February 21. 192? la: THE 0ATCY NEWS PAGE FIVE CORRECT REPORT Wash l GRANT MAHOOD Reliable . iir i rist warcn Th watch Is guaranteed ihk af n moderate price. This Is accomplished by n; w automatic machinery h h makes every piece so 'v to a standard that i ' watches can be taken ; nd the parts all mixed up n a heap And when (wain imt together Into watches, thr will run the same as hv. jre. The price is only ?15.00 for i !d filled cases and $22.50 'he nme watch In solid .: .i.ies. , of course, have rs much lower than ut we spi'rially recom- in t v s .1 'Jewellers illlC STOHE Willi THE LWCK llrl r. . ust Arrived! New Sport Dresses anc Hats 'Demers iiunr it. I ,J. im n ft is I Vnln JtVlUI UU1V; Kw Three Days Only Seven only ariyuresses W h v tpS n match $18.95 Nine only adies' Hats S I . i Worth double. J. BENT Ijidies Kcndy-lo-Wenr hlr.l Phone C.")l CIVE you SERVICC U MTU tVUT 1 A(. DELIVER I COAL HAT S nr b r j -m m ltm 'cu can rely upon it that 11 r ...ill t. a ..... vwu,.v.....j - "-iti-i iuui co.ii wuir iy just ns incv loiinu if "niiuui any inconvenience uu, AN A I MO WELLINGTON and I'lioneH 110 nnd 117 NGFR UTAiinn "'is mntio to or- in our shoi s low as $50 22.1 Slxlh Street OF PARLIAMENT ,.,. . . '"""'1 yr.wn itimtMtTKiv COMI'I.IMKNTEII IIV l'l lll.lslint r ONTARIO PAPKU LONDON. fVb. 19. The PreM Oalleryj In th Dominion Parliament at Ottawa I aa in subpeet of an Interesting ad-dies to th Klwanla Club bjr Arthur Ford, recently managing editor of th London Free Preaa. who waa a member ol the Oallery for 10 yeara. Mr. Tord gave a resume of the hlatory of the atruggle through the centurlea for the right to report parliamentary proceedlnga and publlah auch reporta. In atrlklng contraat, he told of condition aa they now obtain at Ottawa and In the Brltiah Jlouae of Commona and of the marked Improvement In preta reporta, from the atandpolnt of falrneta. during the paat decade or two. Mr. Ford spoke In commendatory terma of the work of the Canadian Preaa at Ottawa. He aald while the re-port aent out by the Canadian Preaa representatlrea may be eolorleaa, to an extant and lack the aplce and aparkle 5 report of a more partiaan nature, he asaured hi listeners that tb Canadian Preaa reporta are fair and unblaaed and that what actually happen in the House of Parliament are reported. Mr. Ford aald he alao believed that the newspaper of today are fairer tn every way politically than they were In the older day. They are U1I partiaan. but they view politic from a broader aa. pct. Amusing incident from hit long sojourn In Ottawa and the many Inter. There wUI b offered for sale by Public Auction at the office of ibe District Forester at Prince flupert. DC. at 10 am. on the 26th dav of rebruarv. 1927. li.itrAUam.ntl. i Dated thla lit day-of January. AD. H. McN, FRASER. Agent. 1 1927 I'Oll SALE BY TENDER 'iu: iti PKitT TAiii.n ki i i'i v ,;!:.;" .utmvit I'll llflVI V. J 1 RAYON this safe way .Many ITl.r Here Presented T A YON is more sensitive to laundering than any other fabric- -never wring it, never twist it, never rub it with cake soap. Rayon is most fragile when wet. As you might expect, Rayon should be washed only in mild, pure Lux suds dipping it gently up and down as you do silks. tntt Brodirrt Limited Turtaio REMINISCENT .1 -Iti:i)l(-T IV INTCKVIKW WITH Ti-XAN'ClA I. TOST. THAT PUFMIKIt .MOINTAIN iviLf. PROIHTK roilt 111(1 MINKS tki.l or laklv n.yn Interesting' tain of the up and dcwifi, the might have been, and what ieally did happen, in the making of Portland Canal, B.C.. mlctn camp, were told by Orant .Mahood, Portland Canal pioneer, who Ujiovf in the-.east In connection with aome of.vjM -interests eays the rinanelilj.JtJf3 Portland Onsl watf'tirt':iouad tn 1806, when some of the Yukon rusher tried to get In that way over the mountains. It died quickly -and came to life again In 1908 and boomed tn 1910. ; It was a real eatate not a mining boom. ' Sir Donald Mann and other Interest (had been Induced to build a raUway ; Into Groundhog coal 'fields, and this started the boom. Messrs Olllet and McDonald got the contract to build the railway dock and Mr. Mahood was sent up to do the job. Portland Canal has been the scene of his activities ever since. 1 i Mr. Mahood was not long In the jcamp before be hit Into a partnership with O. B. Bush to deal In mine and about the first thing they did was to purchase seven claims from two pros- pectors, Morrison and Logan. Later i they purchased additional claim from another prospector, DUlworih. These claims are now the main holdings ol i Premier Gold Mines, the sensational I rtf Itr nlnfri1 in .liwmv larmi Hlar. ' ... ... eating friend, made, were mentioned by UmTb . iT. proaucer or tne coast Mr. Ford. Hon. Fernand Hinfret. the' " ' Pff? Ji ,nM Uter th" ,cu,red "" . brilliant mullec and a fine gift of tlonal claim the same mountain secretarv of atst m th. tfm. n up ZZ arTa-oW ?Z mtlw." 0r'Unr ubttd lf tb" u owning what Is now B.C. Silver and I 2 l eaner; w!Hr "V J a V-w Mu.es. two Improve look- i l!iMr- ni-f- Ing operations which they disposed of. TIMBER SALE X6830 PICTURESQUE CLOSING OF JASPER CARNIVAL To day Mr. Mahood controls the fourth property on the mountain, and It takes In the aummtt, the' Extenuate. He is satisfied that It will make a fourth sensational mine, but make a point I that It is only a prospect yet but has Curt Hall Was lis) anil Itegat Nrem . , ttr.lT!. lN)lt.,. I ft 111 TO (JET CAPITAL It was a hard job tn the early dayt the licence X6830, to cut 4.120.000 f.bm. JASPER. Alberta. Feb. 21 With a0f the camp to Interest capita They Sed'he'ntrSr'.no o"iUrt !! which wm attended by more rntl tttenlpu M flnd . ttrwell Inlet. QCl. man two nunorea coupies. me tnira ana ; ,jne on Premier Surface showings Provided anyone unable to attend th most successful winter carnlrsl in th ' .r. not attraetfve n k nmii toev f"rjnJJ":,J.h M OTer ye property In 19l7 for $US.0OO tion and treated as one bid. . IT scene. Impregnated with the plrit I paring nothliw down, tind was about i wo 1 2i years will be allowed for re-.of gaiety which reigned during the pro-jr,, to quIt wntn ne hrtyiLt into $500 :.sl of limber. ,h. ..i,.i ; j . , Purthvr mrLli-ulirx of th rilf Por. " " "re. muc rimuti. nimi iv miuc eter Victoria. BC. or District Forester, iTiiif Kupert. BC. LAND ACT NOTICE Of IMKNTION TO APP1.Y TO TO I'lKtllfl: LAND In the centre of the ballroom, on a many millionaires. brightly decorated dala. Miss Margaret) Measra. Mahood and Bush tried hard Buckam. the winsome queen of the car- j k, put of er a little development syndl- nlval. st enthroned in we cotonauon j on BC. Surer. IB per cent OI chair, with her matda and matron o: j which 1 now owned by -T-femler and fconor. page and other ladles of herjuft bnlk H the reinlnfe In' London. court grouped about her. while round mey faUed. Mr. Manood aaya that trlct of Prince Rupert, and situate on and about the throne glloed and swayed tf,f stock tbey offered a 3!c. a snare Zol TlM MSresbT W-nd. qSeen ,h d40C"- 0"" -hlth tne Vancouver would be worth $50,000 a Charlotte Island. Province of British .queen presided, was served In an ad- $hAre today, if the deal had gone l iTtK'noncr K'nlng ,l mldn,Dt tnrough. and the mine la not yet pro- that James Field of lPuw nupSi. Be occupation TMsrir?.! M9T tbe . h prntatlon duelng. Gne of the disappointed Van-:Bmke.-. Intends to apply For permission of prtre sod during the carnival took eouver men later bought 50.000 ahare? .u puichase th following described Pare. the Queen officiating. i at 25c ihare and he haa retired. ' '''commencing at a post planted on the I A special medal wa presented to, I'ltKMIEK IX t;ooi sllAPK ; north shr of South Arm of Tasoo liar- Marlon McCarthy, champion speed J premier, which cost Netll $115,000. Sr nj.iJrhiUrJinUV.fillrrMe ktur o Alb'rt' ror tne nlDlt,wl 1 In beter shape today than a year Islands, In 'he Province of British Col-,,,,.. fcm - iolunteered and the part he took In.o. M!d Mr. Mahood. The recent , umbu. about & chains from the end of (the Oorernment trail; thence 10 chalna making the carnival a success. 'break In the market for the atock he weTtn.hceh, ' toJe I ttrtbutes to .tock switcher, who got ly thence 10 chain southeasterly, and ,Q"n and her court. They ere.,a 0t of holders to exchange Premier containing twenty (20) acre, more or ueen. Mia Margaret Buckham; maid oft for shares in a small copper opera-!' JAMES FIELD ihonor- uu ,Um: UtJT In waiting. ; tion up near the Yukon boundary. This Applicant. Um d- Klnaei; page. Miss Hlnes and : thrtw , tot of premier on the market. I Dated November 29. 192B. BuUer. He aav that In the oast Tear Premier INI) ACT MITIf E OF INTENTION TO .1 1'l'I.V Tl I ;SK IOUESIIOKK In Oraham bland, Jupen Charlotte 1 Island Land Recording District of Prince Rupert, and altuate at Ferguson Bay, Maswlt Inlet. Oraham Island. TAKE NOTICE that Powell River I Company Limited of Vancouver. BC i occupation Manufacturers. Intend to ap-i ply lor a lease of th following dear' ibed lands l rommi noma at a nost Granted at the i : northeast corner of DL 1571: thence i Alice Arm. I westerly, following northern boundary of jaald Ut to th northwest comer of aald tot: thenre wealerly. northerly and essterty following the high tide, mark of ' Ferguson Cay to the rxtretne easterly point of Echinus Point: thenra southeasterly to the point of commencement, and containing 150 acres, more or less. POWE1X RIVER COMPANY. LTD. Agent. J. Douglas Wilson. Dated 4th Nriemher. I2 MINERAL ACT (TKTiriCATK OK IMPHOVKMKNT! .NOTICE Juanlta, Anyox. Oranbv. Alamo, Rodeo. Pinto. Wann Fractional No. 2. and Monte Fractional Mineral Claims, situate In the Atlln Mining Division of Casslar Dla-trlrt Where located; -On Wann River, Taku Arm of Tal.h Lake. TAKE NOTICE inav I, llllir . made some excellent discoveries and HOTEL AIHIIVAI.S. today ha five year blocked out and ' j broken ore ahead of the mill. He Prince It u pert !conlder Premier the best stock for a II. Thompson and W. J. Chlnnlck. j,,, ov B C Silvel. M Premier own Vancouver: J. P. Martin. Port Simpson: M p,r ceat !nterrat la BC SUver A. D. Balllle. City. Miss C. OConnell., M ,. , IKE .0tci lINK Oona River: H. V. Olgandet and H. H.I Th, formaUon of the camp Is much1 Toronto: Mr. and Mrs. T. Tewsley. the Mme aa Porcupln. Greenstone Shackleton and J. Martin. Usk; D. 'h porphyry intrusion and It i? Drummond. Exstew: Stephen Duma. ' al;n- ttas cottiaeu that the ore Is K, Mesh to, ano c. dcck. city; u. u. James. Phelan: Ed. ;- Caaden. rrlnce George: P. Kady, Kwinitsa: ,N, woncy, eamis: J. Tnompson, teoarvaie: j jm. McPliee. Butedale. Cent ml A. Dlngwell. Victoria; D. OConnell, Rocktye. AdtertUe In th Dallv New. DKPAUTMKNT OF LANDS NOTICK found. In some 'place rich, narrow stringer arc found In ' the -porphyry, but generally the value 'are lq the greenstones.' ; , Mr. Manood ; ayj Extemisfe Mines Is being opened up by an adit or tunnel driven Into th mountain' side. Going In 800 feet will put them 400-ft. under an attractive lutface showing. This Is a well defined vein opened for 2.100 feet and 825 feet of this, running 10 to 20 feet wide, give assays $1.50 to $18. no blanka. He thought It would average $14. Driving the tunnel In. they found a narrow shoot tn the toot Application for tirarlng Permits fur the wall and this has widened out to 22 .'eilMHI m IVii. Application for permits to graxe livestock on the Crown ranges within any grazing district of the Province or Brit- Bob, Free Miner' Certlflcte No. 897M. ; fan Columbia, must be filed with the , Intend, lxty day from the date hereof. District Forester at Tort George. Kam-to apply to the Mining Recorder for a loops. Nelson, Prince Rupert, Vancouver. 'Certificate of Improvements, for the pur- or William Lake on or before March 'pose of obtaining a Crown Grant of the jut. 1927. .kbove claim. I Blank forma upon which to submit anH riirih.r taks notice that action, indications m'av he obtained from the under aectlon 80, must be commenced ' District Foresters at the above named before the luue of ruch Certificate of i places, or from the Department of Lauds at victoria, G. R. NADEN, Deputy Minister of Land. Department of Lands, Victoria, B.C., January 4. 1927. NOTICE I I .MI1.IIMI. 'r.l l. I TTnrier anrl hv vlrtn nf h nrnvlalnns of Section 28 of the "Mineral Act." no- ...... ... , v.,, .,. ... tlce Is hereby given Metar. Malcolm "N.PR?" Lbed KSS. Sni-' fu": ?wt5; ? nJ't nlshlngs. and 8ucfy, lk' J1. Vi to the undersigned for Assessment Work tures and ..... furnlshlnw In nfC"",; the of on . Cordllla Oroup .m.. performed estate ..... of J. r O. n 0vlgan i v rra n univiiii.u u,i i. c uwuiiir UIVUH w longing to th Mlnertl CXim. Princes Royal Island, trading aa the Hupert Table i Supply and sllMa UJr,,ng DlvUlon, the sum of Unlversnl Tradlns Co.. Prince ""P'"' 393.8B. and that unlcsa said persona pay B.C. . . , their proportionate share of the eoit of ; Stock and .'"ur", at Assessment, together with all costa or at on application to the undersigned f ,dvertlsInRi ete- t0 the undersigned the atores. .,...,,i . Butedale, H C. on or before May 12. j Tender may be ", for tne ,,ppllcallon w, De mad( t0 tne .whole or each utock ''.V-"..'.. Oold Commissioner. Prince Rupert. B.O.. ne nreivcu uj wiv """"r" )017 'to nave tneir reipective intereais in tne fure 8 pn., Monday, rVrJuAr? ... ..il...' herein nwiitloned Mining Qronp of Tin- hlghMt or any ""--r un .Mineral Clalma vested In the un ar.ly cceted mMmtl. Trustee, Trlnct Itupert, B.C. signed. under. DAVID CORDILLA. JACOB KOGEU. ir.chea of good ore with the tunnel in 115 feet. This, he ihlnks. will make Her Little Boy Caught Gold - , While ODt Playing ! Mr. I'. Cade, Klmwood, Man, write: "My little boy caught col4 while out rlarine in the mow. He j coughed ineessHntlv all that night and tne next aav, ana noiningr i gave nim soeraed to relieve him, "When my Eu baad ejD home he brought a luttl ot Dr. Wood's 1 Jb 1 Nnrwiiu & dtl Pino Syrup j)t with him. After the second do my boy wa prcatly relieved and after the third (Iomi he went to iyf and slept the whole night through without any coughing. I am never without it In the house, and whenever any of th children git the ilighteet cold it' th flrat thing I giv them." Price 35e. bottle, large th C0c put up only ty 11m T. MUburn Oo, iMki. Toronto. Out . . , Pure Compound The Well-Managed Home THE manager of a household is the purchas-;f. ing agent for a large proportion of the family needs. In order to do a good job she must know what, when and where to buyr She must study goods and the concerns which make goods and have them to sell. She must put her home on a business basis and runit on business principles in order to make the most of the family income. Information is the only basis for intelligent purcha sing. And the right way to get the greatest amount of necessary information is to read the advertisements. Advertisements tell you what is mw and good in merchandise. They reveal improvements and inventions to make your home life easier, more comfortable and more convenient. They give you information about a thousand and one things that are useful. ' Every manager oj a household every member of the household who shares the responsibility for the family's welfare should male a habit oj reading the ads. Market Prices LA It I) Finnan haddles, lb. Salt mackerel, lb. . Read the advertisements in order to buy wisely the next 100 feet interesting, aa they 'lb 50c should Intersect a cross vein and the jE.OD.. lb SOo Junction may result In a concentration i Capital. 2nd grade, 2 lbs 95c of values. Despite the fact that the .Fraser Valley, lb. 55c' operation Is high up on the mountain, New Zealand, lb 55c Mr. Mahood aays their costs are low, j CHEESE $11 yer foot for tunnel driving. It cost Ontario ollds 35c' Se a pound to get supplies, etc., up theistiiton, lb 95c, mountain from tidewater, but when the ; Kraft , 45c i road Is extended, at It l Intended, this ( Norwegian Ooat 65c charge will be lowered V-V Pork, dry aalt 35c Ayrshire bacon, lb 40c Veal, shoulder 25c Veal, loin 40c Veal, leg M...,.t...,.... 40a Pork, shoulder 28c Pork, loin 40c Pork, leg 40a Beef, pot roast 12c to 18o Beef, boiling lOo to 12o Beef, steak 25c to 40c Beef .roast, prime rib ......... Lamb, chops Lamb, shoulder Mutton, leg 40o Lamb, leg 48c Mutton, chop 400 Mutton ahoulder 30o ..IUT.tEv.-.-.... .. Brookfleld, Shamrock and Woodland, Napoleon XJmberger 70c Roquefort 60c ? Swlfta' Buttercup, lb. ... Oorgonxola. lb , McLaren's Cream. Jars ., 45c ........ 750 45c and 83c -StGruyere ; 50c lOolden Loaf. lb. , 45c 25c SI'OAIt ; .23c White, per 10Q $7,78 V MYHlow. pec 100 ivi.-..i. '..4.i.. $7.25 B.C. fresh pullets 45c FLOUR B.C. freih, firsts ioc Flour. 49's, No. I hard wheat $2.65 B.C. fresh, extra 60c?astry flour, 10 65e Local new laid 60c . Pastry flour. 49 $250 risn Halibut, lb 25c Salmon, cohoe, frozen 25c Smoked Uppers, lb Kippered aalmon, lb VEGETAIU.E8 Beeta. 6 lbs 25c loO lbs $2.75 ISclu.C. Carrots, lb 3C 25c . 00 lbs $2 20C 100 lbs. I2.7S 25o ; Potatoes". 100 lba. (2 JO Eastern salt herring. 3 for 25c Potatoes, 8 lbs. .v 25c Salt codfish fillets, lb. 30c I Green Peppers, lb, 75c Boneless salt cod bricks, lb 25c MI'ATS Fowl, No. 1, lb. 35c Roasting chicken, lb 45c Ham. sliced, first grade 60a Ham, whale, first grade 45c Ham, picnic, lb 22'(1c Cottage rolls, lb. 35c Bacon, back, sliced SOc Parsley, bunch 15c Rhubarb, lb. 25c Cauliflower, BC bead 35c-40c California head lettuce 15a Oarllc, Imputed, per lb. 40c B.C. cooking oplons. 5 lbs 25o Celery 20 Sweet potatoes, lb. Bruasel sprout, lb. Bacon, side 45c to 60a .Mexican tomatoes, lb. 10c 35c 35c Spinach, lb. 15c New California cabbage, lb 103 FKl'IT Oranges, Navels, doten 25c to 85c Florida grape fruit, 2 for 25c Lemon, Sunklst, dot. .... 25c and 35c I.mperlal Valley grape fruit, 3 for 25c Bananas, lb. 20c Extracted honey, lb. .... 25c and 35c Apple. Stay-nan Wlnesaps Cookllng apples 30ft Apples, Splraenberg SOc Apples, Black Twlgg- 35c Apples, yellow. Newtona ........ 12.73 II. 85 2.75 13.75 12.71 uricd mem Date, bulk, 3 lb. , 25a Date. Dromedary 25o Ralalna. bulk, 2 lb 35c Raisin, package., lb. ,, . . . . . ,.,,. 45c Clutter ralaltis, lb. 25o NewSuppIies of Mens Clothing arriyinjr regularly For Prices and Quality Don't Forget Montreal Importers Third Avenue J. It. .Miller Proprietor MILK Front Dulkley Valley FKGSII MILK AND WHIPPING CREAM Quality and Service Valentin Dairy Phunc 627 LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone 63 Cnrtaxe, Warehousinjr, and Distrilmtinir. Team or Jlofor Service. Coal, Sand and Gravel. We Specialize In Piano nnd Furniture MotIiii;.