u 11 192 V I 11L1 A J. VJ 1 1 U 1 J I LAUNDRY KIDS YOU KHOW HOVY A FEXLOW rOULOA' VJHtN A LMJNDR.V Ladies Hose SILK TO THE TOP Chiffon.'' or Silk, in all colors 3 TO THE PAIR Special $2.50 The Louvre 31 6 Third Avenue Next Royal Hank 1 SPOILS HIS Collar. S . . Mill. in tt'nn't knlaii i.KK Jars arc returned from this .ljndrv. There a ft fpelintr nf Tr.foTt and newnemi when he ' . M ntt frs ... .... II III. IS W LA tltA 1 L WW U aaiBI.Sl K .1 I t i :iiiniiirpii nnr wnv iiiit nnra :u'll wonder why you hadn't pnjcveu real comiort before. Pioneer Laundry ... rnone 118 Iremember ! For Montreal prices i on Clothing for Men & Boys Don't forget the Montreal Importers Third Avenue J. H. Miller Proprietor Canton Crepe DRESSES from $12.50 Smart little Wash Dresses sizes 7 to 1G From $1.50 to $2.25 BENT'S LADIES' READY-TO-WEAR Third Avenue MILK -:- PRICE Reduced to, 12 pints for $1.00 7 quarts for $1.00 12 pints for $1.00 Cash price tickets. McHride Street store naw1 closed Valentin Dairy Office and Dairy - 11th St. Telephone C57. GRIM GAMBLE WITH DEATH Trapper In Eager Search for Fun 'in Far North Taken (Jreat Chances EDMONTON, July II - E. it. UobletU. uiru of One of the noil dramatic tale l tat storied northland. when he made1 (hi way after 500 mile to etvllttattun .ftei btlnK abandoned by treacherous : partner who left bku wlih nothlnt bat , a Irak canoe nd a few nh hmt. i. once again engaged In a trim gamble with death, according to new brought to the city by Howard Price. F:tt-Krald trapper. He may even be dead now. An Indian, according to Price, was the last man to are Bobtette alive when he atafgered Into a little post near Eaalkee lake, the taat of nil dog tram J left harnessed In the toboggan a mile, from the pott. The othera had died wnue uooiette wa making hi way to aeeure food. Whrn the Indian and Boblette returned to the aled to recover the remains, of the meagre outfit, they found the taat dog dead In the traces. ix jri:sT or rox Doblette left Fltageraid at the beginning of the winter with a party ol other trappera. all bound "for the bar. rena In queat of white fox. Paced with hunger when their dog-feed became exhausted aa mult of the deviation of the caribou from their ueual route, most of the trappera turned back, but Boblette kept on. making his apoearr auce at the Indiana' post month later. tak and enunciated with hunger. One CORPORATION OF TUB CITY OF PRINCE RUPERT TAKE NOTICE THAT: 1. The Council of the Corporation of th City of Prince Rupert intends to construct a concrete sidewalk twelve fret wide on the south aide of Third Avenue from a point ton fret east of the westerly boundary of 6th Street to the weat boundary of Lot 3, Block 33. Section I. a a local Improvement, and intends to apreiany asses tle coil upon the land abutting directly on the work, except auch portion of the cost aa la Incurred at street Intersections. 3. The estimated coat of the work Is 11400 00. of which 1121.31 la to be paid by the Corporation, and the estimated annual special rate per toot frontage la .7763. The special assessment la to be paid In 10 annual Instalmenta. 3. Persona desiring to petition against undertaking the work must do to on or before the 10th day of August. l37. E. P. JONES, City Clerk. Dated this eth day of Juljr 1837. LAND ACT NOTICE OF INTENTION TO TO LK.1K L.M LAND ACT. APPI.V In Range 4. Land Recording District of Prince Rupert, and situate at Barnard ixve. rnnceaa Royal Island. TAKE NOTICE that the Mlllerd Pack' Ing Company Limited of Vancouver. B.C.. OCCUnatlon Ralmin r.nn.H In. , tenda to apply for a leaae of the follow ing aesrriDea lanas: Commencing at a pott planted alongside post marked N.W L2573; thence southerly along high water mark 20 chains, more or less, to a post markrd aw L2573: thence weat to low water mark: hrnc northerly along low water mark 20 chains, more or lew. to a point west of the point of commencement: thence east 60 links, more or lesa, to point of commencement, and containing one-quarter acre, more or lem. M1LLEIID PACKINO COMPANY LIMITED, Applicant. Dated June 18. 1027. LAND ACT. NOTICE OF INTENTION TO APPLY TO I.I.ASK IOKKHIIOKK. In Prince Rupert Land Recording District of Prince Rupert, and situate at Scwell Inlet, Moresby Island. Queen Charlotte Islands. TAKE NOTICE that Kelley Logging Company Limited, of Vancouver. B.C.. occupation Timber Merchants, intends to apply for a lease of the following described foreshore: Commencing at a post planted at the southeast corner of Lot 471 Sewell Inlet. Moresby Island, Queen Charlotte Islands: thence In a northeaiterly direction, following- the hleh water mark to the southeast carrier of Lot 489: ttience- in southwesterly direction to the bJlnt of tommencejnent, and containing 140 arres, more) or less. , ; ; !. JOSEPH DOyatAH.TVILUON, -Aeenl for . . Kelley Logging Co. Ltd. 3th. Aorll. WX NOTICE OF INTENTION TO APPLY TO I.UM, U,Mi In Queen Charlotte Island Land Re ordlng District of Prince Rupert, and K west cobjii oi uurnaDy TAKE NOTICE that British Columbia Fishing & Packing Co. Ltd.. of Van couver. B.C., occupation Packers, Intends 10 appiy ior a lease or the following ewnueu lanus: Commencing at a post Dlanted on the weit coast of Burnaby island, Q.C.I.: thence east 3 chains: thence south 45 chair.; thence west 3 chains, more or less, to high water mark: thence north along high water mark to point of commencement, and containing 14 acres, more or less. BRITISH COLUMBIA FISHING ti PACKINO CO. LTD.. Applicant. Dated June 10, 1027. LAND ACT. NOTICE OF INTENTION TO APPLY TO LEASE FORESHORE. In Prince Rupert Land Recording District of Prince Rupert, and situate at Bewell Inlet. Moresby Island, Quern Charlotte Islands. TAKE NOTICE that Kelley Logging Company Limited, of Vancouver, B.C.. occupation Timber Merchants, Intends to apply ior a lease oi wic luuuwiug described foreshore: Commencing at a post planted approximately $ chain south. 20 degrees east from the northeast corner of Lot 472. Sewell Inlet, Moresby Island; thence following the hlah water mark rn an east erly, aoutherly and southwesterly dlrec tloir to its intersection wiwj m tii; boundary of Lot 472; then aoutherly and easterly to the northwest corner of S.T.L. 6218 P.; thence In a northwesterly direction to the point of commencement, and containing 45 teres, more or less. JOSEPH UUUUUID mioun. Agent for fctlley Logging Co. Ltd. DaUd 29th AprU, 1827. ! . I I This Ajprtitpmenr it hat nnMick,4 a. displayed bvlh Liquor Control Board or by he Government ofBnlishCokmbu of those who went with htm Blackle Leonard, who ate two of long after nope for his safety given up. WONDERFUL CROPS settle." , . LAND ACT NOTICE OF INTENTION TO APPLY LEASE LANII. wa his own dog team. KETIRNKD TO IIAKKENH The Indiana' post la not far from Oreat Stare La, which shows the dis ss nee that Boblette mat have covered tn his determined search for furs Pressed by the Indians to return to the lake and ssfejy. BoMette refused. After renewing hla supplies, he hit the WaU for the barren again. There la a chance, though a aMm one. that he may once again startle the north by making a dramatic return. been IN PEACE DISTRICT PEACE RIVER. July II. Dr. P. E. Dootlttle, president of the Canadian Oood Roads' Aafixiatlon. arrived late Turaday afternoon by auto from arande Prairie, from which point lie made a tour of the Prace River country aa far west as Rclla. B.C. Dr. DoolHtle was very much impressed with what he aaw. deeplte the condition of the road due to periodical rains that have featured weather conditions for the past four weeks. "Your crops are away ahead of anything I have seen so far In my 'travels throughout the west," he stated. "In moat placea the crop la heavy and of vigorous growth, while in othera it Is already heading out. and it la In wonderful condition all over, while your dirt roads are standing up wonderfully wen except in the places where new grading has not had sufficient time to MINERAL ACT (Form 1) t'EKl ll'lt'ATK OF IMI'ltO VEMK.V T NOTICE "WESTERN HOPE." "TRIXIE." and OLD KENTUCKY" Mineral Malms sit uate in the Skerna Mining DivUlou of Prince Rupert District. wnere Located- on porchrr Island. TAKE NOTICE that I-ewto W. Patmore. Free Miner Certificate No. 89181 C. the duly authorized agent of Prank Patter- Ann Pm. Uln.a rwirwt. m. wiin r intend, sixty days from the date hereof, to apply to the Minimi Recorder for Certificates of Improvements, for the purpose of obtaining a Crown Orant of the above claims. And further take notice that action, under Section 83. must be commenced before the Issuance of auch Certificate of Improvements. Dated this 8th day of Mar. 1927. LEWI8 W PATMOItE. TO In Range 4, Coast Land District. Land Recording District of Prince Rupert, and situate in vicinity of Captain Cove, Pitt Island. n.C:- t V TAKE NOTICE that Oiww packing Il.C, occupation Fish Packers, Intends to apply for a lease of the following aescrioea isnus: Commencing at a post planted about Vt mue aisiani in a noniteny direction from Lot 1253, Ranee 4; thence north 9 chains; thence east 20 chains; thence south to shore; thence west alone; shore to point of commencement, and containing 10 acre, more or less. OOSSE PACKINO CO. LTD., Applicant. Per Chaa. L. Roberts, Agent. Dated April j. 1927. LAND ACT NOTICE OF INTENTION TO APPLY TO I.E.tNK LANK. In Range 3, Coast Land District. Land Recording District of Prince Rupert, and situate on the south shore of La-Bouchere Channel, B.C. TAKE NOTICE that Oohms Packing Co. Ltd.. of 325 Howe St.. Vancouver. B.C., occupation Fish Packers, intends to apply for a lease of the following deacrfbed lands: Commencing at a post plsnted at the southeast corner TX. 10390. Range 3. Coast Land District; thence south 5 chains; thence weat 10 chain; thence north 8 chains to shore; thence easterly along shore to point of commencement, and containing 5 acres, more or less. OOSSE PACKINO CO. LTD.. Applicant. Per Cha. L. Ro belts. Agent. Dated April 7. 1927. LAND ACT. NOTICE OF INTENTION TO APPLY TO LEASE LAND. In' Coast Range 4. LAhd Recording Dis trict of Prince Rupert, and situate at CaSuin'e Cove. Pitt Island. B.C. TAKE NOTICE that Oosse Packing Company Limited, of Vancouver, B.C.. occupation Packers,, intends to apply for a lease of the following described lands: Commencing at a post planted at the northwest corner of Lot 1253, Range 4; thence south 5 ehslna: thence west S chains; thenee north to high water mark; thence easterly along high water mark 6 chains, more or less, to colnt of com mence menti and containing- 3 acre. more or less. OOSSE PACKINO COMPANY LIMITED, Applicant. Dated June 18, 1927. THE DAILY NHW3 PACE FIVE MEEK .IT THEATRE .Monday Pred Thomson in "SUver Oomea Through." Comedy "Vmf Oeaege -IntrraaUaeatt New. Tuesday "Flashing Ftnga" r iJUeH Bennett Oomrdy " FVur-ftuitheFa." Cameo Comedy "Pint Price rfrrty ITnlnlwUy and Thursday The 11 Id night Lovers -Hubby Vernon Comedy "Dummy Love " Aeiop- PWm Fables Friday and Satardiy Tl Flaming Frontier " Cameo Convedy "Hanging Fire.' Pathe Review. SILVER KING COMES THROUGH ALL RIGHT Vhli.ry of a NomleM-rlpt Oter Thorough-brrd ! Chief Tlienie la I'kturr The pride of a great horseman In pure bred stork and his refusal to recogntee wortd tn an animal of mixed breeding Ir an axiom from which an important phaae of the plot of "Silver Cornea Through." Pred Thomson's latest starring vehicle la derived. In "Stiver Oomea Through." Thomson's beautiful bone. "Silver King." playa the role el a western horse of non-deaerlpt breading', entered In a cross-country race as a last resort when the thorough-bred entry of his owner suffer an Injury. Through the intricate structure of the plot. "Sliver" thus become the benefactor of the man who first refused to recognize hi merit and later "backed" him grudgingly. Thomson, aa the star of the production, la aaid to endow his characterization with an unusually vital performaMe of a highly spectacular nature. In addition to "Sliver King" the aupporting cast Includes Edna .Murphy tn the leading feminine role, William Oaurt right. Harry Woods and Matbllde Brundage. Lloyd Ingrabam directed and also wrote the adaptation which Is based on the original story by Prank M. Clifton. "Stiver Comes Through" will be shown here tonight. MAN SAYES DOG FROM DEATH IS STORY SEEN ON SCREEN TOMORROW The story of a man who aavea the life of a deg and of the Interesting events that follow, is the theme of "Flashing Fangs," starring Ranger, the new mar vel dog. to be shown at the West holme Theatre tomorrow. Ranger, who seems to me to be the most Intelligent dog-star of the whole crowd immediately idolizes his savior. and the man who la somewhat of a down-and-outer, for this reason begin to realize what a worthies life 1m has been living, and decide to try and live up to the high ideal that the dog has created. HI redemption Is worked out with the aid of the dog, and both finally attain tremendous happiness after many harrowing experience. COMEDY IS COMING FORM MIDWEEK "Midnight LotrrV Is Played by Lesth Stone -yd Anna (. Nllsson A a comedy vehicle "Midnight Lover" here for the mid-week, deserves to be designated as Lewis Stone's greatest tuc- tscess, for the featured actor ha never before Deen presented". wlt? auch a sincere, yet hopelessly funny characteriza tion as that of Major Wllllani Rldgewell.'j lie has long bretl looted as oheTpf the screen' greatest dramatic actors; but this one vehicle establishes him overnight as one of the screen's greatest of subtle comedian. His earnest adher ence to the humanness of the role earns for htm this distinction. Xnn,t is Funny atone is not aione in creating new laurels In this production. Anna' Q Nllsson troupe right along with him. Injecting Into an extremely difficult role a wealth of vlvactousness and rare personality of which only this actress Is capable. No actroes has ever enacted a masculine role as Anna Q. Nllsson in "Pon- Jola" yet in "Midnight Lovers" It Is the very femininity of the artist which gives her such appealing charm. She has made the most of the role, which offer ed much. Coiiklin a Scream Chester Conklln, a an awkward but' ler, gains many laughs with his funny walk and appearance. A a dandified brainless fop. John Roche contributes a notable performance. COLORFUC ROMANCE IN WESTERN DRAMA ln(enelj- dripping Picture Shows the lirslriujion of Custer's Army by Indians Romance and colorful surrounding. political Intrigue and comedy, culminating In a thrilling and spectacular repro duction of the Custer massacre are among the outstanding big features that make of "The Flaming Frontier." one cf the most Intensely gripping picture that ha been screened In some tlcit. BRITISH COLUMBIA The Mineral Province of Western Canada To the.end of December. 192G. Has produced Minerals as follows: Placer Gold. $78,018,518; Lode Cold. ?12CwD7Wi8: Silver. $80,787,003; Lpad. $100,970,442; Copp.r,.204C7)C8: Zinc. 60.12JB7f ; CcmI and Coke. -28109.1M; Structural Materials ami MisrelUiReous Minerals. JttM'HMOT ; makJat its mineral production to the end of 1926 show an AGCKEflATE VALUE OF $988,108,170. PRODUCTION FOR YEAR ENDING DECEMRER. 192C. $67,188,812 The Mining Laws of this Province are more liberal and the fees lower than those of any other Province in the Dominion, or any colony In the Hrltlth Empire. Mlnoral locations are ranted to discoverers for nominal fees. Absolute Titles are obtained by developing such rrirtis, the security of which Is guaranteed by Crown grants. Full Information, together with Mining- Reports and Maps, may be obtained gratis by addreslng THE HONORABLE THE MINISTER OF MINES. VICTORIA. imiTLSH COLUMIUA. N.R. Practically all Rritlsh Columbia Mineral Properties upon which development work has been done are described in some one ( f the Annual Reports of the Minister of Mines. Those considerlg mining Investment should refer to such report. They are available without charge on application to the Department of Mines, Victoria, B.C. Reports of the Geological Survey of Canada, Winch Building. Vancouver, are recommended as valuable sources of information. Reports covering of the Six Mineral Survey Districts are published separately, and are available on application. This great Universal production cctnes at the week-end. "The Flaming Frontier," which tell the story of the winning of the Weat, with Interesting 'picture of life at West Point and at Washington, la presented by an all-star cast. Hoot Olbson, Universal hard-riding and capable Western star, appears In the greatest portrayal he ha yet done, as pony express rider. army scout, friend of Cutter. West Point cadet and the messenger sent by Custer to Major Reno. Dustln Parnum oomea back to the screen In the tragic role of Oen. Custer. Anne Cornwall, whose admirers are le gion. I the dainty heroine of the picture and bring new fame to herself. Another sterling actor in the east Is Ward Crane, than whom there Is no better pic ture villain, Kathleen Key comes to the front again tn it 111 another great vamp role, while the fun-making. Eddie O rib-bop and Harry Todd take care of the splendid comedy feature of "The naming Frontier." Harold Goodwin plays the Juvenile to perfection. AUTO TAX IS RECOMMENDED EDMONTON. July 11. An auto tax of possibly $5.00 on each car In order to provide funds that would be "ear marked" for road improvements may be proposed later on by the civic authorities. Favor for such a levy was expressed by some members of the civic finance committee and it is likely to be discussed by the city -council. As a charter amendment would be necessary, an auto tax could not be Imposed this year but It is possible that It will be on the Hat for consideration for 1923. It could not be made effective, however, until the necessary provincial legislation Is obtained. It is felt In some quarters that an auto or motor vehicle tax would not be objected to very strongly If the citi zen knew definitely It was to go for the Improvement of roads, especially where gravelling was badly needed. Before any definite action is taken. It Is likely that the plan will be discussed with the Edmonton Auto and Good RLoads Association In order to if possible, obtain the co-operation of that body. . PRINCE RUPERT TIDES ' MONIiV,.JILY.,Ii: High ; Tiiwrifk:' ' ib.3 tt'. 23:23 p.m. 19.6 " Low ........... 5:27 a m. . 5.6 17:05 p.m " 9.0 TI ESOAY. Jl I.Y 13 High 12:24 pjn. 17.0 ft. Low 6:11 tun. 4.5 17:53 p.m. 8.8 IN PROBATE IN THE SCPKEMK COCKT OF ItUITISH COI.Ii.MllIA In the Matter of the Administration Act; and In the Matter of the Estate of William J. Kyle. Deceased. Intestate. TAKE NOTICE that by order of His Honor. F. McB. Young, the 24th day of June. A.D.. 1927. I was appointed Administrator of the estate of William J. Kyle, deceased, and all parties having claims against the said estate are hereby required to furnish same, properly verified, to me on or before the 25th day of July, AX). 1927, and all parties indebted to the estate are required to pay the amount of their indebtedness to me forthwith. NORMAN A. WATT. Official Administrator, ' Prince Rupert. B.C. Dated the 25th day of June, A D. 1927 IN PROBATE IN THE MTRE.ME COCKT OF BRITISH t'OLl'MUIA In the- Matters' of the Administration Act: arid'- - In the Matter of the Estate of Torey j Yoshloka. Deceased, Intestate. TAKE NOTICE that by order of His 1 Hnnnr R XfeR YmrmF rhm 9tt av nr June. AD. 1927, I wa appointed Admin- ' istrator of the estate of Torey Yoshloka. deceased, and all parties having claims against the said estate are hereby required to furnish same, properly verified, to me on or before the 21st day of July. A.D. 1927. and all parties Indebted to the estate are required to pay amount of their indebtedness to forthwith. the me NORMAN A. WATT, Official Administrator, Prlnc Rupert, B.C Dated Ui 21st day of June, AX). 1927. Canadian National Steamships Co. Limited Prince Rupert DRYDOCK Operating P..T.I Enineern. AND SHIPYARD 20,000 Ton Floating Dry Dock Machinists. Boilermakers, Blacksmiths, Pattern makers, Founders, Woodworkers, Etc. ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING. Our plant is equipped to handle all kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK. PHONES 43 and 385 Canadian National Qfo Largel Railway Syflem in America STEAMSHIP AND TRAIN SERVICE S.tll.IMIS from PRINCE RI'PERT for VANCOUVER. VICTORIA, SEATTLE, each MOMMY and Till RSDAV. 4.iM p.m, NATl ItDAV. COO p.m. For ANVOX and STEWART JIO.MIAV. I'HIIIAY. 4.IM p.m. lor ALASKA IVEONESIIAV. 4.00 p.m. lor .MASSKTT INLET MONO tY, 4.00 p.m. For SKIOMJATt; INLET and SOCTH JI I.EN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS, fortnightly. PASSENGER TRAINS LEAVE PRINCE RUPERT DAILY EXCEPT SIMIAY at 11 JO a.m. for PRINCE (iEOKOE. EDMONTON, WINNIPEG, all points Eastern Canad.t, 1'nltrd States. JASPER PARK LODGE OPEN MAY 21 TO SEPTEMIIKH 30. SEE CANADA IN CANADA'S Jtltll.EE YEAR 1KR7 - 1947. AGENCY ALL OCEAN STEAMSHIP LINES. Cse Canadian National Express for Money Orders. Foreign Chninrs etc, also for jour next ihlpment. CITY TICKET OFFICE. 528 THIRD AVE, PRINCE RI'PERT. Phone tne (CANADIAN PAcinc IIWV To Canadian Pacific Railway B. C. Coast Services Sailings from Prince Rupert Ketehltan, 'lYraricell. Jiinenu. and SUavJnlv 4. a. 11 22. 2.1, "29. .To Yam-oiivrr. Victoria and Seattle July 2, !. 9, 13, 16, 20, 23. 27, 15. 18, 30. -HI.-SI B7I.-S UK.11K1CK. For ltiitedale. East Delia Itella. Orran Falls, Nanin, Alrrt Ray. Campbell River, and Vam-nuter every Saturday. II a.m. Agency for all Hteamahlp Lines. Foil Information from- W. C. OUCH till). General Agent. Corner of 4th Street and 3rd Avenue, Prlnre Rupert. B.C. UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED For VANCOUVER, p.m. Salllnrs from I'rlnrr K -inert. VICTORIA, Swans on Ray, Alert Hay, ete, Tuesday. S For VANCOUVER. VICTORIA. Rutedale, Alrrt Bay. rte, Saturday 9 a.m. lor PORT BIMPSON. ALICE ARM. AN VOX, STEWART? Hale. UIm'ZV uuj, a p.in. tor .-saas liner rolnt and Port Mmnwm. Iri.i:. izj znn Avenue. k. m. SMITH. Arrnt Til rough tickets sold to Victoria and Seattle liaggage rhecked throueli to destination. p.m. at a FOR RENT Prlnre Rupert, B.C. reduced rate and Johnson's Electric Floor Polisher $2.00 per day Let us know the day you want It I Kaien Hardware Co. Phone 3 Advertise in "The Daily News"