PAGE FOUR PITR DAILY IIKT73 Mnllll;, 1,,, INDIAN AGENT BRINGING UP FATHER By George McM r-uvj-m-DAVis- TELL. 'EM I HAVEN T CO OM AN RtMC-lP I FIND SOME MOW LP T Me n IS WELCOMED d-P-SCHURCH - I ARRIVED IN TOWM AMY OME. THINKS THETRE PLACE "WHERE IT IS (THINK- WK,r 1 MATT-8ROSH AMO VET -I'VE COX TO COMMA BOTHE.RME- TV4E.YLU QUIET AM' MOT ."5fi.IV V WILL I jA I n-K-CONNEE:iY TO WR1T& WHAT I'M MAVETO eTAV OP ALU MlCHT". Afslr PEOPLttl - HAPPY ADDItKSS op WELCOME PltE SEE TOU-SIR.'. ( GOInT TO SAT" I'LL. CVT THIS TRAVEL! M m:tkd to hkv. j. (jiu.ktt at TO THE PRESIDENT AM6A"5VKOOR JOB WiTH OUT , r, ttx ;5T MUSTNT BE (fi -NT help; nkidecatk. J DISTURBED I n t.ry;, -, . ' 8KIDEOATE Feb. 21. Rev. J. Glllett wFtjB ot Maasett. th new Indian Agent for the fW' Til Queen. Charlotte Islands, has been given a great reception everywhere, both by Mm m whites and natives. On arriving recently at Skldegate Mission, Mr. Olllett was met by the village council and the fol lowing address of welcome was" read to him by It. E. Qreen, secretary, of the council: "We, the councillors of 8kidegate Mis slon, wish to welcome you to our village, As our new Indian A;ent, It Is our most sincere wish that you may be the means .of assisting us in every beneficial way to. lift us to a higher standard of civili sation In Christianity and all that will make us morally better. "We realize that we are most fortu nate In having you appointed as our agent for we are aware of your Jife In tht past as a missionary and we feel sure inai you win luinu all that we may expect of you In your capacity as Indian Agent. We can see that you are Interested In the Indian- people since you have resigned the ministry to accept the position of Indian Agent. We feel Justified In saying that we will at all time work hand In hand with. you. fulfulllng your dictation to us. as coun cillors. In every way. "It is needless for us to say that we are a law-abiding people, reputed to be cmong the further advanced on the coast. We have the honor to welcome you both on behalf of ourselves as councillors and on behalf of our people. "Yours faitthfully. "JAMES McKAY. "W. H. RUSS. "T. D. CROSBY, "HENRY YOUNG, "H. E. GREEN, "Councillors." HAZELTON HOME IS DESTROYED BY FIRE Charleston Place, Aero Kuail from Hospital. Mas M'lped Out Friday Morning NEW HAZELTON. Feb. 21. Just before eleven o'clock. Friday morning- the old Charleston home just across the road from the Hazetton Hospital was destroyed by fire. It was a complete loss, Including practically all the con tents as well. Since last summer the house and part of the farm wVs leased by Clyde Hunt and Tie and Mrs. Hunt Iiave been living here since. When Mrs. Hunt put on the fire for dinner " the chimney took fire unknown to either Mrs. Hunt or to Mrs. Hunt, sr., who was visiting there. The fire was noticed at the hospital and word was phoned to Mr. Hunt down town. He got a car and a lot of men and hurried out, but by the time they arrived the . whole place was In flames and there was nothing they could do except watch the surrounding buildings. About all that 'was saved out of the wreck was a gramophone and some chairs. Very little. If any of their clothing was saved. Mr. Hunt carried some Insurance on his household goods, but not enough as matters stand a present. The Charleston place Is one of the oldest buildings In the district. It was built over twenty years ago and for years was headquarters for the Charles- ton and Barrett pack train and later for the Charleston pack train. Since then It has been occupied by a number of people, including the Harris boys during the big mining activity on the American Boy mine. Last summer, Mr. Larkworthy, who has had control of the .place for a number of years, had the foundations renewed and the house put In shape. TERRACE NATIVE SONS WERE HOSTS TO SCOTS ftijoyalile Social Evening on TlmrMlay 4'anN, Krrri-hhnirntK ami llunclng TERRACE. Feb. 21. The local of Native Sons was again host on Thursday evening in the club rooms, their guests on that occasion being the members of the St. Andrew's Society, The early paft of the evening was taken up with a whist drive, the prize winners of which were Mrs. J, Warne and 8. KIrkaldy. After the serving of refreshment dancing was enjoyed to music furnished by J. McLaren and 8 KIrkaldy. Appieclatlon of the even ing's entertainment was voiced by W. S. Anderson, president of St. Andrew's Society. This was the second of a series of social evenings being arranged by the Native Sons for the purpose of fostering good fellowship and soclallblllty among th? different fraternal societies of the town. ZPRINCECEORCE The Canadian Legion has decided to erect 410,000 club rooms here. It is expected that work will start early In the spring on a site at the corner of 1 Brunswick Street and Fourth Avenue, Seven candidates have been entered In the Canadian Legion's beauty and popularity contest here. They ar Alma (Miss Qlscome), Muriel Rogers (Miss Elkl. Rose Woods (Miss Grll), Phyllli West (Miss WoodpecUirl. Inga Ander ten (Mlis Ballet), Agnes McMillan (Miss mm J&iSil Third Avenue) and Bakery). Ina Allen (Miss Major a. P. MacLean, general tie agent, Canadian National Railways, and B. Parker. Winnipeg, tie agent for the western region, were here last week. As a result of their visit It Is under stood that contracts for 200,000 additional ties will be let in this district. F. P. Burden, local representative of the Fraser Timber Syndicate, was the ipeaker at a Board of Trade luncheon on Wednesday. Speaking of timber matters in the district, Mr. Burden said that the promoters of the pulp and paper mill project had a moml claim to stands that are In dispute. Co-operation, he suggested, would bring In a large supply of timber for the smaller mills in the district. Twenty-eight new members have Just Joined the Prince George Board of Trade as follows: W. N. Jaeck, E. Moore. . A. Brown, R. C. S. Randall, E. T. W. Towers. C. C. Wright, John Henderson. S. Foot. D. Donald, A. E. Roddis, W, Lalshley. A. F. Qreen, Al. Johnson, R. J. Garvey, M. W. Skinner. S. J. Watson. J. Turnbull, Rev. S. Polllnger. J. A. Lestln, K. A. Houghtallng. M. J. Kinney. C. Gunn. H. Wood. A. Watt. George Bennett, A. Alexander. J. Aitkin and J. Jardlne. Miss Margaret McLeod celebrated her eleventh birthday with a party on Wednesday evening In .Anderson Hall, followed by a visit to the theatre. George Mllburn has been elected pi sldent of the Prince George Oeneral Hospital Association. Mrs. R. S. Edwards Is vice-president and R. C. S. RandalL secretary treasurer. It has been decided to proceed with the erec tlon of a 45.000 nurses' home. With an anticipated grant from the provin cial government, funds on hand win total $3,800. A drive will be put on to raise the balance. A meeting is to be held In the office of Dr. A. IL Bayne here tonight with a view to organizing a city band or or chestra. Oswald Harper, son . of M, E, Harper, sustained a broken right wrist In an accident at the skating rink on Wednesday evening. John Mclnnls of the contracting firm of Mclnnls and Wilson Is on a business trip to Vancouver. I. B. Balrd Is spending a few days In Edmonton on business. Let a Cold Get a Siarli V'CKS Vapo Rub Owi 21 Million Jabs Used Yearly convicted and sentenced to death but a i.ew trial has been obtained for him. BURNS LAKE E. Meier, who is well known in thU district having lived for several years In the vicinity of Francois Lake, has purchased the Charles Hlnton farm, north of the lake. At a large and enthusiastic meeting last Wednesday night, the Burns. .Lake Assembly. Native Sons of Canada, elected P. V. Tallon president, succeeding Gordon B. Robb. who has left here. D. Cochrane was elected secretary-treas urer. The first rhubarb of the season was brought Into town last week by Nell Van de Veen who Is forcing It In his base ment atTlntagel. Mr. Van d Veen Intends to supply the local market with his luscious product coming la stalks nearly three feet long which are tender The Prince George branch of the aed of excellent flavor. Canadian Legion has subscribed 425 i to ihe fund for the defence of Philip M. F Nourse, Nohr Jlauer. J. Tool. Goodwin, a former native son of Vic- A. R. Brown. P. Brunell, Mrs. M. F. torla and returned soldier, who Is be- Nourse. Mrs. D. M. Oerow and Miss L. 'ng held in San Qutntln penitentiary I Prlpgle were elected to- the broad-- of on a charge of murder Goodwin was Kianaijsroent at the annual meeting of m l Outwarcyjj bound T HEN'S when a man becomei a citizen of the world when outward bound aboard a modern teamer of the Cunard or Anchor-Donaldjon Canadian Fleet. Here are new sights, new sounds, new viewpoints, larger horizons. Here is enlightenment fellowship with men of many stations, many climes. Here is dtvtldpment for any man's personality. Are you content to rusticate at home? It costs no more to travel by one of these famous iblpa.- Atbctsisu Alauma, Ascania, Aurania. Antonia, Ausonia, Andania, Let hi, Carry Cunard TrovcW 0equeiKt tmiveml mrrencj. CANADIAN SERVICE '.tlVti and C22 Hastings Street. W, Vancouver, C.C Vapors Check a Cold Overnight There are many way to treat a cold but only one DIRECT way with Tapers that can be Inhaled. Vapors penetrate Immediately Into every corner of the air passages and 8t. Paul United Church. U. J. Uacdonald. manager of the 8ll ver Island mine at Bnblne. was in town on business lost week. He- reported good progress at th mint. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. KUsock have'moved from the II. Raymond house and have Uken up their residence In the Altx. Connon house near St. Paul's United Church. There was a. great array of costumes at the St. Valentine's masquerade ball in the Commuulty Hall last week. Prizes were awarded as follows: Mrs. F. Carroll, plerette; V. Schelderup. best comic; Joe Keller, best original; P. J. CarrolL Arab. Noticeable costumes were also worn by Mrs. V. Schelderup, Turkish lady; P. V. 1 ivJJtn, tanner: J. Brown, clown: Miss lungs, soothing and healing with every Ella SorlL Norwegian costume; Mrs. P. breath. I J. Carroll, Moorish lady; and Major Vicks Is so remarkably successful In I Lowe, shlek, treating cold troubles because it acts like a "vapor lamp in salve form." When rubbed over throat and chest the body heat releases vapors of Menthol. Camphor, Eucalyptus, Thyme and Turpentine. At the same time Vicks Is absorbed through and stimulates the skin like a poultice or plaster. This double, direct action often checks the worst cold overnight. TERRACE Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Toombs, who have been for the put few months tit Priuct Ruprt art now spending a short time at their home In LakeUe Valley. Mr. and Mrs. Oeorge Miller of South Vaucouvtr are guests at the home of Mrs. Miller's uncle, W. E. Smith. Mrs. E. T. brooks, who has spent the past few weeks In the Prlnca Ruwri Gtneitl 'Hospital returned here during the week and Is convalescing at the bom of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. II L. Frank. Eld Marsh, who spent some time here 4veral yearasgo as sawyer at the local mill and who has recently been employed In a mUl in Washington, has returned to town, and again entered the .mploy of Oeorgt Little. Mrs, Hagan. of Vanarsdol, was a business visitor here on Thursday. Rev. T. J. Marsh returned on Satur day after spending a holiday with Miss Msrth and ilia Deucon In Prince Runt rt. . Mrs. C. L. M. Glggcy returned on Saturday from th Priuct Rupert Oeneral Hospital where she was a patient tor a short time. The funeral of tht lt Francis W. Mlchaud who passed away on Wednes day, was held on Saturday afternoon from the home of his sister. Mrs. T. J. Klrkpatrtck. Lakelse Valley. Funeral cervices aere conducted by Rev. A. W. atbinson siid Interment took place In Kltsumkalum cemtUry. C. C. Pierre, now representative of the Atkln's Saw Co., Vancouver, and one of the early pioneers of this place, is renewing acqilalntancts around town while on a bu&luea ftrlp through the dlstrlcw . J. B. ParkUL chief, tit agent 'for the wisteru rtLny of' UvJ jC.N.Uf, Railways, was. a buslnesf vhltbr ' here froth' Thursday until Saturday. SKIDEGATF Mrs. R. a Oritten of Logan Inlet. who has been very ill, is now a patient ui the Prince Rupert General Hospital, having been taken over recently by Mr. Grltteit. M. English, manager of tlM B.C. Packers' cannery at South Bay, Is here troio Vancouver, supervising the Installation of cold storage facilities In the plant. Dr. Bleecker of Queen Charlotte City was a recent visitor to Skldegste Mis. tlon where he has a number of patients. Capt, Gordon Ede of Queen Charlottt City has resigned his position as skipper of the speed boat, Qalloplng Goose. Olllesplt It Co. are doing well with their logging operations In tht Inlet, Up to date thy have put alx hundred thoiuand feet of logs In the water which Is considered a good record for uuall rrtw of men. HAZELTON At the annuai meeting of tht Wonka's Auxiliary to the Hazetton Hospital last Wednswlsy, officers for the year were elected tJ follows: president, Mrs. W. W. Anderson; vlce-prtsldent, Mrs. H. a Gargtnt; secretary treasurer, Mrs. i, II. Young! executive committee, V anted!" For Sale! For Rent FOR SALE. funrijr papcri. 29 Cmi t! 1 iv'.li'rcanvnl FOR SALE. CHEAP. FULLY EQU1P-ped boat. In good condition: suitable for halibut fishing; length 40 feet, beam 11 feet,, draft 0 fetrt. IS Inch fir planking; tullt 1910: equipped with 30 h p. Frisco Standard tuglne. Cash GASOLINE LAUNCH "Leila." forty-two feet long and powered with thirty horsepower j Eastern Standard engine In Rood running order. Terms eah. Apply i ' '? ' ' ISLANDER. Skldegate. ItOI .M) IIOIUN- Out In the bare and lenM trees The wintry gale is sobbln. I think III take my pen end write A round robin. Saying. -With wlnter-a ice and snow We're tired of bob-nohWn'. We hope that soon again youll come Low Around, robin. We hope youll bring the trees their leaves And set our pulses throbbfaf, And bring the Joys that winter goes Around robbin'l" V- TVf rVtt44 PRINCE RllPl'irr Tinifc j. s a 8 4s J r 4- 4. 4 4 w TI-KMlAV. ll:illtf.ltV 2! '"h 4 45 am. mo it Low High Low H:10 pm. 1M " 11:07 a.m. 7.J 23:10 pm. & wi:ineiiiav, ii.imrAuv xi '"sn 8:2J a m. iR4 J8:0u n.m. ma Lo 11:0 ajn. 7.7 12:84 pm. 5,7 TIUIISOAV, nillM AKV SI i 6:17 am. i? ft 1932 p.m. 148 ...1219 pm. 7B " I'ltlhW, IHlltHAitV 2.1 7i24 am. aa:8o pm. ft:49 am. H:J p.m. 17.0 ft, 14.7 " 0.7 " 7.7 " DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS. 2c per word in advance. No Advertisement taken for lets than 50c FOR SAI.K WANTED WANTED -BRIGHT DOT WITH HIGH School education. for business. Personally written application to Box 21, Dally News Office. 47 ACKNTS WANTKI) 1.000. balance $1,000 on easy terms. ' """ . For particulars, apply Box 17, Port UAH " OUKS TO TRAVEL AND Esslngton. DC. appoint local rrprexnUUve. 21j00 weeiuy average and expenses, Foil KENT and commission betide. Experience unnecessary. Write for particulars. Wiusuifi Co.. Toronto. to Dr. Large. Port Simpson. 60 rent-FOUR ROOMED FLAT. rOR SALE. TWENTY HORSEPOWER i uh th "W"- Water and light paid. Kermath marine enelne lit first class! Harbor view running order. Price raonble. , mnu- ' Term rih Annlv h. i,m tv. t Rfmnxnn " ' . TOR RBfT FURNISHED APART- In The Letter Box kii:iut: kimoil Jklltor. Dully Newt. W FOR QUICK SALE. LOTS 4 and 47. block 13. Section 2; lota IS and 14, block 44, Section 5: lot S. block 48. Section S. Official Administrator. HOARD BOARD. THE INLANDER. Second Avenue. Phone m. 844 Mrs. Shsrpe. Mrs. Hunt. Mrs. Wlusby and Mrs. Myrot. The Omlneca Heralds article laat week In the strict on successful farmers of Central British Columbia dealt with W. S. Anderson of Kitsumkalum who hss made a success of bte keeping. Pete Spooner returned on Thursday from a trip to Edmonton. Me did not have an operation for appendicitis after all. Master Wilfrid Young, tan of Iter. and Mrs. J. H. Young Is lying critically ill in the Hizelton Hospital. It is reported around hkrt that the Powell River Co. la taking over the Sitka Spruce Mills at Queen Charlottt City. Wt hope this is true at It It time Skldegate Inlet had a concern in here thtt could finance Its own way and not leave a string of bad debts behind it. We wonder If our OortservsvUve friend Pooley of Esquimau, would object to 1 h I . lAt JL'M ft-A .link t.l, - " " ' k - vn.. ,1.1 II MO r . out-' of his element at M UA. fori British Columbia, lit should be In the mnt; pid. Apply Sravltw Apart. four rooms and Phone A47. bath; 44 water J FOR RENT. STEAM HEATED APART-menu. Apply Smith & Wallet t. Ltd. Telephone 174. VOR RENT. central: ISO. Avenue But. FURNISHED HOUSE: Apply 21$ Fourth FOR RENT-PIANOS. PHONOGRAPHS and Singtr Sewing Machines. Walker's Music store. FURNISHED APARTMENTS FOit KENT by day. week or month. Phont Red 607. tf FURNISHED 8UITES FOR RENT. Apply Musssllem Groctry. Phont 18. FOR RENT-MODERN HOUSE. FIVE rooms aad bath. Bro. if ROOMS TO RENT. PHONE 878. AUCTIONEER tf AS THEIR RESIDENCE. 738 FOURTH Avenue Eatt. it fully furnished and the dwelling fully modern. I will make an 9fnrt t it.- I FOUND FOUN D EIG I ITEEN FOOT ROW BOAT below Claxton. Apply Ian Q. Da via. uiaxion. n c. 53: ri'IKll.sTKItINO FUMNITURE REPAIRING: UPHOL-eurlng of all kinds. Chesterfield recovered and made to order. All work gWantcol. Phone Green C00. O. XI. HUNT. UIHili A. Htuyo.v .' Keiil Ciiir, Mlaed Wood fitoek per load 18.00. Kindling, per load 10 &0 Furnace Wood, per load 6 00 Delivered. Salt Herring I'lionr HUrk 4!l RESTAURANTS noon i:atn ;aik Mrs. Uncer. Proprietress Third Avenue. Next O. W. V. A. OiHiil Hume Ciw.kfd Men It. Phone Blsck 700 TAXI Phone 07 Tnxl (Call fioow, Paul or Gunt) Six and Seven PasseiiRi-r Stutlu- iakiT8 at your any time. ROSS I1ROS. POO I, ROOM Meeker lllock. fAcroaa from Empreaa Hotel) MmdesTion BSk Article, Lost iaj round, 4e MAIL SCHEDULE "I T.(illl ,l Toe Ihe Me Mondays. Wrln. Closet .... To Vsnruuirr Tuesdays . . Fridays ... Saturdays CP R. Ffb i! CJ.R. Manh First sUm 1,,,.,: . Saturday by C N il luler Sundays . . WtdAesdsTS T 11, Minmin and .Ssm (: t Sundays . To AU'ijs rulnl.- Feb. 7 and H Mireti 7. 18 Ta tjurrn I harlolln Feb. 18 and 28 IS-dlMISO iTom Ihe Eatl Tuetdayt. tlviff al Irmn tanruirr Sundays . Wednesday . Fridays CPJU Feb. 7 CPJl Marc?) I'fem Antes. Alire Atm, Itemler Tuesdaya . Friday .. . 1 10m PI. MlmMin an4 No Tuesday . . I'roin AUWa rlnl Fsb. II and 1 4 March II and Irnm urrn rhsrklle Feb. 10 mt ?4 mix 1 111 iritis' lOrtham A Ailm A lit Art. ft nth s ' ruHiviaih A"?e At " SNl!' furniture to the highest bidder amTjy, , rmi the hew If interested, phone nU & y 774 o. F. Brine. Auctioneer. Item-'ltu. a.. , ..,. ioth iw in vveanesaay s issue. 8th Ave. & llsv ' Sth Hate Covr 1 8th Ave. Ac Coit.,, Ilh Ave. tc XMir Pro. Oon Bid s Prer ar. Whnrf OTP Wnarf O.T.P Station 2ad Ave. to Tnd ' 3rd Ave. to PuK" 3rd Ave. ft 6tti .t Sundey coll' u : day only l'r VaiiCiMtter Tuesday w FrWay- . V Seturday n Feb. Jl Pi Feb. j j. Ti lmn Vn'iMiirr Sunda m Card : Weduesday " P1 Frlds- Cn'-'i' Feb. 7-as Ptm Feb. 21.- s Pi ' 8undsy--ss Cm t ft .trT I rom Purl Mimwon aim u Tuesday ss. Cam I nr Nlenarl. ' njox ant Aiw EunJay as Cam p P' : r Wednrsds- a. from Htfwnrl. Atijos ami Tuesday s Cam p Frldsy -s. Prince B lor ijuren riiarlollrs--Feb. 12 - Prince J' Feb. 28- ss Prm ' Iiiiiii (jurfii rharloll" ' Feb. 10 ts. Prmw Feb, 24 as. Prm I'nr Alii'kn , . Feb. 7i. PrlnccS" V-Frb. 21. s P"n"' M From AUks Frb. II- si. Prm Feb. 29-is. Prlno C.N.R. TRAINS For Enst Mnnday Wfdr' Saturdays T From Et-Tuesday. Sundays Advertise in " r)ll", t t m n u I If if