue. Geo. D. Tite's Stock IS Continuing Today Hundreds of Bargains Prueacbog. fur raising on numerous pair of foxea on an island hire a care- experience which has coat me lota of islands tn southeastern Alaska Is grow- taker and ttaen tat back aad collect , time and thousand of dollars without IN THE MATTER of an aoollcation teto big and valuable Industry, i dlvMeade It verfced for a while lr. handln it out to every expert who for the Issue of a Provisional certificate But during its first stages ot easy some instances cornea alone to be used to aomnete with 01 tow for the East half of Lot 30X7 money ' when breeding stock .avu In big " Gassier District, said to contain 3 . ., . demand everyone rushed Into the bust- acre, more or leas Satisfactory procf of the loss of the ' nes Some seemed to Imagine that Certificate of Title covering the above - jll thev had to do waa to throw a few land having been produced to me. it j Mo mf"thriSr-GOVBR.ilBNT I.K1UOK ACT publication hereof, a Provisional Ceru flcate of Title to the above land, tn the! Noricu ot name of MADELINE MINTON. The orlg-lnl Certificate of TlUe Is dated the I 30th September. 1913. and is numbered 1470 1. Land Registry Office. Prince Rupert. 17th October. 1927 H F MscLEOD, ReeiMrsr of Tl'Ien Beautiful Silver Tea Sets Just Arrived Among others we have one 4-piece set hand-engraved all over, English make at $60.00, which is a beauty; also another English Set, 4 pieces. engraved, at $25.00. Other!288 values $15.00 to $75.00 the set. We are glad to show our new stock. lr (Jewellers bftt STORE WITH THE CLOCK .Ifl'LlCATKIN I OK HLtlt Lit EM i; NOTICE IS HKABBY GIVEN that, on the 3rd day of December neit. Um undersigned Intends to apply to the Liquor Control Board for a licence :n respect of premises being part of the ouuduig known an Seal Cove Hotel, att-jate st the City of Prince Rupert, in the Province of British Columbia, upon the land described as all that portion 3f Waterfront Block "I," Bay of Prin-.e Hupert. City of Prince Rupert. Provin.- of British Columbia. Map 933. Prlnoe Hupert Land Registration District, and being more particularly detcribed aa follows: "Commencing at a point which lies in a straight line of bearing north GSdeg . 38 8" Xast a distance of 767.30 feet from the centre ot circle as shown on said Plan 933. Section 7. thence south 6deg.. 35' 35" East a distance of 00 feet to a point, thenoe north 8Meg 34' 34." Eiet a distance of 100 feet to a point, thence north Odef 35' 25" West a distance of 00 feet to a point, thence South 83deg. 34' 38" West a distance of 100 feet to the pclnt of commencement" for the isle of beer by the glass or bv the open bottle for uwasjunpuan on the premises. DATED this th day of Nevomber, 1927 SMS II a. uuuu. Applicant Cash and Carry Grocery Sixth Avenue and Fulton Street. j "But fox farming hs now resolved I me in the open market. itself into hard wort constant care and i "I am on the Job day and night and plenty of experience Nearly every Is- do not leave to a hired man execuUve land has ita own peculiar probsaoas problems which means success or fall- "For my own part. I have come to ; ure." the conclusion tttot associations and experts are of Utile practical help. I m free with my own advise at first but am beginning to find out that the best thing I can do Is to attend strictly o my own business and cash In on the WATEK NOTICE. IIIVKKION AMI UE Heinz Catsup Per bottle 3 for .... Make up an order of get a fourth bottle of CaUup for a nickle. MRS. WHATMAN, GOING TO VICTORIA, HONORED AT FAREWELL SOCIAL In the Moose Hall on Friday night a deUKhtlul farewell social was held bv tJSlt.-v B Mooseheert Legion in address is 410 Seymowr Street. Vanoou- . , ... , ' . ver. B.C.. wUl apply ur a licence to nsnor ' Ur Charles WhiUnsn Sr.. take and use 1 cubic foot of water out an active member for several years, who n.STS2pny: tJTTJ? ' about one mile east of Bluff Point. to Uke up residence on account The water wUl be diverted from the of Mr Whatman's ui health. Cards stream at a point ajout eoo feet front , and " badminton were enjoy enlovad ea aad im dedal the mouth and win t ued for commer- .7 purposea upon the land deaortbed ! refreshments rerved. as Lot 2750. Range, 4. Coast District. This In the course of the evening. Mrs. Y. TrLrViw. Tt " CroM- of th' this notice and an application pursuant Prented handsome leather suitcase thereto and to the Water Act' will be to Mrs Whatman as a token of eatcean filed in the office of the Water Re- ,, wiahea ik Mrs. .., rvK. Croaby made corder at Prlnoe Rupert. B.C. Oblec-' ap- tlons to the application may be filed P'oprUte remarks espreatlag general with the said Water Recorder or with the . regret at the departure of Mrs What-ComptroUer of Water Rlghta. Parliament I who ., Dv-n wtmu, ouW miased. VI rs Buildings. Victoria. acT within thirty'. days after the first appearance of thU Wnatnn replied suitably and others "fVS ln lo1 nwoaPer The date speaking Inclnded Mrs. Charles Ed- August 20. 1921 EUOENE ROUSSEAO, Applicant. About thirty-five ladles were preheat. HOTEL .UtltlV.lL. Central Pat Murray, city; J. Manners. Stew-!art; 8. Van Antwerp. F. Kerr. A. W. I Robinson. F. W. Amen. 3. A. MeLeod, C. I J. Chandler. R. Wilson. C. J. Town. J. I Stark. J. ReW. P. W. Burgees. T. J. B. I Idle. T. Kerr. J. Main. R. Townsend, R ! Hitch. 8. Eater. K. Nlglshl. Yama. Mah : Toy. Harry Yuen. Mah BUI. Mah W. On. I a. Perry. S Ode. T. Sake!. R. Yema-moto, J. Lockbead, A. Anplnall. C . iWt ,ShPPerd and D. Singleton, as. Calais; j,- I A. Regan. Ketchikan. Heinz I v ,"r,,M'' ltuprrt Good, to the value of $2.00 and,w; TcThu,. urT, Mrs. J. A. Hall and dauehter J n Mullchamp and A. L. Clements. Vancouver; Oeorse P. Prv. fWxin r. . Heinz medium Pork and Beans, H. oampeeu. J. Peyton and Mr. and Spaghetti or Tomato 4Soup,w- J Jaaaieawn, stewsrt; n. Eden-special, 5 tfngr....... ,050 Mre. A. Beaudln and King Bsach or Malin BosULo-!T,- UrLe 8mlth' M,rte Oray. Mrs. tranbrri berries. , - tins ... - for - O.-,. - " ineraM Alice j ' Stock, special, 4l.b. for .") P. Godwin. Balmoral Cannery Our Egg Special still on, 3 dozen) . for SI.!." Mrs. H. E. Tremayne and daughter. Guaranteed frejh Ui DoroUiy Tremayne. win sail to- Seedle8RjiMnitanW lbs. fori"11" on "oe George for Van- ... .1 . 1 . a. 71 Kit tmV'T Vlctr" D HI.y trio. Fj-esh Sh'elled VfotitB, pe? Ib. U VTi Pure Jam. Cherry and Plum, 4 Ib. tins, the two for $l B.C. Butchers & Grocers Limited Phones !." and 571 riflMJE KUPEItT TIDES 4 lllllJAY. VOVF.MKtll 11 Itftafe ... ajn. 31J tt 1432 pan. 234" -m ai - I 31:11 pjn 11 I HATIHI.W. XOVKMhiSIt ! I,,lgh 35.m. 30.0 ft. ia.io pm 23.5 " 917 am 74 Weekend Thurl - SDecnk Wat h our advertisements and save forced the butter barons to drop their pru.-tive this week Thf next line we are goin which has endured tor years. But we cum, ticulara till the first of January. After ti.., off. and the public will benefit. COMBINATION SPECIAL 1 Jin Malkin's Coffe. rf . 1 lb, Malkin's Tea. re. Tic. 1 Biviwn EartlMawar Juff. rvir. 0c. Special, SlO Weston's Arrowroot Biscuits, net weirht in tin 8 to 8Vi lbs.. Special, per tin This is new stock, and an exceptional opportunity to save money on quantity purchases. Cahri-y Dry Giner Ale. Order a dosen and save money. Per dosen $-.25 Chocolate Eclairs, per Ib. nut Our stock is fresh, and price is right Ginger Snaps, per Ib. I Of Victoria Cross Salmon, Vs's. --tte Per dosen Si:. 10 SeedleM Raisins in bulk. S Ib. for 10f 26 lbs. for .S:J5 Bowe's Mince Meat, per lb. C Every store in Eastern Canada handles Bowt's Mince Meat There is a reason. Cowan Eagle Sweet Chocolate. Vj lb. cake 20f Cowan's Unsweetened Chocolate, Vz lb. caVe 'J5f Cowan's Perfection Cocoa, 1 lb. tin, special I Of COMBINATION FKUIT SPECIAL 4 Una for . . 05f 1 tin Libbys Fruit Salad, l's, tails, reg. S6c. 1 tin Rosedale A priests, l's, Ulls, rjR. SSc. 1 tin Iloedale Pear, l's, Ulls. reg. SOc. 1 tin Rosedale Peaches, l's, Ulls, reg. 26c. All popular lines, this deal will appeal to the small family. COMBINATION SOAP SPECIAL 1 pkg. of Rinso, reg. 10c. 1 pkg. Lux, reg. 12Vic 1 bar of P. & G. Naptha Soap, reg. 7c. 1 bar Wool Soap, reg. 8c. Special, thie week, 4 for 20? 2-in-l Floor Wax. per lb. We have just received another large shipment which we are able to sell at wholesale price. Leader Toilet Paper Rolls, special. 7 for ii.-f Otter Brand Brooms, 5 string, special, each :t0c Sugar Crisp Corn Flakes, special, 3 for r? Libby's Asparagus Tips, iuare tin,. reg. 35c. Special oJ)(k Per dozen FHUITS AM) Vt T A III. Is Florida GruiH i : This is ui i new stock. Empei)r (i.t; , :t iU baske li'AuJoU IV;.t A I'M ! s lrieee ur lowest Crated Wk Cratosl Spit. Wrapped Rom Wrappod Spr,,. Wr.-inped ih Pomrtiegranai. Fresh Pineapi Large Caulifl-. v 'California II.., ; for Choice B.C. ( Vi. -Freih Spiniu -K . Brussells S.r. . PROVISION Alberta Crian Ib. print- I Choiie Dair !; prints, pt-r . Eggs B.t S SpecUl. a This is an Egg. of good -.seniK the biK--tai liable in n daj . Egg- good McLaren's (..- to, pkg. . McLaren's ( r. jars Phoenix Old jars Phoenix Pimen Phoenix Lirni. jsr Phoenix Chedl Phoenix Canad ... Pklf We stock at ! of cheese and It i for every Usti Lard in bulk. : Smoked Kipix -Eastern Iladdi. Fresh Crabs, Fresh Shrimp-Roasting Chiikr: Boiling Fowl. II Cooked or Baked Ii lb upert Table :i Phones: till! . Uil iMil tv ail 1 y Si' ,r,i r? r SI- ip in' I" 15f Fowl and ( killed and arm i: .. - ' BULKLEV VALLEY BEE We are ship; our beef from ' and expect shipn.. by next freigh' for Top Stufi " delivery. Drjr Salt Pork. lb 2? ' Peamealeti Mi!! r Bacon, machin.: " lb , "' Why pay 60 t dinary bacon? Kit Supply WESTHOLME THEATRE TONIGHT ONLY, 7 and 0 p.m. a .Lonesome Ladies LEWIS STONE, ANNA Q. NILSSON, EDWARD SIAKTlN DEU OAITAIN E. II. CALVERT, FRED WARREN. JANE WINTON, and others iCOMEDY "DON'T FIRE.' AESOP'S FILM FABLES Low Admission 35c and 10c J- 0' -I