acti we Prince Rupert ° are materially improved—not so | long as Frank Sedgma and Ker MecGregoy remain sound of wind and limb—but it should make a better contest of the three-day series and Will make the Aussice much happier We can testify that they were burned by what they considered the total inadequacy of our orig- inal gselections—-Vic Seixas, Straight Ciark and the promise of young Ham Richardson late this month NDOWN-—The firet time Hamiton Tiger-Cats got the ba 1 second game Poy lg gy wl gl sili playoff against Toronie Argonau‘s they » ' ard ” a touch- tie ie i 4 JOD@ pass over the goal-line from qua k Bill Mavkride:s "It is a shame you blokes can’t had NO chance to stop him. Ti-Cats trounce 7.11 to foree an send oul a better team when all by tying the seore on the round 93-33 CP PHOTO) the reserved seats at Adelaide aiready are sold,” wrote a Mel- Priday, November 21 Sia SPORTS ROUND-UP. Daii y News 1952 an 'ON THE ALLEYS Joy Bradley Tops Women 5- Pin Keglers Led by Agnes Pierce, Lyons took top place in “A” Diyision Joy Bradley topped kegiers in that diyjsion seoring high single Plumbing 1; Grocery Le Toilers 3, Skeena ee -op 2, Buigers 2. . of the ladies five pin leagte gs of 306 and high three of 658 By GAYL K TALBOT play ended in the first third Ms NOTICE 5 m es this week : Reesu . : NEW YORK (AP) — The definite news that! agnes put together games of .,"” Division—New Laurel 4, | Prince Rupert Ladies " Tony Trabert of Cincinnati and the U.S, Navy will, 208 286 and 240 for a three- pra.) Duntise 4. Cloverleat 0: Sarting Chip ‘ : ‘ ss : a game high of 726. P ai ei e itt noW some opening : make the trip to Australia on his own time to join the |e bom eunminent Daas aad oo Print 1; -Annettes 2, g* here 7 ae Cieb for ‘ 3 . : . 3 ordon & 2 2; Mans 5 ' 6 wy - ¥ skimpy Davis Cup forces in pursuit of the interna-| igh single of 299 2, Lucky cuir t. ~ SINGLE WOMEN. 2 ‘ , . Sunrise Grocery placed seeond) up» mia; a Membership fee $25.00 (re- ke tional tennis trophy changes the picture a little. in. the division and the two ,, nee ee Sisters 4, Tiundable on withdrawal of It doesn’t mean US. chances? “= ———— | teams will take part in the play- | yyou., ‘4: upert Radio 3, I membersh'p). Curling “tee of defeating the Australians in gif at the end of the season. ith - M, 5 Taxi 3, Cook's t; Bsiogo. If interested please ®% the challenge round et Acelaide Girls Return | ‘Winners wf “B” Division were 4. {Y*. Mertet 3. Prince Rupert Eeontact Mrs. @. Joboson— ’ . Popiers and Skeena Groeery. To Rupert Hoop Circuit Girls on the basketball] courts here i2turn to regular league play alter several] years’ absence when Bo-Me-Hj Rainbirds face Shier’s in first game next Tuesday third team, sponsored by 300 Ciub completes the league. There will be one game a! week, each Tuesday Coaching the Rainbirds is high school teacher Miss Elaine May- the Cce oe 2 i a i ctieenemenenemennd bourne Man high im Aussie ten-|/ Nard; coach for Shier’s is Ron } nig councils. “We don't thiak you Evans, a new player this year for % urns a e 0 i un ‘} can. beat us, but we would at Senior B Mansons. i. itt least like to think you were hav- Here are players on the two ‘ : ing a go at it girls’ teams which meet Twes- a . « € & CAL ® Thev will fee] betier with the @@ ‘ Ad ee $ a es ore earn news that Trabert is coming, as Rainbirds: Barbara Moore, A SURE WwW INNER ¥ “> - they know him from last winter)Marg Youngman, Marg Macfar- ; — ee as one of the world’s most pro- lane, Annette Windle, Agnes am A oe Special to The I mising young players. Tony was | MacIntosh, Joyce Phipps, Myrna At a ‘ sITD KIC rE he sf mmensely pcoular personally, Knutson, Joan Grimbie, Armida BURNS LAKE 'weedsmuir P ark Rod and), too, and they will be glad to wel- Toffoli and Sue Martin. Gun Club will ask the B.C. commission | come him again Shier’s: Leona Webster, Nina ; ‘ d nee ed. te * ' a. : f| sential Youngman, Lorraine Youngman, ‘ lor a Fine Alcan to clear the timber from selected portions’ o Mona Likeguard, Pat Hill, Bhir- \ wr s * 4 . f ? 4 ‘ the Great Cirele Route before they are flooded. lad G | pak han te c/ ; reat C ” : y Ur ers | Tham, Nellie Bill, and Bev Mat- ) '10n Oo Members say the job i be? . son done while the company has ‘ly depleting it, and that the Stage Opening Tonight is junior baskethall f} imas rews in the area but that the! “@4¥ permitted catch of juven- jat the Civic Centre and Satur- company should be compensated oe » four trout a day Match Sat d. day night Inter “A” and Senior ag . pout : Burns Lake hunters and | Ur ay “B teams meet in regular ards for the work by a remit f trappers are also decided | league play. Following is the This fine, fully-aged whisky xes OVer a period of yeat against any meve by the Game The Saturday night opener of schedule of play for al) teams for is the delight of all who . Much of the veness Of Deparimeht to open a season (the Ladies’ Curling Club will be November: f “_—e w the area they claim, will be lost on cow moose. Members said | a contest between President Mrs JUNIORS oppreciate a smooth, mellow drink. uniess clearing is undertaker their experience was that the |J. L Webster's and Vice-Presi-| Noy 936°15 p.m.—Sea Cadets Be wise —_ask for Wiser's Deluxe! alt Members also requested that propertion of female moose to | dent Mrs. E. Turner's rinks vs Maple Leaves MY Ing 0. Steillako River be closed ail bulls was “by ne means too As there will be two sheets of} 7:15 pm.—Beavyers vs Wolyes. WISER'S DISTILLERY LEMITED except fly fishermen because great. ice vacant during times of the Nov. 28—6:30 Annunciation ‘ : : ther types of fishing e rap Bs ) surveyors/°Pening mateh, club members! ys Sea Cadets This advertisement is net published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the . suri wi onths were | bave invited single women to try| 1-:15—Maple Leaves vs Beavers Government of Geitich Columbia. - call ie be unreliable,” | “aeir hand at curling. Up to the INTER A egg sg = ie ati alin sali ihe d be it was impos- | Present, membership has been! yoy 927-39 Mansons vs_ thle ell from the alr a cow) CREP Only to wives of the men North Star ’ ‘ on ull Once the latter had eurlers, but recently the club Nov, 25—6:30—-Fraser & Payne! ra hed hi si $ ’ : announced open membership vs North Star cial ; ie n Here are the draws for Satur- Noy. 29-~7:30 Mansons vs T a) reported that bull , 2 : 1739 Mansons Vs NN ro KET CHIGAN fics cores aati ey Sn aa — sinmaily late | Skepping the president’s rink: hei { + i wr} exceptionally late, es INTER B 5 ies ‘ {a late 7 pam.—Wilkins vs Anderson Mov. 81—-8:00-Melson fro f ols Ss. VS WEDNESDAY - SATURDAY | Johnson ys Moore | eseetn Sean Lae eae ; 8:15 p.m—Wakely vs McKen-/""yay 9 ; +. ES Prince Rupert 2:30 p.m, a oon eee joors | 2¢: Hamilton vs Bateman; Had- sanegnetumaaee a ee : , a t-of-doors i; . er 2 Arrives Ketchikan 3:15 p.m. s herause Chil acek. lley vs McBroom Noy. 28—8:00—Nelson Bros. ys ; : ; eniered 9:30 p.m.—Webster( president) General Motors ; . tions te bulla | YS rurner (vice-president); Part-| Noy 296:3 ; Shop vs 23 , . reparations to build | * , Noy. 29—-6:30—Sports Shop vs D TRIP $27.00 hs . ie, ¢ “ea ridge ys Shier Nelson Bros oe t nm spt | SENIOR B » &é Ret W nam ned Novy, 22——8:30--CCC vs Mansons S ADRLINES | oo: sccccs curling Results | soo 2 2S aren . has 4 re} sLimates of Pirst game of the Prince Ru- derson vs Mansons Phone 476 b i al to be required.| pert Curling Club championships Nov. 29—8:30-—CCC vs Gordon IN THE CITY j B Richmond con- were played Wednesday night & Anderson. with the following results: | Gerdon §; Bieber 9, Bateman Timmerman, a Yorkton veteran ton 3, Saskatoon c CURLING BUILT OWN CAR SPIRITWOOD, Sask. & Queen’s University 10-3 in a sud-° Regina before joining the British den-death game for the inter- police o Ger- iah ee ' iands, lees of the eartiest & ru rh hour and runs) the senjor colloge loop started in af 4 gallon of gas i898 inhabitants. E N and WOMEN 7 YOUR CURLING BOOTS NOW — FOR b itomobile so he made’ 19 years ago today. The two had | oe He, own Out of a motorcycls en- | finished the regular schedule { in| ANCIENT INDUSTRY i “Al é elbarrow wheels, sheet! a tie and it was Toronto’s second} Shipbuilding is one of the} — The vehicle will | consecutive title, their 15th. since | olde industries in the Nether- | Staraing with crude vess-| s PRICED FROM $1 795 Shop Today while the selection is atits best $ DOM'S DEFT STORE "The Proof is in the Puddin’”” Everyone is trying to buy their necessary needs—getting quality in each purchase, yet wine economy -toward thg purchase price. With the holiday season practically here — with friends and relatives to be remembered for past favors—wonderful friendships, ete. | Again additional purchases are quite necessary, not with the idea of seeing how much we can spend, but buying the most practical within our budget HOME FURNISHINGS . have always been a gift very much appreciated-—very throughout the years. practical and lasting We are endeavoring to keep our prices just as low as possible—yet maintain the standard of quality we have upheld for the 28 years we have had the pleasure of serving you, Stop In—Shop Around—Prove to Yourself Compare Prices and Quality USE OUR LAY-A-WAY FOR CHRISTMAS DELIVERY CONVENIENT CREDIT PLAN. A. MacKENZIE FURNITURE LTD. “A Good Place to Buy . . . For Over a Quarter of a Century” t pepe