PAGE SCC the rnjfmr U.EfstlflKV Direct as an arrow pteJ thti great all-steel train to the Mid. West, South and East. Union Pacific Is your logical route to Salt Lake City, Denver, Kansas City, St. Louis, Omaha and Chicago. laf sraatlew and Reserrstioas Iniou Mat Ion, Sraltlr. 11U3 luurtli r. Boys' and Men's Sweaters At greatly Keduced Prices. Only a few left Men's Sweaters, rcK$70 for $6.23 Men's Sweaters, reg. ?G.GO for $3.00 Boys' Sweaters, reg. $2.85 for . $2.30 Boy's Sweaters, reg. $2.50 for $2.23 i Ulinnnllnrr mmm s 417-123 Fifth Avenue East Phones 18 and 84 Eye Strain The discovery that Headaches are frequently the direct result of Eye Strain brought about the correct way to relieve the difficulty and placed testing eyes and adjusting glaaseB on new and important ground. Two troubles are relieved with one stroke. Come to us for ready relief from Eye Troubles. A. E. IRELAND Graduate Optometrist 319 Third Avenue. Opposite (J.YV.V.A. WOOD Dry Jack Tine, Cedar, Kirch und Spruce Per load $0.50 Per half loud $3.50 Ter sack GOc Firelighter 48 for $1.00 delivered. HydeTransfer a 139 Second Avenue l'hone 5B0 Night or Day WE KUY BOTTLES. George Rorie CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT AND AUDITOR Phone 387 343 Second Avenue West, Prince Itupert FOOD FOR HOGS 'IS NATISIMCTOKY SinsTITTTE IOU i SKIM MILK SAVS EXI'LISIMEXTAl. KAKM .NOTE High grade, wholesome, edible Ash jneal has become a popular feed for poultryln British Columbia, where It U being manufactured ln considerable quantities say an Experimental Farm note. Its chief advantage over the higher grade beef temps is that the1 price Is lower and come poultrymen prefer it even at equal cost. It con- ulna from 60 to 70 per cent protein, while some brands run as high as 16 per cent fat. A high fat content Is objectionable, as It must be fed spar Ingly to laying stock, and it will not keep so well as a fish meal with less fat. At the Dominion Experimental Farm, Agasslz. B.C.. fish meal has recently been tested as a supplement to a grain ration for hogs In comparison with skim milk. Eight uniform lots cf five hogs each were started on the--trial In June when they were ten weeks old.1 Pen No. 1 received skim milk and grain until finished In October, during which time It gained 705 pounds. Feu No. 2. llthout skim milk but with seven per cent fish meal added to the same grain ration, gained 767 pounds in the same period. Another pen fed skim milk for a month, then changed to fish meal, gained 775 pounds; another pen fed milk tor two month and changed to fish meal gained 786 pounds, and still another fed milk for three months and then fish meal gained 710 pounds. Hogs fed Identically the same as the above lots with milk for these same periods and finish ed on grain without he fish meal in! at cases mtde less gains. Although the fish meal fed hogs pro NOTICE Of APPLICATION IOK IILEK LICl-NCE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that, on the 10th day ol February next, the undersigned intends to apply to the Liquor Control Board for a licence In respect of premises being part of the building known as Seal Cove Hotel, situate ai the City of Prince Rupert, in .the Pro- waterfront Block "I." Bay of Prince Rupert. City of Prince Rupert. Pro tat From Pay Envelope soee. Sj 25 east a dtttanre of 60 feet debtor until the first meeting of credl-to a point, thence north 83deg. 24' 35" tors. east a distance of 100 feet to a poln:. i Notice is further given that the first thence north 6deg. 35' 35" west a dls- meeting of creditors in the above estate tance of CO feet to a point, thence south "ill be held at the office of the Official 83deg. 24' 35" west a distance of 110 Receiver. Court House. City of Prince feet to the point of commencement." Rupert, in the Province of British Ool-lor the sale of beer by the glass or by umbla, on the 1st day of March. 1927. the open bottle for consumption on the t the hour of eleven o'clock In the premises. forenoon. DATED this 12th day of January, 1927. 1 To entitle you t vote thereat proof 1L A. DODD. c-f your claim must be lodged with me Applicant, before the meeting is held. " " Proxies to be used" at the meeting must GOVERNMENT LIQUOR ACT" ,od8ed wltn me Prior thereto. Aud further take notice that at such NOTICE OK APPLICATION' IOK UL'EK S?"1.1?? "ton will elect the per-I ICI'NCK manent trustee. ' And further take notice that If you , Krmn? is urnrnT nrtrrw have any claim aeainst the debtor for the 1st day of February next the under- w,nlcn JY . vt entlUed to rank, proof SE&totcnd. to apply to the Llqusr 2 ixmuui uuara jor a licence in respect ',: .C. "" . to premises being part of the building Jf lilt 1,225? J? deo'fr knoirn am i-nntni iiai.i .v.: will be "distributed amonc the nartles corner of First and Seventh Btreett. in- e"tltIetl thereto without regard to your me uiy oi rnnce Rupert. Protlnce ol mim . , nnn.v, Vninmhi. .v.. DATED at Prince Runert. B.C.. this scribed as Lou Elevw (11) and Twelve ,14th a ot . uz). rnirteen (13) and Fourteen (14) 'V1JX-- in Block Ten (10). Section One (1(. Truotee. City of Prince Rupert, Province of Brit- ' Ish Columbia, according to a registered! NOTICE map or plan deposited in the Land Reg- . utry Office at the City of Prince Rupert 1 February 7 1B27. aforesaid and numbered 823, for the! Citlsens of Prince Rupert are hereby sale of beer by the glass or by the open notified that according to the By-law boiuU.or consumption on the premises. No. 162. Section 489. "No person shall DATED at Prince Rupert. B.C.. thU within the City place, keep or deposit 3rd day of January. 1927. ashes in wooden receptacles or within CORA E. BLACK, twenty-five feet of a house or buUdlng Applicant unless the same are contained tu some safe depoeltnry constructed of brick. FRUITS and VEGETABLES C because we ell lotH of them. THIS WEEK C tinx Tomatot'8, any brand, 2V. for j:,c C tins TomatocH, any brand, 2'h, fr 7.')C Corn and Tea. G tins for . . Hoc Any variety Malkin'a KeHt Fruit.": I'cnches, 1'earn, Cherries, Loganberries Apricots and Pineapple 3 tins for D.'c Strawlierry and Apple or Raspberry and Apple Jam A new product which in deliciouH, per tin SOc; 2 tins for !5c Empress Orange Marmalade 4 lb. tin, per tin 57 Vic 2 tins for $1.15 Our business is growing, our service 1b better; we guarantee satisfaction. Phones 43 and 574 B.C. Butchers & Grocers Limited sione. or otner non-combustible material." I am instructed by the City authorities to notify all parties, who neglects to do an nr u.-hr r.'n ttm f.nm rfninM provision, thai ten days from the above date an inspector will be empowered to wic ncccswry proceedings to enforce i this section of the By-law. h. a. Mclean, ! City Engineer. NOTICE. STATK OK JAMK.S WAKII H II.SOX. Al"IIIOI(l.K.I AMKIUNOlt Tenders will be received by the under- We are ure that we can Hell you ?,'!"ir1fcm the kS10Cc ln !rVe,.and.. ?nx tures of the above r. ,... , , , named J. W. Wilson i.aiinca i rulU and Vegetables at stwart. B.C. cooies of inventorv and away below any other price quoted ty n.KartS' Tenders to be submitted on or before February IB. 1027. Iligheit or any tender not necessarily accepted. ALEX A. CONNON, Trustee. Prince Rupert. B.C. The Best Milk Only pus THE DAILY NEWS Mondt to Dividend Cheque laid by in youth is worth double the MONEY savings of middle age. Many a rich man today-bought the right to his dividends with the savings he made once out ol his pay envelope. Anyone with determination can do the same. The man who saves is the man with money . The Royal Bank of Canada Prince Rupert Branch duced greater gains, the rations without the fish meal were the more ect-ncmlcaL This was charging the fish meal at $70.00 per ton. the grain at $34.00 per tori and the mUk at twenty-five cents per cwt. The pork made from the fish meal fed bogs was of I good quality. j While this is the result of only one t year's experimental work, nevertheless the results are fairly comparable with it suits obtained in feeding fish meal on other Experimental Farms and Sta tions, and therefore fairly reliable. One is that skim mUk formed a material part ef the ration for some of the lots that showed the most gain with fish meal. Advertise In the Dally News. THE HANKKUITCY ACT. . . . ' V Till I'WV t I'!.' fit' It'll lllll iano.5 acscnoea as ail mat Dortlon oil"-" "-' n.i.i.i .wi.u.i.i. AITHOICIZKO ANsKiMU: vince of British Columbia. Man nai. 1 Notice Is herebv riven that William Prince Rupert Land Registration Dls- Morgan, of the Town of Lockrport. Queen trlct. and being more particularly de- .Charlotte Islands, Province of British scribed as follows: Columbia, did. on the 12th day of Feb- "Commenclng at a point which lies In ruary. 1927. make an authorized assign-a straight line of bearing north G9deg. ment of all his property for the benefit 28' 8" east a distance of 76720 lect of his creditors, and that M P. MacLeod, from the centre of circle as shown on Esq-. Official Receiver, has appointed me said Pirn 923. Section 7. thence south to be custodian of the Estate of the F. E. Robertson, Managct OF SEA CADETS i INITIAL TfUN-m'T .TI UIIAV Ani:i(.(MIN The first pa rate of the newly formed, Sea Cadets Corps In Prince Rwpcrt took "GOVERNMENT LIQUOR ACT.',!polnt th"t &houlcl not logt sight of'Pl on Saturday afternoon when 31 boys mustered. W. Bremncr and Parker were taken on the roll. The caUets were lined up by Instructor Dawes and were later addressed by Lieut. R. Blanre who will be in charga of the troop. Lieut Blanee gate the boys an Idea of what Xbe training would consist of and spoke of trip which he proposed making with Uram when the weather was favor able It wculd perhaps be possible to arrange for a summer camp aa well and the boys would be given instruction In swimming as well as r strive Instruction in the first principles of navigation. Lieut. Commander P.. P. Pander, officer commanding the lecal detachment, the R.CJJ.VJt gave talk on the discipline which wculd govern the cadets and also outlined the object of the oadet corpa. The boys were then measured their uniforms, which will arrive a short time and. later, one third of the number paid a visit to the medical officer for examination. The remainder of the cadets will attend for medical examination today and tomorrow. Another parade will be held tonight. Instructor DaWes snowed the boys through the headquarters ot the R.C.N.-VJt. and gate a very interesting talk on what they would later learn and ttst value of the course of Instruction wisMh they would receive. Kt. MENS WHIST Andrew's Won by J tu t lrr Klks 111 PoM punrd (iuuir In a postponed same of the men's section of the Fraternal Whist League at the Week-end, St. Andrew's won over Elks by 7 to 2. The league standing to date: w. Moose 8 St. George's I Seal Dave ) 8 I. O. O. P 6 Sons of Canada 0 Elks 5 . St. Andrew's . L. 4 . . 8 art or thins; which violates the above I Knljhta of PytWas . . 4 St. George's (City) ,. L. 4 4 3 6 0 C 7 8 SPORT CHAT 8 & 4 4! Storage; Knights of Columbus vs. Moose; St Andrew's vs. C. N. Mechanics; P p.. lkjtel vs. C. N. Oper-stlng; Dry Dock vs. Sous of Canada; Orange Lodge vs. Canadian Legion. Tuesday Billiards: Moose .vs. St. Andrews. Thursday- Men's whist: St. George's GYROS ARE AGAIN . RUNNERS UP IN BILLIARD LEAGUE Making the aggregate score 944 to 878 in favor of the Oytpa over the Grmid Terminals, the fifth game of the tournament en Saturday nlg-ht resulted in score of 300 ror'W. H. Long (Oyros) and no I or i'Tanx. zremaa (Terminals i. The league standings to date are as follows: Oaraes Total Terminals 14 13.73 Ojros 14 11407 Grotto 14 13.470 St. Andrew's .. 13 11J39 Moose 13 11.470 II. Parr (Mooes) 1 Ceo. Mcllraoyle (Moose) 0 J. Ultimas (Moose) 13 2512 Fred Pyle (St. Andrew's) 11 3099 G. Howe (Terminal)... 7 1336 W. E. WUlHeroft (St. A.) 8 1617 D. Howe (Terminals) .. 14 3647 W. J. Ketsso (Oyro) .13 3443 F. Zlemaa (Terminal).. 13 W. Stuart (Terminals) .. 3 F. OTnneM ( Terminals 10 Frank Aldrtdgr lOyroi . 14 8 D. MaottansJd (8t A.) 10 Sen Sail (Gyro) ...... J. lUraUton (Orotto) . Dr. West (Orotto ... W H. Ixiog (Oyrai ... O. Waugn (Orotto) . C Balagno (Terminals) . Drown (Mooes! 13 31M S Dartoa (St. Andrew) 3 Sid Andrews (UrotfeH . . . 14 3481 II. Oorbett (Terminals) . 13 3993 TIIIKTV-TllltCK i:o Ml T:itt:ii KU: M. MacLaekten (St. A ). 10 171 J. May (Moon l I I Don Brown (Mouse).... O. Kraute (Oyros) Bert Morgan (St. A.I... A Mscdeuald (Oyro) McLean (Terminal) 13 4 11 ' 300 1161 3436 373 1858 3679 18J1 12 2309 14 3664 14 340 14 3S1 14 3314 14 3613 90R0 1378 tC 1831 13 1044 3 333 Aver 003 893 891 886 883 The average for, the 'players In the league to date are as fallows: Games Til. Aver. 300 194 193 191 191 100 18 138 187 IS 180 lBw i!f 184 1IU 18) ltti 180 18 ITS IT 17 17. 17fc 173 172 173 lflb 1CV 163 Judge (Moosel 1 3058 168 a. P. Tinker (St. A.) .. to. Anderson (Orotto) .. Bert lloskttts (Tern A. Harvey (Oyros) for 24 acres, more or tea Pts. 8 Sport event, billed for the week In dude: Monday Cribaa'ge: Grotto vs. Cold Jn Land." bulletin (Seal Cove i vs. Elks; LOOT, vs.! Lei,, 0( crown Lands Moose; St. George's (city) ts. KnlghU of Pythias: Sons of Canada vs. St Andrew's. Friday, BUllarflj; Oyros vs. Orotto. Amateur tennis plsyers will be per- 11 1703 Mi 1009 lfw 306 163 I 111 131 LAND ACT Mlllti; OK IM I'A'TIOV TO Al'I't.V TO TO l.litxt LAMI In Prutce Rupert Land Recording Dis trict, and situate at Huston Inlet. Queer. Charlotte Islands. TAKE NOTICE that Robert M rrrlt ot Vancouver. DC. occupation nl packer. Intends to apply for a lease o' the (ollowtng described lands - Commencing at s post planted a' nnrtheat comer kbnu! 1.0U0 feet terly from miners' cabins at beaa t Hukton Inlet, thence westerly 2 chains; i be. ice iioutherly about 12 ch.ln-thence easterly 30 chains: thenre m r I t her It about 12 rhalni and rnnt.inu. ROBERT M. CUUR1E Appllnan SYNOPSIS OF LAND ACT AMENDMENTS PRE-EMPTIONS Vsmnt. unrewrved. survyd Crown land may t pre-smptod by (trillsh eubjeds ovr .s years of aa, and toy lirns vn dw-lsrlns Intention u tWBH Uritioh sulijcts, rnndl- ions) upon residence. occiatlon. Mi tmproviment for aarrlcultural ourpoMMi Full information comernln rru-.atloiis reKaxdlna; pre-emptions Is rven ln liullftln No. 1. Land Bories, "How to Ire-empt Land." copies of sfliieb can Ihi obtained fro of chart ly ad'lretMlnj; the DMirtment of Lands. Victoria, B.C.. or lo any Government cent a Records will be granted covering only land sultsbU for snrlcultural trtirini. inj whlrh la nut tlmW. 8 land. I.e.. carrylnc orer I. (too board 6' feet nr acre west ot the Coast Hang 6 and k.W)0 feet per acre east of tbat iiange. Applications for pre-emptions are to be nddressed to th Land Commissioner of th Land Recording Division. In which the land appllej for Is situated, snd sre mad en printed forms, copies of which ran b obtained from th Land Commissioner. Pre-emptions must be occupied for fl years and Improvements mad to value of 110 per acr. Including clearing and cultivating at lead five acres, before a Crown Orant can t received. Por more detailed Information How to Pre-emDt PURCHASE Applications ars received for purchase of vacant and unreserved Crown lands, not being tlmherland, for agilcultural purposes; minimum pries for first-class (arable) land is IS per acre, and second-else (grating) land I2.S0 per acr. Further In-formation regarding purchase or leas or crown is nan is given In Bulletin No. 10. Land Series. "I'urchsse and uii. raciory, or inausinal sites oo Umber land, not eiceedlns 40 acres, may be purchased or leased, the conditions Including payment of stumpace. HOMESITE LEASES Unsurveyed aras. not eiceedlng il mltted to play in exhibition matches1 scree, may be leased as homesltee, with professional plsyers under the In-' conditional upon a dwslllng being Urpretatlon placed on the rule, byj ,&JrUJ&. the Australian Tennis Council. There provem.nt oondltlons are fuiniled win noi oc any objection to such con- na wna nu u.n surveyea Thf iM-pjiir.t . nr.. la (nlrpn f hnt I ruI11- but "e "t proceeds must be Tor graalng and Industrial our. UMd ,or tennJ and the ex-' pose, areas not exceeding 440 acres onlv the boat whole milk is Pupate oni me OCSt unole milK U bjr on ISjp,,,,,,.. m' of the .msteurs controlled or a used and the 2500 farmers who Vm,. . fc htT 7 " , company. produce and pack Pacific Milk know that only the best milk they produce can be used in its manufacture. PACIFIC MILK Head Office, Vanemivrr. 1 act or lf at Ladiirr and Abbolsford. tesu pending the Introduction of new LEA8E8 The Canadian Badminton championships will be held March 3, 4, and 6, on the courts of the Royal Montreal Regiment Badminton Club, Montreal, In Us armory at Westmount. All entries, must be made through club secretaries and close Tebruary 25 at 23 Jordan Street. Toronto. Advertise Irr Vb Dally News. GRAZING Under th Grazing Act the Pror. lnoe Is divided Into grating districts snd tb. ran administered under a Grazing Commissioner. Annual grating permits ars Issued based on ranged, priority being glva to Mtabllihed owners. Stock-owners may form ssocletlons for range management. Pre, or partly fx, permits are available for etUsn semper and travellers, us ts tea A New and Better Optical Senfa G. II. Mutrie, late of Toronto, has taken char? f Optical Department. Mr. Mutrie Is an experienced 0llt Optometrist with 28 years' practical ctpeiicncc uJV close and intimate knowledge of practical ntting ' ani i and aivtHj special attention lo children. "1 t'.. I. n. u .,n.. ..r ( V.. flnl 1 . ... lltr nun- miiv mil aim ei uiiii llllll Up-l()-(J.j(, ( ,. 1'arlorH in Canada, with nil the lattwt appliances P lca We keep faith with the public Keniember that a guarantee U only as good a. aluiii resources make it. We make good! Max Heiibroner Diamond Spttialit. jZ) 'fr.u-J WESTHOLME THEATRE MONDAY and Tl ICSDW. " nnJ 9 ; Hoot Gibson in - "The Buckaroo Kid' milill, SHANNON. IRiltlMelNTOSH. , u ( JIAItl.I-S (Ol.liV. and nutii . .. r. CO.MIJDV "TOO MANY E.Ti 1 XT K UN ATI ON A I. NEW s. AdmiHsitm Amazingly Truthful Reproduction Makintr every record do its bet. This new lirutiawk-k quickly won the hcarU of music lovers everywhere. The ram!, too, it beautiful beyond the uhuuI. Come in and My I want to hear the new 3Jc and 7 rseMOsaarsi as icoiiiv J. LORNE MacLAREN, Ltd. Third Atenue, Corner Fifth Street HAN AD IAN NATIONAl! W. I T. c77jc largcii Kailway System in Amcna Steamship and Train S Tvice Ji. I'KI.NCi: IK I'l ItT will leute PIIN( K IM 11.11 f r t A( ! ,,( Hm, M:ATTI.t:. snd InlrrmrUUlr M.lnl rat h I KlU V : . I'KIXi; IM'I't.UT lur Kim.WtT snd AN(V. lltM 'lV 11 rniM'K oii ror VAM OlVl lt t lis ui i:i: rutin-"" I..VMp. forlnlglitl;. ! PtKKI-.MiK.II TKAINH I.I.Ati: PKIMi: UITI.KT land M(ISIV, UfliMMiW Slid HtrillllXV at M " c I , .S IlKHKi I KMOMOV. UlN.MI' all point IjiiP rn tJi.as1' Mslrs. .1M:x, mii..v M ,11.1, ll Km. r nil! I Ur CsiiiDllun Natlimal i:prrs fur Money nlrr. Iur !;; tUrl iT jour nru Miipinrni. c:itv ticki;t ornci:. tun tiiiiiu iui: phinci: ui i'iur rh DEMAND "Rupert Bran Kippers THU DAINTIEST IIKUAKI'AST l-'OOl).' Smoked Dally by Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co, li Trlnce llupert, II.C i ;