jar February 21, 10C7 9 P pPfi finest malted grains and hops brewed THE with the most scientific care In five modern plants jjo to make the. pure beer consumed by the people of British Columbia. Then the Amalgamated Breweries continuously call upon Independent firms of chemists of reputation for independent analysts. These analyses PROVE the purity and quality of British Columbia beers and its fullest maturity. LlKRU is an extract from lit but analy. of 1 Amalgamated Brewing beer imiHc by the firm of McDonald and McDonald, analytical cLcmuU of Vancouver: Ml three sample had a tparkling hriyhlneut and a mhstantial foam remaining oh tkr tjliiM Jr a couider-cle tmc. Lath had t TtJrcMnq Omnia atvl m afrtmUt iter hop taste. Tht atu.iisin euhz'imirttfjfti., 'I three mm plea an pure and '. ,r).-;r bemoja. 1h high Extract, low Aiulii h' ,1. A'$opnws M ntter, xuhiUiintuil AJi ami Phu.tu.i- Xtid amtatflL t-fc almduie evidence of U-e gaa-l, u! wm quality ( f these beerg, pntring ikrm to be tnire Malt Bewragc. The analym of tlusc samples qf fxT it strf timiUtr te that of the beet European varieties." McDonald & MeDoarid, (Sianed) A. W. SUrfidd, OmfrL IN (Ik iMlmnM Mm t HMm l4 fUMier IU- via ( .. , I sod Viovia Umi 1'rrwtBg C. lad. TR iHV 6&t Kb) -dl vjuvci mucin uivito and Licensed Ptemfees. i This mJvrrliwmcnt i not published or diilayet by Lie liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbus. Th, SfeJ Stre Brushes at Cost Wc w ? ;ose tx:e ove--itH-keA with IJrtMhs and in order to move in the store at cost price. w ..! i I! iii y H.iir jltush ' li:.:: li- ushf - i; v buck, ebony baeks, polished nit b.uk.s. Military limine, Nail Brushes, Clothes (V-r.HKN BRUSHES VtHity Brut. ' ' ne Wu handle. Bristlw r fimrly a twisted wire frame and there is a brush fat every 3rd Ave. nnd Gth St. ORMES LTD. The Pioneer Dru;oriita Three .Registered Pharmacist Phones K2 and 200 EVERY WOMAN ADMIRES a : niii. ni-itn tcitLhun Th HtKirklinff hriirhtnrs ol Aluminum 1 J:- Tirc.vidcs the flint step in neatness, and an Easy W . .urn KIim tiir U-hpr is euualb' indispensable. Wu can suptdy you with both ut popular prices. Thompson Hardware Co., Ltd. Third Avenue. Vrlmv lulH'rt' LlCANADIAN PACinc Canadian Pacific Railway B. C. Coast Services g f Sailings from Prince Rupert " K'I'l.lkHii, v-riu.,,. Junmu. Maisj-lhrMary l, Martli 7. t. . " tmuiimrr. Mitorlu, Srattlf llnmt iV MmtIi II. SJ. ;r llutnlal,, i.ut l,"lo'raH Falli' Xamu, Alert IU. Campbrli nivrr, ,nd Vantouvi-r every Kaluraay, 11 am. teer fur all mf.,lp i.h.ra. rul laformalloii rro.u- Corner ot 4th Mrrft and Srd Aienue, ITIne Uupert. B.C. Local and Personal Arthur Taxi, rtione 678. B O. Undertaker phone 41. Oet the nig 4 habit I When thinking oI( a Taxi, phone 4. . tf i Our ahlnglea cont lees and laat loneer. Seal. Cove Lumljer Co. tf O. P. Ren returned from a ahort buneaa trip aouth on the Camoaun laat evening. A. M. Davlea rtturned to the city on the Camoaun last evening after a ahort run in the south. Erneat Unwin wUkd lut nliht on the Camoeun for Anyox. He will be away on bualnea unttl Friday morning. "lee C. OOonnell. public school Uacher at Oona niver. Porcher IalarTd, wa a week-eDd iltor in the city. Mr. and Mrs. Jaa. L. Lee returned home on the Oamoaun laat evening Mter brief holiday in Vancouver and Victoria. ojr Herbert Eaton of Da bine Hatch- 7 b bwn appointed notary public cetaWfeg to un anruninerment In the B.C. Oasette. J. N. McPlw. customs officer at Butedale. am red in Use city on tlx iCamoMia last evening and, is recUUrcd tat tut Savoy Hotel. Stephen Dumas, wU known Alice Ana Munaeas maq. antrejt to. tht My oi) the Camosun lut ol$ht from Van couw and is staying r a toe bjly fpr a few days before procrtdtng north. Prliiix- Bupert Boys' Band and Or chestra Orand Qoncctt, assist ni by vocal artiste at aalvaUan Army Citadel OB Wednesday, February 23 at 8 pm rtna program. Come and help the band. 43 Jack MeBaa. son of Mr. and Mrs. D C. MtJlae. 340 Fourth Avenue East, ltrt at the end of lbs wetk tor Bums Lake where he will spend a Month with bis sifter. Mis Mary MeSae. who is on the public school tfaerrtng staff in tht in terior town. Trapfcral Call and show your run to the Old Meltable House. It will pay you as we can guarantee to give yeo higher prices than anyone eUe. We have btg orders lor all kind of furs, aafsscially mink. Win. UoidbkBOO). Brcoud Aveuue. Phone S3X. tt Under tht aaapiosa of the St. An draw's Anglican Cathedral Crub. a bad-aaittton tournaam.t is being bald this week In aid of tht organ fund ot the ehurch The first and second round are being played this week and the fins Is and semi-finals will be played next week. Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Oampp. formerly of this city, are now residing at Xlount Vernon. Washington, where Mr. Osmpp Is in business. They are planning on entering the poultry raWng Industry on an extensive scale. Their daughter, Irene. Is married aod has a three year old son. The B.C. fleaette announce the ap pointment of Rev J. CHUett of Maesett. Indian Agent for the Queen Charlotte Island, as a registrar of births, deaths and miniates for that district under the Indian Act for Indians only. The rescission of the sppotntment of Rev. W. E. Colltson In a similar cap city for the Queen Charlotte agency la also announced. C'.MIK Of TIIAMiS. Mr W l( Utley and family desire to ronvcy their sincere thanks to their many friends for the kind expressions of sympathy received during their recent bereavement. TOO LATE TO CLASSMT 4- 4- -I- RESTAURANT FIXTURES FOR SALE cheap. Must be sold this week. Phone 378. 48 (ORANDVIEW HOTEL FOR SALE. Mike nn offer! 07 TOR SALE mvchl'ie. WATER POWER WASHtNO Thone Black 608. tf 4 ANNOUNCEMENTS Elks' Amiual Invitation Ball, 38. ' i:la!lis!icd 1112.1. Office Hours: U a.m. to G i.m. Saturday: 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Any evening by appointment HENT1ST Uxchanuc Mock. I'honc 101 THE DAILY NETTS PA3E THREE Rejular meeting of the tlU wUJ be held on Tuesday nljht at 8.30. Members pleaM attend I Be aure to attend the Fairy Fantaay and CantaU In the rtupert Eaat United Church tonight at 8 b4clock. AdmUalon SOc. Special. Tuesday only. Canned Milk, any brand. B tins for 11.00. Limit M.00. Watch-here for special for Wed nesday selling. Table Bupply. . Meeting In the Trades and Labor Hall tomorrow night, Tuesday, in the Interests of James Black, labor candidate In the aldermanlc election. Nominations for the vacancy on the city council will be received tomorrow by city clerk E. F. Jones. The election Will take place on Friday. . , Included in the arrivals on the .Prin cess Mary this afternoon were Mrs. Mcpherson. Miss Florence McPherson, J. P. Smyth and 0. A. Shore. CJ.R. ateamer Princess Mary, Capt. C. C. Saintey, arlvcd from Vanoouver and way points at 1:30 this afternoon and sailed again at 230 for Alaska. Arthur Nordlond. charged with In toxlcatlon. was fined 25 and costs, or thirty days In jail, by Magistrate Mc-Clymdnt In the city police court this morning. C. E. SUrr, manager of the local branch of the Pacific Fisheries, and Mrs. Starr, returned to the city on the Princess Mary this afternoon after spending the winter' sea-son in the Western States. . Passengers for Prince Rupert on the Camosun which arrived from the south at 8:45 included S. Dumas. T. Pearson. Mrs. Maynard. Miss C. Wcsver, Mrs. O-Ncill. Mlas L. King. A. M. Davlcs, Mr. and Mrs Jas. L Ice. C. P. Rett. Mr. Pride and J. McPhce. Capt C. C. Saintey. who Is In port today on the Princess Mary. Is making his first call here for several months. lie brought out from Montreal the J company's new freighter. Nootka for merly the Emperor of Port McNIcholI, which recently arrived on the coast. FUNERAL SERVICE FOR LATE MRS. W. H. UTLEY llMiUlei VeotenUy Afternoon Ijirjelt Allemleil and Manv Token f v Ekleein 38. With a Urge concourse present, the funeral service for the late Mrs. W. II Utley was held yesterday afternoon from the chapel of the B.C. Undertakers. Archdeacon u. A. Rtx conducting the service. There were manyfioral iributet as expreesiou ot the high esteem In which deceased was held by a wide circle of friends. Interment took place In Falrvlew Cemetery. Pallbearers were W. L. Herman. W. P. Herman. R. J. Herman. W. O, Valpy. H. Valpy. and T. Fraser. MRS. LEDLJE WHO IS LL4VING FOR KAMLOOPS, ENTERTAIN AT TEA Mrs. J. W Ledlle. who Is leaving shortly for her new home In Kam-loops, entertained a number ot lady friends at the tea hour at her home on Sixth Avenue West. Assisting Mrs. Ledlle were Mrs. Rev. Price. Mrs. Mc-Hsffey and Mrs. Thurbcr. During the afternoon a plsno solo by Mrs. P. W. Hart, vocal aolo by Mrs. Percy Miller, violin aolo by Kathleen Bulger were much enjoyed. Mrs. R. Walker and Mrs. Lemon were accompanists. MKATIIilt Ull'OUT. Prince Rupert. Cloudy, fresh south east wind, temperature. 34. Terrace. Cloudy, calm. temp. S3. Rosswood. Cloudy, calm, temp, 34. Alyansh. Part cloudy, calm. temp. 33. 35. Alice Arm. Light snow, calm, temp. Anyox. Rain, calm, temp. 38. Stewart. Cloudy, calm., temp. 32. Htsclton. Part cloudy, calm, temp. Telegraph Creek. Cloudy, calm, tem perature 16. 31. Smlthera. Part cloudy, calm. temp. Burns Lake. Part cloudy, calm. temp. 37. Whltehorsc. Clear, south wind, temp, IS. Dawson. Cloudy, south wind, rero Fort Selkirk 24 below. itl:l.i:s UKI'oitT. H u.m. DIOBY ISLAND. Cloudy, fresh S.W. wind; barometer. 39.28; temperature, 34; sea smooth; 8 p.m. snokc staemer Char. lie Watson, Juneau for Rlchniand, 1250 miles from Richmond. BULL HARBOR. Part cloudy, llaht southeast wind; barometer 29.40; tem perature. 30; sea moderate: 8 p.m. spoke It. M. Baxter, Massett for Long Beach, 1463 miles from Lonir nearh- 7 .in nm spoke steamer Prince JohnTueft Allison Harbor lor Jedway; 8 pjji. snoke steam er Anyox, Blubber Bay for Anyox, 434 miles from Anyox: 8 am. spoke tug St. Faith, weatherbound ' in T.ku.h Harbor: 8 a.m. SDoke Pacific Monarch. In Mllbank Sound, southbound. DEAD TREE POINT. Barometer. 29.- 40; ' temperature 42, , NOON' DlUtilf ISLAND. Part cloudr. fresh futh've:.- wind, barometer 53.28. tcm. BRIGHTEN YOUR NOME AT LITTLE EXPENSE Accidents Cant harm these Guaranteed Art-Rws" - N. iU it illmi-trld- m trim ti' rfirtl in fit hlu it fmvit vilh dl'flT hotutr rfeajn. I V COLO SEAL 1 ) I CUABANTtr. I I MTinAmooaunvniB j V YW HCMTV sua perature. 34; sea smooth. BULL HARBOR. Part ploudy. fresh southeast wind; barometer, 39.40; temperature 42; sea moderate. DK.4D TREE POINT Barometer. 29.-13; temperature. 40. COASTGUARDSMEN ARE DROWNED IN STORM IMeht lAr Their Lives In lUltle With .lenient off High Head nn Mat.ua. rliueli Coat PROV1NCETOWN, Mass.. Feb. 31. Eight coastguardsmen of the crew of the patrol boat 238 were drowned In surf which hammered the beach at High Head early Sunday .morning. For twelve hours, the men fought against a rventy-mlle gale and snow. FIXTURESFOR CRIB LEAGUE The following will comprise the list of fixtures In the second halt of the Crlbbage League season, the schedule being released by the secretary of the league. T. E. Wermlg, the winner In this half to play off with the Canadian National Operators, winners of the first half, for the Dawson Cup: 31 a rot to vs. Cold Storage. Knights of Columbus vs. Moose. St. Andrew's vs. C.N. Mechanics. Prince Rupert Hotel vs. CJ4. Operating. Dry Dock vs. Sons of Canada. Orange Lodge vs. Canadian Lcglou. 38 Cold Storage vs. Moose. Knights of Columbus vs. St. Andrew's . C.N. Mechanics vs. C.N. Operating. Prlijcc Rupert Hotel vs. Dry Dock. Sons of Cairtida vs. Cunadlau Legion, Orange Lodge vs. O rot to. MUltll f 7 Cold Storage vs. Soils of Canada. Moose vs. C.N. Mechanics, St. Andrew's vs. Prince Rupert Hotel. C.N. Operating vs. Orange Lodge. Dry Dock vs. Canadian Legion. Knights of Columbus vs. Orotto. 14 Moose vs. Orotto. St. Andrew's vs. Cold Storage. C.N. Mechanics vs. Dry Dock. Prince Rupert Hotel vs. Orange Lodge C.N. Operating vs. Canadian Leglou Sons ot Canada vs. Knights of 31 Cold Storage vs. C.N, Operating., Knights of Columbus vs. Dry Dock. Moose vs. Sons of Canada. St. Andrew's vs. Orange Lodge. C.N. Mechanics vs. Canadian Legion. Prince Rupert Hotel v. Orotto, o A light rub-over with a damp mop, will instantly remove all traces of dirt or stains no tiresome baiting or sweeping required. With all their modern advantagcs.ConRolcum Gold Seal Art-Ru;s are surprisingly low in price the recent reduction has established a new low price level. Send the coupon for a free folder showing all the attractive patterns in full colors or sec them at our dealer's. ONG0LEU M .RT-RUGS With the longcT'ivearing surface Satisfaction Guaranteed r t r . -. .1 . T Crnune first quality Congoleum bears this GotJ Seal aitixed to the surface art emblem of . the unconditional guar antec avoid disappoint- ing imitations. j 1270 St. Patrick Street, r ' ' s MMitieal. Smi me, without cott or oUiotion, a eopr of your latest pattern booklet entitled Bri(htca Your Home with Congoleum Cold Seal Art-Rut-." Nana. I Address. Congoleum Cavaoa Limited Montreal 1 1 citr.. Pro.. Canadian National Steamships Co. Limited Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD Operating (i.T.P. 20,000 Ton Floating Dry Dock Engineers Machinists HoilermaKers, Blacksmiths Pattern-'makers Founders Woodworkers Etc ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING. Our plant is equipped to' handle all kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK. PHONES 43 and 383 I UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Nulling from i'rlme lturrl. I'or VAM'OUlttt. VICTORIA, Snansuii Itiy and Alert Itay. etc.. Turnday, 3 p.m. Tor VANCOUVER. VICTORIA. Alert ll.iv and SwaiiMin Hay, etc.. Saturday. J a.m. lor I 'OUT HIMrsOV, ANYOX. ALICE ARM, STEWART and Naas River Can hit Irs Sunday, 8 p.m. IJ.t Sail Aveuue. R. M. SMI Tit. A-rnt. I'rlnre Rupert, H.C. ISffF 8 iM'tffil "Tr A Mr TO. .SIGHT" rBest ProcemMe I Hu"nHixal (THE ORIGINAL) Pure Scotch Whisky RICHEST IN FINEST HIGHLAND MALT CUttM mi tnral4 k ViltiftM a 5m LiaiiWd. ClliJJ.il m4 Bli.CJtiilivi DiMiiUnM. Dull- MM This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government ol British Columbia. IB