turday, May 28, 1927 WANTED-AT ONCE! A few more cases of .rheumatism, neuritis, paralysis, chronic constipation, high blood pleasure, goitre or uny other ailment caused by toxemia which incJudes oyer ninety per cent of all ailments. f';4frgb If all other treatments have failed, do not give lip hope I MAGNETISM the most mysterious and most irresistible force in the universe when .applied to the human body in a scientific manner, assist nature in eliminating the poisonous waste that Is it poiwiblc tor so many ailments. THE IONA-0TONE The electric magnetic appliance that is obtaining such almost miraculous results, assists nature In making cures of ailments which hitherto have not responded to medicines, manipulations, surgical operations, hot springs or electrical treatment. Thousands of people since the Introduction of the 10NA-OTONr; into Canada three months ago are now enjoying good heal h- and these people hud been called incurable! In the !i(fh: of modern developments, hardly any disease can now be ailed incurable. FHEE TKEATMENTS - So sure are we that you will be benefited hy the 10NA-OTONE that we cordially invite every person in Prince llupert and vicinity to accept our offer of free treatments. You have everything to gain and nothing to lose. I0NA-0T0NE HEALTH CO. Koumtt 10 and 11. Smith Wocl;. P n !tfert, Il.C. Clinics at Vancouver. Victoria, Canary anu Edmonton PAGE & SHAW "The Candy of Excellence" !u.-.-:i- T'reurrts, per box .Sl.-H i andieH of the Golden West, per box $l.r,i) and a.0 Selections of Fruits and Nuts, per box SS1..V.) and JjKt.OO Assorted Milk Chocolates, per box Greater Empire Package, per box $1.U." and ,5-..0 Assorted Chocolates, per box .. $1.00 and $-.00 Chewey and Hard Centre Chocolates, per box $1.00 and S.OO Assorted Nut Chocolates, per -box 1'eppermint Tatties 0f Assorted Caramels "Of ram. Jy Mixture $1.00 . -Ar-v'n Mixture , , . HO nd :rC ' vt Brittle Hard Candy in Jar-, each Ormes ltd. Jfic Pioneer Drttpfiuls THIRD AVE. V SIXTH ST. TELEPHONtb WJVV DEMAND "Rupert Brand" Kippers -TUB DAINTIEST UKUAKI AST 1001).' Smoked Daily by Canadian Fish & CoH Sloraye Co., Ui Prince Ituptrt, HC. Prince Rupert Auto Company Agents for Hudson and Essex Super-Six Cars Second Avenue, opposite I'rirure Rupert Hotel. Phones 75 und 273 -Sovereign Life AssupanDeCompany Head Office - - - ' WlnntpeR. Manilobn Endowment policie, muturi.iK ai u for a certai i number of Jcrs, ifeliiK Income you a monthly , also BUe They "ffer an attractive and safe investment jou be obtained through cannot nd which your family protection my other source. (iu G. V. TINKEK, DWrU'l Kepresentative Local and Personal Arthur' Taxi. Phone 078. Il.C Undertaken. Phone 41. Dentist. Dr. J. R. dome. Phone COO Oct the Big 4 habit! o( a Taxi, phone 4. run. When thinking tf This afternoon's train from the East, due at 3.30, 'will arrive on time. Charles E. Rand was a passenger leaving here for Vancouver on the Car-clena this morning. Provincial Constable Raybone of district headquarters here returned to the city on the Prince George this morumr after a trip to Vancouver on escort duty. Mrs. James Lamb came up from Vancouver on the Cardena yesterday to Casslar Cannery to spend the summer with Mr. Lamb whi Is cannery manager there. United States revenue cutter Cygah O H neld. retiresentstlve of a at the Prince Rupert Boat House. The THE DAILY NEWS PAGE THREE No More Indigestion After Mrs. Monette Took "Fruit-a-tives" MRS. O. MONETTE arrived during the night from Alaska There's comfort (or. all who suffer from and will return north this evening, indigestion in this grateful note written' The vessel Is moored Rupert Boat House. at the ' V .. ... I Rlnnnl i, Mnntwa ' I PrfeMie bv ftlrs hara.y dared take 'rruit-a-tives , tearing ray dyppepsia wouldn't vanish," Mrs. ttm frnnklv ronfSM. "hut finallv Miss Margaret L. Cameron of Brae-. . , . b K'ow I cat weU and I side. Englefleld Green. Surrey. England. r commend 'Fruit-a-tives' to all my arrived In the city on the Cardena yes- inendj a the best remedy for dyspepsia." ,tr day afternoon from the south and Mrs. Monette expresses the sentiment of lis a guest at the Savoy Hotel. j thousands of people whose digestions I came quickly back to normal under the I Miss M. Oibson of the Port Simpson healing influence of "Fruit-a-tives". General Hospital nursing staff was a wonderful medidne j, a combination passenger aboard the Cardena yceter- of intensified fresh fruit juices and tonics, day re-turning to the village after hav- lndigI.5lion and biliousness often are due lug spent a holiday In the south. , ntrty to lazy bowels, liver and kidneys. "Fruit-a-tives" overcomes these condi-Lioyd O. Bent, who has fccen wire- tjon3 genliy and naturally. Get a 'box less operator on the stesmsr Princess jrom vout druggist. 25c or 50c, Relish 'X29 Beatrice on this run for several years, your food again as Mrs. Monette does. nas Deen iransjerreo. 10 cue rram m Royal on the Vancouver-Powell .River j new- Plloue Black 4U' clothing concern, arrived on the Cm- dena yesterday afternoon from Vancouver and will again remain In the city for the summer. Mrs. ReW came up last week. that Rev. Dr. H. R. Grant, formerly ' ' rivauy iVlinjil illiluatcri ticic Mra lev, w Fori wiiuam, is navmg two uiuuuu holiday this summer and during that time will pay Prince Rupert a Ttstt. Union steamer Cardena. Oapt. A.! A. McMillan, manager of Church Notices HT. ANIMtKW'M CATIIEIMIAL (Church of England) Rector, Archdeacon Q. A. Rlx. Morning service at 11 ajn. Preaclicr, Kev Profewtor Barloot, M.A. Evcnlnj service at 7.30 pjn.- Preacher, Rev. Roy Marvwarhie. Holy Communion first Sunday of month at 11 ajn. CimlSTIAN SMEM'B NOCIKTY Service every Sunday morning In the Hay's Block, 245 Second Avenue. Subject on Sunday, "Ancient and Modern Necromancy alias Mosmerltm and Hypuotlsm denounced." Testimony meeting on Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock. rm:siiVTi;iti.vN cm urn Minister. Rev. J. R. FrlJicU. B.A LL.B. realdence, The Manse. Phone463 Morning service at 11 o'clock. Subject. "Power vs. Power." The Junior choir will sing. Sunday school at 12.1P. Evenly service at 7 JO. Subject: "Constraining and Restraining Love." Miss Lottie -May Mawhlnney will Interpret Edwin Arnold's version of the "Resurrection" during the ser vice. Ai-them by the choir, "Hark, Hark My Coul." IIAI'TIST fill KCII Minister, Rev. E. P. Prince. Mornirg worship at 11 a.m. the Children Message for HIIST I'MTKII ClUltCll Talk to Adults. Singing by junior choir. Evening ser vice at 7.30. Subject, "The Poor Rich and the Rich Poor." Special music Solo by Mrs. Miller. Song service at 7.15. Come and Join in the singing. SALVATION' AKMV Sunday services at 11 axh. Holiness. Sunday school at 2.30. Evening service at 7.30. Sulvatlon. Monday, Young People. Tuesday, Boy Scouts. Wednesday, Btble class. Thursday at . 6 o'clock. Sunbeams. Friday. Girl Guards. Saturday. p,ubllc meeting. For Sale. (Ladles Bicycle, almost I Morning worship at 11 un. Sunday Klurs rrlMillt like new at Mr-Arthur's Shoe Store." tf school at 2 o'clock. Evening service ;at 7 JO pjn. Rev. George G. Hacker will be the speaker at both services. ! Come and bring your friends. Anglican V'A. tea and sale of home The bodies of Mary Powell of Met- GOOSing ai m. Aiorie ur&igs. waiuruii lasaua nun uuy wiiouu ui iwuhm,,,! who died In the Prince Rupert General Hospital this week, have been forward- the ed fcy the B.C. Undertakers to their local dry dock, returned on the Prince respective homes for Interment. Georgs this morning after a brief busl-; nm trip to Vancouver. Dr. and Mrs. P. J. S. Bird of Wey- V. 'burn. Saskatchewan, wno nave speni Miss Elsie Walker, formerly of the the past few days In the city. from here on her return south this provmcj constable TVUliam Harrl-! LAND ACT will Johnstone, arrived at SJ5 yeatersjay ai- salt the Prince George for Uw,aMe Bakery sta3 ftepe returned to tonight on lernoon irom Vancouver uu w,Hu the to Vancouver on tJje c fttiml; VtoK?uver on Stewart, proceeding and. after making her calls in tne Na River durloc- the night, sailed Prtnce OeOTge moriung. jthat vessel. .. son. lonnwiy or ine uquor ujhitj, ,vol ,; OF INTENTION' TO AITLV Tl Board investigation staff, arrived on LEASE LAM). A new cannery tender. Departure thto' mornlng rrom Bav cay. recently recenuy built oum at i Vancouver ..iicwu ha . . " . . .Z .... In Range 4. Coast Land District. Land Vancouver to be attached to the city ReBordln District of Prince Rupert. arrived from the south and Is moored detachment here. and situate In vicinity of Captain's Cove, i Pitt Island. B.C. TAKE iJUTlue mai ussse i-acKing vessel is sixty lee wug aim is o-erhead nedcstrlan approach to ": sr- vmrniivn with a 85 hp. Washlngton-Estep delssl the gomment wharf from the foot DC, occupation Fish Packers, intends engine. The skipper Is Ernie Dorreen. of the foUowlng reDuUt. forajease Qf McBrlde 8trert nou. bclng toappjy well known here. j while It is closed to traffic, a detour commencing at a post planted about 'will be used down the side of the hill 54 mile distant In a northerly direction Mrs. Walker arrived In the city on . ! Irum Lot l253' Kangeii pence north ,.t h tPr on e approaching .m,-rh, the water. 5 cnalns. thence east 20 chains; thence . , afternoon's trmlu from fm n, Drum-, yesterday Zoxth to shore; thence west along shore iwllov. Alberts, and will remain here provincial Constable A. Qrant. for-1 to point of commencement, and con- for a vlt with her son-in-law and , tne Uqaot taming CKiNG CO. LTD.. daughter. Capt and Mrs. J. Stobwrt of mtSt KtrlTecl om.the Prince the Salvation ArmV. Mrs. Walker is mornlng from ,the goUth. accompanied on hei, trip here by Mrs. ,te proceett snor0y to Massett Mosson, also of Drumheller. Tlie local troop of soa Cfdets crossed this Afternoon to, the Salt Lakes on the boat of Lieut, commanding, to 4 ANNOUNCEMENTS Prince Rupert Players' Culb presents "Nothing but the Truth" Wesilholme Theatre, June 2. Bummer June 16. Carnival. Exhibition Hall. Moose ricnlc. June 28. Spring Time Is CELERY KING Time Brew a cup of this fine old vegetable tonic It ii all the spring medicine you need. It drives out winter's poisons, improves the appetite and makes you feel better the whole family. At druisu. 30c 60c t Establilied 1D2.1 4 Office Hours: 'J a.m. to (i p.m. , Saturday: 0 a.m. to 1 p in. where he will take up the duties ot constable. Sergeant Alex McNeill,' chief of the Alex Saint. Ah Wong lottery case being heard In County Court. Two Toronto checks payable to the Dally News which had been deposited Applicant Ter Chas. L. Roberts. Agent. Dated April 7. 1027. NOTICE. IN THE MATTER of an application for the Issue of a Provisional Certificate Robert Blance. officer )dl(Itrlct drtlicnmcnt of tnc provincial '. 1160) Queen Charlotte District said to receive lnstruotton In.noii-e. iet iast tKht for the Stlklnc. 50"11" Uti , swimming from Chief Petty Officer. Rlvw accompanying a shipment of ; twenty-one (21) acres and five (5) ("Wit-re tlnwe nf the TtovsJ Oanadian .. acres thereof. v v,tor nerve ihout thirtv-l" Satisfactory proof of the loss of the - - RODsm tne weal puwnrvm ao, ujb. rlchr boyp are In the party. Certificate of Title covering the above land having besn produced to me. n n my Intention to issue, after the espira-tinn rf nn mnnth f mm the first nub- Detectives Joseph Rlcel and D. E. ' ucatlon hereof, a Provisional Certificate Sinclair, well known members of the lot Title to the above land in the name iof: Pacific Mills Limited, the original t-... .n. f. .,irf Vancouver city pcllce force, arrived on ; Certinciae of TiUe , dated the eth the Prtnce Oeorgc this morning. They j April. 1922, and Is numbered 14"J921. are here to elve exnert evidence In the! Laml Registry Office. Prince Rupert, - . - : rt Sth fcfh f.,w II BC, May, 1927 H. F MACLEOD. Registrar of Titles. NOTICE Under and by virtue of the provision to the local bank were v burned up In of Section 28 of the "Mineral Act. no- a C.P.R train wreck In ; Ontario rc-Bmytn Edmund Langls. Harold Hansen csnUy Arransiie,nt vftLl 'he made to and Albert Moore, that there Is owing obtain duplicate copies th. check, othe undeigned tor Assume ntjork which were for small amounts. Mineral Claims, Princess Royal Island, Skrena Mlnlnn Division, the sum ol mm Hfl and that unless said persons pay ljaart their oronortlonate share of the cost of Music Club a concert will be held at such Assessment, together with all costs 8.80 Monday night. May 30. in St. of S"JJ&f& Andrew Cathedral, the main feature i037i application will be made to the to be the dramatic rendition of the Oold Commissioner, Prince Rupert, B.C. hve thelr Interests In the " ' 0 "8Pe:tl!e orra opra "Pser i"ecr Ovnt uym. The in urocei-d. proceius will win ereln menti0ncd Mining Oroup of go to the Public Library. Admission Mineral Claims vested In the under- 288. . n- lcd- - The DurJnlon goventmeut sung bout lijoUnk, Oaja. J. . Watson,, arrived st 8 o'clock Inst night from the Haaa DAVID COBDILLA. 1ACOH KOSK1 THE HANKKUl'TCY ACT In the Matter of the EstaM ( w t Jonn River, where slie has beou for the pat Charles CVavlitan, an Authorl'.ed vwo monms. ana procceaca ai noon to the Skeena River where she will be ! TAKE NOTICE thst the above-named I cnd tor some time wth headquar- SMWtlS. IX ,iers ,ai ran. fjsingion. Court has fixed the loin nay oi june. I 1927. at the hour of eleven o'clock In ' at the Court Houie. Prince I -CPU -c.r.K. steamer siearner Princess' Bentrlc Bl,rIcf- e the forenoon, RUPert, H B.C.. tor hearing the apollcatlon. iCapt. S. K. Oray. arrived Jit 8.30 this j. l. CHRISTIE, mornlnj from the south and sailed t J Authorised Trustee. 11 on her return to Vancouver via the " I River and other wayporu. The Any evening by appointment' M P Kenny DENTIST Exdiunue Ulotk. l'hoiie 109 vjwh ivt vnuK vu Mitwuvci iiaia trip loaded to the rails;' with a large cargo Including 10,000 vcaej of cans she Is unloading today atUhe' Port Edward cannery. Her passengers for here Included II .M. McLeod and C. R, Mo Uillau. Speedy Relief QSafe Stop Your Hhurptli" fvnd 10c fuc jfiwrout trial te Ttniptelont.tufopttt. 50t sna SI Iwin t jmur divri1" CAftUkli viitwrixw fj.m ifr- Alone xmt ' INDEPENDENT 11 ml aid Coupon ana msji n TO DAY How will yon be fixed at 65? Like the old folks in the picture happy, contented and free from worry, with the assured income of a Last-Sur-viyor Annuity payable as long as either of them live? Or will you be compelled to struggle for your daily bread under the awful handicap of diminished physical and mental powers? Make your future just as safe as your present. Put a portion of your savings into a Government Annuity and look forward to a sturdy, independent old age. Any man or woman resident in Canada can buy an Annuity. A lump sum or small, convenient installments gives you a retiring income, of from $10 to $5000 a year. And payment is 'as sure as the rising of the sun. Unlike ordinary savings or investments, .there is no worry about their safety, for Annuities are backed by the resources of the entire Dominion and cannot be forfeited, stolen or seized by legal process. v Investigate this wise Government offering NOW. Canadian Government ANNUITIES Annuities Branch, Depart nent of Labour, Ottawa THE HON. PETER I '.EENAN, Minister Send to-day for full information Annuities Branch. IDt...' Addreii 31 Department of .Lttxtir, Ottawa. Please send me CVmplete Irtormation about Canadian Government Annnitita SCame (Print clearly ) BACKED BY THE WHOLE DOMINION BETTER NTISTRY PLATES that gives you a natural appearance and lend beauty to the contour of the fnv Always Dr. MAGUIRE p5h2T Open Over Ormes FOR BENT Johnson's Electric Floor Polisher IttJ.OO per day Let us know the day you" want K! Kaien Hardware! Co. Phone 3 BUY B.C. GOODS (Jet full value for your money and make jobs for your children in Il.C.