PAGE FOTJA Neglected Eyes NEGLECT is doubtlciw the cause of most of the ills that afflict humanity. This is so self evident that it seems hardly necessarv to toll mn If your eyes are giving trouble, have them attended to and at once. OF ALL absurdities In the kingdom of foolishness, urely the loss of eyesight through neglect is the most Inexcusable. PONT lose health and efficiency through neglect Come and seel Fred Joudry Hegislered Optometrist and ! Optician ; Room 3 Smith Hlock I Phone 7C3 Vtti KrtOW YOU'LL Bt SfSTlSTttVJ -WCtOOR VUf.VCR.VOU r 14 AAJTV Ito inrt 1 1 : m i i rir u i t w v If you are looking for satisfaction you won't have to look any farther than our lumber sheds. You will be perfectly satisfied with the business deal you will get here. We'll sell you the best lumber obtainable at the fairest prices obtainable.. Albert & McCaffery I'hones 11C and 117 VELVET Ice Cream THE VERY REST! Take a brick home tonight I We cater for Parties, Picnics, Dances, etc. Prompt Delivery Velvet Ice Cream Co Corner Third Avenue and Second Street Phone 758 Prince Rupert BOAT HOUSE Phone 381 P.O. Rox 1563 LAUNCHES, SCOWS, ROW-ROATS AND CANOES SAND AND CI RAVEL Equipment for Diving and Salvage Work Agents for Easthope Engines find Slump Pullers NORWEGIAN HALIRUT (EAR IN STOCK Compass Adjusting LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone 63 Cartage, Warehousing, and Distributing. Team or Motor Service. Coal. Sand and Gravel. We Specialize in Piano and Purnltun; Moving. BRINGING UP FATHER With ample motet Wc and fiver able eihr. crops in Prairie Provinces are growing rapidly aajra the Bank of Uoutreal weekly report. No damage lias been reported during the week. A heavy bay crop la assured. In Quebec good growing weather baa been beneficial to all crops. In Ontario a decided improvement to all grain crop haa resulted from warm weather. A heavy hay crop la being gathered. In Marl- time Province there has been sufficient mclature and all crops have benefited. Warm dry weather Is now needeo. In British Columbia weather generally Is favorable, but warmth Is now required Grain and field crops are doing well. ' PRAIRIE I'KOVIN'OKS In Alberta, while conditions generally are favorable and moisture ample warmer weather would .be welcome. All crops are progressing rapidly. Western area Crops are still about ten days late, but growing rapidly. .Winter wheat Is heading out. Sugar beet thin Hay crop is progressing satisfactorily but dry warm weather Is needed. Root crops on high lands are making good progress. Pastures are in excellent PROVINCE OF ONTARIO Fall wheat Is filling well and In southwestern part of Province Is beginning to turn. Crop should be a I good average one. Spring wheat, barley mm vuu wc gruwiug jAsi ana wim continued favorable weather heavy crops are assured. Corn has Improved with warm weather. Haying operations are now general and a heavy crop Is predicted. Root crops are good. Beans and tomatoes have improved and tobacco crop la promising. Raspberries will be a fair crop, but cherries and Iplums are light. Apples are reported to be a heavy crop over the whole province. Pastures are .good, out heavy rain In central Ontario would be MARITIME PROVINCES In New Brunswick potatoes show 'few misses and plants are growing strongly. Pasture Is good and hay prospects ex-cellent. In Nova Scotia apnle trees continue to give promise of a large crop. A large crop of potatoes Is ex pected. Pasturage is excellent and hay prospects good. Sufficient moisture has been received and warm dry weather is now requirel. In Prince Edward Is land potatoes show few misses Plants are growing well. All crops are showing satisfactory progress. ISKITISH COLl'MIJIA Grain and field crops promise heavy yields. Given dry weather haying. which has been delayed by heavy rains, should be general br the end of the week, potatoes, root andother vege tables are making a satisfactory show ing and good average crops are pected. Fruit is sizing rapidly plums and prunes are about ex- Apples 75 per cent of average, pears. 60 oer cent apricots 45 per cent, peaches 65 per cent ana cnerries 35 per cent. Small fruits are a good average and hops 110 per cent of average. Pasture Is abun dant. BOY SCOUTS HOLD AN INVESTITURE TO PREPARE FOR CAtyP At the meeting of the Third (Baptist! Prince Rupert Troon Boy Scouts held Friday evening an Investiture was held In which the followlnz Tenderfoot Scouts were Initiated as fully fledged scouts: Walter Smith. Eric Chrtstlaon Douglas Chrletlsun. Harrr Quick lord Dartlett. j At recent examinations the following scouts earned proficiency badges: Dun nan 1 f 111.. t w .1 . . j . uiiiiiurrs, nanaymans. cyclists: Carl Oordon. BIshOD Thurhrr Allan Vance, musicians and carpenters: Kaip Johnson. Elmer Stephens, carpen icre: Kenwood Green, musicians. ine scouts are looking forward to taeir camp which will be held at Port Simpson at the end of the month for two weeks. The Scouts wish to thank the bublle for the support given them lor their not dog stand on July 1 and a, the ptoceeds of wbJeh will go towards financing the camp as the Scouts are not allowed to solicit funds. The spirit of the movement la that on the part of the boys themselves, money should oe earned and not solicited, so that If any friends have lobs by means of which the bovs con aura monev to nav (for their camp, please phone Blue 276. COMMITTEE FORMED ON TEMPERANCE AT THE UNITED CHURCH Dr. Do own. who preached la the United Church yesterday presided over a meeting last , evening In the church tj discuss the formation of a temperance Slag is rearing an end. Alfalfa is ready A lnter,m commlttee con' for first cutting. Ran Is excelleni Utn of ""' W' J' Patrick. ctlr. Northeastern area Conditions are satisfactory and all crops are making rapid progress. Southeastern area Conditions continue favorable antt all crops are making satisfactory progress. Saskatchewan Northern area Rains have been frequent and all eralns are ; growing rapidly, with much of wheat in shot blade. Southern area-bluing have been general and crops are advancing satisfactorily, although growth jis still about ten days behind last year. Manultoba- Weather conditions continue favorable and .growth rapid. PROVINCE OF H KI1KC Although backward In some districts, crops are doing well. Corn Is especially late but la now showing better growth. man; Mrs. Unzey, secretary: Uessrs. Shenton, Llnzey. Klrkpatrick and F. Derry was appointed. Quoting from 'L'Exportateur Francals" Mr. Dobson told how the liquor Interests of the world were Internationally organized and It was the result of their backing that Canadian provincial elections were fought io successfully by the antl-prohlbltlonlsts. the older provinces. It ?SnVC woomh They made B.C. their first objective as It was a new province and had" not the benefit of the experience of the older provinces. It was sound strategy to concentrate on It. Dr. Dobson claimed that at no time was the feeling against liquor so intense as at present and nowhere more than In Vancouver. NEW HAZELTQN The ladles of St. Peters W.A. held a surprise party at the Mission House In nonor or Mrs. T. D. Proctor when presentations were made to. the guest of the evening. The new boat brought to Lakelse by MessTS. McLaren and Couture seems to be what Is wanted on the lake. Mrs. Boden returned last Frldav after spending some weeks In the south for the benefit Of her health. Miss Etta- L. draham of Vancouver. arrived on Matxtey and Is a meet of Mrs. s. H. Senkptei. Stead nmmM fa Una mH nn Ih. wver cup and Sunrise properties. Muriel Boyle of Teikwa is a meet of Jars. Tleehurst. Mrs. Qeerge Bcmervul of BvilklMr Canyon was in town on Mnday en route to Edmonton where she H to meet her niece oamteg front Scotland. Mrs. Walton Sharpe entertained at bridge pq Ttwwday when prizes were won by Mrs. James Trunsull and Mrs. Anderson. Miss Jessie Wattle has returned to Hanelton after haying spent some months in Bmlthera. Mr. Stoynoff of Dorreen underwent a successful operation at Rochester and ticpes to be home next week. SPORT CHAT g . -ii With the Acropolis Hill Improvement League holding a whist drive and dance .n the Moose Hall on Friday evening next there will be only one football match this week. On Tuesday the Regiment and Moose meet In the city ague. The. .Moose have .nlaved onlv one game aijd as they lost It to the Terminals they have yet to start their tally of point In this competition. The Regiment have one point to their . V. . . I . . ' . ... .. kiuiw. win jtiuii s anv wun ine Terminals. The previous games between tntae learns jhave all been keenly contested only a goal separating them on each occasion. Moose seem to have too many half backs and with the addition of Bobbie Woods they are figurine who can be changed Into a forward. Thejr defence is sound but their forward line has not shown to advantage. Bye In his last game played his best match of the seaton and this forward will need to be watched. Vhe Regiment has a centre forward who seem likely to fill the weak spot. Jnhn ramnhult In hi. rir.. m.ui. !5b2r, Summer White Things Each time white summer clothes are washed their pure whiteness must be restored. To accomplish this is simple enough, however. Just colour the rinsing water with ever reliable pag Diue Jn the handy bag with the Blue and White stripes A anted Fori Sale For Rent of any description toy thoroughly experienced competent woman. Apply Box 56, Dally News Office. 159 FOR SAl.ti I WILL SELL AS A QOINQ CONCERN my secondhand business, and rent or sell partly furnished four roomed flat with toilet and bath. Modern Sat over store. A good proposition. Phone 774. Q. r. Brine. FOR SALE. FOUR CYLINDER. 4 Cycle 20-24 h p. Palmer engine. wlUi shaft and propeller. 1350.00. Eighteen foot copper fastened lauitcb. cheap. M. M. Stephens. FOR SALE OR RENT. LOTS 11. 12 and 13 With Store buikMiua wirrhntiua foot, in first class condition. East-hepe engine; 16 h p. 4 cylinders. O. Rorle. Phone 307 or Red 613. tf FOR SALE OR CHARTER. 48 FOOT combined fish carrier and tow boat. 27 IIP. Atlas Engine. Handles 7,000 humps. M. M. Stephens. HOUSE FOR SALEBUILT LAST SEP- Umber. Price $1,400. Cash tCOO.00: balance arranged. Apply 343 Seventh Avenue West. 103 'OR SALE. ONE GARFORD TRUCK motor; One Hudson motor. 75XW each. Parker's Oarage. tf . . . -. mi, ifiab.f I - against the Terminals, showed real foot-1 FOR SALE. FIRST CLASS RESTAU. uu auuiijr, guua control oi me osil, " i-" not lose your occasion! sound head-w.ork and a good shot. His! Apply PJD. Box 725. tf r i . .i i 1. 1 . l . . . . . I .i.oi-iwnc ui peai uurvicn was a very fine shot. The soldiers are atlll hoping to annex some of the trophies of the season and are out to trim the HOUSE, FURNITURE AND LOT FOR Sale cheap. 1143 Park Avenue. Phone Blue 252. 159 TTl ; J' "nulaDBOOd;FOR SALE. -BABY BUGGY. 330 rrlT" .e. .kr".y 'Ught Avenue u. Phone Blue50 vuit Itl4vua TllWUUVriS A n 1 1 T4aain Kn at m i rV r cot t . j s . ti.s .v-srTy ,.y w tne can ox me game, wnen Dean ranch and stork unri iiam rXkvni oin,a.i i . . -- - sHrMuv wviu.uunicr uuijr Hall O IFOR SALE. BABY CARRIAOE IN good condition. Prone Black 620. ROWnOATfl WH HAT.P PTrnwt nvn - FOUND FOUND. BABY'S 8ILK KNITTED Bootee. Apply Dally News Office. AUCTIONEKIl O. F. BRINE. AUCTIONEER. RESULTS Face value. Good Judgment. I buy, sell or exchange. Phone 774. team on Thuredav last thev called on the old war-horse Charlie Youngmon and he showed his heart was still In the game. Several of his saves were of a high standard but It was mean to put in those low shots. Charlie won't stoop to anything so low I More power to you, Charlie! If there is one thing that appeals to real sport. It Is the support given by a member of an opposing' organization. So we give Jim Bacon our praise for the loud support he gave the Regiment ' when they turned out short handed. Of course tliey were not playing against the Moose -and possibly that had something to do with the situation. WEATHER INTERFERED WITH SHOOTING AT RANGES YESTERDAY Owing to the bad weather yesterday there was a slim attendance and no spoon waa awarded. Scores were: Total W. Brass 29 33 32 84 M. M. Lamb 29 33 31 03 R. W. Cameron .... 30 30 27 87 R. Wilson .' 24 31 26 Bl B. VUson 22 35 20 67 Advertise in tie Dally Ntwi Ad'KNTS WANTED AGENTS EARNINO tlO TO 20 DAILY selling new book "Life-story Lindbergh and New York to Part night." Liberal terMs. Write tor free outfit at oner. Winston Cv Toronto. FULL Olt SPARC TIME AdE-NTS. FIN- eat line of personal Greeting Oards ever shown la Oanada. Refal Art Oa, manufacturers. 310 Spsdlna Avenue. Toronto. FOIl HUNT FOR RENT. FURNISHED APART. ment by the day. week or month. Phone Red 607. tf FOR RENT. rtJUR ROOM FURNISHED suite; stenoi hatted. Amir Saaltfa At Matlett. Ltd. tf FOH RENT. PLASTERED HOUSE, BIX rooms and bath. Apply 215 Fourth Avenue East. FURNISHED SUITES FOR RENT. Apply Mussallem Qroeery. Phone 18. Hazel 1L?2V en l FURNISHED ROOMS TO LET. APPLY ton. B .C. Apply John L. Christie Prince Rupert, D C. 160 rOR SALE OR RENT. HOUSE ON 1637 Uraham Avenue. Section 2. Pre. a-. I . Hyde Transfer. Second Avenue. 179 " ROOMS FOR RENT. BOARD desired. Phone Black 120. erence given returned soldiers. Ap-1 PIANO FOR RENT.- J DO A MONTH PU w u. j. Maine son, city Treasurer. FOR SALE. LAUNCH "NANCY." 28 Walkers Mualc 8tore. 1'I.ASTKItlNG By. George McManiu Reward S wStj Slfe? SS lC. 4 1-:' CROP REPORT IS FAVORABLE Rank of Montreal Weekly Sum mary of Condi! ions Says Warmer Weather Needed rMi !.. , . V,H 'UMI hcw nome. 11 - - - - - - 1 1 1 DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS. 2c per word in advance. No Advertisement taken for leu than 50c WANTED WANTED. EXPERI ENCED SALESMAN or aalcstady for general store: exper-leneed. with knowledge of window dressing Apply Box 58. Dally News office. WANTED. HOUSEWORK OR NURSINO IP NEW WORK FROM SSc to 75c a square yard. All material supplied. Repair plaster work by day or Job. Phone W. O. Smith. Red 503. 100 UPHOLSTERING FURNITURE REPAIRINQ: UPHOL- iterlng or all kinds. Chesterfields recovered and made to order. All work guaranteed. Phone Oreen 603. O, M. HUNT. FUIIMTUHE CHESTERFIELD SUITES. DININO room suites. Bedroom suite Rest-more and Waysagless bed springs. Axmlnster and Wilton carpets. Dominion Linoleum. Everything for the window. Be sure and call at our store. - A. MscKenzle. Furniture. Phone 775. EXCHANGE NEW AND SECONDHAND FURNITURE bought, sold and exchanged. Papa-dopulos and Marrls. 830 Third Ave. Phone 046. tf HKHTMIMNT I ' . T' IMIIIII K.JH C.ttE,'""' ' Mrs. Unger. Proprietress again personally In charge. Third- Avenue, Next a. w. V, A. flood Home Cooked Meals. Phone Black 700. K.WEN (IIHMJK Agents for all GfAKUtl. MOTORS PKOmCTS Another carload of Chevrolets Just In I Prices: Roadt'r lajjoo Roadster Delivery '833 00 Tourln8 825.00 l)85O0 0oaeh ISW500 8ed4n 11,075.00 Landau Sedan 11,120.00 Cttrilt $1,100.00 Commercial Chassis 1845.00 Delivery Express Chassis .... 805.00 20 x 4.40 Balloon Tires standard equipment on all models except Delivery Express chassis. Call or phone for demonstration. KAIKN OAIIAUP. Third Avenue Phone 52 TAXI I'hone 67 Taxi (Call George, Paul or Gust) Six and Seven PaaseriKer Stude-linkers nt your disposal any time HOSS IIROS. POOL HOOM Meeker Hlock. Across from Eninr?8 Hotell tN.IURAINS For the East-Dally Except Sundays 10:30 am, From ?he East- -Dally except Tuesdays s.30 pja, Article, -Oil ..J Found,4j STEAMSHIP MOVEHEQ for Vanrit .w, i-Mf -mm (-riiwe user. a ;l Tuesday - as OaUlu Thursday as. Prince r ... . 8alurdsy-s. Caroena " as. Princess Bran " as. Prince Rupe July ft as. Piinceas f. " IS sa. Princess Lo " 19 I'rlnreM Alice " 20 as. Piinceas Chaiic " 23 -as. Princess t..i, ? " 27 as. Princess Al s , " SO as. Princes fi -j 1'rom Vanmuier Sundsy as. OaUla Monday -a. Prince C'Im . . Wednesday- -eMiprliu:e Or-Friday as. Prince Rnpc as. "Gardens Saturday s. prlnceas Be ' 5 July -as. Prtncesa Lou e " 11 as. princess Alice " 14-ss. Princess C n .. v " 18ss. Princess Lo j " 22 as. Princess A: 24 as. Princes c i " 20 as. Princess Uu. ''or Port MuiMwin and Nasi lui-l Friday sa. Cardena rom Purt kliiipMut and Nasi kl ftslurdsy as. Cardena 'or Anjot, Stewart. Mr. Sunday as. Calais II Moridsy. as Prince Ci ajlot Friday -as. Prince Ruprr 1'rom Anjot, Stewart, ele Tuesday as. Catsla Thursday . as. Princess C-j Bsturdsy as. Prince Rupr r North l)ueen f'tisrlitltrv Monday - as. Princes Chat'.: rrm Vorlb ifueen f'lurlolUs- Thursday- ss. Prince Char to lor Sonlh (ueen Cliiflollr- July 18 as. Prince John ITwn South Queen ('harMlrf July 13 -ss. Prince John " 27- ss. Prince John rr Alj.ks Wednesday as. Prince Oc i July 8-ss. Princess Louis ' " 11 ss. Princess All e 1 " 15 ss. Princess CliaiU 's J " 18. as. Princess lou se J " 22- as. Princess Alice 1 " 25 as. Princess Chaik'te " 20 ss. Princess Lou- From Alaska Monday ss. Prince Oeorge July as. Prlnceas Char: " 13 as. Princess toulse " lss. Princess Alice 20-si. princess Charloit " 23---s. Princess Loulie " 27 ss. princem Alice " 80 ss. Princess Cliarlc't MAIL SCHEDULE 4II.Y 1927 For Hie Kat. Mondays. Wednesdays, Saturdar1 Cloces 103! II From Hie Mondavi uh...M PrfrfnTr. Si 4 i .. Mi, nuMja, . due S 15 M To Vanrniivrr Mondsys 'II Tuesdays .4 .t It Thursdsys ' lj Saturdsys . iM O.P.R. Jul' 8. 13. 18. 20. 23 From Vnnroi ir . Mondays Mali i' 'J Wednesdays 1030 1 Prldava in Oil O.P.R. July 8. 11. IS. 18. 22. TO AllVO. Allr. I.m Prrnlirr '1 . .Stewart- Sundays ... mall closes" Fridays Ill From An vol ,ii. t .? i.r.mlrf ! Stewart- Saturdays mall dui i-uesdtys To Noas Klvrr Thursdays mii elof M From Nuns Klser IVilnts I Saturdays msll du 1 in .iiakks Point. July 8, . 16. ID 11 1H 90. Iroiii Alka l.lnt July . 13. 18. 20 23 n 30. To uren Charlotte Inland Points I Lower Inlands. MnnHm 1nl 18. From (Jiirrn riiri..n. i.i,... ruin" Lower Islands, Wednesday! J3, V Adttrtlt in Tfct Dally Htf