PAGE FOUR 2HE DAILY Sat BRINGING UP FATHER By George McM DINTV- WHAT TCT" NOVe TOUR it-, cRoeu. CO ON- DONfX A Parent's AM 1 TO DO ICE.- PUH BUT l-TTVE. BE. TUQBOB.t4! ABOUT THE. nveftTHE OMUV VAY. " i i i s v r ELEPHANT 1 i . it v t-ui I MU'bT LOSE Trihiito th tkp Graduate In presenting a watch na a gift to the graduate it .should reflect a standard of quality that will make the recipient as proud to wear it in years to come as the day it is presented. Come in and see our selec tion of the newest and best models, we will adviso you right. 1 1 & eJEWELLEIp THE STORE WITH THE CLOCI BLANKET Special During the month of May we will give a special rate on all Blankets. Single Blanket, each . , Double Blanket, each . . ."0t Blankets washed without shrinking and returned nice and fluffy. GIVE US A TRIAL Pioneer Laundry (1921) Ltd. Phone - - 118 Spring Coats in Shades of Navy, Gray and Sand "Doners" Phone 27. P.O. Box 327. Prince Rupert BOAT HOUSE Phone 381 P.O. Box 1563 LAUNCHES, SCOWS, ROW-BOATS AND CANOES SAND AND GRAVEL Equipment for Diving and Salvage Work Agents for Easthope Engines and Stump Pullers NORWEGIAN HALIBUT GEAR IN STOCK Compass Adjusting ANGER, the TAILOR We carry a fine stock of imported Scotch Tweeds, Fancy Worsteds and Serge. Every garment tried on before finishing. 223 Sixth Street IMPROVEMENTS AT SALT LAKES uor.n rpov pr.oviNriii. MEXT .T AXXI'AI. MEETINO Or i-iti( K id n:itT swim-.mix(! Mcdonald new president .tlrelatlnii t:prrkMNl for Vork .f Capt. Alfrnl MianMin anil Itet iritis Officers The Prince Rupert Swimming Club had a successful annual meeting In the! city council chamber last night. The! election of officers resulted as follows: I Honorary president. Hon. T. D. Pat-j tullo. President Fire Chief H. Mc- Donald. Secietary Treasurer Alex Saint. Executive Capt. J. A. Swanson, E. C. Gibbons, ChrU Elklns. Jock Boddie and J. W. Scott. A resolution was passed expressing the appreciation - and thanks of the club to President Alfred Swanson and the 1926 of3cers for their energetic work in the matter of carrying out repairs and the various affairs relating , to the upkeep facilities at the Salt 'Lake. j Th. annual report Of the president told of the damage that had been ! found to have been done to the facil ities last spring and outlined extensive J repairs that had been made as a re. .suit. GOVERNMENT PETITIONED I Complying with a recommendation of the retiring president, a resolution was passed requesting the provincial government, through Hon. T.iD. Pat- tullo, to have constructed at the bead of Russell Arm a dam, approximately sixty feet In length and fifteen feet high. In order to make a fresh water lake of the present lagoon commonly known as the Salt Lakes. The con struction of this dam. It was pointed out, would convert the lake into a large body of fresh water which could be made an attractive and suitable place for the citizens of Prince Rupert where they might enjoy bathing and water sports during the summer months. It would also be an attrac tion to tourists visiting the city. The resolution further urged the clearing of approximately four acres of land adjacent to the lake which could be converted into a playground and picnic ground. GYRO CLUB WAS EASY FOR SONS CUNITKS ST.UiEO IIATTINU MELEE KiST XKillT. ,iXI MOV SENIOR j.K,;i K ll.tsMI.UJ. VXTl'RE ' ' 1.1 TO 3 Heavy hitting, which forced two Qyro iwliMs fiom the mound and left third wondering how his opponents did it, effectively turned the table In favor of the Sons of Canada, who .were beaten In the season's opener on Vic toria Day, In the Senior League base ball fixture last night. The score was IS to S lu favor of the Canucks over the service club. Despite the heavy scoring, it was a fairly good exhibition of ball which few ventured forth In the clammy evening air to witness. The Oyros went to bnt In the first and got one run, Mlnnehan scoring from Moran's safe hit. The Sons wasted no time In starting and, in their half, drove Haveland from the box with flock of hits which resulted In six runs, 6klnner then took over the twirling duties lor the Oyros and there waa no more score for either aide until the fifth when hitting by Oeorge Mitchell and Moran again scored Mlnnehan The .Sons came right buck and Wendell was ccored by Lamble an! Ratchford. In the sixth, the Oyros took heart and things looked better for them when McKeown, Skinner and Budenich all got to bases and were scored, Mlnnehan and Oeorge Mitchell making nice hits. About this time the Sons decided to get busy again and, before the smoke of battle had cleared, Moran having gone In Ue box to save Skin ncr, every Canuck, except Bloc an, who was fielded, had got to ba.ics and scored. The game ended! when Moran, .Tlte and McKeown all filed out. The Sons Was Nearly Crazy With Boils All Over His Body Mr. B. L. Burke, BuToniflsld, Nfl., writes: "For some tims I was nes-riv er&iT with boils all over 1117 body. I tried ererrtkiiir I could thick of to IBl'l 1 1" IMF Hacker adjudicated on the bases. Teams started as follows: Cyros. Mlnnehra. c.:' Oeorge Mit chell, as.: Haveland, p.: Moran, lb.: Tlte, 2b.: McKeown, If.; Skinner, rf.; Hill, 3b.; Budenich, rf. Sons of Canada. Farquhar, lb.: Bal four, c; Astorl, p.; Wendell, ss.: Lam-ble. 3b4 Ratchford, rf Mitchell, 2b.: Ourvlch, If.: Sloan, cf. BOXING BOUTS AT BURNS LAKE fll.l. HorSE WITNESSES VICTORIA lAV CONTESTS AT INTERIOR POINT Drawing a full house of ladles and men and with a crowded gallery, the boxing contest on the 24th proved a saving event In the day's program when rain and hall prevented the baseball game taking place on schedule saya the Burns Lake Observer. Danny Trousdeil vs. Johnnie Oerow was the first event. In the fly-weight class and proved of tremendous Interest to the fans. Both-lads were hard hitters, game and peppy, jmd felt so good at the end of the two-round limit that they asked for another round and. then gave a worthy exhibition up to the end. 13! Lit C ONTEST Clarence "Huck" Smith and Kenneth "Itiller" Kerr were listed In the 132 lb. contest. In the first round Kerr pToved the more aggressive and floored his op ponent. Clarence rallied In the second and. gave .a good account of himself on Ken's body; Ken Jhen connects to Clarence's nose three jihies. drawing the oilk tilings considerably, each In turn ruby fluid. Smith stands punishment well and presses opponent hard at end. Third round proves fast, with Ati for a top tf our. Duiitl Coot, i'oo vcill fini it htltftl U fltnnini jour txptniitartu for their gamy exhibition. O 1927 v Imtt. FcAnmi Senvicc. Inc. Bnt.i. ntkta mnW S'S ! opening out and Kerr showing pretty I footwork. Clarence game: hard hits by I both to face:! both 'boys going atrong I at final gong. a slight advantage. Earl's footwork ' good. Hard body blows exchanged. In the second round Corliss scored a hard 1 hit to Bill's eye which warmed his Irish ' '.ernper. resulting In discretion thrown ' to the winds and a murderous exchange of blows. Bill connects to "Alzatcho'a' hive (iooit snow I Earl "Algatcho" CorlLss vs. Bill j "Irish" McKenna, proved a thrilling match to the ringside spectators. Prom the outset both boys mixed the ex-, get rid of them, but to no avail, fo I 'hang, with Bill's longer reach giving ( M oon m one vu , healed up another would appear to take it placet. 1 1 was advised (o take IIAHUN V. ll.tllTI.KV I The foregoing were all preliminary to the 5 -round heavy-weight contest be-! tween Cecil Hartley of Burns Lake and ' nthusfasm. Third round: Baron con nects to nose and draws first blood, clinches numerous, bard Infighting feature of round. In' the fourth round Baron Inadvertently hits a little too low and referee calls a halt for a few seconds, but both proceed to the attack again and .Dive the spectators the worth" 3f the(r admission,. Both start out fresh as paint in the fifth round and "pushes" the other to the ropes, a hlrlwtnd exchange brings the fight to i conclusion as the gong sounds. Baron and Hartley are scheduled to meet at Vanderhoof on July 1st and all who saw tbem in action here will wish to see them )n the big fight there. Doctor J. T. Steele acted as referee and apparently enjoyed the work and gave entire satisfaction. Barney Wulvany as the official announcer did much to keep the crowd in good humor In the long wait before the program started. SPORT CHAT The Royal Bank of Canada Prince Rupert Branch F. E. HoLertKon, Manager r??i W anted For Sale For Renl I WANTED. TO HEAR PROM OWNER of good ranch for sale. State cash price, full particulars. D., P. Bush, Minneapolis, Minn. FOR SALE none and starts the blood flowing. The FOR SALE. FORD ONE TON TRUCK third waa "hot stuff" from beginning to end with Bill keeping his dour expression and Earl still smiling; both took punishment and in an aggressive attack one mlnutee before time Bill forced Charles to his knees, but he was Immediately into the fight again. At the . , , , , (handshake concluding the bout both re- and after I had used two bottles th . fK. ., , fh. .,,,.,.,. boils had all disappeared and I hava not been troubled with them since." Put up only by Tha T. Milburn Co., IizsiUd, TerosU, Oat did not go to bat. Red Robertson umpired and Cecil chassis with dump, body ready for use. Price 300.00. One twenty Inch -situations wanted QUAt.IK?ED 8LNOLE MAN. TWELVE years general store owner, Canada: trained accountant end typist; all round office man; fair shorthand; Scotch: desires position anywhere. Free early June. P.O. Uor 100, Mer-rlU, BC. FOR RENT Pony plane In good running order, FOR RENT. NEWLY DECORATED 1200.00. Mitchell Ic Currie. 123 1 modern liouse: also small furnished i FOR SALE OR CHARTER. 48 FOOT hump. M. M. Stephens. Jim Baron of Rose Lake. They re- FOR SALE OR ceived a great ovation when they took ; purse-seine boats could be arranged their places In the ring. In the first for halibut fishing. For price and round cautious advances were made by j terms apply J. Field, city. lis both and " 1 1 - many clinches were broken up Jiy the referee. Round two produced hard TOR SALE. ONE DRAUGHT HORSE, fighting and the fans went wild sytth1 1" fine working condition. Apply H. A. McLean, city engineer. FOR SALE. SIX ROOMED HOUSE AND lot in post office block. S2.2O0.00. Apply P.O. Box 378. 115 OPPORTUNITY I 83 00 A MONTH NOW buys your future homeslte. Walker's Music Store. FOR CHARTER FOR CHARTER. GASBOAT CEC1LYE, 50 ft. 60 h.p.. packs 4000 dogs. This is a real packer and tow boat. Apply on board at Llpsett it Co.'s wharf. Prince Rupert. 128 EXCHANGE NEW AND SECONDHAND FURNITURE bought, sold and exchanged. Papa-dopulos and Marrls. 839 Third Ave. Phone 648. tf HOARD I BOARD. THE INLANDER. Second Avenue, Phone 137. . ii - - - i - 839 fiiC rbana!e. ST. - SMITHERS BALL TEAM r -ng"Jcrther pre!! DEFEATSYANDERHOOF JCZ''?Z W?tt,nboth A. a feature event" of the Empire nt Z VZJT : ' celebration at Burn. Lake, the ingly p n etty wel divided, piayer. and ,nlthm and v.nderhoof baball team, r ? V P7 interesting exhiblt.on game, hat promise, to be of more than usual Bulkley V.l- interest and :.ucces. ley ' representative, b, a. score of td " Latest deveiopmenu'.t Anyox Indl- ?wtr-f ,bJ ,Rb"U ? ,cate that there will be "no leW bai tf"." T T T f """ ball ihere thlVseisb The ST. the A ?oUnd It impossible tp field a- team and the tooys at - the" beach1 arV nbt' overly nthiulast!e over he prospects of a ! both iwo-league affair. A System for Saving proved downfall of the Vanderhoof aggregation. The losers fielded i snappy team, particularly In the Infield and had Johnson been In better form In the box the result might easily have been reversed. High' High Low High Low HOTEL A II RIVALS. Prince Itupert. D. T. Lute. Lowe Inlet; C. Williams. Barnard Cove; W. A, Moyer. R. S. Mc-Olll, W. O. Me teal f, John Clark and 11. M. McLmxI, Vancouver; J. Austin, Vic- ttorla; Mr. and Mrs. S. Oardner. Pad- f Ic: Mrs. 8. Volk. Butedale; Mrs. J. MU- ;ton, Kalen; Mlsa W. Anderson and 'Mrs. O. W. Phlilipson, Osland. I S:miy ! Margaret L. Caimron, Bmeslde, En- jglefled Oreen, Surrey, England; N, j Martin, city: A. King, c.N.R. Central C. West, Edmonton: Ivor Bmedback, Stewart: B, Harmatone. Vancouver. advertise In The Dallv News PRINCE RUPERT TIDES 4 SCMliiV MAV 29 ...... .4. 122 pjn. 19.7 ft, - 6:21 ajn. 2.0 " 18:23 pjn. 5.4 . MONDAY. MAY 30 0:27 am, 22.7 ft. 13:20 pjn. 20.0 " 7:00 a.m. U 19:08 p.m. 5.9 " TI ESDIV, MAY 31 '08 ajn. 23J0 ft, 14:07 p.m. 20.0 7:50 a.m, 0.8 " 19:53 psn. 8.4 house. Apply 216 Fourth Avenue . Dk DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS. 2c per word in advance. No Advertisement taken for let than 50c WANTED up juur iwmt wiin j lowers, j noi siyi coia water. racing intra tm M-mrt Avenue. Phone Black 623. combined fish carrier and tow boat, j FURNISHED SUITES FOR RENT. 27 IIF. Atlas Engine. Handles 7.000 1 Apply Mussallem Grocery. Phone 18. 1 ROOMS FOR RENT. BOARD CHARTER. TWO desired. Phone Black 129. .PIAHO FOR RENT. 3 00 A MONTH. Walker's Music Store. ROOMS TO RENT- PHONE 878. DRESSMAKING tf. EXPERIENCED DRESSMAKER, FOR- merly of New York and Edmonton. Mrs. C. Smith, at Hyde Transfer. 139 Second Avenue. Phone 580. DOMINION n'KNIIt'HK KXI'll ANOE Deaoordy Jk Oirnnn, proprietors 144 Third Avenue Phone mark 421 Furniture of all sorts bought, sold or Exchanged. UPHOLSTERINC FURNITURE" REPAIRINO; CPIIOL- (terlng of all kinds. Chesterfields recovered and made to order. All work guaranteed. Phone Oreen 603. O. M. HUNT. RESTAURANTS OOOD EATS CAFF. Mrs. Unger. Proprietress Third Avenue. Next O, W. V. A Onod Home f'nnked Mettls. Phone Blark 700 TAXI Phone 6" Taxi (Call Georjfc, J'aul or Gust) Six and Seven Passenger Stude-bakers at your disposal any time. ROSS HROS. POOL ROOM Meeker Work. (Across from Empress Hotel) 4 "MALE MINIMUM WAGE ACT' TO EMI'I.OVEUS AND EMPLOYEES Notice Is hereby given that a public meeting, for the purpose of discussing the provisions of the "Male Minimum Wage Act" and Its application to adult male employee in every occupation, other than those already dealt with by the Board, will be held at the Court House. Prince Rupert, B.C., on Wednesday. May 25th, commencing at 2 p.m. To hear those who may be unable to attend during the afternoon a meeting will be held In the evening commencing at 7J0 o'clock. Before further Minimum Wage Ordfrs are made for any Industry or croup of Industries the Board desires to liear the views of those interested. After an inquiry U made throughout the Province the Act win be made to apply to all persons who come within Its provisions. Written statements are requested Irom any group or organization of employers or employees. J. D. McNlVEN (Chairman) F. V. FOSTER. . T. F. PATERSON. Members t Board of Adjustment, administering the "Male. Minimum Waje Act.' Victoria. BO. May 18th. 1927. Use SiMONDS SAWS Machine Knives siMONos Canada saw co. ltd. VANODUVtH. ST, JOHN, N.S., I ( TORONTO II A SMf 'llW.U II, Hi i Sundays . Saturdays Thursdays Article, LotUnd Found,4t MAIL SCHEDULE OtT-UOiMi lor the . Mondays, Wednesday! ,r,4 g,. tlUBCS To Vsnc-oinrr Sundays . Tuesdays Thursdays Saturdays . . June 3, 14 First class mm : . Vancouver on M.t;dajF. v; fi iliirrtvif Km r u I. . . . FOR SALE. EEDDINO OUT PLANTS. , . . rw East. gait. !T Anjux and Allre .trra alt varieties, raised In our own green-1 8unjMI house. Prince Rupert Floral Shop. FOR RENT. LA ROE, BRIGHT ROOM.i wednesdsys anil rrrmlrf. IP To AlaAka Points May 30. June i To (ueen fharluttr June 4, 18 IN-COM1M1 from I he Eat Mondays. Wed i if f rom Vanrvuter Sundays Wednesdsys Thursdays . . Saturdays May 30. June :1 I rom Anjnt and Allre ,tns i T I't. HlmuKin and Niu tit... tl n I -u ivesoays a Thursdays . . ' n Irom Meaart and Irrcirr Tuesdays Sundays loin It. Hlmp-on and K It. Nt- Saturdsys . . Irom AUka point June 3. 14 -Irom arrn Charlotte June 2. 18. 3" IIO 4'OI.IJ.C'tlN4 in n Oraham & Atlln Ate. 1st Ave. At 8th St 6th Ave. ft Fulton St 8th Ave. St Thorn;' llth Aj Sherbro. k.i llth Ave. A Oh r th Ave. tc Hsvs ' 3 6th & Hays Cove r 8th Ave. it Cotton S' Slh Ave. Av MrBr.d r Prov. Oovt. Bldi Prov. Oov. Wharf O T.P. Wharf O.TJ. Station 2nd Ave. U 2nd St 3rd Ave A Fult 8t 3rd Ave & 6th 8t tl ' II H I m I u STEAMSHIP MOVEMENTS tor Vanromer Sunday-ss. Prui,.'.' C-. Tuesday C'f i' t Thursdsy Pf ' K Saturday- as. CafH SS. Pr::iCf E' June 3-s Prui-' - 11 June 14 ss P' from Va er Sunday - as. Oi'uta Wednesdsy -w P' E Thursday C-tM Saturday- ss P'-Saturdayas Prlnct C June 10 Pniv.c ' l'i.r rrt hliii.w.ii and N" " , C '"' Thuroday . Nt, ginf-rroiu l,d 1'i.rt Nlni" t Saturday ss. Cirde Tor Anj i Sunday as Cut ':i ,j Wednesday ss. Pi 1 1 Krimi Atiyn Tuesday- Catnlf Thursdsy- Pn" " I'or N(fart Sunday as. Can: . P"n ' c Saturday s. From Wewarl Sunday ss. Prince C Tuesday a. CatAls Ynr Hiiern rharlnlle J 1 June 4-as. Prince Jun ,18-aa. Pimc Irom tjiirrn rnarimi" June 2-ss. Prln. June 10 as. Prince J June 30 as, Prince I'or Alnnka June 10- ss. Prin Irom Alku June 3- as. Pnnc - June 14 Pr,n C.N.R. TRAINS For the Eat Dally except Sund? I rom I lie Knit-Dally except Tuerdjy s IS it